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For and against owning a pet

Animals have been our companions for thousands of years. Humans usually
keep pets because they do not want to feel alone. But pets are not for everyone
and the decision about whether or not to buy a pet needs careful consideration.

People enjoy the company of animals. Firstly, pets can do a lot for helping us,
fight depression or loneliness and make us feel better. For example, if you have
had horrible day and you arrive at home and see your pet who is so happy to see
you then you will forget that bad day and focus to your pet who is always there
for you. Secondly, if you have problems then you can talk to your pet because
they are good listeners. Finally, no matter what kind of pet you have, pets are
loving their owners unconditionally if owners treat them right.

However, there are also several arguments against owning a pet because this is
not that easy as it seems to be, it includes many new responsibilities. Firstly,
you have to take care of the pet. For example, you need to take your pet with
you if you are going away from home or find someone who is going to take care
of the pet because they can not be alone for a very long time. Secondly, the
difficulty of looking after the pet depends on what kind of pet you have. For
example, if you have a cat then you do not have to take care of it as much as
you should take care of a dog because cats are more independent than dogs.
What's more, to own a pet you need to be able to pay for expenses related to
them and you have to have a place to keep the pet.

In conclusion, there are clearly both good and bad sides to owning a pet. In my
opinion, owning a pet will change your life because someone is depending on

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