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“ CAMBRIDGE TROT LC ML eC OUTTANO Welcome to Diversicus Poge4 Practice time Mission: Plan a week in the life of acircus artist Pageé What's for breakfast? Mission: Become restaurant owner Page 18 Aheatthy body Mission: Become health expert Page 30 Funin the jungle Mission: Create a jungle adventure park Pages een Gann Literature ‘Assessment Main character | Language review names Questions and answers Greetings and | Sreetin introductions Tolling thetime | Review:question words | Balancing act Thecircuschild | Al Movers aos 3, when, where, Learn about balance | A real-life story Reading and writing nae which cand coordination Port 6 Sounds and spelling: numbers was/were + could id hap on one leg when couldnt skip, A Russian Olympic athlete Social and motional sil perseverance Food and drink Post simple inregular ver Sounds and spelling: spelling for's’ fond sound Defining relative clauses 2 studied. woman who eye the mountains which timbed with my father. Past simple + with/when went to the funfai Food, glorious food Learn about food ‘ond nutrition The old man and the small fish Areoliife story Social and emotional skill showing respect for decisions of others ALMovers Listening Part 5 Parts ofthe body Heolth problems Sounds and spelling knandn for'‘n’ sound ural fc Post simple verbs Sounds and spelling: idle spel for''sound Review of comparative and superlative adjectives, Fm nats strong os ny istaler than Ivan is want/need + infinitive want to goto the party need to or beautifully, hard, fast Comparative adverbs ants can move foster Monkeys can climb be tigers Bears con Work your body Learn about bones and joints Yoga i From the roots to the flower Learn at and hawt in indi the world Too-to0-moo and the Komodo dragon Afontasy play script s e sil showing empathy forothers ‘and The story of Rama ‘nd Sita dian myth fond ‘emotional skill hers [at Movers | Reading ond writin Parts ing and waiting Behind the scenes Mission: Prepare ‘performance Poge 56 Classroom stars Mission: Have ‘school prize- giving ceremony Page 6s Whent grow up... Mission: Choose your dream job Page 82 aguidetoa town Pages 6 Let’s travel! Organise a summer camp Page 106 eer Cera Describing clothes | be made of t's made of gold ‘Sounds and What ore the wings made of? spelling: They re made of pope igh ond Fe speling Materials shall, could and let's for suggestions Shall we design som Let's design the sea, We could use blue paper. Cen ‘Materials and properties Learn about the properties of different materials Greek masks fm The myth of Icarus |AGreek myth Social and emotional ski Listening to others Speaking Port3 Schoolsubjects | should/shouldn’t You should listen to your Extension of school teacher vocabulary ew _ soundsand | teachers giving speling: fandphspeling | no, you shou for sound be good at + noun/gerund mgood at maths ‘Are you good at sport? Pot ver good ot Where are we? Learn about maps ‘ond symbols Coppedocia in Turkey The project narration and poem Social and ‘emotional kil: team workand respecting the ideas of others AD Flyers Listening Part Jobs Whenondifduses (zero |Tinedetectves | Danguiete, | A2Fiyes ae conditional (oomobeut | Sanchoandiie | feoding ond ving peli) When you dance, look in windmills Part adjectives theme heabonencome | rnséeetne ay Soundsand | iryouin yougerabig prize. | script spelling: tinterains enone | 050 wins he wants to Social and “er, arand -or buy a fantastic new camera. i eae u ermaionl sk ; took ke, be ke responding It does your gondod lok cpprrviate to ther ater people's Drelons ature with be goingto | Home, sweethome | The rood to Hope | A2Fyes Ist ole townsordviloges | seretond Seundsand | unorarewegangtosefist? | nayrorkciy | emotional seen aa: | Papeaioonctnomens mareghgenn sound ino wees tela, a, when dauses | Worth south cost | The storyaf os crrctany | Ausegetealymetbetre? | and west Popocateptiond | Reading ond Wrting | cevcterage (eomaboutwhotto | iteechuetl | Port soundsond | Hevonvealyfostwhon red | toke ona hiking tip | Anorationond spel a Atikingtipin | 9end ron Aer wer Mero Seciotand noodles. -ed/-ing adjective endings Word stack page 120 emotional skill showing respect for other cultures i aQ208 Read and match. 1 Ian'sabig 2 Jenny's one of 3 Kim Friendly’s the Jim is Jenny’s 5 Rose Quartz has 6 Ben Friendly’s 7 Diversicus is going @ Read and answer. Nourwne Greetings and introductions What are the children’s names? What's the circus called? Who’s the new cook? Who's the strongman? Who's the new musical director? Who's wearing glasses? Who’s carrying the boxes? ) Welcome to Diversicus on tour. strongman with a beard. the new cook for Diversicus. got purple hair. Ben and Kim’s two children. new musical director. twin brother, They're Jim and Jenny e 8 Ba Listen and complete. GEe/ = Name: Jenny Name: Age: Age: nine i Likes: Loves: 5 Loves: Dad's name: Bene Dad's name: Miguel Dad's job: ee Dad's job: _Name: 7 Rees] Name: Su-lin 1} Age: i : Loves: _Age: eight Mum's name: Likes: - Mum's job:_musical director Grandpa's name: Fred 2 Grandma’s name: Read and complete. ( tour cireus names brother comic dancers cook sport love Jenny’s Diary Rose Quartz has got a'__circus It’s a circus with acrobats, musicians, “4 a and a strongman; his name's Ivan. The circus is called 4 » 3 o ~ a@=-:;¢ eles You make this with milk and you can put fruit or sugar in it. yoghurt 1 2 You put this in a bowl, add milk and then eat it for breakfast. 3 This fruit is small and red. 4 — This drink can be strawberry or chocolate. We drink it in a glass. w This comes in a bottle and you can put it on pancakes or ice cream. 6 We eat these from a bowl. They are long and thin. Sounds and spelling Bs Listen and repeat. Listen and point. Si = Listen and write the letters ce orc. 2 real 3 offee up Read and correct. Write the sentences. J cus 1 _ It’s the place where I studied when I was a grown-up. It's the place where I studied when I was a child. 2 They're the mountains which I climbed with my grandfather. 3 Wecan go to the river where I sailed with my sister. 4 This is the lake where I went swimming with my brother. 5 We want to go swimming today. 6 Can you see the woman who is cooking in the garden? 7 Here are your pancakes with May's favourite sauce. 6 Put the story in order. Write the numbers. O,..2 children. Ivan was hungry. They had lunch Ovnere she a © codles in town. studied. Her old school is a didn’t climb them, but they went to the lake where Oroy scited ond went swimming with her sister when they ‘Su-Lin asked May to with May’s sister show them where Li, who makes she lived. ‘ __ the best café now. Then they saw she climbed every father. They = took the children the mountains which weekend with her a ind Ivan to the place , ~Qoce cone neu eek Match. Then write the sentences. That is the shop sold us the milkshake. He’sthe / man where they she wanted. They're > isthe woman who — whereIboughta | had lunch. That’s the restaurant which the pancakes. This the strawberries who made noodles. That is the woman who sold us the noodles. Complete the sentences with your ideas. This is the book which I use to learn English. This is the pencil which This is the bag which My dad is the person who My mum is the person who My bedroom is the place where My classroom is the place where Join the two sentences using which, who or where. This is the restaurant. We eat here every Sunday. This is the restaurant where we eat every Sunday, Mr Green is the teacher. He teaches us English. This is the café. We went there for ice cream. That is the chocolate sauce. We put it on our pancakes. es *: past simple of t = and ithe eo ie build built clH|y|tiriuli|e K{OJPIN i grow up ajolalH|v|wit/ale|s/p/B pa My|T/A/E R/G)V T K/E|U see A\WIO|D ROVE M/K/L G drive ‘TULIIR TE F BY SO at A A|D|F/H/E/E Ki Yy|M|G.O irk T T U'S|B.Y | write \uisisly/elo/s|alwis|a/k| ea G/A|B\/U E|R|W|S|M/G/R TT} el GH EATER IR {RIT H/E/U/T/B|K/L/TIJE|FI[E/ 1] ame Tiolo/k 8 Kl1/Alulo Ww ice A/G/E/HitiyiGlylelt|ulo| hove QR ZAC UT Li K|P/P Make the sentences negative. She drove to the beach. She didn’t drive to the beach. They wrote an email. We gave him a present. She taught music. I grew up ina small village. He took a nice photo last week. He got dressed at 8 o’clock yesterday. We built a tree house. He told us a funny story last week. They had lunch at 1 o'clock. Past simple irregular verbs ee lac asteed © Read and correct Lily’s answers. Jack: What did you do yesterday? Lily: Igo to the cinema. 