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The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society

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Assessing the Visual Comfort, Visual Interest

of Sunlight Patterns, and View Quality under
Different Window Conditions in an Open-Plan

Belal Abboushi , Ihab Elzeyadi , Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg , Richard

Taylor , Margaret Sereno & Grant Jacobsen

To cite this article: Belal Abboushi , Ihab Elzeyadi , Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg , Richard
Taylor , Margaret Sereno & Grant Jacobsen (2020): Assessing the Visual Comfort, Visual Interest
of Sunlight Patterns, and View Quality under Different Window Conditions in an Open-Plan Office,

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Published online: 11 Aug 2020.

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Assessing the Visual Comfort, Visual Interest of Sunlight Patterns, and View
Quality under Different Window Conditions in an Open-Plan Office
Belal Abboushi a, Ihab Elzeyadib, Kevin Van Den Wymelenbergb, Richard Taylorc, Margaret Serenod,
and Grant Jacobsene
Energy Policy and Economics Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Portland, Oregon, USA; bDepartment of Architecture, University
of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA; cDepartment of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA; dDepartment of Psychology,
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA; eSchool of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA


Sunlight is a multisensory phenomenon that can enhance occupant’s comfort, health, and con­ Received 16 May 2019
nection to the outside environment through its dynamic luminous and thermal attributes. One Revised 13 June 2020
gap in the existing literature on sunlight exposure is in addressing the visual interest of sunlight Accepted 17 June 2020
patterns and its potential effects on visual comfort. This study employed an experimental
procedure where 33 office workers were subjected to three different window and sunlight Daylighting; sunlight in
patterns: fractal pattern, striped pattern, and clear at an office building over three days (one buildings; visual interest;
condition per day). Subjective ratings and physical environmental measurements were collected visual comfort; sunlight
and analyzed to understand differences among the three conditions. Results showed no signifi­ patterns
cant differences in visual comfort or visual interest of sunlight patterns among the three condi­
tions. Desk layout influenced visual interest and view quality ratings. The fractal and striped
patterns negatively influenced view quality compared to the clear condition. These results suggest
that the shape of window and sunlight patterns might have limited to no impact on visual
comfort and interest in offices when workers are preoccupied performing typical office work.

1. Introduction Current daylighting practices, however, limit

the presence of sunlight patterns promoting dull
Light can serve as a zeitgeber for the human clock
and visually monotonous environments (Reinhart
(Merrow and Roenneberg 2001), and can help
2015). One of the challenges for incorporating
regulate melatonin suppression and phase shifts
sunlight in daylighting design might be the lack
(Boyce et al. 2003; Duffy and Czeisler 2009). The
of a robust, consistent, and reliable glare metric for
lack of short wavelength light in the morning was
predicting occupant’s visual comfort when sun­
shown to delay dim light melatonin onset
light patterns are present in space. For instance,
(Figueiro and Rea 2010). Daylight in buildings
the daylight glare index (DGI) and the CIE unified
influences occupant’s visual and thermal comfort
glare rating system (UGR) are only valid for con­
as well as their psychophysiological state. Previous
ditions when direct sunlight does not enter the
studies suggested that daylight can improve cogni­
space (Iwata et al. 1992; Jakubiec and Reinhart
tive and visual performance (Heschong 2002;
2012; Nazzal 1998). The daylight glare probability
Chellappa et al. 2011; Viola et al. 2008). Other
(DGP) was developed under stable and clear sky
studies found that exposure to bright light can
conditions (Wienold and Christoffersen 2006) and
promote alertness (Smolders et al. 2015; Souman
was found to be a better predictor than DGI,
et al. 2018). Daylight consists of light from the sun,
however, it exhibits several limitations including
i.e. sunlight, and from the sky (Mardaljevic et al.
underpredicting glare when sunlight is within the
2009). The projections of sunlight onto different
task region (Hirning et al. 2014; Van Den
surfaces in space, hereafter “sunlight patterns”
Wymelenberg and Inanici 2014). Other aspects
might influence occupants visual comfort through
like thermal comfort, type of light source, and
its pleasant and cheering attributes (Boubekri and
view quality may influence visual comfort ratings
Boyer 1992).

