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J. Phys. Chem.

C 2007, 111, 6281-6287 6281

New Insights on the Nanoparticle Growth Mechanism in the Citrate Reduction of Gold(III)
Salt: Formation of the Au Nanowire Intermediate and Its Nonlinear Optical Properties

Boon-Kin Pong,† Hendry I. Elim,‡ Jian-Xiong Chong,§ Wei Ji,‡ Bernhardt L. Trout,†,⊥ and
Jim-Yang Lee*,†,§
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National UniVersity of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge
Crescent, Singapore 119260, Republic of Singapore, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts AVenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, Singapore-MIT Alliance,
4 Engineering DriVe 3, National UniVersity of Singapore, Singapore 117576, Republic of Singapore, and
Department of Physics, National UniVersity of Singapore, 2 Science DriVe 3, Singapore 117542,
Republic of Singapore
ReceiVed: December 17, 2006; In Final Form: March 8, 2007

The synthesis of gold nanospheres via the reduction of AuCl4- salt by sodium citrate has been revisited, with
focus on the mechanism of particle growth. In stark contrast to the widely accepted LaMer nucleation-growth
model, the initially formed nanoclusters of about 5 nm diameter self-assemble to form an extensive network
of nanowires. The diameter of the nanowires progressively increases in size, and at the same time the connected
network is fragmented into small segments before the final spherical particles are formed. We put forward a
modified nanocrystal growth mechanism, which is able to explain a number of other experimental observations.
By arresting the reduction process by rapid cooling, the 5 nm diameter nanowires could be isolated and were
found to be very stable. The nonlinear optical properties of the Au nanowires were investigated and discussed.
Highly connected, small diameter nanowires of highly conductive metals may be useful for future electronic
applications, e.g., conductive polymer-metal composites with low metal loading.

Introduction formation is chemical in nature and follows the LaMer growth

Gold nanospheres (AuNS) have become one of the most model.5,6 It is generally accepted that the AuCl4- ions are first
commonly studied metallic nanoparticles for the development reduced to atomic Au, the concentration of which rises quickly
of bioanalytic assays, particularly the detection of sequence- to the supersaturation level. Collision of the Au atoms leads to
specific DNA molecules. This is due in part to the relative ease a sudden burst of nuclei formation (nucleation step) upon which
of synthesizing stable AuNS of controlled size with narrow size most of the other gold atoms are attached (growth).
distribution. Also, AuNS exhibit optical and electronic properties
During synthesis, the color of the reaction mixture changes
that can be exploited in a variety of detection methodologies.
progressively in the following order: pale yellow (AuCl4-),
For a review of the synthesis, properties, and applications of
these gold nanoparticles, the readers may refer to an excellent colorless (Au atoms), very dark blue, purple and finally ruby-
review article by Daniel and Astruc.1 red (AuNS). The UV-visible absorption property of spherical
The simplest and commonly employed method to synthesize Au nanoparticles of different sizes has been well recognized.7
AuNS is the reduction of Au(III) salt (usually HAuCl4) by Particles larger than ∼2 nm in diameter exhibit the characteristic
sodium citrate in water. In this method pioneered by Turkevich surface plasmon band and such a colloid appears red. The
and co-workers2,3 in 1951 and later refined by Frens4 in the intensity of surface plasmon resonance decreases sharply when
1970s, sodium citrate plays a double role as a weak reducing the particle size is smaller than ∼2 nm, making such colloids
agent and a capping agent that stabilizes the nanoparticles. The less intensely colored. The concept of nucleation-growth mech-
AuNS colloid exhibits excellent stability and a relatively narrow anism dictates that each nucleus increases its size progressively
size distribution for particles between 10 and 20 nm in diameter. until the final colloidal particle is formed. However, this particle
The particle size is controlled by the ratio of citrate to AuCl4-
growth mechanism cannot account for the observed color
ions; a larger amount of citrate leads to smaller particle size.
changes in the Turkevich reaction. In particular, the nature of
The average diameter and the character of the distribution
changed with preparative conditions (concentrations, ratio of the transient dark coloration is not understood. In the present
reactants, and temperature), indicating that the process of particle study, we focused on the particle growth process in the citrate-
reduction method and found that the growth process differs
* Address correspondence to this author. E-mail: remarkably from the commonly accepted LaMer nucleation-
Fax: +65 6779 1936. Phone: +65 6874 2899. growth model. During the initial stage of the reaction, Au
† Singapore-MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore.
‡ Department of Physics, National University of Singapore. nanoclusters of about 5 nm in diameter coalesce to form an
§ Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National
extensive network of nanowires, which later fragments into
University of Singapore.
⊥ Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of spherical particles. These nanowires could be isolated and were
Technology. found to be very stable after rinsing with water.
10.1021/jp068666o CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 04/12/2007
6282 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 Pong et al.

