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Healthy Food:

And, we have to take foods that are good for eyes. We can eat carrot, cold liver oil, green
leaves and amla power with honey.


Blinking will help to keep our eyes fresh and to reduce eye strain. Blink your eyes every 3 –
4 seconds for around 2 minutes.

Palming is another important way of relaxing our eyes. Sit comfortably, and take a deep
breath, and rub your hands, and then close your eyes with your warn hands gently for few

Eyes Exercises:

Remember to relax your eyes by doing blinking and/or palming in between doing any eye

Move your eyes gently in left direction, then right, upwards and then downwards. Repeat
this few times. Rote your eyes smoothly in clock wise direction as well as anti-clock wise
direction. And, you can do this exercise by keeping your eyes open as well as by closing
your eyes.

Focus on long distance object and view the object very close your eyes. Repeat this few
times. While doing this, you can keep your index fingers touching their tips horizontally near
your nose. You can see a mini hot dog appearing near your fingertips while doing this

Imagine an infinity symbol ( the Figure 8 put horizontally) at few feet infront of you. Trace
the symbol with your eyes slowly. Trace along one direction for few minutes, and then in
other direction for few minutes.

Stand infront of calendar or paper having clear letters. See a black letter in the calender.
Move back slowly till the letter can be viewed properly. Once the letters start appear
blurring, stop moving back, and go forward some distance then go back till the letter can be
viewed properly. Repeat it few times. Based on my understanding it is more effective in
curing myopia while other exercises are good for general eye health.

It is very important to do relaxation like Blinking and Palming frequently to prevent eye
strain while doing any kind of eye exercises. Failing to do this will make the eye exercises to
do harm than actually doing any good to your eyes.
Stand in front of the morning sun. Close your eyes gently and move your head left and right
so that sunlight can pass on your eye lids. Take additional care while doing
this sunning exercise. Avoid direct sunlight on your eyes.

Stand straight. hold your index finger vertically in front of your eyes by keeping your hand
straight infront of you. slowly move the finger left side as well as right side in circular path
by rolling your body without moving your legs. While doing this swinging exercies you can
view the background moving in the opposite direction to your finger movement. Do it for
few minutes.

Doing Yoga can also help to improve the eyesight. Doing any eye exercise in “hero pose”
can help to improve the effectiveness of those exercises. And, doing Kapalabhati can also
help to improve the eyesight.

In the early morning, we can splash the water gently on eyes while keeping water inside our

Doing Candle gazing can also help to improve the eyesight.

We can try some Chinese massage/acupressure also. We can gently massage the area near
the eyes and at backside of our head.

Always keep positive attitude while doing Eye exercises. Because our subconscious
mind plays important role in achieving any goal.

Recently I came to know about a mobile app Eye Exercises - Eye Care Plus - Android Apps
on Google Play I installed it and looks good. But I haven’t used it much. So, I am not sure
whether it is better than doing eye exercises manually. Anyway, I mentioned this app as it
can help to understand the eye exercise in better way, and I would suggest doing many eye
exercises manually once you are familiar with them.

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