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Entrepreneurship (ENTRE) - Assignment

Research · December 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30735.33444

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1 author:

Abdurraouf Fathi Sawehli

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation


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Entrepreneurship (ENTRE)





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Name Abdurraouf Fathi Ali Sawehli
TP TP042816
Intake UC3F1810IT(NC)
Lecturer Ravichandran A/L Muniandy
Module name Entrepreneurship

1. Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Origin of the social entrepreneurship: ................................................................................................. 5
3. An entrepreneur represents social entrepreneurship: ........................................................................ 8
3.1 The background of Bill Drayton: ........................................................................................................ 8
3.2 The source of idea for the existence of Ashoka: ................................................................................ 9
3.3 The nature of the opportunity that the Ashoka exploited:................................................................ 9
3.4 The resources Bill Drayton used to start and then grow the business: ........................................... 10
3.5 The challenges faced along the way by Bill Drayton: ....................................................................... 10
4. The business strategy approach undertook by Bill Drayton: ............................................................. 11
5. Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................................ 12
6. References ......................................................................................................................................... 13

1. Introduction:

In this revolutionized ear, the term of entrepreneurship has become so widely used, and many do
not know the exact meaning of it. Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a business or
businesses while building and scaling it to produce a profit. Though, as a basic entrepreneurship
definition, it’s a bit restrictive. The more holistic entrepreneurship definition is also about changing
the world by solving big problems such as establishing social change, making an innovative
product or presenting a new life-changing solution. What the entrepreneurship definition doesn’t
express you is that entrepreneurs take their career and dreams into their hands and lead it in the
direction of their own choice and own the results.

It can be said that an entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business with the aim to make a profit.
Nevertheless, the entrepreneur definition involves much more than being a business or job creator.
They are some of the world’s most potent transformers who imagine the world differently and take
actions to make a change in the world. They look for possibilities and solutions while the typical
person only sees obstacles and problems. Whether the entrepreneurs solve a problem that many
struggles with daily, bring people together, or build something revolutionary that advances society,
they all have one thing in common which is action and execution of ideas (Ferreira, 2018).

Generally, entrepreneurs are essential in society as they create change and always give to the
community. Some of them even focus mainly on solving social problems and have a non-profitable
organization that aims to make life more accessible and more comfortable for those who are in
need. They invest and fund money to create solutions to help impoverished communities have
access to things we take for granted like clean drinking water and good health care.

Entrepreneurs play a vital role in any economy. They are the type of people who have the skills
and creativity needed to anticipate present and future needs and bring good new ideas to the
market. Entrepreneurs who demonstrate to be successful in taking on risks are rewarded with
profits, fame and continued growth opportunities and those who fail to suffer losses and become
less prevalent in the markets (Kenton, 2019).

2. Origin of the social entrepreneurship:

Social entrepreneurship is known as the act of an extraordinary individual with unique ideas to
make a change in the community. A social entrepreneur is a person who recognizes a social
problem and uses his/her entrepreneurial skills to organize, manage and try to obtain social change.
The primary aim of social entrepreneurship is to expand collective and environmental goals
(Martin, 2012). Social entrepreneur is generally associated with non-profit organizations, yet this
does not separate them from not making a profit. When social entrepreneurship is practiced in an
international situation, it is known as global social entrepreneurship. The concept of social
entrepreneurship came into existence in the decade of 1960‟s and 70‟s and become widely adopted
in recent years.

Social entrepreneurship is quite a new term, and it came into attention just a few decades ago, yet
its practice can be found throughout history. There were a few entrepreneurs who started social
organizations to solve social problems or bring a positive impact in the community. Vinoba Bhave,
the founder of India’s Land Gift Movement, Robert Owen, the founder of the cooperative
movement and Florence Nightingale, founder of first nursing school and developer of modern
nursing practices, may be added in this category. They started such organizations in the 19th
century that is much before the concept of Social Entrepreneurship used in management (Juneja,

As our society and community grow exponentially and their needs are difficult to satisfy, there are
need rises for such entrepreneur who takes measured risk and come up with a possible situation to
start self-sufficient society by utilizing his passion, innovation, creativity, and the drive to change
the world. The social entrepreneur plays an active role in the social change process and always
tries to find problems and understand them to overcome them with an effective solution. When
society struggles or has an opportunity to seize a new opportunity, it requires an entrepreneur to
realize the chance and then to change that vision into a realistic idea and then a reality that exists
across society (Fox, 2016). This type of entrepreneurship is needed now more than ever in
education and human rights as well as in communications. Besides, the concept of social
entrepreneurship has been commonly used and in different forms these days.

