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Riley Spielman


Worksheet 2

1. What were some sources of slaves in the Roman world?  What sorts of work did
slaves do?

Slaves in the Roman world were often war captives, kidnappers, people who had
debts and children. The children were either exposed, born into it or sold by their
parents. Slaves were also bought in huge markets in the eastern Mediterranean. Many
slaves did manual labor such as mining, farming. While others did prostitution and
servitude. Some slaves who were highly educated worked as teachers, doctors and

2. What were the basic operating principles of the patron/client system at Rome? 

A patron was a member of a higher social class. The patron would have many clients
who were a part of a lower social class. The client would create a political network
for the patron and in return the patron would provide legal support, protection and
loans when needed.

3. Discuss the differences between the senatorial and equestrian classes.  How were
these groups defined?  What roles did they play in Roman society?

The senatorial order was a social class whose members focused on politics. Most of
the members were wealthy who had business interests in agriculture. The senatorial
order had a network of clients, freed people and slaves who managed their business.
The Equestrian order was another group of wealthy men, but they did not pursue
politics. In fact, their business interests often conflicted with the senatorial order.
Both of these orders were the top property classes in Rome and played the politician
vs businessmen idea.

4. Discuss the basic legal framework of the Roman family.  What powers did the head
of household have?  How were such powers mitigated in practice?
The head male of the family had absolute control over the children and any slaves but
usually not their wives. Women, even when married remained under legal authority
of their fathers. Children were under control of their father until their fathers died.
Life expectancy was the mitigating factor for this as by age 41 only 6% of children’s
fathers were still alive.

5. Name a group of civic priests at Rome and discuss their function in society.  

The priests and flamens are a group of civic priests who oversaw the state calendar.
They would determine which days business was conducted, religious holidays and
festivals. They also interpreted and determined religious law. These priests also had
other vocations they could pursue.

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