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SetupManualRadioDJ v.2.0.0.

The install and setup of RadioDJ.

Right click on the downloaded file
Right click on the file.
select Run as administrator.

Click on Yes
Follow the steps to install in the next screens.

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Accept the agreement, click next.

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Check the installation folder RadioDJ must have it's one folder.
You can use brows to in stall in a other folder or drive.
Make sure that RDJ is not installed in the folders
Program Files or Program Files (x86) or the hidden folder ProgramData!
Tip: exclude the radiodj installation folder in your virus scanner!
Click next

Click yes

Click install and wait till the install is completed.

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RadioDj will not run without a database so select Start Database Setup!

Click on finish.
The settings screen for the database connection will open

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There is no database connection and the database does not exist,
so there is a error massage in the screen.
As described previously remember the password when installing the sql server you need the password,
put this where it says changeme then click on validate

Automaticly will in front of the http:// placed in front of
When the box SSL is selected is https:// placed in front of

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There is a connection to the SQL server but still a error massage in the screen,
because the database does not exist with the name with My SQL database,
if you want you can change the name otherwise click on INSTALL DATABASE in the box.

You can click on ok, because there is no database yet!

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The new database is crated. Now click on the tab Auto Backup in the screen

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important too!
Check the folder name on Backup Location
Click on ok (bottom right corner)
Some explanation on Auto Backup Usage:
How to setup?
- In the Tab "Auto Backup" check the "Enable Daily Auto Backup" option, set
backup hour and if needed check the "Close To Tray" option, which will
prevent to accidentally close the application.
- It is very important to set a path to which the backups will be saved!
- To close the application when the "Close to tray" is checked, right click
on the tray icon and select "Exit".

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In the tray when auto backup is active the icon is chowed

Another small note

RadioDJ must always be started as an administrator!
go to the RadioDJ folder and do a right click on RadioDJ.exe and create a shortcut link to your desktop
Do a right click on the shortcut link and select properties

Click on Advanced

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Select run as administrator and click ok

Click on Apply and than on ok

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Setup RadioDj.

To start click on

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Small explanation:

Exceptionally, when when clicking on

this screen may appear.

If so then click on
And the administration login screen opens

Use the name admin and password admin and click on the login button

Now click on now you can change all.

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Click on options

Settings screen:

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• Language = You can set the language to use (there are 16 languages available.

• Date format = You can set the format to your likes how? click on
• Program Priority = The one selected will do fine.
• Results to show = has to do how many tracks per page to show in the search screen and track
manager screen!
• All other settings will do fine for the first time.
• Advice select the box by Store settings in database!
Note on Remote Instance with a extra setup/use of RadioDJ
if the database and music is shared between two or more instances, when setting one as remote
this RadioDJ version will not mark tracks as played to avoid corruption of the history/reports
but also the events will not trigger on it. In this way, you can create
play lists, edit tracks and so on, but without corrupting the database.
• Allow only one instance will prevent that if you install a extra setup of radiodj it can't be use or
started (you can run multi setups of radiodj.

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Sound cart settings:

Set the main 1 speaker

Note, set if possible by Monitoring (QUE) an other speaker (like a headset)
This speaker will/is used for pre listening a track and used bij setting que points on tracks

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Every time you make changes to the sound cart settings you have to re start radiodj there will be a
warning pop up screen

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Auto DJ:

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Stream Titles:

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Other Settings:

When you have setup radiodj in a other folder as C:\RadioDJ\

• Recording Folder = Check whether it points to the correct folder.
(RadioDJ has a build in recorder)
• Artwork storage Path = Check whether it points to the correct folder.

(By importing tracks and there is album art present it will be stored in that folder)

• Color Scheme = Skins for the look of Radiodj screen. By clicking on    You can make your
own scheme.
• Short cut buttons you can add or remove the buttons.

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This are the standard plugins.

How to use and set, see in the menu all that has to do with standard plugins and Disabled Plugins

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Placing your music tracks in RadioDJ
Getting the music in RadioDJ to stream to the internet.
Ordering the music tracks
Organize your drive where the tracks are.
Like on year or genre just so it is most logic for your self.
Fill the tags in the track the best you can with a tags editor!

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Click the button CATEGORIES

And Setup categories and or sub categories.

Categories Sub categories Genres

This are standard categories and cant be
When adding a new categorie, a new sub Sub categories can be Genres can be renamed
categories must be added too.d> renamed. and/or removed.
Please NOTE: A category cannot exist
without a subcategory

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Importing your tracks
There are two ways to import, single track import or folder import!
The fast way is using DIRECTORY IMPORT.

Importing your tracks in the radiodj database

In the options menu click on DIRECTORY IMPORT.

Click on for selecting a folder in the popup screen.

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This is a example popup screen:

In the directory import screen

select the subcategory where to put in the tracks.
By genre you can select the genre from a list or you select auto (when selected the genre auto, tag in the
track will be used)
When all is well, click on Import Directory and wait till the import is finished

You can repeat this for all your tracks just click on and adjust the settings for subcategory and

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Now there are tracks to play in the database.
You can see your imported tracks are now showing in the radiodj search sereen.

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