Experimental Methods

AuNS synthesis, developed by Turkevich, was carried out

with commonly employed standard conditions for preparing 13
nm diameter particles. All glassware and the magnetic stir-bar
were washed thoroughly with aqua regia (3 parts concentrated
HCl and 1 part concentrated HNO3). Ultrapure water (18 MΩ,
prepared from Elga LabWater purification system) was used Figure 1. TEM images of the dark intermediate showing an extensive
throughout this work. In brief, 10 mL of 1 mM aqueous HAuCl4 network of gold nanowires. The orientations of the lattice fringes change
(Sigma-Aldrich, >99.5% purity) solution was brought to boiling along the nanowires at regular intervals, which indicate the polycrys-
talline nature of the nanostructure.
in a 100 mL round-bottom flask. Under vigorous stirring, 1 mL
of 38.8 mM aqueous sodium citrate (prepared from trisodium
citrate dihydrate, Merck, 99.0% purity) solution was added
quickly to the AuCl4- solution. The concentrations of AuCl4-
and citrate in the mixture were 0.91 and 3.53 mM, respectively.
After a defined reaction time, a 5 mL aliquot of the solution
was extracted and added quickly to an equal volume of ice
(prepared from ultrapure water) to quench the reaction. The
aliquot was then immediately centrifuged at 10 000 rpm
(equivalent to 11200 relative centrifugal force) for 10 min to
isolate the particles, which were washed twice with 5 mL of
water. The heavy residue was re-dispersed in water and spotted
on a carbon-filmed TEM copper grid, which was then vacuum-
dried at room temperature. This procedure was repeated and Figure 2. UV-visible absorption spectra of the treated and untreated
aliquots were sampled after different reaction times. TEM samples collected when the reaction solution appeared dark blue: (a)
microscopy was performed on a JEOL 2010 transmission treated sample that has been rapidly cooled and washed with water
electron microscope. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy was and (b) untreated sample.
performed with a Shimadzu UV-2450 spectrophotometer.
The nonlinear optical (NLO) activities of the Au nanowires
were investigated with femtosecond Z-scans and pump-probe
at a visible wavelength of 780 nm with a 150 fs laser pulsed at
1 kHz repetition rate. The laser pulses were generated by a
mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser (Quantronix, IMRA), which
seeded a Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier (Quantronix, Titan).
The laser pulses were focused onto a 1 mm thick quartz cuvette
that contained the Au nanowires solution with a minimum beam
waist of ∼24 µm. The linear transmittance of the solution was
adjusted to ∼25% at 780 nm by dilution with water. The incident
and transmitted laser powers were monitored as the cuvette was
moved (or Z-scanned) along the propagation direction of the Figure 3. UV-visible absorption spectra of the colloidal solutions
laser pulses. obtained at different stages of AuNS synthesis by citrate reduction of
AuCl4-. The spectra and visual colors of the colloids as the reaction
progressed are (a) colorless, (b) dark blue, (c) dark purple, (d) purple,
Results and Discussions and (e) ruby-red.

