2ND Day Program Script

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Good afternoon fellow teachers at exactly 12:45 PM we will start the

program. May I request all our grade level leaders to kindly inform the
teachers to join the meet now. Thank you.

Welcome to the second day of our virtual inset “BACK TO BASICS V3.0:

An exhilarating afternoon to everyone, I am Ms. Cherry Dee P. Balilu your

moderator to virtual training. I am pretty much sure that all of you are excited to
learn new things with regards to enhancing our oral communication skills, so
without any further ado we shall begin our INSERVICE TRAINING with a
prayer to be lead by Mr. Arthur Onogon grade 8 ESP teacher . This will be
followed by the singing of a Makabayan song.

Thank you so much. At this point, we shall acknowledge the participants of this
activity through a roll call. Let me give this chance to everyone for their presence
to be recognized. In doing so, May I call Ms. Charmaine Palo, grade 8 Filipino
teacher to check the participants?

Thank you so much Ma’am Charmaine

With that, there will be an online attendance to be provided for this session so focus your
attention to our activity. To guide us on how we can maintain our online decorum, I shall once
again present to you the house rules.

To give us a recap of the previous discussion is one of our grade - 8 science teacher, Ma’am
Charry Von V. Gopez

Thank you so much, Ma’am Charry Surely, our teachers have learned a lot from the previous
discussing pertaining to subject and verb agreement and I guess they need more
enlightenment when it comes to this.

Before we proceed to the presentations, let me just remind you about the groupings for our
virtual inset. You will work with your groupmates to accomplish the tasks that you will do in
our upcoming workshops.

I think everyone is all set to learn, unlearn, and relearn from this training for the second time.
Without further ado, allow me to introduce our third session speaker. He is currently one of
the grade 8 English teacher of our school. He Graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree
of Secondary Education Major in English. He will discuss the topic, “Grammar Rules in
Writing Interrogative Sentence?”

let us listen to the smart, dedicated, and skilled language educator, Mr. Reynald M. Puno.

Thank you so much Sir Rain. That was a very informative talk on how to construct
interrogative questions. But of course, we shall now entertain questions from the audience. At
this point, our speaker will address your points for clarifications. If there are questions, you
may unmute your microphone and express your question. You can also address your question
by writing it in the chat pane.
(Anyone who wants to ask questions?) (let me check the chat pane.)

I think everything is clear from our audience. Let us now proceed to the next session. Our next
speaker is a senior high school teacher II, who handles applied subjects (English for academic
professional purposes, practical research 1 and 2 and Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion.
He is currently working on his thesis for Master of Arts in Education major in English at
Tarlac State University, an event host, a very good singer and a radio DJ, to help us refresh our
understanding on the effective use of prosodic features and speech with the topic, “Elevating
Pedagogy through Effective Use of Prosodic Features and Speech, here is our very creative,
meticulous, and passionate teacher, Mr. Jeffrey N. Canlas.

Thank you so much, Sir Jeff. The discussion is very perceptive, and I know that topic will help
us thoroughly use prosodic features and speech. To enlighten us, we shall now ask our
questions in mind to the speaker. You can either ask directly the questions or write them in the
chat pane.

(Thank you for that academic discussion.) (Let us proceed now to the next part of our training)
To test what we have learned from today’s session, we will be having a short workshop to be
facilitated by __________________

Thank you _______________ for facilitating our workshop. And thank you for those who
actively participated. Before we end, please access the link that we will be posting in the chat
pane for your attendance. That will serve as your proof of participation to this training.

(Again, do not forget to access the link and accomplish the attendance form for today’s

(Before we end this session, may I ask sir Ariel if he has some announcements?)

The second day of this training has indeed improved our understanding on the role of English
in the teaching profession and has widen our understanding with the proper use of
interrogative questions as well as prosodic features. We have proven one more time that a
good command of the English language is indeed very essential for us teachers to possess.
With this, allow me to leave you with a quotation from Gandhi which states. “Live as if you
were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Enjoy living in the moment but remember that learning English will prepare you for the future.
Thank you and God bless everyone!

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