Stargirl Anticipation Guide

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Stargirl Anticipation

Before we start reading the novel Stargirl, we’re going to discuss some
ideas and themes we’ll read about in the book. Write your personal
opinions to the questions below:

1. Have you ever heard the saying, “love is blind?” Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

2. Think about the possibility of changing your name several times. Do

you think your name is an integral part of who you are, or can you
imagine yourself with a different name?

3. If you did/could change your name, what would you change it to and

4. Do you think that people need a leader to turn opinions against

another person? For example, would you be more likely to be mean
to someone if other people were mean to them too? Why or why

5. Popularity, fitting in, and "sameness" are all key themes in Stargirl.
How do you define popularity? Do you think ‘being popular’ is worth
the trouble it might take?

6. Do you ever smile and greet random people on the street or in the
halls? Why or why not? How do people react if you do this?

7. Can you think of any advice your parents or other adults are always
trying to give you? What lessons do you think you can only learn
with age (if any)? Can such lessons be taught to teenagers? Why or
why not?
8. Who is one of the most unique people you’ve ever met? What made
this person so different from other people you’ve known, and what
did you admire most about them?

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