Be Curious 1 Activity Book x39

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“7 CAMBRIDGE = Caroline Nixon | Michael Tomlinson & () Map of the book Hello Pages Friends and family Poges 8 At school Page 18 Food shopping Page28 Athome Page4o Seer Main scene vocabulary Numbers eer Literature Pere) ce ete What's your name’ Home time Initial sounds Fomily tees Imyoames. Areablifestory _| introduction More family He'/She’s n, dad, brother School Wh The birdandthe | initiallette-sound: | Primoryand bag, classroom, penc cat b secondary colours playground, weocher | whe emer Neocon seri More school Itinfonfunder kills practice board, bookcase, chal, Food Rooms There's/There are InMr Brown's garden An nimal story The thre Atraditional st Skills pr itil lett be Initial letter soun here food comes eerie Language reer Phonics and oer Literacy o My body ot) mou : Mgbesthieod [ritalietarsonas | Keping clean rages ra Areabifestory il « Skil p Describing He/She hasot got appearance bec Toys Do you tike...? ‘My favourite Initial lettersound: | Materials Bs tou board game, cam Tike/love m ena P Page 60 ea fe Areabife story More toys Tike/don' fhe Skills practice boll, balloon, plane ‘i ‘Action verbs The queen of the letter sounds: Freetime | clin, jump run swim, No, Icant. river 5 Page 72 walk Tear traditional story Freetime activities | What ore you doing? Skills practice ng Clean the beach tal letter sounds: day bts What’ hey tre youythey ? What Oo We're having funt take ophot ee Nature Skils practice Five good friends | Initial lettersounds: | Caring foranimals, jingto | clethes jacket, eons shoes, Anonimalstory | *vieW thefarm cis thin An animal sto uae Farm animals Let's ae 10g, duck, goot, horse 2 Point and say the names. ; < G 4 ( a a (Sy Hello. I'm (Jenny/sim). 1) Draw and say. bird, boat, book, bus, cat €9{o Listen and Circle the tick / orc 8 ‘oss X. 8 a °e bide ba é€ 1 ) Friends and family Ba Listen and draw lines. Listen again and colour. Say. 8 Friends and family man, woman, boy, girl, family Listen and number. What's your name? My name’s..../I'm... How old are you? I’m... Perec eae RCL) 82 Listen and number. Be Listen and draw lines. 2 More family mum, dad, brother, sister, pet PU Gr a ukstadoad @) Ba Listen and Circle the tick / or cross X. 8 v a. He’s/She’s.... 11 a) Point and say. ©) ts home time at your school the same or different? Text type: A real-life story ® Bs What’s this? Look and say. Listen and check. ® B83 Listen and colour. Skillspractice 13 ee eels Bs 2 Listen, point and say the number. Listen and say the words. e 8 4 Initial sounds: introduction BE a ) Look and colour red or blue. Say. OOS ah FY Draw your family tree. Talk to a friend. My family - Learn about family trees ii ican) family 83 Listen and Gircle. Who is it? LG Story: Vocabulary and language in context E92 Listen and colour. 4) Self- evaluation. Circle Gircl@cameron. Sooocse Unit consolidation and self-evaluation 1 Were eg S (@) At school e . Bs Listen and colour. Say. “| @ | oe i Oa School bag, classroom, pencil, playground, teacher Oe Listen and circle)the tick / or cross X. Say. Ty - 8 Qx At fg vx v xX Be Listen and draw lines. MB \W vx ak 20 More school board, bookcase, chair, cupboard, table Pere el acta 2 Be Listen and point. Listen again and colour. ay Ay. 2 @ . @ = Be ¢ Listen and draw lines. 8 mn Where's my ...? Whereis it? It’s infon/under... Number the pictures in order. Text type: A cartoon story ee ee) 8: Listen and point. yo AA: Gi See 6 Cross out X the picture that doesn’t start with b. Say. é OR ¢ » Initial letter sound: b oe) ae a ~ Look and colour. Say. 0 On. \ . es > \) = Ne Va eo ~~ 7) ( ! + = | — y ALY ° ~~ + \ \ = ( \ A. primary colours in blue and circle) secondary colours in orange. Ask and answer. Learn about primary and secondary colours we) acu) ena Listen and the tick / or cross X. Story: Vocabulary and language in context Be Listen and colour. 