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Full Name :

Daryl Lovella Odeelia Weekly

Student ID : 02411940000155 Report
Course / Class : Industrial Automation / A
Topic : Building Block of Automation Industrial Engineering ITS
Submission Date / # : 22 Maret 2021 / 3
Rich Picture / Mind Map about current weekly topic or
content (lesson learn), use your own picture.


Used in various of industry High Productivity, Designed according to
and the application of it Low Operating the process that is
depends on who designed Costs, High already running and
(experience, partner, etc) Flexibility, etc depends on the output


Sensor : to detect changes

ambient conditions

Actuator : to move other

tools or accordingly signal WHERE? HOW?
given (ex: piston) Local conditions must be To answer “Why?” WHEN?
considered (not only by replacing Related to technological
Controller (PLC) : used to about how advance the manual equipment developments overtime
coordinate/integrate various technology but also with automatic MARK A
and predictions need to
sensors and actuators the resources) (gradually) be considered
Smart Sensors from SICK:
Explain about topic implementation/best practice in a specific industry from Suppliers Information for Industry 4.0
qualified journal or case study or project overview about the last week topic.
Smart sensors integrate all the system in a
Automation in factory/industry and make it efficient. SICK
Audi Manufacturing Process has improve these sensors not only to that but
At the Audi (automobile manufacturer) factory in also generate and receive data and information
Germany, robots are used to do most of the tough which goes beyond traditional switching
work, as well as potentially dangerous welding, as signals or measured process parameters. That’s
well as doing boring repetitive tests and the number why by using this smart sensor it increases
of robots equals nearly 800 employees. Of course, by efficiency, flexibiloity, security on all the
implementing automation, Audi experienced much activity plant. In conclusion smart sensor
higher efficiency and productivity and lower improve sensing to make a stable
requirements for workers without training. Robots manufacturing process, efficient
are also responsible for collecting large amounts of communication, improve diagnostics, and
data that can be analyzed and used to improve factory many more.
Brief analysis about the video which provide by MARK C
assistant with the current weekly topic.
operations. Of course, not all tasks can be taken over
by robots, so there must still be human handwork. Journal / Book / Case Study / Reference Link.
But with the implementation of this automation, Audi Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian & Pengabdian
can focus on hiring highly trained and specialized Kepada Masyarakat, 2019. INTEGRASI SISTEM
workers to perform human-focused tasks. pp.47-50.

MARK B 2019. [online] Available MARK D at:
[Accessed 14 March 2021].
Please write your answer (using English) inside the related boxes, you may add your own additional art drawing at any place to make this resume
becomes more attractive. Your writing should be clear and neat. This form is not necessary Sensor
to be color printed, a goodS.,
Intelligence, quality
2017.photocopy is accepted.
[online] Available
at: [Accessed 16 March

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