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The Invasion

The Invasion

Islamization of Europe.......................................................................................................................30
Battle of Tours................................................................................................................................32
Battle of Vienna.............................................................................................................................34
Islamic Slave Trade........................................................................................................................35
Armenian Genocide.......................................................................................................................41
Greek Genocide.............................................................................................................................45
The Kalergi Plan.................................................................................................................................48
The Great Replacement......................................................................................................................52
New Zealand..................................................................................................................................70
South Africa...................................................................................................................................74
United Kingdom............................................................................................................................84
United States................................................................................................................................101

The Invasion

All Europeans and non-Europeans made early distinctions between different groups of
humans, stated different physical and mental characteristics of the different groups, and
expressed views that today would be considered racism. Examples include views from
Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, China, India, and Islamic and Jewish
sources. Prehistoric paintings have been seen as evidence for that group distinctions were
made also in prehistory. However, these ancient race classifications were limited by the
lack of knowledge of many geographical areas and many human populations at this time.

Also in pre-modern Europe there were such views, although the focus was on groups that
may today be classified as "peoples" or minor races rather than the major races (several of
which were completely or largely unknown to Europeans at this time). Thus, "In classical
and Medieval literature, the major term in ethnographic descriptions was gens—a Latin
word that is usually translated as “people” or “nation.” Significantly, gens connotes a
common ancestry or stock, reflecting an ancient way of understanding a nation not as a
social or political unit, but as a group of people linked by origin. Gens was therefore close
in meaning to “race,” understood in the traditional sense of “lineage” or “extraction.”

While the theory of evolution and natural selection did not exist for the most part before
Darwin, already in European Antiquity, there existed theories of inheritance and that the
environment directly changes the hereditary material. In summary, the heredity of acquired
characters was a concept generally accepted in Ancient Greece and Rome and explicitly
formulated by several authors. It is found in several Hippocratic treatises, Aristotle, Strabo,
Pliny, and others and implicitly in many more authors. Writers in antiquity also warned of
race mixing and argued that one important explanation for the argued positive
characteristics and historical successes of the Greeks, the Romans, and the Germans was
that these groups had avoided race mixing. Humans must early have realized that at least
the physical appearance of the offspring of humans and animals is influenced by the
characteristics of the parents. Early agricultural treatises describe selective breeding of
animals and plants. Plato's The Republic proposed human eugenic policies based on the
selective breeding of animal livestock, which was well-known in ancient Athens. Proposed
eugenic policies can also be found in later writings, such as the City of the Sun (1602) by
Tommaso Campanella. More complete knowledge of different hominid groups only
emerged as European geographic exploration and knowledge expanded.

"By the end of the eighteenth century, knowledge of the appearance of various
peoples of the world was fairly complete. At this time European scholars began to
speculate on these racial differences." - Alice M. Brues, People and Races. (1990)
Waveland Press. p. 19.

This was also the time when taxonomy started to be studied as a modern science. This
among other things demanded reliable measurements. The taxonomies largely relied on
morphology (form/structure, comparative anatomy). Morphological characteristics could be
easily and reliably measured, unlike physiological, mental, or genetic characteristics, which
were difficult or impossible to measure at this time. This reliance on morphology was

The Invasion

nothing unique for human taxonomy, but applied to taxonomy in general at this time.
Morphological characteristics used in human taxonomy included pigmentation, hair form
and skeletal form. Carl Linnaeus, the founder of modern taxonomy, divided humans into
four major subgroups in his Systema Naturae (1735): Homo Europaeus (Europeans),
Homo Afer (Sub-Saharan Africans), Homo Asiaticus (Asians), and Homo Americanus
(Amerindians). This classification was based on both morphological features and argued
differences in temperament and psychology. Generally, Linnaeus's system for
classification of organisms, primarily based on morphological differences, has undergone
surprisingly little change in the times following it, despite the appearance of genetic
measurements. Linnaeus's four subgroups are similar to four of the five major hominid
groups still described today. The Australoids were unknown or not well-known until
relatively late and were described as a major race by Thomas Huxley in 1870.

Intra-species groups were considered to be different only due environmental factors and
were not called races but "varieties". Linnaeus himself admitted that this was problematic
and used the oxymoronic term "constant varieties" for groups of the same species, which
differed despite being exposed to the same environment. This problem continued to be
debated. One view was that the existence of human "constant varieties" was evidence for
that humans should be divided into different species. This was deemed religiously heretical
and considered to be a dangerous idea. Instead, the term race came to be used by
individuals who viewed it as a concept different from species and varieties. Initially races
were viewed as having acquired hereditary properties through soft inheritance. The whole
debate effectively ended when Charles Darwin introduced evolution through natural
selection. Confusingly, the term race could also be used to refer to different human groups
when they were argued to be different species.

Much of the early research was done within the field of anthropology. One explanation for
this is that it was anthropologists who traveled to and made detailed ethnographic studies
of different peoples. Such studies also included descriptions of morphological
characteristics. During recent decades, taxonomy in general has been revolutionized by
the appearance of increasingly detailed genetic studies. The same has occurred for
human taxonomy. Researchers today often avoid using the politically sensitive word "race"
and instead use terms such as "population" in order to avoid accusations of racism. These
taxonomies during the twentieth century by Carleton Coon, Garn, and Birdsell (1950),
Baker (1974), Nei and Roychoudhury (1993), and Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza
(1994) have been largely similar, regardless of if using classical anthropological or, more
recently, genetic methods.

Both genetic and morphological research have also found support for a general division
into three major groups corresponding to certain geographic regions: Western Eurasia and
North Africa (in traditional anthropological literature called Caucasoids), Eastern Eurasia
(Mongoloids) and Sub-Saharan Africa (Negroids). Oceania (Australoids) and sometimes
the Americas (Amerindians) have received similar support. This corresponds to major
geographic barriers that made contact between different groups difficult (the Oceans,
Sahara, and the Himalayas. Besides morphology, genetic taxonomies have also been
supported by factors such as linguistic taxonomies, linguistic history, archeological
evidence, and cultural properties. Many morphological and genetic studies have generally
supported the five major races. Disagreements have usually involved border areas

The Invasion

between these major races, where groups are not well separated or admixed. In addition,
many genetic cluster studies performed with different clustering methods and with different
kinds of genetic data are argued to fairly consistently have found genetic clusters
corresponding to these major races.

The 2015 peer reviewed book The Nature of Race: the Genealogy of the Concept and the
Biological Construct’s Contemporaneous Utility listed many important historical and recent
classifications, and argued that they generally supported the five major races. The book
stated that:
“All of the classifications include some version of the big three: Caucasoid, Negroid,
and Mongoloid – groupings which do not simply reflect continental ancestry. That is,
these delineations are not drawn geographically, rather they are drawn biologically.
As such, in no instance are North Africans grouped into a “pan-African race” along
with Sub-Saharan Africans, and in no instance are South Asians grouped into a
“pan-Asian” race along with East Asians.

Secondly, the areas of disagreement are generally sensible in light of the current
morphological and genetic data. For example, at times, South Asians were treated
as a major biological division separate from other West Eurasians; and it so
happens that this is the first major West Eurasian group to separate out at a finer
grain of genetic analysis. Likewise, there has been continual disagreement as to the
status of Pacific Islanders (these various peoples being classified as a major race
separate from the big three, grouped with Mongoloids or at times Australoids, or
treated as several major races, etc.); part of the disagreement reflects terminology,
much of it reflects discordance between genetic and morphological (e.g.,
craniometrical) differentiation, and much of it reflects actual biological ambiguity
produced by a combination of continual East Asian gene flow into the region and
reduced gene flow between subregions.

Other areas of disagreement are likewise biologically sensible. For example,

Ethiopians were considered sometimes Caucasoid and sometimes Negroid – and
they happen to be rather admixed. The point here is that much of the classificatory
confusion parallels actual population complexity. If so, Barbujani and Colonna’s
argument is valid: classifications are confused when populations are not well
separated or when they are admixed. Yet the classifications show a striking degree
of coherence.”

Species consist of genetically similar individuals and can be directly measured by genetic
measurements. Such genetic similarity is not based on just one or a few "essential"
genetic characteristics, but on all as an average or a correlated composite. This means
that an individual may differ markedly from the racial average on one or a few genetic
characteristics, as long as the individual's genetics despite this overall are similar to the
racial average.

An organism's phenotype is the composite of an organism's observable characteristics or

traits, such as its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties,
behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest). A phenotype results from the
expression of an organism's genes as well as the influence of environmental factors and

The Invasion

the interactions between the two. Organisms with identical genotypes need not necessarily
look or act identical because appearance and behavior are modified by environmental and
developmental conditions. Likewise, organisms that look alike need not have the same
genotype. Regardless, there is often a strong connection between genotype and
phenotype, more so for some characteristics than for others. Races were earlier often
categorized primarily by morphological characteristics, which are phenotypic
characteristics. Today there is instead a tendency to predominantly focus on genetic
characteristics, which are seen as more fundamental and not subject to obscuring
environmental factors.

Ethnic characteristics, such as culture, language, and so on, are uncertain markers of
genetic similarity that are heavily influenced by environmental factors. Still, in particular
ethnicities in early history, and in particular groups such as tribes, may often have had or
have similar genetics. Larger groups can be subdivided into smaller groups. For example,
East Asians can be subdivided into groups such as Koreans and Japanese. Various terms
have been used for the different levels in this hierarchy, such as "major races",
"geographic races", or "continental races" for larger groups and "minor races" for smaller
groups. At some point in the hierarchy, the term races ceases to be used and may instead
be replaced by terms such as peoples, tribes, clans, and villages. Although the term races
is rarely used for so small groups, such groups may in principle be races according to
many race definitions. As such, an individual can be genetically similar to and belong to
several different but nested groups. For example, an individual can at the same time be
both East Asian and Japanese. An implication of such nested hierarchies is that it is
possible to count few or many races depending on which level in the hierarchy is
examined. Such nested hierarchies are typical of taxonomies in general, with different
species being organized into increasingly larger groups, such as genera and families.
Biologists have sometimes disagreed on this species hierarchy and it has been modified
as new evidence has been uncovered. The same applies to the racial hierarchy.

The ancestral genetic relationships between different groups can often be depicted with
phylogenetic tree diagrams. Proponents of cladistics argue that such relationships should
be the primary basis for taxonomic classifications, at least for species and higher groups.
From comprehensive genetic and morphological studies it is clear that what are
commonly referred to as “Races” are in fact, different hominid species.

These species have different ancestral territories where they existed for a period of
thousands of years as a breeding population, and have geographic barriers. This refers to
the geographic areas where the different races lived before recent mass migrations, such
as those by Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans to the Americas.

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Nature of Race: the Genealogy of the Concept and the Biological Construct’s
Contemporaneous Utility argued that there is a coherent, operationalizable concept of race
that has been remarkably stable across time since it was developed in the 1700s and that
underlies and integrates a plethora of local definitions. It argued that
"Underlying the diversities, though, are common conceptual cores. In the case of
race, this is the general biological race concept (GBRC). According to this, races
are organismic groups which differentiated from one another as a result of historic
patterns of filiation; they are groups, which due to histories of sufficient linebreeding,
form intraspecific natural divisions, ones which can be identified based on the
correlations between the organisms' inherited charactera." […] "Understood as
intraspecific natural divisions, races are divisions of organisms that are sufficiently
linebred such that each member is more genetically similar to other members of the
same division than to members of other ones but not so linebred that members of
different divisions can not readily produce viable offspring" and "When lines of
descent are sufficiently endogenous, that is, when our extended families are
sufficiently linebred, natural division races emerge from artificial. These races have
five dimensions, two causal, two essential, and one consequential. Races are the
product of extrinsic reproductive barriers and of the historic breeding patterns that
these barriers have shaped. They are lines of descent, ones sufficiently linebred to
allow for class distinctions, which over the course of generations have accumulated
modifications. Owing to their common ancestry, members of a race share
phenotypic patterns which can be used to distinguish them from members of other

The Invasion

Critics point out the existence of albinos with white skin color in all human populations.
However, an individual may differ greatly from one or a few of the racial averages of a
particular race and still be considered a member of this race, if the individual's
characteristics despite this overall are similar to those of the race. Thus, a person with
albinism would still be considered a member of a race which has on average a very dark
skin color, if the person's characteristics overall correspond to those of this race. Race is
not defined by absolutely having or absolutely not having certain "essentialist" traits, but
instead by a very large number of correlated traits.

Another criticism has been to argue that one can create arbitrary races by picking an
arbitrary characteristic and claiming that all persons with this characteristic belong to the
same race. Therefore, the argument is that since European Swedes and African Fulani are
both (usually) lactose tolerant, they can (usually) be classified as belonging to a "race" that
is defined as consisting of all lactose tolerant persons. Such arbitrary definitions ignore
that race definitions usually include that a race has a similar ancestral origin. They also
ignore that at least the modern race definitions do not rely on such single "essentialist"

The Invasion

characteristics, but instead on a large number of correlated characteristics. The existence

of human races was almost universally accepted by scientists before the middle of the
twentieth century. Thereafter, it has become increasingly politically incorrect to support the
existence of human races. Despite this, many scientists still support the existence of
human races and indicate that they are different species.

The genetic distance between the common chimp and the bonobo is 0.103% (Curnoe,
2003, Table 2), less than half the English-Bantu genetic distance of 0.23%, and therefore
either (at least some) sub-Saharan blacks and Eurasians should be classified as different
species or the common chimp and the bonobo (and the two species of orangutan) should
be classified as the same species. Although wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis lupus
familiaris) are a different species (lupus) than coyotes (Canis latrans), “… there is less
mtDNA difference between dogs, wolves, and coyotes than there is between the various
ethnic groups of human beings…” (Coppinger, 1995).
• Dog - Wolf FST = .165
• Negroid - non-Negroid FST = .2+

Genetic differences between African and Asiatic Lions is less than those found between
different racial groups
• mtDNA distance between Sub-Saharan Africans and White Europeans is around
• mtDNA distance between African and Asiatic Lions is around 0.92.

The Invasion

Europeans and North Americans are responsible for 97 percent of scientific

accomplishment. The European race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved
mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren landscapes. It has been
responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity,
flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio,
television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the
electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope,
computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless
medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have
included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Alexander the Great, Tacitus,
Julius Caesar, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Captain Cook, Brunel, Bach,
Beethoven, Mozart, Händel, Hadyn, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, Graham Bell,
Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Da Vinci,
Raphael, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.

Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Sub-Saharan African has invented
nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a
railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. He is not known to have
ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although
many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of
transporting goods was on the top of his head, for shelter he never progressed beyond the
common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable of. Every piece
of technology that the have today has been bequeathed to them by Europeans.

The Invasion

The Invasion

White people are a global minority at less than 10% of the World’s population and that
figure has been shrinking rapidly. Racemixing accelerates the destruction of the white

Humans are born with a racial sense of identity. Its essential characteristic and main
expression is that the person belonging to the large group of whites seeks in a natural way
the social bond with members of his own group. The racial instinct, which has existed as a
hard fact for thousands of years, can also be called a biological racial barrier. The racial
instinct is strengthened by a racial consciousness that also originated from time
immemorial, has been intact for a long time and has a civilizing effect. It is an intrinsic
value inherent in the group member. This lets the member experience their own group as a
good unit and leads to their appreciation. Feelings, experiences, insights, example of
others, upbringing, successes of the group, aesthetic realities, including the feeling of
beauty for the white person, all of this flows into a comprehensive basic mental and
spiritual state of being in one's own race, which hardly urges to utter a word or is capable
of it. The act of racial disgrace occurs in breaking the racial barrier through partnership,
marriage, sexual contact and procreation with non-whites.

When a White Man or Woman voluntarily engages in procreation with a non-white, he or

she shows that they have sunk so far, mentally and morally, that they are able to silence
the oldest protective instinct of the group. His or her genetic data, attributes,
characteristics and likeness are wasted, the non-white child will not inherit any of the white
parent’s features because of the huge distance in genetic similarity. For example, a White
mother of mixed blood child would have more genetically in common with a random White
person on the street than with her own child. The white gene pool is weakened by the
misdirection of white genetic material in any case, since the genetic material is not used to
preserve and maintain the own group.

It is not just an individual occurrence between those involved, but with the birth of the
mongrel, the white genetic material has been polluted – the mongrel will inevitably ensure
further mixing in the following generations unless it dies before procreating. All offspring of
the original racial abuser can no longer contribute anything to the white gene pool and the
continued existence of the whites, because the mongrel can no longer bring in an
unpolluted white genetic material. The mongrel has no identity. He or she will never fully be
accepted by either race. A parent which defiles his race is a destructive influence to young
people in his or her group and can directly tempt them to do the same when the
opportunity arises. Another effect is that whites who bring mixed bloods into the world
attempt to get their relatives, acquaintances, friends, and the whole environment to accept
the mongrel as belonging to a group for all future. If a six-year-old from such an
environment sees miscegenation, he will probably find it normal for his entire life if this is
not counteracted by strict condemnation on the part of his parents and other whites.

The Invasion

The murderer of a white man tears his life from the large racial group, moreover he makes
the family and the social environment of the victim devastated. However, apart from the
fact that the victim was possibly no longer able to pass on his genetic material (death at
reproductive age), the act has no further biological effects on the large group. In contrast,
what the racial abuser does by misdirecting the genome from the large group has a
maximum lasting effect – across generations – to the detriment of his own large group. He
prevents generations of whites from developing from his genetic make-up.

The mainstream media and government depicts racial disgrace as the most normal
process in the world and celebrates the abusers who produce mixed blood children. The
“education system” administers fabricated information to young people in order to force
people to accept and support the destruction of their ethnic group and reject their racial
identity. Interracial pornography is also produced and broadcasted by Television channels,
Netflix, and internet porn websites to normalize and stimulate racemixing.

The Invasion

When you marry and have kids with a partner of your own race, you leave a legacy.

The Invasion

The Haitian Revolution was an extension of the French Revolution which proclaimed ideas
of “equality”. The African slaves and mulattos fought a rebellion against Colonial rule. The
rebellion was not instigated by the masses but rather the leaders of the insurrection were
the colored bourgeoisie, the privileged intermediate class between the planters and the
enslaved. Many of these men had served in the French armed forces or been educated in
France, and all of them espoused the subversive egalitarian ideas originating from Paris.
By the time that the insurrection erupted in 1791, a free population of fewer than fifty
thousand whites exercised rule over half a million Africans. Since 1679, there had been
numerous insurrectionary conspiracies of varying levels of success. The most disturbing of
such occurred around 1750, when Makandal, claiming to be “the Black Messiah,” amassed
a large following. His army planned to poison the water supply and exterminate the whites
while they were “in convulsions.” The conspiracy was discovered before it could be carried
out and its leader was executed but the colony was never free from poisonings and
disturbances. In 1785, one royal officer wrote that “we are walking on barrels of powder,”
echoing the words of a royal governor one century prior: “We have in the negros most
dangerous enemies.” Soon, “sparks from the edicts of Revolutionary France were soon to
fall upon those powder-barrels.”

Upon the outbreak of the French Revolution, Saint-Domingue almost immediately

experienced a sharp increase in unrest. One royal officer, in a report forwarded to the
Minister of Marine, wrote: “Sir, this word ‘Liberty,’ which is echoing so loudly all the way
from distant Europe to these parts, and which is being everywhere repeated with such
enthusiasm, is sowing a fatal seed, whose sprouting will be terrible. . . we should see only
blood, carnage, and the certain destruction of one or other of those incompatible races of
men which inhabit this colony.” It seemed indeed that “the gods had decreed the
destruction of San Domingo.”

