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March 15, 2021

Read the following topics we learnt in the units mentioned. You will be asked about them.


1. What´s your favorite food?

my favorite food is grilled beef with a creamy white sauce, rice and soda.

2. How do you cook your favorite food? Explain.

To prepare the grilled meat the first thing you need is two pounds of beef, two
garlic, pepper, salt, cumin, tomato, onions and a little cinnamon.
for the white sauce we need two tablespoons of butter-two tablespoons of flour and
some evaporated milk.

the first step to make the grilled meat is to liquefy the tomato with the onion and
garlic with a little water.
the second step is to put the meat in a bowl, add the previously liquefied
ingredients, salt, pepper and a little cinnamon powder to taste, let the meat and the
seasoning rest for about fifteen minutes.
third step we turn on the grill and let it heat for ten minutes.
the last step we put the meat on the grill for about four minutes on each side, add a
little more salt and that's it.

to prepare the white sauce the first step is to put in a frying pan over medium heat
and melt the butter.
The second step is to add the flour and mix until a creamy paste is formed.
and the last step is to add little by little the Evaporated Milk and cook for two more
minutes or until it begins to thicken you can add salt and oregano to taste.
You can accompany this dish with rice or with some crispy French fries.
3. Which products are grown in your country?
in Ecuador there are many products that are cultivated these products depend on
the geographical area. for example, in the highlands are cultivated potatoes, corn,
grains, and much more.

In the east are cultivated cocoa, bananas, sugar cane and yucca
and in the coast, they grow bananas, cocoa, mangos, oranges, coconuts and much
4. Are those products exported? Which ones?
yes, in Ecuador we export principally the bananas and the best cocoa in the world as
well as roses and some other products.
5. Do you eat these products as part of your diet? Why?
Yes, I do eat these products because they are really beneficial to our health and their
taste is delicious and goes well with almost any type of food.
6. What do you think about fast-food restaurants?
I think that fast food restaurants nowadays are a help for people who do not have time
to cook, but the bad thing is that it is very harmful to health because this food contains a
lot of fat.
7. Why fast-food companies focus their marketing on children?
because through the children they can continue to grow since they will adapt to this
type of food from a young age, fast food restaurants try to attract the attention of
children with games with food packages and low costs.
8. How fast-food companies adapt to local needs and people´s eating habits?
The fast-food companies are adapting to society by offering different menus for
vegetarian people or for people who like to eat a lot and also with the service mode as
you can buy take away or self-service which means you don't need to get out of your car
to buy.
9. What is the future of fast-food? In five year from now, will people be consuming it?
I think that in five years there will be many more fast-food companies because most
people do not like to cook and prefer to eat out at least once a day.
10. Is healthy food future like fast-food?

I think yes, fast food companies in the future should offer healthy food because many
people do not like to eat fat, others are also vegetarian and should cover all the needs of
the people.

11. What kinds of entertainment do you know? Which are popular in your country?
I know some types of entertainment such as cinema, theater, concerts, stand up,
cinemas, street theater and others.
12. Which ones have you seen? Which do you like? Which one do you dislike? Why?
I have seen the type of cinema entertainment that is my favorite since there are many
genres of cinema for example comedy, horror, action and more besides being
entertaining you can watch them from the comfort of your own home.
I don't like the type of comedy on the street because I don't like how comedians try to
make fun of other people or the audience itself.
13. What´s your favorite kind of entertainment? Why?
my favorite since there are many genres of cinema for example comedy, horror, action
and more besides being entertaining you can watch them from the comfort of your own
14. When you watch a movie, what do you like the most? Atmosphere, characters, cast, plot,
performances, scenery, special effects, music/soundtrack, the ending? Explain and set an
when I see a movie, I like the most is the plot of the movie and the atmosphere because
I like for example the movie my friend Enzo which is my favorite I loved when he was
fighting for his dreams of becoming a formula driver unfortunately his wife dies which
affects his desires but his dog is the one that gives him the strength to continue and I
love that it takes place in a time of the eighties.
15. Have you ever seen a remake? What kind of film was it? How do you describe it? Did you
compare it with the original one? What are the similarities /differences?
yes, I have seen a remake of the original movie called hunger games which is an action
and suspense movie where people were recruited and sent to another world where they
had to fight to survive where in the end only two people survive the difference of the
remake is that it was a comedy movie and it was called the hangover games and it was
based on almost the same thing but instead, they were kidnapped when they were at a
bachelor party of their friend and in the end, it was all a dream.
16. Ecuador has many unusual hobbies and cultural heritage. Talk about one. Is it dangerous,
expensive, healthy, popular with younger people or older people?
An important cultural heritage of Ecuador is the Galapagos Islands, one of the best
places you can visit where you can see the best beaches and landscapes of the country
and you can also watch exotic birds that do not exist elsewhere.
The prices of food, drinks and hotels are a little expensive but it is worth visiting because
it is very beautiful and very popular with American tourists and people from other
17. What activities are there in your country that have cultural heritage?
the activities that you can do in Ecuador is to visit the half of the world considered as
cultural heritage is located in the city of Quito there you can do activities such as
experimentation for example you can feel the traction of the earth on the north side and
south side of the planet.
if you like adrenaline you can visit the city of baños where you can enjoy different
extreme activities.
18. What are the things you get done by other people? When was the last time you got them
done? Who did them for you?

in my case my mother gives me cooking and fixing my room every day.