1 I went to the cinema. Jack: Really? Did you see the new film about robots? Lily: Yes, I can. 2 Jack: Was the film very exciting? Lily: Yes, it did. 3 Jack: What films do you like best? Lily: I liked films about animals. 4 Jack: Did you have anything to eat when you were there? Lily: No, but I have a drink. 5 Jack: What did you do when you got home? Lily: I write about the film in my diary! 6 8 Read and complete. [ took film thought When couldn’t saw waited tickets Yesterday Mum * took us to the cinema. * we arrived we saw that there were three different films. My younger brother and I? decide which film to see. He * Supercat was the best, but I wanted to see Dance School. When my mum ® that we couldn’t decide, she said we had to be quick because the films started in 15 minutes. We © inthe queue and when it was our turn, the man told us there were no’ for those two films. We had to get tickets for Red Shoes in the City. Mum was very happy because it was the ® which she wanted to see! ars | 8 Put the foods into the correct food groups. Zig Se oi te = oD Fruit and Proteinand —_| Dairy Carbohydrates | Fats vegetables iron and fibre | butter Gircléthe healthy foods green and the unhealthy foods red. | Name Breakfast menu 2& | Learn about food and nutrition Complete the information in the table. Use the Internet to help you. Dish Name ; From Made with 6 Answer the questions about China. 1 What time do children usually have breakfast? They usually have breakfast at around seven o'clock. Where do they often buy breakfast? What is one of the most popular breakfasts? What do people drink with it? What other breakfasts do people eat? 2 3 4 5 6 Use the questions in Activity 5 to write about a popular breakfast in your country. Es Learn about breakfasts in China and around the world | 25 Order the sentences 1-5 to retell the story of ‘The old man and the small fish’. Wen asks her grandpa why he has the same thing for breakfast every day. vse Wen says, ‘Do you want something different for breakfast today?’ ° Wen’s grandpa tells her a story. d | 1) Wen goes to her grandpa’s house. e Wen makes her grandpa noodles and tea. 6 Read the sentences about the story. ae - Do you think they are right or wrong? Say why. 1. Wen visits her grandpa on her way home from school. 2 Grandpa doesn’t like rice. \pa> cf 3 Wen wants her grandpa to try new things. 4 The small fish likes to try new things. 5 The other fish prefer the small fish’s part of the lake. 8 What do you do every day? Draw a picture. Tell a partner. 26 | Text type: A real-life story Wen: Read the text and choose the best answer. Good morning, Yéye, how are you? Ching-Yun: (A) I’mfine, thanks. Wen: Ching-Yun: Wen: Ching-Yun: Wen: Ching-Yun: Wen: Ching-Yun: Wen: Ching-Yun: Wen: Ching-Yun: He’s OK. That’s right. Do you want your breakfast now? Yes, please. Yes, he is. Yes, I have. I like breakfast. Iliked them. Me too. They are all right. Let’s have something different today. No, we didn’t. Yes, that’s right. No, thanks. Where’s the tea? They're on the table. It’s in the cupboard. Is it? I can’t find the bread, Yéye. Look in the kitchen. They are on the table. Thaven’t got them. Can Ihave a glass of water, please? Yes, she has. Yes, it does. Yes, here you are. Skills practice CN Read the instructions. Play the game. INSTRUCTIONS Choose four pictures. Write the words in your notebook. You must collect these. Roll the dice and move. eee SS On squares, say the past of the verb and spell it. My unit goals e Iwant to © Todo this, I will © Iwill say and write How was it? Draw a face. 0" © My favourite stage: | completed Ican name | some body | parts. Ican compare people and things. O | can give advice when someone f isill. Ican complete atext using the correct Chehab words. and add to yo word stack! Pca e! Read and complete. 1 Legis to foot as arm is to hand Armis to elbow as leg is to Seeing is to eyes as hearing is to Trousers are to legs as shoes are to Hat is to head as scarf is to Foot is to toes as hand is to NOuUrwn Head is to neck as shoulders are to Sounds and spelling ©& Listen and then Girclé the words with the ‘n’ sound in them. ee 6: Listen and repeat. Which is the odd one out? neck nose hand knee Read and¢ircle, J : Puncak Jaya is the highest mountain in Russia / Indonesia. The Nile is the longest road / river in the world. Ivan’s the strongest / shortest man in Diversicus. Look, Dad! Jenny is hungrier / taller than you now. Pablo is running to kick / catch the ball. Ivan, I’m not as short / tall as you. .. but now my toe / finger is as big as yours. Meee une Read and complete. mountain toe river finished shoulders When man Pablo’s Diary rning, we were at school. We talked about the highest ountain and the longest * . Dad told Jim t Ivan was the strongest * _in the circus. When our we went to the circus tent to watch the robats. enol stood on Ivan’s® to bean Isaw a ball on the floor I tried to au widen a fool, K ©} Review the story. Read, and complete. I think the story is great / good / OK / not very good. My favourite character is aes 8 Put the words in order. Write the sentences. Peter's got longer fingers than me. 2 think English)(difficutt as) 2 ang Ourtecher’ God une) ‘ 5 Geawing yon yours) & (ai)a}(esPabia) Sutin 7 famous circus in oO Write sentences about the sports using the adjectives. Use eee: superlatives or as... as. { ‘Sports: football sailing skateboarding _ horseriding ridinga bike tennis basketball " Adjectives: boring exciting interesting fast | z | dangerous easy difficult good bad Lthink skateboarding is the fastest sport. Lthink aT Clad @ Read and complete. | backache temperature headache matter hurt toothache stomach-ache T’m sorry I can’t carry your bag. I’ve got a really bad _ backache He couldn’t eat yesterday because he had a ‘What was the with you yesterday?’ ‘Thad a cold.’ He didn’t want to listen to loud music because he had a He couldn't lift the big box because his back Her dad took her to the dentist because she had a Nowrwne Tcouldn’t come to school because I had a - Itwas 39°C. BG Write the words in the correct place. | knee cough pancake bat neck noodles temperature | yoghurt panda finger puppy stomach-ache cold elbow bear cereal backache toe strawberry parrot DBD ®, 3 TAT pancake 34 | Health problems Pence 8 Match and colour. — | He wants He wants He needs | She needs to eat some tocut some togeta | tobuy some cereal. paper. bowl. | tickets. | Sd orange He wants She wants She needs He needs to clean his todrinka to find her | tousea teeth. milkshake, glasses. | toothbrush. —_ J =e oe She wants Grandmawants | | | Sheneeds He needs to | to go to the to read the | togeta | use some cinema. newspaper. | glass. | scissors. —_— — J [2)2] Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Last week, John * had a headache and a sore throat. He had to stay in bed. John was very sad? there was a school trip to the mountains and he wanted to go. John’s mum thought that he needed to * the doctor and she phoned her. When the doctor came to the house, she was very wet because the weather was terrible. There was a lot of * and black clouds. It was very windy, too. ° the doctor left, John’s teacher phoned to say there © a school trip that day because the weather was bad. Today John is better and he’s going on the school trip with his classmates. 1 had have having 4% rain rainy raining 2 but because when 5 Which When Who 3 saw seeing see. 6 wasn’t weren’t isn’t pearl g Use the words to label the picture. - —____________ knee elbow shoulder ankle wrist hip Se eee) Match the text to the pictures. 1 Youneed to wear a special hat to protect your head in case you fall off, especially if you are on the road. 2 Wear goggles over your eyes if you are in the water for a longtime. 3 The sunlight on the white snow can hurt your eyes, so it’s a good idea to wear a mask for your eyes or face. a 6 knee 4% — Iceis difficult to walk on and you can fall. Wear gloves to protect your hands and knee pads to protect your knees. 5 You need a special hat for this activity in case you fall off. Special boots help keep your feet in place on the animal. Todo you need to wear. to protect Complete the instructions by choosing the correct body parts. Child’s pose Kneel on the floor and sit back on your ‘hands /(feet)/ head. Bring your *head / elbows / feet down to rest on the floor. Stretch your *legs / arms / fingers out in front of you. Tree pose Stand on one*hand / toe / leg. Bend the other °elbow / finger / knee and place your ‘foot / hand / head on your other ‘arm / leg / shoulder. Put your *feet / fingers / hands together above your head / neck / knee. Flower pose Sit on the floor. Bend your “arms / toes / legs. Put one foot on top of the other. Put your “hands / toes / fingers on your head / shoulders / legs and close your eyes. 8 Create your own yoga pose. Write the instructions. Use the word box to help you. | sit / stand / kneel... bring / bend / lift / stretch ... over / under / inside / together... | 6 Talk about the story using the words in the box. dragon hungry girl porridge breakfast poor roar angry firewood | Answer the questions. 