Saint-Domingue was known as the crown jewel of the French colonial empire. It produced
sugar, cotton, coffee, indigo and cocoa. Its plains were covered with splendid estates. Its
hill-sides dotted with noble houses. The white population were rich and enjoyed luxurious
lives. When the Constituent Assembly in Paris decreed in May, 1791, that “every man of
color born of free parents should enjoy equal political rights with the whites,” the planters
quite presciently predicted that this would foment civil war and the loss of the colony. In
response, Dupont de Nemours and Maximilien Robespierre replied, “Perish the colonies
rather than a principle.” In the words of Mirabeau, the whites “slept on the edge of

On August 22, 1791, an attack was launched by the blacks against white on the island’s
North plain. The scattered, isolated whites of the plain could offer no resistance as the men
were ruthlessly slaughtered “with every species of atrocity” and the women brutally raped,
often upon the very bodies of their husbands, fathers, brothers, and children. Just before
dawn on August 23, a stream of disheveled refugees filtered into Le Cap, awash in the
lurid glow of the flaming plain, carrying reports of the massacre and the news that the

The Invasion

blacks were razing the cane fields and the plantations. A colonist described the sight of the
white refugees:
“I beheld the wide expanse of [the] road literally crowded with a disheartened
multitude. I felt overpowered with irresistible emotions; my heart swelled as if ready
to burst. What a heart-rending scene! Countless numbers of females. . . old and
young, dragging along, as it were, their weary bodies — some carrying their babies
and children, others measuring their steps to avoid precipitating the tardy steps of
their grandmothers and grandfathers — many of whom were more than seventy
years old! Exhausted by a meridian heat, by thirst and hunger, they had in their
flight thrown down along the road all the articles which they thought would impede
or retard their march.”

One of the first whites to have experienced the chaos on the plain — and one of the few
survivors to live to tell the tale — awoke to the sound of gunfire. Within seconds, his land
was inundated with the horde of blacks. He shouted, “Who goes there?” A voice “like
thunder” answered: “It is death!” The savages were rhythmically chanting, “Kill, kill.” The
man, despite his understandable terror, made the striking observation that “truly, the
apathy and reluctance of these animals was such that if only ten whites had arrived at the
moment, they would have broken up this savage horde with no resistance.” One woman,
resting on her veranda, was awakened by her husband’s severed head being tossed into
her lap. In flight, she paused to view her reflection in a stream. Her hair, “which was brown
a few days before, had become completely white.”

The Invasion

Another eyewitness on the North Plain described the terror:

“The day after my arrival, while partaking with my family of the pleasures of an
excellent lunch, a courier arrived to deliver to my step-father, commander of the
district in which our property is located, a letter full of the most terrifying news. The
slaves, inflamed by emissaries sent from France, had burned the habitations of our
neighbors near [Le Cap], after assassinating the proprietors without distinction of
age and sex. [We] feared it would soon reach our place of habitation. The report of
this terrific catastrophe was widely spread. The frightened families among our
neighbors met together at our plantation. The men armed to face the storm; the
mothers, wives, sisters were lamenting and gathering in all haste a few precious
effects. Desolation and fear were painted on all faces. The sky seemed on fire.
Guns could be heard from afar, and the bells of the plantations were sounding the
alarm. The danger increased. The flames at each moment were approaching and
enclosing about us. There was no time to lose; we fled. The victims who escaped at
sword’s point came to swell the number of fugitives, and recounted to us the horrors
which they had witnessed. They had seen unbelievable tortures to which they
testified. Many women, young, beautiful, and virtuous, perished beneath the
infamous caresses of the brigands, among the cadavers of their fathers and
husbands. Bodies, still palpitating, were dragged through the roads with atrocious
acclamations. Young children transfixed upon the points of bayonets were the
bleeding flags which followed the troop of cannibals. These pictures were not
exaggerated, and I more than once saw the sorrowful spectacle.”

“We were crushed,” the Frenchman continued, with hundreds of thousands of blacks in
open revolt against whites defended only by two regiments of regular soldiers, along with
the colonial militia. A colonist noted “it was only in ambuscades that our adversary was
formidable; in open country, one single white could put to rout twenty of these poor
wretches, no matter how well-armed.” Coming upon the ruins of his own plantation, and
thus his livelihood and his economic existence, the colonist wrote:
“My sister, it is done; our ruin is consummated; I saw the turbulent flames, which
were carried by the breeze in its course; I gazed upon the debris; I walked over the
ashes still hot and red! What days, perhaps, with still worse to follow! How you
would have suffered if you could have seen the actual state of this place which,
before our arrival, so much care was taken to develop: the sugar refinery; the vats,
the furnaces, the vast warehouses, the convenient hospital, the water-mill which
was so expensive, all is no more than a specter of walls blackened and crumbled
surrounded by enormous heaps of coals and broken tiles. All the materials
assembled at great expense for the construction of the beautiful new house we
were going to build, were scattered or broken; and they did their work with great
thoroughness. They demolished the aqueduct which conducted the river water to
the great wheel of the mill; and they drained the pond by numerous irrigation
trenches, that picturesque lake which carried such coolness to the habitation, and
which always furnished such delicious fish. Why such fury in the devastation? Why
deprive themselves of that which might have been so useful to them one day? It
could not be out of hatred for us personally — we were complete strangers.”

The Invasion

Though the full horror of the situation was soon impressed upon the people of Le Cap, the
cataclysmic intensity of the bloodshed could not have been appreciated then. The unerring
success with which the French authorities had suppressed every other insurrectionary
conspiracy had made the whites overconfident. A reconnaissance party of National
Guardsmen ventured out of the city, but had barely entered the plain when it was
“suddenly overwhelmed in the half-light of dawn by a horde of negros whose ghastly
standard was the impaled body of a white child; only two or three of the soldiers escaped
to carry the dreadful tidings. Within a few days, the whole of the great North Plain was to
be only a waste of blood and ashes.” The whites of Saint-Domingue were paralyzed. An
eyewitness described the plain:
“Picture to yourself the whole horizon a wall of fire, from which continually rose thick
vortices of smoke, whose huge black volumes could be likened only to those
frightful storm-clouds which roll onwards charged with thunder and with lightnings.
The rifts in these clouds disclosed flames as great in volume which rose darting and
flashing to the very sky. Such was their voracity that for three weeks we could
barely distinguish between day and night, for so long as the rebels found anything
to feed the flames, they never ceased to burn, resolved as they were to leave not a
cane nor house behind. The most striking feature of this terrible spectacle was a
rain of fire composed of burning cane-straw which whirled thickly before the blast
like flakes of snow, and which the wind carried. . . plunging us in the greatest fear of
its effects and wringing our hearts with an agony of grief as it disclosed the full
extent of our misfortunes.”

Another French colonist wrote even more evocatively of the inferno:

“I beheld the most awful and desolating spectacle: no less than ten square leagues
of country illuminated by thousands of volcanoes. I stood gazing in despair two
hours, upon this beautiful scene, to observe the progress of the conflagration
eastward. Its rapidity was such as to make the beholder believe that large and thick
trains of gunpowder had been artificially laid down, leading from each estate to the
neighboring ones; as in a large and splendid artificial fireworks, by letting off a fire
dragon [that] communicates its destructive element, inflames by turns several parts
of the vast combinations, lets off thousands of thundering rockets, and after
exhibiting a sea of fire, leaves behind but the blackened wrecks of his former
grandeur, when, suddenly rekindling, it continues its tremendous blasts forwards,
until it dies away for lack of combustible elements.”

Another eyewitness, arriving at Le Cap a month later, noted that:

“The first sight which arrested our attention as we approached was a dreadful scene
of devastation by fire. The noble plain adjoining Le Cap was covered with ashes,
and the surrounding hills, as far as the eye could reach, everywhere presented to us
ruins still smoking, and houses and plantations at that moment in flames. It was a
sight more terrible than the mind of any man unaccustomed to such a scene can
easily conceive.”

One woman described the once-gleaming town:

“A heap of ruins. A more terrible picture of desolation cannot be imagined. Passing
through streets choked with rubbish, we reached with difficulty a house which had

The Invasion

escaped the general fate. The people live in tents, or make a kind of shelter, by
laying a few boards across the half-consumed beams.”

The colonial journalist H. D. de Saint-Maurice described the city in similar terms:

“Oh, you who, in the lap of luxury, enjoy peaceful days free from problems, cast
your gaze for a moment on two or three thousand individuals, most of whom
enjoyed, only two days ago, a brilliant fortune, lavish and comfortable homes, and
everything that makes life enjoyable. See these unfortunates now, without bread
and without assistance. See here a mother who bemoans the fate of her lost
children, a father mourning a son who is dead or dangerously wounded, and there a
beautiful young woman, trembling, seated next to a hedge or a house occupied by
one who used to be her slave. Alone and friendless, she doesn’t know what
happened to her family and fears suffering at any moment the final outrage and
being given over to the brutality of a slave whose hands will be covered with the
blood of her mother, her brother, perhaps even her lover! See all these unfortunates
exposed night and day to the insults of their ferocious conquerors and the rigors of
the climate.”

thin the first two months of the insurrection, well over two thousand whites had been
murdered, another thousand had been “reduced from opulence to abject destitution,” and
over a thousand sugar, coffee, cotton, and indigo plantations had been erased as if they
had never existed. As one colonist wrote: “To detail the various conflicts, skirmishes,
massacres, and other scenes of slaughter which this exterminating war produced, were to
offer a disgusting and frightful picture; a combination of horrors wherein we should behold
cruelties unexampled in the annals of mankind; human blood poured forth in torrents, the
earth blackened with ashes, the air tainted with pestilence.” No small quantity of whites
committed suicide rather than face being ripped limb from limb, raped, and eviscerated by
the niggers. As the North Plain was rent asunder, a mulatto insurrection consumed the
West, centered upon Port-au-Prince. They “fashioned white cockades from the ears of
their dead enemies,” and committed grotesque atrocities against white women and
children which were “beyond belief.” The Colonial Assembly reported to its unsympathetic
Parisian commissioners that “the mulattoes rip open pregnant women, and then before
death force the husbands to eat of this horrible fruit. Other infants are thrown to the hogs.”
Some whites were “placed between planks and sawn in two, or were skinned alive and
slowly roasted, the girls violated and then murdered,” while others had their eyes ripped
out with corkscrews.

A Monsieur Le Clerc, who in November 1791 joined one of the early expeditions
undertaken against the black insurgency, described what he saw: “Ruins, ashes, scaffolds
stained with blood, trees hung with heads that were already putrefying: that is the tableau
of this, the most opulent province of the colony. The rich parishes now echo only with the
cries of these wild beasts who carry out their ravages there.” The blacks, “instead of just
killing the animals they needed for food, ran around, sabers in hand, amusing themselves
by cutting sheep and pigs in half and using only a small part, with the result that the stench
that soon began to rise from this infected place forced us to flee it.” Mutilated corpses
attested to more than sheer rage — cannibalism was apparently rampant among the
“revolutionaries.” He continued:

The Invasion

“From a distance, it looked like universal desolation. Our ruin was complete. One
person hardly recognized the site of his own plantation, the other the plantation of a
friend he sought in vain. What the fire had spared, hands even more destructive
than the flames had reduced to dust. We felt as though we were marching on the
ruins of the world. Sad playthings of fate, the plantation owners mixed in with the
main body of the army dragged themselves along, lost in contemplation of their
misery, no animal, no living creature interrupted the silence of these deserts, broken
only by the rumbling of the cannon and the slow and measured pace of the troops.
Oh, what an abomination! Oh, inventive genius of cannibals! What did we see?
White hands, from the wrist up, coming out of the ground, with the fingers pointing
upward. We stood petrified. Did they belong to bodies buried here? Had parricidal
hands torn them from living victims, these hands that I must have held in my own?
Ah! No doubt they belonged to a father, a friend, a mother. They might just have
signed the manumissions of some of these monsters who had made killing a game.
These whites had been torn apart! Their suffering was over. Their shades hovered
over our heads. As I moved away from this theater of horror, the tempest howled
through my very being, deeply, like a roaring torrent, something that shakes the
fundament of things. At moments, full of rage, I formed only one vow: to measure
myself against one of these man-eaters, and to run the iron through his innards. At
other moments, exhausted by the very violence of my sensations, I wished that a
friendly bullet would pierce me, but that it would reach me slowly, so that I could
fully savor the end of such an existence.”

The men liberated a group of white women who had been held captive in a sacked church
and subjected to several days of uninterrupted gang-rapes: “O heaven! What a spectacle!
Livid women, starved, without stockings, without shoes, their hair undone, most almost
naked, a few covered with rags, others with nothing but a scrap to cover their nudity:
specters, in a word.” Nearby the church lay a heaping pile of the skulls of white victims, the
bone covered here and there with patches of blood-matted hair and rotten flesh.

Monsieur Gros, an attorney who also volunteered in an early militia expedition against the
blacks, was one of the only survivors after he and his unit were captured by the monstrous
“Jeannot,” one of the most bloodthirsty of the Haitians, known for his passion for torture
and his penchant for drinking the blood of his white victims, mixed with rum. The blacks
“glutted themselves by shocking our eyes with the mutilated carcasses of our brethren.”
Some men were butchered piecemeal, while others were trussed, “like a fowl ready-
prepared for the spit, toad-fashion,” and roasted alive or exsanguinated, their blood drunk
by their tormentors. A companion of Mr. Gros was “extended on a ladder” and given three
hundred stripes, after which gunpowder was “inserted into every part of his body and
exploded by the application of red-hot pokers fabricated expressly for this intent.” It was
the unit commander Berchais, however, who was doomed to the grisliest death. “Jeannot”
severed one of his hands, extended him upon the ladder, whipped him two hundred times,
and finally “suspended [him] from a stake fixed in the ground by a hook that pierced him
under the chin. This unfortunate man [lived] in this condition 36 hours, and at the time
[Jeannot] had him taken down, he still palpitated.” It was no easy task cutting Berchais’s
corpse down: “They had to cut off his head because the hook under his jaw had gone in so
deeply, and he was still warm.” “Jeannot” had not been lying when he told his victim: “You
are going to feel that death.”

The Invasion

Le Cap, the largest city in Saint-Domingue, was completely incinerated twice in ten years.
Walking through its once-bustling avenues, one man wrote that he “found nothing but dead
bodies: the streets were strewn with them, all the houses were burned and the streets
blocked by their debris.” Le Cap, “with its modern European-style buildings, including a
theater, had been a symbol of the implantation of Enlightenment culture in the New World.
Its destruction was the most striking act of violence committed on French territory since the
start of the revolution.” As annihilation loomed ever-nearer on the horizon, the whites did
their best to flee the colony. One observer describes what occurred upon the arrival of a
French fleet:
“Christophe, the black general rode through the town, ordering all the women to
leave their houses — the men had been taken to the plain the day before, for he
was going to set fire to the place, which he did with his own hand. The ladies,
bearing their children in their arms, or supporting the trembling steps of their aged
mothers, ascended in crowds the mountain which rises behind the town. Climbing
over rocks covered with brambles, where no path had been ever beat, their feet
were torn to pieces and their steps marked with blood. Here they suffered all the
pains of hunger and thirst; the most terrible apprehensions for their fathers,
husbands, brothers and sons; to which was added the sight of the town in flames:
and even these horrors were increased by the explosion of the powder magazine.
Large masses of rock were detached by the shock, which, rolling down the sides of
the mountain, many of these hapless fugitives were killed.”

In a scene captured by the journalist H.D. de Saint-Maurice, white refugees who managed
to escape aboard ships watched from the harbor as their world spun away from them:
“In the midst of this profound darkness, everyone, silent and frozen with horror, had
contemplated from the decks of the ships in the harbor the torrents of flame that
devoured this once opulent and peaceful city, become in an instant the prey of
pillage and fire. Daylight, in dissipating the darkness, offered the hideous image of
civil war and ruins; only then was the impossibility of going back on land evident.
Rear Admiral Sercey, seeing the immense crowd of people who had taken refuge
on the ships, and realizing, no doubt, the impossibility of saving any more, ordered
preparations for departure, the signal is given and repeated, it resounds like a
thunderclap in the hearts of these innumerable victims. It is the cry of despair, the
last, the eternal farewell to the homeland. Everyone wants to stop the vessel that
flees with too much speed, everyone wants to touch for one last time, to at least
moisten with his tears, the soil on which he was born, the soil that made him rich,
this beloved and sacred soil that he tears himself away from so painfully. The man
weeps for his missing wife, the wife cries out for the husband from whom she is
separated, fathers and mothers seek their children who, far from them, invoke the
protection of their parents. Some stretch out empty arms to their friends, to beloved
mistresses whom they may never see again; their voices, their farewells are lost in
the atmosphere.”

A volunteer militiaman witnessed the death of the city, which he previously called “a little
Paris in terms of grandeur and beauty.” He saw one of his generals, consumed by fright
and despair, throw himself into the sea, crying, “Every man for himself!” He saw colored
troops “proudly leading us and haranguing us into excitement, who, when they had

The Invasion

accompanied us as far as the batteries of the enemy, turned upon us a murderous fire and
retired amidst the ranks of our adversaries, laughing at our credulity.” He continued:
“The creeping hours were hardly half run out when, all at once, horrible shrieks
resounded in our ears; a great brightness lit the black skies. From the summit of the
mountains down the roads to the plain, came immense hordes of Africans. They
arrived with torches and knives and plunged into the city. From all sides, flames
were lifted as in a whirlwind and spread everywhere. What a spectacle of cruelty! I
can still hear the whistling of bullets, the explosions of powder, the crumbling of
houses; I can still see my brave comrades contending vainly against steel and fire; I
still see the feeble inhabitants in flight, half-naked, dragging in the streets, in the
midst of accumulated debris, the mutilated corpses of their families or their friends.
The entire city was entirely ablaze. Once a flourishing city, now reduced to ashes.
These heinous Africans, all stained with blood, were replacing murder with
excesses, amidst a population without refuge, without clothes, and without food.
The thousands of unfortunates of different sex and ages were sitting on the ruins of
their property crying for the loss of their families and their friends. The shore was
covered with debris, with weapons, with wounded, with dead and with dying. On
one side, a barrier of flames and of swords; on the other, the immense expanse of
ocean. Over all was misery, want, and suffering! And nowhere was there hope!”

Nowhere, indeed, was hope to be found. One French official sent a desperate missive to
the motherland, imploring his superiors for military aid: “If the Directoire does not promptly
send imposing forces, the colony is lost forever. The Europeans are everywhere being
massacred. The cantons are completely devastated, and outside of the town itself not a
White man remains alive. We are at the mercy of the negros, by the time you receive this
letter, we may have all been massacred.” The arrival of revolutionary French forces with
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité on their lips scarcely helped the whites, and actually served to
worsen the chaos. British and Spanish forces eventually invaded the island in an attempt
to reassert control but their interests favored imperial power games rather than the white
population. The horror continued for years, events in fallen Saint-Domingue mirroring the
convulsions of France. The whites who still remained in the colony knew that there was
only one practical solution to the chaos and that was to kill the hoards of blacks who had
destroyed their land, raped, and murdered white people. However the leadership of the
European powers had lacked the requisite will to perform since the very beginning of the
descent into barbarism:
“Almost all the negros in the gendarmerie have deserted bag and baggage to the
enemy, and the same thing is true of the black troops. After such examples, how
can we trust those negros who appear to desire submission? So long as there
remains at San Domingo any considerable body of negros who for twelve years
have made war, the colony will never be reestablished. The negro who has been a
soldier will never again become a cultivator; he prefers death to work. He who has
once worn an epaulette holds it dearer than life; he will commit every crime to retain
it. If France wishes to regain San Domingo, she must send hither twenty-five
thousand men in a body, declare the negros [to be] slaves, and destroy at least
thirty thousand negros and negresses — the latter being more cruel than the men.
These measures are frightful, but necessary. We must take them or renounce the
colony. Whoever says otherwise lies in his throat and deceives France.”

