Halo Power Trac Lighting Catalog 1975

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POWER-TRAC SYSTEMS Ordering lnlormation

Four-Circuit & Accessories 6-9
l\/iniature & Accessories . 10-11

Flaceway & Accessories.

Recessed & Accessories. . 12-13
Trac Layout Inf ormation .

LAMPHOLDERS Ordering lnlormation

Spheres. ... .....18-19
Cylinders.. .....20-2'l
Continental .....22-23
Un iversal . 24-25
Squares & "Wet-Look" Colors .. ...26-27
Spotlights & Projectors. ...... ..28-29
Wall Wash & Specials . .. . .......30-31
Outlet Box lvlount. ....... ...32-33
Downlights. 34
Lampholder Accessories. 35
lllumination & Lamp Data. .. ....36-38

NUMERICAL .........|nside Back Cover

Copyriqhi 197s
Halo Lighling and Power-Trac are reglstered i.ademarks oJ HALO LIGHTING a
McGraw Edison Co. Division,400 Busse Road, Elk Grove Village, lllinois, 60007

Halo Lishting. a lrlccraw Edison Co. Ovison, reserves lhe rght al any time 10
make changes in th€ consiruclion and the design ol the prcducts listed horein
whlch may be requlred by law or the rules of any reg!lalory body,



U.S. Pat. No.3649741 . U.S. Pat. No.3611252
Other U.S. Patents App|ed For . Foreign Palents Pending
Halo^' . POWEF TFIAC . CoilexlM
O Copyright 1974-Halo Lrghting Div., lVcGraw-Edison Co.
Ilo powcr-trcc

Classical contemporary design,

/.f low-cost installation and
'., 1 unprecedented versatility.
\/ :-l
ln this catalog Halo presents four exciting
( new POWEF-TRAC systems, eac h
.-'.-; designed to fill a specific lighting need
in the most economicai way possible.
The modular POWEF-TRAC concept is
rl ltr i-tended to facilitate space planning,
'J:*lt and to provide architects, engineers and
lighting designers with a multitude of new

I I. ways to create more effective illumination.

These systems range from 4-Circuit Trac,

the most sophisticated track lighting
system available, to l\,4iniature Trac, the
first system designed specifically for
residential use.

POWER-TFAC is a natural choice for

any area where lighting needs vary. lt's
the easiest and best way to put light
where you want it, when you want it, at
a minimum cost.
four new

A sophisticated, heavy duty system. Four
separate 20A circuits provide four times
the capacity, four times the control, four
times the convenience in each section
of Trac. Excellent and economical for small
stages . . . schools, nightclubs, theatres, etc.
See pages 6 to 9.

Low-profile, single-circuit Trac. Speciai
miniature fixtures and special decorative
finishes make this system especially well
suited for residentjal or light commercjal use.
See pages 10 and 11.

nr. l\y'echanically the same as Miniature Trac,
o6 66 but with an integral raceway to allow
additional Trac sections to be fed from one
outlet box. Desjgned primarily for economy
in commercial or long-run installations.
See pages 12 and 13.

A flanged version of the Raceway Trac,
& &
f ! for recessjng into plaster or tile ceilings.
Provides an inconspicuous clean -line
installation. See pages 12 and 13.
four lighting systems in one

4 times the capacity, 4 times the control and 4 tirnes the convenience
wjth Halo's 4-Cjrcuil Power-Trac, the ultimate in ljghting versatility.
Capacrty-Four 20A circuits give ampJe capacity lor almost any lighting
job. First, the extra circuits allow greater load density (more watts per
foot of Trac). ln a display window, for example, a sjngle section of
Trac provides up to B0A of lighting . . . 4 times the density of a single
circu it Trac.
Alternately, the addilional capacity can be used to make longer runs
from a single leed point by spreading the load between the circuits,
giving 4 times the iength of run. Additional circuits can be run through
the integral raceway, allowing even longer runs.
Flexibility-The foLrr circuits can be used for lour different types of
electricalservices. Not on ly general and accent lighting, but emergency
lighting, night lighting, call systems, p.a. or music systems, display signs,
pendant or decorative lighting, power receptacles for cJeanrng equjp-
ment, etc. Contact factory for further detai s.
Control-Each circuit can be separately swrtched or dimmed. Color
mixjng, time sequence swrtching, electric eye control of lighting levels,
all are now possible with Four-Circuit Power-Trac. For the first time,
Jighting consultants can design a workable stage lighting system within
a moderete budget for school and church stages, night clubs, little
theatres, etc.
Economy- Power-Trac instails quickly and easily. l\y'any circuits can be
connected from a single fee0 point, cutting installation costs and
saving time. Longer 12' lengths install faster and cut the number of
con nectors needed by one-third.
Push-in connectors eliminate lime-consuming splicing. Add the built-in
raceway, which allows additional circuits to be run from the original
feed point, and you have a system which is not only practical but h ig hly
economica as well.


Trac connectors simply push into the Trac. No additional wiring or

splicing is required. All connectors are desrgned to ensure that the
system is properly grou nded.
Raceway Cavet llu.hished) -

"""i,"''-.-g--r a@,,'/
'*'.:0,,'"','- "' - -..-

l.-,,r",00". ) ---l

The 4-circurt Adapter rs de- T!rned 180', it makes contacl

sioned to f I into lhe Trac ln with circuils 3 and 4. A 3-
eiiher oi two directions. Fac- position sw tch (oN-oFF oN)
ing Ln one d rection, l makes is then used to seJect the de-
.\-__.\ partionl coniact wlth circLrils 1 and 2. sired Lrpper or lower circuit.

\o.r'nq r""",
tshawn tn clased

FOUF-CIRCUIT OPERATION: The Halo Power-Trac sys-

tem prov'oes foL'separate c IcJits 'or JSe w'th eill-er sirqle-
phase.3-wi.e or 3-p1ase. ,1-wire sysle'ns.
GROUNDING: To ensure completely safe operation, the For safety, ground contact is Note that the sw tch musl be
entire Trac systern is fully polarized and grounded. Ground- ..ade automalically as the ln the OFF' position betore
inq is accomplished by means of a separate soijd-copper Adapler is inserled into the the lock ngleverwill ciose.ln
gro-10 condJctor in tl'e lrac. wlicl-'norrtails conrirLity ro Trac. Contact with the elec- addrtron each adaPter has
the oLildinq s qroundrrg systerr ll^roLgh ll-e ground-cortact trica cond uclors is made only rts 6wn fLrse tor extra safelv
lingers in each of the connectors. by closing the locking lever.
SPECIFICATION: The structural channel is extruded alumi-
num, with .070" (1.8mm) nominal wallthickness. Width is 13/a"
(4.4cm), heiqht is 13/a" (4.4cm). Conductors are solid copper
'&) -i:

strjps (cross-sectior equivalent to "12 AWG w re) encaseo

This converter allows any L700
Series singie-circu tlampholder to
in r,gid extrLdod poly-v;ryl .rsJlalo's. Connectors drd e1d be atiached to N/lu ti-ClrcLr t Trac.
caps are noldeo of -exa1' w th solid-orass cortact firlge's. and lo be connected to any of the
four crrcu ts of the Trac.
P -Satin White Paint
AL-Satin Aluminum
tnt n ntuc
Ire C