CONTACT Belal Abboushi Portland, OR, 97204

© 2020 Battelle Memorial Institute

(Knoop et al. 2019; Lee et al. 2005; Wang and there is a need for studies that examine various
Boubekri 2010) but their effects have not been aspects that influence occupant’s preferences
fully assessed. toward sunlight patterns.
Another challenge for incorporating sunlight in Currently, there is no consensus on what questions
daylighting design is the lack of studies that exam­ and scales should be used for assessing visual comfort
ined qualitative aspects of sunlight patterns, and (Allan et al. 2019). For example, a previous study used
their effects on occupant’s visual comfort and the phrase: “This is a visually comfortable environ­
overall satisfaction. This is particularly important ment for office work” assessed on a seven-point Likert
because of the established psychophysiological scale (Van Den Wymelenberg and Inanici 2016). This
effects associated with sunlight. Hence, carefully rating scale measures the broad concept of visual
incorporating controlled amounts of sunlight comfort, compared to other scales that focus on visual
indoors can help in creating visually comfortable discomfort. For example, another study asked parti­
and interesting interior environments so long as cipants to rank their visual comfort: “Comfortable,”
glare can be managed (Boubekri and Boyer 1992; “Perceptible Discomfort,” “Disturbing Discomfort,”
Van den Wymelenberg et al. 2010). or “Intolerable Discomfort” (Jakubiec and Reinhart
Offices are visually critical spaces because occu­ 2013). Other studies used the Glare Sensation Vote:
pants spend a considerable amount of time per­ “Just Perceptible,” “Just Noticeable,” “Just
forming computer-based tasks in fixed view Uncomfortable,” and “Just Intolerable” which was
directions. Nonetheless, occupants in daylit offices shown graphically to participants (Altomonte et al.
often experience a wide range of light conditions 2016), or to which participants responded vocally
throughout the day (Elzeyadi and Lockyear 2010). (Kent et al. 2019).
The current Annual Sunlight Exposure
(ASE1000 lux, 250 hours) metric documented in LM-
1.1. Sunlight in buildings
83-2012 stated that spaces with more than 10% of
floor area exposed to sunlight for more than Compared to diffuse daylight, direct sunlight can
250 hours a year were “judged to have unsatisfac­ better improve positive emotions both in winter
tory visual comfort” (IES 2013). The document and summer seasons in classrooms (Kim 1997).
recommends that occupants have easy access to Another study found that a sunlit area of 15%-
control window brightness using blinds or shades. 25% of floor area created maximum levels of
The document also acknowledges that the sup­ relaxation when occupants were in a seating posi­
porting research (HMG 2012) “ … did not include tion parallel to window (Boubekri et al. 1991).
enough variety of sun penetration patterns by var­ Boubekri et al. concluded that sunlight sparkles
ious orientations, space types, shading device types were preferred over large areas of sunlight for
or climate zones to fully understand how occu­ enhancing emotional well-being. It was also sug­
pants’ preferences vary by these factors” (IES gested that sunlight, as manipulated by size, sea­
2013). The Illuminating Engineering Society later son, time of the day, has significant impacts on the
stressed that the (ASE1000 lux, 250 hours) metric affective state of occupants, which influences their
should presently be used as an indicator for glare satisfaction. Given that the illuminance level pro­
potential, and suggested that rating organizations, vided by direct sunlight exceeds that needed for
such as the Leadership in Energy and visibility in offices, qualitative aspects of sunlight
Environmental Design (LEED), might consider patterns might play a critical role in forming over­
awarding compliant spaces an exemplary perfor­ all preferences toward sunlight in offices
mance credit while requiring spaces that exceeded (Chamilothori et al. 2016; Omidfar et al. 2015).
20% of floor area to utilize dynamic facades to Results of a study in England showed that 73%
respond to the dynamic character of daylight. of office occupants considered sunlight a pleasure
A follow-up study suggested that the metric may while 24% considered it a nuisance (Ne’Eman
overpredict the occurrence of occupant perceived 1974). Furthermore, when asked to choose
glare and that further refinement is warranted between a good view or sunlight patterns with an
(Dutra de Vasconcellos 2017). For these reasons, unpleasant view, 61% preferred a good view, and