The Invasion

The necessary action was never taken. In fact, quite the opposite. Eventually, after the
arrest and subsequent death of “Toussaint Louverture,” one of his most vicious lieutenants,
“Dessalines,” took power. This beast developed a reputation early on for his propensity for
drinking his white victims’ blood. In 1802, under two years before the final extermination of
white people from the island was set into motion, a French expeditionary force effected
another attempt at reasserting control. Michel-Etienne Descourtilz was among this army,
and wrote of his experiences after he and his unit were captured by blacks under
Dessalines’ command:

“From all directions, the noise of firearms woke

those whom anguish had exhausted. Everyone
strained to hear, to not miss the last plaintive
cries of the victims dying under the redoubled
blows of the assassins, either bayoneted or
clubbed with musket butts. Death by shooting
being too merciful to satisfy these cannibals’
cruel rage, they reserved it for those who had
been promised special treatment. The whites
of the canton were soon pursued and collected
from all over. Their brains, flying in all
directions, stuck to the blood-spattered walls,
homicidal lead flew in all directions; the
perfidious balls struck old people and children
without distinction. Everywhere scattered
ashes, twitching corpses marked the
assassins’ passage and their bloody march.
The streets were strewn with bodies. During
this time, the holy cathedral was desecrated,
the altar soaked with the blood of a young man
of sixteen, who, his hair disheveled, came on
his knees to beg for divine protection, his
hands and mouth dripping blood, naked; in
spite of the sanctity of the place, the cannibals finished off this innocent victim who
had survived more than forty bayonet thrusts! Having no pity for the white soldiers
who, lost in the woods and overwhelmed with fatigue, though that, if they laid down
their arms, they would find protection and life, they led them to the chiefs of the
bands, striking them brutally. Atrocious methods of putting them to death were
prepared. For example, after having cut off the hands and feet of some, and
attached ropes to their limbs, they were hung eight feet off [of] the ground by large
splinters of wood driven through their lower jaws, and then abandoned, leaving it to
time alone to torture them more slowly. Exposed thus during the day to the heat of a
burning and insupportable sun, in the evening and the night to the indescribable
discomfort of innumerable legions of insects and mosquitoes attracted by the blood
with which these victims were covered, they never lasted more than thirty to forty

He continued, attesting to the remarkable ubiquity of animal cruelty among the blacks:

The Invasion

“With a heavy heart, I abandoned this bloodstained terrain, which now held so many
beloved remains, and I turned my eyes, full of sadness, toward the mountains. To
the human bodies were added those of domestic animals sacrificed by the drunken
ferocity of these barbarians, who had also killed a vast quantity of poultry, without
any purpose. These ferocious [savages] pushed their cruelty to the point of cutting a
single rib out of the cattle, for grilling, and afterward they let the animal go!

When the expeditionary force abandoned the colony in November, 1803, Dessalines
promised that any whites who chose to stay would do so under his personal guarantee of
protection, and even went so far as to invite white refugees to return to the land that they
had so loved. Scarcely had the new year begun, however, when these poor, naive whites
discovered just how wrong they had been. Dessalines issued a proclamation officially
ordering the wholesale annihilation of the white race, setting off numerous waves of horrific
massacres. A French officer who escaped certain death at Port-au-Prince wrote:
“The murder of the Whites in detail began at Port-au-Prince in the first days of
January, but [in] March they were finished off en masse. All, without exception, have
been massacred, down to the very women and children. [They] ranged the town like
a madman searching the houses to kill the little children. Many of the men and
women were hewn down by sappers, who hacked off their arms and smashed in
their chests. Some were poniarded, others mutilated, others ‘passed on the
bayonet,’ others disemboweled with knives or sabers, still others stuck like pigs. At
the beginning, a great number were drowned. The same general massacre has
taken place all over the colony, and as I write you these lines, I believe that there
are not twenty Whites still alive — and these not for long.”

A witness described the scene of one of the multitude of bloodbaths:

“The destined victims were assembled in a public square, where they were
slaughtered by the negros with the most unexampled cruelty. One brave man, who
had often distinguished himself in the defense of the Cape, and who had been weak
enough to stay in it, seized with desperate fury the sword of one of the negros, and
killing several, at length fell, overpowered by numbers. The women have not yet
been killed; but they are exposed to every kind of insult, are driven from their
houses, imprisoned, sent to work on the public roads; in fine, nothing can be
imagined more dreadful than their situation. Two amiable girls, whom I knew, hung
to the neck of their father when the negros seized him. They wept and entreated
these monsters to spare him; but he was torn rudely from their arms. The youngest,
attempting to follow him, received a blow on the head with a musket which laid her
lifeless on the ground. The eldest, frantic with terror, clung to her father, when a
ruthless negro pierced her with his bayonet, and she fell dead at his feet. The
hapless father gave thanks to God that his unfortunate children had perished before
him, and had not been exposed to lingering suffering’s and a more dreadful fate.”

Under Dessalines, the horror became as grotesque as it had been in the first days of the
revolution. One account reported: “A passage boat with 44 souls on board, was taken by
one of those [negro] barges, and every soul murdered. The women they put to the
ignominious torture of boring out their eyes with a corkscrew, in ripping up the bellies of
those with child, and exposing the unborn infants to the eyes of their expiring mothers.”
With the death of the whites, so too died technical expertise, commercial connections, and

The Invasion

any semblance of a productive economy, in other words, Dessalines butchered any hope
of future prosperity. Peter Chazotte, one of the very few French whites who survived the
final months of Saint-Domingue’s death throes, provided the fullest account of Dessalines
proclamation. Mr. Chazotte had fled the colony for the United States in the 1790s, but
returned in 1800 in a likely futile effort to recover his property. He was able to make it to
Baltimore in June, 1804. The Frenchman blamed British abolitionists for the entire series
of events, convinced that agents associated with William Wilberforce had launched their
campaign in 1789 and had explicitly recommended to Dessalines his policy of white
genocide. Though Mr. Chazotte wrote his memoirs in French at the behest of the French
Ambassador to the United States, the diplomat took umbrage at the refugee’s harsh
judgments on French military failures, and Chazotte left his manuscript unpublished. In
1840, however, he decided to publish it in English in order to answer “the obstreperous
misrepresentations of English abolition agents” and to counter “the nefarious lies
propagated by American fanatics” of the Northern abolitionist cabal. He believed that the
British were conspiring to promote abolitionism in the United States in the hope of ruining a
commercial rival. He said “they only await a signal to kindle the conflagration, and make of
our Southern section a vast field of war, destruction, misery, rapine, murder, carnage and

On March 8, 1804, Dessalines issued the fateful proclamation: “By order of the Governor-
General of the Island of St. Domingo: all white male inhabitants of whatever nation or
country they may be natives, are commanded to appear tomorrow, the 9th of March, at
eight in the morning, at the Place of Arms, for the Government to take a census of their
number. At nine o’clock, domiciliary visits shall be made by armed patrols, throughout the
town, and every white man found concealed in any place, shall instantly be put to death in
front of the place of his concealment.” Nearly 1,500 white men were then forcibly death-
marched to their doom: “Their number increased as they went on. When they passed by
my door, they numbered about three hundred, most of them old men, with grey and white
locks hanging down upon their shoulders; some were so weak as to be almost unable to
move their legs forward, and were supported as they walked by their friends.”

Mr. Chazotte continued:

“It was in the silence of the night, when four hundred wretched innocent white men
who, on this afternoon, had given up all they possessed to save their lives, now
stripped of all their clothes, their arms fastened behind their backs, and tied two by
two with cords were seen dragged along. They made a halt in front of Dessalines’
headquarters for him to behold the white victims, offered as a sacrifice to propitiate
the promised favors of his sanguinary god, Wilberforce. I heard the piercing cries of
despair, the lamentations, the agonies of death, and the harsh rebukes and
vociferations of the soldiery. Then I heard a voice ordering them off. They began by
placing their heads upon blocks of wood, and they decapitated them with axes; but,
this requiring too much time, the regiment fell upon them with the bayonets and
swords; none escaped. Their bodies were thrown one above the other, so as to
form a mound of dead bodies, for the country negros, as Dessalines said, to look at
their masters and no longer depend on them.”

One woman begged for her husband’s life. After the blacks had ravaged her, they
proceeded to string up and butcher her husband. Mr. Chazotte witnessed hundreds of

The Invasion

white men being dragged, naked, “forcibly on the rough stones, by soldiers, lighted by
innumerable torches. They stopped in front of Dessalines’ quarter. I hid my eyes with my
hands. I looked again; I saw the blood gushing out of the inflicted wounds. I could see no
longer; I fainted and fell.” Dessalines personally toured the countryside and “pitilessly
massacred every French man, woman, or child that fell in his way.” Mr. Chazotte had the
fleeting opportunity to speak with Dessalines’ secretary in the following days, and the
secretary spoke of what he had seen while accompanying Dessalines on an excursion to
survey the fruits of his proclamation: “When they entered the prisons, they viewed many
corpses, besmeared with gore; in every apartment, the floor was, two inches deep,
encrusted with coagulated blood; the walls were dark, crimsoned with the gushes of
human blood. Having viewed this slaughterhouse of human bodies,” they traveled to the
scene of another massacre outside the city, “where upwards of four hundred bodies lay
heaped on one another in two high mounds. The blood flowing from beneath had formed a
bar of coagulated blood forty feet wide.”

Following the Haitian revolution it became a putrefied landscape devoid of the culture it
once had. The planters of the antebellum American South carefully observed and
understood its significance, and the death of white Saint-Domingue loomed large over their
efforts to keep their slaves in check.

The Invasion

Islamization of Europe
Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the illiterate Arab Mohammed. It
is an Abrahamic religion because its founding history goes back to the ancestor of the
Twelve Tribes of Israel, Abraham. Muslims call their god “Allah”. Islam has around 1.3
billion followers, and is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity (around
2.1 billion followers). Islam mixes religious values with a uniform legal-political system; a
separation of religion and state is therefore not intended according to the Muslim
understanding. It is based on the Koran, which believers claim is the direct and
unadulterated word of God and is considered the primary source. The second source of
knowledge besides the Koran are the words and actions (Sunna) of Mohammed. The core
belief of Islam is “There is no god but (the only, almighty) Allah.”

According to Islam, there are three classes of people:

1. Believers: Only muslims are respectable people and have all rights.
2. People of the Book: (i.e. Christians and Jews). They are allowed to live under Islam,
have limited rights and have to pay a protective tax. They are second class people.
“Scripture owners” who do not submit as dhimmis are killed or expelled.
3. Unbelievers: (i.e. Polytheists or atheists) They have no rights. For them there is a
choice between death or acceptance of Islam.

The important duties of Muslims include nritual prayer five times a day, fasting in the
month of Ramadan, the pilgrimage to Mecca. The consumption of pork and alcohol is
strictly forbidden. In addition, there are a variety of actions that are recommended to be
performed. Men and women should dress inconspicuously so that they do not attract
attention. The clothing should not look form-fitting. Women should cover their entire body
with the exception of hands and eyes. Girls must wear a headscarf or veil when they reach
physical maturity. Muslims believe that Allah created everything out of nothing and that he
shows people the way to a good and happy life. Islam means devotion to Allah. The
central shrine of Islam is the Kaaba in Mecca. The daily five compulsory prayers (salads)
of the Mohammedans all over the world are directed to the Kaaba. The Kaaba is located in
the center of the largest mosque in the world, the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca. That is why
the Muslims stand in a circle while praying in the mosque in Mecca. In the Koran the
Muslims receive guidelines and instructions on how the believers should behave.
Accordingly, the Koran emphasizes how much Allah hates "the unbelievers" - he even
regards them as the "worst animals" (Sura 8,55) - and that it is a sacred duty for the
believing Muslim to show the wrath of God against them to be carried out (suras 8:15 to

“Slay them wherever you come across them and drive them away.” Sura 2: 191

“When you meet the unbelievers, then hold your head down until you have caused
slaughter among them.” Sura 47: 4

The Invasion

"Take them and kill them wherever you come across them." Sura 4:91

"Whom Allah has cursed [the curse hits all unbelievers] He has transformed some
of them into monkeys and pigs." Sura 5:60

“Worse than cattle are with Allah the deaf and mute [meaning the unbelievers] who
do not understand. ” Sura 8:22

Islam does not provide for equal coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims. In the
Islamic environment, the non-Muslims are so-called "dhimmis", even the lowest Muslim is
hierarchically above every non-Muslim. Since the 7th century, there have been
increasingly sophisticated legal instructions on how to deal with dhimmis once government
is reached. How non-Mohammedans are to be exploited, starting with the tax (jizya), with
which they buy their right to live for a year, up to being driven out of the country or
murdered. Legislation in Islamic-ruled countries weighs up what is more favorable for the
ummah: to let the non-Muslim live and to exploit him until his death, or to kill or expel him.
It is clear that Islam is not a “religion of peace.” Following Mohammed’s death, Muslims
invaded and conquered huge areas of Arabia, the middle east, and North Africa, where the
native inhabitants and their pre-Islamic cultural heritage was destroyed.

The Invasion

Battle of Tours
In the battle of Tours in October 732, the Franks, under the command of Charles Martel,
defeated the Muslim Invaders who had advanced into Gaul and stopped their advance in
the west. After a fierce battle, the Franks won, supported by Lombard, Saxon and Frisian
troops. Duke Odo of Aquitaine, an old adversary of Charles Martel, also stood by the
Franks in the battle. The general of the Moors and Arabs, Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, fell
during the battle, and the remnants of his army withdrew to the Iberian Peninsula.
According to some sources, the Franks had expected to have to continue the fight the next
day, but found the Arab camp abandoned the morning after the battle. Charles Martel
became a savior of the West because of the victory.

The Battle of Tours followed two decades of Umayyad conquests in Europe which had
begun with the invasion of the Visigothic Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in
711. These were followed by military expeditions into the Frankish territories of Gaul,
former provinces of the Roman Empire. Umayyad military campaigns reached northward
into Aquitaine and Burgundy, including a major engagement at Bordeaux and a raid on
Autun. Charles's victory is widely believed to have stopped the northward advance of
Umayyad forces from the Iberian Peninsula and to have preserved European Civilization
during a period when Muslim rule was overrunning the remains of the Byzantine and
Persian Empires.

The date of the battle is considered to be a Saturday in October 732, with October 18 or
October 25 being the most likely. Frankish, Saxon, and Lombard troops united to form a
phalanx. Saxons and Franks enclosed a large part of the Arab mounted archers and
destroyed them. This was probably followed by a counterattack by the allies in the
direction of the Arab camp. The Arabs rushed towards them, and the main act of battle
broke out. The leader of the Muslim invaders was killed and the Arabs retreated. Charles's
troops also broke off the battle as it was getting dark and they feared they would be
ambushed in unknown territory. The next day the allies advanced into the Arab camp, but
the Arabs had already evacuated it, but left their fallen leader and some flags behind.
There had been Muslim advances across the Pyrenees since 719, in 725 the Arabs even
sacked Autun in Burgundy, and the fighting in Gaul was far from over with the victory of
732. In the former Visigothic Septimania around Narbonne, the Arabs stayed until 739 and
759, respectively, before Charles Martel and after his death in 741 his son Pepin the Short,
again with Lombard help, forcibly expelled the invaders from there, both of them
proceeding with great severity.

The Invasion

The South Slavs settled in the Balkans in the 7th century, with the two largest tribes being
the Serbs and Croats. The geographical region which is now called Bosnia and
Herzegovina was settled by Serbs and Croats. According to the Emperor Constantine VII,
the emperor Heraclius (610-640) invited the Serbs to settle in the devastated north-
western provinces of the Byzantine Empire and to defend them against the incursions of
the Avars. The emperor Constantine VII (reigned 913-957) referred to Bosnia as part of
‘the land of the Serbs’. Bosnia or Bosna (from Bosna river) appears to have originated as a
small principality in the mountainous region of the upper reaches of the Bosna and Vrbas
rivers. The name Herzegovina originated in the fifteenth century when a powerful Bosnian
noble, Stephen Vuksic, gained control of lands in the southern part of Bosnia and took the
title of Herzog, the German equivalent of duke, from which came the name of the region.
Bosnia was exclusively inhabited by South Slavs. Muslims never existed in Bosnia until the
Islamic onslaught on Europe.

Situated on the dividing line between the areas of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
religious influence, Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered from constant internal turmoil from
the tenth through the fifteenth centuries. This situation was complicated by the introduction
from Bulgaria of a heretical Christian cult – Bogumilism – during the twelfth century. Many
Bosnian nobles and a large portion of the peasantry persisted in the ‘heresy’ despite
repeated attempts by both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches to crush the cult.
The chaos caused by this religious struggle laid the country open to the Ottoman Turks.
Attacks against the Kingdom of Bosnia by Muslim invaders began roughly in 1386, but
their immense armies were stopped by heroic Serb resistance in at the Battle of Kosovo in
1389. After decades if struggle, in 1451, the Ottoman Empire officially established the
Bosnian Frontier, an Ottoman frontier, in parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1463, the
Kingdom fell to the Ottomans, and this territory came under its firm control. Herzegovina
gradually fell to the Ottomans by 1482. It took another century for the western parts of
today's Bosnia to succumb to Ottoman attacks, ending with the capture of Bihać in 1592.
The Slavic peoples were subjected to brutal tyranny by their foreign oppressors. The
Bogumil heretics largely converted on a voluntary basis while others were forcefully
converted to Islam, taken as slaves or killed. As part of the Islamization of the Balkans, the
ethnic composition of Bosnia was polluted through Rape Jihad. One form
of oppression was that Muslims gave themselves "right of the first night". In practice it
meant that Muslim lord would spend the first night with the new Christian bride. The groom
had to take shoes off and silently circle the house while the Turk raped to his wife. Large
parts of the male White Christian population of the Balkans was displaced. Children were
taken as slaves and transported to remote provinces of the Ottoman Empire. The Muslim
invaders mutilated the genitals of boys aged as young as six to make them into eunuchs.

The Invasion

Battle of Vienna
Since July 14, 1683, the garrison of Vienna, comprising less than 15,000 regular soldiers
(reinforced with civilian volunteers), had been besieged by a huge Ottoman army,
comprising perhaps more than 200,000 men. Despite successive assaults, the city, whose
fortifications were efficiently organized by Georg Rimpler, managed to hold out for nearly
two months, under the orders of General Ernst-Rüdiger von Starhemberg, and other
officers. In addition, many fortresses located along the Turkish lines of communication
remained in the hands of the Imperials (often composed of Croatian and Hungarian border
units), which hindered the Ottoman supplies. Nevertheless, in early September, the city
was close to being invaded, although its defenders showed no intention of surrendering. At
the same time, while the Emperor Leopold I first left the city with his family and many of
the Viennese, the head of the Imperial Army relief, Charles V, Duke of Lorraine, pushed
back Ottoman attempts to progress on the shore north of the Danube and prevented them
from taking Pressburg, but, with about 20,000 men, he did not have enough men to rescue
the capital of the Austrian Empire. However, under the aegis of the Pope and the Emperor
Leopold, a coalition was formed. Different princes of states of the Holy Roman Empire,
Bavaria, Saxony and of the states of Swabia and Franconia agreed to provide contingents
of soldiers to support the Imperial Army. Above all, this alliance received a heavy
reinforcement from the King of Poland John III Sobieski. An army of up to 90,000
Europeans united on August 31 to launch an offensive against the Muslim besiegers of
Vienna. They were opposed by a gargantuan Muslim invasion force estimated to be
between 150,000 to 300,000 men. On the night of September 11, the imperial troops,
placed on the left, occupied the hill of Kahlenberg north of Vienna. The troops of the States
of the Empire, in the center, and the Poles, on the right, gradually take up position on the
heights located to the west of the city of Vienna. The Turkish positions were located below,
with the main camp located to the south, a powerful redoubt, the Türkenschanz in the
center, and numerous fortified villages and points of support protecting these two points.