Structural and Spectral Evolutions of Gold Nanoparticles. hence unquenched) sample may be attributed to the fact that
When citrate reduction of AuCl4- was carried out under boiling the reaction was still occurring even as the spectrum was being
conditions, the color of the solution changed rapidly in the collected.
following sequence: pale yellow, colorless, very dark blue, To understand the particle growth process, aliquots of the
purple, and finally ruby-red. Aliquots of the reaction solutions reactions at different times were extracted and studied. Figure
were extracted and rapidly cooled with ice to quench the 3 shows the UV-visible absorption spectra of the colloids
reaction. After washing with water, the colloid samples were collected when the reaction solution appeared colorless, dark
studied by using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and blue, dark purple, purple, and finally ruby-red. As expected,
transmission electron microcopy (TEM). The treatments of rapid the samples with dark appearances have relatively flat absorption
cooling and washings with water were to “freeze” the gold profiles, indicating that photons of all energies were absorbed
nanostructures so that they could be isolated and studied with at the same extent. The surface plasmon band began to appear
TEM. Our first interest was to determine the nature of the dark when the solution turned dark purple. As the reaction progressed,
blue intermediate, which was found to be an extensive network the plasmon band increased in intensity until an intense peak
of Au nanowires of approximately 5 nm diameter (shown in at 520 nm, characteristic of spherical gold nanoparticles, was
Figure 1). As an assurance against structural alterations by these formed at the end of the reaction.
treatments, we compared the UV-visible absorption spectra of The size and morphological evolutions of the gold nanopar-
the treated and untreated samples shown in Figure 2. The ticles were determined by TEM. Shortly after the addition of
spectral profile of the gold colloid remained essentially un- sodium citrate, the solution contained spherical Au nanoclusters
changed after the treatment with ice and two rounds of washing 3-5 nm in diameter and some irregularly shaped chain-like
with water. The slightly higher absorbance in the untreated (and segments (Figure 4a, 5 s into the reaction). The short chain-
Citrate Reduction of Gold(III) Salt J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6283

Figure 5. TEM micrographs of gold nanowires produced under

different reaction conditions: (a) reaction temperature at 50 °C, with
concentrations of AuCl4- and sodium citrate at 0.91 and 3.53 mM,
respectively; (b and c) reaction temperature at 100 °C, with sodium
citrate concentrations varied to 4.55 and 1.82 mM, respectively (AuCl4-
concentration kept at 0.91 mM).
Figure 4. TEM micrographs of heavy sediments obtained at different SCHEME 1: Modified Growth Mechanism of
reaction stages of AuNS synthesis by citrate reduction of AuCl4-. Refer Nanospherical Gold Particles Synthesized by Reduction
to Figure 3 for the corresponding UV-visible absorption spectra of of Aqueous AuCl4- by Sodium Citratea
these samples of gold nanostructures. (a) The colorless solution formed
shortly after addition of citrate contained nanoclusters 3-5 nm in
diameter and some irregularly shaped chain-like segments. (b) As the
solution turned dark blue, an extensive network of Au nanowires of 5
nm diameter was formed. (c) In the dark purple stage, small sections
of the nanowire network, with diameter approximately 8 nm, were
formed as the extensive network broke up. (d) Spherical particles
between 10 and 13 nm in diameter began to “cleave” off from the
nanowires when the color of the reaction turned purple. (e) Constriction
and cleavage of spherical particles from the nanowires. (f) Well-defined
spherical particles of diameter 13-15 nm were finally formed in the
ruby-red solution.
like segments apparently increased in length as the solution
darkened, forming an extensive network of Au nanowires, whose a Key: (a) Gold ions reduced by citrate at elevated temperature
diameter was approximately 5 nm (Figure 4b, 30 s). As the produced small gold nanoclusters smaller than 5 nm in diameter. (b