l_ ,,," ,.. u". ,


lliniature s 2e... decorator fjnishes... push-!n con- FINISH CODEj Add etter deslgnation
nectors. .. economy.. . all com bine to make l\.4iniature to Catalog No. when ordering.
Trac the ideal choice for residential or light corn- P -Satin White Pai.t
W -Teakwood wilh Black Trlm
mercial installations. PAL-Po ished A um nLrm
AL Satin A uminum
l\18 Matte B ack
SIZE-N.4iniature Trac is only 11l16" (1.7crn) deep by
13/s" (3.5cm) wide. This means that wherever the Trac is
instailed, on ceiling or walls, under cabinets, or behind a
valance, it's going to be rnconspicuous. For residentlal
use, match the Trac with Halo's rniniature decorative MINIATURE TRAC
fixtures. For heavier jobs, choose from a wide range of (lncludes dead end and mounting hardware. Outlet box
more powerf ul lampholders. cover, live end connector or ioiner conneciors mlst be
ordered separate y.)
FINISH-Your choice of five finishes, designed to har-
monize or biend with almost any decor. White, Polished L650 2' Trac. Aclual length 207s"
or Satin Anodized Aluminurn, Teakwood, BJack. . . Color (51.1cm). Aval able in "P," "W,"
coordinated lampholders available See pages 18 to 27.
L651-4' Trac. Actual ength 447s"
CONNECTORS- lnstallation is a breezel Connectors (112.1cm). Avai able in "P," "W,"
simply push in to the ends of the Trac, eliminating spJic- "PAL, "AL," "[,48.',
ing cornplelely. Straight connectors, L's, T's and X's L652-8'Trac. Aclual lengih 927s"
allow Trac to be combjned easily into any rectangular (234.0cm). Available in "P," "W,"
grid pattern. Saves time and effort. ,.PAL, '' "AL,'"'TIB."
GROUNDING (Earth Contact): To ensure completely safe L653 12'Trac. Actual lengih 1407s"
operation, the entire Trac system is iully polarized and {356.0cm).Avalable in "P," "AL,"
"MB ''
grounded. Grounding is accomplished automatically by
means of a separate solid- copper ground conductor in the
Trac, which maintains continuity to the building's ground-
ing system through the ground-contact fingers in each of SPECIAL PACKAGING
the connectors. Since ra_y nslallariors call fo on y one seclio_ of -rac.
fol convenience in o'de'i^g we have pdc(dged the 2',4'
PORTABLE USE: lf no outlet box is available, the elec- and B'Tracs as complete unils. These can be ordered by
uslng the catalog numbers be ow. Each package lnc udes
trical feed to the Trac can come from any nearby all the components necessary for s ngle-sect on installa-
grounded receptacle, through use of the 3-conductor tion {Live End, Trac, Dead End, Oullet Box Cover and all
L950 Cord and Plug Connector. The L950 Connector is necessary mounting hardware). "P,' "W," or "PAL."
rated for 10A only. Total load should not exceed 10A on
any Trac run fed through this connector. L600-2' Trac (complete). Actual
length 227s" (58.1cm).
SPECIFICATIONS: The structural channel is extruded L601-4' Trac (complete). Actual
aluminum, with .070" (1.Bmm) nominal wall thjckness. length 467s" (119.1 cm).
Conductors are solid copper strips (cross-section equiv- L602-8' Trac (complete).
alent to #12 AWG wire) encased in rigid extruded poly- enqth 947s " (241.0cm).
vinyl insulators. Polarized connectors and end-caps are
molded of Lexan" with solid brass contact finaers. Elec-
trcal capacity is 20 Amps.
L900 OLrtlet Box Cover. Can be Ltsed !.,,: \..__. L950-Cord and Piug Connector. 12'
al any eleclrica leed connect on potnt
..:.+2 three-wire cord with grounded plug.
(Live, Sharqht, L, T, or X) Screws jn-
cluded. "P" only. d;i!,' Maxirnurn capaclty 10A. "P' or "NlB."
L901-Live End Connector. To start
run. 'P" or 'M8."
a '9 L957- Pendant Adapter. Allows any
chain-hunq f xture up 10 35 lbs. lo be
slspended from Trac. "P or "lV1B."
*\ L903-Straight Connector. To coinect 6
two Trac sections end-to-end. "P" or
"l\l B. " Ll59-Grld Ceiling Out et Box. 4" Oc
rll-.1 taqon box,2ls" deep, s otted 1o fit over
T-bar junct on point.
G\- L904 "L" Conneclor. To connect two
Trac sections al a right ang e. 'P" or
*.:- \ ''t\l B. "
1 ltt L961-S gn Hangerwith hook. Will hold
L905 "T'Connector. To connect E up to 35 bs. "N,48" only.
'\ three Trac sections lnto a "T" con-
*j"-\t++ iigurat on. 'P" or "M8." .t L966-Outlet Adapter. For grounded
three-prong plug. "P" only:
L906- X Connector. To connect lour
€l<--- - ='E-' Trac sections into a cross confiqura
tion "P" or "MB "
L980-Live Fnd wth %" trade size
sLrspend Trac from celllng. Each Trac
TO irl\
.-..'-\ Conduit Fitter. Use when ieed ng to
Trac through surface conduit system.
sectlon requires iwo (2) kils; longer runs 'P" or "l\,48".
a-- require one kil every four feet. lncl!des
one 18" ihreaded stee stem, canopy
and mounting hardware. Longer stems L983-T-bar Attachment Clip. Allows
available on special order. Consult Trac to be altached to inverted lee
factory ior deiails. lf Trac is io be wired ceiling. Order minimum of 2 or one for
through stem, order wire-way cover
^:-J1,. L951 {one for each live end used). "P",
each 3'(or portion thereoj) of Trac run.
''P or "N.48".



l.-' '


(lnclr.rdes dead end, mounling hardware and Taceway cover.
For over a decade, Halo's single-circuit POWER- Out et Box Cover, Live end conneclol or loiner connectors
TRAC with Raceway has been the "wotk-hotse" ol must be ordered separalely.)
the display industry. Millions ot leet ot Trac arc now
in use in installations throughout the wo d.
Now, Halo has improved this version of the Trac, ... L611-4'Trac. Actua iength 44%"
adding a host of new leatures to make it the most (112 cm).
versatile track system on the market:
L612-8'Trac Actua ength 92%"
INTEGBAL RACEWAY-The top portion of the Trac is (234 cm).
designed as a raceway, and wil carry up to 6 +12 AWG
conductors. These can be used to feed additional sec- L613-12' Trac. Actual length
tions oi Trac frorn the original feed point, reducing instal- 1401s' (356 cm)
ation time and cost substantially. Raceway covers are
included wiih the Trac.
PUSH-IN CONNECTIONS-No splicing lequired. Con-
nectors simply push into the end of the Trac, jolning it RECESSED TRAC
both rnechanical y and electrically. (lnc udes dead end, raceway cover and hanger brackets.)
SEPARATE GROUND WIRE-The new Power-Trac has Recessed Trac can be used in tl
a sepa'are. lsJlated so id-copper groJnd o'ea'th co1 straight runs on y, in conlunction
wrth the L931 Live End. or L933
ducro'. des qleo lo mdirtain positive gIoJro conti.ruily Straiqht Connector. lt is des gned
between ampholders, Trac, and the building's grounding for installatlon in either ti e or
system. plaster ce nqs. Sat n Wh le Paint
(P) finish on y. Contact factory ior
SMALLER SlzE-The Trac has been reduced in size both nsiallal on tecomrnendat ons,
vertically and horizontally, making it more unobtrusive ,'"

]- tu u"'.r-..]
than ever before.
FINISHES The new Power-Trac is available in satin
to provide increased
aluminum, white or matte black. L631-4' Trac. Aclua leirgth 441s"
design ilexibllity. (112 cm).

