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Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 22 (2017) 1e6

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Clinical Nutrition ESPEN

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Randomized Controlled Trial

Green tea extract outperforms metformin in lipid profile and

glycaemic control in overweight women: A double-blind,
placebo-controlled, randomized trial
Monallisa Alves Ferreira, Anna Paula Oliveira Gomes, Ana Paula Guimara ~es de Moraes,
~o Felipe Mota, Alexandre Siqueira Guedes Coelho,
Maria Luiza Ferreira Stringhini, Joa
Patrícia Borges Botelho*
Clinical and Sports Nutrition Research Laboratory (Labince), Faculty of Nutrition, Federal University of Goias, 74.605-080 Goiania, GO, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Background & aims: Both green tea and metformin are used as adjuvants to treat and prevent compli-
Received 10 May 2017 cations associated with obesity; however, studies comparing their action and interaction in non-diabetic
Accepted 15 August 2017 overweight women have not been reported. Thus, the current study evaluated the effects of green tea
extract and metformin, both individually and in combination, on type 2 diabetes risk factors in non-
Keywords: diabetic overweight women.
Camellia sinensis
Methods: A total of 120 overweight women were randomly assigned in a double-blind manner to 1 of 4
groups, as follows: control (n ¼ 29; 1 g of cellulose), green tea (n ¼ 32; 1 g of dry green tea extract),
Insulin resistance
metformin (n ¼ 28; 1 g of metformin), and green tea þ metformin (n ¼ 31; 1 g of dry green tea
Lipoproteins LDL extract þ 1 g of metformin). Each group took the indicated capsules daily for 12 weeks. Anthropometric
measurements, body composition, and fasting blood samples were evaluated.
Results: Although no significant interactions were observed in glycaemic control (p ¼ 0.07), green tea in
the absence of metformin reduced fasting glucose (4.428 ± 2.00; p ¼ 0.031), but when combined the
lowering effect was nullified. In contrast, metformin increased HbA1c concentration (0.048 ± 0.189%;
p ¼ 0.017) and also reduced body weight (1.318 ± 0.366 kg; p ¼ 0.034) and LM (lean mass)
(1.249 ± 0.310; p ¼ 0.009). Regarding lipid parameters, green tea significantly reduced total cholesterol
and LDL-c.
Conclusions: Green tea was superior to metformin in improving glycaemic control and lipid profile in
non-diabetic overweight women and, therefore, green tea extract is a promising alternative for reducing
type 2 diabetes risk in overweight women.
© 2017 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction

Obesity is correlated with disturbances in pancreatic islets,

uncompensated glycaemic control and impaired glucose tolerance,
Abbreviations: LM, lean mass; FM, fat mass; PC, placebo group; GT, group all of which increase type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) risk [1]. Studies
receiving green tea extract supplementation alone; MF, group receiving metformin
show that lifestyle changes can delay or prevent DM2 in individuals
alone; GTMF, group receiving both green tea and metformin; Tea 0, groups
receiving only metformin and/or placebo; Tea 1, group receiving green tea extract
with obesity. In some cases, pharmacological interventions with
supplementation alone þ group receiving green tea extract and metformin com- oral antidiabetic agents such as metformin have been used to
bined; Met 0, groups receiving green tea extract alone and/or placebo; Met 1, group minimize DM2 risk even in non-diabetic obese patients [2]. How-
receiving metformin alone þ group receiving green tea extract and metformin ever, in a crossover study with non-diabetic obese women, met-
s, St. 227,
formin did not improve blood glucose as expected [3]. Also, lifestyle
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Nutrition, Federal University of Goia
rio, 74.605-080 Goia
Block 68, Setor Leste Universita ^nia, GO, Brazil. changes may be equal to or more effective than metformin in
E-mail address: (P. Borges Botelho). treating abnormal glucose levels [4].
2405-4577/© 2017 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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2 M. Alves Ferreira et al. / Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 22 (2017) 1e6

