I: Icad D:Dito

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I : Hey To,how are you doing?
D: I’m good cad,what about you?
I : I’m doing great!,by the way I have some question for you To
D :about what?
I : about you of course
D : oke you can ask me then!
I : How Tall are you?
D : I’m (sok isi to teu apal urang wkkww)
I : oh okey and your weight?
D : I’m (sok isi to teu apal urang wkwkwk)
I : ohh I see I see
D : why you asking me these question?
I : its for my reset
D : so im gonna asking you the same question then
I : okay
D : How tall are you cad?
I : I’m (sok cad isi wkwk)
D : your weight?
I : I’m (sok cad isi wkwk)
D:okey I know more about you now
I : tell me what you thought about me
D : I think now you look more skinnier then before,and your beard has grown more thicker that
whats make you look like Khabib
I: well yeah I think you’re right
D: So? What you thought about me
I : I think you are an Arabian descent are you? I can see it from your face,and you have an
muscular body and that’s what makes you look so strong
D : yeah I am an Arabian descent and thank you for your opinion
I : Do you have an idol?
D : of course I have
I : Who is it?
D : My idol is Lee Dae-Hoon
I : what you thought about him?
D : I think he is a very amazing taekwondo atlet,with a 183 cm tall and 68 kg weight he is very
fast and have a good personality with so many achievement in taekwondo,I think he is the best
taekwondo atlet in the world
I : ohh I’ve heard about him too and yeah I think he is the best taekwondo atlet in the world
D: so what about you?,Who is your idol?
I : My idol is The best football player in the world,Lionel Messi
D : why do you like him
I : because I think he has the best skill in football even though he is short but he is very fast and
agile too like your idol,and of course you know he is the most famous football player in the
D : yes I know messi of course and I’m agree with you he is the best football player In the world!
I: how your daily routine to?
D: well I often train my taekwondo skill because I want to be like my idol Lee Dae-hoon and
sometimes I do some esport too
I : well that’s amazing to
D : what about your daily routine?

I : I’m still playing takraw with my friend and family and I do some esport too sometimes like

D: what your goals and plan to reach it?

I : I want to have a good work with a good achievement and make my parent proud so I can take
them to Mekkah!
D: Well that’s amazing cad!,good luck with that and I believe you can reach your goals
I : amin with that,so what about you?
D: I want to be the best athlete in the world and have a lot of tropies so I can make my family
proud of me too
I : it was amazing good luck with that too,thanks for your time To I think I have to go home now
D: anytime bro!

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