SPECIFICAT!ONS -The structural channel is extruded

aluminum. wlth .070" (l.8mm) nominal wall thickness. L632-B'Trac. ActuaL Length 921,/s "
(234 cm).
Width is 13/s" (3.5cm), height is 1?i6" (3.3cm). Conductors
are solid copper strips (cross-section equivalent to +12
AWG wire) encased in rigid extruded polyvinyl insulators.
Connectors and end-caps are molded of Lexan with solid
brass contact fingers. Electrical capacity is 20 Amps.


(for surface mounl Trac on y) _'-\ L953 Pendanl All. Fo <Jtiace moJnI
\ 1\ e".oway T ac o-ry Io L-pend -rac
L900 Out et Box CoveL Can be used ' Lf-- "o- tl^o c.r,r q lndi\rd ,d -rdc \ac-

at any electr cal feed connection poini tions require lwo (2) kits, wilh onqel
(Llve, Straight, L, T, or X) Screws n runs requ ring one kil every lour feet.
clud ed P ' only. Kil ncl!des one 18" threaded slee
slern, one canopy and mount ng hard
ware Longer slems ava able on spe-
L911-Llve End Connector. To start a cral order. Contacl lacloJy lor detarls
-..1 run P or ,48. '
'AL lin sh only.
L913 Straight Connector To connect L957-Pendanl Adapter Al ows any
lwo Trac sections end lo
end. P or fb
.E cha n hung fixture up to 35 lbs. to be
suspended from any single-c rcUil
(_, Trac. P or 'IMB. '

L914- L' Connector. To connecl lwo L159-crid Ce no Outlet Box. Forsur-

Trac sections at a r ghl angLe. P or face mo!nt Trac 6n1y. 4 octagon bor,
''MB frin 2rs deep, solted lo lLl over T-bar
junct on polnt.
L915 T' Connector. To connect i: L961 S gn Hanger. For any s ngle
three Trac sections nto a T con :!
t gurat on P or f/8. c rcLrit Trac. Utility hook wlll ho d up to
U; 35 lbs. iVB" on y.
L916 X" Connector. To connect {our L966 Outlet Adapter. For any s ngle-
Trac secl ors into a cross coni gura c rcLrit Trac. Accepts qrounded lhree-
tion. P or MB. .-._] prong p ug. P" only.
L981-L ve End w th %" lrade size
CONNECTO BS Condu I Filter. Llse when feed ng to
(for Recessed Trac on y) s!lface rnounl Raceway Trac through
surlace condu t systern. "P or MB".
L931 Live End Connector. To start a
Recessed rLrn. "P only. L984-T-bar Attach.nent Clip. A lows
suTJace mount Raceway Trac to be
L933-Slra ght Connector. To connect altached to lnverted tee ce ng. Order
t\ryo Recessed Trac seclrons end-to- minimLrm of 2 or one for each 3' (or
end. P" only. porlon
ihereof) ol Trac run P" or
FINISH CODE: P -Salin Whlte Painl AL -Salin A uminum MB Malte B ack
plonning d pcwer-trac loycut
(All Tracs except Flecessed)

Power-Trac sections can be surface, recessed or pendant RACEWAY TRAC-L610, L630 Series
rnounted, depending on the style of Trac chosen, and can The integral raceway allows addltional circuits to be fed
be used in single sections or joined to form continuous rows from a single feed point. nraking this Trac appropriate ior
of any length. Surlace or pendant Trac can be connected to comrnercial insta ations, museums. art ga leries, etc. Each
form an "L," "T" or "X," or any rectangular grid pattern, by of the 2 raceway channels urill cafiy 3 +12 AWG wires.
using the proper con ne ctors. (Grounding is continuous, so additional ground wires are
not needed.) Raceway Covers are included with all Race-
GUIDELINES way Trac sections.
ln order to determine the components needed, you should
take the followinq steps: r=a.-.11 - -l-g- l 2' \ s' 12'

1. Lay out the Trac pattern desired. Examples of layout .\/v

variations are shown at right. Normally, the pattern is based crRctiir I
on a 4'module, since the Trac comes in standard 4', 8' and ciFCUtr 2 ci1)ntf t3

12'lengths. (2'lengths are available in the l\liniature Trac EXAMPLE: A 60'run, divided into 3 20'circuits with one feed
Series.) NOTE: The module is measured from the center point. Circuit "1 js connected to the Trac at the leed point.
point of the outlet box io the center point of the connec-
Circuit '2 is run through one raceway channel and con-
tors, not from end to end. nected to the Trac at point A. Circuit ,r3 js run through the
other raceway c han nel and connected to the Trac at point B.
4-CIRCUIT TRAC-L620 Series
This is the most flextble of the Trac svstems. Three common
r: meli-ods of /r'rr'^g are srown betow.
il *;-'"
N" zol
48",96' 114- Single Phase
4 circuits
With single phase,3-
2. lf special lengths are required, Trac may be cut in the wire system, Trac pro-
field quite easl y. Cutting instruclions are included wilh vides 4 20A circuits.' | - zoa
each Trac section.

3. Once the desired layout is cornpleted, locate the e ec-

trical feed points (outlet box locations). Single Phase
a. Normally, the feed point is located at the beginning of 2 circuits
a run (Figures A & B, at right), requiring the use of a With single phase,2-
Live End Connector and an Outlet Box Cover. ll wrre system, Trac pro-
more than one Trac length is needed, a connector vides 2 20A circuits,
must be ordered for each additional section. (Example: each with 2 10A swltch
Figure B requrres a Stralght Connector.) le gs.'
b. The electrical leed may be made at any connect on
point. For example, at a straight connectior (Figure C),
an "1" (Figure E), "T" (Figure D) or "X" (Figure G). Three Phase
ln these cases, a Live End Connector rs not needed, 3 circuits
but Outlet Box Covers must be ordered separately. (balanced) - -
With three phase,4-
4. A Dead End Cap is included with every ftac Seclion. lf wire system, Trac pro-
more than one Trac section rs inc uded in your layout, it is
possible there will be End Caps left over. lf so, they can be
vides3 20Acircuits,one
wilh 2 10A switch legs.'
'ln Europe circults are 16A.
5. Now, count the cornponents needed (see examples at "An a ternative 3-phase 4 clrcLr I connecl on may be made by con-
right) and order. Using longer Trac engths will save money nect ng any lwo phase leqs and a separate ne!tral lo each aide of
(i.e., a 12' iength costs iess than a 4' and an 8' p !s a
the Trac. Balancing of lhe phases mlst then be made by us ng
adjacenl Tracs.
con nector).
WIRING PATTER S, Trac Connectors
W!RING INFORMATIOII Co1-6Llo'\.ol a i -..r, c dr. ota /v[ed dt lf,p td.rory,n ll-e
lollowrnq patterns
MINIATURE TRAC (low-prolile) L600, L650 Series
This single-circuit Trac is ideal ior runs where there ts need
for only one lighting circuit. lf more than one circult is
needed, additional feed points may be required.