Furthermore, side effects related to regular use of metformin, of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Ethical approval
such as diarrhoea and vomiting episodes, may lead to the discon- was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Federal University of
tinuation of treatment [5]. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of Goias (reference number 636.652). The trial was also registered at
long-term early pharmacologic treatment of overweight in- (clinical trial RBR-4bdwxs). All participants
dividuals who have not been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or DM2 provided written informed consent to participate in this study after
is questionable [6]. being informed of its design both orally and in writing.
Green tea possesses similar actions to metformin in controlling The participants were randomized into four groups using the
glucose production and uptake, which may be useful for the pre- Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA)
vention and treatment of obesity-related complications [7]. Based method as follows: Placebo (PC), 4 capsules containing microcrys-
on its activity, green tea can improve glycaemic control [8], reduce talline cellulose/day (1 g/day); Green tea (GT), 2 capsules contain-
body fat [9] and ameliorate other risk factors for type 2 diabetes, ing dry extract of green tea/day (1 g/day; 560 mg polyphenols) þ 2
such as lipid profile [10]. capsules containing placebo/day; Metformin (MF), 2 capsules
To the best of our knowledge, studies comparing the effects of containing metformin (1 g/day) þ 2 capsules containing placebo/
metformin and green tea, both individually and in combination, on day; Green Tea þ Metformin (GTMF), 2 capsules containing dry
body composition and DM2 risk factors in humans are not available. extract of green tea/day(1 g/day; 560 mg polyphenols) þ 2 capsules
Therefore, we conducted the current double-blind, placebo- containing metformin/day (1 g/day). The participants were
controlled, randomized trial to assess the effects of a green tea instructed to consume two capsules before breakfast and two
extract and metformin, individually and in combination, on body capsules before lunch for better absorption of both compounds and
composition, lipid profile, and insulin resistance in non-diabetic nutrients. They were also instructed to maintain their normal
overweight women. lifestyle habits, including those related to diet and physical exer-
cise, during the 12-week intervention.
2. Subjects and methods All of the capsules had the same appearance. An independent
research group not involved in the study was responsible for
2.1. Materials administering the supplements according to randomization pro-
tocol; thus, the investigators and participants were both blinded.
Green tea was analysed using high-performance thin-layer The blinding code was provided to the investigators after statistical
chromatography (HPTLC), and encapsulated in a specialized labo- analysis was complete.
ratory (Nathupharmus®, GO, Brazil). Each green tea capsule con- Adherence to treatment was assessed by counting the number
tained 500 mg of Camellia sinensis leaf extract (extracted with of capsules remaining when the participants returned to the lab-
ethanol 80%), with 280 mg polyphenols, including catechins. Met- oratory. To increase the compliance, all individuals received weekly
formin was quantified using high-performance liquid chromatog- short messages on their cell phones and phone calls.
raphy (HPLC), and colourimetric method was used to quantify Compliance with the consumption of foods was monitored
cellulose, which served as the placebo in our study. Each capsule through a 7-day food record questionnaire that included five
contained 500 mg of metformin or cellulose microcrystalline. weekdays and two weekend days. The records were subsequently
evaluated by the research team to assure that the dietary infor-
2.2. Subjects mation was complete and accurate. Then, data on food records
were analysed using Nutriquanti® (2011, Sa ~o Paulo, SP, Brazil).
Power calculation was performed based on an anticipated
change in glycated haemoglobin concentration mean (our primary 2.4. Primary and secondary outcome measures
outcome). The estimated effect size was set to 1% decrease from the
values in the control group. With a variance of 1.5 (%)2, a power of The primary outcome measure in this study was glycated hae-
0.8 and a significance level of 0.05, an estimated 24 subjects in each moglobin concentration, and the secondary outcome measures
group, were needed. We estimated 25% of dropout rate and initi- were fasting glucose, lipid profile and body composition. We also
ated the study with 120 subjects. explored measures of pancreatic activity (HOMAs). All endpoints
Participants were recruited between June and August 2014 were measured at baseline and at 12 weeks in all groups.
through assessments of clinical records from nutritional primary
care facilities and the endocrinology clinic within the Clinical 2.5. Side effects reported during the intervention
Hospital of Federal University of Goias, Brazil.
To assess this calculated population, a total of 191 women were The side effects reported by the participants were classified into
screened by a questionnaire containing the inclusion criteria for the different categories as follows: gastrointestinal, welfare, colour and
study: women aged 20e45 years with abnormal glucose concen- odour of urine, feeling of fullness, fluid intake, diarrhoea, nausea,
trations evaluated by fasting blood glucose (>100 mg/dL) or gly- headache, heartburn, dry mouth, and other.
cated haemoglobin (5.7%) and BMI > 28.9 kg/m2 or BMI > 27.5 kg/
m2 and HOMA-IR > 3.60 [11]. All these parameters were assessed in 2.6. Anthropometric measurements and body composition
the beginning of the study through biochemical tests.
The exclusion criteria were as follows: use of insulin or All measurements were performed by the same operator, who
glycaemia-lowering medication; any weight control treatment; followed standard procedures. Subject height was measured during
clinical diagnosis of diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, heart the selection phase to the nearest 0.5 cm with a stadiometer (Model
disease, hyperthyroidism or menopause; pregnancy or breast- Standard, Sanny®). After voiding and while wearing light clothing,
feeding; and daily consumption of any kind of tea. each participant's body weight was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg
on a digital scale (Filizola®, Brazil). Waist circumference was
2.3. Study design and diet intake measured on undressed subjects at the midpoint between the
lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest.
A 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study DXA assessments of fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM) and body fat
was performed in accordance with the principles in the Declaration percentage were conducted using a General Electric Lunar Prodigy