In the morning hours of September 12, the German relief army of the Imperial Army and
the Imperial Army attacked with troops from Bavaria, Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, Baden,
Upper Hesse, Venice and Poland, about 54,000 to 87,000 men, depending on the source.
The Ottoman commanders could not agree on tactics for the two-front war. Eventually the
entire German forces launched a general attack. The Viennese defense troops also began
a sortie when they saw that the battle at Kahlenberg was going in favor of the Reich troops
and stormed the Ottoman trenches. The Ottoman army which held the numerical
advantage fled hastily. The Austrian Empire under Leopold I used the victory to drive the
Ottomans out of Hungary and Transylvania, thereby establishing the great power of
Austria-Hungary. In 1687 the Hungarian Diet decided that the Habsburgs should
henceforth have hereditary right to the St. Stephen's Crown. The Great Turkish War did
not end until 1699, during which Prince Eugene of Savoy rose to become the leading
general of the House of Austria. The European coalition suffered 4,500 casualties during
battle and 12,000 Germans died under siege. 30,000 Europeans in captivity were
massacred by the Turks as a reprisal. 20,000 Muslim Invaders were killed during the siege
of Vienna, another 40,000 were killed in the Battle of Vienna. It was a strategic victory for
the people of Europe who heroically defeated the Muslim invasion.

The Invasion

Islamic Slave Trade

After the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the 8th century, Muslim invaders
began raiding settlements in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. In addition to seizing
merchant ships, they engaged in Razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages to
capture people as slaves.

The Byzantine Empire was the predominantly Greek-speaking continuation of the Roman
Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Its capital city was Constantinople,
originally known as Byzantium. Initially the eastern half of the Roman Empire, it survived
the 5th century fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire and continued to
exist for an additional thousand years until it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. The Muslim
Invaders ethnically replaced the Aryan inhabitants of Anatolia and erased much of its
cultural heritage. The Ottoman slave trade and the general Arab slavery market was the
primary destination for slaves captured from Europe and Africa. Barbary pirates captured
thousands of merchant ships and repeatedly raided coastal towns. As a result, residents
abandoned their former villages of long stretches of coast in Spain and Italy. At least 1.5
million Europeans were enslaved by the Muslim invaders. Long after Europeans had
abandoned oar-driven vessels in favor of sailing ships carrying tons of powerful cannon,
many Barbary warships were galleys carrying a hundred or more fighting men armed with
cutlasses and small arms. The Barbary navies were not battle fleets. When they sighted a
European frigate, they fled.

The Muslim Invaders captured people to be used as slaves from Iceland, Ireland, Britain,
Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, the Balkans, Southern Poland, Muscovite Russia
(subjected to Tatar depredations), Asia Minor (under Seljuk and Ottoman domination),
Mesopotamia, Persia, Armenia, Georgia (subjected to the systematised jihad slavery
campaigns waged by the Shi'ite Safavids, in particular) and the Indian subcontinent
(razzias and jihad campaigns by the Arabs in the 7th and 8th centuries, and later
depredations by the Ghaznavids, during the Delhi Sultanate, the Timurid jihad, and under
the Mughals).

The extent of the slave trade indicates that it was a flourishing trade. The Ottoman
Sultans, in accord with Sharia prescriptions, promoted jihad slavery aggressively in the
Balkans. In Alexandrescu-Dersca Bulgaru’s book Le role des escalves en Romanie turque
au XVe siecle, he summarises the considerable extent of this enslavement, and suggests
the importance of its demographic effect:
“The contemporary Turkish, Byzantine and Latin chroniclers are unanimous in
recognising that during the campaigns conducted on behalf of the unification of
Greek and Latin Romania and the Slavic Balkans under the banner of Islam, as well
as during their razzias on Christian territory, the Ottomans reduced masses of
inhabitants to slavery. The Ottoman chronicler Ašikpašazade relates that during the
expedition of Ali pasha Evrenosoghlu in Hungary (1437), as well as on the return
from the campaign of Murad II against Belgrade (1438), the number of captives
surpassed that of the combatants. The Byzantine chronicler Ducas states that the
inhabitants of Smederevo, which was occupied by the Ottomans, were led off into
bondage. The same thing happened when the Turks of Menteše descended upon

The Invasion

the islands of Rhodes and Kos and also during the expedition of the Ottoman fleet
to Enos and Lesbos. Ducas even cites numbers: 70,000 inhabitants carried off into
slavery during the campaign of Mehmed II in Morée (1460). The Italian Franciscan
Bartholomé de Yano (Giano dell'Umbria) speaks about 60,000 to 70,000 slaves
captured over the course of two expeditions of the akinğis in Transylvania (1438)
and about 300,000 to 600,000 Hungarian captives.[…] Given the present state of
the documentation available to us, we cannot calculate the scale on which slaves
were introduced into Turkish Romania by this method. According to Bartholomé de
Yano, it would amount to 400,000 slaves captured in the four years from 1437 to
1443. Even allowing for a certain degree of exaggeration, we must acknowledge
that slaves played an important demographic part during the fifteenth—century
Ottoman expansion.”

The Muslim Crimean Tatars conducted slave razzias against the Christian populations of
southern Poland and Muscovite Russia during the mid-15th through late 17th century
(1463-1794). It is estimated that at least 3 million people were captured and enslaved
during the so-called ‘harvesting of the steppe’. Alan Fisher describes this in the book
Muscovy and the Black Sea Slave Trade, Canadian American Slavic Studies, 1972, Vol. 6:
“The first ordeal [of the captive] was the long march to the Crimea. Often in chains
and always on foot, many of the captives died en route. Since on many occasions
the Tatar raiding party feared reprisals or, in the seventeenth century, attempts by
Cossack bands to free the captives, the marches were hurried. Ill or wounded
captives were usually killed rather than be allowed to slow the procession.
Heberstein wrote ‘the old and infirm men who will not fetch much as a sale, are
given up to the Tatar youths either to be stoned, or thrown into the sea, or to be
killed by any sort of death they might please.’ An Ottoman traveler in the mid-
sixteenth century who witnessed one such march of captives from Galicia marveled
that any would reach their destination — the slave markets of Kefe. He complained
that their treatment was so bad that the mortality rate would unnecessarily drive
their price up beyond the reach of potential buyers such as himself. A Polish proverb
stated: Oh how much better to lie on one's bier, than to be a captive on the way to

For over 300 years, the coastline of south west England was raided by Barbary pirates
from the coast of North Africa, based mainly in the ports of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Their
aim was to capture slaves for the Arab slave markets in North Africa. The Barbary pirates
attacked and plundered not only those countries bordering the Mediterranean but as far
north as the English Channel, Ireland, Scotland and Iceland, with the western coast of
England almost being raided at will. Partly as a result of an inadequate naval deterrent, by
the early 17th century the situation was so bad that an entry in the Calendar of State
Papers in May 1625 stated, ‘The Turks are upon our coasts. They take ships only to take
the men to make slaves of them.’ Barbary pirates raided on land as well as at sea. In
August 1625 corsairs raided Mount’s Bay, Cornwall, capturing 60 men, women and
children and taking them into slavery. In 1626 St Keverne was repeatedly attacked, and
boats out of Looe, Penzance, Mousehole and other Cornish ports were boarded, their
crews taken captive and the empty ships left to drift. It was feared that there were around
60 Barbary men-of-war prowling the Devon and Cornish coasts and attacks were now

The Invasion

occurring almost daily. Sir John Eliot, Vice Admiral of Devon, declared that the seas
around England “seem’d theirs.”

The situation was so bad that in December 1640 a Committee for Algiers was set up by
Parliament to oversee the ransoming of captives. At that time it was reported that there
were some 3,000 to 5,000 English people in captivity in Algiers. Charities were also set up
to help ransom the captives and local fishing communities clubbed together to raise money
to liberate their own. In 1645, another raid by Barbary pirates on the Cornish coast saw
240 men, women and children kidnapped. The following year Parliament sent Edmund
Cason to Algiers to negotiate the ransom and release of English captives. He paid on
average £30 per man (women were more expensive to ransom) and managed to free
some 250 people before he ran out of money. Cason spent the last 8 years of his life trying
to arrange the release of a further 400. By the 1650s the attacks were so frequent that
they threatened England’s fishing industry with fishermen reluctant to go to sea, leaving
their families unprotected ashore. Oliver Cromwell decided to take action and decreed that
any captured corsairs should be taken to Bristol and slowly drowned. Lundy Island, where
pirates from the Republic of Salé had made their base, was attacked and bombarded, but
despite this, the pirates continued to mount raids on the coastal towns and villages in
Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. Those kidnapped would be sent to the slave markets of the
Ottoman Empire to be bought as laborers or concubines, or pressed into the galleys where
they would man the oars. The Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes, author of ‘Don
Quixote’, was a captive in Algiers between 1575 and 1580, when he was ransomed by his
parents and the Trinitarians, a Catholic religious order.

The Barbary slave trade features in Samuel Pepys’ diary, in an entry from 8th February
“[…] went to the Fleece Tavern to drink; and there we spent till four o’clock, telling
stories of Algiers, and the manner of the life of slaves there! And truly Captn.
Mootham and Mr. Dawes (who have been both slaves there) did make me fully
acquainted with their condition there: as, how they eat nothing but bread and water.
How they are beat upon the soles of their feet and bellies at the liberty of their
pardon. How they are all, at night, called into their master’s Bagnard; and there they
lie. How the poorest men do use their slaves best. How some rogues do live well, if
they do invent to bring their masters in so much a week by their industry or theft;
and then they are put to no other work at all. And theft there is counted no great
crime at all.”

In 1675 Sir John Narborough, backed by a Royal Navy squadron, managed to negotiate a
peace with Tunis. A heavy naval bombardment by the British then brought about a similar
peace with Tripoli. Algiers was also attacked from the sea, not only by British warships but
also by the French and Spanish. The United States fought two wars against the Barbary
States of North Africa: the First Barbary War of 1801–1805 and the Second Barbary War,
1815 – 1816. Finally after an attack by the British and Dutch in 1816 more than 4,000
European slaves were liberated and the power of the Barbary pirates was broken.

The Invasion

Rose 18 years (old) Being sold (for) 800 minae

Muslim Invaders with captured European Women

The Invasion

Eunuch slaves; males castrated usually between the ages of 4 and 12 were in high
demand in Islamic societies. They served most notably as supervisors of women in the
harems of the rulers and elites of the Ottoman Empire, its contemporary Muslim neighbors
(such as Safavid Iran), and earlier Muslim dominions. The extent of Eunuch slavery
became prominent within 200 years of the initial 7th century Arab jihad conquests, through
to the beginning of the 20th century.

For example, Ehud Toledano documents that as late as 1903, the Ottoman imperial harem
contained from 400 to 500 female slaves, supervised and guarded by 194 black African
eunuchs. But an equally important and unique feature of Muslim eunuch slavery was the
acquisition of eunuchs from foreign 'slave producing areas' which means non-Muslim
frontier zones subjected to razzias. As David Ayalon observed in his book On the Eunuchs
in Islam: “The overwhelming majority of the eunuchs, like the overwhelming majority of all
other slaves in Islam, had been brought over from outside the borders of Muslim lands.”
Eunuch slaves in China, in stark contrast, were almost exclusively Chinese procured

Given the crudeness of available surgical methods and absence of sterile techniques, the
genital mutilation procedure by which eunuchs were 'manufactured' was associated with
extraordinary rates of morbidity and mortality. Hogendorn describes the severity of the
operation, and provides mortality information from West and East Africa:
“Castration can be partial (removal of the testicles only or removal of the penis
only), or total (removal of both). In the later period of the trade, that is, after Africa
became the most important source for Mediterranean Islam, it appears that most
eunuchs sold to the markets underwent total removal. This version of the operation,
though considered most appropriate for slaves in constant proximity to harem
members, posed a very high danger of death for two reasons. First was the
extensive hemorrhaging, with the consequent possibility of almost immediate death.
The hemorrhaging could not be stopped by traditional cauterization because that
would close the urethra leading to eventual death because of inability to pass urine.
The second danger lay in infection of the urethra, with the formation of pus blocking
it and so causing death in a few days. […] When the castration was carried out in
sub-Saharan West and West-Central Africa, a figure of 90% [is] often mentioned.
Even higher death rates were occasionally reported, unsurprising in tropical areas
where the danger of infection of wounds was especially high. At least one
contemporary price quotation supports a figure of over 90% mortality: Turkish
merchants are said to have been willing to pay 250 to 300 (Maria Theresa) dollars
each for eunuchs in Borno (northeast Nigeria) at a time when the local price of
young male slaves does not seem to have exceeded about 20 dollars. Many
sources indicate very high death rates from the operation in eastern Africa. Richard
Millant's [1908] general figure for the Sudan and Ethiopia is 90%.”

Slavery was openly practiced in both Ottoman Turkey, and Shi'ite (Qajar) Iran, through to
the early 20th century.
“[Slavery] survived at the core of the Ottoman elite until the demise of the empire
and the fall of the house of Osman in the second decade of the 20th century.” -
Ehud Toledano. Slavery and Abolition in the Ottoman Middle East, Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1998, p. 53.

The Invasion

Slavery on the Arabian peninsula was not de-jure abolished formally until 1962 in Saudi
Arabia, and 1970 in Yemen and Oman. In his book; Slavery in the Arab World, Murray
Gordon observed that although Mauritania abolished slavery officially on July 15, 1980, “as
the government itself acknowledges, the practice is still alive and well. It is estimated that
200,000 men, women, and children are subject to being bought and sold like so many
cattle in this North African country, toiling as domestics, shepherds, and farmhands.”
Human trafficking and slavery continues to this day in Arabia, despite the ban.

The Invasion

Armenian Genocide
Sabbatai Zevi was a Sephardic ordained rabbi from Smyrna (now İzmir, Turkey). A
kabbalist of Romaniote Jewish origin, Zevi, who was active throughout the Ottoman
Empire, claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. He was the founder of the
Sabbatean movement, whose followers subsequently were to be known as Dönmeh
"converts" or crypto-Jews. In February 1666, upon arriving in Constantinople, Sabbatai
was imprisoned on the order of the grand vizier Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha; in
September of that same year, after being moved from different prisons around the capital
to Adrianople (the imperial court's seat) for judgment on accusations of fomenting sedition,
Sabbatai was given by the Grand Vizir, in the name of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire,
Mehmed IV, the choice of either facing death by some type of ordeal, or of converting to
Islam. Sabbatai seems to have chosen the latter by donning from then on a turban. He
was then also rewarded by the heads of the Ottoman state with a generous pension for his
compliance with their political and religious plans. Some of his followers also feigned
conversion to Islam – about 300 families who were known as Dönmeh, "converts" – but
practiced Judaism privately. Subsequently, he was banished twice by the Ottomans, first to
Constantinople, and, when he was discovered singing Psalms with the Jews, to a small
town known today as Ulcinj in present-day Montenegro. In 1716 a group called the
Dönmeh formed in Salonica led by Sabbatai Zevi’s successor, Baruchya Russo. By 1900,
the Dönmeh Jews numbered over 100,000. In 1891, they formed a political group called
the Committee of Union and Progress, later called The Young Turks.

Emmanuel Carasso was a lawyer in the Ottoman Empire and a member of the prominent
Sephardic Jewish Carasso family of Ottoman Salonica (now Thessaloniki, Greece). He
was also a prominent member of the Young Turks. The name is also spelled Karaso,
Karassu, and Karasso. The form Karasu is a Turkification of his name, meaning literally
'dark water'. Carasso was a member (some sources say founder) and later president of
the Macedonian Risorta Masonic lodge in Thessaloniki and pioneered the masonic
movement within the Ottoman Empire. Masonic lodges and other secret societies in
Salonica were meeting places for sympathizers of the Young Turks, including Talat Pasha.
Carasso was a member of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP); when the CUP
came to power, he became the Salonica deputy in the Ottoman parliament He was offered
various positions in the Ottoman government, but turned them down. Carasso was one of
the four men who told Sultan Abdülhamid II of his deposition in April 1909. He worked for
the cooperation of various Jewish organizations in Turkey. He lost favor under Atatürk and
went into exile in Italy.

The Young Turks were a political movement that favored the replacement of the Ottoman
Empire's absolute monarchy with a constitutional government. They led a rebellion against
the absolute rule of Sultan Abdulhamid II in the 1908 Young Turk Revolution. With this
revolution, the Young Turks helped to establish the Second Constitutional Era in 1908,
turning the country into a multi-party democracy.

The Armenian Genocide was organized and carried out in 1915 and lasted until 1923 in
the territories controlled by the Ottoman Empire. The genocide was carried out through
violent extermination and deportation, including the displacement of civilians in conditions

The Invasion

leading to certain death. The Armenian Genocide was carried out in several stages: the
disarming of Armenian soldiers, the selective deportation of Armenians from the border
regions, the adoption of a law on deportation, mass deportation and murder of Armenians.

The main organizers of the genocide are were the leaders of the Young Turks Talaat,
Jemal and Enver, as well as the head of the "Special Organization" Behaeddin Shakir. The
Jewish population of the Ottoman Empire played a leading role in the Genocide of the
Armenians. Talaat Pasha was a Dönmeh Jew who served as Interior Minister of Turkey
during the first world war and primary architect of the Armenian Genocide. Djavid Bey was
a Dönmeh Jew who was Talaat’s Finance Minister. Messim Russo, an ssistant to Djavid
Bey, was Jewish. Emanuel Qrasow, propagandist for The Young Turks, was Jewish.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, Bolshevik from Russia who moved to Turkey in 1908 and became a
newspaper editor for the Young Turks, was Jewish. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Jewish
politician, Freemason and the first president of Turkey. Atatürk was born in 1881 as the
son of Ali Rıza Efendi and Zübeyde Hanım, who were married in 1871 in Salonica, which
is now Thessaloniki, Greece. At that time, Salonica was a stronghold of Judaism in the
Ottoman Empire, it was known as the "Jerusalem of the Balkans". Salonica was also a
center of the so-called Dönmeh; crypto Jews who pretended to be Muslims. A Jew of
Sephardic origin. Atatürk attended the Jewish Elementary school known as the Semsi
Effendi School run by the Jew Simon Zvi. He officially claimed to be Muslim but thoroughly
denounced Islam in private. Simultaneously with the genocide of the Armenians in the
Ottoman Empire, the genocide of the Assyrians and the genocide of the Pontic Greeks
took place. Most of the Armenian diaspora arose from the Armenians who fled from the
Ottoman Empire.

The population of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century included several
Muslim ethnic groups: Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Circassians and other people from the North
Caucasus. The non-muslim ethnic groups including Armenians, Greeks and Bulgarians
were persecuted. After the Young Turks Revolution, Turkish nationalism became state
policy. Many Muslim ethnic groups, including Kurds and Circassians, took part in the
killings of Armenians, but these actions were often carried out at the direction of Turkish
officials. The Armenians of the Ottoman Empire, not being Muslims, were considered
second-class citizens – dhimmi. Armenians were forbidden to carry weapons, they had to
pay higher taxes. Christian Armenians did not have the right to testify in court. 70% of the
Armenian population living in the Ottoman Empire were poor peasants. The number of
Armenians in the eastern regions of present-day Turkey was nearly two million. They lived
in their own villages and neighborhoods. However, there were no longer any purely
Armenian territories, and migration had also brought other Christian peoples as well as
Muslims to the region. Some Armenians had joined Christian Russia in World War I.

From 1894-1896, the Ottoman Empire massacred between 200,000 and 300,000
Armenians. The victims were mainly young men of military age and fighting status.
Between 200,000 and 300,000 people were killed in the murders. The great powers of
Europe did not intervene in any way, with the exception of some fragmented diplomatic
protests. In protest of the assassination and to draw the attention of European states to the
endangered position of their people, 26 armed Armenians took over a bank in
Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. In protest of the bank's takeover, a

The Invasion

furious Turkish crowd attacked the homes of Armenians in Constantinople, killing them by
the thousands.

