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yk OV.W\Y 033.00 DG] o © Caroline Nixon | Michael Tomlinson Hello Page Ournew school Mission: Make ‘our classroom English Poge6 ‘about me book Page 18 Fun onthe farm Mission: Make a farm, Page 30 Food with friends Mission: Organise apicnic Page Map of the book Vocabulary | Grammar cee sess Moinchoracter | Greetings and introductions nomes Wha’ your name? Numbers Tin eniete, Colours Howoldare you? rimthee Classroom objects | Where ..? Bekind atschool | The first doy Preal Stoners Gnd people | Prepositions in,on,under, | Leomaboutbeing | A pleyscrint Reading and iting next kindto classmates Por 1 Extension of . Secioland Classroom objects | Herth croyon? emotionalsai: | Seeking caso ele sont des enone, |Forsiond2 Soundsand | singular and plurl nouns Oecd this/these Wino is? Rsowindow What are these? They rewindows Family islore Using oursenses | Sara'sfavourte | PreALStorers Whos he? Learn oboutthe ive | game Reading ond Wet rts ofthebod Poesy | Series sesoan [ameronamse [Rrmiieasy |For und on Whe organs speaking Port2 Speight | Heb im Hesob secioland elling eS Jim Hesaboy emotional sk have/haven' got Showing concer for Tregot bron hic others They ot green eyes. Have you got red hair? Yes, Ihave. /No, [haven Form animals Adjectives sounds and spelling: ky ck Food and drink. Extension of food ‘and drink Sounds and spelling: islare + adjective adjective + noun They aren't old chickens. hhas/hasn’t got Its gotlong ears smal feet ike chocolate Harry doesnt like chocolate. Do you like chocolate? Yes, Ido. /No, I don't Making requests and offers Can Ihave some chocolate, please? Here you ore Would you lke some ice Yes, please./No, thank you. What do animals give us? earn about animal products Making a recipe Leam about ingredients ond methods of cooking How cows got their spots Afantasy story Social and emotional skil Identifying the feelings of others Arealife story Social and emotional ski Sharing Pre Al Starters Reading ond writin Part3 Speoking 3 Uike/don't lke ‘picnic with friends | Pre AL Listening Port 3 Speaking Part cnr ec en Tous whose...? ‘Shopes aroundus | Thetwinsand thelr_| Pre Al Stone 8B Happy tensionoftoys | Potesive Lcomaboutshapes | robots Listening Port? birthday! Possessive adjectives my, Areabife story Speaking Port + Mission: Have | Sounds and xyour, his, her, our, their Socialond present. | spelling: Whose bike this? ora siving party it mis bike, Hs bike's orange Soe Page 5s want/wants Does he wonta teddy? Yes, hedoes./No, he does. What does he want? He wants avhalicoper Vehiclesand | there s/are “Animals inthe wild | When we goto the | Pe Ai Stoners Go Adayout | oces Theres (somobouterimal | z00 Reodingand Writing Mission: Plan There orettany shops habitats ‘poem Ports i awildlifetour | 20.animels ‘Are there ony animals? comer Speaking k Page 6s Sounds and Yes, there are. /No, th Seer Ports 1 ond pelling: al, oren't, Understanding and lets expressing feelings, Let ploy gome. Thot’s@ good ideo. Sports and Present continuous Lookateryour | Agoodtriend | PreAlStoters Let’siplaw! | popbies What are you doing? body! ‘ntea-ifestory | Lsteing Port 1 Mission: Plan I'm siding a hors Leorn bout how ‘Speaking Port 3 vetbsand | Jridingahore eomabouthow ne | sorialand peoking Por 3 : |'sports day eee ans {What's she ding? can keep ourbodies | orto Page 82 She's swimming song entifying ways soundsand | jr they leaning the trate ‘spelling: s Yes, they are. / No, they're not. oe - can for permission an we play tennis? Yes you con, but Rooms and can for ability Houses around the |The lock onthe | Pre Al Storers oO Athome — | objectsinthe | cansw world wall Listening Por + Mission: house Hecont Leom obout Apoem Speaking Port + Inviteafriend | onsion of Can you ride o hors differentkinds of | socigl and tomyhouse | oxercimine | 65 2can./Ne, cant housesoroundthe| ota ki Page 94 house Prepositions in front of, neon Comforting others soundsand | between, behind speling: i ThereSoanolintontl Clothes Imperatives What can we se on |The monkey and he | Pre Al Starters tod ‘Atthe beach Look at this T-shirt holiday? shark Reading and Writing holidays Clean those shoes. Learn about Atraditional story | Part : Mission: Go Sounds and features of natural ‘Speoking Ike/enjoy + gerund socil ond onholiday | speling:.h | Me/eloy* ae landscapes Secictone i, | Pors3ond& Page 106 Tike ng my ke. TWentifyig friencs Sodbl. Fenjoy toking pho Me: 2 (@) Hello sci TS a "Be os Listen and number. Then colour. GE Gb) green yellow black white 1 purple orange grey blue ‘Oo Answer and draw. @ Numbers and colours €3& Listen and¢ircléthe number. Story: Greetings and introductions (1) Our new school Peon Re ecru Ican name things in my classroom. Ican read classroom words. understand colours. Ican answer questions with Where ...? ere ates ® og Look and read. Write yes or no. The chair is purple. yee The desk is orange. The pen is green. The crayon is blue. The rubber is white. The bag is brown. The book is red. ort nun F wn The pencil is pink. RYT ETC ey Citta) Be Listen and point to the letter. Then say and match. Classroom objects and people 7 It’snext to thedesk. Gracie / Shelly beet = of — Where’s my bag? Jim / Jenny Itisn’tinthebag. Henrietta / Harry 8 Story: Where....? and prepositions in context @ 8s Listen and tick / or cross xX. The book io on the deok, The pencil io the book. The wbber io the chain. 