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M. Alves Ferreira et al. / Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 22 (2017) 1e6 3

scanner (DPX NT, GE©) with Encore 2011 software (version 13.60, metformin (met 0); however, no differences were observed when
GE Healthcare). The coefficients of variation (CVs) for the DXA tests interaction between treatments was analysed.
of LM and FM were 0.75% and 1.03%, respectively.
3.3. Body composition
2.7. Biochemical analysis
Green tea supplementation did not affect body composition
Blood samples were collected from a peripheral vein the morning outcomes (Table 2). In contrast, metformin reduced weight
after a 12-h fast. Total cholesterol, HDL-c, triglycerides and fasting (1.318 ± 0.366; p ¼ 0.034), BMI (0.460 ± 0.153; p ¼ 0.016) and
glucose were analysed using an enzymatic colourimetric method; LM (1.499 ± 0.386; p ¼ 0.02) (Table 2).
HbA1c by turbidimetry; and fasting insulin concentration by chem-
iluminescence (Miura 2000, Kovalent®, Sa ~o Paulo, Brazil). LDL-c and 3.4. Glycaemic control
very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-c) levels were
calculated according to the Friedewald et al. (1972) equation [12]. Although no significant interactions were observed in our study
HOMA-IR and HOMA-b were calculated to evaluate insulin resistance (p ¼ 0.07), green tea's effects under metformin absence and pres-
and functional capacity of pancreatic beta cells, respectively [13]. ence seemed to be different. Fig. 2 shows that green tea reduced
Renal and hepatic toxicity were monitored. Creatinine, fasting glucose (4.428 ± 2.00; p ¼ 0.031) but when combined to
glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic metformin the lowering effect was not observed. Moreover, met-
transaminase (GPT) were analysed using the colourimetric method formin also increased glycated haemoglobin concentration
Full Stop (Architect c8000, Abbott Diagnostics®, Illinois, USA). (0.048 ± 0.18; p ¼ 0.017). Thus, this difference of behaviour can
justify the trend about the interaction. Neither intervention
2.8. Statistics affected insulin, HOMA-b or HOMA-IR.