_L 8', I 8+ - 8


The "T" and "X patterns can be changed easily in the fjeld
by merely shifting jurnper posrtions or elimtnatifg wires.
Several c rcuits can be fed through any connector by
EXAMPLE: A 48'run, divided into 3 i6, crrcuits with 2 feed removrng two or more ol the lumper wtres and replacing
points. them wlth f -o-od wires
specitrcotion and loyout examples
Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No.
Miniature Raceway 4-Circuit

FIG. A t+ 1-4'Irac 1 L651

, or '1
1L611 '1

- 1-Outlet Box Cover 1 L900

'1-Live End Con n ector r rgor \
L601 1 L900
1 L911
1 1900

FIG. B 1 -B' Trac 1L652 1 1612 1 L622

1-12'\ac 1 L653 L613 1 1623
G==:-==:-= 1-Oullel Box Cover 1 L900 1 L900 1 L900
1-Live End Con nector 1L901 1L9t1 1 1921
1-Straight Con n ectol 1 L903 1 L913 1 1923

FIG. C 4-8'Tracs 4 L612

a n\ s
# 1-Outlet Box Cover 1 1900
3-Straight Con ne ctors 3 L913

3-8'Tracs 3 L612
1-Outlet Box Cover 1 L900
t- t'_Cr.n"",4, 1 1915

t""rOrr,tm, 3-B'Tracs
'1-Outlet Box Cover
3 1652 3 L612
1 L900 1 1900
2-"L" Con nectors 2 L904 2 L914

FIG. F 4-8'Tracs 4 L652 4 L6't2

6- 12' Tracs 6 L653 6 L613
12 2 Outlet Box Covers 2 L900 2 L900
3-Straig ht Con nectors 3 L903 3 L913
4-" L" Con ne ctors 4 L904 4 L914
2-"T" Con n ectors 2 L905 2 L915

4-B'Tracs 4 L652 4 L612
1-Outlet Box Cover 1 L900 1 L900
'1-"X" Con n ector '1 L906 '1 L916

10-8' Tracs 10 L652 10 L612 10 L622
2-Outlet Box Covers 2 L900 2 L900 21900
4-Straig ht Con ne ctors 4 L903 4 1913 4 L923
'1-"T" Co n ne ctor 1 L905 1 L915 1 1925
1 "X" Con nector 1 1906 1 L916 1 1926


Becessed Trac is designed for straight runs only, and in-
cludes only 4 cataloq numbers: L631-4' Trac, L632-B'
Trac, L931-Live End Connector, and 1933-Straight Con-
nector. When used in wet ceilings, the opening should be -az
"framed in" first, and the Trac installed after the ceiling is t
Ir+ op"n,nq
2- (7.1cm) +

Power-Trac lampholders are availab'e for a wide

range of display lamps-from 30W to 500W-
and for a multitude of tasks-general display,
high-intensity spoilighting, wall washing,
downliqhtirg. decorative. etc. They come i1 rrary
sizes and finishes and are designed to provide
complete directional adjustment. Many will
accommodate color filters and louvers.
(See Accessorjes on Page 35.)

All Single-Circ uit fixtures

(L700 Series) are furnished
with one of the two adapters
shown at left. The shallow
adapter is generally used on
lampholders which have a
switch built into the housing.
All other units use the
deeper adapter with switch.

,t, Four-Circuit
Fixtures desiqned
) specifically for use on the
t Four-Circuit Trac come
equipped with the special
Four-Circuit Adapter. This
adapter is described jn
detail on Page 8.
Any S jngle-Circuit
lampholder can be used on
Four-Circuit Trac by the
addition of the L960 Single-

Three sizes are available, to accommodate lamps ranging

from 30W to 150W. Each has a matte black Cojlex step baffle,
and each is available with or without switch.

L781-For use with 40W R16 (Halo No. Zg). Dia. 4" (10.2cm),
max. depth 67/s" (17.scm). No switch.
L785- Same as 1781, but with switch. Nilax. depth B3ls " (21.3cm).
L780-(Fleplaces L7B2} Fot use with 30 or 50W R20, 100W F25
(Halo No. 210) ot 75W R30. Dia. 6" (15.3cm), max. depth
s" (22.9cm). No switch.
L789-(Replaces L7B6). Same as 1780, but with switch. Max.
depth 10% " (26.7cm).
L784-(Feplaces 1783). For use with 150W Fl40 or 1sOW PAFI 38.
Dia. 8" (20.3cm), max. depth 10t2" (26.7cm). No switch.
L788-(Replaces L7B7). Same as L784, but with switch. Max.
depth 11" (28cm).

L889-For use with 30 or 50W R20, 100W Ft25 (Hato No. Z1O) or
75W R30. Dia. 6" (15.3cm), max. depth 87/s" (22.6cm).
L888-(Fleplaces 1887). For use with '150W R40 or 150W PAR 38.
Dia.8" (20.3cm), rnax. depth 103/s" (26.4cm).
NOTEi An y single- cit cuit lafiphotder can be used an lautcitcuit Trac
'/vith the addition al the L960 Singte. citcuit-ro-tour-circuit
Convettet (see Paqe 8).

FINISH CODE: All lampholders above available in

P - Satin White Paint
PAL -Polished Aluminum with Black Trim

Contemporary designs in four sizes, 30W to 300W. l\.4atte black

Coilex baffle. All with switch.

L761-For use with 40W F16 lamp (Halo No. Zg). Dia. 27/16"
(6.2cm), max. depth 7./8" (19.4cm). Finishes: "P," "PAL,"

L762-For use with 30 or 50W R20 or 100W R25 (Halo No. Zj0).
Dia. 3yr" (B.gcm), max. depth BZB" (22.scm). Finishes:
"P," "PA1," "W," "A1," "[,4B."
L763-For use with 75 or 100W F130 or 100W R25 (Halo No. 210).
Dia. 4t./ra" (12.5cm), max. depth 1212" (31.Bcm). Fin-
ishes: "P," "PA1," "W," "A1," "M8."
L764-For use with 150 or 300W R40 or 150W PAF 38. Dia.57/e"
(14.9cm), max. depth 14" (35.6cm). Finishes: "P," "A1,"
"l\ilB "

L864-For use with 150 or 300W R40 or 150W PAF 38. Dia. 578"
(14.gcm), max. depth 12%" (31.4cm). Finishes: "P," "A1,"
NOTE: Ary slnq/e-clrcuit lanphalder can be used on lau cjtcuitTrcc
with the addition af the L960 Single,citcuit-ta-lout-circuit
Convertet (see Page 8).

P * Satin White Paint
PAL-Polished Aluminum with Black Trim
W -Teakwood and N,4aite Black
AL -Satin Aluminum with Black Trim
MB -l\.4atte BIack



Smart sophisticated styling, for lamps from 30W to 300W. N,4ost

units suppljed with matte black Coilex baffle. All with switch
except L704.