36% preferred sunlight patterns with an unplea­ Viewing renderings of nature seem to carry
sant view. Wang and Boubekri (2010) examined some of the benefits. A previous study that used
subjects’ seating preferences in a sunlit space and simulated views found that viewing a green roof
found that most subjects chose to sit close to or was associated with a more consistent task
within the sunlight patterns. Other factors, i.e. response and fewer omission errors, compared to
sense of control, privacy, and views were identified viewing a concrete roof (Lee et al. 2015). Not only
to might have had influenced seating preferences. view elements are important, the distance of view
Another study found that 11 out of 12 participants elements can influence visual comfort ratings
chose to let sunlight patterns into space, which (Shin et al. 2012).
suggests that carefully controlled sunlight patterns Several studies suggested that view quality can
can enhance occupant’s satisfaction (Van den influence visual comfort. For instance, researchers
Wymelenberg et al. 2010). concluded that an interesting view was associated
When reviewing existing literature, a clear dis­ with lower visual discomfort ratings compared to
tinction should be made between viewing the solar a less interesting view at the same mean luminance
disk through a window, viewing sunlight patterns (Tuaycharoen and Tregenza 2005, 2007). Another
in space, and being in sunlight patterns. Each study found that better quality views were asso­
condition is likely to call attention to certain vari­ ciated with lower visual discomfort (Aries et al.
ables and concerns. For instance, the high lumi­ 2010). It should be noted that none of these stu­
nance of solar disc is often associated with glare dies explored the view of sunlight patterns in
(Konis 2011), whereas sunlight patterns in space space.
are often examined in relation to esthetics and
mood (Boubekri and Boyer 1992).
1.3. Fractal patterns
Although the desire for an outdoor view is well
1.2. View quality
established, the characteristics that make views
more or less desirable are not as well understood
Previous studies found that views of nature were (Collins 1975). The attention restoration theory
associated with higher satisfaction and positive implied that natural environments are particularly
physiological benefits. For example, an unob­ rich in the characteristics necessary for restorative
structed view of natural surroundings was asso­ experiences (Kaplan 1995). Many researchers sug­
ciated with improvements in self-reported gested that one of these characteristics is fractal
physical and mental health during a residential geometry (Hagerhall et al. 2015; Joye and Van den
rehabilitation program (Raanaas et al. 2011). Berg 2011; Mandelbrot 1983; Purcell et al. 2001).
Ulrich (1981) concluded that scenes of nature Fractal geometry can be defined as shapes that
had a more positive influence on the psychophy­ display a cascade of never-ending, self-similar,
siological states than urban scenes. In a subsequent meandering detail as observed at various levels of
study, Ulrich (1984) found that patients in rooms scales (Bovill 1996; Harris 2012). These patterns
with windows looking out to a natural scene had can be seen in trees, clouds, coastlines, and other
shorter postoperative hospital stays and took fewer natural elements. The prevalence of fractal pat­
potent analgesics than those in similar rooms with terns in nature might have caused the human
views of a brick wall. Views of nature buffered the visual system to adapt to efficiently process them,
negative impact of job stress on blue-collar hereafter the fractal fluency theory (Taylor and
employees’ intention to quit (Leather et al. 1998). Spehar 2016).
A comprehensive review concluded that views of In Fig. 1, we use a coastline to demonstrate the
nature and daylight can positively influence mood intrinsic visual properties of fractals. As shown in
(Beute and de Kort 2014). Lastly, in a study of the left column, fractals can be divided into two
a work space, daylighting and preferred views of categories – “exact” (top image) and “statistical”
nature were associated with a 50% reduction in (bottom image). Whereas exact fractals are built
sick leave of office employees (Elzeyadi 2012). by repeating a pattern at different magnifications,

Fig. 1. Left column: A computer-generated coastline based on exact fractals (top) is morphed into a statistical fractal coastline
(bottom) by introducing randomness. For the top fractal, all of the headlands point upward. For the bottom fractal, half point
downward and the positions of the up and down headlands are randomized. Note the D value (1.24) is preserved for all 3 patterns
(top, middle and bottom). Right column: The effect of increasing D is shown for 5 exact coastlines. Each of the coastlines is built
using the same coarse scale pattern. Increasing the contributions of the fine scale patterns causes the coastlines to occupy more of
the 2-dimensional plane, thus raising their D values: 1.1 (top), 1.3, 1.5, 1.7 and 1.9 (bottom).

“statistical” fractals introduce randomness into their fractal mix of repeating patterns, the line spreads
construction. This disrupts the precise repetition so even further across the two-dimensional plane (see
that only the pattern’s statistical qualities (e.g., den­ the right column of Fig. 1) and its D value, there­
sity, roughness, complexity) repeat. Consequently, fore, moves closer to 2.
statistical fractals simply look similar at different Figure 2 demonstrates how a fractal’s D value
size scales. While exact fractals display the cleanli­ has a powerful effect on its visual appearance.
ness of artificial shapes, statistical fractals capture This figure includes images from nature, art,
the “organic” signature of natural objects. To quan­ and mathematics. For each of the rows, the
tify the rich visual intricacy of the fractals, we adopt image in the left column has a lower D value
a traditional measure employed by mathemati­ than that in the right column. Clearly, for the
cians – the pattern’s fractal dimension D. This is low D fractals, the small content of fine structure
calculated using a procedure called the box count­ builds a very smooth sparse, shape. However, for
ing method (Spehar et al. 2003). This parameter fractals with D values closer to 2, the larger
describes how the patterns occurring at different amount of fine structure builds a shape full of
magnifications combine to build the resulting frac­ intricate, detailed structure. More specifically,
tal shape. For a smooth line (containing no fractal because the D value charts the ratio of fine to
structure) D has a value of 1, while for a completely coarse structure, it is expected that D will serve
filled area (again containing no fractal structure) its as a measure of the visual complexity generated
value is 2. However, the repeating patterns of the by the repeating patterns. Behavioral research
fractal line cause the line to begin to occupy space. confirms that the complexity perceived by obser­
As a consequence, its D value lies between 1 and 2. vers does indeed increase with the image’s
By increasing the amount of fine structure in the D value (Spehar et al. 2016).

Fig. 2. Fractal complexity in nature, art and mathematics. The different rows summarize the variety of fractal images (see text for
details). In each case, the left column shows examples of low D fractals and the right column show the equivalent high D fractals.