5 The crayon to the deok, The pen io the bag. The bag to the chain. Where ...? and prepositions on, in, under, next to ee x as y What is the word? 6: Listen and draw lines. © Extension of classroom objects e ea akcaeks ® Ba Listen and number. sea“ | a ie Cl oF. } eae | | © Wras's thin 9 @ What's 9 3 ‘Singular and plural nouns; this/these 11 cross 6 Who is kind? Look and Gircle). ¥ 12 Learn about being kind at school yy How are you kind at school? Write the words. oO How are you kind at home? Think and draw. —— eae ee eR eR KM mM Mm NM eee e Show what you know about working together Lu 83 Listen and draw. 8 What do you take to school? Complete the rhyme. Take, a pencil to ochool — thats the wie. Take to ochool — that’s the wie. Take to ochool — that’s the wie. Take to ochool — thats the we. ea Pacer 4 Text type: Aplay script o3e Listen, point and draw lines. oe Look and point. Ask and answer. What colour is it? - = Skills practice aod 8 Look and read. Put a tick (’) or a cross (X) in the box. There are two examples. Examples This is a These are crayon. / chairs. X Questions This is a playground. These are bags. This is a door. This is a pencil. These are rubbers. Pe picuthecame: What’s this? : ; ) What are | Where’s ) What are these? vy the pen? | these? | What’s || Where’s this? ‘ha the book? | What are | What’s { Where are these? this? le rulers? [AA - What are What’s | What are these? this? )) these? 7 Where’s Whatare |) What’s What’s mri < these? | this? i J What’s | Whatare |) Where’s this? = these? the paper (j@ All about us RECTORS TRETIS 4 Hooray! OK 1e@e@ @ | 80 6 @| Try again 1©0©e@@ ~*@ @ @ Tcan talk about my Ican listen My favourite stage: family. toasong and do the Colts actions. Peers ANedts) stack! Ican read sentences about a picture. Ican name parts of the body. Neer cir ee 2 @ Look and say. e How do we say RTD TCA Ta JS Ta] these letters? Se Bo2 & Listen and repeat. Which words have . these sounds? Listen and write th or t. 1 mother 5 gvandba ev 2c a 6 b15_e% 3 fa er T qgrvandmo ev 4 bro er Family B Read and tick / or cross ° e She’s my sister. She’smy mum. / ef They're my brother and sister. He’s my brother. * 8 Who is in Rocky’s family? Look and tick / or cross xX. 8 | Story: is/are in context 9S Listen and follow. Draw lines. p 2.17 ©) Read and write. He's Her Hes Heo Shes Shes Sher Sheo 8 Who...2andhe’s/she’s 2: Pee ECE) © Find and¢irclé\the words. Then write. w m yimioju|;t)hi\aid Opeernee” 3 flojo;t}i}n/st (hn), Rey) ejri|f U}djole i a d h 2 Partsof the body e Peeks eg Look and read. Write yes or no. Look at Hugo and Bill. They’re cats. FW Ne They've got grey faces. _yeo They've got blue ears. They've got red tails. They've got pink mouths. Read and draw. Colour. Hello. My name’s Rob. I’m a robot. I’ve got a yellow body and I’ve got a blue head. I’ve got orange arms and I’ve got grey hands. I haven’t got a tail. T’ve got green legs and my feet are black. My face is pink and T’ve got two purple eyes. I’ve got a grey nose and a brown mouth. I’ve got two red ears, but I haven’t got hair. on nn They've got purple heads. They've got orange bodies. They've got brown feet. They've got yellow legs. havefhaven't got 2 ® Look and write the words. hear see omell taote touch 8 ‘eo &) Which sense are they using? Look and colour the T-shirts. hear B see smell eS taste touch & Learn about the five senses and sense organs Which senses do you use when you do these things? Read, think and tick “. ise [er [ramet [rae [oe] Think of something you do at home. Draw it and tick / the senses you use. e Show what you know about senses 8 Number the sentences in order. Sara is in the cupboard. Sara isn’t in the garden. Sara is under the table! Sara isn’t in the cupboard. Pablo and Sara play Sara isn’t next to the Hide and Seek. | bookcase. Draw Pablo in the picture. Play ‘Where’s Pablo?’ Where's Pablo? Is he under the table? No, he isn’t. 5 Text type: A real-life story og Which body part can you see? Write the words. e °e 8 fu ae mv de oe Look and point. Ask and answer. What's this? What are these? (SESE) (it’s a hand. They're eyes. Skills Practice 27 eC 4 Look and read. Write yes or no. Examples Grandpa has got grey hair. yer The pencil is on the chair. ne Questions The cat has got white feet. Dad is next to a desk. Mum is reading a book. The cupboard is under the window. oF WN There’s a blue ruler in the bag. 8 Reading and Writing Part 2 CO) It’sa head. 1 Roll the dice and move your counter. 