In 1909, the reign of Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid II came to an end. The Young Turks came to
power, they made speeches on “freedom and equality”. Shortly afterwards, a massacre of
20,000 Armenians took place in Adana. This is now considered an exercise in actual
genocide. The Armenians then knew how to expect local persecution, but something total
was to be expected. The Ottomans knew that no major action would come from the great
powers of Europe for the benefit of the Armenians. The genocide was carried out starting
in April 1915 by the young Turks who ruled the country at the time. The measures began
with the collection of weapons from Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army, after which they
were systematically killed. The allegation that the Armenians were guilty of poor military
success in Russia was used as an excuse. The disarmed Armenians were killed in groups
of 50 to 100 people. Disarmament was then spread to all Armenians. Weapons were
demanded from everyone, and if they were not received, the men could be arrested and
executed. So the unarmed had to buy themselves weapons to hand over. The weapons
were photographed, and these photographs were used to claim that the Armenians were
rebelling. Some took up resistance in Van and Sasun, but these were considered by the
Turks as evidence that the suspicions of rebellion were justified. Following the
disarmament, individuals considered to be leaders of Armenian villages and communities,
such as merchants, priests, and teachers, were ordered to report to the authorities, and
then killed either immediately or after torture. To this end, prisons had been emptied of
criminals and formed into special forces needed for bloodshed.

Arrested in Constantinople on 23-24. in April 1915, a total of 235 Armenian intellectuals,

politicians, and other social figures were all executed. The arrest warrant was issued by
Minister of War Enver Pasha, Minister of the Interior Mehmed Talat Pasha and Minister of
the Sea Ahmed Cemal. They led Turkey in practice as a dictatorship. Once the events had
begun, the leaders appeared to the foreign representatives with confidence. Mehmed Talat
Pasha told the U.S. ambassador about his country's Armenian policy that it was both clear
and irrevocable: "We will not have Armenians anywhere in Anatolia." The destruction of the
Armenian population was accompanied by a campaign to destroy the Armenian cultural
heritage. Armenian monuments and churches were blown up, cemeteries were plowed into
fields where corn and wheat were sown, Armenian quarters of cities were destroyed or
occupied by the Turkish and Kurdish population and renamed.

Mass deportations of Armenians began in May, which soon turned into genocide around
the Ottoman Empire . The method used in the mass deportations was similar everywhere.
An order was issued for forced transfers, for which it was ordered to pack the property in
carts. In the easternmost parts, it was believed that the villages would be temporarily
emptied as they are in a war zone. A return home would be possible as soon as peace
came. The Armenians were directed to death marches, at the beginning of which the
disarmed were taken to be killed, and the Armenian convoys were frequently looted by the
guards and civilians. Community leaders were arrested and taken to be killed, all
Armenians were ordered to leave their homes by public announcement, and time to
prepare for the marches was given from a few days to two weeks. The houses of the
Armenians were sealed, but they were looted almost immediately by the Turks, and the
remaining men were killed either before leaving the villages or immediately at the

The Invasion

beginning of the death march. Soldiers and officials collected Armenian money and
valuables. If he refused to surrender, he was killed. After this, the violence targeted women
and even ten-year-old girls who were raped. Babies were thrown by the roadside. The
killing of the children was intended to send a clear message to the Armenians: “you have
no future.” Children were systematically subjected to atrocities around the Empire. Those
children who were not killed were sold in the markets. The march along the routes lying
previous convoys wake bodies. Hundreds of thousands of people had been ordered for the
movement by order of the central government, but no food had been reserved for them at
all, which makes it clear that the people did not want to survive. The disarmed Armenian
population had little capability to resist the Genocide due to the Ottoman Empire’s
selective gun control policy.

Many Armenians were deported to Dayr az-Zawr in present-day Syria. In the middle of the
Syrian desert, Armenians were starving and eating grass and dead animals. It is estimated
that more than 1.2 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Empire under the
leadership of the Dönmeh Jews. As Christians, the Assyrians were also subjected to
genocide at the same time as the Armenians. The Assyrians consider themselves heirs to
the ancient kingdom of Assyria. The persecution of the Assyrians began on April 8, 1915,
and was mainly carried out during the summer of 1915 – when an estimated 500,000
people were killed.

The Invasion

Greek Genocide
The Muslim Ottoman Empire enacted a campaign of systematic extermination of the
Greek people in Thrace and Anatolia. The genocide of the Greeks took place in parallel
with genocides against other Christian populations of the Ottoman Empire, including the
Armenians and the Assyrians. It is estimated between 500,000 and 1.2 million Greeks
were murdered or expelled between 1912 and 1922.

The fate of the Greek populations of the Ottoman Empire, during the last decades of its
existence, is directly connected with the culmination of Turkish nationalism, as expressed
by the ideology of the Neo-Turks. The New Turks movement which broke out in 1908 was
a decisive point in Turkish history. The title given to the party of the New Turks was "Union
and Progress". The term "Union", that is, the unity of the subjects of the Empire, had been
interpreted by the Neo-Turks as the assimilation of minorities by violent state intervention
and genocide. At the same time, the territorial shrinkage of the Ottoman Empire caused a
further escalation of Turkish nationalism, while the the country’s minorities were treated
with violent hostility. During the period of 1908-1912, a series of uprisings and wars broke
out, such as with Italy and the nations of the Balkans.

In July 1913 a dictatorship was established by the New Turks’ Committee. The beginning
of generalized persecutions began at the end of 1913, with the end of the Balkan Wars,
while the initial target was the Greek populations of Eastern Thrace, the persecution
spread to Ionia, Cappadocia, Pontus, and Bithynia. By order of the Ottoman Government
on May 14, 1914, which was passed on to the European press, instructions were given to
carry out the deportation of the Greek population, while it was reminded that the displaced
had to sign certificates that they left their homes voluntarily. There was an organized anti-
Greek campaign in the Turkish press which stirred up anti-Greek violence. At the same
time, the Turkish population was given weapons, while the Greeks were forbidden to
possess weapons. In addition to that, a makeshift gendarmerie was created, purely by
Turks, to undertake the deportation. Eventually, those who failed to flee to Independent
Greece, which at that time received the first wave of refugees, were deported to the
interior of Asia Minor.

The total number of displaced people from western Asia Minor (before the Ottoman Empire
entered World War I), according to statistics from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, was
153,890 Greeks at this stage of persecution. The Hellenic presences of the large urban
centers, Constantinople and Smyrna, was not displaced due to practical difficulties
encountered by the project. But statements by Ottoman officials caused great panic in the
future of the communities of these urban centers, with the result that a large number left
them. Meanwhile, the economic blockade, the persecution against Greeks and the
removal of old privileges of communities, created a climate of terror.

The Greek reaction to the persecution manifested itself in a strong style with two verbal
communications to the Ottoman authorities. The second resulted in postponing the
evacuation of Ayvalik. At that time, it was agreed, at the diplomatic level, to set up a joint
commission, with the aim of exchanging Greeks from Asia Minor with Turks from the areas
that Greece had incorporated during the Balkan Wars. But even after the formation of the

The Invasion

committee, the persecutions of the Greek population did not stop. In fact, organized
insurgent gangs, as well as the makeshift Turkish gendarmerie, were often out of control,
and killings were carried out.

The entry of the Ottoman Empire into World War I also marked the beginning of new
waves of persecution. Initially, a series of economic measures were implemented to meet
the needs of the war. Demands were made which discriminated Greeks. In 1915, the
Ottoman government, in an attempt to place trade exclusively in Turkish hands,
established an exclusively Muslim company in Izmir, which exercised a monopoly on
imports and exports. In addition, the Ottoman authorities demanded the dismissal of all
Greeks working in foreign companies in Izmir and their replacement with Muslims.

Another important measure that triggered the next phase of mass extermination, while
initially seen as a measure to promote minority equality, was military service. The decree
for mass recruitment concerned all Ottoman citizens between the ages of 20 and 45, while
there was the possibility of redemption. But those over 45 were forced to work in the
infamous "Labor Battalions", which were essentially concentration camps for the
extermination of the Greek and other non-Turkish populations of the country. For older
people military service was replaced by forced labor in quarries, mines, roads and fields.
The marches into the interior of Asia Minor were carried out in miserable conditions, while
those who survived the inhuman trekking and epidemics, were driven malnourished in the
depths of Asia Minor, in Ankara, Konya, Sevasti, Erzurum or Mersin. According to the
report of Greek deputies of the Turkish parliament submitted in 1918, the total number of
victims of persecution, dead and displaced, was estimated at 750,000.

The Turkish gendarmerie appeared in the persecuted settlements with explicit orders from
the Ottoman administration. The gathering of the inhabitants took place immediately in a
central point (usually in the square) and from there they were ordered directly for departure
to an unknown point. Displaced persons were strictly forbidden to carry food, clothing or
mattresses with them. The time of the deportations was usually during the winter months,
with unfavorable weather conditions. During the pedestrian march, parking was provided
only in uninhabited areas in the countryside, in order to avoid the possibility of the
displaced being supplied. The treatment of the sick and the burial of the dead were also
forbidden. In particular, almsgiving by expatriates and the provision of asylum to
abandoned infants were punishable by death. During the journey, everyone had to be
disinfected in Ottoman baths (hammams) and immediately afterwards exposed to the icy
countryside for inspection and medical examination. The poorest took refuge in the
mountains and were characterized as deserters by the authorities. But their relatives were
forced to suffer severe retaliation, bearing heavy responsibilities. In fact, in March 1916, a
new Ottoman law abolished the one-time redemption of the term and introduced an annual
tax with a retroactive character. As a result of this measure, thousands of people were
killed, but a relentless reaction followed with a wave of executions by the Turks. The
extermination of the Greek people was carried out gradually and incrementally to avoid an
international outcry from the new wave of atrocities. Elias Venezis described his
experience in the labor battalions in his book No. 31328, who along with 3,000 other
Ayvalites were forced to serve in them for 14 months from 1922, at the age of 18. Venezis
was one of only 23 of his compatriots who survived. Turkish defeats against Russia were
attributed to the Pontic Greeks who served in the Ottoman army. As a consequence, all

The Invasion

enlisted Pontic Greeks were forcefully recruited into the labor battalions. It was not long
before waves of drought broke out, with people taking refuge in the mountains. In fact, in
the province of Kerasounta, for this reason, 88 villages were completely burned within
three months. The Greeks of the province, about 30,000, were forced to walk to Ankara
during the winter. Inevitably a quarter of them died on the way. The persecutions caused
the creation of pockets of resistance by the Pontic Greeks. Eventually the persecution
intensified with the issuance of a decree in December 1916, which provided for the exile of
all men between the ages of 18 and 40 and the transportation of women and children
within Asia Minor. In the province of Amasia, 72,375 Greeks, out of a total of 136,768, were
displaced, of whom 70% died of hardship. During World War I, a total of 235,000 Pontic
Greeks were exiled, 80,000 migrated in Russia. In the area of Trabzon, the persecutions
were less intense, mainly due to the ability of Metropolitan Chrysanthos to negotiate with
the local authorities, but also due to the fact that from April 1916 area was occupied by the
Russian army. In 1922, the Armenian and Greek districts of Smyrna were burned. The
burning of the houses forced the Christians hidden in them to take to the streets, with the
result that the last ones who had survived the previous massacres, fell into the hands of
the Turks and suffered terrible torture before their death.

For the Greek population of the Ottoman Empire in Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace from
the Spring of 1914 to 1923, Aristocles I. Aegidis in his book Greece without Refugees
(Athens 1934) wrote that “1,200,000 souls constitute the tragic account of the struggle for
human loss”. Theofanis Malkidis, PhD in Social Sciences and teaches at the Democritus
University of Thrace, emphasizes that "we are talking about over 800,000 Greeks." On
March 20, 1922, British diplomat Rendell drafted a memorandum on Turkish atrocities
against Christians from 1919 onwards. The preamble to this memorandum states:
"The achievement of the armistice with Turkey, on October 30, 1918, seemed to
bring about a temporary cessation of the persecution of the minorities by the Turks,
committed throughout the war. In the pursuit of these persecutions, it is generally
accepted that more than 500,000 'Greeks were exiled, of whom comparatively few

The Invasion

The Kalergi Plan

Richard Nikolaus Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, was born on
November 16, 1894 in Tokyo, where his father, Heinrich
Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was educated at the Jesuit
college in Kalksburg near Vienna, was the diplomatic
representative of Austria-Hungary and had married the
Japanese woman Mitsuko Aoyama . The wealthy
Coudenhove-Kalergi family is said to come from ancient
Flemish and Greek nobility. He had two brothers. When he
was one year old, his parents moved to Ronsperg in
Bohemia. His father attached great importance to a
Christian upbringing. In 1906, when Coudenhove-Kalergi
was eleven years old, his father died. Coudenhove-Kalergi
grew up in Austria-Hungary, lived temporarily in France and
after the dissolution of Austria-Hungary had Czechoslovak
citizenship from 1919. Coudenhove-Kalergi attended the
Augustiner-Gymnasium in Brixen and the Theresianum in Vienna, studied philosophy and
modern history at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 1917. He did not
take part in World War I despite being of military age.

In 1922 Coudenhove-Kalergi became a member of the Viennese Freemason Lodge

"Humanitas". With his writing "Pan-Europa" (1923) he founded the pan-European
movement, the aim of which was a European federal state excluding England and Russia,
but including the African colonies. England, at that time still the center of a worldwide
empire and with a corresponding international position, was left out because Coudenhove-
Kalergi could not imagine that it would approach its plans for a united Europe. From 1924
Coudenhove-Kalergi was editor and editor of the magazine "Paneuropa". In April 1924 it
brought the "Pan-European Manifesto". This year saw a key event - the movement's seed
funding. Coudenhove-Kalergi describes it as an incredibly lucky coincidence:
“At the beginning of 1924 we received a call from Louis Rothschild: one of his
friends, Max Warburg from Hamburg, had read my writing and wanted to meet with
us. To my astonishment, Warburg spontaneously offered me 60,000 gold marks,
intended for a period of three years to stimulate the movement.”

His "Paneuropean Union" became widely known through the first congress in Vienna in
autumn 1926. At that time Coudenhove-Kalergi experienced some resistance due to his
membership in Freemasonry and therefore asked in 1926 to be released from the federal
government. In the same year he became acquainted with Konrad Adenauer.
Coudenhove-Kalergi, who did not have to pursue any productive activity due to inherited
assets and led a largely idle life, devised a pan-Europe that followed his political visions
and - since he was of mixed blood - which, according to his ideal, should be populated by
a mixed caste. The leadership of this pan-Europe should fall to Jews according to him.
Kalergi had an enormous admiration of everything Jewish and felt attracted to the pacifist
ideas of the Jewish Freemason Alfred Hermann Fried (1864–1921). On the other hand, the
underage Coudenhove-Kalergi had already married a Jewish woman, and he later took

The Invasion

another Jewish woman as his wife, in which a strongly personal preference was shown. In
his fantasy world Coudenhove-Kalergi went so far that he claimed a position as a kind of
ruling caste for the Jews of his Pan-Europe: A benevolent providence had given Europe
with the Jews "a new noble race by the grace of the spirit".

“The essence of these men and women who try to redeem humanity is a peculiar
synthesis of religious and political elements […] These traits that made them the
creators of the Christian world movement now place them at the forefront of the
socialist movement. […] Barely a century after its liberation , this small people is
today with Einstein at the forefront of modern science; with Mahler at the forefront of
modern music; with Bergson at the forefront of modern philosophy; with Trotsky at
the head of modern politics. The prominent position that Judaism occupies today is
due solely to its intellectual superiority.” - Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Nobility,
Leipzig 1922

Kalergi goes on to say that the Jews are predestined to rule through their persecution:
“So a small community emerged from all these persecutions, hardened by a
heroically endured martyrdom for the idea and purified from all weak-willed and
poor-minded elements. Instead of destroying Judaism, Europe reluctantly ennobled
it through that artificial selection process and raised it to become a leading nation of
the future. No wonder, then, that this people, sprung from the ghetto dungeon, is
developing into the intellectual nobility of Europe. Thus, at the moment when the
feudal nobility collapsed, a benevolent Providence gave Europe through the
emancipation of the Jews a new race of nobility by the grace of the spirit.”

What is overlooked here, however, is that from the beginning the Jews viewed
themselves as chosen by their God and destined to rule over all other peoples, and
it was only the attitudes and actions resulting from this delusion that made them the
most hated people in world history and which repeatedly led to pogroms and

Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote in his book "Practical Idealism" in 1925:

“The man of the distant future will be a hybrid. Today's races and castes will fall
victim to the increasing overcoming of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-
Negroid race of the future, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptian, will replace the
diversity of peoples with a diversity of personalities. Because according to the laws
of inheritance, with the diversity of the ancestors the diversity grows, with the
uniformity of the ancestors the uniformity of the descendants.”

Supporters of National Socialism were well aware of Kalergi's plans to attack the
European peoples. Proof of this is Hans FK Günther, an outstanding and well-read racial
researcher at the time who, as early as 1927, drew attention to the danger that Kalergi had
put on paper in his “Practical Idealism” in 1927. After Austria joined the Reich in 1938,
Coudenhove first went to Bratislava, then to Bern and on August 3, 1940 to New York.
There he tried unsuccessfully with Otto von Habsburg, who was expatriated as a traitor to
the people in Germany, to form an Austrian government in exile. What was successful was
the establishment of a new headquarters for the Pan-European Movement at New York
University. In 1944 he was given a professorship for history, which he held until 1946.

The Invasion

His draft constitution for the "United States of Europe" was brought to the attention of
Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill in 1944. Stalin and Roosevelt were uninterested, but
Roosevelt's successor Truman recognized the potential and usefulness of the idea.
Winston Churchill was by no means “one of the first” in 1946 to call for the creation of the
United States of Europe. The plan was officially announced in autumn 1926. In 1947
Coudenhove became Secretary General of the European Parliamentarians' Union (EPU),
which he founded and which under his leadership held congresses in Gstaad in 1947 and
in Interlaken in 1948. The goal was now the formation of a Franco-German republic as the
core of a European confederation as well as a European parliament resulting from general
elections. In 1948, under the chairmanship of Churchill, a congress of the "European
Movement" took place in The Hague , which led to the establishment of the Strasbourg
Council of Europe. Since then, Coudenhove's activity has gone hand in hand with the
creation of European institutions: the Council of Europe, Coal and Steel Community,
Common Market and EURATOM. This process led to a split among the supporters of the
"European Movement". On the one hand there were those who preferred a progressive
expansion of the institutional approaches. The others - including Coudenhove - considered
the European bodies to be unsuitable for creating a truly European unity. Coudenhove
called for a “European constituent body” to be created through direct elections, which
should work out a constitution.

In 1959, Coudenhove described the existence of two German states as a basic fact with a
"Germany Memorandum" and demanded international recognition of this status quo even
without a peace treaty. For Berlin, he proposed a UN solution. This “Freedom or Unity”
memorandum met with widespread opposition. In 1962 Coudenhove called for a “New
Congress of Vienna” because it was time to end the Cold War. Coudenhove saw General
de Gaulle in particular as a post-war statesman with a European mindset. In November
1969 on the occasion of his 75th birthday (and again in March 1970) he appealed to the
governments of the Europe to undertake new efforts towards a political union. In July 1970
Coudenhove again proposed to the President of the European Parliament, Mario Scelba,
the creation of a European Constituent Assembly including the EEC candidates.
Coudenhove died of a stroke on July 27, 1972 at the age of 77. Coudenhove-Kalergi was
married three times but had no children. In 2011, Ursula von der Leyen, renewed the call
for a United States of Europe based on the US model. Kalergi's idea of a “Eurasian-
Negroid race of the future” with an unmixed “Jewish money and spirit nobility” acts as the
ideological model of current EU policy, the implementation of which is honored annually
with the Charlemagne Prize.

The creation of the "Eurasian-Negroid future race" could not be achieved for decades
because the political prerequisites for it were not yet in place. The peoples of Europe and
the whites of North America would have vigorously opposed their displacement - and
eventual annihilation through miscegenation - had they ever become aware of the extent
of the population plans of the Globalist Jews. In order to paralyze their will to resist,
incessant indoctrination through "politically correct" language rules in politics and the
university system was necessary. On November 4th, 1989 - exactly 5 days before the fall
of the Berlin Wall, members of the Pan-Europa Union gathered on the west side of the
Berlin Wall.