Previous studies showed that visual interest rat­ (Hagerhall et al. 2008; Spehar et al. 2003; Spehar
ings peaked for mid-complexity fractals when the and Taylor 2013; Taylor et al. 2005). In a recent
pattern was viewed on a computer screen study, the fractal fluency theory was extended to

investigate visual interest and mood while viewing view quality under three different window and
spatially projected fractal light patterns (Abboushi sunlight patterns in an office environment. The
et al. 2019). Results suggested that projected fractal three patterns included: (1) a fractal pattern, (2)
light patterns of mid to mid-high complexity a striped pattern, and (3) a clear window. We
(D = 1.5–1.7) were more visually interesting than hypothesized that the visual interest of fractal pat­
those in striped and rectangular patterns (Fig. 3). terns might influence occupant’s visual comfort
These findings formed the basis of the current and view quality, following the idea that occupants
study. perceive and react to their environment including
Fractal patterns were found to elicit a positive both direct and interactional effects (Elzeyadi
perceptual response. For instance, Taylor (2006) 2002). Specifically, we hypothesized that: 1) the
conducted an experiment where participants were fractal pattern would be associated with the high­
shown pictures of fractal and non-fractal patterns est visual comfort and interest ratings; 2) view
and found that 95% of participants preferred frac­ quality ratings for the clear condition would be
tals to non-fractal patterns. Fractal patterns were higher than both patterns.
also found to enhance stress recovery compared to
a non-fractal pattern, which increased stress levels
by 13%. These results suggest that fractal patterns 2. Methods
elicit a positive perceptual and physiological The study was conducted in an office building in
response compared to non-fractals. San Francisco, CA over a five-week period during
On the other hand, striped patterns were more the summer of 2017. Each participant experienced
likely to cause visual discomfort because they have three different window conditions over three con­
Fourier amplitude spectra that depart maximally secutive days (one condition per day). The three
from those of natural scenes (Wilkins 2016). For window conditions included two window patterns
example, Venetian blinds can cause pattern glare and a clear condition (Fig. 4). The two patterns
because of the spatial frequency of sunlight pat­ were a “fractal pattern” and a “striped pattern,”
terns projected through them (Winterbottom and which were mounted on participant’s window and
Wilkins 2009). Despite the prevalence of Venetian randomized across participants for days 1 and 2
blinds and subsequently striped light patterns, (fractal-striped or striped-fractal). The third day
there has been a lack of studies that investigated was consistently set as the “clear condition.”
the effects of striped patterns on visual interest and Participants rated visual comfort, visual interest
comfort. of sunlight patterns, view quality, and thermal
comfort three times a day.
The office had an open-plan layout with 152 cm (5
1.4. The hypotheses
feet) high partitions and manual light gray roller
This study aims to investigate differences in visual shades with an openness ratio of 3% (Fig. 5). Prior
comfort, visual interest of sunlight patterns, and to the start of the study, overshadowing by nearby

Fig. 3. The six patterns examined in a previous study (Abboushi et al. 2019).

Fig. 4. The three window conditions including the fractal pattern D = 1.7 (left), clear condition (middle), and striped pattern D = 1

Fig. 5. A picture of a workstation showing camera location (left), and a typical floor plan highlighting workstations on the SW and SE
facades (right).

buildings was examined to ensure that all participant influenced their complexity in a way that was not
windows had unobstructed access to sunlight. Both previously examined.
patterns were printed using black ink on clear films.
The visible transmittance values were 0.89 and 0.04
2.1. Dependent variables
for clear and black areas, respectively.
Windows in the office measured 198 cm wide Given the need for repeated assessments, the ques­
x 198 cm high (6.5 x 6.5 feet) and the films were tionnaire was designed to be brief (Table 1). The
198 cm wide x 91 cm high (6.5 x 3 feet). Hence, questions and scales used were based on previous
the films were mounted covering only the lower studies using a seven-point Likert scale (HMG
part of participant’s window. The remainder of the 2012; Painter et al. 2010; Van Den Wymelenberg
window area (198 x 107 cm) remained shaded
throughout the study to reduce the possibility of Table 1. The questionnaire instrument and scales used.
intolerable glare, since this might affect participa­ Question Scale
tion and number of responses in the study. Q1 This is a visually comfortable Seven-point Likert scale (Strongly
The intention behind using window films was to environment for office work. Agree-Agree-Somewhat agree-
Q2 Sunlight patterns look Neither agree nor disagree-
directly expand upon previous studies following visually interesting. Somewhat Disagree-Disagree-
the fractal fluency theory, and using the same Q3 I like the view I have from Strongly disagree).
the window.
type of stimuli (Abboushi et al. 2019; Spehar and Q4 Air temperature feels: Seven-point semantic differential
Taylor 2013; Taylor et al. 2011). Adding thickness, scale (Too Warm-Neutral-Too
for example, to either pattern would have Cold).