3 Colour the squares. 2 Say the body partandthe colour. 4 Collect all the body parts. (3 ) Fun on the farm Learn to say in English Tcan name " Tcan talk farm animals. about animals and people. Cen cece Pecks eco Ican write about what animals give us. Ican spell animal words. Were ee 3 Count and write. Sounds and spelling How do we write that B2 Can you hear the /k/ sound? soundly 2 Listen and say yes or no. 83 Listen and colour the letters that make the /k/ sound. eat doch ue cow | Farm animals Rocky’s new friend is a spider. / Harry’s a small horse. 2° Ay is Rocky's brother and sister are old. Gracie’s young. Cameron’s short. 8 Talk about the animals. Use the words in the box. big small long short old young nice Harry’s big. 32 ‘Story; is/are + adjective and adjective + noun in context e ©) Read and colour. The small horse is black. The long pencil is blue. The young cat is orange. The big duck is yellow. The new book is green. The short ruler is purple. The old cat is grey. Write the words in the correct order. short/ The sheer hare got/tailo/ The cheer, hame got shont, tailo. opider / a omall / It’s / mice / Theyre / ducko / io big / horse / The / cate / Theyre / old / The donkeyo hawe got / cane / big / young / amall amd, / Ter / Adjectives big, new, nice, old,small, young 3 ©} Read and ircle)the correct words. Ss) It’s an ugly / It’s an angry / beautiful spider. nice donkey. ew ert And me as They're happy / They're beautiful / It’s a funny / sad sheep. ugly ducks. angry goat. ©) write the words. Beautiful furry happy rice cod ually Thio io the Mutt family. Ito a family of dogo. Theyre m vc © The qramdfather io The mother io The brother io The qramdmother io The father io The sinter io- 34 — Extension of adjectives Peer aes 3 8s Listen and tick /. 1 Which horse does Tom think is beautiful? 8 © 2 e a 0 2 Who is May? 3 What’s in Alex’s school bag? ® sith o oo 4% ~~ Which cat is under Jill’s chair? ee. a 5 Which robot is in the picture? oe hashasn’tgot 3: Which animal does it come from? Read and write. 36 Learn about animal products 8 Read the sentences. Number the pictures in order. 1 Thisis an alpaca. It’s got a lot of wool. 2 People cut the wool. 3 They make balls of wool in different colours. & They use the wool to make clothes. What things from animals have you got at home? Think and draw. e@ ‘Show what you know about farm animals 3 © Read the sentences. Number the pictures in order. 1 The flies bite Cathy. 2 Little Horse and Cathy jump in the mud. 3 The young cows laugh at Cathy. & — Cathy is black and white. The flies don’t bite her. a ©) Read and write. Then write and draw. 1 Cathy io scared, of 2 lam ocaned of 38 Text type: Afantasy story ay Look and read. Write yes or no. There are fourteen animals. The animals are in a classroom. Cathy is a white cow. There are four sheep. There are four cows. The horses are smiling. Cathy’s mum is looking at Cathy. Skills practice 35 } ® Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. F Write the words. x Example 40 Reading and Writing Part 3 | Play the game. n\ long / ~N The duck has got small eyes. INSTRUCTIONS 1 Roll the dice and move your counter. 2 Look at the picture and read the word. Say a sentence. Review + | Units 1-3 ©) Gircléthe words. ween ra ager §3@) Listen and colour. 2 Consolidation of units 1-3 8B Ask and answer. Have you got black hair? Have you got long hai Have you got black hair? Look at Activity 3. Write about your friends. 1 Paula, haom't got Mack, hain. 2 hao got 3 hasn't qot & 5 6 | 5 Consolidation of units 1-3 te ) Food with friends Hooray! OK — Tryagain Tcan ask and answer Tcan listen and write what food people like. Peon os Ree \ Tcan listen \ and choose Econ epee about food and drink, » picture. Ho Write the words. How do we say Sounds and spelling 0 this letter? 7) £3 §3 Listen and say. Then listen and match. é — | a = mango cake ay Co... 0 © ° © ~ =9|| % ) Food and drink 46 Story; like / don’t like in context Se Language practice 1 S Read andGircle). I like / don’t like bread. 5 Ilike/ don’t like water. 2 like / don’t like chicken. 6 like / don’t like cake. 3. I like / don’t like bananas 7 like / don’t like salad. = 4 Tlike / don’t like lemonade. 8 like / don’t like mangoes. 8 Read and match. Colour. She doesn’t like burgers. He doesn’t like milk. He likes He doesn’t salad. like cats. She likes She likes bananas. school. like | don’t like and Do you like...? | CC Pe Ec) os Look and read. Put a tick / or a cross x. These are meatballs. |X These are sausages. °o (Wy These are lemons. Qe * Write the word and ask your friend. Put a tick / or across X. | Do you like 2 Do you like 3 Do you like 4 Do you like 5 Do you like 6 Do you like a Extension of food and drit This is fruit. This is juice. These are oranges. ‘ce These are beans. ° These are grapes. 