reaction progressed, the nanowires increased in diameter to about and c) The small nanoclusters self-assemble to form an extensive
8 nm, and at the same time the network fractured into smaller network of nanowires which have diameter of about 5 nm. (d) The
segments (Figure 4c, 90 s). As the color of the reaction solution diameter of the nanowires increases, which is accompanied by
started to lighten to purple, spherical particles between 10 and fragmentation of the network to form small segments. (e and f)
Fragmentation continues along the segments until spherical-like particles
13 nm in diameter began to “cleave” off from the nanowires are cleaved and undergo ripening, e.g., Ostwald ripening.
(Figure 4d, 120 s). The constriction and final cleavage of
spherical particles from the nanowires are depicted in Figure formation of transient Au nanowires occurs under a wide variety
4e. Finally, when the solution had turned to a ruby-red color, of conditions.
well-defined spherical particles of diameter 13-15 nm were Modified Mechanism of Au Nanocrystal Growth. The
formed (Figure 4f, 15 min). above observations call for modifications of the commonly
We noted that Chow and Zukoski had made a similar study accepted LaMer model of nucleation-growth mechanism leading
but under different reaction conditions.8 Their reactions were to the sol formation of monodispersed, spherical Au nanopar-
performed at lower temperatures (50-80 °C) and they used ticles. Reduction of AuCl4- to Au atoms is followed by
different amounts of citrate (1.6 mM) and AuCl4- (0.24 mM). nucleation leading to the formation of small nanoclusters about
They also found that the color evolution from dark blue to red 5 nm in diameter. Contrary to common understanding, these
was associated with a decrease in particle size. However, under small Au nanoclusters assemble in a linear-like fashion into an
their reaction conditions, the large transitory particles were extensiVe network of nanowires. As more Au atoms are formed,
spherical (100-200 nm in diameter) and composed of smaller they adsorb onto the nanowires and the diameter of the latter
and defined subunits of spherical Au particles 5-15 nm in increases. Apparently, the increase in diameter destabilizes the
diameter. That the intermediate they observed differs from ours nanowires, which fragment and cleave into sphere-like particles.
suggests that the assembly of small nanoclusters in the early Further aging and Ostwald ripening then lead to the formation
stage of particle growth may be sensitive to the reaction of well-defined spherical particles. The modified growth mech-
conditions. To determine the pervasiveness of nanowires forma- anism is depicted in Scheme 1.
tion, we extended our study to lower reaction temperatures and The formation of nanowire intermediates in the course of
different molar ratios of AuCl4-/citrate. At 50 °C (keeping AuNS synthesis is not restricted to the citrate-reduction method.
AuCl4- and citrate concentrations at 0.91 and 3.53 mM Reduction by the strong reducing agent sodium borohydride has
respectively), we found that similar nanowires were formed been used to produce AuNS smaller than 10 nm in diameter.9,10
(Figure 5a), although the shape of the final Au particles was When freshly prepared sodium borohydride (100 mM, Sigma-
not well-defined (data not shown). At 100 °C and with the Aldrich 98% purity) was added dropwise to a 10 mL mixture
amount of citrate increased to 4.55 mM (AuCl4- kept at 0.91 of HAuCl4 (1 mM) and sodium citrate (3.8 mM) at room
mM), similar nanowire networks were also formed (Figure 5b). temperature and under vigorous stirring to synthesize 5 nm
Interestingly, the diameter of the nanowires formed in both of diameter AuNS, we observed that a dark solution was also
these reactions was also about 5 nm. On the other hand, a transiently formed. We isolated the particulate intermediate
reduced amount of citrate (1.82 mM citrate to 0.91 mM AuCl4-) while the solution was dark by high-speed centrifugation at
led to formation of a poorly defined network of nanowires 10 000 rpm. The dark residue was washed twice with water
(Figure 5c) and final Au particles (data not shown). Hence the before spotting on the TEM sample grid. The TEM micrograph
6284 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 Pong et al.