While many social entrepreneurs are publicly recognized for their contributions to improving the
welfare of communities, social entrepreneurship still struggles to obtain academic legitimacy. The
current use of the term appears unclear and boundless; boundaries are needed to define its function.
The absence of a standard definition deters research and raises questions about which social or
profit-making activities fall within the term of social entrepreneurship (Swanson, 2013). However,
it can be said that social entrepreneurship is the field in which entrepreneurs tailor their actions to
relate to the final goal of creating social value. Thus, they regularly act with slight or no intention
to make a personal profit. A social entrepreneur combines the passion of a social mission with an
image of business-like discipline, innovation, and determination.

Moreover, the social entrepreneur is a mission-driven individual who utilizes a set of

entrepreneurial behaviors to bring social value to the less privileged people over an
entrepreneurially oriented entity that is financially independent, self-sufficient, or sustainable. The
following table differentiates and summaries e the unique characteristics of typical entrepreneurs
and social entrepreneurs (Abu-Saifan, 2012).

Unique characteristics of the Common attributes of Unique characteristics of the

profit-oriented entrepreneur both types social entrepreneur
High Achiever Innovator Mission leader
Risk bearer Dedicated Emotionally charged
Organizer Initiative taker Change agent
Strategic thinker Leader Opinion leader
Value creator Opportunity alert Social value creator
Holistic Persistent Socially alert
Arbitrageur Committed Manager
- - Visionary
- - Highly accountable

The significant attention of social entrepreneurship comes from the role it plays in addressing
serious social problems and the dedication it shows to improving the well-being of society and
community. The community usually holds social entrepreneurs in high regards since the multitude
of social needs they content and the better life quality they bring to affected societies. When the

characteristics of typical entrepreneurs with social entrepreneurs are compared, we see that the
primary goal of an entrepreneur is to create economic wealth while, for a social entrepreneur, the
importance is to achieve their social mission. Thus, social entrepreneurs prepare their revenue-
generating strategies to serve their purpose to deliver social value directly.

There are two boundaries of business strategies to position social entrepreneurs in the field of
entrepreneurship correctly (Abu-Saifan, 2012).

1. Non-profit with earned income strategies:

It is a social enterprise that carries out hybrid social and commercial entrepreneurial activity to
achieve self-sufficiency. For example, a social entrepreneur runs an organization that is both social
and commercial in which revenues and profits produced are used only to improve the delivery of
social values further.

2. For-profit with mission-driven strategies:

It is a social purpose business carrying out social and commercial entrepreneurial activities
concurrently to reach sustainability. For example, a social entrepreneur runs an organization that
is both social and commercial in which the organization is financially independent, and the
founders and investors can benefit from personal gain.

Social entrepreneurship has grown meaningfully at the practical level, attracting growing amounts
of talent, money, and attention. Social entrepreneur combines business and social problems in a
way that improvises the lives of people associated with the cause. The success is not measured in
terms of profit alone. Instead, success to social entrepreneurs means that they have improved the
world and made value and impact. According to the Schwab Foundation for Social
Entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurs share several characteristics which are obtaining enormous
scale social change, innovating when finding a solution to a social issue and using feedback to
adapt and refine (Schwab, 2019). Moreover, there are a few reasons why social entrepreneurship
is considered as the new business model for many entrepreneurs such as it connects you to your
life purpose if the entrepreneur vision is to provide value to the community, it keeps you motivated,
and it helps you assist other discover their life purpose.

3. An entrepreneur represents social entrepreneurship:

3.1 The background of Bill Drayton:

One of the most known social entrepreneurs with a long record of founding organizations and
public service is Bill Drayton. He who was born in 1943 in New York City, the U.S. He to a mother
who migrated from Australia to the US as a youthful violoncellist and an American dad who,
additionally unafraid to venture into the unknown, turned into a traveler at a similarly young age.
Drayton’s social entrepreneur started early since he was an elementary school student. Bill liked
geography and history and was equally uninterested in Latin and math. His passion was sailing
and running a series of newspapers in his school in which he created the Asia Society and made it
into the largest student organization. During high school, Bill was actively involved in civil rights
work, so he became a member of NAACP (Wormald, 2013).