1 Why does the Komodo dragon come to the house? He comes because he wants food. 2 Doyou think that Too-too-moo’s mother is happy that the Komodo dragon comes to the house? Why? Why not? 3 How does Too-too-moo’s mother make money to buy food? 4 Why do Too-too-moo and her mother become poor? 5 What makes the dragon push Too-too-moo? 6 Do you think Too-too-moo is right or wrong to continue helping the dragon? 8 Imagine you are Too-too-moo. Write a letter to the dragon. Include: What you want to do / what he wants to do What you need to do / what he needs to do Dear Komodo dragon, Lknow you are hungry. I know you want to eat auPrwne Going to the Puppet Show They are going to the puppet show by: car Name of the show: The Dragon Time of the show: They can eat: After the puppet show they're doing: At the puppet show they meet: Peter Skills practice 39 Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Arms Example Arms start at our shoulders and finish. at our hands. We have also got 1 elbows but if something hits your elbow it can alot. Arms are helpful 2 when we want carry something, point at something or say hello. 3 People dance need to move their arms. Sometimes, people who 4 have fast hands play the piano very well. Today, people often use 5 their hands to write emails or send a text message their phone. Example _ finished finish finishes hurt hurts, hurting too for to where who which can’t can could at in on even | (3) 8 Read the instructions. Play the game. ETS y) om You’ve got acough. Have ‘he boc 3 nother turn. ee iN im squares. You're 7 trying hard. u coal I. NES 4 squares. * wal fas You're working uietly. Go ik forward 2 squares. Roll the dice On } green | squares, say the word. and move. . On squares, answer the question on the card. On JERESEW squares, say the superlative form of the adjective. es 41 Review «ee Units 1-3 Charlie has got a sore throat and he needs to drink some orange j uteolaty © Look and talk about each person. Fred Vicky Brot Charlie raolg Read Clare’s diary and complete the sentences. Yesterday it was my friend Lily's birthday party. atc lore ct f+ was great! 8 o'clock. (woke up at 8 clock and { had cereal for breakfuat. 2 Sheate (oe got an acrobat's costume which is my favourite fog breach iast and ( dressed up in that. At 10 cclock Dad drove 3 At 10 o'clock Clare's me to the party { gave Lily a book about the dad her most famous scientists in history. We laughed to the party. and danced at the party and ( taught Lily 4 Clare gave Lily a to take photos. She took some of our friend Farhan Ben who couldn't dance very well because birthday, he was dressed up as an elephant — he teas very funny, ibe tod pas ance oe milkehakee and cake for lunch. The cake or clepuant 008 a8 big as my head! At 8 cclock 6 The cake was as Dad came to drive me home. It was. as the best day ever{ her head. 42 | Consolidation of units 1-3 6 Complete the information about Clare’s diary. SCHEDULE: Where did she go? What did she do? What time did she go there? What time did she go home? What did she wear? Who did she see? Did she have fun? Plan your diary. Use the questions in Activity 3 to TIP! Think of a day when something help you. fun happened. Put what day it was. Use the past tense. 8 Now write your diary. Consolidation of units1-3 | 43 4) Fun in the jungle e Iwantto © Todo this, I will e Iwill say and write new words. Tcan talk about nature using descriptive . aoe | a he OoC Ci =i = Ican describe how to do different actions. Se a How was it? Draw a face. Ican compare two or more actions. O own words. SCR oe ele(a Oj Sucker Icompleted Level 4 Unit 4. My favourite stage: are ea 6 Girclé the different word. 8 Write the different words 1 stomach shoulder elbow from Activity 1. lion island puppy bat 1jwio]r{lid plant coffee milkshake tea 2 7 | 1 cold cough wave headache | difficult afraid forest tired coat sweater scarf mountain moon star sky lake a 2 3 4 5 star cinema square market 6 7 8 9 shout sing jungle laugh : 10 lake river sky sea ‘10 What's the secret word? plant Os Complete the table with the words. Then listen and check. (ott apple waterfall plant ball purple bottle | Natural features Read and answer. Which country were they in? They were in India. Who had a camera on his head? Who was frightened of the animals in the jungle? What did they have to draw? Who couldn’t draw well? Why did Ivan run in the jungle? Who was the bear in picture 8? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B Read and complete. Use two words. 1 Today, they’re having their lessonsin 6 Jenny can’t doit. She draws the Indian jungle 2 They mustn't talk loudly ifthey want 7 Miguel thinks the most dangerous to see animals hiding in animal is 3 Here, they can study birds 8 Ivan! Walk slowly and 4 — If they look carefully perhaps they 9 There’s a bear can see 10 It worked well because they all 5 The water’s moving thought Fred was a 8 Review the story. Read, and complete. Ithink the story is great / good / OK / not very good. My favourite character is ee aces Gircléthe word for you. How do you do it? @ Tread quickly / slowly. © write carefully / fast. © Ido my homework fast / slowly. @ usually dance slowly / beautifully. © [play football badly / well. @ get up slowly / quickly. © talk loudly / quietly. © Ising beautifully / badly / loudly / quietly. 6 Now ask your friend. How do you read? Tread quickly. How do Idoit slowly. you do your homework? 8 Look and complete. Make adverbs with the adjectives in the box. angry beautiful fast bad loud careful good quiet 1 He’s playing tennis 5 He’s planting the angrily flower . al v SILENCE, 2. He’s cooking = He’s reading a book 3. She's driving in. 7 She’s catching a x They're laughing She’s singing Neeru e) " 8 Put the verbs in the past and complete the crossword. Across —> Down | ~ 2 catch 1 sail i © | EF z 5 ride 3 throw ; [t 7 bounce 4% hop 7 | u ee | LE | 9 skip 6 dance P [4 cans 8 fish 5 i] 12 fly lin) he — 13 learn oO Write the verbs in the past. Yesterday Tom (not have)? didn’t have a great day. He (get up) 2 late | and (get dressed) * slowly. He (can’t) * catch the first bus. He had to catch the second one. At school, his first class was sport, and he (learn) * to play basketball. They (bounce) § and | (throw) ” the ball very hard, and one ball hit him on the nose. He (be not) ® happy. His nose hurt all morning. In the break, he (play) ° football with some friends, but one of them didn’t kick the ball, he (kick) Tom. Ouch! Tomdecidedto stop playing football. He (hop) * and (skip) with some other friends. After school, Tom’s dad (drive) ** him home. Tom (have) ae) dinner and then (go) ** to bed. Yesterday wasn’t Tom’s best day! 48 | Past simple verbs $ eee ice) B82 Match and write five sentences. Then listen and check. Tigers can snakes can moves the better than tigers. Monkeys a run climb fastest. The run as faster monkeys or tigers. Tigers bat quickly as we can. Elephants don’t can see better atnight than than monkeys. Tigers can run... Orwne oD Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. Jack’s day at the zoo Last Saturday Jack went to the zoo with his family. At lunch, they told each other about their favourite animals. ‘Lliked the monkey best. It can climb more quickly than the other animals,’ Jack’s sister said. ‘Yes, it’s great, but my favourite is the kangaroo. It jumps the highest,’ Jack’s dad said. Jack said, ‘My favourite’s the lion. It’s always tired and sleeps all day.’ Then, his mum said, ‘Yes, I know a boy who sleeps a lot, too. His name’s Jack.’ They all laughed. Jack went to the zoo At lunch they talked about Jack’s sister’s favourite animal was She liked it because it climbs than the others. Jack's dad likes Jack likes the lion because it is always all day. Nour wne Jack lot, too. Ce Read the definitions and write the words. Toften have bright colours but my job is to make seeds. flower I carry water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. I catch sunlight to make food. I taste delicious but my job is to protect the seeds. I take water and minerals from the soil. One day, a new plant will grow from me. Match the words in Activity 1 with the pictures. ‘ez Oe-uesen+ QW Complete the mind maps with the information. Where does What does it Where does What does it it grow? look like? it grow? look like? —In the USA crane What food How does it What food How does it does it need? catch its food? does it need? catch its food? 8 Complete the mind map about a carnivorous plant or another type of plant in your country. Draw a picture of the plant. Where does What does it it grow? look like? What food How does it does it need? catch its food? G Use your notes in Activity 5 to write about your plant. The plant grows in -It’s got . It needs to make food. It catches/makes its food by ss Learn about carnivorous plantsin India and around the world 51 Read the story again. Write the people or things. Ayodhya: avery old city Sita: Rama: Hanuman: Number the events from the story in the correct order 1-5. Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya. Sita and Rama go to the forest. Hanuman finds Sita. 1 Rama leaves the palace. Sita sees a golden deer. Complete the speech bubbles with ideas from the story. Rama, please ... 52 | Texttype: An Indian myth 8 Listen. Then tell the story. on THE MOUSE Rama and his friends are... The mouse can’t... Rama gives the mouse ... Together, the friends ... Skills practice 53 @ Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. Anew pet for Jane Last Wednesday, Jane and her aunt Daisy went walking near the jungle. They wanted to find some fruit to eat. There were lots of plants in the field. Some were very tall, some were small and some grew on rocks. ‘Come on, Jane!’ said Daisy. ‘You're walking very slowly!” ‘Tm tired and hot. I want to swim!’ said Jane. On Wednesday, Jane and Daisy went near the jungle Some of the plants were __ tall ___ and some were small. 1. Jane wasn’t very fast. 2 Jane wanted because she was tired and hot. She saw a beautiful waterfall near the field. ‘Can I swim in the water, please?’ she asked. ‘No!’ said Daisy. ‘It isn’t safe.’ So Jane helped her aunt and looked carefully for the fruit. ‘Here is some fruit!’ she shouted. ‘Oh yes!’ said Aunt Daisy. ‘And there’s a monkey here too!” They laughed loudly and put some of the fruit in Daisy’s bag. There was a field. Jane looked carefully and found 5 Jane and Daisy at the monkey. Near their village they stopped at the lake. Daisy said they could swim here. So Jane skipped quickly into the water. After ten minutes, she wanted a drink but when she looked in Daisy’s bag, she saw the monkey. It was asleep. 6 There wasa near the village. The monkey was sleeping in the fing and Writing Part 5 Read the instructions. Play the game. On squares, say the word. On squares, say the past of the verb and spell it. i } On FETE sevctes, say the adverb from this adjective. On squares, answer the question on the card. | Goup the ladder. Go down the rope. “5’)) Behind the scenes e Iwantto 1 1 1 1 1 1 | © Todo this, I will j j e Iwill say and write | Ican understand descriptions of . can talk about ) How was it? Draw a face. what things are made of. C) Ican share ideas and make suggestions. O Ican tell stories with the help of pictures. Ron Lett Sx-Tie Ree (e Rone Icompleted oT ae Level & pad E Unit 5. fi =) My favourite stage: Neeici ee S) 13] Listen and tick / the box. 1 Which hat and 0 Helen buy? Which bird is Emma's favourite? 2 Which box is o. 'S "oO. in? Which “Oo does O want? 3 Which trousers does George wantto 6 Which trousers does Oliver put wear for work tomorrow? on today? “hh * “A ‘4d ‘hl ‘hh BOTT Co Ta Ts RS CC) Bo: Listen and say. Match. 6 Read and correct. The show is called Itaca. The show is called Icaria. Icaria is a mountain in Greece. 5 1 2 3 Thetree’s made of paper. Lily’s wings are very strong. 5 They painted the helmet silver. 6 The wings for the show are made of old jeans. 7 They have to paint the T-shirts. 4 Read and complete. wings carefully costumes First rubber made Su Lin’s Diary Grandpa and Grandma are working on our new show, Icaria. 4, This morning Rose took Jenny and Jim to see the things which i they're making. * 1 First, they looked at the trees which are made of * 2 . Then they looked at some paper ® Yo which Jenny wanted to wear. She had to put them on * al * After that, they looked at some helmets which we painted gold last week. Then Rose showed them Lily's new wings. They were really surprised when they heard that they’re © of old T-shirts. Rose told * them that we always recycle things to make the © 8 Review the story. Read, and complete. I think the story is great / good / OK / not very good. My favourite character is Pay ‘Story: be made of in context Re aed 8 Read and complete the table. Last year’s birthdays 1 Last year Emma, David, Katy and 6 The boy who was six got some Oliver all got different presents for boots. They're made of rubber. their birthdays. 7 The present which had black and 2. Oliver was thirty-eight and he got white spotted paper was the watch. a watch for his birthday. 8 The present which is made of silver 3 Emma was twenty-nine last year. had black and gold striped paper. 4 The girl who was eight got a diary. 9 The boy who was six got his present It was in striped paper. in dark blue paper. 5 The woman who was twenty-nine 10 Thediary is made of paper. got a bowl. It’s made of silver. 11 The watch is made of gold. Age striped Find and the mistake. Write the correct sentence. The clocks are (maké) of gold. The clocks are made of gold. The trees is made of rubber. The box is made for silver. My shoes be made of rubber. This book are made of paper. ourwNne Her watch is make of silver. Meret icite) 8 Write the words. Then match them to the pictures. ©, 0 © o ° tlmea 1 preap _paper 6 De 2 bruber 7 cliastp alM 3 ogld 8 vilers AD. 4% rda 9 dwoo Isls 5 slasg 10 oowl MIE| B Find andGirclé) the words in pe Aci 'y 1in the wordsearch. BiB 8 Answer the questions for you. FjO}S|R| FE What's your notebook made of? It’s made of paper. What's your bag made of? What's your pencil case made of? What are your shoes made of? What are your trousers made of? What's your ruler made of? 2006000 What's your English book made of? Perr aes Read and match. 1 Where shall we go after a_ No, not here. Let’s have a school? sandwich at home. 2 Shall we watch TV? b That’s a good idea. We can take the dog for a walk! 3 Can you buy mea costume for the costume party? Yes. Could we buy some pizzas, please? 4 Could we have a burger? d__ No, there’s nothing good on TV 5 Are you hungry? on Fridays. 6 Shall we go for a swim? e Let’s go to the cinema. 7 Let’s go to the park. f No, John. Let’s design one. g Nottoday. I didn’t bring a towel. ob Look and read. Write a letter. 1 Aunt Julia: Emma, what shall we do this afternoon? D. Well, it’s a beautiful day, Shall we go to the park? 3. Aunt Julia: I’m not sure. It isn’t windy today. A Wecould go to the cinema. B Come on, then. Let’s go! Cc D Emma: Let’s go swimming. Tdon’t know. What would-you- % Aunt Julia: I’ve got an idea. Shall we cycle to the park? A 2 Emma: E Oh, dear. We can’t fly the kite 5 Aunt Julia: Don’t worry. We could play a ifitisn’t windy. F Yes. Could we play badminton? I love badminton. G Hmm, that’s a nice idea. Could I take my kite? H No, we can’t. My bike doesn’t work. sport. Emma: 6 Aunt Julia: Oh, yes. [love it, too. Emma: Career ang Look, read and complete. Use the words in the box. The wall is The mirror is °e The gold is rough. The plastic bottle is The paper is The chair is 8 Look at the new mobile phone. Draw and label your own invention. When we design something new, we look at the properties of the materials to choose the best ones for the job they have to do. This phone is made of rubber. It’s light, waterproof and it doesn’t break if we drop it. This is made of It 6 Label the theatre masks. Then draw your own. What emotion 1 does it show? comedy mask tragedy mask 2 3 Emotion: Read, look and number the pictures. 1 4 6 7 AGreek crown Cut a thin strip of paper, about 8 cm wide, and long enough to fit around your head. Paint this strip of paper gold. 4 ' Cut 12 pieces of paper in the shape of long leaves. Colour these 12 pieces of paper green. 2 1 Glue the bottom of the leaves along the long strip of paper. Glue the two ends of the long strip of paper together. Put the crown on your head! i Follow the instructions in Activity 4 and make your own crown. ce Learnabout Greek masks | 63 Answer the questions about The Myth of Icarus. 