9 “9 eae & 6 Read and complete. Then draw and write. CanI have some read? Would you like a ___ ? @® Yes, here you are. © No, thank you. Thave an apple, please? you like some milk? @ Yes, here you are. © ves, please. a , | | ee © Would you some grapes? Can I have _—, please? © No, thank you. Q Making requests andoffers 4 a 25 Write the words. 2] Match the ingredients with the dish. 8 98 Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Fruit: Tice meat i ei meatballs potato iw tomatoes tomatoes mango peas peas gripes 50 Learn about ingredients and methods of cooking 8 Read the recipe and write the words. (cheese egge 29qo omelette. onion tomatoes.) You need two eqqa _, some cheese, and an onion. Mix the eggs. Cut the and the tomatoes. Cook the for four minutes. Put the , onion and tomatoes on the eggs. Fold the and cook it for one more minute. 1 2 3 & 5 What would you like in your omelette? Draw and write. I'd like in my omelette. e@ Show what you know about recipes 51 @ Find the words in the puzzle. Then tick / the things Matt and Mia take on their picnic. EEE ee ee ee a;jtjie mie lio in bidle ojn die app. ejsj|rijtiq ning a/pje|sig qiioc ti{h|p|xie nidia c}/h/i|p|s aorik ij}pial|m|m/- s hie t|/sjujkli s iain wiiicih{t IESE |x ijt|sje|k hilo ic llajtie 52 Text type: A real-life story 83 © Listen and draw lines from the names to the children in the picture. Matt Mia Tom Tina Sam Harry ey Skills practice 5 ; 8 Look at the pictures. Listen and tick (/) the box. aa There is one example. Which is Bill’s sister? ge v How old is Anna? Where’s Matt’s rubber? (LU o JS E ee < 3 = = [ (\ “ OQ" « Which is Lucy’s brother? Zr’ © 54 Listening Part3 ct E §}) Play the game. My shopping list {Js (jé CanI have ...? “Z| Sa CanI have ...? Sees Would you like Can Ihave some lemonade? some oranges? 1 Choose the food 3 and drink for your shopping list. 3 Collect your food and drink. 2 Roll the dice and move your counter. 4 Go to the Finish! square. Learn to say in English Tcan talk y ) about toys. Tcan askand |_a ‘answer questions with Whose ...? Cote PCC Meee Ican write Ican understand a birthday letters of the card. alphabet that Thear. rc es 8 What is it? Look and write. e Ibo a bike. © awe @ ye 0 ~° @ M4 How do we say this letter? Sounds and spelling Bs Listen and match the words with the pictures. Then listen again and say. [ee 1 house 3 horse 2 happy 4 hat 83 Listen and say the rhyme. How is the horse in his little brown house? He’s happy in his hat in his house with a mouse. @s Listen and read. Who says it? (Cameron Gracie Gracie Harvwy Rocky Shelly 1 It’s his favourite toy. Gracie. 2 Whose car is that? 3 Jim doesn’t like dolls. 4 Jenny’s favourite toy is her car. 5 Look at our birthday present for Jenny and Jim. 6 Oh no! Nota plane! It’s Rocky's birthday. to Jim amd. Jemmyor binthdary. 8 Read and correct. a 2 Jenny’s car is orange. 3 Jenny likes dolls. 4 — Jim’s favourite toy is his bike. 5 Their present is a ball. 6 Cameron likes planes. 58 Story: Possessive ’s and possessive adjectives in context @ FQ}. Read and write his, her or their. a A Se It’s Grandma and Grandpa’s They’re Harry’s feet. farm. It’s thein ___ farm. They’re feet. OCS a | It’s Jenny’s car. It’s Jim and Jenny’s house. It’s car. It’s house. hey’re Shelly’s ears. It’s Grandpa’s tractor. They’re ears. It’s tractor. Q) "oR \ a 9 It’s Grandma’s plane. They're Gracie’s eyes. It’s plane. They're eyes. Whose ...2, possessive ’s and possessive adjectives 59 Vocabulary 2 and song Write. 1 It’s Nick’s > It’s Eva’s It’s Dan’s It’s Lucy’s It’s Ben’s 6 It’sAnna’s 7 It’sAlice’s X 60 | Extension of toys Language practice 2 Ss © Write Yes, she does or No, she doesn’t. — ae 2 Pat's birthday list SS * 0 New computer * a red kite *a board game * a yellow robot #0 big teddy bear * * seven balloons *a small radio *a green ball Does she want a new computer? Yeo, che does. Does she want a red bike? Does she want a board game? Does she want a yellow robot? Does she want a small teddy? Does she want eight balloons? Does she want a big radio? on nun F wn Does she want a green ball? want/wants 6 I letra at rg 8 Write the words. 