L731-For use with 40W Ftl6 (Hato No. Z9). Wi also accept 30
or 50W R20. Hood dia. 3" (7.6cm), max. deplh 73/16,,
(18.3cm). Finishes: "p," ,,pA1,,, ,,W.',
L732-Fot use with 30 or 50W Ft20, or 100W F25 (Hato No. ZtO).
Hood dia. 3%" (9.2cm), max. depth 115/e,' (2g.Scm).
Finishes: "P," "PAL," "W," "AL,",,N/t8."
L733-For use with 75 or 1OoW R30 or 1oOW R2S (Halo No. 210).
Hood dia. 47/8" (12.4cm), max. depth 12,,(30.5cm). Fin-
ishes: "P," "PA1," "W," "A1,",,N,,18.,'
L734-For use with 150 or 300W R40 or 150W pAFl 38. Hood dia.
57/a" (14.9cm), max. depth 13ya,'(35.7cm). Finishesr ,.p,,'
"AL," "t\,48."
L704-"Economy Contjnental." Deep drawn steel hood. For
use with 150 or 300W R40 or 150W pAR 38 or lower
wattages. No switch or baffle. Hood dia.57/8,, (14.9c-rl),
max. depth 11la" (29.scm). Finishes: ,,p,,' ,,A1,,' ,.N.48.,,
L705-"Economy Continental." Same as L704, but with switch.
l\y'ax. depth 13%6" (33.5cm). Fjnishes: ,,p,,, ,,A1,,, ,,M8."
L201-Accessory holder for L7O4/L7AS. Accepts L272 Louver
or any 1200 Series color lilter. ,.Ny'8" only.
L834-For use with 150 or 3O0W R40 or 15OW pAR 38. Hood dia.
57/e" (14.9cm), max. depth 11y8" (29.4cm). Finishes: ,,p,,'
L805-"Economy Continental." For use with t50 or 300W F40
or 150W PAFI 38. Hood dja. 5i/a" (14.9cm), max. depth
11e/te" (29.3cm). Finishes: "P," "AL," "N,48."
-Accessory holder for 1805. Accepts L272 Louve( ot any
1200 Series color fjlter. "Ny'8" only.
NOTE: 4alslng/e.cltcutt tamphatoet can be used an tout-citcuit f tac
w;lh the addtlian ot the L960 Stngte-ci!cutr-ta-tad,-c .uit
Canvertet (see page B).
P - Satin White Paint
PAL-Polished Aluminum with Black Trim
W Teakwood and l\y'atte Black
AL -Satin Aluminum with Black Trim
MB *lvlatte Blac k

unt VCTSdI

This simple and inexpensive lampholder is designed for use

with any Fl (Reflector) or screw base pAR 38 lamp. A sliding
socket adjusts to accommodate the lamp properly. Accessory
hoods and reflectors permjt the use of other lamps (general
service and silver bowl), plus color filters and louvers to gain
the widest flexibility of optjcal effects.

L700-Lampholder without switch. Tube dia. 2rAa,, (S.2cm),
max. depth with largest lamp and hood, 13,, (33.Ocm).
L701-Same as L700, but wjth switch. lvlax. depth with largest
lamp and hood, 14y2" (36.BcmI

L801-Tube dia.2yr6" (5.2cm), max. depth with largest lamp
and hood 13%e " (33.Bcm).
NOTE: Ary slagle-clrcuil !anphotdet can
be used on lour-citcuit frcc
with the ddditian ot rhe L960 Singte_citcuit_to_tout_citcii
Canvefter (see page B).

L270- Light Shietd tor use with 75 or 1oOW
R30 lamps only. Clamps on to lamp.
Dia. 4y2" (11. cm]t. Availabte in "P"
or "l\,,lB" finish.
L280- Light Shietd/Accessory Holder for
use with 150 or 300W R40 or 1SOW
PAR 38 lamps only. Accommodates
"1200 Series" color filters or L272
Louver. Dia. 5%0" (t4.1cm). Availa_
ble in "P" or "t\.48" finish.
L290- Fleflector for use with general serv-
ice lamps, 60W to 1SoW. tnside
Frosted lamps recommended. Dia.
57e" (13.0cm). Exterior "MB", inte-
rior reflector polished aluminum.
L292-Fleflector for use with 100 o|l5OW
silver bowl lamps (crown silvered).
Dia. 7y8" (1B.1cm). Exterior ,,M8,',
interior reflector polished stippled
NOTE:Fol archlrealutat specilicarrcns, comptete tixturcs ttamD'
notdet and haod) may be atdered as a conDaund numh;t
1-ot e^ample. L70AP-280M8, at L701AL-292, etc.
FINISH CODE: All lampholders above available in
P -Satin White Paint
AL -Satin Aluminum with Black Trlm
MB -Ny'atte Black

- -,--/
Crisp, angular look in three sjzes. All with matte black Coilex
baffle and switch.
L771-For use with 40W R16 (Halo No. Zg), 27A6,,sq. (6.2cm),
max. depth 7%" (j9.4cm).
L772-Fu use with 30 or 50W R2O or t00W R25 (Hato No. 210).
3%o" sq. (9.0cm), max. depth B7/B', (22.Scm).
L773-Fot use with 75 or t00W Ft3O or 1OoW Ft25 (Halo No. Z1O).
4y2" sq. (11.4cm), max. depth 13,, (33.0cm).
FINISHES: Lampholders above available jn
P -Satin White paint
PAL-Polished Aluminum with Black Trim
W -Teakwood with Black Trim

specidl "wet-look" Finishes

"Brighten the corner where you are,,with wild,,wet_look,,
colors. These three lampholders each available in three special
linishes-Parrot Green, Tiger Lily, and Lemon yellow.
L700-'Universal" styte-desjgned for use with any R2O, Fi30,
screw base pAF 38 lamp. Sliding socket adjusts to
R40 or
accommodate the lamp properly. No switch. Many ac-
cessories are available to increase the flexibility of this
unit (see pages 24-25). Tube dia. 2h6,, (5.2cm), max.
depth with targest lamp and hood, 13" (33.Ocm).
L783-Sphere. tor Lrse witn 75 or tOoW RJO or 150W pAR 38
lntegral matte black Coilex bafjtc6l5-lwitcn nia zr,.,i

-' [iP,i;;i;ffi Ir m';' ;,exr

FINISHES: Lampholders above available in
PG -Parrot Green
TL -Tiger Lity
LY - Lemon Yellow
*NOTE: Ary slrg/e-c
itcuit lanphalder can be used on lauFcitcuit Trcc
,ylh Ine addirion at rhe La6A s,ngti'_c i._j";;_;;;i;
i, c",t
Canvener (see page 8)-

high intensity spots
These lampholders utilize parabolic reflector (PAR) lamps to provide strong,
intense spotlighting. Since these lamps have an oval beam, the front of the
lampholder can be rotated to provide the desired beam orientatjon. All units
have switches and will accommodate color filters and louvers (see Page 35).
Cat. Finish Dimensions
No. Code Dia. I Max. depth

L738' AL Med. Side Prong lamps: 150W

PAB 3B/3 or 200W PAR 4613 71/s" (18.1 c.rl) 12%" (31 .1 crr.)