Bill studied at Harvard where he founded organizations ranging from Yale Legislative Services to
Harvard’s Ashoka Table, an interdisciplinary weekly forum in the social sciences and he received
his BA in 1965 which, by that time, he managed to engage one-third of the students to join these
organization. Drayton entered Balliol College, Oxford and received an MA in 1967, after which
he went to Yale Law School where he received his JD in 1970. Bill worked at McKinsey for ten
years and was a teacher at Stanford Law School and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Thus, he is a manager and management consultant. Though he likes and reflects primary in
historical relations, he is qualified in economics, law, and management which are the three key-
interventionist disciplines (Tucker, 2011)

Bill was Assistant Administrator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for four years,
where he was in charge of strategy, budget, management, audit, and reprehensive of the
environment in Administration-wide policy development. After that, he founded Save EPA which
is an association of professional environmental managers that assisted the Congress, press,
administration, citizen groups, and the public recognizes and stands against the radically
destructive policies in the country. Bill also created and ran the Environmental Safety Organization
which aims to develop and come up with better ways of applying environmental laws. Bill is
significantly engaged as board chair of getting America Working! And Youth Venture which are
major strategic innovations for the public good (Wormald, 2013).
3.2 The source of idea for the existence of Ashoka:

Bill Drayton created the now-famous and oft-used phrase in 1972 after traveling to India to help a
man named Vinoba Bhave. He looked for him, received, then redistribute land so that more people
in India would be landowners and be able to contribute to their corresponding communities. The
journey, which eventually prospered in reallocating 7 million acres of land, was a turning point for
Drayton's life and led him on the path of social entrepreneurship for the duration of his career
(Tucker, 2011).

Thus, Bill’s found a non-profit origination in 1980 known as Ashoka and devoted himself entirely
to lead the social entrepreneurship and continue his journey and commitments to make an impact
on the world and support civil rights. It has got an increasing of a global association of over 3,900
leading social entrepreneurs who work closely to create an ‘Everyone a Changemaker’ world
(Ashoka, 2019). Ashoka Fellows bring big systems-change to the world’s most urgent social
challenges. The source of idea for this enterprise besides his journey to India is that Bill strongly
believes that we all should coordinate and collaborate to make a change in the world and bring
significant value to less privileged people. Also, Bill does not want to be a great example of a
social entrepreneur; he wanted to help to define and promote the term itself among other people
who can lead and has the entrepreneur spirit. Thus, his organization aims to classify, enlist, and
support major social entrepreneurs to create an international team of “changemakers” who can
help implant empathy in everyone, lead the young in a socially conscious direction, and break
barriers in society. According to the organization’s website, “Ashoka’s impact is both multifaceted
and far-reaching, spanning many levels of change in many nations across the globe.”

3.3 The nature of the opportunity that the Ashoka exploited:

The kind of the chance that the Ashoka and Bill used is that the term of social entrepreneurship
and how it works as well as what defines it was vague, and no significant leaders in the field were
there. Besides, Social entrepreneurs with the same minded struggles to provide a substantial impact
due to the vast needs of communities and complex issues they face as well as most of them work
solely without considerable support. Thus, his organization was the first and exclusive pioneer in
the field that is dedicated to finding and helping social entrepreneurs around the world and show
the real meaning of social entrepreneurship. In fact, a study was done by Ashoka in 2013 found

that 87 percent of social entrepreneurs felt that the organization helped to increase their impact and
49 percent stated that the organization made a critical difference to their work which shows the
organization has a successfully exploited opportunity and managed to fulfill its dedication to
finding and fostering social entrepreneurs worldwide (Grumbar, 2017).

3.4 The resources Bill Drayton used to start and then grow the business:

Bill has begun Ashoka as a nonprofit organization that promotes social entrepreneurship and bring
a change to the world, and he knew it would take a long time for an organization to work on change
and build it up. The resources he used, in the beginning, is the focus on the term or believe of
everyone a changemaker until he reached the point where a few people who run professional
organizations, organize meetings, edit magazines, say “oh this is important, and our members or
readers might be interested in this.”. Thus, they organize a session about that, publish articles, and
these activities make the change more reliable which leads to more reports and meetings till he
started to get a positive dynamic. Then the process of evolution became more apparent to a lot of
people, and they begin to change their behavior and spread it to others which grew the organization
to what it is now (Worthington, 2006).

3.5 The challenges faced along the way by Bill Drayton:

During an interview conducted by Egon Zehnder, Bill was asked what the most challenging part
in managing the non-profit organization and social entrepreneurship in general you faced. He said
the transition from a base-building period to a very rapid and self-multiplying take-off period was
challenging for every institution and individual very dramatically and we were lagged three
centuries behind, that is why we had fallen so far back in the beginning to make the transition to a
world in which everyone is a changemaker. Since then we have had thirty years of rapid catch-up
of productivity, scale, and globalization so that business and society can work together, which was
not practical earlier (Grumbar, 2017).