8 8 8 f taiamafe. Which shapes can you see? Look and write. e - 8 Ican see . Icansee ] 62 Learn about shapes 8 Read and draw the robot. His head is a big square. His body is a triangle. His 2 arms are rectangles. His 2 hands are circles. His 2 legs are circles. His 2 feet are rectangles. His nose is a triangle. His eyes are small squares. His mouth is a rectangle. Qo How many shapes can you find at home? Count and write. circle square rectangle & Show what you know about shapes 63 1 2 3 4 5 8 Read and write yes or no. Dora and Cora are sisters. yer. - Dora’s favourite toy is a car. Dora’s robot is called Jill. Cora gives her robot to Dora. Cora and Dora are happy at the end of the story. Choose Dora and Cora’s toys and complete the dialogue. Act it out with a partner. Dora: Can I have your blue , please? Cora: OK. Here you are. Dora: Thank you! Can I have your too, please? Cora: Yes. Here you are. Dora: OK. Here you are. Cora: Yes, please! Dora: Here you are. Cora: Thank you. Can I have your red , please? Would you like my 7 m 8 Cora and Dora share their robots. What do you share? Ishare my toy plane with my broth | _ Text type: A real-life story S 124 Look and read. Put a tick / or cross X. 8 °@ oo Nn J J This is Cora’s helicopter. |X Dora’s got a red balloon. Ye’ 8 y fix Dora’s kite is blue. Cora’s got a ball. 6 6 Die Dora’s got a car. This is Dora’s teddy bear. = e Skills practice | 6 Pa mee ©522 Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. ia a Examples What is the name of Kim’s doll? Lucy. How old is the doll? 9 Questions What's the name of Lucy’s school? School i How many children are in Lucy’s class? Who does Lucy sit next to? How many lessons has Lucy got today? What is the name of Lucy’s teacher? Mr 6 Listening Part 2 Play the game. a y L/o Din HAVE ANOTHER TURN i Y HAVE a q i i ANOTHER S TURN INSTRUCTIONS 1 Roll the dice. 3 What can you see? It’s Harry's tail. 2 Move your counter. Whose is it? Look and say. (6) A day out Say and write Learn to say Sate new words in English in English Hooray! OK Try again 6®@ @ ®@ @@ @ ®@ ®@ @ ®@ *@® @ ®@ My favourite stage: Ican name vehicles and places. Tcan talk about zoo animals. teres Perch ec. Ican read sentences and copy English words. Neca et 6 83 Where are they? Listen and match. 1 cat id 4% Bill 7 Lucy 10. Jill 2 Dan 5 horse 8 dog 3 Alice 6 Mark 9 Hugo ° Oe a oa tree Pa eo train motorbike lorry Sounds and spelling How do we write that sound? ye ©38 Listen and point. Then listen again and say. ia fp cg 0s Listen again and colour the letters that make the /e1/ sound. froin foil |) satis grapes Vehicles and places There’s a big lorry. There are old cars and motorbikes. 1 There are flowers for Grandpa’s new garden. Are there new animals? There aren’t any new animals. There’s a lorry and animals! ay What’s in the lorry? Look and tick / or cross X. e 9, osm oO ie 8 ny a x ahs D Story: there is/are in context es ee a aces a Read and colour. Look at the street. In the street there’s a purple car and a big blue lorry. There’s a red bus stop next to the lorry. Look at the shop. There are two trains in the window. The big one’s green and the small one’s brown. There’s a park next to the shop. In the park there are three yellow flowers and a big green and brown tree. 8 Draw two more things in the picture. Listen to your friend and draw. There’s a brown dog in the park. ) ( Isit next to the tree? eet) thereisjare_ | Reece CE ar} iad 10 ose Listen and write a name or a number. What is the girl’s name? Many. How old is the girl? 7 How many monkeys have they got? How old is the young monkey? 1 2 3 4 What’s the small monkey’s name? 5 6 What's Matt’s father’s name? 7 How old is Matt’s father? 72 Zoo animals Read and write the words. close door game Let's Lets listen Let’s the window. Let’s to the radio. let's... 73 &) Which animals live in the wild? Look and tick /. 7% Learn about animal habitats Read about the animals. Write the words. Seon nee Thisisa’ frog. _. Itis i and green. It lives on land and in the 5 . It can swim and jump. In the wild, * eat frogs and frogs eat flies and 5 This is a® -It is? and grey. Tt can walk and it can swim too. It doesn’t eat I . Iteats . and flowers. [9 choose an animal to learn about. Draw and write. e elephant e tiger e lizard e polarbear emt ewr er ee Ke KH KN | i This is | I ttis | | Itlivesin Itcan | | Iteats | ! Nt ee nn @ Show what you know about animal habitats 7 963 Listen and number the animals in order. © Match the words that rhyme. 1 do Zoo 3 play aeeSee) & too 6 Make your own zoo poem. Write the animals that you like at the zoo. TD) EN Treally like T like too. But I really love the 4 When I go to the zoo. 76 Text type: Apoem a eg Ask and answer. hi What colour is the ...? How many ... are there? Tell me about the ... Do you like ...? What's your favourite animal? 3 © Listen and point. Then draw lines. ie Hg sf What colour is the zebra? It’s black and white. Tell me about the elephant. ) It’s big and grey. Skills Practice 7 1 & 78 © Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. Azebra Zebrasare {lack _ and white animals. They are like horses but people don’t ride them. A zebra’s (1) is nice and long. Azebra has got four legs and two beautiful (2) . Lots of zebras live with their family. Some zebras live in the (3) Zebras drink a lot of (4) , but they don’t eat (5) Example Reading and Writing Part 4 Eg Play the game. & : = : There are two -W¢ LES trees in the park. 1 Roll the dice. 3 Pictures: Say what you see. 2 Move your counter. 