The Invasion

The Daily Express revealed that the European Union has planned to bring more than 50
million African workers into the EU. Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states
will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the
“demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe. The
report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat states: “Countries with low fertility rates could
require a significant number of immigrants over the coming decades if they want to
maintain the existing number of people of working age. The proposals include the creation
of a “blue card” system, based on the American green card, that provides full working and
welfare rights. Blue card holders would be entitled to move freely across the EU.

In 2015, the Jewish Billionaire Investor George Soros demanded that the European Union
should accept 1 Million “Refugees” (Costing €15 Billion) per year for the foreseeable

A Harvard study concluded multiculturalism erodes social trust. Harvard professor of

political science Robert D. Putnam conducted a nearly decade long study how
multiculturalism affects social trust. He surveyed 26,200 people in 40 American
communities, finding that when the data were adjusted for class, income and other factors,
the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust. People in diverse
communities "don’t trust the local mayor, they don’t trust the local paper, they don’t trust
other people and they don’t trust institutions," writes Putnam. In the presence of such
ethnic diversity, Putnam maintains that “We hunker down. We act like turtles. The effect of
diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who
are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us.”

The Invasion

The Great Replacement

For a population to continue to exist, it must meet a fertility rate of at least 2.1 births per
woman. All European countries, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
have total fertility rates which are below the replacement level. The native populations of
these countries are declining dramatically. The governments of these nations have
organized mass-non-white immigration to white countries. The result is that the immigrant
population have a high birthrate and are replacing the white population that is dying out. In
1930, about 33% of the world was White. Today, the U.N. estimates that only about 9.5%
of the world’s population is white. In the United States, the majority of all people under 18
are not white. In 1960, 88.6% of the American population was white. This percentage is
falling rapidly.

Raphael Lemkin invented the term genocide and is responsible for its legal definition
today. Lemkin defined genocide as follows:
Genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation… It is
intended to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction
of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the
groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the
political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and
the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal
security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to
such groups.

Today, the United Nations Genocide Convention legally defines genocide as follows:
(a) Killing members of the group
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Mass non-white immigration to white countries violates section C, thus the ongoing ethnic
replacement of white people with non-white people is genocide.

The Invasion of Iberia and attacks against the states of the Mediterranean Sea was the
first wave of Jihad waged against Europe. The Muslim invasion of Anatolia, and the
Balkans, culminating in the Battle of Vienna was the second wave of Jihad waged against
Europe. The ongoing mass immigration of Muslims to European countries is the third wave
of Jihad waged against Europe. The Muslim invaders with high birthrates are ethnically
replacing the declining native population.

In many European cities the Muslim population is growing rapidly. Below are seven towns
and cities in which the Muslims already make up at least a quarter of the population:
• Luton (UK): up to 25 percent
• Amsterdam (Netherlands): 25 percent
• Rotterdam (Netherlands): 25 percent

The Invasion

• Barcelona (Spain): 30 percent

• Brussels (Belgium): 30 percent
• Malmö (Sweden): 30 percent
• Marseille (France): 30-40 percent
• Savile Town (UK): over 90 percent

According to the Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary from Great Britain, the proportion of
Muslim residents in Amsterdam is already 40 percent and in Bradford 17 percent.

There have been large mass demonstrations against the Islamization of Europe. The
government has either ignored these or mass arrested those involved. Politicians have
claimed that there is no Islamization at all, but the statistics clearly show that Muslims are
replacing the native population. Critics try to silence opposition to Islam through political
correctness which stifles free discussion. The Islamization of Europe is applied in phases.
The Islamic population initially presents itself as a peaceful religion and makes itself
inconspicuous. Then once their kin has matured and their numbers have swelled, the
consistent proselytizing of the so-called "unbelievers" begins. They introduce “Halal” meat
slaughtered according to Islamic regulations. Christmas markets become “Winter
markets.” They form their own districts within cities where the local population is majority
Muslim. More and more Muslim politicians emerge who make increasingly brazen
demands for special rights for Muslims They enforce Shariah law. They attack, kill and
rape the non-Muslims to enforce Islamic supremacism as directed by the Koran.

The US State Department employee Timothy M. Savage made a forecast in 2004, based
on an estimate by the Department in the Annual Report on International Religious
Freedom 2003, which states by 2050, Muslims should make up at least 20% of the total
population or perhaps even make up the majority of Europe. The Historian and Islamic
scholar Bernard Lewis deduces from this that Europe “will be part of the Arab West, the
Maghreb” and “will have Muslim majorities in the population by the end of the 21st century
at the latest.” The American historian Walter Laqueur has a similar view who assumes that
in a few decades Europe will be politically and economically meaningless and culturally
largely Islamized. A problem with making such forecasts is that only a few European
countries have current or reliable figures on the proportion of Muslims in the total
population. A number of countries – including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Italy Luxembourg and Spain – do not raise the creed question in
censuses or in other official documents.

The Invasion

See also: The Great Replacement by Brenton Tarrant

The Invasion

The Invasion

Britain historically sent its convicts and rejects to Australia as a penal colony. Between
1788 and 1868, about 162,000 convicts who were deemed unfit to live in civil society were
transported from Britain and Ireland to various penal colonies in Australia for the purpose
of ejecting criminals from the home country. It was not a noble or pleasant idea. Britain
simply didn’t have enough prison capacity or have care for what happened to them and so
they sent them to a barren continent. And yet these largely uneducated criminal individuals
rejected from society in the British Isles, managed to collectively come together in a
challenging exotic land and forge one of the greatest nations in the world. A nation that
would connect with its homeland and become part of the Anglosphere, a nation that is not
only part of the greater white world, but actually holds incredible importance. Not only did
the so called “worst” of the British Isles manage to form a great society against all the odds
stacked against them, they managed to do it before the Aboriginals that had inhabited the
continent for at least 42,000 years (referring to the Lake Mungo remains). In South Africa,
the black government was given an existing, functioning, and quite successful country to
run as the so please, and even with a huge amount of aid and the help of white Afrikaners,
they couldn’t keep the show running. It was the best chance Africans ever had at
becoming a civilized nation and they ran it into the ground because they are so sub-human
that not only can they not build a nation, but they can’t be left in charge of one for even a
few decades.

Australia was also the last habitable continent settled by Europeans. In the early 20th
century, the Immigration Restriction Act which effectively barred non-White immigration to
Australia. The nation remained a White nation until the 1960s. By 1947 the non-European
population, other than Aborigines, was measured at 0.25 per cent of the total. As a result
of the Immigration Restriction Act, Australia had become, by this time, one of the Whitest
countries in the world. The White Australia policy was extraordinarily successful. Australia
and New Zealand were also the two most “British” societies outside the United Kingdom.
In the 1960s there was no popular movement for ending the White Australia policy, a policy
that had retained the bipartisan support of Australia’s political class since its inception in
1901. The early explorers and settlers experienced immense hardships and dangers in the
colonization and foundation of Australia. Non-white immigrants had taken no part in these
pioneering efforts and simply seek to exploit and take advantage of the efforts of
Australian’s ancestors while contributing nothing. Tied in with these natural and legitimate
expressions of racial and ethnic solidarity, were concerns hordes of non-White immigrants
would drive down the wages and living standards of White Australians. This was a key part
of the original rationale for the White Australia policy as articulated by Alfred Deakin,
Australia’s first Attorney-General, who argued that
“A white Australia does not by any means just mean the preservation of the
complexion of the people of this country. It means the multiplying of homes, so that
we may be able to defend every part of our continent; it means the maintenance of
conditions of life fit for white men and white women; it means equal laws and
opportunities for all; it means protection against underpaid labor of other lands, it
means the payment of fair wages. A white Australia means a civilization whose
foundations are built on healthy lives, lived in honest toil, under circumstances
which imply no degradation; a white Australia means protection.”

The Invasion

In 1841, James Stephen, the head of the British colonial office in London, declared that
Australia should be a land “where the English race shall be spread from sea to sea
unmixed with any lower caste.” He maintained that the introduction of Indian “coolies” into
New South Wales would “debase by their intermixture the noble European race […] bring
with them the idolatry and debasing habits of their country […] beat down the wages of
poor laboring Europeans [… and] cut off the resource for many of our own distressed

Charles Pearson, a British scholar who migrated to the colonies in the late nineteenth
century, published a book entitled National Life and Character in 1893. In it, he described
Australia as “an unexampled instance of a great continent that has been left for the first
civilized people that found it to take and occupy. He warned, nevertheless, that it was still
questionable whether the white races would be able to hold on to it in the face of the
Asiatic threat:
“We know that colored and white labor cannot exist side by side; we are well aware
that China can swamp us with a single year’s surplus of population; and we know
that if national existence is sacrificed to the working of a few mines and sugar
plantations, it is not the Englishman and Australian alone, but the whole civilized
world, that will be the losers.”

Between 1966 and 1975, the White Australia policy was dismantled by a small group of
“reformers” that demanded multiculturalism, rather than being driven by any shift in public
opinion. Like their counterparts in the United States and Britain, they soon comprised a
hostile intellectual, academic and media elite. In the changing ideological climate of the
1950s and 1960s, the moral foundations of Australia’s British history were subjected to
radical criticism, and once foundational patriotic works like Keith Hancock’s Australia (with
its maxim that “among the Australians pride of race counted for more than love of country”)
were no longer compulsory reading for students.

The Boasian ideology of racial egalitarianism was a Jewish movement which supported
non-white immigration to Australia. Jewish academic Jon Stratton notes that the
dismantling of the White Australia policy and the ultimate adoption of multiculturalism was
a direct result of “internal and external pressures related to a general turning away from
biological racialism.”

The Australian Jewish academic Andrew Markus stated the following on ‘White racism’ in
“(i) as a result of some (undefined) “natural” process, national groups (or ‘races’ or
‘cultures’) have inborn (‘essential’) qualities which will never alter; and (ii) there are
inherent characteristics in such groups which interpose barriers against harmonious
co-existence, not least against interbreeding of populations. Such ideas give rise to
closed forms of nationalism which restrict membership to those qualified by birth or
descent, in contrast to open forms which grant citizenship to individuals on the basis
of residence and adherence to the governing principles of the nation. They justified
European colonial rule.”

The Invasion

In his description of “closed” forms of nationalism which restrict “membership to those

qualified by birth or descent” Markus could be describing traditional Judaism, with its strict
endogamy and built-in assumptions of Jewish racial, intellectual and moral superiority.
Jewish ethno-nationalism (exemplified in Israel’s racially restrictive immigration laws) is
held to be legitimate and uncontroversial (indeed a moral imperative), while White
nationalism is inherently illegitimate and morally corrupt according to them.

Australian Jews have “been at the forefront of support for the right of the state of Israel to
exist as a Jewish state, to determine its own security agenda, and to do what is needed to
ensure its own survival.” The academic and Jewish activist Danny Ben Moshe points out
that Australian Jewry is fiercely Zionist and “outdoes all other Diasporas in their
commitment to Israel.” A 1993 survey of Melbourne Jewry found that 63 per cent had
visited Israel with over 40 per cent having done so two or more times. This is compared
with 36 per cent of American Jews. Australia also has the highest rate of aliyah in the
world. While strongly in favor of non-White immigration and racial-mixing among the non-
Jews in Australia, a publication like the Australian Jewish News express that for Jews,
“Intermarriage has always been and will always be an individual, spiritual and communal
tragedy. No amount of petty rationalizing will ever change that.”

As a consequence of the growing influence of the Jewish cultural and political movements
as described in The Culture of Critique; the ideas of racial equality and egalitarianism
became standard within schools and universities. The universities became hotbeds of
resistance to White Australia in the 1950’s and 60s.

With the adoption in 1963 of the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination, member governments were urged to eliminate racial discrimination from
their society altogether. Thus there was increasing external political opposition to the White
Australia policy, especially during the years of European decolonization in Africa and Asia.
Eric Richards notes how
“Prime Minister Menzies was increasingly vexed by the intrusion of racial and
immigration issues at meetings of Commonwealth Heads of Government. Menzies
(and even more vehemently, one of his successors, John Gorton) loathed the way
in which he was lectured on the “principle of racial equality” by newcomer members
of the Commonwealth. Menzies and Gorton believed that Australia’s immigration
policy was perfectly defensible and, in any case, none of their business. But the die
was already cast. Australia in the 1960s felt pressure from within and from beyond,
and its immigration policy was a growing embarrassment.”

Senior Australian public servants serving on a committee formed to respond to the

changed situation agreed in 1964 that “there was an urgent need to remove, as far as
practicable, instances of racial discrimination in Australia in order to ensure Australia’s
international reputation and influence are not to be seriously endangered.” In response to
these internal and external pressures, the administrative apparatus of the White Australia
policy was gradually dismantled from the mid-1960s, until, in 1974, the then Labor Prime
Minister, Gough Whitlam (1972-1975), declared in a speech that: “On Immigration, we
have removed the last remaining pieces of legislation which could be described as
discriminatory on racial grounds.”

The Invasion

In both America and Australia, Jewish cultural and political activism was pivotal in driving
this revolution. The national editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg proudly
acknowledges this, noting that: “In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews
were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of
laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to Australia.”

Jews have been present in Australia since the beginning of European settlement. Around a
dozen Jewish convicts came with the First Fleet in 1788. When the transportation of
convicts to eastern Australia ended in 1853, around 800 of the 151,000 convicts to have
arrived were of Jewish origin. The first free Jewish settlers arrived from Britain in 1809,
and there were three subsequent waves of Jewish immigration to Australia between 1850
and 1930 – mainly German Jews arriving during the gold rushes, refugees from Tsarist
Russia from 1880 to 1914, and Polish Jews after 1918. The numbers arriving with each of
these waves were, however, comparatively small and Australian Jewry remained a tiny
isolated outpost of world Jewry until the 1930s.

Unlike in Britain where Jews were gradually emancipated through Parliamentary Acts in
1854, 1858 and 1866, in the Australian colonies they enjoyed full civil and political rights
from the beginning: they acquired British nationality, voted at elections, held commissions
in the local militia, were elected to municipal offices and were appointed justices of the
peace. Jews were well integrated into the political and administrative structure of the
colonies. Sir John Monash (1865-1931) became a general in the Australian army and was,
according to Goldberg, “the only Jew in the modern era outside Israel (with the exception
of Trotsky) to lead an army.” Sir Isaac Isaacs (1855-1948) became Australia’s first native-
born Governor-General. In Australia under the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 these
highly assimilated Anglo-Jews were regarded as “White,” whereas Jews of middle-eastern
origin were regarded as Asian and therefore barred from entry.

The 2011 Australian Census revealed that, for the first time in that nation’s history, the
majority of migrants to Australia come from Asia instead of Europe. Indians and Chinese
have become the fastest growing sections of the Australian population. Between 2006 and
2011 the number of Australian permanent residents born in India increased by 100 per
cent, those born in China increased by 54 per cent, while those born in the Philippines by
42 per cent. These startling figures do not even include those born in Australia to Indian or
Chinese parents. The Census also revealed that other non-White immigrant groups are
also expanding rapidly, including various African groups.

The Invasion

Canada was explored, developed and built by white people for white people. In 1971, the
federal government began to implement a policy of multiculturalism which has had
dramatic consequences on the demographic composition of Canada. In 1971, the
population was 97% white, that figure has been reduced to 72.9% according to the 2016
census resulting from a government policy of non-white immigration and measures which
restrict prosperity for white families. Jewish groups played a central role in immigration
reforms and campaigning for the admission of so-called “Syrian Refugees”. The Vancouver
Sun has predicted that White people will become a minority percentage in Metro
Vancouver by 2031.

The Invasion

France prohibits using ethnic or religious data. In 2009, France was estimated to have 4-7
million Arabs, 3-5 million Blacks, some 1.5 million Asians, and around 600,000 Jews.
Using the highest of those estimates, those four categories represented nearly 22% of
France's population. However, France does record medical statistics regarding the
percentage of newborns who are screened for sickle-cell disease. The criteria for
screening include having two parents from many non-Western regions (including the
Middle East and Africa). The non-White population is underestimated by not all non-
Western regions being included and insofar as half-White newborns are not counted, but
on the other hand, non-Whites would be overestimated to the extent the figure includes
Southern Italians, Greeks, and "uncertain" White newborns. 34.44% of newborns were
screened in 2012. Six years earlier (in 2006) the figure was 27%. The Muslim population of
France makes up 60 to 70% of all inmates in France's prisons. In 2000, 19 percent of all
newborn babies in mainland France had at least one parent originating from Africa and the
Middle East. This share rose to 35.7 percent in 2013. According to Michèle Tribalat,
researcher at INED, there were, in 1999, approximately 14 million persons of foreign
ancestry in France (about a quarter of the population), defined as either immigrants or
people with at least one immigrant parent or grandparent. Nicolas Sarkozy said in a
speech that “Race-Mixing Enriches Society, Consanguinity Destroys It.” Emmanuel
Macron is fully supportive of the Muslim population in France and even posted in Arabic on
twitter. In 2013, a French study found that 70% of the population think there are too many
foreigners & 74% think that Islam is not compatible with French society.

The Invasion

On Friday November 13, 2015, Muslim invaders launched coordinated attacks against
native French people. Beginning at 9:15pm, three suicide bombers struck outside the
Stade de France in Saint-Denis, during an international football match, after failing to gain
entry to the stadium. Another group of attackers then fired on crowded cafés and
restaurants in Paris, with one of them also blowing himself up. A third group carried out
another mass shooting and took hostages at a rock concert attended by 1,500 people in
the Bataclan theatre, leading to a stand-off with police. The attackers were either shot or
blew themselves up when police raided the theatre. The attackers killed 130 people,
including 90 at the Bataclan theatre. Another 416 people were injured, almost 100
seriously. Seven of the attackers were also killed. The attacks were the deadliest in France
since the Second World War. The French government subsequently suppressed and
concealed the details of the attack and has prohibited sharing photos of the attack. This
censorship is to prevent citizens from realizing the threat of the Muslim invaders.

The Invasion

The Muslims who attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris not only killed over a hundred
innocents — they also gouged out the eyes and sliced up the genitals of some of the
victims. Some victims’ bodies from the second floor of the theater had been beheaded,
eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to accounts reported to a parliamentary
commission set up to investigate the attack. The investigation’s chair, Georges Fenech,
complained to the commission that details of the mutilations have been kept from families
and the press. He also said he had heard of one especially grievous account: The father of
one victim had told him that his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his
testicles found in his mouth. “They had cut off his testicles,” Fenech said during testimony.
French Jews had continually pushed for more Muslim immigration to France, and Rabbi
Don Lior said that the attacks “are payback for the Holocaust.” In the same month as the
Paris attacks, the French police raided a huge cache of weapons in Lyon. There were also
raids in Toulouse, Grenoble, Calais and Paris. They found a rocket launcher, flak jackets,
several pistols and a Kalashnikov rifle. The Muslim invaders planned to use these
weapons to kill the native French people.

On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19-tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into
crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France,
resulting in the deaths of 86 people and the injury of 458 others. The driver was a Muslim
invader from Tunisia living in France.

On 26 July 2016, two Muslim invaders attacked participants in a Mass at a Catholic church
in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Normandy, northern France. Wielding knives and wearing
fake explosive belts, the men took six people captive and later killed one of them, 85-year-
old priest Jacques Hamel, by slitting his throat, and also critically wounded an 86-year-old
man. On October 1, 2017, a Muslim invader killed two women – 20-year-old and 21-year-
old cousins – at the Saint-Charles station in Marseille, France. On December 11, 2018, a
Muslim invader killed five people and wounded 11 in Strasbourg. The attacker; Chérif
Chekatt was known to French authorities but they did nothing to prevent the attack.