6B Self-evaluation. Circle) Cameron. ition and self-evaluation 2 a) Listen and colour. Say. = A ®) Where is the food? Ask and answer. 8 Food apple, banana, grapes, orange, watermelon Listen and draw. Listen and colour. Rec eur cin’) 63: Listen and number. ies More food beans, burger, carrot, egg, rice Ba Look at the pictures. Listen and Gircle). 2) Count and write the number. Ask and answer How many ... are there? © Number the pictures in order. | Text type: An animal story Look at the picture. Answer your teacher’s questions. @encc mm Skills practice react) @) Write the letter b round the beans and bananas. Colour. 6 Write the letter c to complete the caterpillar. Colour the caterpillar and the carrot. | Initial letter sounds: b, ¢ 8 Look and draw lines. Say. \ > on il a B Draw and colour your food. Girete)i in red or yellow. Talk to a friend. %O *¥@O \ J. re Nrg ART \ A a if Bi 4g ere Learn about where food comes from & 6 Listen and number. Oa Clue iii ; Story: Vocabulary and language in context Listen. Draw and colour. Unit consolidation and self-evaluation Look at Activity 1. Listen and the tick / or cross X. 0 (V(x) OV)(x lV \(x OV x oe V\(x Ol) |x 8 Consolidation of Units 1-3 S5e@/%emD 354 AaB Were icar es At home Be Listen and draw lines. Ask and answer. =<=N crayons 6 Read and draw lines. Say. bed mirror clock computer lamp Listen and draw lines. Listen and check. (yes) no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no T’ve/You've got... Have you got... ? Yes, Ihave. / No, Thaven’t. © Listen and number. Say. fae Ee ® Listen and Gircle) the rooms the correct colour. Rooms Pentre @ 82 Listen and cross out x. 1/We/They haven't got... Girclé the wishes. 8 1 iets house / classroom house / garden bed / clock book / lamp * Text type: A traditional story @ << e S CI SSA Gas eS EES ~\ Resi ee = - te S27 4/E f oo I ee ©){3 Listen and colour. Puce) 8:2 Listen, point and say. Colour the words that start with c. =O U ()& say. Listen and draw lines. e e 98 ° °8 ° AaH2Bo- “6 Initial letter sound: ¢ 0] Listen and tick / or cross X. *8 Story: Vocabulary and language in context Unit consolidation and self-evaluation 49 © s My body aoe Write. Draw lines. Colour. | i Be Look. Listen and number. ou F wR Peni ra ie tasted (5) Ba Listen and draw lines. Use red for Pete and blue for Grace. oo (7) (Iwo B32 Look. Listen and write yes or no. He’s/She’s got... Has he/she got ...? Yes, he’s/she’s got... 5 NereC eae a} 2 Listen and tick / or cross x. e@ ES Sl ©)& Listen and write. say. | show hair omall | big ears 52 Describing appearance era aes) 2 Listen and cross out X. 8 Listen and tick / or cross X. Alice < Tom May He/She hasn’tgot... 53 6 Look and read. Circle) the correct words. @ big / mal) ears © brown /blue eyes ® ed / brown hair © short/long legs 5% Text type: A real-life story © ® Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. Skills practice 5. Cut out the pictures. Listen and say. Listen and put the words in the right baskets. 5 Initial letter sounds: b, c, | brush my teeth wash my Jace wash my # Who is keeping clean? Look and tick /. Say. xd ‘ i = Learn about keeping clean J Listen and number. 