Also, there was a misconception of the social entrepreneurs that indicates social entrepreneurs are
a few players who want to help. However, it is a perspective to everyone is a changemaker, and
they are not to help only, but they should give birth and lends shape to change. Thus, inventing

and refining the correct definition of social entrepreneurship was challenging, and we were
responsible for clearing the vague on the term.

4. The business strategy approach undertook by Bill Drayton:

The approach Bill took to build up Ashoka is that if you can get the best entrepreneurs in the world
to work on a common goal or a problem and get them to think and then act together,
social entrepreneurship would become a practical approach as entrepreneurs are not independently
trying to capture the market and that makes it simpler to have an open structure association. For
example, if you have 100 principal Ashoka fellows to think and work together, about what is vital
for children and youth, you have something that has never occurred before – let alone at a global
level which is very powerful. This strategy is proven to be successful as over half of individual
fellows managed to change national policy within their areas and 90% of them managed to
convince other independent organizations to believe in their ideas (Ashoka, 2019). Thus, we can
imagine the power of these 100 people to make a change when they collaborate and work as a
group for one purpose even though they are in different areas

The transition from the old world of a few players to one of Everyone a Changemaker that Bill’s
undertakes is a liberation movement and approach in the word. It is one of the best things ever
happened since it releases people to be able to express love and respect in action in significant
ways. It’s about something every organization or start-up should do. They need to figure out the
client requirements. They don’t leave it to the smart people at the company to do it only. Everyone
in the organization should be a changemaker and can figure out what customers’ requirements.
Those who believe this is going to do well and be a role model for other people in the field of
entrepreneurship. Through this approach, Bill Drayton managed to be a successful CEO of the
world-famous organization Ashoka.

5. Conclusion:

In summary, social entrepreneurship aims to solve community-based problems through individuals

who are willing to take risks and put efforts to make a change in society and help others. One of
the individuals who were responsible for the rise of the phrase social entrepreneurship and plays
an essential role in today’s world is Bill Drayton. U.S. News & World Report named Drayton as
one of America's 25 Best Leaders in 2005. Over the years he established several non-profit
organizations and one of them is Ashoka. It was created to help, support, connect, and build up
entrepreneurs and their ideas to make a change in the world. Many of the most innovative and
successful social entrepreneurs of our time have received grants and fellowships through Ashoka
and by funding the work of social entrepreneurs around the world, Drayton has impacted issues
ranging from human rights abuses to climate change to poverty and his work continues.

From the author’s perspective, Bill Drayton is a successful entrepreneur who managed to create
an invaluable impact in the social entrepreneurship field. However, Bill only focused on this area
and was not involved in any other areas like innovative entrepreneurship. If he has combined both
types with his talent and hardworking, he might have gone places where he discovered new
products and services, as well as he, might be able to innovate the business process in his business
as he did in the social entrepreneurship. Besides, we might even get a new type of entrepreneurship
that takes the most of innovation ideas and allow them to be part of social-based problems and
simplify the process of making a change in the world. Moreover, Bill started Ashoka as a non-
profit organization that can expand its operation by gathering professionals who can separate its
idea of everyone is a changemaker around the world through their mediums like journals. While
this approach has managed to share the concept throughout the world, yet it took a long time, and
still many people do not know what Ashoka is and its purpose. If Bill has established the
organization with profit based, he could have used the profit in a way that makes his organization
more popular and managed to get a personal wealth as well.

6. References
Abu-Saifan, S., 2012. Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 4 2019].

Ashoka, 2019. Ashoka. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 17 4 2019].

Ferreira, N. M., 2018. What is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneur Definition and Meaning. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 4 2019].

Fox, M., 2016. 5 Reasons Why Social Entrepreneurship Is The New Business Model. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 4 2019].

Grumbar, J., 2017. Interview with Ashoka Founder Bill Drayton. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 4 2019].

Juneja, P., 2015. What is Social Entrepreneurship ?. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 13 4 2019].

Kenton, W., 2019. Entrepreneur. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 4 2019].

Martin, R. L., 2012. Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 4 2019].

Schwab, K., 2019. What is social entrepreneurship?. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 4 2019].

Swanson, L. A., 2013. Social Entrepreneurship. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 14 4 2019].

Tucker, L., 2011. Bill Drayton biography. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 4 2019].

Wormald, S., 2013. Bill Drayton Biography. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 4 2019].

Worthington, D. A., 2006. Fifteen minutes with Bill Drayton. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 19 4 2019].


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