and Inanici 2014). To make it easier for partici­ from 8 am to 5 pm. Prior to field data collection,
pants frequently completing this questionnaire, all a response curve was generated for each camera
questions used a seven-point scale. using Photosphere (Anyhere software). Using the
The visual comfort question was selected generated response curves, the Hdrgen Radiance
because of the focus on assessing participant’s command line (Anyhere software) was used to
overall comfort with the visual environment in automate the HDRI creation process.
the office including glare perception. The visual Post-processing included resizing, cropping,
interest and view quality questions were selected lens vignetting correction following the method
because of their phrasing simplicity, yet clearly described by Inanici (2006). The HDRIs were cali­
describing the stimulus under investigation. The brated using Ev measurements from a Licor-210
order of questions was not randomized. photometric sensor that was affixed to each cam­
era. The Ev measurement was used to adjust the
exposure value, as described by Kumaragurubaran
2.2. Physical measurements and Inanici (2013). No geometric reprojection was
Physical measurements included vertical illumi­ conducted as the lens used an equidistant projec­
nance (Ev), high dynamic range images (HDRIs), tion (Pierson et al. 2017). Evalglare (v2.03) was
air temperature, globe temperature, and relative used to calculate DGP from each image (Wienold
humidity. Outdoor sky conditions were collected 2018). All light sensors were calibrated prior to the
from a nearby weather station (Fig. 6). All mea­ start of the experiment with error margins within
surements were logged at a 5-minute interval +-5% of a reference sensor. Data were initially
except for the HDRIs, which were automatically collected from 35 participants; however, two cam­
captured every 10 minutes. Ten cameras were used eras were accidentally unplugged for two partici­
including five Canon PowerShot G11 and five pants, hence their responses were excluded from
Canon PowerShot G15, each equipped with analyses.
a fisheye lens (Opteka 0.2x HD Professional
Super AF Fisheye, 180º angle of view per manu­
2.3. Participants
facturer). These cameras were affixed to partici­
pant’s desk and pointed in participant’s main view Participation in this study was voluntary. The
direction. recruitment process started by sending an e-mail
The HDRI capturing process was automated to occupants in workstations directly next to
using a script (Ultimate Intervalometer CHDK) a window on the SE or SW facades to explain the
that took nine images at different shutter speeds study and to identify potential participants. Those
typically ranging 1/60 – 1/4000 at F-stop = 2.8 who expressed interest were sent a consent form

Fig. 6. Sky coverage in Oktas from a weather station near the office building for the year 2017. Courtesy of San Francisco Bay Area
Weather Forecast Office.

that explained the study in further detail. a meeting. The participants were informed that
Regarding age, six participants were 60–70 years they could provide additional responses at any
of age, 17 participants were 50–59 years of age, time and were asked not to make any changes to
and 10 participants were 30–49 years. As for gen­ their work schedule because the intention was to
der, 16 were male and 17 were female. capture their responses during a typical workday.
Questionnaire responses and physical measure­ No compensation was provided to participants.
ments were collected from a total of 33 The questionnaire was answered on a tablet at three
participants. times a day: 9:00, 11:00, and 15:00. These times were
Participants were located on floors 13–18 on the selected to ensure that all participants were present at
Southeast (SE) or Southwest (SW) facades. On the their workstations and to avoid arrival, lunch, and
SE façade, 15 participants had a desk layout with departure times. A quiet alarm sounded as reminder
a view perpendicular to the window and five par­ but could be snoozed for 10 minutes. Responses col­
ticipants had a desk layout with a view parallel to lected on equipment setup day, those collected after
the window; compared to three perpendicular 17:00, as well as additional responses provided outside
views and 10 parallel views on the SW façade. the three experimental days were excluded from ana­
The final dataset consisted of 265 responses, 105 lyses. In cases when multiple responses by the same
of which were taken when sunlight was present in participant were within 30 minutes of each other, the
scene (Table 2). Spot checking was conducted to response closer to 9:00, 11:00, or 15:00 was kept and
verify the accuracy of dataset merging processes. the other response was removed. Figure 7 shows
response times for each participant by time of the day.
Each participant was assigned a unique identi­
fier that was used to combine subjective responses
2.4. Experimental procedure
with physical measurements. To combine ques­
This study was approved by the institutional tionnaire responses with physical measurements,
review board at the authors’ university. Prior to the closest measurement was matched with each
the start of study, an orientation session was held questionnaire response. The mean difference in
with participants to explain the study. The session time between captured HDR image time and ques­
described the study procedure and the types of tionnaire completion time was 2 min. The mean
data that were collected. The participants were difference in time between Ev measurements and
instructed not to change blind position and to questionnaire completion times was 1 min.
complete the questionnaire three times a day.
The participants were informed that they could
complete the questionnaires at their earliest con­ 2.5. Overview of analysis methods
venience if they were away from their desk, e.g. in Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics and
linear mixed models. The IBM SPSS 26 software was
Table 2. An overview of the distribution of participant used to generate these models. Linear mixed models
are widely used when there is no independence in
Sunlight No sunlight
Façade Window in the in the the data, e.g. correlated, while setting fixed variables
orientation Desk layout condition scene scene All and allowing the model to vary by a random variable.
SE Perpendicular Clear 14 28 42 A model was generated for each of the dependent
Fractal 14 25 39
Stripes 17 21 38
variables (visual comfort, visual interest of sunlight
Parallel Clear 7 7 14 patterns, and view quality).
Fractal 9 5 14
Stripes 10 5 15
SW Perpendicular Clear 5 4 9
Fractal 2 6 8 3. Results
Stripes 3 6 9
Parallel Clear 8 14 22 3.1. Descriptive statistics
Fractal 8 19 27
Stripes 8 20 28 Over the course of the study, participants experi­
Total 105 160 265 enced a wide range of light conditions exemplified