20. What rules about dress codes do Ecuadorians follow?

I think that the rules that Ecuadorians follow are the dress codes are symbolic indications
of different social ideas, which include social class, identity, attitude towards comfort,
tradition and political or religious affiliations.
21. Do you follow these dress codes? Why?
Not because in my city they don't do it either, and I think it's okay because we all have
different tastes when it comes to dressing.
22. Do you wear the same clothes when you are invited to a disco or to a wedding
Not always because for a nightclub I like to wear light clothes to be able to dance and feel
comfortable, and for a wedding or ceremony I use more formal clothes.
23. What do you think about wearing uniforms in schools? Do you think it is a good idea?
I think that it is good and it is fair and necessary because through the uniform the
students can be identified to which institution or educational unit they belong in a very
simple way.
24. What kinds of rules are there in public spaces in your city?
The rules that exist in public spaces in my city are for example. Do not litter in public
spaces, there is always a trash can if you look for it. Pick up what we leave on the beach,
walks and bottles. Do not throw cigarette butts or gum on the ground among others.
25. Have you ever had broken a rule? What rule did you break it? Why?
Yes, I have broken it, it is the rule of, do not throw garbage in the parks, I did it because I
did not find a nearby garbage dump.
26. Is it a rule that often gets broken in your country?
Yes, it is a rule that is broken in my country, not only often but almost always because
several people do it, by throwing the garbage in the wrong places.
27. Do you think other people should have broken the rule? Why / Why not?
Yes, other people do it because, it is a custom or a bad habit that all of us have to throw
the garbage in the wrong places and not put it in the right place
28. What problems do people usually face when dealing with bureaucracy, in your
I think that the problem we have to face is in public administration, bureaucracy has
unwanted consequences, since it leads to inefficiency, imperfections
and deviations in the processes we wish to carry out.
29. Have you ever felt involved is the red tape? Could you explain?
Yes, I have felt involved in the bureaucracy, because nowadays to do anything you have to
do paperwork, such as to get the license.

30. When you want to get your driving license what documents are you asked for?
To obtain the license, you must present your documents: identity, voting certificate and
blood type.
31. What do you think about people with herd mentality?
I think that people with a herd mentality describe a behavior in which people act the same
way or adopt similar behaviors from the people around them.
32. In which cases do people act in this way? (herd mentality) Do you agree? / Do you
I think maybe in Impact of herd mentality on investments. I do not agree because this
type of investment carries a higher risk because it is necessary to have adequate
knowledge about market conditions and have a long-term investment horizon to wait
for the adjustment and obtain the corresponding profits.

Unit 8: CRIME AND castigo -punishment

19. Which crimes are most common in your country?

the most common crimes in my country are theft, drug trafficking, acecinate.
20. What penalties are usually given? Do you agree with them?
The sanctions that are put is the prison for a time according to the crime committed.
in some parts I agree, because there should be the death penalty for those who kill.
21. Has anyone you know been a victim of crime? If yes, what happened?
my girlfriend was the victim of an assault with guns on a bus. They took all the
belongings and the police only detained them for a week.
22. What is your opinion about shame punishment? Do you believe it is a good way of
punishment? Why?
In my opinion, I believe that if it is a form of punishment because the criminals are going
to be known and people are going to be more careful.
23. Do you have arguments against or for shame punishment? What three arguments are
given in support of shame punishment?
Yes, because they will be known, although they will not get much of the punishment.
they will be afraid to return to the place
the authorities will be more attentive.
24. What three arguments are given against it?
• do not be afraid of those who do these punishments.
• want revenge.
• send others to commit crimes.
25. What would you do if you were rich?
if I were rich, I would build a dog shelter for all the homeless dogs as well as a shelter for
homeless people, I would also like to travel to other countries.
26. What would you do if you won the lottery?
If I won the lottery, I would take my family to visit new countries and invest my money
in houses, resorts and businesses.
27. What would you do if you were a scam victim? What happened? How did you feel
If I was a victim of scam, I would hire a lawyer to help me get my money back. and I
would feel good because I get my money back.
28. How do crimes are solved in Ecuador? What is the process?
Ecuador's crimes are resolved through the prosecution, everything must be reported.
29. Do people go to a trial? Where does it take place? How does jury prove if the person is
guilty or innocent? Who are the people involved?
Yes, people go to trial, it takes place in the prosecution office of each province. The
person is guilty if there is sufficient evidence otherwise, he is innocent. those involved
are witnesses to the events, relatives of the accused and the accused.

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