The Invasion

On April 15, 2019, Muslim arsonists set fire to the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris.
By the time it was extinguished, the building's spire collapsed and most of its roof had
been destroyed and its upper walls severely damaged. Extensive damage to the interior
was prevented by its stone vaulted ceiling, which largely contained the burning roof as it
collapsed. Many works of art and religious relics were moved to safety early in the
emergency, but others suffered some smoke damage, and some exterior art was damaged
or destroyed. Muslims across France cheered and celebrated at the destruction of the
iconic French cultural monument.

On January 3, 2020, a Muslim invader shouting "Allahu Akbar" killed one person and
wounded two other people with a knife in Villejuif, Paris. On the morning of October 29,
2020, three people were killed by a Muslim invader in Notre-Dame de Nice, a Roman
Catholic basilica in Nice, France. The attacker from Tunisia; Brahim Aouissaoui chanted
‘Allahu Akbar’ during the attack and beheaded a French woman. Several others were

The Invasion

On October 16, 2020, Samuel Paty – a French middle-

school teacher – was killed and beheaded by a Muslim
invader from Chechnya. The murder happened in
Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a suburb of Paris. Paty
had, in a class on freedom of expression, shown his
students Charlie Hebdo's 2012 cartoons depicting the
Islamic prophet Muhammad. Two students from the
school informed other Muslims of Paty’s class topic
through social media and organized his murder. Ten
people collaborated with killer including the two
students. The Koran specifically instructs all Muslims
to kill non-Muslims.

“Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” – Koran


This is what Islam has done to France.

The Invasion

The first guest workers (gastarbeiter) in Germany were recruited from other European
nations. However, Turkey pressured West Germany to admit its citizens as guest workers.
Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, opposed such agreements. He
explained that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey is too large and also pointed
out that Germany didn’t need any more laborers because there was enough unemployed
people living in Germany already that cold fill these vacancies. The American occupiers
forced West Germany to accept Turkish migrants. West Germany and Turkey made a
formal agreement in 1961 against the will of the German people. One in five people living
in Germany are not ethnically German according to a 2017 census. Germany has a total
fertility rate of 1.54 births per woman – below the replacement rate. In response to this, the
German government imports non-white immigrants to replace the native population.
Angela Merkel has consistently supported multiculturalism and Islam in Germany. The
German federal government even set up an explicitly-illustrated website dedicated
exclusively to promoting interracial sex between the non-white “refugees” and Europeans.
The German government also funded an “infomercial” that promoted Jihad as a so-called
personal struggle. Islamic marches and celebrations take place in German cities including
Berlin, Bonn and Frankfurt. In some schools, Islamic lessons are taught to children.

In the Jens-Nydahl-Grundschule in Kreuzberg, Berlin, it was reported that there were only
three German children left while the rest were exclusively non-whites. A story in the Bild
magazine on the development was headlined: “We are the last 3 German children in our
German school. The rest are Muslims.” In the playground Talina (11), Svenja (11) and
Jason (9) can’t understand a word. Because, here, their classmates only speak Turkish
and Arabic, the Bild article continued. Here 99 percent of the 313 pupils have an immigrant
(Muslim) background. For 285 of those, the parents receive financial support from the
state. Talina is in the 6th year. “When she first went to school, she could read and write her
first words. Her fellow pupils couldn’t say ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’ or ‘Good morning’,” says
her mother Mara M. (45).

Martin Schulz, the Jewish former President of the European Parliament said that “For me,
the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the
Jewish people.” According to the head of the Jewish Council, Josef Schuster it's a moral
duty for Germany to take in immigrants from the third world. This because of the "barbaric"
history of Germany. He said to the German newspaper Junge Freiheit that: “Germany has
brought so much misery to the world. We owe so much to so many countries. We’re the
last country that can turn back refugees.”

Women and girls in Germany are told to dress modestly otherwise they will be sexually
assaulted and raped. Women are advised not to go out at night alone because non-white
immigrant gangs coordinate rape attacks. During the 2015–16 public New Year's Eve's
celebrations in Germany, over 1,250 women in at least twelve cities were reportedly
sexually assaulted, with 24 of them raped. The sexual assaulters had all been described
as "north African," "Arab," "dark skinned," and/or "foreign." All of the perpetrators were all
migrants of non-European origin. On 5 January 2016, the German government and the
Cologne police speculated that the attacks might have been organized. By April 2016,

The Invasion

statistics recorded by authorities indicated that out of the identified 153 suspects in
Cologne who were convicted of sexual offenses and other crimes during New Year's Eve
2015–16, two-thirds were originally from Morocco or Algeria, and 44% were so-called
asylum seekers. In 2015, an asylum worker was raped in Vienna by the so-called
“refugees” that she worked with and the police allowed the perpetrators to leave for

Muslim invaders attacking and killing native Germans has become a regular occurrence.
On December 19, 2016, a Muslim invader deliberately drove a truck into the Christmas
market next to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, leaving
12 people dead and 56 others injured. He killed the truck’s original driver, Łukasz Urban,
who was found shot dead in the passenger seat. The truck was eventually stopped by its
automatic brakes. The perpetrator was Anis Amri, a Muslim from Tunisia who
unsuccessfully tried to claim asylum. He then fled Germany. Four days after the attack, he
was killed in a shootout with police near Milan in Italy.

The Invasion

In 2016, a group of Muslim migrants gang-raped a 14 year old girl and sexually assaulted
her with bottles and a torch. They filmed while she was raped and brutally attacked to
further humiliate her. After raping the girl they then threw her semi-conscious and naked
out into a freezing courtyard. She nearly died of hypothermia before being discovered by a
passer-by. The three Muslim invaders were not punished for the attempted murder and
rape apart from one individual. The girl who filmed and instructed the attack was not
charged at all. The so-called Justice system in Germany and the federal government has a
political policy which routinely gives lenient sentences to non-white Immigrants or does not
prosecute them at all, while native Germans face ludicrous and often extremely severe
sentences for so-called crimes. The same is true in Austria. For example, 63-year-old
Helmut Griese, was found guilty of offending Muslims and fined hundreds of Euros by a
court in Graz. He was yodeling while mowing his lawn on his own property which his
Muslim neighbor described as “intimidation”.

In 2017, an African invader from Ghana threatened a young German couple with a
machete and raped the woman. The boyfriend called the police and had told the female
police officer who answered the emergency call that his girlfriend was being raped by a
"black man with a machete". The officer asked if he was joking. After assuring him that
action would be taken, the officer had hung up with the words "Thank you, bye", instead of
keeping him on the line. The officer who took his first call also asked him: "You aren't
messing with me, are you?" After inquiring about his name and location, and promising to
send help, the Bonn Police operator hung up, according to the Rheinische Post. No one
arrived, however. When the attack was over the young man and his girlfriend left the scene

The Invasion

in the Siegaue nature reserve and looked for help. He called police a second time on the
emergency line, but was directed to the local station instead. Half an hour later, officers
arrived to take the woman to hospital.

At 3pm on July 28, 2017, Ahmad Alhaw, a muslim invader, went to an Edeka supermarket
in Fuhlsbüttler Strasse in the Barmbek area of Hamburg. He took a 20 cm-long kitchen
knife from the supermarket shelf and used it to attack several people, killing a 50-year-old
German man. Deutsche Welle reported 6 injured in addition to the killing. According to
eyewitnesses the man shouted "Allahu Akbar" during the attack. On April 7, 2018, a non-
white immigrant drove a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrianised
square in the old part of the German city of Münster. He killed four people and injured
about 20 others, six of them seriously, before committing suicide. In June 2018, A Muslim
invader from Morroco murdered Sophia Lösche and left her in a ditch.

In 2009, a third of all children born in Germany belonged to immigrant families (including
immigrants from European countries). There were about 3 million Turks in Germany and
they were very poorly integrated. A 2017 article stated "More than 1.6 million asylum-
seekers are estimated to have entered Europe between 2014 and 2016, leading to the
biggest refugee crisis since World War II. Most have settled in Germany. Frankfurt became
the first German city where Germans are a minority in 2017. The next German cities where
Germans are expected to be a minority in the near future are Augsburg and Stuttgart.

In a study, the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

designed various scenarios for the future proportion of religions in Austria. For the year
2051, 14 to 18% of the population was calculated to be Muslims.

The Invasion

Many illegal immigrants enter Greece and Europe through the border with Turkey. Turkey
has come under criticism because of its liberal visa requirements, which make it easy for
immigrants to legally enter the country and then move on to Europe using smugglers and
false papers. Citizens of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria and Iran, among many other
nations, do not need a visa to enter Turkey. Many of those entering Greece move on to
other European Union countries. There is estimated to be 3-4 million illegal immigrants
living in Greece with 10 million indigenous Greeks. These non-white immigrants cause
high crime levels, drain public services and worsen the economic crisis.

New Zealand
A 2012 article stated that "White Europeans could lose majority status in Auckland in the
next few years as the combined population of Asians, Pacific Islanders and Maori
increases, Statistics New Zealand figures indicate. [...] Between 1986 and 2006, the
numbers born in Asia and now resident in New Zealand increased by 661 per cent, with
the Chinese (899.4 per cent) and Indians (841.6 per cent) dominating growth. Over that
time the number of overseas-born Pacific people also doubled, and migrants from other
countries, such as Africa, also increased."

The Invasion

The Invasion

Non-Norwegians comprise 18.2% of the population of Norway. The effects of post-war
multicultural polices have been immense. Mohamed Is the most popular men’s name in
Oslo – the capital of Norway. The non-white immigrants have caused a distinct increase in
crime. 90% of all rapes in Oslo are committed by non-western immigrants.

Ervin Kohn is a Jewish economist and religious leader. Kohn has worked as the deputy
head of the Anti-Racist Center in Oslo. Kohn's family emigrated from Hungary to Norway
when he was five years old. His parents were very traditional orthodox Jews. Kohn's
grandfather was a prominent rabbi. He grew up on Grorud in Oslo and lived in Israel for
part of his childhood. He also masters Yiddish. Kohn has a master's degree in economics
from Lund University and was business manager for Savo, a Norwegian manufacturer of
office chairs, from 1990 to 2008. Kohn is often interviewed as a representative of the
Jewish minority in Norway and engaged in public debate on freedom of expression, hate
speech and persecution of minorities. Kohn has said that “Norway is too white” and
“There is a job to be done.”

Russia is the most populous country in Europe and the ninth-most populous country in the
world. Since the 1990s, Russia's death rate has exceeded its birth rate. In 2018, the total
fertility rate across Russia was estimated to be 1.58 born per woman, one of the lowest
fertility rates in the world, below the replacement rate of 2.1, and considerably below the
high of 7.44 children born per woman in 1908. Consequently, the country has one of the
oldest populations in the world, with a median age of 40.3 years. The social landscape of
Russia has been significantly polluted by Feminism and the scars of Communism. Russia
is home to approximately 117 million ethnic Russians. The 2010 census recorded 81% of
the population as ethnically Russian, and 19% as other ethnicities: 3.7% Tatars; 1.4%
Ukrainians; 1.1% Bashkirs; 1% Chuvashes; 11.8% others and unspecified. According to
the Census, 84.93% of the Russian population belongs to European ethnic groups (Slavic,
Germanic, Finnic, Greek, and others). This is a decline from 2002, when they constituted
for more than 86% of the population. In total, over 186 different ethnic groups live within
the Russian Federation's borders. The Muslim population of Russia has much higher
birthrates than ethnic Russians. Muslims are predicted to make up half of the population of
Russia by 2050. A specialist on Islam in Russia argued that "Russia is going through a
religious transformation that will be of even greater consequence for the international
community than the collapse of the Soviet Union." In 2009, the number of Chinese
immigrants were estimated to run into the millions. In sparely populated Siberia, there are
places where the Chinese outnumber the Russians in certain areas. Many thousands of
Russian women have been captured and sold as slaves to Muslim countries and Israel,
which has had an impact on the demographic composition.

The Invasion

Russia's population peaked in the early 1990s with about 148 million people in the country.
Today, Russia's population is approximately 144 million. In 2010, the United States Census
Bureau estimated that Russia's population will decline from the 2010 estimate of 143
million to a mere 111 million by 2050, a loss of more than 30 million people and a decrease
of more than 20%. The primary causes of Russia's population decrease and loss of about
700,000 to 800,000 citizens each year are related to a high death rate, low birth rate, and
high rate of abortions.

Thousands of Muslims pray together in Moscow, Russia.

The Invasion

South Africa
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in 1918 into the Thembu tribe’s royal family. He
studied law at two prestigious universities and became involved in “anti-colonial politics,”
joining the African National Congress (ANC). The ANC’s guerrilla force, known as
uMkhonto we Sizwe—MK, or “Spear of the Nation”—was founded in 1961 by Mandela and
his advisor, the Lithuanian-born communist Jew Joe Slovo, born Yossel Mashel Slovo, who
was officially named secretary general of the South African Communist Party in 1986.
Slovo had been the planner of many of the ANC terrorist attacks including car bombings
and sabotage.

In 1962, Mandela was arrested along with 19 others, half of whom were communist Jews,
in a police raid of ANC headquarters at a farm owned by Andrew Goldreich, also a
communist Jew, at Rivonia, a Johannesburg suburb. In the Rivonia Trial, which took place
between 1963 and 1964, the defendants were tried for 221 acts of sabotage designed to
overthrow the government and conspiring to aid foreign military units, when they invaded
South Africa to further the objects of communism. The prosecutor, Percy Yutar said at the
trial that “production requirements for munitions were sufficient to blow up a city the size of
Johannesburg.” He was convicted of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the
government and was sentenced to life in prison. Jews in South Africa played a key role in
the Anti-apartheid movement, which includes Joe Slovo, Arthur Goldreich, Helen Suzman,
Ruth First, Harry Schwarz, Nadine Gordimer, Abie Sachs, and Ronnie Kasrils among
others. Mandela was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize for 1990, and was the last ever
recipient. By 1990, the communists behind Mandela had gained enough power to force his
release. Apartheid was abolished in 1992 and the ANC was put into power in 1994 with
Mandela as president. Slovo became his secretary of housing. Shortly thereafter, Mandela
and Slovo, along with a group of ANC leaders, were filmed chanting a pledge to kill all
whites in South Africa. Also in 1994, the Hutu tribe killed 800,000 Tutsis in Rwanda. Similar
tribal genocides have taken place in Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Chad, Mali, Zimbabwe,
Angola and many more African countries. Tribal savagery and genocide has always been
a way of life for Africans.

Former South African President Jacob Zuma, was filmed singing a song called “Kill the
Boer” in front of a crowd of thousands of blacks while they cheered and danced. The song
advocates the murder of the descendants of the original white settlers of South Africa, with
lyrics encouraging blacks to gun down the farmers with machine guns. Mandela’s wife
from 1958-1996, Winnie Madikizela, also a longtime ANC activist, promoted a method of
killing called “necklacing,” where a gasoline-filled tire is placed around the neck of a victim
and set ablaze. She said “With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate
this country.”

In 1868, White people were more than half the population of South Africa. It took less than
150 years for Whites to go from half the population of South Africa to becoming an
endangered minority making up less than 10% of the population. Now that the government
is controlled by blacks, the blacks have free reign in raping and murdering the white
population. The terrorists of the African National Congress which slaughtered innocent
whites are held as heroes by the anti-white government.

The Invasion

The remaining Boer population lives in extreme poverty. Many are afflicted with drug
addictions and women have to become prostitutes to survive. Since 1994, more than
70,000 whites have been brutally tortured and murdered by blacks in South Africa, in
extremely gruesome ways. Around 57 people are murdered in South Africa every day, and
that only includes reported murders. In response to growing violence, South Africa’s former
minister of safety and security, Steve Tshwete, said: “We can’t police this; there’s nothing
more we can do. South Africa’s currency, the rand, has fallen about 70 percent since the
African National Congress (ANC) came to power in 1994. Emigration from South Africa
(mainly of skilled people) is now at its highest level ever.”

The Invasion

The Invasion

This is what the blacks do to white people every single day in South Africa.
This is genocide.

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of blacks in South Africa aren’t natives, but
came by the millions from neighboring countries only after the white Boers created a
country with a thriving economy, education opportunities and medical benefits. 60 percent
of South Africans felt the country was better run under apartheid, with both blacks and
whites rating the current government less trustworthy, more corrupt, less able to enforce
the law and less able to deliver government services than its white predecessor.
Transparency International released its 2013 Global Corruption Barometer report. It found

The Invasion

South Africa to be among the most corrupt countries in the world. According to its findings,
an astounding 83 percent of South Africans believe that the police force is corrupt. And 36
percent of respondents admitted to paying at least one bribe to the police.

20.4% of the population of South Africa has HIV. Human immunodeficiency virus is a virus
that attacks the body's immune system. Left untreated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome). There is no cure. Once people get HIV, they have it for life.
The second President of South Africa; Thabo Mbeki said that “HIV cannot cause AIDS”
which is completely false. A 2010 Medical Research Foundation survey found that more
than 37 percent of men admitted to raping at least one woman. Seven percent said they
had participated in a gang rape. Black Africans believe that having sex with a virgin is the
cure to AIDS in South Africa, they rape babies believing that will cure them. The National
Bureau of Economic Research found that the average income of all races in South Africa
dropped 40% between 1995 and 2000. The UN 2006 Human Development Report found
that over the last 3 decades Africa has had a “virtual reversal” of human development;
South Africa dropped 38 places on the Human Development Index since 1994. (UN
Development Programme, 2007). The country of the world’s first heart transplant (Christian
Barnard, December 1967) – South Africa – is now the rape and murder capital of the

Amy Elizabeth Biehl was a white American graduate of Stanford University and an Anti-
Apartheid activist in South Africa. When 26-year-old Biehl drove a friend home to the
township of Guguletu, outside Cape Town, on August 25, 1993, a black mob pelted her car
with stones and smashed its windows while shouting anti-white racial slurs. Biehl was
struck in the head with a brick, then dragged from her car and surrounded by a mob who
stoned and stabbed her to death while she begged for her life. Four of Biehl’s murderers
were convicted for her killing; however, in 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa’s Truth
and Reconciliation Commission. During the killers’ 1993 trial, the gallery was full of blacks,
who laughed mockingly as the defense related how Biehl pleaded for her life.”

The Invasion

David Schwarz was a Jewish activist who was born in Poland and spent time in a
concentration camp. In the early 1950s he immigrated to Sweden. In 1964, he wrote the
article “The Immigration problem in Sweden” in Sweden’s largest and most important
morning newspaper – the Jewish-owned Dagens Nyheter (“Daily News”). It started a
debate that mostly took place in Dagens Nyheter, but which subsequently continued even
in other newspapers, on editorial pages and in books. Schwarz was by far the most prolific
supporter of mass immigration to Sweden and accounted for 37 of a total of 118
contributions to the debate on the immigration issue in the years 1964-1968. Schwarz and
his co-thinkers were so dominant and aggressive that debaters with an alternative view
were driven on the defensive and felt their views suppressed. For example, Schwarz
played the anti-Semitism card efficiently in order to discredit his opponents. It was the
conservative Rightist Party who first embraced the idea of multiculturalism and greatly
contributed to shape the new radical direction. The chairman of the Rightist Party 1961-
1965, Gunnar Heckscher, was the party’s first leader of Jewish descent. Jewish activists in
Sweden were aided by Jewish media ownership. Assimilation to Swedish culture was
viewed as an unacceptable goal.

For multiple centuries, Sweden historically had an average birthrate of 4-5 children per
woman; a healthy birthrate however Swedish birth rates are currently below replacement
level. Out of 10 million, 6 million are ethnic swedes, of which at least a third of that 6
million are people above the age of 65, two million are other white peoples (and at least a
third of those as well are too over the age of 65) and two million are non-whites (of which
an overwhelming majority is in young fertile age). Over a hundred thousand non-whites
enter Sweden each year, and that has been happening for years. The non-white birthrate
far exceeds the replacement level of 2.1 children/woman, while the white birthrate is
somewhere around 1.7 children/woman, far below the replacement level. Immigrants in
Sweden are a net loss to the economy and reduces Sweden’s HDI. Ylva Johansson,
former Swedish Employment Minister announced a law in 2015 that moves new
immigrants into “low immigrant” (majority Swedish) areas, instead of putting them in “high
immigrant” areas. Former Social Democrat leader Mona Sahlin said that “The White
Majority is the Problem.” Swedish ministers including Ann Linde and other female

The Invasion

members of the government walked wearing Muslim veils when they visited Tehran, Iran,
clearly representing their cowardice and willing submission to Islam.

