Faculty of Sciences Mathematics: Math 200, Calculus I

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Faculty Name: Faculty Of Sciences

Program Name: Mathematics

Math 200, Calculus I

SECTION 1: Course Information and Learning Outcomes

Course Name (Title): Calculus I

Course Code: Math 200 Nb. Of Credits: 3 Pre-Requisites: None

Academic Year: 2019-2020 Semester: Fall

Section: 1 & 2
Course Time : WF 11:00-12:30 (Section 1) & TTH 11:00-12:30 (Section 2)
Link: https://balamanduni.webex.com/meet/youssef.dib
Instructor Name / Title: Youssef Dib, PhD .
Email: youssef.dib@balamand.edu.lb

Section: 3
Course Time: TTH 9:30-11:00
Link: https://rabih017.my.webex.com/meet/rabih017
Instructor Name / Title: Rabih Bou Daher, PhD .
Email: rabih017@hotmail.com

Section: 4
Course Time: WF 9:30-11:00
Link: https://balamanduni.webex.com/meet/farah.farah
Instructor Name / Title: Farah Farah, PhD .
Email: farah.farah@balamand.edu.lb

Coordinator name: Youssef Dib, PHD

Course Description:
This course covers techniques of integration for definite and indefinite integrals as well as
applications of definite integrals. Sequences and their limits and the convergence and divergence
of infinite series and power series follow. The course then gives an overview of Fourier series.
Polar coordinates are introduced. The course finally presents functions of several variables and
double integrals.

Course Educational Objectives:

1. To solve, evaluate and study proper and improper integrals of both definite and
indefinite types including double integrals.
2. To calculate area, perimeter and volume of closed regions.
3. To find the limit functions as well as sequences.
4. To find the sum and study the convergence series.
5. To represent basic functions by power series.
6. To familiarize with functions of several variables and double integrals.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students must be able to:

1. To solve and evaluate integrals of single and double variables.

2. To calculate area, volume and length of curve using integrals.
3. To find the sum and/or study conditional convergence, absolute convergence as well
as divergence of series.
4. To represent basic functions by power series.

Required Textbook:
Thomas’ Calculus by Finney, R., Weir, M. and Giordano, F., 12th edition.

References( readings, technical articles, hard copy and e-resources, etc.):

Finney, R., Weir, M. and Giordano, F. (2001) Thomas’ Calculus 9th , 10th ,11th edition. (New
York: Addison Wesley)

SECTION II; Course Content and Timetable

Week Date Chapters/Topics/Coverage Sections

1 Techniques of Integration Basic Integration Formulas
Integration by Parts
Partial Fractions
2 Techniques of Integration Trigonometric Integration and Substitutions
L’Hopital’s Rule
Improper integrals
3 Techniques of Integration Improper integrals
Applications of Definite Substitution in Definite Integrals: Areas of Regions
Integrals Between Two Curves
4 Applications of Definite Integrals Arc length
Volumes by Slicing – Disks and Washer method.

5 Applications of Definite Integrals Volumes by Slicing – Disks and Washer method.

Volumes by Cylindrical Shells method
6 Infinite Series Limits of Sequences of Numbers

7 Infinite Series Infinite Series

Series of Nonnegative Terms
8 Infinite Series Series of Nonnegative Terms
Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional convergence.
9 Infinite Series Power Series
Taylor and Maclaurin Series
10 Infinite Series Taylor and Maclaurin Series
Applications of Power Series
Periodic Functions
11 Fourier series
Fourier Series

Functions of Any Period p=2L

12 Fourier series
Even and Odd Functions

13 Multiple Integrals Double Integrals

14 Multiple Integrals Double Integrals

Teaching Strategy and Guidelines

Calculus is taugth mainly by formal lectures. Some methods, such as presenting interesting problems, asking
questions, giving student time to think, asking for a group work, and so on, are used to make students active and
interactive in the lectures. In addition to the three hours given by the instructor, one hour of problem solving per
week is given by a tutor to help students develop their conceptual frameworks and to learn problem solving skills as
they try out their own ideas on other students and the instructor and tutor.

Student Work Evaluation

Test 1: 30 % Fri Oct 16 5:00 pm
Test 2: 30 % Frid Nov 13 5:00 pm
Final exam: 40 % Date TBA BY REGISTRAR

Total: 100%

Total 100%

Drop periode end by Nov 27

SECTION III: policies and Students’ Responsibilities

Academic rules and regulations are to be followed according to the policies and guidelines of the
University, as laid out in the Catalogue (particularly the sections on Attendance and Academic

1. Students are expected to attend all classes and laboratory sessions

2. Absence, whether excused or not, from any class or laboratory session does not excuse
students from their responsibility for the work done or for any announcements made
during their absence.
3. A student who is near missing one-sixth of the course sessions will be receiving a written
warning from the instructor. Once the number of missed sessions reaches one-sixth of
the course sessions, the instructor notifies the student in writing and copies the registrar
that it is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from the course before the end
of the drop period, otherwise he will earn a WF as a final grade for the course.

If the number of missed sessions accumulates to more than one-sixth after the drop deadline, the
student will receive as well a grade of WF. A WF grade is counted as a numerical grade of 40
for the course in computing the student’s averages.

It is expected that the students carry themselves with the utmost ethical and professional
manner at all times and in particular during lectures, and dealing with each other.

The University of Balamand is committed to a policy of honesty in academic affairs. Examples

of conduct for which students may be subject to academic and/or disciplinary penalties including
expulsion are:

1. Cheating, whereby non-permissible written, visual, or oral assistance, including that

obtained from another student, is utilized on examinations, course assignments, or
projects. The unauthorized possession or use of examination or course-related material
may also constitute cheating.
2. Plagiarism, whereby another person’s work is deliberately used or appropriated without
any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work
is the student’s own.
Note: A student who has assisted another student in any of the aforementioned breaches of
standards shall be considered equally culpable.

In case of cheating or plagiarism, the instructor may take appropriate academic action ranging
from loss of credit for a specific assignment, examination, or project to removal from the course
with grade of 40. Additionally, the instructor may request disciplinary action through the
Disciplinary Committee as outlined in the Student Life section. Student must consult the
Undergraduate Student Catalog (Catalogue) for exact policies.

Make-Up examination: Students who miss a regular examination for a valid reason must
present an excuse to the Dean’s/Director’s office within 4 days of the test date. Original
documents are required at the time the student returns to the University. In this case, a make-up
test will be assigned. No exceptions to this policy shall be considered. Student must consult the
Undergraduate Student Catalog (Catalogue) for exact policies.

Final examinations: Students who miss a final examination shall receive an incomplete grade
(I) if they present a valid excuse as described above and if they have a passing grade in the
course up to the final examination. A make-up for the final examination shall be given, in this
case, according to the policies of the University, at a time set by the professor, that suits both the
professor and the student. No exceptions to this policy shall be considered. Student must consult
the Undergraduate Student Catalog (Catalogue) for exact policies.

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