The Holocaust/Anti-Semitism: Antisemitic Propaganda Exercise: Children's Book Cover, 1936

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The Holocaust/Anti-Semitism

Antisemitic Propaganda Exercise: Children’s Book Cover, 1936

1. This book cover says Jews are not to be trusted and they should be eliminated.
2. The stereotypes being used are never to trust a Jew because they are like a lying fox.
3. I think it targets children so the children will have hate in their heart for Jews when they grow
4. It is Important because it tells the children how it was okay the holocaust tortured innocent
5. Yes, some people say Muslims and Chinese people are dangerous because Muslims are
terrorists and Chinese people have Covid 19.

Antisemitic Propaganda Exercise: Political Cartoon, 1938

1. This cartoon sends the message that Jews are monsters who want to take over the world.

2. The stereotypes used are that Jews are monsters that are greedy.

3. I think the artist showed the whole world being attacked to exaggerate the Idea Jews want to take

4. The timing of the cartoon matched the time because in 1938 the Nazis took away Jewish people’s
properties. This is important because it shows the Germans trying to stop the Jews from taking over the

5. There is a stereotype that North Koreans want to nuke everyone; which is similar to the Jews

6. You can counter such images by standing up and saying it’s not true.

Image of Antisemitism, 2000s

1. This cartoon sends the messages that Jews are evil people trying to control the world
2. These messages are similar to the one from 1938 because it shows the Jews trying to takeover
and control the world. They are different because they describe one as human and the other
one as a monster.
3. This cartoon gives the fear of control and suppression towards people.
4. You can counter images and messages by saying it’s racist and standing up to it.

Holocaust Denial, 2000s

1. The messages this cartoon sends are that Jews are trying to act as victims yet they are the ones
torturing the Nazis and Germans.
2. The stereotypes this artist applies is that Jews are murderous and manipulative people.’
3. These are similar to the portrayals of Jews during the holocaust because it shows that Jews are
liars who try to act like the victims when the holocaust never happened,
4. Slurs like kike are damaging because it is a racial slur meant to mock/hurt a certain race. I hear
slurs such as the n word and hard r word today, (when said by non-African Americans).
5. This piece of propaganda seems irrational; The Nazi party killed 6 million Jews and tried to act
like the Jews were the real villains.
6. It is important to counter these massages so they don’t spread and circulate. The holocaust
should never be forgotten because if we forget history it will repeat itself.

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