58 Story: Vocabulary and language in context Listen. Draw and colour. saa Unit consolidation and self-evaluation Wier c eg My toys @ Write. Draw lines. teccay doll camer borane que © Listen and Girls. cos vv Be Listen and draw lines. Si 8 bs J ar Jilland Dan Hugo and Tom Grace and Lucy i QR Cig der i = oe we ’ y ad y vv Do you like... ?like/love... 6 © and say the word. Write. ‘OC = & % 2-2 | §e te 6% & PN COSHD | ee ge se a Ua aes) 8s Listen and cross out xX. Mark and Pat 9 cr ww ® What do you like? Look and write yes or no. Ask a friend. You aye $e grapes dolls cats balloons Your friend ~ >. ac cle, | BOF Mil xe fia ve |S “WS x yw grapes dolls cats bikes balloons What’s your favourite ...?Tlike/don'tlike... 63 ®) What do they give Mandy? Draw the toys. siciciaaasl » Text type: Areal-life story Oe Listen and draw lines. Mandy Freddy Ann esr Bill Sue Jill Skills practice 6! eeu) 82 8 Listen and say. Listen and draw lines. Look and say. Write the letter t or |. ® e - Ll 6 Le 6 | SB "és mca / a i fi 5 Initial letter sound: t © Look and write. 8 Draw your favourite toy. Write and tell a friend. My farsounite tory io muy Ito made of Learn about materials a Baus 8 Story: Vocabulary and language in context Listen. Draw and colour. Unit consolidation and self-evaluation Review Units 4-6 Draw lines and colour. Ge = amp 9G = bea 9 = car Se teddy & = ball Be Look. Listen and write yes or no. % = computer ak yeo 2 3 4 5 6 2 Consolidation of Units 4-6 ©) choos 6. Write and say. 0 Sem 2 & a y % @ © Ui aS lala SB 1 MIO halat ot (Al's ava Bie als E ATTIC eg 82 Listen and number. — 2 Action verbs ert eieees 7 8a Listen and number. Listen again and write yes or no. Can you...?Yestcan./No,Ican't.Ican... 7 Neer eer) 1 Listen and draw lines. Use the colours you hear. Write. par fly play catch pulawy = Eva Matt vl . I ov ball baoketboll een the piame- football ee & Free time activities Peer cae) ® 82 Listen and number. 862 Listen and draw lines. 6 e "@ ‘© > & Alice Matt Hugo Eva What are you doing? I', 72 &) Read and the correct word. Fe & Cat Frog Toad can / can’t climb. can / can’t swim. can / can’t sing. “ Vi 1 AA 7 Flamingo Frog Toad can /€an’t)swim. can / can’t jump. can / can’t jump. 83 Listen and number. 8 Draw pictures of something you can do, and something you can’t do. Tell a friend. JL 6 Text type: Atraditional story @ Look and read. Tick / or cross x. ge @®& These are dolls. x These are balls. 9 e This is a train. This is a cat. 8 6 These are apples. This is a bird. Skills practice Pen ects i 8 8 Listen, point and say. Listen. Draw a Circle) around | the f words and a|square|around the p words. 9 6 it / & & ©) write the letter for p. S's 8 Initial letter sounds: f, p @ Point and say. Write. He canvt: play baoketball. She cant Phy a plane. | Sheo bw pop y. Heo Shea “mall He cam’t walk, She cam't jump. Hea Sheo ©) what emotions do you sometimes feel? Draw you. Write. rn ‘ mene temen enema rmametennemmenemcaaaaas ‘\ | 1 | | | | i | | | | 1 | | | 1 | | aS Jo \ gg Zé Learn about emotions aii! Frien bet" Listen and number. ) Story: Vocabulary and language in context Unit consolidation and self-evaluation Nee es clean / drink sleep / eat drink / take a photo Write and say. | More action verbs Language practice 1 Ba Listen and number. i» ‘é q ge £2 dt’s)/ It isn’t climbing. They're / They aren’t He’s / He isn’t playing playing basketball. the piano. They're / They aren't She’s / She isn’t It’s / It isn’t eating. swimming. jumping. 83 Pee cuca) ©) Look and write. Gok ta Poa ae om oe) e © . aR O SF | SS {re Listen and number. Read and write yes or no. Is Pat taking a photo? yoo Is Sue jumping in the sea? Are Kim and Tom playing basketball? Is Alex sleeping? Are the birds catching fish? Is May eating watermelon? What's he/she What are you/they He’s/She's They're ® Tick / the actions from the story. =O & @ a i B® Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Circld the actions. wisi@€|llelalmM/k|nle e;/ti/d/pjaim/ijul/gj/d clean drink sim/hia|/tljo|s|fjiwir a eat wia/l}|kj/a/n/t}lt|gii fly i}t}y}s}njaly}yjejn sleep . swim miu|}j|kif{|mjo|eja/k ieee mis|ljelel|p]i|js|g]i walk tia|kl|el/a|p|h/o|tjio 86 Texttype: A fantasy story Oe Listen and tick /. 