L739* AL N,4ogul End Prorq lamps: 300W or

83/s" (21 .3 c.r,) 13%" (33.7 c.r')

L778' P. MB Med. Side Pronq lamps: 150W

PAR 38/3 or 200W PAR 4613 63/a" 117.1 cm) 8" (20.3 cm)

1838' AL Same as L738 above 7%" (18.1 cm) 107s" (26.9 cm)
L839" AL Same as L739 above 83,6 " (21.3 cm) 11Ya" (29.9 cn')
L878. P, MB Same as L778 above 63/a" (17.1 cm) 6%" (16.2 cm)
'Accommodales 1272 Louver or "L200 Seies" cotor iittels
"Accommodates 1372 Louver or "L3oo Series color Ii[e6

The 1757 focusing spot utilizes a sliding socket mechanism and optical
assembly to provide beam adjustment from 40'flood focus to 15' spot focus,
using inexpensive general service lamps. lt is ideal for use in the home, for
Iighting such subjects as plants or statuary. fhe L754/854 projector uses a
more sophisticated optical system with four adjustable "frame-in" shutters
and a projection lens system to permlt shaping the light beam into virtually
any four-sided pattern. Round and 3-sided patterns are also possible. The
ultimate in picture lighting. See illumination data on Page 37.
L757 IVIB 75 or l00W 419 l.F. lamp 3v," (8.9 cm) 123/a" (31 .4 cm)

150W T4 Tunosten Ha ooen
L754 43/a" (12.1 c.r.) 131/a" (33.7 cf],)
D.C. Bav (Syl"vania i 5OOTCL/ DC)

150W T4 Tunosten Halooen
L854 MB
D.C. Bay (Syl"van a tSOO'ICrU OC) 4/a" 112.1 cm) 117a" (29.8 cm)

Low voltage pinspot lamps throw a very narrow (almost parallel) beam of very
intense light. Use to accent small details, or to illuminate larger subjects at
long distances. Accepts "L200 Series" color filters and L272 Louver. With
switch and integral low-voltage transformer.

L737 AL 25W PAR 46 (5.5V) or

30W 6V pinspot (#4535) 7Ys" (18.1 cm) 121/4" (31.1 c.r.)

L777 P, MB Same as above 6ra" (17.1 cm) 8" (20.3 cm)

L837 AL Same as above 71/s" (18.1 cr,l) 105/s" (26.9 cm)
L877 P, MB Same as above 6la" (17.1 cm) 6%" (16.2 cm)

P * Satin White Paint
AL *Satin Aluminum with Black Trim
MB -N,4atte Black

:- O r:=+*-
wdll wdsh tlccds
Tungsten Halogen and Mercury Vapor units provide high-level, evenly-
distributed illumination over large vertical surfaces.
Cat- No. Finishes Lamps widrh Max. Oepth
250W l\,4ini-can T4
L7s2 MB runqsten-Ha oqen 73/a" (18.7 cm) 93/s " (23.8 cm)

500W t\,4ini-can T4
L753 MB r ungslen Ha oQen
93/8 " (23.8 cm) 93 " (23.8 cm)

1758 D
' I 175W E2B Mogll base
13' (33.0 cm) 103/a" (27.3 c.rl)
I N,4ercury Vapor
L852 MB 250W Mini-can T4
Tungsten-Haloqen 73h" (18.7 cm) 7Ya" (19.7 c'r,)

500W lMini-can T4
1853 It4B 9%" (23.8 cm) 1sa" (19.7 cr'l)
175W E2B Mogul base
L8s8 P
I\,4brcury Vapor 13" (33.0 cm) gYs" (23.2 cfil')

speciol designs
Economy wall wash-Shovel-cut cylinder combines inexpensive l50W
R40 lamp and aluminum reflector to provide uniform distribution of
light on vertical surfaces. At 30'angie, unit gives virtually no "scalloping.,,
L769-For use with 150 or 300W F]4o/FL or 150W PAR 38/FL tamp. Dia.
(14.9cm), max. depth 141/s" (35.9cm). "P" onlV.
L869-Same, except max. depth 12%" (3t.Bcm).
Close mounl economy-An economical, close-to the cejling light
source often used when the Trac js concealed in a trough or behind a
valance or soffit. Switch included. Single-circuit only.*
L755-For use with any medium screw base R or PAR lamp,30 to 300W.
Max. depth with R40 lamp Ble" (20.6cn). Can be used with 1270
and 1280 hoods. "P" only.
G-lamp holder* Decorative unit for contemporary "bare-bulb" look,
using spherical G-lamps. Single-circuit only. Does not tilt or swivel.
L715-Socket adjusts for use wjth any G25, G3O, or c40 lamp. Tube dia.
2Ye" (5.4cn). [{ax. depth with G40 lamp 97r" (24.1crrl). "PAL" onty.
*NOTE: The L755 can be used on four-citcuit Trcc with
the addhian af the Lg6A
Single-citcuit-to-lour-citcuit Conveftet (see page B).
P -Satin White Paint
PAL -Polished Aluminum with Black Trim
MB -l\,,latte Blac k

outlat box rnount

These lampholders are available with an attached canopy for

mounting directly ro an outlet box.
L500-"Universal" style, for use with any F120, F130, 840 or screw
base PAR 38 lamp. l\y'any accessories are available to extend
this lampholder's flexibility (see pages 24-25). Tube dia.2lta"
(5.2cm), max. depth wjth largest lamp and hood 11 ya" (28.6cm).
"AL" only.
L533-"Economy Continental." For use with 150/300W 840 or 150W
PAR 38 or lower wattages. Accommodates L201 Accessory
Holder (see page 23). Hood dia. 528" (14.9cm), max. depth
11Y2" (29.2cm),. "P" only.
L502-"Continental" with Coilex baffle. For use with 75 or 100W 830
or 100W 825 (Halo No. 210). Hood dia. 47/8" (12.4cm), max.
deplh 10Y4" (26.3cm). "AL" only.
L503-"Continental" with Coilex baffle. For use with 150/300W F40
or 150W PAFI 38. Hood dia.57/8" (14.9cm), max. depth 11y2"
"AL" on ly.
L512-Cylinder with Coilex baffle. For use with 75 or'100W R3O or
100W R25 (Halo No. 7A). Dia. 41./ta" (12.5cm),, max. depth
117e" (28.3cm). "AL" only.
L513-Cylinder with Coilex baffle. For use with 150/300W 840 or
150W PAR 38. Dia.5)/8" (14.9cm), max depth 12yr" (30.8cm).
"AL" on ly.
L520-Heavy-duty lampholder for 150W PAR 38 or 200W PAF] 46
Side-Prong lamps. Accommodates "L200 Series" color filters
ot L272 Louvet. Dia.63/a" (17.1cm), max. depth 6y8" (15.6cm).
"P" only.
L531-"Little Light-Continental." For use with 40W R16 (Hato No.
Z9). Will also accept 30 or 50W 820. Hood dia.3" (7.6cm),
max. depth 615A6" (17.6cm). Available in "P," "W," or "pAL"
finishes. With switch.
L561-"Little Light-Cylinder." For use with 40W F16 (Hato No. Z9).
Dia. 27/rc" (6.2cm), max. deplh 7 5/16" (l8.6cm). Available in
"P," "W," or "PAL" finishes. With switch.
L585-"Little Light-Sphere." For use with 40W F16 (Hato No. Z9).
qa. 4" (10.2cm). max. depth 61) ' (16.ccm). Availabte in .p'or
''PAL ' finishes. With switch.
L587- Sphere, for use with 75 or 100W R30, or 1sOW PAR 38 . Dia.7%"
(19.0cm), max. deplh 7rt/ta" (1g.scm). Available jn "P" or
"PAL" finishes.
P - Satin White Paint
PAL- Polished Aluminum with Black Trirn
AL -Satin Aluminum with Black Trim
W -Teakwood with Black Trim
NOTE: Olhel sly/es and linishes are availabte on special ader lor au et
box nounling. Cansult lactoty for details.
.-- downl$htsn

Crisp, contemporary cylinders and squares provide a

variety of downlighting techniques, allowing Power-
Trac to be used for general lighting. Downlights
attach to Trac with standard adapters, fit flush to
ceiling, and can be detached and moved quickly and
easily to adjust to changing lighting needs. All use
150W R40 lamp except where indicated.

