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English 9 11
Quarter 3, Module 3
Getting Information from Various Print Media

What This Module is About

In this module, you will work with printed informational texts in the form of
brochures, texts about travel brochures. With some sample of brochures, you will identify
the text features used and key supporting details. You will then be provided with
informational text guided by the 5ws to determine the purposes on a printed information
and you will put your skills to get relevant information in a certain brochure.

Various sample of brochures and resources have been included as attachments

with the module. Additional resources have also been provided in the further
recommendations section to help you gather resources for you to comprehend more

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, your skills in getting information from different printed
media will be developed and enhance your creativity as well.

Specifically, after dealing with this module, you should able to obtain the following:

1. Recognize a brochure; its purpose and its features

2. Analyze information from a brochure as guided by the 5w’s
3. Create their own brochure promoting a local spot found in their barangay

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know

When you heard the word BROCHURE what comes out on your mind?
Write your idea inside the bubble thought provided.

Answer Answer
1: 2:


Getting information from
Lesson Brochures
What’s In

Through reading different
printed media, recall a certain
printed text you used from your
previous lessons. Using your lecture notebook, list
down some informative printed media you used.
Provide some information that you learned using
those printed media text. Among those information
you learned, compare and contrast similar
information presented in different texts.

What I Need to Know

This module shows that getting information is not just from a

book or a newspaper. Instead, getting information could be acquired
from other sources which are often useful to have a readily available
document or printed text/media that explain more to what purpose
and services you are looking for.
One format that works well to deliver this information is a brochure. A
brochure is a concise, visually appealing document, and well designed, in order to
grab the attention of the viewers.

In this module, you will be learning about the significant features of a

brochure, its purpose and what sort of information to include in making a brochure.

What’s New

Remember about the place you visited during your vacation.

Use the brochure chart to guide you.

1. Where did you go?
2. Who were your companions?
3. What were the activities you
engaged while you were there?
4. When did it happened?
Were there time frame in your
5. How did you get there? Were
there directions to help you?

What Is It

Now, you must learn that a brochure is a printed media text or an informative
paper document often used for sharing and promotional material. Brochures are
also being referred to as flyers, pamphlets, or leaflets.

In addition, a brochure can also be used as to the following:

 A brochure can explain your organization's purpose

and services;
 A brochure provides significant information about an
organization or travel; and
 A brochure can educate people about a specific
program or event.

Below is an example of a Travel Brochure.
Answer the following 5Ws guide questions in a clean sheet of paper.

Guide questions:

1. Who are the target visitors?

2. What are some activities can a tourist/s have?
3. Were there directions? Cite some?
4. When will it happen? What is the timeframe?
5. Why some tourist wanted to experience all the activities?

What’s More

This time, think of a place you wanted to visit and answer the following

Name of the place you wanted to visit;

Who do you want to go with?
Why do you like to visit that place? ___________________
When do you plan to visit that place? __________________
What are the activities you want to do? __________________

What I Have Learned

In a brochure has TEXT FEATURE which the parts of printed items that help
the reader find and learn information easily: print features, organizational aids,
graphic aids, and pictures/illustrations. These are essential in knowing and learning
about the features in a brochure.

Guided with the text features and its meaning, you will examine a sample
brochure below. Remember, not all brochures have all these text feature. Write your
answers on the given boxes.

Sample Brochure:

Guide Questions: Examine the given brochure and check if there are
present text features.


Bold print Calls attention to new and
important words by making the
words darker.
Bullets Organize information in a list.
Caption Words underneath or next to a
picture that gives information
about the picture.
Colored Print Calls attention to new and
important words with the use
of color. Can also be used to
identify different sections
within the text.
Fact Box Gives additional information
about the topic.
Glossary Alphabetized list of words from
the text that tells what they
Heading Tells the reader what that
section is about.
Illustration A hand drawn picture that
gives the reader a visual of
what they are reading about.
Italic Print Calls attention to new and
important words by slanting
the print.
Map A picture that shows the
location of places referenced
in the text.
Photograph A picture made with a camera
that shows how things are in
real life.
Sidebar Usually located on the side of
the page, it gives extra
information on the topic or
Subheading Helps the reader chunk the
information into smaller pieces
that are related to the heading.

Table Information presented in a

visual way that usually shows
Timeline A graphic that helps show
events in order.
Title The name of the book,

chapter, or graphic.

What I Can Do

At this point, you need to bring along your own selected informative brochure.
Examine and determine the different text features of and the 5Ws information in the


Do not be confused brochures with pamphlets. Both are different. However,

both of them are used to deliver relevant information. Brochure is a type of small
magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company while
pamphlet is a thin book with only a few pages that gives information or an opinion
about something.

Remember that a brochure can be a valuable tool of explaining, answering

questions, and educating or promoting an event. Brochures are professional-looking,
and with the text features, it can greatly attract and reach out a wide variety of

For you to get and understand an information, always be guided with the
features of a brochure as follow;
 Print Features: font, italics, bold print, colored print, bullets, titles, headings,
subheadings, labels, sidebars, text boxes, and captions
 Organizational Aids: table of contents, index, glossary, preface, pronunciation
guide, and appendix
 Graphic Aids: diagrams, sketches, graphs, comparisons, figures, maps, charts,
tables, cross-sections, timelines, and overlays
 Illustrations: colored photographs, colored drawings, black and white
photographs, black and white drawings, labelled drawings, and enlarged

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Task 1: After learning about brochure. Answer the following

questions based on your understanding.

Definition of a Brochure: Importance of Brochure:

Function/s of a Brochure:

Task 2: This time, create or make your own Travel Brochure by

promoting your local spot/s found in your barangay or place. Your
work will be checked using the rubric below.

Travel Brochure Rubric

4 3 2 1
The brochure The brochure The brochure The brochure
has excellent has has format and
Organization formatting and appropriate information organization
very well formatting and with random of material are
organized well- formatting. confusing to
information. organized the reader.
The brochure The brochure The brochure The brochure
communicates communicate communicates communicates
relevant s relevant irrelevant irrelevant
information information information, or information,
Ideas appropriately appropriately communicates and
and effectively to the inappropriatel communicates
to the intended y to the inappropriate
intended audience. intended to the
audience. audience. intended
All the writing Most of the Some of the Most of the
is done in writing is done writing is done writing is not
complete in complete in complete done in
sentences. sentences. sentences. complete
Capitalization Most of the Some of the sentences.
and capitalization capitalization Most of the
Conventions punctuations and and capitalization
and correct punctuations punctuations and
throughout and correct and correct punctuations
the brochure. throughout throughout the are not correct
the brochure. brochure. throughout the
The graphics The graphics The graphics The graphics
go well with go well with go well with do not go with
the text, and the text, but the text but accompanying
Graphics/Picture there is a there are so there are too text or appear
s good mix of many that few. to be
text and they distract randomly
graphics. from the text. chosen.
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