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Shiela Mae C.


BSBA 3-1


1. Give briefly the main focus in the study of sociology.

The main focus in the study of sociology is to examine how “society” functions by studying the
social behavior of people in the various groups and institutions that they form. Sociology particularly
focuses on how various demographics like religion, gender, race and age have an effect on human
beings as well as their behavior and interaction between people within the group.

2. Illustrate the main differences between material and non-material culture.

Material culture refers to the physical objects, resources and spaces that people use to define their
culture. This includes homes, schools, churches, temples, offices, factories, stores and so forth. All of
these physical aspects of a culture help to define its member’s behavior and perceptions.

Nonmaterial cultures refer to the non-physical ideas that people have about their culture including
beliefs, values, rules, norms, morals and languages. It is also the several types of individual’s
feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

3. How does a human group differ from a collectivity or an aggregate of people?

An aggregate of people is a collection of people who are in the same place at the same time but
otherwise do not necessarily have anything in common and who may not interact with each other. It is
different from human group because it refers to two or more people who interact regularly and who
have things in common like romantic couple, family, friends, classmates, co-workers and so forth.

4. What would happen if there was no socialization process to take place in the life of an individual?

Socialization gradually molded the social being to learn social ways of acting and feeling.
Without socialization process in the life of an individual, the society could not continue itself or nor
culture exist, nor could the individual become a person. Without socialization, we would not learn our
culture and without culture we could not have a society.

5. How did Karl Marx view the distribution of wealth in society? discuss.

Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist who believed that societies grow and
changed as a result of the struggles of different social classes over the means of production. He
believes that Industrial Revolution and the Rise of Capitalism led to great disparities in wealth
between the owners of the factories and workers.
6. According to social disorganization theory, crime is most likely to occur where? Explain?

Social disorganization theory asserts that crime is most likely to occur in communities with weak
social ties and the absence of social control. An individual who grows up in a poor neighborhood with
high rates of drug use, violence, teenage delinquency and deprived parenting is more likely to become
a criminal than an individual from a wealthy neighborhood with a good school system and families
who are involved positively in the community.

7. Which of following is correct regarding the explanation for transgenderism? Defend your answer.
a. It is strictly biological and associated with chemical imbalances in the brain.
b. It is a behavior that is learned through socializing with other transgendered individuals.
c. It is genetic and usually skips one generation.

For me, transgenderism is strictly biological and associated with chemical imbalances in the brain
because being a transgender depends on the brain of an individual and on what he or she feels.

8. Sociologists tend to define family in terms of the connection of bloodlines. True or false? Defend
your answer.

In my own opinion, it is true because I believe that the meaning of family is how you feel secure with
the people around you and you can only feel that if you're with your family because when you're with
them they will protect you and they won't let anyone hurt you.

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