4 Sentences: Read, find and move to that square. Review «| Units 4-6 8 Find three words in a line from the same group. 8 8 tree flower. sausage _ lizard bike jon ~— board game beans polarbear lorry computer salad giraffe tiger burger bread mango lorry park house chocolate radio train bear water shop chicken motorbike teddy apple garden donkey meat 8 Listen and colour. 6.21, ©) Read and match. Colour Se He doesn’t want any grapes. They want aboard game. She wants some bananas. He wants some orange juice. She doesn’t want a beautiful doll. They don’t want a teddy. meat plane robot Consolidation of units 4-6 8:1 @ ) Let’s play Tcan talk about Ican say hobbies. what people are doing. Pe Ro ae , Pe cs can listen and find people ina picture. Ican understand questions with CanI...? ® Read and match. _ Let’s play basketball. Let’s play the piano. Let’s play football. Let’s swim. Sounds and spelling ©)& Listen and say the rhyme. My sister Sally likes salad and swimming, but I like spiders, sausages and snakes! Let’s watch television. Let’s play tennis. Let’s ride our bikes. Let’s play the guitar. How do we say this letter? Sports and hobbies a ime Gee needs a? o> — Tom’s(iding)/ watching Rocky's brother and She’s eating a book / sister are singing / sock, Harry. eating. She’s painting her face / Rocky says he’s playing Henrietta’s cleaning / feet. the guitar / the piano. painting the barn. 8 Look and talk about the people and animals. Use the words in the box. watching riding talking walking singing smiling Mr Friendly is watching Tom and Harry. 84 Story: Present continuous in context ag Look and read. Write yes or no. The girl’s driving a car. ne: an: The baby’s running. The boys playing tennis. The mother’s painting a picture. The father’s playing the guitar. . The grandfather’s listening to music. ® Look and write the words. am are aren’t is isn’t What _ane-_ you doing? Are they playing basketball? @: listening to music. © No,they ° Focal > Is your mum watching TV? What’s he doing? e No, she . She’s reading. Qe He playing the guitar. Present continuous 8 © Look and write the words. badminton baseball basketball hitting heekey kicking running skateboard 9 86 Sports verbs and extension of sports Renter tsice) ®) | 8 Write the words in the correct order. a e our skateboards /in i park / Can Can I throw / your dog / the ball for /? we ride /? Cam awe ride our phatehoanda im. the paak? please /eat some cake,/Canwe/? __ thetrain, / Can we go on/ please /? 6 e Can I/ please / watch television, / ? badminton in / the garden / Can we play /? canforpermission 8 es @ Play a mime game. Do and say. jump run stretch your legs stretch yourarms — stretch your body What am I doing? 8 What are they doing? Look, read and write. 1 Alice. is stretching her body. is stretching his legs. is stretching her arms. Sam is. Grace is Learn about how we can keep our bodies strong @ ® Who is looking after their bodies? Look and tick /. How do you look after your body? Draw and write. oe ‘Show what you know about doinga warm-up 89 8 Talk about what you think happens next in the story. (Tthink Oliver plays with the big boys. ) (think Oliver plays with Alfie. ) 8 Draw the next picture in the story. 8 Look at your drawing. Write a conversation. Oliver: Thamk you, Alfie. Alfie: Act out the conversation. Thank you, Alfie. 0 | Text type: A real-life story 83 Listen and tick / 1 What has Alfie got? ® e v. 2 Howoldis Amelia? 3. Whatis Oliver doing now? e oF is 4% —Howis Amelia today? i. en 5 Where’s Oliver’s skateboard? 4 — 6 What would Alfie like to eat? yee °C SD e Skills practice ot Hs Listen and draw lines. There is one example. : Matt Nick Grace Sam a (ary Tom 2 Listening Part 1 Play the game. INSTRUCTIONS What's he doing? 1 Roll the dice and move yourcounter: / fosnonne: 2 Say what the people and animals are doing. (8, Around the house Say and write sty new words in English Learn to say in English Ican name rooms and things in the house. about what I can and can’t do, tor ceeay Peron tae uot Be Ican listen Tcan listen and colour and understand a picture, where things ©) Listen and tick / or cross x. How do we say (8 & Listen and say. Then listen | thisletter? fl and match. &\ | = dining room Rooms and objectsinthehouse 9! as Rocky can ride a horse. / Shelly can’t sing. ss Rocky’s brother and sister can’t swim. a oF; s Rocky can dance. Rocky can eat books. What can you do? Look and say. Ican sing but I can’t eat books! Story: can for ability in context Pe eae § Listen and join. Then write. Hugo- cam play tenia. 