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Business CBA Scheme of Work: 1st February – 22nd February

Class 2nd Year

Subject Business
Number of Pupils 27 students
Topic Enterprise in Action section of business. The topic of marketing mix
Number of lessons: 12 Lessons

1. Identify learners’ needs and learning context

Pupil’s level of knowledge and ability
After completing Block one of my placement I now have a greater understanding of each
student’s ability and knowledge towards the business subject. After completing a class test
and using formative assessment to assess the students through questions I have got a
greater understanding for each student’s ability. Overall my second year class is a strong
and open minded class that is eager to learn. However, there are one or two students that
would need assistance in motivating them to do the class work. These students will need
help in staying motivated over the 4 weeks of completing the marketing CBA. As a teacher I
will do my very best to support and assist students in their learning and their completion of
the CBA. I will start the CBA by recapping the marketing chapter. My 2nd year class tend to
have good prior knowledge of relevant topics to the everyday life such as insurance and
marketing. As a result of some students having prior knowledge they can relate to the topic.
Students should already have a bit of knowledge regarding the chapter of marketing as
students come across marketing when they go to shop, watching advertisements on TV and
online. Students will be aware of shopping around for the best price when purchasing a
product, they want. This topic and CBA will be very beneficial as it will make students more
aware of prices, promotion when shopping for a product or service that they want. However,
I am aware that this topic may be relatively new to most students so I will start from the
beginning. As a teacher I will assist and support students understanding of the topic
marketing and the CBA. I will provide students with real-life examples to help students form
a better understanding. I will introduce new techniques for the students to become aware of
new words they will come across on completion of this CBA. I will do an MCQ at the start of
every class to refresh students understanding of what happened in the last class.

Learning context
My 2nd year class group are aware of the different learning methods I use throughout the
classes. One of the teaching methods that I use at the start of every lesson is a 5 minute
MCQ to refresh the students understanding of the material covered in the previous class.
This MCQ is a great way to refresh the student’s prior knowledge of what happened in the
previous class. This MCQ helps me as a teacher to keep all the students involved and
interacted in the lesson as much as I can. I did notice at the start of my last placement block
that some students weren’t used to been involved. However, by the end of the placement
block these students were more comfortable in classroom activities such as class
discussions. Another teaching method that the students thoraly enjoyed was playing Kahoot
at the end of a topic/unit. Students were not allowed use their phones in the classroom for
games like Kahoot. The teacher had to arrange a slot to take out Chrome Books. Students
would then use the Chrome Books to play Kahoot or access their Office 365 account.
Students engaged and enjoyed using activities like MCQ or Kahoot while learning or
recapping topics and they loved using technology in the classroom. Throughout this CBA I
will continue to use Kahoot and students will be able to use their phones at home for it. This
will save the teacher time as I will not need to arrange time to book the Chrome books and
they will not need to be sanitised. I will introduce the students to my new teaching method of
breakout rooms.

Cross-curricular links
The topic of Marketing links to the English subject as students are expanding their literacy
skills and knowledge with new marketing words. The English subject will help the students to
write the reflection evaluation for the marketing CBA. Students will also have to use their
creativity skills when designing their new product and brand name for their marketing CBA.
The topic of marketing links to the Maths subject as students are expanding their numeracy
skills as they will have to analysis and evaluate the results from the survey and represent
that data on a bar chart or pie chart.
I personally think it would be hard to collaborate with another teacher as our schemes of
work would be different. The topic of marketing is also theory based and this theory is not
included in another topic. Where the links occur between the two subjects are very small and
don’t have enough to focus on to collaborate.
Learning outcomes Topics/Subtopics-Structuring Number of Resources Formative Summative
(term) and Sequencing lessons Assessments Assessments

(For all topics) (For all topics) (For all topics)

Market Research Market research
Define Market  What is market This topic shall  Online resources:  Questioning:  Students will
research research? be covered over Students will be be graded at
three lessons the end of the
assessed by the
Evaluate the  Benefits of market with the students four weeks of teacher asking the
benefits of Market research the CBA.
students questions to
Research determine their
Define the two  Types of market
understanding of
types of market CBA. This will be
research  Desk Research done both orally and
 Advantages and
 Various written. The types of
textbooks, questions asked will
disadvantages of desk
workbooks and
research be ranging from
study guides
 Field Research lower order to higher
 Textbook: order and tailored to
Smart Business – student needs.
Identify different  Surveys/Questionnaires John Taylor
types of field
 Test Marketing Network – Roisin  Students will be
 Direct Observation Mallon assessed on their
 Digital Marketing Ability to select
 Worksheets important points and
keywords from my
 PowerPoint PowerPoint slides
 Posters (on the and bring forward
walls of into their CBA
Conducting classroom)
Market Research
 Labelling diagrams:
Identify the steps  Steps involved in This topic shall  Mind maps on the
Students will be
involved in conducting a market be covered over whiteboard.
conducting market 2 lessons
assessed on their
research campaign
research understanding of the
marketing mix
Define market  Market segmentation Labelling diagrams
 Quiz:
Illustrate a  Questionnaires Students will play
questionnaire  Sample template of a Kahoot
 Pair/group work
Elements of the Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix
This topic shall  Teacher will assess
Identify how  How are products be covered over the students prior
products are marketed? 2 lessons knowledge by
markets completing an MCQ
at the start of the
Evaluate elements  The marketing mix
class to recap what
of the marketing  Product
the students covered
mix  Place
in the previous class.
 Price
 Promotion

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