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Truth (Brisbane, Qld.

: 1900 - 1954), Sunday 27 February 1949, page 4


Argentina's President, Juan »

Domingo Peron, giving one J

of his famous- broadcasts


while glamorous wife, Eva, |

who herself holds a domif

ofing position in the
country's politics, .-listens,
The demand for her. to steo

down from control is likely t

to have wide repercussions, -?

especially in view of Ar- S J

gentina's grave economic
position.* J i

Roy Josephs, Argentine
Monday (By |
General Juan Peron,
expert).— Rivalry between
wife Eva have |

Argentine dictator, and his glamorous may


some far-reaching effects. ..._.


morning recently, a sleek black armored


limousine drove into fashionable Avenida

* Alvear, Buenos* Aires, and as the sirens roared,
a platoon of secret service agents cleared the
As yanloads of aides brought up the rear,
all that for?' I told:
asked: 'Who's was

'General Juan Peron, President of Argentina.'

A few minutes later a similar car zoomed along,
held back the -traffic. The
and a second platoon

rearguard was even larger, and more soldiers leaped

to .their machine guns.

'Am I double?' I only two Presidential Curious

seeing two official offices, two official as may
asked. the President and his wife,
newspapers, two of almost
the two most colorful person
whispered reply was:
everything else. One's run by
THE?'That's Evita Peron, com Peron, the other by her.'
own adminis
monly called Eva. That blonde
the wife of our Argentina is in ferment trations and are fighting it
pompadour is over the Army's demand that with each other in a
Dictator, but just which one Eva be removed from public, battle for control of the most
boss is hard to say. We've not life. South
powerful country in
only two Presidential carsj_but it' America. ? -

official Curious as may seem, .

two official offices, two

National Library of Australia

Truth (Brisbane, Qld. : 1900 - 1954), Sunday 27 February 1949, page 4 (2)

America. ? -

Outwardly, the pair still try

Whereas power has made to keep up appearances.
Peron more cautious, his wife But behind the scenes they
has become reckless.
more scramble for the whip-hand.
'All or nothing is my motto,'
Eva has often told her inti CAUGHT!
mates. 'If I go down, look out
for the crash —there won't be Some tit the
aspects situa
anyone left standing!' tion would be downright
Outwardly, the pair still try funny except that, caught in
the middle almost daily, are
16,009,000 Argentinians and
an even greater number of
good neighbors on whose
territory Peron has been cast
ing covetous eyes.
Just before and after their
secret marriage in October,
1945, Eva was part pet, part
goad a

decorative accessory
who sometimes spurred on her


To-day she is no longer the

mere power behind the throne;
she sits on a throne right be To help plan development of

side Peron. =
the country Peron appointed

And it's a throne of the same fattish, balding biscuit-manu- ,

size and importance. facturer Miguel Miranda as

Both Peron and Eva have a 'Economic Czar.'
thirst for prerogative plus the Miranda linked up with Eva,
of Hitler and and their first step was to form
vanity Musso
lini, which permits no one a company called Alea, with
else to get even a foot into Senora Peron as the principal
the spotlight. stockholder.

When Eva began her recent The firm began to import

Peron and sell badly needed scientific
trip round Argentina, i

chided- her, insisting that she instruments. ;

who As nobody else could get im-

wear clothes befittine one
nort permits, Alea cleaned up,
constantly terms herself the
'champion of the descamisa
then expanded to wheat-bats^ -;

farm machinery and st^m

dos' (shirtless ones), who are ]

the regime's basic followers. manufacture.

of Mir- j
Eva flounced out, ordered her Peron's dismissal '

anda recently has been the

most glamorous items packed, greatest blow to Eva's ambi-

and then put on a nation-wide iions.

fashion show.
At one provincial 'appearance
she first made fun of her 'glad
Then came the punch line:
'Not long ago I dressed like
you: Now, thanks to onr pro
gram, I have these clothes.
Soon, if you give me help,
you'll all have exactly, the
The more frenzied partisans
say she can' out-talk and out
manoeuvre her husband.
Peron's advocates —
an in
creasing number of whom can
not stand 'that woman'— reply
that she is a witch who has
hypnotised him into ruin.
Both of the Perons are

flamboyant extroverts, cock

sure of themselves, inordin
ately am bitious, highly

But in other respects they

are complete opposites. She
improvises: he likes to plan
each detail.
She has never forgiven any
body who has ever crossed or
snubbed her, as can be testi
fied by Argentina's cattle ranch
society and her
? once rival
actresses, Libertad Lamaque
and Nina Marshall, who are
barred in Buenos Aires.
Peron usually makes peace
and brings together former
enemies into his camp; Eva
hates the Unites States, be
cause Hollywood scouts once

turned down her starring


National Library of Australia

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