Descriptive statistics (mean ± standard error) were calculated 3.5. Lipid profile
for each variable in each group. Means were adjusted using the
method of least squares. The net change for the intervention was Metformin did not change lipid profiles; however, significant
calculated by the differences between the values recorded before influence of green tea was observed in the reduction of total
and after the intervention. Dietary variables were adjusted at each cholesterol (11.467 mg/dL ± 3.71; p ¼ 0.047) and LDL-c
stage of the study according to average calorie consumption using (5.031 mg/dL ± 3.82; p ¼ 0.024) (Table 2).
the residual method [14].
The normality assumption of residuals was checked using the 3.6. Hepatic and renal toxicity
Lilliefors test. All tests were performed using a critical significance
level of 5%. A 22 factorial design was applied to evaluate the sig- Neither green tea nor metformin caused acute liver or kidney
nificance of each factor on biomarker response; the first factor (x1) toxicity. Metformin decreased creatinine concentrations at the end
was the use of metformin, while green tea extract supplementation of the study (0.023 mg/dL ± 0.01; p ¼ 0.009). Moreover, this effect
was the second factor (x2), and the combination of both was ana- was also attenuated by the combination of green tea and metformin
lysed using two levels (0 ¼ absence and 1 ¼ presence). The sig- (0.049 mg/dL ± 0.01; p ¼ 0.000) (Table 2).
nificance of the main effects (x1 and x2) as well as their interactions
(x1 vs. x2) were calculated using ANOVA, and the results were 3.7. Signs and symptoms reported by subjects during the
expressed as bar charts. The bars represent the standardized effect intervention
estimates (net change) corresponding to linear regression co-
efficients as follows: Yijkl ¼ m þ gi þ mj þ ck þ (mc)jk þ 3 ijkl, where The symptoms among the subjects, including the placebo group,
y ¼ response, m ¼ constant, gi ¼ fixed effect of the pairing group, were intestinal upset and the feeling of being full. In the metformin
mj ¼ metformin's contribution to the response, ck ¼ green tea ex- group, episodes of diarrhoea (17%) and nausea (9%) were frequent.
tract's contribution to the response, (mc)jk ¼ contribution of the When both treatments were combined, these side effects were
interaction between metformin and green tea extract to the increased (26% and 16% for diarrhoea and nausea, respectively)
response, and 3 ijkl ¼ the error associated with the observations. All (Supplementary Table 2).
statistical analyses were performed using R version 3.1.1.
4. Discussion
3. Results
To the best of our knowledge, the current study is the first
3.1. Subject characteristics double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to investigate
the effects of green tea and metformin, individually and in com-
Initially, 191 women were enrolled: 153 subjects matched the bination, on lipid profile, glycaemic control and body composition
study inclusion criteria, and 120 agreed to participate in the study. in overweight humans, all of which are considered risk factors for
The subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 intervention groups insulin resistance and DM2.
(Fig. 1). Thirty-two women withdrew during the intervention: 14 for We found that 12 weeks of green tea treatment reduced total
personal reasons, 9 due to lack of contact, and 9 because of inade- cholesterol, LDL-c and fasting glucose levels in metformin absence.
quate capsule intake. As a result, 88 participants completed the study In contrast, metformin increased glycated haemoglobin levels and
(Fig. 1). At baseline, all groups had homogeneous characteristics, reduced body weight due to LM loss.
except for age in the GT group (p ¼ 0.049, Supplementary Table 1). Both green tea and metformin are thought to be attractive
molecular triggers to the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)
3.2. Energy and macronutrient intake pathway, which is related to the translocation of GLUT-4 and the
improvement of glucose uptake into the intracellular medium, in-
Energy and macronutrient intake are shown in Table 1. Protein hibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis through a decreased expres-
intake increased in the absence of isolated green tea (tea 0) and sion of gluconeogenic genes, attenuation in oxidative stress and the

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4 M. Alves Ferreira et al. / Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 22 (2017) 1e6

Fig. 1. Schematic of participants flow through the study design.