1 Whowas the King of Crete? Minos was the King of Crete. - 2 What did Daedalus make for the King? 3 Where did the King put Icarus and Daedalus? - 4 What did Daedalus make with feathers? 4 5 What happened to Icarus? q 8 Order the pictures 1-5. Write a summary of the story. King Minos asks Daedalus to build a labyrinth for the Minotaur. 3 8 Answer the questions. 1 Icarus didn’t listen to his father. Do you know someone who didn’t listen to advice? What happened? 2 Icarus and his father always wanted to fly. What do you want to do? How can you do this? © Ob Read Icarus’s diary and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Example | Today! writing quietly in my diary in King Minos’s 1 tower. The tower is tall cold. The King put us here after Dad made the labyrinth. The King is a horrible man. I don’t him. But my dad is cleverer the King. Dad has got a plan. He is making some from bird feathers. We can fly out of the window and escape from the tower! I want go today, but Dad says tomorrow is the best day. Skills practice 17 The School Theatre 66 | Speaking Part 3 Conca 6 Read the instructions. Play the game. INSTRUCTIONS Choose four Collect your four words. Tick “ them in your notebook. pictures. Write pictures Write | on fareen J squares, say the word, notebook. You fa ‘ pone realieert hace’ On fa) squares, answer the question on the card. Roll the dice and On squares, say and spell the past simple of the verb. pote) Ea 6 ))) Classroom stars e Iwant to © To do this, I will e Iwill say and write new words. Ican complete atimetable with school ee Ican give advice ‘on how to become good at a subject. a Ican name some objects which we use in the classroom. ) wane nnn anne How was it? Draw a face. @ Tcan listen to descriptions and find people ina picture. Ch ceerrceer word stack I completed Level 4 PC es © Read and complete the timetable. 1 There are two boys and two girls. The 6 The boy who has two maths classes, boys are called Oliver and Frank. has IT and geography between the 2 Frank has two sports classes after lunch. break and lunch. His first class is Ateleven he has art and then English. music. 3 The other boy has two maths classes. 7 Thegirl who has history at three has He has one before the break and one maths and English before lunch. She at two. He has sports after that. has music after lunch. 4 Emma doesn’t have any maths 8 The girl who has art in the morning classes. In the morning, she has two has history and then English in the art classes and then she has science. afternoon. After science, she has geography. 9 The boy who has sport in the 5 Betty has science at half past nine. afternoon starts the day with She has IT before science. maths then history. Name: [Betty | Oliver | ‘| |8.30-9.30 | _ 9.30-10.30 Break 11.00-12.00 | /12.00-1.00 Lunch 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 [history | geography Sounds and spelling Bs Listen, repeat and point. the ‘f? sound in each word. finger alphabet farm geography 8 Complete the words with f or ph. oto orest Read and answer. 1 Which country are they in? They're in Turkey. Why do the children need to go out? Who do they ask to go with them? What does Mr Friendly have to do? What's the market made of now? au rwn What water sports can you do at the sea? 7 Why did Mr and Mrs Friendly finish quickly? ® Put the story in order. Write the numbers. Qhinishea their ride on the sea they found Mr and Mrs Friendly. It Project was on water sports. They went 8 to go out. They asked 0, famous market called their parents, ‘Can Ivan the Grand Bazaar, i 8 they had to work. heir break. They go because t O vreete io Fmctecaenuen Orme children had to do a Dsrouta stay for lunch, Project so they decided 1 °e Jenny wanted to go to O.ome with us?’ Mrand the sea because her Mrs Friendly couldn't @ fora ride on the sea. When they @ Review the story. Read, and complete. I think the story is great / good / OK /not very good. My favourite character is er aces 8 should or shouldn’t for the class rules. In class you should / Ghouldn’t eat food. In class you should / shouldn’t listen to your teacher. In class you should / shouldn’t put your hand up to ask a question. In class you should / shouldn’t always study hard. In class you should / shouldn’t help your friends. In class you should / shouldn’t copy in exams. You should / shouldn’t always bring your books and pencils to class. ONYOUEWDKH You should / shouldn’t speak when your teacher is speaking. 8 Write three more class rules. 3] Put the words in order. Write the sentences. You should drink a lot of water to help you study. go to bed late )( You shouldn't )( the night before got a problem?)(Should you 4 always help You should and study at) (You shouldn't should/shouldn’t Soe 0Ct a Ss sctnesencasl ae ctionary 6 a x re “ 7 ebsite ow cksack iso @® pp @ i eography @Me nternet @ ian ence =@® mu book @ u guage ® zi nglish @ » ue @ ez ptop 86 Read and complete. | website should bin scissors glue dictionary app | Saeed eases sine Sai yo enna I don’t understand T’ve got an exam tomorrow. )/{ I’ve got to do a science this word. project. Which . should I look at on the Internet? rn You? study this afternoon. What should I do with this paper? It’sanew* bY for making videos. You should try it. You should have i ,card and? , Language practice 2 I'm good at singing, but I’m not good at dancing. Fy 2 3 4 8 Now ask your friend. What are you good at! 6 Read the email and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Hello! Dear Richard, Hi! How are you? I'm writing to tell you about my day. This morning didn’t start very well. [had a French test at nine o'clock and I’m not very good at French. I wanted to use my! dictionary __ to look for some words but my teacher? Icouldn’t. I didn’t 3 the test very well. After the break we had sport, and I liked that class because I'm good * sport. This afternoon we had IT and science, which Tike too. Now, I think I should history because I’ve got another test tomorrow. Write back and s me about your day. Bye, Katy be good at + noun/gerund LCs Complete the sentences. Then match to the pictures. {countries roads physical street natural political | 1 A__ street _ map shows the different in an area. 2A map shows borders between 2 A. map shows features in an area, such as rivers, mountains and lakes. a Secale y a £ Zewree Zi, 8 Name the features you can see on the map. river or wne —s fem= Zmiles 6 Look at a physical map of your country. Find and write... The biggest lake: The longest river: The highest mountain: FwUnNe The biggest city: 74 | Learn about maps and symbols © Match the information about Cappadocia. 1 1,000 metres a Height above the sea 2 The mountains b The weather in Cappadocia 3 3,916 metres ¢ The height of the highest mountain 4% Sometimes hot, sometimes cold d_ Made from volcanic rock 86 Read the information. Use the Internet and answer the questions. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world (8,848 metres above the sea). It is part of an important mountain range. What is the name of the mountain range? The Nile is the longest river in the world. It is in Africa and it goes through ten countries. Name two countries the Nile goes through. The Sahara Desert is the biggest hot desert in the world. It is almost the same size as the USA! Which continent is it in: Asia or Africa? The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest tropical rainforest in the world. More than half of the forest is in Brazil. Name two other countries which have part of the Amazon. 6 Let’s learn more about famous natural landforms. Use the Internet to help you complete the fact file. | Name Landform Country Interesting facts |atacama | desert. | Chile | Less than 0.1 mm rain a year | Ladoga tT | : Kilimanjaro : The Mississippi Match the words that rhyme. mouse mind land bad kind house sad sand eo Complete with the rhyming words from Activity 1 to make a poem. The mouse was sad He felt very He knew that the Was the camel’s But the camel was He said he didn’t And he gave the Aride back to his 8 Write your own poem about a story from your country. Write four key words Think of words that rhyme Write eight lines of the poem 76 | Texttype: Anarration and poem 78 | Listening Part 1 Read the instructions. Play the game. another You worked hard. Have turn. You finished ie Studied your 'efore your homework, Go exam. Go forward forward 3 squares, 2squares, Roll the dice On } and move. n | squares, say the word. On fa squares, answer the question on the card. On squares, say the past of the verb and spell it. Review «ee Units 4-6 @ Complete the mind map using the words below or your own words. (laptop science experiments art draw study verywell badly | T love my B® Read the postcard and complete the sentences with 1 or 2 words. I type very well Hi Fred! How are you? Last weekend was great! We went camping in the countryside. On Saturday we flew our kites a lot and | climbed more trees than my brother Robert! In the afternoon, Robert rode his bike and | skated with my friend Helen! Robert was faster than me, but | skate more quickly than Helen! On Sunday our aunt drove us to the seaside. She drives well - much better than Uncle George, who drives fast. Then we all sailed a boat — it was very difficult! We did it badly. We fished in the sea. | was the best! It was the most exciting weekend! Tell me about your weekend! Love, Daisy 1 Daisy had agreat 5 Daisy's aunt weekend. better than Uncle George. 