Fig. 7. Response times plotted by participant and window condition.

by variations in DGP (Fig. 8/right). Given solar 61% with a mean of 51%. Though thermal dis­
orientation, DGP values were typically higher in comfort might have occurred in a few cases
the morning and lower in the afternoon for SE (4.5% answered with “too cold” or “too
participants, compared to those on the SW façade. warm”), no responses were excluded because
Overall, Ev ranged from 105 to 9590 lux (M = 1694 we did not confirm whether thermal discomfort
lux, SD = 1596 lux) and DGP ranged from 0.03 to affected visual comfort, visual interest, and view
0.72 (M = 0.27, SD = 0.09). DGP levels were quality.
mainly within the imperceptible category (<0.35) Regarding questionnaire responses, there were
for 84% of cases, with only 7% of cases within the slight variations in the visual interest of sunlight
intolerable category (≥0.45). patterns and in view quality (Fig. 8/left). There was
Though the office space was air-conditioned a noticeable variation in view quality ratings
and did not feature operable windows, air tem­ among the three window conditions. Table 3
perature ranged from 20°C to 27°C with a mean shows the mean and standard deviation of ques­
of 23.5°C. Relative humidity ranged from 41% to tionnaire responses and physical measurements.

Fig. 8. A boxplot of questionnaire responses (left), and a boxplot of daylight glare probability (right). The boxplots show minimum,
25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, maximum, and outliers. The circles within each boxplot represent the means.

Table 3. Descriptive statistics of questionnaire responses and main physical measurements.

Clear Fractal Stripes
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Visual Comfort 4.5 1.8 4.5 1.7 4.6 1.9
Visual Interest 4.2 1.6 4.1 1.6 4.2 1.9
View Quality 6.1 1.0 3.5 2.1 3.8 2.0
Thermal Comfort 4.2 1.0 3.9 0.9 3.9 1.0
Air Temp (F) 75.1 3.3 74.2 2.8 74.1 2.4
Vertical illuminance 2443 2103 1325 1146 1331 1085
DGP 0.32 0.13 0.26 0.07 0.26 0.07

3.2. Linear mixed models affected the visual interest of sunlight patterns [F
(1,96) = 7.42; p < .01]. Specifically, visual interest
Linear Mixed Models (LMM) were used to exam­
was higher for participants with a desk layout
ine occupant’s ratings of visual comfort, visual
perpendicular to window (EMM = 4.58;
interest of sunlight patterns, and view quality.
SE = 0.26), compared to participants with a desk
The assumption of normality for dependent vari­
layout parallel to window (EMM = 3.57;
ables and residuals was verified using probability
SE = 0.25). Effects of presentation order [F
plots. Fixed variables included window condition,
(1,96) = 0.07; p = .79] and DGP [F(1,96) = 3.09;
desk layout, façade orientation, presentation order,
p = .08] were not significant. The effect of the
DGP, and an interaction term window condition
interaction term window condition x desk layout
x desk layout. Participant identifier was added as
on visual interest was not significant.
an independent random variable. All post hoc
comparisons were adjusted using the Bonferroni
correction. Estimated marginal means (EMM) and 3.2.3. View quality
standard error (SE) are reported to show the direc­ Regarding view quality, as shown in Fig. 8, the
tion of the effects. clear condition was significantly better
(EEM = 6.10, SE = 0.19) than the fractal pattern
3.2.1. Visual comfort (EMM = 3.42; SE = 0.19) and the striped pattern
No significant differences in visual comfort were (EMM = 3.83; SE = 0.19) [F(2,256) = 55.57;
found among the three window conditions [F(2, p < .01]. No differences were found between the
256) = 0.22; p = .80]. Furthermore, no significant fractal and the striped patterns. The influence of
effect was found of desk layout [F(1,256) = 2.32; desk layout on view quality was significant [F
p = .12] or façade orientation [F(1,256) = 3.70; (1,256 = 10.41; p < .01)] with higher view quality
p = .05] on visual comfort. The DGP metric ratings for participants perpendicular to window
showed a significant effect on visual comfort [F (EMM = 4.87; SE = 0.17) compared to participants
(1,256) = 14.20; p < .01]. Though presentation parallel to window (EMM = 4.0; SE = 0.17). The
order was randomized, it had a significant effect effects of façade orientation [F(1,256) = 0.48;
on visual comfort [F(1,256) = 3.98; p = .04] with p = .48] and presentation order [F(1,256) = 3.88;
a higher visual comfort for striped-fractal order p = .05] on view quality were not significant. DGP
(EMM = 4.7; SE = 0.16) than fractal-striped did not have a significant effect on view quality [F
order (EMM = 4.2; SE = 0.16). The effect of the (1,256) = 0.22; p = .64]. The effect of the interac­
interaction term window condition x desk layout tion term window condition x desk layout on view
was not significant. quality was not significant.