4 2 5 3 6 B® Answer the questions. Write Yes, I can and No, I can’t. All about me Can you ride a bike? Can you play the guitar? Can you sim? Can gou play table tennis? Can you play football? 1 2 3 & 5 Can you sing? 6 7 Can you draw? 8 Can you ride a horse? canforability 97 8 Find and €ircle) the words. Then say. wyispq sa jt) Op 9 oa plhooinie|tirigib os zg 9 o/z/finjci|m|m{kie ilalelwhtlelclz{a/@ 8 P miijrirjojrj{hig\v ho xjuj}jiciliamip Tr ritlelz/tel ir] gm © P vibilifixjolrielq) : _ kir Chol yk i Number 1 is a photo. Bog Look at the picture and read the questions. Write one-word answers. Where is the girl? onthe sofa, Who is listening to music? the Where are the girl and boy? in the room What’s the girl doing? watching Where’s the boy sitting? onthe What colour’s the wall? What’s their dad cleaning? the 8 Extension of objects in the house races @ Read and draw lines. The phone is between the photo and the lamp in the hall. The duck is in front of the bath in the bathroom. The clock is in the kitchen. It’s between the window and the cupboard. The rug is on the floor in front of the television in the living room. The lamp is behind the armchair in the living room. The skateboard is in the bedroom. It’s between the door and the cupboard. Prepositions in front of, between, behind | 99 2 6 Write the words. A] #] ele] e] 2} 4) 3) a 100 Learn about different kinds of houses around the world ®) Read and match. J I’ve gota a treehouse in my garden and sometimes I sleep there. ) It’s called a treehouse because it’s in the trees! In the morning U Ican hear the birds. It’s great! 3 ff Ilive in Vietnam. The houses in my village are lots of different | LJ N colours and they are all on the water. I like it because we can \ swim and catch fish. (my house has got five rooms - a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. How is my house different? | It moves! I like it because we can go to different places and | | take our house with us. 8 Think about the house you want to live in. Draw and write. @ ‘Show what you know about things youcandoathome — 1¢ Read and write the words. ball bath bounce clock OK table Rob finds a hall Rob and Sue throw and catch and the ball. The ball bounces in the and on the sofa. The ball bounces on the and on the chair. The falls on the mat. Sue says that the clock is Sue and Rob play with the ball in the house. That isn’t a good idea! What can you do with your friends in the house? What can you do in the garden? We can play board games in the house. We can play football in the garden. 02 Text type: A poem og Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers. Where are the children? in Sue’s bedroom What are they doing? playing with Where is the yellow car? onthe What is Rob pointing to? the red Who has got the yellow car? Where is the yellow car now? under the Who has got the red car? Skills practice 10 @ ‘} Play the game. ‘ | acacia [. | | Miss a turn. | a L a} a bed —_s a lamp an armchair a phone a desk a mot sae a cupboard Your books are | a photo in the bookcase, clock Throw again. bac a mirror 1 Start in the bedroom. 3 Collect all the objects. 4 Go back to your bedroom. e 10! 2 Roll the dice and move your counter. My (ISSI®@NM diary Hooray! OK — Tryagain 12@ @ @ i@@ @ @ '@@ @ @ *#O@ @ @ Ican name 4 i : clothes. sana My favourite stage: es: understand instructions. eee ner ees Pee korn Pe cs Tcan read and answer questions about a picture Tcan talk about things at the beach. Vey ag Look and read. Write yes or no. This is a hat. These are socks. Theseareshoes. This is a skirt. © © e ° This is a jacket. These are glasses. Theseare jeans. This is a T-shirt. Sounds and spelling ® Bs Listen and point to the letter. *) Then say, match and write the letter. dik QW ale elon | peans | | and | at || uice | | orse || acket | ippo | Clothes That’s Grandpa’s Let’s go and eat Come here and pick up new shirt! in the barn. these toys, please! Now clean the mirror, Take those pencilsand — Grandpo’s hat’ there. Gracie. It’s dirty. put them in the box. on the sofa. ©) act it out witha se Say and do. Use the words in the box. pickup clean “take put come Pick up those pencils, please. 08 Story: Imperatives in context ei acta 3} Look, read and write the number. Anna, pick up that jacket, please. 4% Pick up those trousers, please. Put the ball in that cupboard 5 Put these bananas on that there, please. table there, please. 3. Take this book to the 6 OK, children, clean these bookcase, please. desks, please. ©) write the words. boots read sunglasses trousers cep ory Let’s Are these your these =n ? 