SCHEME 3: Proposed Scheme for Au Nanoparticle

Assembly and Subsequent Disintegration into Spherical

Figure 6. TEM micrographs of a small cluster and a linear chain of

Au nanowires obtained from the transient dark solution during the
reduction of AuCl4- by NaBH4. Sodium citrate was used as the capping

SCHEME 2: Hypothesized Assembly of Primary Gold a

Key: (a) Adsorbed AuCl4- on the small primary nanoclusters
Nanoparticles in a Linear-like Fashiona results in their coalescence in a linear-like manner. Newly formed Au
atoms deposit rapidly in a disordered, noncrystalline manner into the
concaved cavities between the particles. (b) Once the cavities are filled,
newly formed Au atoms deposit preferentially on the crystalline, thereby
creating constrictions along the nanowires. (c) A process similar to
Oswald ripening depletes the noncrystalline regions. (d) Citrate ions
become the dominant capping agent as the AuCl4- ions are depleted
and repulsive forces between the primary particles pushes them apart
to form the citrate-capped spherical particles in (e).

structure. Our hypothetical mechanism is mostly conjectural

based on limited data. The driving force for the assembly may
involve more complex processes such as electrostatic interac-
tions. In-depth structural examinations of the gold nanowires
(e.g., high-resolution TEM) may yield more information on the
phenomenon, which is beyond the scope of this work.
Even more captivating is the subsequent disintegration of the
a Coalescence on two adjacent facets is forbidden due to steric effects nanowires as they transform into spherical particles. We found
arising from truncated octahedral geometry. that at different reaction temperatures of 50, 80, and 100 °C,
the nanowires initially formed all had the same diameter of ∼5
in Figure 6 shows that these heavy particles are similar to the nm. The nanowires increased in thickness and began to fragment
nanowires formed in the citrate-reduction method (compare when the diameter was about 8 nm. These observations suggest
Figure 4c). It is likely that an extensive nanowire network similar that during the nanocrystal growth process, the nanowires
to those in Figure 4b was formed, but the fast kinetics of the structure became unstable when the diameter reached the
borohydride reduction reaction did not allow us to isolate them threshold value of about 8 nm. The lattice fringes along the
from the reaction solution. nanowires, shown in Figure 1, indicate that the primary
We have now gained a better understanding of the particle nanoclusters are randomly orientated to one another with respect
growth process. It is intriguing that the initially formed to their lattice facets (i.e., they are polycrystalline).11 Because
nanoclusters self-assemble into a linear-like fashion. Pei sug- of the random orientation, most of the planes where fusion occur
gested that under a limited amount of sodium citrate, adsorbed are actually plane defects, e.g., (111) fused with the (100) plane.
AuCl4- on Au nanoclusters render them attractive toward one We also observed that lattice fringes are periodically absent
another and lead to coalescence.11-13 However the preference along the nanowires, where fringed regions (∼8 nm long) are
for a chain-like assembly, as opposed to a random one that flanked by nonfringed regions (∼4 nm long). The fringe-free
would have led to formation of large spherical agglomerates,8 segments correspond to a highly disordered “amorphous” Au
is not understood. We attempt to put forward a mechanism for structure. These observations led us to postulate that the
the chain-like assembly based on our observations and general disintegration of the nanowires into particles arises from an
understanding of small gold nanoparticles. Assuming the small interplay of Oswald ripening and kinetic stabilization of
primary nanoclusters adopt a truncated octahedral geometry with spherical colloid by citrate ions. Our proposed mechanism is
well-defined planar facets,14 we hypothesize that the linear-like depicted in Scheme 3. In the early stages of the reaction,
alignment arises from steric effects. The formation of Au preferential adsorption of AuCl4- ions on the small primary
nanowires is a fusion process between Au nanoclusters, and it nanoclusters results in an attractive interaction,11-13 leading to
is necessary for the nanoclusters to achieve planar contact coalescence in a linear-like manner. As the reduction process
between their lattice facets. (Note that this is unlike flocculation continues, newly formed Au atoms are drawn into the concaved
or aggregation, where the surface atoms of the agglomerated cavities between the connected particles and deposited rapidly
particles do not come into contact.) However, the angular surface based on the Kelvin equation of condensation.11 We postulate
of each particle forbids its coalescence on adjacent planes that due to the fast deposition rate of Au atoms into the highly
because of steric constraints (Scheme 2). This forbiddance of concave cavities, the Au atoms assemble in a disordered
interparticle fusion on adjacent planes is likely to have driven noncrystalline manner, producing an amorphous region as
the assembly of the particles in a linear, albeit twisted, pattern. observed by HRTEM. Once the cavities have been filled, the
Moreover, this mode of assembly allows each particle to fuse nanowires present a smooth surface along its length. As more
with several others, which may account for the highly branched Au atoms are formed through the reduction process, deposition
Citrate Reduction of Gold(III) Salt J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6285