Table 1
Least squares means estimates for green tea, metformin and their combination on energy and macronutrient intake.

Variable Green tea Metformin p Interaction

tea 0 tea 1 p met 0 met 1 p

Calories (kcal) 40.110 (105.61) 85.344 (119.82) 0.883 18.886 (101.55) 144.340 (120.71) 0.266 0.096
Protein (g) 19.342 (4.98) 0.235 (5.71) 0.016 18.112 (4.78) 1.464 (4.72) 0.019 0.310
Lipids (g) 1.562 (2.28) 2.343 (2.63) 0.222 0.997 (2.19) 1.779 (2.62) 0.356 0.397
Carbohydrates (g) 20.565 (7.50) 1.195 (8.39) 0.082 20.326 (7.10) 1.434 (8.50) 0.068 0.532
Fibre (g) 2.529 (1.27) 4.713 (1.43) 0.246 2.488 (1.22) 4.754 (1.44) 0.213 0.192

Data in bold refers to p-value < 0.05.

Data expressed as D ± standard error (se). Tea 0: groups receiving only metformin and/or placebo. Tea 1: group receiving green tea extract supplementation alone þ group
receiving green tea extract and metformin combined. Met 0: groups receiving green tea extract alone and/or placebo. Met 1: group receiving metformin alone þ group
receiving green tea extract and metformin combined. p-Interaction: p-value for interaction when there was combined use of the products.

increase fatty acid oxidation [15]. However, Zang et al. [16] sug- Contrary to our expectations, metformin did not reduce the
gested that in animal models the effect of green tea polyphenols is glycaemia. It increased glycated haemoglobin and still seemed to
50e200 times more potent than metformin in AMPK activation. nullify the green tea effect on fasting glucose. DeFronzo and Abdul-
This may justify the superior effect of green tea in reducing the Ghani [17] suggested that metformin initially reduces HbA1c levels
glycaemia in our study. but this is followed by a progressive increase. Moreover, some

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M. Alves Ferreira et al. / Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 22 (2017) 1e6 5

Table 2
Least squares means estimates for green tea, metformin and their combination on type 2 diabetes risk factors.

Variable Green tea Metformin Interaction p Interaction

tea 0 tea 1 p met 0 met 1 p

Weight (kg) 1.167 (0.34) 0.463 (0.35) 0.096 0.312 (0.33) 1.318 (0.37) 0.034 1.081 (0.51) 0.632
Waist circumference (cm) 0.959 (0.48) 1.138 (0.52) 0.881 0.705 (0.48) 1.391 (0.53) 0.347 1.985 (0.74) 0.155
BMI (kg/m2) 0.349 (0.14) 0.086 (0.15) 0.136 0.025 (0.14) 0.460 (0.15) 0.016 0.386 (0.21) 0.573
LM (kg) 1.086 (0.29) 0.856 (0.29) 0.561 0.443 (0.28) 1.499 (0.31) 0.026 1.134 (0.43) 0.310
FM (kg) 0.214 (0.33) 0.096 (0.34) 0.450 0.044 (0.32) 0.163 (0.35) 0.718 0.413 (0.50) 0.105
Fasting glucose (mg/dL) 0.839 (1.47) 2.289 (1.54) 0.085 0.952 (1.40) 0.499 (1.63) 0.935 0.151 (2.30) 0.070
Glycated haemoglobin (%) 0.317 (0.17) 0.152 (0.18) 0.615 0.516 (0.16) 0.048 (0.18) 0.017 0.033 (0.26) 0.181
Insulin (mg/dL) 1.104 (0.88) 0.731 (0.88) 0.750 0.812 (0.83) 1.024 (0.92) 0.839 0.572 (1.28) 0.657
iHOMA-IR 0.193 (0.20) 0.240 (0.21) 0.835 0.196 (0.19) 0.237 (0.22) 0.828 0.154 (0.32) 0.457
iHOMA b 5.853 (16.36) 9.441 (17.80) 0.452 6.799 (16.05) 10.387 (18.23) 0.360 4.763 (25.81) 0.054
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 1.545 (3.49) 11.467 (3.71) 0.047 6.534 (3.46) 6.478 (3.72) 0.936 13.882 (5.25) 0.327
HDL-c (mg/dL) 3.570 (1.00) 5.187 (1.05) 0.218 4.981 (0.99) 3.776 (1.07) 0.414 3.772 (1.49) 0.251
LDL-c (mg/dL) 5.987 (3.66) 5.031 (3.82) 0.024 2.669 (3.53) 3.626 (3.89) 0.205 2.375 (5.49) 0.847
VLDL-c (mg/dL) 4.665 (1.40) 1.885 (1.45) 0.151 2.916 (1.35) 3.634 (1.50) 0.706 1.908 (2.09) 0.733
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 23.341 (6.95) 9.274 (7.20) 0.143 14.531 (6.70) 18.085 (7.46) 0.706 9.321 (10.38) 0.723
GOT (U/L) 0.268 (0.71) 0.320 (0.74) 0.979 0.081 (0.71) 0.506 (0.75) 0.656 0.861 (1.03) 0.520
GOT (U/L) 2.475 (1.00) 2.516 (1.05) 0.995 1.963 (0.96) 3.027 (1.08) 0.432 2.991 (1.48) 0.935
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.005 (0.01) 0.009 (0.01) 0.957 0.009 (0.01) 0.023 (0.01) 0.009 0.049(0.01) 0.000