8 *” ° OR, ae Clean those Those aren’t your Imperatives 3 Perec ee Or Ru) 8 Find and ircle)the words. Then write. hlejltiDq/hjo}p|t{n jjuje{[virji;s}|h{ ting e|zini|g/bjelja}cjhjejl U}binjg)ujwinidja}c|m Llijki|wit{c}d}kle}rin yjtjal/kjelajp|hjo/tjo flijs|h|m|m/sljelal/t|{u ijzj|h{kj{hje/t}]s|wis]i sj{ujn{/l{[t}rjo|yje|pig h}bjoj|a|tia jj|wibisth ©) Read and colour. Kim’s at the beach. She’s sitting on the yellow sand. She’s got a purple camera and she’s taking a photo of a big pink shell, next to her. She’s got some big green sunglasses on her head. There’s an orange boat on the blue sea. It’s got a big red fish on it. There’s aman in the boat. He’s fishing. 10, At the beach Pe raced og Read and write the words. The beach co salae oe . * Alot of people like going to the each, on holiday. You can wear a (1) and shorts and you can do different things there. Some people enjoy sitting in the sun, reading a book or listening to the (2) . Children like playing on the sand. They can pick up (3) and write their names with them. Alot of people enjoy swimming in the (4) . They can look at (5) and shells under the water. like[enjoy + gerund; metoo/sodol 3 eerie Ug & Write the words. beach forest mountains &) Draw a landscape from Activity 1. Draw and label four things you can see there. 2 Learn about features of natural landscapes 8 Read the postcard and write the words. Dear Mark, I'm on holiday with my family in Australia. It’s fantastic! We are staying in a @ * house, in the forest. There are lots of Bi in the . There are beautiful too. We can’t pick them ate) ° but we can take (ial 6 of them. We can ride our Re, every day. We can ride horses too. It’s really fun! See you soon, Hugo Read again and write yes or no. Hugo is in Australia. yet. Hugo is enjoying his holiday. The house is at the beach. Ai 2 3 4 There are birds and trees. 5 They can take photos of the flowers. 6 Hugo likes riding horses. o Show.what Uou knowobout widngerpestcardontolacute| 2: Number the pictures in order. Then tell the story. SLs - te The monkey gives coconuts to the shark. &) Imagine you are the monkey or the shark in the story. What do you do next? Draw a picture. Write about your picture. = . “Text type: A traditional story os Listen and colour. What are these? What’s this? Do you eat coconuts? Do you eat fish? What do you eat for lunch? What do you eat for dinner? What are these? ) ( They’re coconuts. What's this? What's this? Do you like monkeys? Can you swim? What pet would you like to have? What do you do on holiday? o Skills practice | 115 8 Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers. . . Examples 3 How many children are there? e 2 € What's the boy got on his head? . a has. ; Us Questions What is the girl with the green skirt doing? listening to Se Which animal is next to the flower? ——————EE= What is the boy eating? What are the girls doing? Where is the spider now? onthe a 16 Reading and Writing Part 5 1 | Play the game. a 2 You haven't rials sunhat. STR You're taking anice photo of your mum and dad. Throw again. = = oO. A ons They like playing at the beach. 1 Roll the dice and move your counter. aaa Tae led 2 Say what the people like or don’t like. Ss ui Review «e Units 7-9 ® Write the words. (ond ans at each ed ell llyfish oes one oto ots un ) Bo Read and colour. This is Anna. Anna’s wearing Gg ared skirt and a big blue jacket. The jacket’s got a black horse on it. She’s wearing big purple shoes and short socks. She’s got a big orange hat on her head and a big yellow handbag on her arm. 8 Consolidation of units 7-9 Read and complete. He’s looking in the minnor She’s wearing a red He’s taking a photo. He’s got a They’re at the beach. They're playing on the ap He's cleaning his teeth. He’s in fi rooabthm | This is a picture of our holiday. It’s a beautiful The fish are swimming in the ew He’s talking to his friend. He’s talking on the She’s playing tennis. She’s got a racket and a cD She’s at the beach. She’s picking up a beautiful Read and correct. * us: Seeraurunn He’s playing tennis. They like playing He’s dancing. okateboandimg basketball. a wail eh She enjoys reading. He’s wearing red shoes. They’re catching — the balls. Consolidation of units 7-9 12 woe: a 3 re S S = a = » 2 = 3 3 > é . 3 ° a y = - = - eS eer cu ‘pie eaieais Serene eee ea ing natural curiosity re 4 ee Potente REASONS TO. Discover the NAST a ciers WAY) at utc Weert ei meee en Cece eee) BE CURIOUS enna ry Perens ener ae aa Peer Pete eer Cet eet pee ere ot Peete cers PUPIL'S COMPONENTS TEACH! ESC AE UR asc cSAn, Lat Tea eteloLd CBs aaa cnt’. eRe Pye coat ee ae mans 2 peacoat eons secuimne @ Digital Be Curious Peete ecru eee ey Rei CAMBRIDGE Tea re on Ress Wiser a Cambridge ey Experts together Our aim is to deliver the materials you tell us you need. Exclusive insights from test development and candidate Pee ee een ee ets Exam Journey in each course, ensuring every student is ready on exam day. From skills development to exam tasks, language Se NR en eo Rec eee eee ccs

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