Adjectives and Adverbs 1: (Quick:Quickly) - B1

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Adjectives and adverbs 1: (quick/quickly) - B1 03/02/2020 08:37

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Adjectives and adverbs 1: (quick/quickly) - B1

Why is this important? Take-aways

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you Today you will learn:
want to talk about how something is done, or
- The difference between adjectives and adverbs
should be done? Or do you want to give more
information about something? - And the difference between 'quick' and 'quickly'

If you do, are you able to express yourself? - The mistakes to avoid

This is where this flashcard will come in handy! - …and some interesting trivia!

Examples & Explanations

Adjectives and Adverbs

Simply, adjectives tell us more about nouns (the names of things and people, for example, pencil, France, Monday, cat,
Elsa) and adverbs tell us more about verbs (for example, run, eat, have, do, make, be).

Quick and Quickly

Both mean fast and are used to talk about speed.

Quick is an adjective.
Quickly is an adverb.

It is a quick train.
That man is really quick.

You need to be quick if you want a ticket.

Please be quick, I need to go.
Note: the noun here is 'you'. This is understood but not written.

We must eat quickly and leave.

He runs very quickly.
Quickly, he took out his wallet, and paid.
She quickly finished and left. Page 1 sur 2

Adjectives and adverbs 1: (quick/quickly) - B1 03/02/2020 08:37

Look out!

LOOK OUT! Don't mix up quick and quickly.

=> Quick is the adjective and is used with a noun.
=> Quickly is the adverb and is used with a verb.

Your car is quick!

You drive quickly!

Don't forget!

Quick = an adjective = used with a noun = a quick walk.

Quickly = an adverb = used with a verb = he walked quickly.

Did you know?

A couple of quick facts to finish up with:

Did you know it snowed in the Sahara Desert once for a quick period of 30 minutes, on the 18th of February 1979. The
snow melted away very quickly!
Squirrels bury their nuts very quickly but are not so quick to remember where they put them. Only 26% are found again! Page 2 sur 2

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