3.2.2. Visual interest of sunlight patterns

4. Discussion
Overall, there were no significant differences in
visual interest ratings across the three window In this study, our hypothesis regarding the fractal
conditions [F(2,96) = 0.17; p = .84]. The effect of pattern being associated with the highest levels of
façade orientation was not significant [F visual comfort and interest was not supported. It
(1,96) = 1.49; p = .22]. Desk layout significantly was found that desk layout (parallel or

perpendicular to window) affected ratings of visual comfort. In the current study, participants might
interest of sunlight patterns and view quality. This have directed their attention to performing office
result is in line with findings of a previous study tasks, compared to solely observing window and
where differences in relaxation and excitement sunlight patterns. A previous study found that task
(under different windows and sunlight conditions) difficulty influenced temporal glare responses
were dependent on view direction (Boubekri et al. (Altomonte et al. 2016). It is therefore expected
1991). These results suggest that desk layout in that viewing a visual stimulus while performing
relation to window is an important factor when a task would affect visual comfort differently, com­
examining the visual environment. pared to leisurely viewing a visual stimulus with­
In contrast to the current study results on visual out performing any tasks.
comfort and visual interest, previous studies While the clear window condition allowed more
reported differences in visual comfort and visual sunlight in the space, compared to the two pat­
interest under different window conditions. For terns, there were no differences in visual comfort.
example, Tuaycharoen and Tregenza (2007) This finding is in line with previous studies and
found that glare discomfort from windows supports the notion that the presence of sunlight
decreased as interest in outdoor view increased, in a space can be appreciated in work environ­
this study acknowledged that it was not clear ments (Boubekri and Boyer 1992; Van den
whether the reduction in visual discomfort would Wymelenberg et al. 2010).
persist with continued exposure. A previous study Compared to other previous studies (Abboushi
found that ratings of visual comfort and visual et al. 2019; Taylor and Spehar 2016), one of the
interest of sunlight patterns were higher for main differences was the background of the pat­
a clear window condition, compared to a striped terns (white background in previous studies com­
pattern (Abboushi and Elzeyadi 2018). It is impor­ pared to clear areas through which outdoor view is
tant to note that participants did not conduct any seen in the current study). We did not collect
office task while viewing the patterns and only visual interest ratings of the window pattern itself,
spent a short duration observing the different win­ which might differ from the visual interest of sun­
dow conditions. light patterns, mainly because the visual interest of
Another study used virtual reality to simulate outdoor views would compete with the visual
sunlight in a space, and showed that an image of interest of the pattern that is occluding it.
the simulated space was perceived as more inter­ While previous studies suggested that striped
esting under irregular window screen and sunlight patterns are more visually uncomfortable because
patterns, compared to regular patterns they deviate maximally from natural patterns
(Chamilothori et al. 2019). It should be noted (Wilkins 2016; Winterbottom and Wilkins 2009),
that mean exposure time to each scene in this this study did not find any differences in visual
study was 68 seconds, and that the scene included comfort or interest of sunlight patterns between
sunlight covering a large area of a side wall. In the the striped pattern and the fractal pattern. The
current study, the size of sunlight patterns was different results may be due to differences in
relatively small given that the study was conducted environmental contexts, e.g. pattern on a window
in summer months, and that computer monitors in an office compared to viewing a stimulus on
and other items on participant’s desk might have a computer screen with a white background
obstructed viewing these patterns. (Penacchio and Wilkins 2015). It should be noted
There are important methodological differences that the current study focused on visual comfort
between these previous studies and the current for conducting office work and not while specifi­
study. Participants in the current study were cally looking at the pattern.
exposed to window conditions for a longer dura­ Following the figure-background concept in
tion in their office (three days in the current study, perception (Wagemans et al. 2012), when patterns
compared to a few minutes) and performed typical are viewed on a white background, the pattern is
daily office tasks, which might have mediated the the sole stimulus and potential source of visual
influence of light pattern geometry on visual interest, however, when outdoor views are present,