1 What are Bird Boy and Dog Girl having for lunch? a oS 2 Which is Bird Boy’s favourite photo? 3 Where is Dog Girl’s phone? & Who is Bird Boy talking to on his computer? 5 What are Cat Boy and Dog Girl doing in the garden? Skills practice 87 Beta 82 B Cut out the pictures. Listen and say. Put the words in the right baskets. Listen and check. Ba £2. Listen, point and say. Draw a(ircle)around the b words, a|square| around the s words and a tridng| idiigle around the t words. Listen and check. Ib wc, & ~ 8 Initial letter sounds: b, t, s @ Look and draw lines. A 1D wy O BD tt =>? aA It’s windy. It’s sunny. It’s cloudy. It’s snowy. It’s rainy. ® Draw you in your favourite weather. ’ What are you doing? Write. % Learn abouttheweather 89 Listen and number. Story: Vocabulary and language in context Write. Listen. Draw and colour. belloorm bike camera sun ae te Wee ire ( ) Unit consolidation and self-evaluation Nice! "9 Moving to the farm 8 Read and match. Colour. en ms 1 fF koa T-ohint, a ) Theyre 3 ® bow 4 A A Theyre, s QA Majo 92 Clothes j eee arraee 9) 8 Listen and draw lines. Use the colours you hear. ® What do you want? Choose 4. Circle) and write. Ze Iwant/don’t want ... Do you want (your)... ? Yes, Ido. / No, I don’t. Be Gaeye iene i? ad Peres a var leant, o ®o 6 © {2 Listen and number. = =— Write. Listen and check. i Lok Let's... Yes, OK/great/please. / No, thank you. | Number the pictures in order. (3 “39 D> ~ O &) Draw your favourite animal from the story. Who is it? Write the word. | like the beot. ) 96 Text type: An animal story 8 Look and read. Write yes or no. Examples There’s an apple tree. yew The dog is running. nO Questions The man’s T-shirt is blue. There are five animals. The duck is swimming. The horse is small. The horse is eating a carrot. Skills practice 97 Pu eects) Be £2. Listen, point and say. Listen and play Bingo! Be Listen, point and say. Write the letters b, c, f, lands to make the words. 98 Initial letter sounds: review lela le ©) ©} Look and write what animals need. Animato need, Animale need, B Draw you looking after an animal. Write. My amimal vo a» Ib needa : Learn about caring foranimals 9 Listen and tick / or cross X. Story: Vocabulary and language in context Write. Listen. Draw and colour. Reon ech _fpare sess ab yes oa Unit consolidation and self-evaluation Roa ae) OB: ® Gircte the word. Listen and number. eS # running swimming / flying / Ga drinking swimming é , —-” ) catching / singing / sleeping / walking cleaning running 6 Do you want these things? Choose four and tick /. Write. Ask a friend. some flowers a jacket a horse a piano a T-shirt adog Play the game. Say and Circle) your words. ESS | = ee, A\ | Crm) [ale inhi NATO V Spark interest ESAS | world through Pre eet ut een eos Crain Pan UAUN — PUPIL'S COMPONENTS TEACHER'S COMPONENTS eed eg ‘Activity Book with @ Posters Gemeieen is ened Perici @ Test Generator a eee ete as CAMBRIDGE a Cue a aa rte Experts together een oe exciting adventure filled with eee Rua Be Curious is the perfect Perens ete ant Pee mentite in the learning journey and gently building confidence towards exam success. NADY rr ule Frotat- ELT} ‘ Pio ‘Cambridge ous ce Our aim is to deliver the materials you tell us you need. Exclusive insights from test development and candidate performance guarantee expert content. The result is a unique Exam Journey in each course, ensuring every student is ready Pe eee oa een discovery to real-world usage, we create better learni Cee Cong

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