Figure 7. Fused spherical-like gold particles were present in the final

solution when the reaction was terminated without the treatment of Figure 8. UV-visible absorption spectra of solutions of the gold
extended reflux after the solution turned ruby-red. nanowire network (solid line) and spherical gold nanoparticles ∼5 nm
in diameter (broken line).
is now thermodynamically preferred on the crystalline sites over
the noncrystalline ones, since sorption on the ordered surface growth may also help improve the quantitative nucleation-
leads to tighter packing and hence stronger binding. The result growth model that has been reported recently.20 The nanowires
is localized growth of the nanowires, creating constrictions along that can be isolated from the reaction, and stabilized by thorough
its length as observed in Figure 4e. Our TEM observations show washings, may be useful in future electronic applications. For
that the spherical particles are “cleaved” from the nanowires, instance, the metal loading in polymer-metal composites can
which suggest that the Au atoms in the noncrystalline regions be reduced by the use of these small-diameter, electrically
diffuse away, probably to the adjacent crystalline sites through conductive networks of nanowires. By using a low citrate-to-
a process similar to Oswald ripening. By this time, AuCl4- ions gold ratio, Au nanowires with a diameter of approximately 43
are depleted and citrate ions become the dominant capping agent nm can be made.11 Vasilev used a limiting amount of 2-mer-
on the nanostructures. The citrate ions impart strong electrostatic captosuccinic acid to reduce AuCl4- and was able to synthesize
repulsive forces on the particles. Due to the shape of these Au nanowires with a diameter of 15 nm. By arresting the citrate
nanostructures at this stage, repulsion between adjoining reduction of AuCl4-, we are now able to prepare thin nanowires
particles pushes them apart to form the citrate-capped spherical of 5 nm diameter.
particles. Optical Activities of the Au Nanowire. The dark appearance
In the light of this new fundamental understanding of Au of the Au nanowire sol suggests that the extensive Au structure
nanoparticle growth, a number of observations may now be has an active absorbance throughout the visible region of the
better understood. In the preparation of AuNS with the citrate electromagnetic spectrum. Indeed, the absorption spectrum in
reduction of Au(III) salt, a common practice is to reflux the Figure 8 shows its broad absorbance from 320 to 800 nm. Note
solution for an additional 10-15 min after the apparent the stepped increase of absorbance that plateaus off around 520
completion of the reaction.15,16 We found that when this nm, which corresponds to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
“maturing” step is not carried out, some of the particles remained peak of spherical Au nanoparticles 5-15 nm in diameter. In
fused, as shown in Figure 7. This maturing step may now be general, the location of the SPR peak is dependent on the
understood as essential to the complete disintegration of the dimensionality of the particles, red-shifting to longer wavelength
nanowires to yield the final spherical particles. Also, most of as particle size increases. Also, the SPR absorbance of noniso-
the gold nanoparticles produced in this method are not single tropic particles may be resolved along the three principal axes.
crystals, but are twinned.17 This twinning effect is likely to have For example, long Au nanorods with a traverse diameter of ∼10
arisen from the assembly of small nanoclusters in the early stage nm have two SPR peaks: one peak around 520 nm corresponds
of the synthesis. When Kunitake and Yonezawa18 prepared to the traverse diameter (10 nm), and another broader band
mercapto ligand-stablized Au nanoparticles by adding sodium located between 600 and 1300 nm results from the longitudinal
3-mercaptopropionate in the citrate-reduction reaction, nano- dimension of the nanorods.21 The absorbance profile of the Au
particles smaller than 4 nm were produced. When we repeated nanowires may be approximately viewed as a heterogeneous
the synthesis in our laboratory, we observed that the solution mixture of Au nanorods with various longitudinal lengths but
turned from pale yellow to colorless, and slowly developed into all having the same traverse diameter of ∼5 nm. Hence, the
a reddish solution without developing the typical dark solution. location of the stepped increase in absorbance is indicative of
The strong mercapto acid ligand is likely to have passivated the diameter of these nanowires; larger diameter nanowires will
the nanoclusters in the early stage of the reaction and prevented have the stepped increase red-shifted to longer wavelength.
the assembly into nanowires and also stunned the growth of The resonant surface plasmons are not only responsible for
these nanoclusters into larger particles. Such a method may be the high absorption of metallic nanoparticles, but also give rise
useful for producing AuNSs that are free from twinning effects. to nonlinear optical (NLO) activity. The NLO activity of
AuNSs are one of the most intensely researched metallic spherical Au nanoparticles is strongly correlated to their
nanoparticles for various types of applications.1 Although the extinction coefficient of absorption.22 For spherical Au nano-
citrate-reduction method is routinely used in many laboratories particles, the NLO activity is highest around the SPR peak
to prepare AuNS, fundamental understandings on the growth around 520 nm. Au nanorods exhibit NLO activity at longer
process of these nanoparticles are limited. The method has been wavelengths because of the additional longitudinal SPR peak
revisited recently by Kimling et al., who examined in detail around 800 nm.23 Since the Au nanowires have a very broad
the roles of various reaction conditions on the size and and intense surface plasmon band spanning the whole visible
morphology of the final products.19 The new understandings spectrum, their NLO activity will also span a wide range of
gained from our present study can help refine the synthesis wavelengths.
process to enhance the control of nanoparticle shape and The Z-scan technique can be used to determine nonlinear
polydispersity. Also, the new mechanistic insights on the particle optical absorption of colloidal metallic nanoparticles.24 Figure
6286 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 Pong et al.