Data in bold refers to p-value < 0.05.

Data expressed as D ± standard error (se). Tea 0: groups receiving only metformin and/or placebo. Tea 1: group receiving green tea extract supplementation alone þ group
receiving green tea extract and metformin combined. Met 0: groups receiving green tea extract alone and/or placebo. Met 1: group receiving metformin alone þ group
receiving green tea extract and metformin combined. p-Interaction: p-value for interaction when there was combined use of the products. BMI: body mass index; LM: Lean
Mass; FM: Fat mass; iHOMA-IR: Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance index; iHoma-b: Homeostasis Model Assessment-b index; HDL: high-density lipoprotein;
LDL: low-density lipoprotein; VLDL: very low-density lipoprotein; GOT: glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; TGP: glutamic pyruvic transaminase.

Fig. 2. Influence of green tea and metformin on fasting glucose.

studies have shown an estimate of 35% failure rate for metformin suggest that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol found
monotherapy [18]. Thus, the variabilities in the response of met- in green tea, may be more effective in Asians because this popu-
formin may explain the lack of effect of the drug in glucose con- lation appears to carry a polymorphism in the catechol O-methyl-
centration in the current study. Studies with animal models have transferase (COMT) allele that increases COMT enzyme activity and
shown that metformin can fail to activate AMPK in the liver and so adrenergic-induced lipolysis. Moreover, Asians also present
fails to induce a glucose-lowering effect due to the alterations in the greater abdominal fat percentages and lower insulin sensitivity
expression of genes involved in hepatic gluconeogenesis and lipo- than Caucasians [22].
genesis [19], or even in metformin transporters [20]. Thus, further In contrast, metformin induced weight loss, which corroborates
studies in the field of pharmacogenomics are necessary to explain the findings in other studies in non-diabetic obese individuals
these results. However, hypothesis involves metformin influencing [23,24]. However, in this study, metformin reduced LM and did not
genic and intergenic regions [18]. change FM. A possible relationship between metformin and muscle
One of our hypotheses was that green tea would reduce gly- mass reduction was demonstrated in a culture of muscle cells in
caemia through changes in body composition. However, we did not which the association between metformin and the expression of
find a difference in fat mass between groups. Hursel et al. [21] the Muscle RING-finger gene protein-1 (MuRF1) was observed. This

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6 M. Alves Ferreira et al. / Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 22 (2017) 1e6

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