What Is The Most Common Cause of Coronary Artery Disease?

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1. What is the most common cause of coronary artery disease?

Coronary artery disease is believed to begin with damage or injury to the inner layer of a
coronary artery, sometimes from childhood. Damage can be caused by a number of factors,


High blood pressure

High cholesterol

Diabetes or insulin resistance

Not being an active person (sedentary lifestyle)
2. What is the best treatment for coronary artery disease?
The treatment plan depends on the severity of the disease, the severity of your symptoms, and
any other health conditions you may have. Possible treatments for coronary heart disease include
lifestyle changes for a healthy heart, medications, or procedures such as coronary artery bypass
grafting. Include:
o Stop smoking.
o Manage conditions like high blood pressure, high blood pressure, and
o Be physically active.
o Eat a diet low in fat and salt, and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole
o Maintain a healthy weight.
o Reduce and control stress.

3. What foods should you avoided if you have a coronary artery disease?
A heart-healthy eating plan includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; In addition, you
should limit the consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, sodium (salt), added sugars and
alcohol, such as:

 Red meat.

 Industrial pastries. Industrial bakery contains 'trans' fats.

 Pre-cooked pizza.

 Exciting drinks.

 Salt.

 Alcohol.
 Butter.
4. Various drugs can be used to treat coronary artery disease, which ones could
be included?
Your doctor may recommend medications to control risk factors or treat underlying
causes of coronary heart disease. Some medications can reduce or prevent chest pain
and control other medical conditions that may be contributing to your heart disease.
 ACE inhibitors and beta blockers to help lower blood pressure and decrease
the workload on the heart.
 Calcium channel blockers to lower blood pressure by allowing blood vessels
to relax.
 Medicines to control blood sugar, such as empagliflozin, canagliflozin, and
liraglutide, to help reduce the risk of complications if you have coronary
heart disease and diabetes.
 Nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, to dilate the coronary arteries and relieve or
prevent chest pain from angina.
 Therapies with or without statins to control high blood cholesterol.
5. Can you live 20 years after bypass surgery?

The surgery creates a new path for blood to reach the heart. The surgeon takes
a healthy section of a vein in the leg or an artery in the chest or wrist. It then
attaches it to the coronary artery above and below the narrowed or blocked
area. That allows the blood to bypass the blockage and move on.
The results of surgery are often excellent. Many people are symptom-free for
many years. Surgery may be needed again, if subsequent blockages form in
grafted arteries or veins, or arteries that were not blocked in the past. so
lifestyle changes and medications can help keep your arteries from getting
blocked again and live a long time.

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