Company Law

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Unit 1 :

1. Explain the Doctrine of Lifting of Corporate veil ? Discuss

When the court lifts the veil ? Refer to decided cases ?

2. Who is a promoter ? What are his Duties and Liabilities ?

3. Define Company ? and its Kinds ? Discuss the merits of

incorporation ?

Unit 2 :

1. Explain the advantages of incorporating a company ?

2. what are the essentials ingredients of a memorandum of

Association ? How can a memorandum be altered ?
fundamental clauses of MOA ?

3. what is incorporation ? what are the stages and procedure

for incorporation ?

4. Explain the Doctrine of Indoor Management ? State the

exceptions if any ?

5. What is prospectus ? State it contents ?What are the

remedies available for misrepresentation in the prospects ?
Explain ?

Unit 3 :

1. Who is a Director ? Procedure for Appointment and removal

of Directors ? / Powers and duties and liabilities of director in
the company ?

2. Explain the legal position of Directors in a company ?

3. Discuss the provision of companies act 2013 with regard to

prevention of oppression and mismanagement in a company ?

4. Meetings ? Different kinds of meetings ? what is the

procedure to call a meeting of the company ?

5. Explain the procedure and requisites of a valid meeting ?

6. Annual general meeting ? its importance ?

Unit 4 :

1. Explain the different types of share capital ?

2. What is meant by allotment of shares ? Discuss the general
principles and statutory restrictions for allotment of shares ?

3. What is Dividend ? Discuss the law relating to payment of

dividend by company ?

4. What is floating charge ? When will floating charge

crystallize ?

5. What is Debenture ? Explain its characteristics ?What are

the various kinds of debenture ?

UNIT 5 :

1. State the circumstances under which the tribunal can order

for winding up of the company ?

2. What is Voluntary winding up ? Discuss the members of

Volunatry winding up of the company ?

3. Discuss the method of winding up of a company by the

tribunal ? (NCLT)

4. Who can apply for winding up ? Consequnce of courts

winding up order ?

Short notes :

1. Company and its kinds

2. doctrine of ultra vires ?

3. Dividend

4. call for share

5. allotment of share

6. qualification of a director

7. Pre incorporation contracts

8. rule laid down in foss vsharbottle

9. forteiture of shares

10. promoter

11.corporate social responsibility

12. one man company

13. AOA

14. annual general meeting

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