Drive Worksheets (Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6)

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Drive – chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6 worksheet


Ch. 1: “The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0”

What is “extrinsic motivation” (Type X Behavior)?

What is “intrinsic motivation” (Type I Behavior)?

In what ways do you think intrinsic and extrinsic motivation may affect an individual’s ability to be successful?

Find a quotation from Ch. 1 to answer the following question: What is Motivation 2.0?

In your own words, why does In your own words, why does In your own words, why does
Motivation 2.0 not fit with the way we Motivation 2.0 not fit with the way we Motivation 2.0 not fit with the way we
organize what we do? think about what we do? do what we do?

Find a quote from the chapter to Find a quote from the chapter to Find a quote from the chapter to
support your idea above. support your idea above. support your idea above.
Ch. 4: “Autonomy”

What assumptions about human nature does management make?

Find a quotation that defines autonomy in the chapter.

Find an important quotation from this Do you think this type of

What is… section and explain why you chose it. autonomy is important for success?
“autonomy over task” (p. 92-96)

“autonomy over time” (p. 96-100)

“autonomy over technique” (p. 100-


“autonomy over team” (p. 102-105)

How does the following quote relate to your idea of success? “Motivation 2.0 assumed that if people had freedom they
would shirk—and that autonomy was a way to bypass accountability. Motivation 3.0 begins with a different assumption. It
presumes that people want to be accountable—and that making sure they have control over their task, their time, their
technique, and their team is the most effective pathway to that destination” (105).
Ch. 5: “Mastery”

What is the difference between “compliance” and “engagement”?

Define “flow”.

Describe an activity you do that provides you with a “flow” experience.

Find a quotation that defines mastery in the chapter.

Now, find a quotation that explains why a desire for mastery increases motivation.

Explain the idea of that mastery is a mindset (p. 118-121).

Explain the idea of that mastery is a pain (p. 121-125).

Explain the idea of that mastery is an asymptote (p. 124-125).

Pink writes, “One source of frustration in the workplace is the frequent mismatch between what people must do and what
people can do. When what they must do exceeds their capabilities, the result is anxiety. When what they must do falls
short of their capabilities, the result is boredom” (117). How is this related to one’s ability to be successful?
Ch. 6: “Purpose”

What is “purpose”? Find a quotation that defines it.

Find a quotation that explains why purpose increases motivation.

Summarize the key points from the section “The Good Life.” (a bullet point list is fine)

Do you think that having a purpose will help you become more motivated? Why or why not?

Read through the last section, “The Good Life,” and choose a golden line (a quote that your group likes and agrees is

important). Copy it here and explain why you chose this quote.

Explain the idea of using words to create purpose (p. 135-138).

Find an important quotation from this section.

Explain the idea of having purpose oriented policies (p. 138-141).

Find an important quotation from this section.

Pink writes, “In business, we tend to obsess over the ‘how’—as in ‘Here’s how to do it.’ Yet we rarely discuss the ‘why’—

as in ‘Here’s why we’re doing it.’ But it’s often difficult to do something exceptionally well if we don’t know the reasons

we’re doing it in the first place” (138). Explain why this quote is important to the purpose.

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