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Managing the stakeholders

Your team are important to manage but so are the stakeholders. The stakeholders are the people who

the project will directly affect, for example the management, and possibly directors of the company. The

stakeholders need to be kept informed and happy about the project in order to make sure the project is

not pulled. After all if the stake holders feel things are not working out they may decide to pull the plug

on the project. The stakeholders need to be communicated to and properly managed.

It is essential for any PM and for team members to understand the processes and procedures of

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communication within the company, as miscommunication can take place which will annoy the

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stakeholders. This is particularly important when dealing with foreign companies as there may be very

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specific protocols in place.
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An essential document to have in place is the communications management plan which details how

project communications take place, i.e. who communicates with stakeholders and who can communicate
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with project team members. When does communication take place and in what form, i.e. formal

meeting, informal meetings etc. It is essential that stakeholders are aware of what is going on with the
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project, but they must not be overburdened by information. Thus the communications management
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document will also include communications methods – accepted forms for communicating with the

stakeholders and at what frequency.

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When the stakeholders know what’s going on this will help the smooth running of the project. The worse

case scenario is that something goes wrong on the project and rather than it being communicated to the

stakeholders it is covered up – this then leads to more problems which in turn cause more issues.

Remember that not all problems need to be reported to the stakeholders –a threshold has to be agreed

prior to communication taking place. It is essential that any agreements made with stakeholders, any

changes etc are fully documented and recorded in case questions are asked at a later date.
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