Supersize Me Questions

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Supersize Me

You are going to examine the role of fast food companies in the obesity epidemic. You are going
to watch the movie “Supersize Me”, a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring
Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 28-day period
(February 2003) during which he eats only McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's
drastic effects on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being, and explores the fast food
industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.

Once you have watched the documentary you are required to answer the following questions.

1. How many Americans eat a meal in a fast food restaurant daily?

2. In general what is Morgan’s health status at the beginning of this project?

3. What effects do the doctors think this diet will have on Morgan?

4. How many calories should Morgan eat each day to maintain his weight?

5. How many calories does Morgan eat each day on his McDonald’s diet?

6. How many McDonald’s are in Manhattan alone?

Is that a lot?

7. What does Morgan’s girlfriend do?

8. What are Morgan’s rules for this project?

9. List 4 ways that McDonald’s markets directly to children?


Why is McDonald’s marketing to children an issue at all?

10. Who did the first graders recognize the best?

How can this be so?

11. What has happened to the rate of obesity in children and teens in the U.S. in recent years?

12. How does Morgan feel after his first Supersize meal?
Why do you think this happened?

13. Why are they repeatedly comparing cigarette smokers and overweight people?

14. Why is the processing of Chicken McNuggets a health issue?

15. What is the main issue regarding the comparative advertising budgets of the fast food
industry, the candy companies, and the “5 A Day Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Campaign”?

16. Explain what a gastric-bypass is

17. On day 21, what do Morgan’s doctors tell him to do?


18. What are the results of Morgan’s final weigh in?

19. How long does it take Morgan to lose all the weight he gained in this 30-day project?

QUESTIONS FOR YOU TO PONDER (for each question write a paragraph response)…

What can be done to reduce the obesity problem in the US?

How often do you eat fast food? Do you feel you could stop? Why or why not?
Did this movie change your view of fast food? Did this movie change your view of your own
eating habits?

Should fast food companies be held responsible for the obesity problem in the US?

What do you think McDonald’s has done in response to this film?

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