the pattern might be viewed as a distraction that et al. 2015). Overall, it is possible that the ability of
reduces the visual interest of the views. Therefore, occupants to reconstruct obstructed view regions
when multiple stimuli are present, it is important under both patterns was reduced, compared to the
to consider the visual interest of the overall com­ clear condition (Fig. 9). This effect can be referred
posite stimuli and not of each stimulus separately. to as “outdoor view reconstructability,” which is
Regarding view quality ratings, the preference different from the view clarity index (Konstantzos
for unobstructed views is in line with previous et al. 2015) in that the former is concerned with
studies (Abboushi and Elzeyadi 2018; Omidfar overall view quality whereas view clarity assessed
et al. 2015). A key difference between the two the ability to distinguish individual elements such
patterns is in view composition. This poses as sky condition.
important questions on the extent to which win­ There were several limitations that should be
dow patterns influenced view quality ratings, and considered when interpreting the results and con­
on the interaction between indoor and outdoor clusions of this study. This study was conducted
views for view quality assessments. The fact that during the summer months in San Francisco, CA,
the fractal pattern exhibits irregular clear and which might have limited sunlight pattern size and
translucent areas, compared to the repetition in influenced occupants’ preferences toward sunlight.
the striped pattern, did not make a difference in The window conditions affected the location of
view quality. While the effect of regular shades sunlight patterns as well as view areas. The shade
and openness factor has been studied position was fixed to reduce the possibility of
(Konstantzos et al. 2015), there is a lack of stu­ participants experiencing intolerable glare and
dies examining outdoor view quality seen stopping their participation. While none of the
through regular and irregular openings. participants stopped their participation, the posi­
Although there were differences in view quality tion of the shades mitigated glare levels. These
between the clear condition and the two patterns, confounding factors are inherent to field research
these differences did not seem to influence visual assessing different façade designs and might have
comfort. This result is in line with a previous study influenced the results of this study.
(Aries et al. 2010) that did not find a significant Regarding participants, the number of partici­
relationship between view quality and/or type and pants was limited and most participants (23 out of
environmental utility, specifically glare problems. the 33 participants) were 50–70 years of age, hence
The use of window patterns and their shape their sensitivity to brightness might be different
highlights an important process in psychological than those of other age groups. In this field
research called “masking” which relates to the study, the timing and frequency of the question­
reduction in visibility of one stimulus (views) by naire were limited to avoid interrupting partici­
another stimulus or a mask (window pattern) pant’s daily office work as that was thought to
(Bachmann 1984). Particularly, the fractal pattern might influence their participation and response
relates to noise masking, a random dot pattern, rates. The duration of exposure to each window
whereas the striped pattern relates to structure condition was limited to one day. Occupant’s
masking, shapes similar to view content (Agaoglu familiarity with the clear condition, presentation

Fig. 9. Participant’s views through the clear (left), fractal (middle), and striped (right) window conditions.

order (clear was always set as third condition), and There were no significant differences in visual
the non-randomized order of questionnaire items comfort or visual interest ratings among the fractal
might have influenced the results. pattern, striped pattern, and clear condition.
Another limitation in the current study is The fractal and striped patterns were associated
related to the use of a broad visual comfort ratings with a significant decrease in view quality, com­
(this is a visually comfortable environment for pared to the clear condition.
office work) along with DGP, which was originally View direction significantly influenced visual
developed using a scale that measures discomfort interest of sunlight patterns and view quality ratings.
(Wienold and Christoffersen 2006). It is unclear There were no significant differences in view qual­
whether this issue affected the results of the cur­ ity between the fractal pattern and the striped pattern.
rent study.
Because thermal comfort was not fully investi­
gated in this study, it is unclear whether thermal Acknowledgments
discomfort affected participants’ responses to We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, the editor, and
visual comfort, visual interest of sunlight patterns, Bob Davis for their insightful comments, which greatly helped
or view quality. Hence, no responses were improve the manuscript. We also acknowledge the help of the
removed. This issue might have affected a small building manager and assistants who helped coordinate the
study, Cooper Boydston for generating the fractal patterns, and
number of responses given that the office was air-
study participants. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is
conditioned. also thanked for supporting time spent on revisions.
Considering these limitations, the current study
raises questions on façade screens, e.g. perforated
metal screens where some level of view occlusion Disclosure statement
is unavoidable. We did not find differences in
The authors report no declarations of interest.
visual comfort or visual interest of sunlight pat­
terns. This suggests that the shape of window and
sunlight patterns might have limited to no influ­ Funding
ence on visual comfort or visual interest of sun­
light patterns in offices where workers are This study did not receive specific funding; however, several
sources supported the first author’s doctoral dissertation
preoccupied performing typical daily tasks.
(which this study was part of) including the Richard Kelly
Future studies should examine the effect of per­ Grant, the School of Architecture and Allied Arts
forming a task on visual interest assessments in Dissertation Fellowship at the University of Oregon, and
work environments. The effect of window shades the Department of Architecture travel scholarship.
with irregular openings on view quality is another
important area that warrants further studies.
Belal Abboushi
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