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1. As shown in Figure Q1a, a frictionless, massless piston, supported by two springs, A and B, is
held by a pin in a vacuum inside a rigid-walled container. The properties of the springs are:
spring constants kA = 4,757 and kB = 3,476 (in N/m), natural lengths LA0 = 0.04 and LB0 =
0.1 (in m). When the piston is pinned to the wall, the lengths of the springs are LA1 = 0.1 and
LB1 = 0.09 (in m), respectively. Both springs possess dissipative properties so that after the pin
is pulled, the piston eventually comes to rest at an equilibrium position. Find the length of
spring A in this equilibrium position (LA2) in units of m.

10 points
1. As shown in Figure Q2a, a block of mass M = 9 (in kg) rests on a massless platform, which in
turn is supported by a spring of spring constant k = 1,754 (in N/m) and natural length L0 = 0.5
(in m). A pin holds the platform in position such than the initial length of the spring is L1 = 0.9
(in m). The spring possesses dissipative properties such that at some time after the pin is
removed, the system consisting of the mass, platform and spring, reaches a state of equilibrium.
Determine the heat transfer (Q12) that is experienced by the system in this run down to
equilibrium. You may assume a value of g = 9.81 m/s2.

10 points
1. As shown in Figure Q3a, an isolated thermodynamic system consists of two solid bodies, A and
B, at initial temperatures of TA1 = 361 and TB1 = 545 (in K), respectively. The properties of
the bodies are: mass mA = 0.2 and mB = 1.1 (in kg), specific heat capacity cA =545 and cB=
717 (in J/kg/K). Calculate the final temperature of the system, T2 (in K), if the bodies are
allowed to come to equilibrium.

10 points
1. As shown in Figure Q4a, an isolated thermodynamic system consists of two solid bodies, A and
B, at initial temperatures of TA1 = 419 and TB1 = 741 (in K), respectively. The properties of
the bodies are: mass mA = 0.4 and mB = 1.1 (in kg), specific heat capacity cA = 561 andcB =
963 (in J/kg/K). Calculate the entropy generated in the system, Sgen (in J/K), if the bodies are
allowed to come to equilibrium.

10 points
1. As shown in Figure Q5a, a pure thermal system of mass m = 8 kg, specific heat capacity c =
577 J/kg/K and initial temperature T1 = 521 K, is allowed to interact thermodynamically with a
heat reservoir at temperature THR = 308 K. Calculate the maximum possible value of Strans(in
J/K), the entropy transfer interaction experienced by the pure thermal system. You may assume
that the system consisting of the pure thermal system and the heat reservoir is
thermodynamically isolated.

10 points
1. As shown in Figure Q6a, a solid metallic sphere of mass m = 0.14 kg, initial temperature T1 =
336 K and initial velocity v1 = 1 m/s is allowed to fall from an initial height of z1 = 2.2 m. The
specific heat capacity of the sphere material, c, is a linear function of temperature T, c = aT + b
(in J/kg/K), where a and b are constants of value 2.7 and 460, respectively. By the time the
sphere has descended to its final height z2 = 0 m, its final temperature is T2 = 423 K. Calculate
the size of that heat transfer interaction experienced by the sphere Q12 (in J) during its descent.
You may assume a value of g = 9.81 m/s2.

10 points

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