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The Destination is the Journey

Creating a business from the ground up can be a very difficult task. Jenny Wecker proves that
working towards a greater good and having a unique angle can make that process a little easier.

By Ashley Smart

SOUTH JORDAN, UT— Having your first child is a very big turning point in life. Most first
time mothers will do everything they can to make it a perfect experience, whether that be as
simple as researching what products to use or as complex as not wanting to lose who you are
while raising a newborn.

Jenny Wecker is a 27 year old business owner, who is married to her best friend and is raising
two beautiful young girls who go by the names Georgia and June. Her company, Fawn Design, is
a woman's handbag and accessories company centered around an emphasis on motherhood.

The idea for Fawn design came seven years ago when a friend who was pregnant could not find a
diaper bag that she liked. Jenny, with a knowledge of sewing and a fondness of creating things,
decided to put her skills to the test and make a diaper bag that would fit her friend’s needs.
Therefore the Original Bag was born, and it was a hit! “Everyone at the baby shower loved it and
asked if I could make them one” This led to many hours spent making these bags until it was just
too much for Jenny to handle on her own.

Many hours and prototypes went into creating the first bag. In fact it took 6 months of work
before the first bag was complete. That first bag being the Original Bag, which to this day is still
their best seller. What originally started out as a side hobby quickly grew into something much
bigger. Even though the attention wasn’t sought after, it came. One source to thank for the
attention is Instagram which was new at the time, so Wecker was able to gain traction pretty
easily. Another thing that helped was their kickstarter in 2015. They worked with 30 influencers
to raise awareness for the company, “It made all the difference!”

When Fawn first started there weren’t many if not any stylish options when it came to diaper
bags, and as the founder, Jenny wanted to do something different than the other similar
companies that were around at the time. The vision of the company was “To give women a
stylish diaper bag option that made them feel good about themselves”, and that is still the vision
and a core piece of the company today.

Every little detail is important. “Buying a diaper bag for your first baby is a big deal. Women
spend so much time researching their perfect bag” which is why when creating new products
Jenny, the founder and owner of Fawn Design, spends a lot of time asking women what they
actually want and are looking for in their products.

An original goal of the company was to land Nordstrom as a retailer. “I am proud to say we
landed them last year! Which still blows my mind!” What might seem surprising to others is the
fact that Jenny decided not to put any concrete goals into place for Fawn Design this year.
Instead she decided to leave a lot of that up to her team. “A goal for me this year has been to cut
back on work time, so I can spend a lot more time with my family. I’ve sacrificed a lot for Fawn,
and now I’m at a spot where I want to give that to my family.” Hearing what has been
accomplished thus far, that time seems well deserved.

It is hard to believe that with running a business there would be much time for family, but despite
the demanding schedule Wecker said she is blessed with an incredible life. She has been able to
travel the world with her family and has gotten to experience many amazing places. It seems that
with all the adventures this company has taken their family on, there is no reason to think about
what life would be like without it. “It’s hard to imagine a life without Fawn. I had no idea what
my life would be like. My husband and I both agree it was so meant to be.”

When asked what advice she has for people who have an idea for a product and would like to
start their own company, Jenny says “Just start! We are always waiting around for the right time
or opportunity, but there is no time like the present!” Along with that she tips that if your main
motivation is to make money, then the journey will be an uphill battle. “For me, Fawn has never
been about the money, it’s been so much more than that. I’ve found if you’re trying to be a good
person, and working towards a greater good, the money always follows.”

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