2 Daisy more 6 Uncle George drives trees than her brother Robert. 3. Robert rode 7 Daisy the faster than Daisy, best at fishing. 4 Helen was 8 Itwas the than Daisy. weekend! 80 | Consolidation of units 4~6 86 Read Daisy’s postcard again. Complete the table. What did she do? How did she do it? Climbed trees "| Well, better than her brother Choose a holiday. Plan a postcard. Complete the table with what you did and how you did it. a ae sailed fished skated rode bikes quietly fast slowly flew kites walked danced {_ loudly carefully badly well 6 Now write your postcard. Consolidation of units4-6 | 81 e Iwantto © Todo this, I will © Iwill say and write new words. 9 can name ; some jobs and describe aa Ican say what happens in different situations. personality and appearance. C) Ican understand definitions of eee people and Go to page . = things. CIT Rell) Icompleted Oe Level 4 Unit 7. Necks © Complete the crossword with the jobs. a Ele lk Ie|+ N 8 al eas we [2)2)] Read and choose the correct words from the box. (singer photographer cook journalist waiter driver designer artist actor This person uses a lorry, taxi or bus. driver This is a person who makes food in a restaurant. This person serves food ina restaurant. This person is in a band and does concerts. This is a person who works in films or at the theatre. aurwne This is a person who usually writes for a newspaper. Sounds and spelling Bs Listen and repeat. Listen and point. actor driver doctor singer waiter 2 Listen and say the rhyme. Actor, farmer, pop star, nurse. Designer, singer, cook. Waiter, film star, doctor, dad. All hiding in this book! & the correct words. z 2 3 4 5 6 Diversicus is in Italy / Spain). If it’s hot they can have a picnic / boat ride. Their Spanish dance lesson is at 11 o’clock / half past 11. It helps you to sleep / dance better if you look in the mirror. Ivan / Miguel wants to go with them. They can / can’t get their tickets online. Complete the text. | suany remember us gave left bought after surprise Jenny’s Diary This morning it was a beautiful, sunny day. After breakfast Dad 2 us our picnic and Miguel and Lily took us to the city centre for our Spanish dance class. We went by horse a and cart. It was a * when Ivan arrived and came with ‘ After the lesson we went to a big park for our picnic. When we were there, we Q some tickets online for a boat ride on the river © lunch. The boat took us to an island with a funfair and we stayed there for four hours. It was a fantastic afternoon. Before we ? , we got a lovely photo to ® our perfect day. a g Review the story. Read, and complete. I think the story is great / good / OK / not very good. My favourite character is Perret @ Read and match. 1 We should be quiet a wecansail. 2 Sally wants to be a taxi driver b they don’t grow. 3 You pass your exams c they eat a big lunch. 4 If we go to the beach dif youwork hard. 5 If we buy our tickets on the Internet e when she grows up. 6 When the children are hungry f when the teacher is speaking. 7 If plants don’t get water, g we don’t have to wait to buy them when we arrive. e Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 Whenit snows, ne nnen 2 If I get. lot of homework, 3 feel very happy when 4 Igo to bed early if 6 Complete the text for you. What do you want to do when you grow up and why? I want to be a grow up. like Tenjoy I'm good at but I'm not very good at IfI can't be a bea Der Clad @ Complete the sentences with an adjective. 1 2 3 10 Sarah got 100% in her maths exam. She’s very c lever Frank never says ‘hello’ when he meets people. He’s very u Betty loves sleeping and she doesn’t help her parents in the home. She’s | Harry’s got a lot of friends. Everybody wants to be with him. He’s p. When the dog saw the little boy in the cold, fast river, he jumped in to help him. He was very b Richard runs behind small animals to catch their tails. He isn’t nice to them. He’s u I took a photo of the moon shining on a lake with a waterfall. It’s | Oliver helps his grandma. He goes to the supermarket and helps her with her shopping. He’s a k boy. Emma and Katy always say ‘hello’ to the people who they meet. They're f Our history teacher’s brilliant. We’re never bored because his lessons are always i Put the words into the right groups. brave lazy brilliant terrible friendly funny kind unkind boring lovely popular exciting unfriendly naughty interesting dangerous scary ugly silly clever | brave | eer ® Bs Listen and draw lines. sn ep am OB Draw and write about a person in your family. Answer these questions. This is a picture of my What does he/she look like? What is she/he like? Took like, belike | 8 areas Draw the ancient things on the archaeological map. A B iG D E F || 4 | | DB 2 | Gold coin | A | Pot |) 8 |= | 6 " | Arrow head | Fl . | | Helmet a. 2 5 4 5 Match the item in Activity 1 with the information it can give us. This can tell us how people made and kept food. pot This can tell us what people used to hunt animals. This can tell us how people used money in the past. This can tell us what jewellery people had. This can tell us how people protected themselves when fighting others. Draw or stick a picture of something from the past. What information can it give us? 88 | Learn about archaeology @ Complete the sentences about Paula White’s article. Her dad is an archaeologist Last year he visited some in northern Spain. Paula’s dad said people told stories using One picture shows a ,a type of animal. People used sticks, leaves and animal to make paintbrushes. They sometimes used fruit, plants or for paint. 1 2 3 4% The cave paintings show people hunting 5 6 7 8 When Paula grows up, she wants to be an 8 Read. Then match the pictures to the jobs. We know about the past because people study history. They are time detectives. Let's learn more about some of these jobs. 1 Palaeontologists Palaeontologists study fossils and learn about the time of the dinosaurs. ~ Archaeologists Archaeologists often have to dig in the ground to look for things to learn about life in the past. o Historians Historians are people who study and write about the past. They often teach and give talks to share their information with other people. Ge Write about a famous historian, archaeologist or palaeontologist in your country. (name) is a famous (job) in (country). He/she was born in (place). He/she (what did he/she do?). Tec Number the pictures from the story in the correct order. 6 In groups, talk about your favourite part of the story. 8 In groups invent an adventure about Don Quixote and Sancho. Write your story. Act out your story for the class. 90 | Text type: An adventure play script \2] Listen and tick / the box. 1 Which job did Sancho want when he was a boy? % Which subject does the boy find most difficult? 6 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. @-computer firefighters scissors dancers If you are a journalist, you do a lot of your work on this. This comes from sheep and people make clothes with it. These people are famous and popular and you can see them on big screens at the cinema. When you are a driver in a busy city, there is often a lot of this. These people are usually very brave and go inside buildings which are burning. We use these to cut card. These people are not lazy and they sometimes practise with music for many hours every day. This is a job for people who like working outside in a field. In the classroom, everyone puts their rubbish here. A police officer has to wear one at work. Knives and forks are usually made of this. a_computer traffic lorries actors Review 6 Read the instructions. Play the game. INSTRUCTIONS Roll the dice and move. squares, say the word, On squares, answer the question on the card. On FEE ssucres, say the past of the verb and spell it. squares, look at the verb. What's the job? ag Go up the ladder. “J. Go down the rope. ©) © Iwantto © Todo this, I will © Iwill say and write ---~-----------5-- new words. Ican give and understand directions. CO Ican talk about plans forthe future. Ican name different places ina town or acity. Icanwritea | story with the help of pictures, Search ile Icompleted = Level 4 a7 Neceicn es Follow the directions. Answer the questions. Green Mountains 1 Start at the car park. Go north four squares. What can you see on your right? Ican see... 2 Now go east three squares. What’s to the north? (two things) What’s to the south? 