DIMENSIONS: Cylinders-Dia. 6" (15.2 cm), depth

13" (33.0 cm).
Squares-6" sq. ('15.2 cm), depth 13"
(33.0 cm).

Cylinder with Clear Cone Alzak@ reflector.

Ll100-For use with Miniature Trac
Ll200-For use with Raceway Trac
L1300-For use with 4-Circuit Trac

Cylinder with Clear Alzak N.4ultiplier. For use with

150W general service lamp.
L1101-For use with Miniature Trac
Ll201-For use with Flaceway Trac
L1301-For use with 4-Circuit Trac

Cylinder with Dark Cone Reflector. Cone is black

anodized aluminum.
L1102*For use with Miniature Trac
L1202-Fot use with Raceway Trac
Ll302-For use with 4-Circuit Trac
Cylinder with Coilex Baffle.
L1103-For use with I/iniature Trac
Ll203-For use with Flaceway Trac
L1303-For use with 4-Circuit Trac

Square with Clear Alzak rellector.

L1104-For use with l\,4iniature Trac
L1204- For use with Flaceway Trac
L1304-For use with 4-Circuit Trac

Square with coilex Baffle.

Ll105-For use with [,4iniature Trac
L1205-For use with Baceway Trac
L1305*For use with 4-Circuit Trac

P- Satin White Paint
AL-Satin Aluminum


1959 LAMP-
VERTER. Converts a new sino e-
circuit lampholders for use irith
L972-"C" C amp Adapler. Can be mounted on old style L60 and L160 serles Trac.
ooe Lp Io 2 aa. lc 1. m) or o. ary'lar pro. 'P" or "lVB." L957- Pendanl Adapter. Al ows
trLdi.g sL fa.e sL' ts as
a 1" ) - boa ol. 1956 SHOWROOM FIXTURE any chain-hunq lirture up to 35
Complete wiih 6'(1B3cm) 3-wire cord wlth 3- ADA PTER. Allows canoov
p.olg groLrded pl-q. ac.eol. orlv S -g "- lbs. lo be suspended from Trac.
.no! nled iixtLrre (chandelier, etc:) For use on Sinqle-Clrcuit Trac
Crrcuit lampholders. P on y. 10 be suspended from sinqle cir- only. "P" or "l\18".
cull Trac. Flxture can be switched
on and oif via Trac or by pull chain
on adapler. "P" only.

l+ L966-OJtret Aoaoter. provoe. a receoracte

'or swag lighrs o' oll^er electr cal equifment.
Accepts 3-prong grounded p uq. For ude onlv
on Single-C rcuit Trac. "P" only.

1 L973 Ca-op/ Adapler. VoJ tts perrraqenlly lo

oul'er oor. sq. ftt.lcmr. Accepr. ci-,y --,S>-
S 19 e-C rcLrl rdmpholders. D o. l\,48.

L272-Small matte black ouver. See list
L372-larce rnalle black louver. See I st

L200 Series L300 Series
Dia. 4-11/16" COLOR Dia.6-5/16"
(11.9 cm) ('16.0 cm)

L211 Medium Pin k L31 1

L212 Warm Red L312

L974-We ghred Base Ao-pre.. Fo, po'tab e or
"pin-up Lsa. Dadoed ba!e. '- sd. ,j2.7cn). L220 Daylite Blue L320
Complete wirl^ 6 (-Bjcml I wi e Lord w tn 3:
oro'lg g'ounded plJg. Accepl5 oa y Singte L221 Ny'edium Blue Discontinued
C rcuit lampholders ''P" or "Me '
Discontinued Straw L330
L23l Nledium Amber L331
L241 l\ledrum Green L34J

29-40W R16lar.p. For use in minia-

ture lampholders L731, L761, L771, L272 Louver and L200 Serles lilters may be used with
L781 and L785 1201 Accessorv roide, L280 Accessorv Hol.ler
1737-1-C. Lam6holder 1837-4-c Lamihorder
L?38-1 C. Lambholder L838-4 C Lamphold€r
210-100W R25lamp. For use in mini- L777 1-C lamnhnlrlcr L877 4 C Lamphorder
1778-1-C. Lambholder L878 4-C. Lamphorder
ature lampho ders L762, L722, L780 1520-l-C. Lanrpholder
and L789.
L372-Louver and L300 Series lillers may be used with
L739- 1-C. Lampholder L839 4 C Lampholder

- Satin White MB-f,4atte Black
(Section A) 10' l3.o5m) DISTANCE. 0' AIMING ANGLE

Display lamps do not have a

Lamp Spacing sharply-defined beam pattern.
A typical pattern is shown to 3.5'
For Wall Washing the right. {1.07m

To maintain an even band of Since there is no definite "cut- {2.13m )

illumination along a wall, spe- off" point, lighting data tables

cific spacings are required. This are based on "the area of
can be expressed as a Space- effective illum ination," with the
Distance (S/D) Ratio. outer limit of the area being
the point at which the illumi-
nation drops to approximately
10% of the maximum.
ln the example shown, the
maximum average illumination
(5" cone for "spot" lamps, 10'
cone for "flood" lamps) is 63
fc. The illumination drops to
6.3 fc (10% of max.) at approx-
jmately 3.5 ft. (1.07m) f rom the
center, giving a circular beam
pattern of 7' (2.13n).

- 10' l3.o5m)

EXAMPLE: The S/D Ratio for a

150W R40/FL is 1.25. lf the dis-
tance to the wall is 5' (1.52m),
the fixtures should be spaced
6.25' (1 .91m) apart (1 .25 x 5' or
1 .25 x 1 .52m).
Foolcandle Charts
S/D Ratios Jor various lamps
are shown below. (Section B)

s/o RATtos Changjng the a;ming angle of

fixture at the same perpendic-
FL or
ular distance changes the
amount of illumination on the
40w R16 1.5 subject. For convenience, the
50w R20 .7 tables on the facing page give
75W R30 1 .'15
the illumination in fc (approx.
100w R25 .9
'100w R30 .8
dekalux) at a point for 0",30',
150W R40 1.25 and 45'aiming angles and tor
15OW PAR 38 .65 varying d istances "D."
2OOW PAR 46 .5H
(oval beam) .2V EXAN/PLE: A fixture using the
300w R40 1.15 '150W PAR 38 SP lamp is set 6
3OOW PAR 56 .4H .7H feet (1.8m) f rom a wall to light
(oval beam) .2V .35V
a painting. The aiming angle is
QsOOW PAR 56 .4H .8H
(oval beam) .2V
45'. What is the illumination
on the painting
Q25OW T4
Q500w T4

