Exercise - Lesson 3

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Lesson 3

Exercise 1
Add the apostrophe (‘), the apostrophe s (‘s) or ‘of’ to the following.
Tia – dress : Tia’s dress
The table – legs : legs of the table
1. My drawing – stars : stars of my drawing
2. The lizards – tails : tails of the lizards
3. The pen - the cover : the cover of the pen
4. The lioness- cubs : cubs of the lioness
5. The flies - hairy legs :hairy legs of the flies
6. Raymond – watch : raymond’s watch
7. The plant – flowers : :flowers of the plant
8. The book - the pages : the pages of the book
9. No one else – place : place of no one else
10. The computer – game :the computer’s game

Exercise 2
Complete the sentence by using the possessive form of the italicized noun on the left!
1. Student One student asked several questions. I answered the his questions.
2. Student Many students had questions after the lecture. I answered the theirs
3. Daughter We have one child, a girl. Our hers bedroom is right next to ours.
4. Man Keith is a his name.
5. People It’s important to be sensitive to other theirs feelings.

Exercise 3
Do you have some examples of comparative adjective in your mind? Share it with your friend!
1. better 7. Taller 13. higher
2. worse 8. More beautiful 14. fatter
3. less 9. More careful 15.bigger
4. more 10. More expensive 16. sadder
5. farther/further 11. smaller
6. older/elder 12. faster
Exercise 4
Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing sentences!
Anna : Lidia, I need to buy a new laptop, but I don’t know how to pick
the best one. __________, please?
Lidia : Of course, Anna. But first, I want to know
Anna : Oh, _____________ is broken, ________________________.
Lidia : Okay then, tell me what the laptop is for. ______ programming
or is it only for documenting your work, like using Microsoft
Anna : _____________ documenting my work, but I’m planning to
learn computer programming too, so I suppose I want to buy the
one that suit that purpose.
Lidia : That’s good that you want to explore computer programming. I
start with this one, the Acer laptop. The specification is quite
good. It has 4 gigabytes of memory and 500 gigabytes for
storage. The other one is Lenovo, which has 8 gigabytes of
memory and the same storage capacity.
Anna : What is the different? I still don’t understand.
Lidia : The Lenovo laptop ________________________ the Acer
Anna : Okay, is that mean the Lenovo ____________ the Acer?
Lidia : Yes, that’s right. It is ______ for programming purpose.
Anna : Okay, then I will buy this one.

Exercise 5
Practice the dialogue with your partner!

Student A : Is today a bit colder than yesterday?

Student B : Today is much colder than yesterday.

Student A : Today the weather is very hot.

Student B : Yes. It’s hotter than yesterday.

Student A : Is Europe hotter than here?

Student B : Here is perhaps a little hotter than England.

Student A : Is the Europe winter cold?

Student B : The Europe winter is very cold.

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