3 Now go south into the forest. When you come out of the forest what can you see in front of you? 4% —What’s on the other side of the river? 5 If you go east four squares where are you? 6 What is four squares north of the village? & Listen and repeat. mother north father south 863 Listen and repeat. Circle)the words with th in them. Norfth, south, east, west, Whatever the weather, rain or sun, This way, that way, there is no rest. We are going to have some fun! Directions | 95 Read and correct. \ i i They want to go to London. They want to go to New York City, 5 Rose thinks that Jim needs an umbrella. Jim doesn’t want to carry his umbrella. 4 They visit one of the most famous cafés in New York City. 4 If they look south, they can see Central Park. If it isn’t wet, they can have their picnic on the lake. 4 See Ee Jim gives Rose his rain jacket. 4 8 Read and complete. ( rucksack wet north gave umbrella saw skyscraper views Jim’s Diary Yesterday Rose took us to New York City by water taxi. | decided to take my umbrella with me, so | picked it up and put it in my 1 rucksack. Rose smiled and pointed at the blue sky. She thought I didn’t need an 2 We? the Statue of Liberty from the water taxi, but we didn’t stop. Jenny took some photos. Then we went to the top of a* . The 4 ° were fantastic. We could see aay Central Park to the ¢ We wanted to have lunch on the grass in the Park, but the sky went dark and it started to rain. |” Rose my umbrella but it was too late. Rose was very 8 © Review the story. Read, and complete. I think the story is great / good / OK / not very good. My favourite character is enter acta Read and colour. pink | blue oe + green yellow = L He’s going to She’s going to | | He’s going to read, | play on her tablet. have lunch, | r = It isn’t going He isn’t going to She's going to torain. | catch the bus. have breakfast. | | | Ie l Correct the mistakes. Write the sentences. They’s going to have noodles for lunch. They're going to have noodles for lunch We're go to play football in the park. He’s good at science. He’s going be a doctor when he grows up. It’s hot today. It not going to snow. What are you go to be when you grow up? I'm going be a journalist. I love writing. rence? 10 What’s the secret word? ob Spot the differences. Write sentences. 1 Inpicture a the man who's going into the post office is carrying an umbrella, but in picture b he’s carrying a postcard. Places in town er a crated 3 Listen and follow the directions. Answer the questions. What’s the name of the restaurant? Tony’s Restaurant Opposite the restaurant what can you see? On your right what can you see? What’s opposite you? What's on your right? Read. Answer the questions. Start at number four. Go along Grey Street until you get to North Park. Go through the park to First Street. Cross over it. Where are you? You are at number 5. Turn left and walk until you get to Brown Street. Turn left again until you are behind the university. What’s the name of the bank opposite you? Start at number 2 and write directions to get to the post office. Prepositions of movement | 99 | Do the sentences refer to villages or towns and cities? Write the number in the correct square. villages towns and cities 1 These places are large and a lot of There are schools, hospitals and people live there. other services. There are a lot of shops. The air is usually fresh and clean. These places are small and not Pollution can be a problem here many people live there. because of traffic. Write about where you would like to live: a city or a village. Use the photos to help you. go swimming eat at a restaurant Lwould like to live in a... because. 100| Learn about cities, towns and villages ES 8 Read about a village in the USA. Then read the fact file about New York City again. Write down five differences. Leiper’s Fork in Tennessee, USA, is a small, quiet village. It’s in the south-east of the USA, and it’s far from the sea. It has a population of about 650 and it’s around 4.5 square kilometres. The Harpeth River runs through town. There aren’t many buildings here - there’s a library, a sports centre, a few restaurants and just one school! Leiper’s Fork New York City 650 people Think of a small village and a big city in your country. Write five differences. G | Village: City: 8 Write a short paragraph about the village and city you chose in Activity 4. Think about location, size, population, characteristics and places of interest. Learn about New York Ci 101 Read the sentences about the poem ‘The road to Hope’. Write yes or no. 1 There are five people in the family. yes 2 The family go by train. 3 Jay and Kay know how to get to Hope. 4% Yvonne knows how to get to Hope. 5 Itis cold and rainy when they get to Hope. The family are lost. Complete their conversation with your own ideas. Dad: Where are we? Mum: Idon’t know. Kay and Jay: We’re lost! Yvonne: We're here! 6 You and your family arrived in the city this morning, but now you’re lost. You can’t find your hotel and you don’t have a phone or map. What should you do? a Ask someone for directions b Buyamap ¢ Walk around until you find it 2 Read and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters. Jay: — How often do you catch the train to work? Mum: D Where do you catch the train? >D MD Md Jay: — What do you think of travelling by train? Jay: Do you ever drive to work? Do you enjoy driving? Jay: — What time do you usually get to the office? +0 D0 M0 RD Mum: ” A Yes, I take the car to work once or D Three-orfourdays.a.week-It'san- twice a week. easy-way-to-travel. B Usually at 8.30, but sometimes I get It gets there at 8.00. there later than that! From the station near the park. C like it because there are great views Yes, your dad takes the train. from the window. No, because the roads are very busy. E F G H Skills practice | 10: i & 8 Look at the pictures. Listen and say how your picture is different. Examiner’s picture Read the instructions. Play the game. Choose four Collect your four words. Tick / them in your notebook. pictures. Write i ine words Tniou On green | squares, say the word. notebook. You must collect these. » Roll the dice and / move. squares, answer the question on the card. squares, say and spell the past simple of the verb. gam | ("9 t’s trav a e Iwantto e Todo this, I will e Iwill say and write new words. Tcan use descriptive My On) diary oe Ican explain the order of events. saan n nnn How was it? Draw a face. © Tcan talk about things to. take on holiday.) } Icanwritea story with the help of Gcrnon tI Ree erence Icompleted Level & OO AOTC eg 1) Complete the table. small big quiet huge dark blond loud brilliant ugly dark sad beautiful difficult small big | enormous [, “little | ‘terrible | horrible Oo | excellent | fantastic |; horrible | i [noisy — | ett an | light bright ; 5 Thad easy | “happy ‘pleased | | a fair ne Sounds and spelling Os Listen and repeat. Which is the odd one out? strange huge dangerous hug 6s Look and write. Then listen and check. dangerous gold village strange glass garden iil [uge | dangerous Adjectives | 107 Read and answer. Where did the children go in the morning? They went... Who made the noodles which Su-Lin ate on her favourite day? Who did Ivan carry quickly through the jungle? Which was the most exciting day for Jenny? What did they do after they sailed across the river in Spain? Why did Jim give Rose his umbrella? oe a When are they going to go on tour again? - 8 Read and complete. | called when through tour funniest brilliant enjoyed frightened | Pablo’s Diary 7 7 jorning Dad took us to a very old Mexican city called Teotihuacan. We saw the Pyramids. They were ! After we arrived back at the circus we talked to se because it’s the end of the? es _. We started thinking out the things we did during the tour and then we chose which ones we the most. For Su-Lin the best time was we ate her aunt’s noodles. My favourite day was when went to the jungle. Ivan was © and ran fast é the trees. Jenny liked the funfair in Spain the best and n thought that his ® day was when it rained in New and he gave Rose his umbrella. We had good times and next year we're g to go on tour again and have some more. 8 Review the story. Read, and complete. I think the story is great / good / OK /not very good. My favourite character is z RO cts ce Read and match. 