ANSWER: 103 fc (111 dekalux) o

Proieclor L754l854 Projector will light the fo owing
maximum areas wrth a clean cutoff based on
an B ft. ceiling height.'
fhe L754/854 Framing Projector was lf Distance Max. Widlh Max. Height
designed for the primary purpose of "D" is will be will be
lighting a square or rectangular subject 24 30 40
(usually a painting) with an exact cutoff 30 37 48
44 58
at the edges of the subject. 42 51 68
The maximum area which can be lighted 'D, would lf pain!
normally be approx. 18-20"-
with a clean. square culoil varies ac- ing is mounled closer to the celting, or if ihe l
cellina is lower than 8'. the widlh would be
cordjng to the angle of projection and
the distance io the projector lens. From
reduced slightly. Conversey, a higher ceiting
wo!ld give a wjder projeclion area. Tl
30 to 50" is a good angle. Use the tabte "Except in areas wlth low ambient lighling (15, ,itt
at right to find maximum width and 20 Ic or ess), a
mounting distance of more
than 42" away from the wall may not provide
hejght for various Trac mounting dis- sulficient illuminaiion. I


LAMP "ii'.'f.olJiT"
( See Section A- Facinq Paq e)

( See Secrion

B-Facinq Pase)
{Multiply by 1.08 to qet dekarur)


t1 a 3 2 ',t o.a

300 195 105

,ft 75

1200 780 420 170 110 59
300 195 105 42 2t 15
133 A7 47 18 12 7
75 49 26 10 74
48 31 11 7 53
33 22 12 5

2575 1020 325 210 1t2

GS 393 254
174 1t4
137 a1

61 12
98 64 34 20 137
63 41 22 13 8 4
40 30 15 952

CONVERSION FACTORS: NOTE: The lootcandle and the dekalux are so close in
1 Foot = .3048 Meter value that lor all practical purposes they can be
1 Footcandle = 1.076 Dekalux considered the same.
AT 10' (3m)
(See Section A-Pase 36) (See Secriod B Paqe 36)
{Multiply by 1.08 1o qet dekalux)

1500 976 520

375 244 130
166 108 58
93 60 32
60 39 20
33 22 11

150W FLOO D "

2624 1700 926 475 576 300

656 425 231 224 144 75
292 188 101 98 64 33
1 64 106 5/ 54 36 18
105 68 37 I 35 23 12
72 47 25 I 24 15
'For O250w SP, multlply by 3.23 FL, multiplv bv 1.71,


3890 2530 13 55 1220 788 422

6', 1010 635 338 306 197 105
431 283 150 135 Al 46
12' 241 157 84 16 49 26
15' 156 101 54 49 31 11
20' a] 51 30 27 17 9

77AA 5050 2710 2440 1590 855
1940 1260 678 613 398 214
860 560 300 271 176 94
483 314 168 152 99 53
31 1 202 108 98 63 34
175 '113 61
'For O5O0W NSP, mu tiply by 1.28. "'For O50OW MFL, multlply by 2.22.
25W PAR 46 {5 5V) M175W E2alDX'

22aO 1904 1552 286

-/1 185
550 476 388 46 25
244 215 172 32 21 'l 'l
131 1',19 97 1A 12 6
88 76 62 11 7 4
61 52 43 a5 3

'For wall washins Gives a very rrnilorm distrlb!tion over a arse area

300 195 105 600 390 214

75 49 26 150 98 52
33 22 12 66 44 24
19 127 3A 24 14
12 A 4 24 159
853 16 10 6

'For wall washins Glves a very !nitorm dlstrlbulion over a larse area.


The footcandle and the deka ux are so c ose in
1 Foot - .3048 Meler
va ue lhat for all practical purposes they can be
1 Footcandle = 1.076 Dekalux
considered the same.
powar-trac ceiling systam

Power-Trac is used as an integral

part of an inverted tee grid
system for lay-in tile, forming, in
effect, an electrjfied suspended
ceiling. This unique advance in
track concept is specifically
designed for use in areas where
a neat, u n cluttered ceiling
appearance is desired.
The inverted tee system can be
lormed into 2' x 2', 2' x 4', ot
4'x 4'modules, allowing the use
of a wide choice of standard
ceiling tiles. The ceiling, of
course, is designed for use with
Power-Trac lampholders, but
can also be used to hang
chandeliers, pendants or swags.
ln addition, it will accommodate
standard 2' x 2', 2' x 4', ot 4' x 4'
fluorescent koffers.
Economy, ease ol installation
and simplified above-the- ceil'ng
wiring requirements combined
with virtually unlimited f lexibility
make the Power-Trac Ceiling
System a highly practical choice
for any display lighting installation.


. 9, 11, 13 1621
.23 L622
I 1781 ........
.19 1951 ........
9 1784.... ......19,27 L952...... ... .11
..11 index
L211 35 1623 I 1785..... ......19 L953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 1

L212 35 1631 12 L788 . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 L954........... ...9

L220 35 1632 12 L789 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
35 L550 . 10 L801 . . . ......... .25 L957.. ...11, 13, 35
L230. 35 1651 . 10 L805. .23 1960... .....9, 17
L231 35 L652 10 L834.... .23 1961 . . . . . . . . . . . , 13 . 1 1
L241 35 L653 10 1837..... 29 L962.. 35
L270 25 1700 25,27 1838. ... .. 29 L965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .
L272 .35 1701 . 25 1839..... ....29 L966.. ..11,13,35
1280. 25 L704 23 L852... ........ ..31 L970..... .. ....9
1290 25 L705. 23 L8s3..... .......31 L972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .

L2g2 .25 L715 31 1854. ... 29 L973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .

L3r1 35 L73t 23 1858 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 L974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

. .
L312 s5 1732 .. .23 1864 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 L980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. .
1320 .35 L733 23 L869........ ....31 1981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 1

1321.. 35 L734 23 L877........ 29 L982. .9

L330. 35 L737 29 L878... . . 29 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
1331 .35 L738 .29 L888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
. 1 .
1341 35 1739 29 1889 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
. 1

L372. 35 1752.. 31 1900... .. .9, 11, 13 11100..............34

1500 33 L7s3 11 1901 ........11 L1'101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
L502 33 rzsa :o L903 ... ..11 L1t02........ ...34
1503 3 t i;; ;i 1904. 11 11103.... ..U
!911 :lC9 iiii
i;; ;, !99: ll !!1q1 g
1520 3J il:: :l 1911 . 13 L1200..... ....34
L53r :l i19l il t-srs. ..........13 L120r...... ..34
1533 sr illj :: L914 '3 L1202. . . . . . .34
1561 rJ i-1::
L/oq 1s15.....
ilzr 13 11203... ....34
L585 3r
31 192t.
..... 13 L1204
13 L1204 34
Lb87 33 9 Ll 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 .

L6O0 fi L771 .27 1923 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 11300...... 34

L60t 1a L772 .. 27 1924........ I Lt30i .. 34
1602 10 1773 27 L925.... 9 1t 302 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
1611 .. ..12 L777... 29 1926... I 11303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 .

12 L780 . . . . . . . . . . . . . j 9 L933 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 L1305... .... .....34


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