Figure 10. Transient transmission measurements on the Au NWs

solution performed with 780 nm, 150 fs laser pulses for different pump

scattering centers due to the vaporization of the initial particles

induced by the laser pulse.23,26
To evaluate the recovery time of the observed nonlinearities
and to obtain an insight of the underlying mechanism, we
conducted a degenerate pump-probe experiment with 150 fs,
780 nm laser pulses. In these experiments, the pump irradiance
was gradually increased, thereby providing information on the
transformation of SA to RSA processes. Figure 10 displays the
transient absorption signals of the Au nanowires, which also
confirms the SA process measured in the Z-scan method. With
Figure 9. (a) Open-aperture Z-scans of a 1 mm thick solution of the
Au nanowires measured with 150 fs laser pulses of 780 nm wavelength. input irradiances below 29 GW/cm2, the relaxation time of the
The laser irradiance used is in the range from 8 to 98 GW/cm2. (b) photoexcited electron dynamics in the Au nanowires is less than
Experimental open-aperture Z-scan data and its theoretical fit of Au 6 ps. This is much faster than that observed in Au nanorods.23
nanowires at an excitation irradiance of 8 GW/cm2. The solid line is This indicates the absence of phonon-phonon interactions in
the best-fit curve calculated by using the Z-scan theory reported in ref the nanowires at low excitation energies. At 29.2 GW/cm2, an
20. oscillation of the signal near the zero delay is observed. The
origin of this oscillation is attributed to interplay between the
9a displays the typical open-aperture Z-scans with different SA and RSA processes. As the pump irradiance is increased
irradiances at the wavelength of 780 nm and shows the negative further to 33.5 GW/cm2, the oscillation disappears and the peak
signs of the absorptive nonlinearities of the gold nanowires at at the zero delay decreases, which indicates that RSA is now
irradiance lower than ∼52 GW/cm2. As the Au nanowires are the dominant process. The RSA process continues until the
moved toward the focus of the laser, the increased laser intensity irradiance reaches 50.7 GW/cm2, where the signal shows a
induces bleaching of the ground-state plasmon absorption and shallow dip below the baseline followed by an abrupt rise. The
results in a transmittance increase. This saturable absorption maximum rise over the baseline is clearly observed at irradiance
(SA) process occurs at relatively low laser irradiance <52.2 of 56.6 GW/cm2, followed by a slow response time. This RSA
GW/cm2. As the laser intensity is increased to 98.1 GW/cm2, process becomes dominant at irradiance greater than 56.6 GW/
the reverse saturable absorption (RSA) process becomes domi- cm2 as shown in Figure 10.
nant. The relaxation of the RSA process can be attributed to three
To quantitatively determine the SA properties of the Au processes: The excited electrons relax to the ground state
nanowires, we simulate the Z-scan data with the Z-scan theory,25 through electron-electron, electron-phonon, and phonon-
in which the nonlinear absorption is assumed to be R2I, where phonon interactions. These interactions further induce the
I is the light irradiance and R2 is the nonlinear absorption excitation of hot electrons around the surface plasmon peak.
coefficient (which is proportional to the imaginary part of third- Thus, the broadband transient absorption subsides in this
order nonlinear susceptibility Im χ(3)). From the best-fit of the duration and gives way to the complete recovery of the bleached
Z-scan data at a low irradiance (Figure 9b) the extracted R2 spectrum. Such optical response is interpreted in terms of
was found to be -0.41 cm/GW or Im χ(3) ) -7.2 × 10-13 esu. frequency shift and broadening of the SPR, and is related to
By taking the linear absorption ()13 cm-1) of the Au nanowires the changes of the Au nanowires dielectric function induced
into consideration, we find that the figure of merit |Im χ(3)/R| by fast perturbation of the electron distribution. It is interesting
is 6 × 10-13 esu cm, which is two times greater than that to note that our measurements of the RSA process in the Au
reported by Schrof for spherical gold nanoparticles.22 The nanowires are comparable to the relaxation times (τe-ph ) 3.9
preceding results for SA are obtained at a low excitation level ps and τph-ph ) 100 ps) reported for bleaching recovery at the
transverse SPR27 and longitudinal SPR of Au NRs.23
of 8.0 GW/cm2, which is far below the irradiances where RSA
becomes apparent at 98.1 GW/cm2. The transformation from
SA to RSA suggests that the RSA process becomes dominant
at high irradiances. Such an interesting effect has also been A close investigation of the citrate-reduction method for
observed in Au nanorods.23 The origin of the RSA is attributed producing colloidal Au has revealed new mechanistic informa-
to free-carrier absorption and/or the formation of strong light tion that was not expected from the widely accepted nucleation-
Citrate Reduction of Gold(III) Salt J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6287

growth mechanism. At the initial stage of the reaction, Au (7) Alvarez, M. M.; Khoury, J. T.; Schaaff, T. G.; Shafigullin, M. N.;
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