1 2 3 4 5 6 He put on his shoes a_ after she had a shower. When he got his new camera b after they ate the cereal. She dried her hair c after he put on his socks. They watered the flowers dhe started taking fantastic photos. They washed the bowls e before they cooked their noodles. They washed their hands f after they planted them. }>} Read and complete. a eee younger wore striped excited flew after | Yesterday, Emma’s mum took her and her * younger __ brother George to see Diversicus, the brilliant circus with acrobats, music and dancers. The children were very * because the acrobats jumped and 3 very high. It looked dangerous and beautiful. The music was lovely. In the middle of the show there was a short break and the children went outside to eat an ice cream. ‘ . the break, they saw the strongman who carried two men on his shoulders. He wore purple and green > trousers and a dark blue spotted shirt. George thought that the circus master was friendly and funny, She had bright purple hair and * a purple and gold jacket. After the show George said, ‘I want to be a strongman when I grow up.’ His mum laughed and said, ‘Excellent! You can carry your own rucksack, then!” 8 Choose the best name for this story. A fantastic show A day in the city Ice cream in the park before, after, when clauses 109 Pere Py A 1] Match. Write the words. ho tel nglasses ho liday autiful | . r. itcase t Ouy rty 3 sand ramid sand ach Y pa ck pa estaurant © Complete the crossword. [a[r]d ic 8 LO| Onholiday be be py. Pu. su su castle | jamas | wich | ucksack tdou | ent tel SS © 8 Complete. Then ask a friend. « Do you think funfairs are frightening, exciting or boring? ) (think they are exciting! ) exciting? {] boring? (_] boring? [ ) exciting? [_) bored? [| tired? O excited? {| pleased? [_] worried? [_) worrying? exciting? [] interesting? {_ } interesting? [ ] exciting? [ } boring? [ } frightened? [} worried? [ ] pleased? [_} 8 Which questions in Activity 1 did you and your friend give the same answers for? Write the numbers. 8 Complete the sentences. | tired surprising pleased frightening surprised frightened worried 1 Hewas very pleased _ when his dad gave him a puppy. He loves dogs. 2 Thelittle boy cried when he saw the huge dog. He was very 3 They studied all weekend. They were very on Sunday afternoon. 4 Iwas really afraid. The film was very 5 She got a nine out of ten in her exam. This was because she didn’t study much. 6 When they turned on the lights and shouted ‘Happy Birthday’ she was very 7 Hewas about his school test because he needed to study more. -edj-ingadjectivesendings | 111 cat Tg Find and write six things that we should always take on a hiking trip. rkcjo|m|pjals|sy compass lwlalulw K}O/L 4 Fleic|M plali lolo TlY T/I/R [wle o/o0 u;e}T c}|BiR|F D|FIR L}alc|s|u/FIN|K Bly|H|ujole;s|T]| 8 Draw five more things to take with you. Say why. C T’m going to take sun cream because it’s going to be hot and sunny. ) 2 Learn about what to take on a hiking trip 6 Answer the questions about Jasmin’s trip to Tepozteco Mountain. z 2 3 4 What happened to the compass? Why couldn’t they use it? What couldn’t they use to help find their way? Why not? Who found the solution? What did they use to find their way? Read Juan’s diary. What things did he use to find his way? Last week | went hiking with my older cousins. We went to our usual place — the Chipinque Ecological Park in Monterrey — but this time we decided to walk a different way. We walked up and up the mountain for hours. Suddenly we stopped and looked | around — where were we? We couldnt see the city. We didnt \ know which way was north, east, south or west. \ ‘Has anyone got a compass?’ | asked. But no one had one. We thought wee knew the way! Luckily, | remembered a science lesson | had last week. Our teacher taught us how to make a compass. All |needed was ametal needle, a small bow! of water, a leaf and some hair. My cousin took the needle out of his first aid kit and gave me his bowl .| put some water from my bottle into the bowl and | took a small leaf from a tree. This is how | did it: 1 [took the needle and rubbed it SO times on my hair. This made it into a magnet, so that it pointed north. 2 | put the needle on top of the leaf. F 3 I carefully put the leaf with the needle in the bowl of water. fo 4 | waited for the needle to point north. | And that is how we found our way home! Read the diary again. Put the pictures in order. Ss ae ae Learn about ® Work with a partner. Tick / the eight words in the list that you think are most important to the story. Iztaccihuatl tribe soon Popocatepetl ground winner arms fight love attacked died volcanoes 8 Working together, use the eight words you ticked to write a short summary of the story. 6 Imagine the story is a film! Make a film poster. How could the story end differently? Write your own ending for the story. narration and legend o2B Listen. Then tell the story. Climbing up the Volcano Skils practice | 1: 1 Ky Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more words. ee oe” a 16| Reading and Writing Part 7 a) Read the instructions. Play the game. Rika er aE Doe OUTS Ra Mone nent) Petre’ Coe act Dees tte anumbrella Ce a Ed INSTRUCTIONS Roll the dice and move. On squares, answer the question on the card. on] MJ squares, complete the sentence. \ Review °«e @ Units 7-9 NOuUrwne Draw or find a map of part of your city and write the names of six buildings on it. Work with a partner. Think of a place on the map and give instructions to your friend. Do they arrive safely? Turn left and it is across the road. Read about Sarah’s mum and answer the questions. Good morning everyone. Today I'm interviewing someone very special to f OR ae en a ee Ce ll t Te ee eee eo ea el saa ; a ne ee i Good morning Betty. You must be very What do you like doing in What's your job? brave because you your free time? ' I'm a photographer and | take photographs of Hove being with my family © take photographs of animals : dangerous animals! ‘and going to the theatre. ‘ in the wild, Hove animals and | love my ' ' Yes, can see. What are work. | think I'm very lucky. you doing in the picture? am one very careful f and, to be safe, | don’t go I'm taking a photograph of a lion. | was in Aftica. near the iG core ike? Why did you decide to be: Who do you look like? Hook like my father. a photographer? , Well) | Wanted to be like. What does he look like? I'm going to see my my mother, who was He's tall, with short blond Ree cot tine) also a photographer. hair and blue eyes. Ses Thank you, Mum, erm Betty! What's she like? She is. Why does Sarah think her mum’s interesting? What's her job? Why does Sarah think her mum’s brave? Does she like her job? What does her father look like? What is Betty going to do tomorrow? 18| Consolidation of units 7-9 Choose a family member or friend to interview. Think of some questions to ask them. Then write the questions. description job hobbies likes dislikes TIP! Use these question words: when, what, why, where, who and how. Don't just ask yes/no questions. Questions Answers 1 Who are you like? 2 4 6 Now ask your family member or friend and write their answers. Consolidation of units 7-9 | 13 | © Write your favourite new words. aR RST STRIATIONS Tea ee exciting adventure filled wit Sue cee a hatagty Be Curious is the perfect start to this great adventure, Eevee ion ee een) emg Se Reena Pen aerts DTN) NW (Ra oo oa V Spark interest V Develop students’ cue eta) Pre eee a Pec rent | BE CURIOUS ever rut peek ety peers rae El Socities embedded exam Piel el Mice ic} cca ha es Wea Rea cers PUPIL'S COMPONENTS | TEACHER'S COMPONENTS MMBC IgG SN. | SANS cao eco Reecs aes, PrCrin* Sea Oya ced eae es Secs © Digital Be Curious © Test Generator eee erties Ce ae CAMBRIDGE eeu eae RGtaT Stee stig ast foray Exam Preparation Experts together Or hee se ere once cc ee cd performance guarantee expert content. The result is a unique ea eke aE Cnet aay ‘on exam day. From skills development to exam tasks, language discovery to real-world usage, we create better learning Cn

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