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Description Questions 1 to 8 all relate to the system described in Q1. For convenience, I recommend you
solve the problems SYMBOLICALLY; meaning you should only substitute numerical values
into your workings after you have developed final equations for the answers. Do not use
answers generated from one question to help you solve subsequent ones. You will be given new
values of any variables you need.

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1. As shown in Figure Q1A in the supplementary material, m = 0.005 kg of air is contained in an adiabatic piston-
cylinder apparatus that rests on a flat surface. The piston, which is massless, is attached to a spring with spring
constant k = 1,825 N/m and a free length L0 = 0.111 m. Initially the piston is held in place by a in with the air in
an unknown initial state. For this initial condition, the length of the spring is L1 = 0.08 m. The pin is removed and
the system comes to a new equilibrium state for which the spring has a new length L2 = 0.03 m and the air has a
volume of V2 = 0.004 m3. The piston has an area A = 0.009 m2. The atmosphere acting on the piston has a pressure
of Patm = 105 Pa. The air can be modelled as an ideal gas with cv = 716 J/kgK and R = 287 J/kgK.
Find the pressure of the air inside the piston-cylinder apparatus in state 2 in units of Pa.

10 points
1. Calculate the temperature of the air in K in the piston-cylinder apparatus in state 2 if m = 0.005 kg, V2 = 0.004
m3 and P2 = 106,507 Pa. Use this value of P2instead of your previously-calculated value.

10 points
1. Calculate the work by the system on the environment in J. Assume Patm = 105 Pa, A = 0.008 m2, L1 = 0.098 m and
L2 = 0.037 m, instead of any previously-used values.

10 points
1. Calculate the temperature of the air in K in the piston-cylinder apparatus in the initial state. You may assume the
following values: k = 2,088 N/m, L0 = 0.24 m, L1 = 0.07 m, L2 = 0.04 m, m = 0.004 kg, T2 = 307 K, A = 0.011 m2,
Patm = 105 Pa, cv = 716 J/kgK and R = 287 J/kgK.

10 points
1. Find the volume (V1 in m3) of air in the piston-cylinder apparatus in the initial state. Use the following values for
your analysis, and not your previously-obtained solutions: L1 = 0.08 m, L2 = 0.05 m, V2 = 0.003 m3, A = 0.01 m2.

10 points
1. Calculate the pressure (P1 in Pa) of air in the piston-cylinder apparatus in the initial state. Use the following
variables in your analysis, and not your previously-obtained solutions: V1 = 0.0037 m3, V2 = 0.0041 m3, T1 = 317
K, T2 = 306 K, P2 = 106,784 Pa.

10 points
1. Calculate the entropy generated (Sgen in J/K) in the air inside the piston-cylinder apparatus during the process
described in Q1. Use the following values for your analysis, not your previously-calculated values: m = 0.004 kg,
cv = 716 J/kgK, R = 287 J/kgK, V1 = 0.0036 m3, V2 = 0.0041 m3, P1 = 119,087 Pa, P2 = 112,673 Pa.

10 points
1. What kind of process does the air in the piston-cylinder apparatus undergo during the process?

Reversible adiabatic

Irreversible isobaric

Reversible isobaric

Reversible isothermal

Irreversible adiabatic

Reversible isochoric

10 points
1. As shown in Figure Q9A in the supplemental material, a reversible heat engine produces work from the
temperature difference that exists between a mass of m = 5 kg of an ideal gas (cv = 716 J/kgK, R = 287 J/kgK) in a
rigid container and a heat reservoir at THR = 293 K. The only heta transfer interaction experienced by the container
is with the heat engine. The gas in the container is initially at temperature T1 = 842 K and pressure P1 = 106 Pa.
The reversible heat engine operates until the ideal gas and the heat reservoir are in thermal equilibirum (state 2). If
the efficiency of the heat engine for process 1-2 can be defined as W/(QH)HE, calculate its value. Give your
answer as a percent (without the % sign).

10 points
1. A combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system consists of a reversible heat engine and a reversible heat-
driven (Servel) refrigerator. The system is shown in Figure Q10A in the supplementary material. The reversible
heat engine experiences heat transfers QH and QIH with high-temperature (TH) and intermediate-temperature (TI)
heat reservoirs, respectively. It produces work W.
The reversible heat-driven refrigerator experiences heat transfers QIR (equal and opposite to QIH), QL and
QHR with intermediate-temperature (TI and THR) and low-temperature (TL) heat reservoirs, respectively. The
objective of the refrigerator is QL, so the the overall system refrigeration COP (COPsys) can be defined as QL/QH.
Calculate COPsys if TH = 995 K, TI = 457 K, TL = 298 K and THR = 300 K. Give your answer as a real
number, not a percentage.

10 points

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