Non-white immigration to Sweden has caused an explosion in crime. Criminal gangs have
complete control over certain neighborhoods in Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm. These
places are no-go zones where native Swedes are killed in the street. There are ten times
more gang murders in Sweden than in neighboring countries. 48% of assault rapes in
Sweden were committed by immigrants born outside of Sweden. There were 648,426
overseas-born males registered as resident in Sweden in 2009 of a population of 9.34
million. But that does not include non-whites born in Sweden. 9 in 10 gang rapists in
Sweden have a foreign background. Sweden is the rape capitol of Europe because of
mass non-white immigration. In 2019, there was 257 bombings and more than 300
shootings in Sweden according to the police.

In 2020, in Botkyrka, south of Stockholm, a 12-year-old girl walking her dog was killed by a
stray bullet from a gang shooting — and in a TV interview her friends explained that
shootings are simply part of daily life in their neighborhood. One child said that she hears
gunfire from her bedroom window almost every night.

At the end of August 2020, two teenage boys were abducted, raped and abused for hours
at a cemetery outside Stockholm. When police found them they had been stabbed and
buried alive in a pit. Somehow they survived. These deplorable acts of aggression now
have a name in Sweden. So-called ‘humiliation robberies’ are on the rise, and the victims
are often children and young people who are not just mugged — mainly by immigrant
youths — but also subjected to all kinds of horrifying and degrading treatment. Also in
August, Gothenburg's most notorious crime family, the Ali Khan gang, set up roadblocks in
the northeast of the city, shining torches into cars to hunt for members of a rival mob.

The Invasion

Police broke up the checkpoints and made 20 arrests but the suspects were released
because prosecutors decided they hadn't broken the law.

In Gothenburg, a criminal gang of youths forced their victim to kiss the gang leader's feet,
while they filmed him. After that, they stomped on his face until he passed out. In
Stockholm, two non-white immigrants punched and kicked their 18-year old victim for
hours. At the end of the ordeal, they took him behind a church where one of the
perpetrators urinated on him while they called him names such as "fucking Swede". They
then forced him to take his clothes of while laughing mockingly at him. The two non-whites
filmed the attack and spread it on social media. The parents of one of the perpetrators
came to Sweden six years ago from an unspecified African country, according to Swedish
TV, who interviewed them in February.

The Invasion

On April 7, 2017, a Muslim invader hijacked a truck and deliberately drove it into crowds
along Drottninggatan (Queen Street) before crashing into the Åhléns department store.
Five people were killed, including an eleven-year-old girl called Ebba Åkerlund. Muslims in
Sweden cheered and celebrated the attack against Swedish people and laughed at her
death. Her final resting place has been desecrated numerous times. Most media outlets
refused to even report about her death because it was not “politically correct”.

The Invasion

The Invasion

United Kingdom
On June 21, 1948, the SS Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury docks from Jamaica,
carrying 802 Black Caribbean immigrants. The 1,027 total passengers began
disembarking the next day. It signaled the beginning of mass, organized non-White
immigration into Western Europe. Supporters of mass immigration claim that Britain “has
always been a nation of immigrants” however, genetic evidence clearly defines what is
British and Irish. A nation is its people, united by common descent, history, and culture.
The non-white invaders that squat on Britain and Ireland, are will never be ‘British’ or
‘Irish’. ‘Multiculturalism’ has been the greatest disaster in British history.

The Invasion

The Empire Windrush was originally a German cruise liner. The ship began its career in
1930 as the MV Monte Rosa. Until the outbreak of war it was used as part of the German
Kraft durch Freude (‘Strength through Joy’) program. ‘Strength through Joy’ enabled more
than 25 million Germans of all classes to enjoy subsidized travel and numerous other
leisure pursuits, thereby enhancing the sense of community and racial togetherness.
Racial solidarity, rather than class position, was emphasized by drawing lots for the
allocation of cabins on vessels like the Monte Rosa, rather than providing superior
accommodation only for those who could afford a certain rate. Until the outbreak of war,
the vessel was employed in conveying NSDAP members on South American cruises. In
1939 the ship was allocated for military purposes, acting as a troopship for the invasion of
Norway in 1940. In 1944, the Monte Rosa served in the Baltic Sea, rescuing Germans
trapped in Latvia, East Prussia and Danzig by the advance of the Red Army. Finally, in
May 1945, her German career ended when she was captured by advancing British forces
at Kiel and taken as a prize of war. The British renamed her Empire Windrush on 21
January 1947, and also employed her as a troop carrier. Sailing from Southampton, the
ship took British troops to destinations as varied as Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore and
Hong Kong. Crucially, the ship was not operated directly by the British Government, but by
the New Zealand Shipping Company.

The New Zealand Shipping Company was Jewish owned and operated. The company was
for the most part controlled by the Isaacs family, particularly the direct descendants of
Henry and George Isaacs. Henry and George left England in 1852 at the instigation of a
third brother, Edward, and arrived in Auckland via Melbourne. They established the firm of
E & H Isaacs, acting as profiteers during the New Zealand wars, and winning a number of
heavy contracts in connection with the provisioning of the troops. Henry Isaacs took a
great interest in shipping affairs, and was for many years a member of the Auckland
Harbour Board. He was one of the chief shareholders of the Auckland Shipping Company,
which was subsequently merged into the New Zealand Shipping Company. The other
major shareholders of the company were Laurence and Alfred Nathan, of L.D. Nathan &
Company. The Auckland shipping industry, like many colonial shipping routes, had by the
1890s been effectively monopolized by Jews. During 1947 and 1948 many former German
vessels were passed on to several of these contracted private companies at the discretion
of the Ministry for War and the Ministry for Transport. The Secretary of State for War during
these crucial years was Emanuel Shinwell, the son of Polish and Dutch Jews. Shinwell
was discovered by MI5 to have been passing British secrets to the Irgun in Palestine in
November 1947. He disproportionately handed government vessels and contracts to fellow

In 1948 the British Empire was crumbling in the aftermath of the Second World War. India
had been granted independence in 1947, and an exhausted, over-stretched, and indebted
Britain was busy arranging for the return of colonial troops to their homelands, and the
collection of others for present or future conflicts. The Windrush was used mainly for this
purpose until in May 1948 the ship’s Jewish operators were given permission by the British
Ministry of Transport to increase their profits by filling to capacity with commercial
customers (immigrants rather than contracted troops) at Jamaica before returning to
Britain with these new settlers. British politicians were shocked and the British public had
no choice or say in the matter. This action was authorized by the Minister of Civil Aviation –

The Invasion

Harry Louis Nathan, formerly a member of the law firm of Herbert Oppenheimer, Nathan
and Vandyk, and a distant relative of the owners of the NZ Shipping Company.

From the early 19th century until the First World War, English Jewry was ruled by a tightly
connected oligarchy. This Jewish elite comprised some twenty inter-related Ashkenazi and
Sephardic families including the houses of Goldsmith, Montagu, Nathan, Cohen, Isaacs,
Abrahams, Samuel, and Montefiore. At its head, of course, stood the House of Rothschild.
This network of families had an exceptionally high degree of consanguinity, leading to it
being termed “The Cousinhood.” Conversion and intermarriage in the group was
exceptionally rare, if not non-existent. The business activities of the group overlapped to
the same degree as their bloodlines. It was the Cousinhood that pioneered the way into
direct political power for Jews in Britain. By 1900, through a process of ethnic and familial
networking, the Cousinhood had secured many of the most significant administrative
positions in the Empire. Feldman notes that the Nathan family alone had by that date
secured the positions of Governor of the Gold Coast, Hong Kong and Natal, Attorney-
General and Chief Justice in Trinidad, Private Secretary to the Viceroy of India, Officiating
Chief Secretary to the Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam, and Postmaster-General
of Bengal. In Parliament, Lionel Abrahams was Permanent Assistant Under-Secretary at
the India Office, working under his cousin Edwin Montagu who was then Parliamentary
Under-Secretary for India. Together with the rapid development of a Jewish monopoly over
key Imperial positions were countless cases of nepotistic corruption and profit-seeking.
The Cousinhood was instrumental in disseminating false Russian pogrom narratives
throughout the West, in fomenting the profit-driven Boer War, and in the Indian Silver and
Marconi scandals. Having a Jew running the Ministry for War and a Jewish cousin working
in the Ministry for Transport was good news for Cousinhood members who had
monopolized shipping companies and routes and now stood to gain from successive
government contracts to newly acquisitioned vessels like the Empire Windrush. These
government contracts and the Jewish quest for profit played a huge role in the proliferation
of the commercial passenger industry that would bring wave after wave of Africans,
Indians and Pakistanis to Britain over the next two decades. Without Jewish involvement,
mass non-white immigration would have never happened.

Around three weeks before the Empire Windrush arrived in Jamaica, Blacks were
bombarded with ads for cheap travel to Britain and articles extolling the new life they could
have in London. Stephen Pollard wrote that “the response was almost instantaneous.
Queues formed outside the booking agency and every place was sold.” Many of the ads
were propaganda pieces that presented an idealized picture of life and job opportunities in
Britain – in stark contrast to the bleak reality. Nonetheless, the ads were successful in
encouraging Blacks to immigrate to the new welfare state.

Daniel Lawrence quotes, as an example, one migrant who explained his move to Britain:
“Well, I left Jamaica because I saw the advertisements in The Gleaner. […] I left to better
my position. That was the chief reason.” The Gleaner, is part of the Gleaner Company
which to this day enjoys an effective monopoly of the Jamaican press. The company has
its origins in 1834, when it was founded by the Jewish brothers Jacob and Joshua De
Cordova. Since its founding it has been a kind of Jamaican micro-Cousinhood. Even when
it registered as a private company in 1897, its first directors possessed a mixture of
Ashkenazi and Sephardi names, from Ashenheim to de Mercado. At the time the Empire

The Invasion

Windrush ads appeared, the managing director was Michael de Cordova. Even as late as
the 1960s, and despite numbering no more than six hundred in the whole country,
according to Anita Waters the powerful Jewish minority of Jamaica controlled “many of the
larger economic enterprises.” Before the socialist policies of the Manley administration
were implemented (1972–1980), Jews “controlled the country’s only cement factory, the
radio sector, the telephone company, and the largest rum company.”

The Empire Windrush was passed into Jewish ownership by a Jewish Secretary for War,
given the green light to boost profits and start bringing non-Whites to Britain by a Jewish
Minister for Civil Aviation, and provided with armies of eager passengers by a Jewish-
owned media. Despite these facts, a myth emerged in the aftermath of the ship’s arrival.
Pollard wrote that:
“In the years since the arrival of the Empire Windrush […] a myth has taken hold
that the British government was responsible for bringing the passengers over as
part of a concerted plan to help overcome a labour shortage but this is wrong. It is
clear from the reaction of ministers that they were as surprised as the public when
they first learned, via a telegram from the Acting Governor of Jamaica on May 11,
what was about to happen.”

The Myth deflected the blame away from the Jews of the shipping industry and Jews in
government. With the relevant contracts assigned and the process underway, Harry
Nathan quietly vacated his position on May 31, 1948.

The Invasion

The Labour government believed that the colonies should be “freely admissible to the
United Kingdom”. This was influenced by the interpretation of existing immigration law
presented to them. The responsibility for interpreting existing law for the Crown and the
Cabinet lies with the Solicitor General – a role that had been occupied since 1945 by
another Jew, Frank Soskice. Soskice would later introduce Britain’s first legislation
containing a provision prohibiting ‘group libel.’ Soskice, was the son of a Russian-Jewish
revolutionary exile. It was Soskice who “drew up the legislation” and “piloted the first Race
Relations Act, 1965, through Parliament.” The Act “aimed to outlaw racial discrimination in
public places.” Crucially, the 1965 Act created the ‘Race Relations Board’ and equipped it
with the power to sponsor research for the purposes of monitoring race relations in Britain
and, if necessary, extending legislation on the basis of the ‘findings’ of such research.

Soskice used this to silence any so-called “racist” reactions among Ministers to the arrival
of Empire Windrush and subsequent streams of Black immigrants sailing on Jewish
vessels. It was Soskice who informed Arthur Creech Jones, the anti-immigration Labour
Minister, that neither the Jamaican nor the British government had any legal power in
peacetime to prevent the landing at Tilbury of the Empire Windrush. And so the former
Monte Rosa, once a triumphant symbol of ‘Strength through Joy,’ disgorged its passengers
on the Thames as part of a new initiative: ‘Destruction through Diversity.’ It was soon
followed by numerous other troopships, like the SS Orbita, filled with non-white invaders
and stinking of “vomit and urine.”

It was only during the next Churchill government that some reflection took place on the
longer-term implications of what had begun, with Churchill recorded by Sir Norman Brook
as remarking:
“Problems will arise if many colored people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves
with colour problems in the UK? Attracted by Welfare State. Public Opinion in UK
won’t tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.”

Over the course of the following decade, Black immigration to Britain increased
dramatically. Between 1948 and 1952 between around 2,000 Blacks entered Britain each
year. By 1957 the figure had climbed to 42,000. Government investigations into this new
population revealed that the idea that Blacks were helping fill a labor shortage was
fictitious. In one report, completed in December 1953, civil servants stated that the new
population found it difficult to secure employment not because of prejudice among Whites,
but because the newcomers had “low output” and their working life was marked by
“irresponsibility, quarrelsomeness, and lack of discipline.” Black women were “slow
mentally,” and Black men were “more volatile in temperament than white workers […] more
easily provoked to violence […] lacking in stamina,” and generally “not up to the standards
required by British employers.”

Worse, future social and criminal patterns were already being established. In 1954 Home
Secretary David Maxwell Fyfe issued a secret memorandum to the cabinet on blacks
pimping White women, stating that: “Figures I have obtained from the Metropolitan police
do show that the number of colored men convicted for this offense is out of all proportion

The Invasion

to the number of colored men in London.” Three months later he again wrote to the cabinet
stressing that “large numbers of colored people are living on national assistance or the
immoral earnings of white women.”

In 1958 the Eugenics Society, now the Galton

Institute, issued warnings that the mingling of
races that had started in Britain “ran counter to
the great developing pattern of human
evolution” and attacked the United Nations for
minimizing the “quite obvious dissimilarities
between people and individuals.” The Notting
Hill riots, occurring a decade after the arrival of
Empire Windrush, were seeded one August
evening when White youths intervened in an
argument between a Swedish prostitute and
her Black ‘husband’ Raymond Morrison. A
brawl broke out between the youths and
Morrison’s friends. The following day some of
the White youths verbally assaulted the Swede
for being a “Black man’s trollop.” The White
youths then assembled between three and four
hundred fellows to begin a violent
demonstration against Black criminality,
resulting in six days and nights of almost
uninterrupted inter-ethnic warfare. Jewish lawyers stifled free speech and any opposition
to mass non-white immigration to Britain through laws on “race relations” and political

Jewish politician Barbara Roche was Minister of State for Asylum and Immigration from
1999 to 2001. During her career she created policies of state-enforced multiculturalism.
The British government deliberately engineered mass immigration and sent out ‘search
parties’ to encourage people to immigrate to Britain. Between 1997 and 2010, net
migration to Britain totaled more than 2.2 million, more than twice the population of
Birmingham. Jewish politician Peter Mandelson was central in organizing mass
immigration to Britain during this period. Jews were wholly responsible for the migration of
so-called “Syrian refugees” to the United Kingdom. The organization ‘Support Refugees’
was set up and is managed by The Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE) and West
London Synagogue of British Jews. Their website is produced under the auspices of
Jewish Communal Taskforce for Refugees, the members of which are:
• Board of Deputies
• Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)
• Jewish Leadership Council
• Liberal Jewish Synagogue Drop-In
• Mitzvah Day
• Rene Cassin
• West London Synagogue
• Union of Jewish Students
• World Jewish Relief

The Invasion

They are in turn supported by the following organizations

• Board of Deputies
• Liberal Judaism
• Masorti Judaism
• Movement for Reform Judaism
• Office of the Chief Rabbi
• United Synagogue

2010 research found that White Britons (defined as White English, Welsh, Scottish and
Irish-born citizens) will be a minority in the UK by 2066 if immigration continued at the
current rate. The 50 per cent mark will be passed much quicker among schoolchildren,
students and young workers. The 2011 census found that White British were only 44.9% of
the population of London. The group Other White were an additional 14.9%. The absolute
number of White British had decreased by 600,000 from the earlier census in 2001,
indicating large-scale White flight from the capital city. A 2018 analysis stated that three in
four students from London will be non-White by 2030. White British people are also a
minority already in Luton, Leicester, and Slough. In the 2011 census, Savile Town in West
Yorkshire was recorded a 93% Asian Muslim population and experiencing significant
economic decline. In 2016, fewer than one per cent of the suburb's residents were White
British, the smallest indigenous percentage in the United Kingdom. A 2014 study stated
that 14% of the UK population was non-White. In the 1960s, they were only 5% of the
population. Mixed race persons were in 2014 stated to be the UK's fastest growing
minority ethnic group. Also in 2014, 1 in 10 couples were ethnically mixed.

Already in 2005 White Britons were less than 2/3 (64.4%) of newborns in England and
Wales. Irish/Other White were an additional 5.1%. In 2016, mothers born outside the UK
accounted for 28.2 per cent of live births in England and Wales. More than 100 Schools in
the UK have no White British pupils at all. In some schools in England, all girls are forced
to wear the Islamic veil.

The Invasion

The Invasion

69% of School Children in London are Non-White. In 2018, only 66.1% of primary school
children in England were White British. The percentage of White Brits is falling every year.
In 2013, fewer than one in three pupils in Birmingham schools were White British, now that
figure is even lower. The name "Muhammad" has, with slight spelling variations, been the
most popular baby name in England and Wales every year since 2011. The number of
Muslim children in Britain doubled between 2005 and 2015. In some parts of Birmingham
more than 80% of school pupils are Muslim. In the United Kingdom, the population of
Muslims is greater than the entire population of Wales. 68% of Muslims in Britain support
the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam.

The Invasion

Ireland is also experiencing replacement migration. A 2007 article stated that "In the past
ten years, Ireland has experienced a greater rise in the percentage of immigrants than
Britain experienced over the past half century. [...] According to the 2006 census, which
has been gradually released over the summer, 420,000 foreign nationals, or about 10
percent of the population, now live here. [...] In some primary schools in Dublin, some 50
percent of the children are from nonnational backgrounds."

In May 2016, the Muslim Sadiq Khan was elected as the new Mayor of London. His very
first political initiative was to enforce a ban on displaying women in bikini swimwear on
advertising spaces on London buses. This is in line with Islamic doctrine that forbids form-
fitting clothing or clothing that exposes a lot of skin. Sadiq Khan has said that terror attacks
are “part and parcel of living in a big city”. Sadiq Khan said that there are “400 Jihadists in
London” but he can't be expected to track them. Meanwhile Sadiq Khan set up a “hate
crime hub” to work in “partnership with social media providers” to criminalize “trolls”.
Clearly internet censorship is more important to him than stopping Muslim terror attacks in

The British government and police fully support the Islamization of Britain. In Bristol, a man
was imprisoned for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque. He was killed by other
inmates halfway through his 12-month sentence. WaterWorld in Stoke-on-Trent banned
bikinis and ordered visitors to wear “islamically appropriate' clothes. In 2008, the police
made a formal apology to Muslims over a police advert which had a puppy. Halal meat and
Muslim religious butchering has become common in Britain. Children are forced to attend
Islamic lessons in British schools.

The Invasion

London was one of the main centers of European civilization but as its population has
been replaced, it has putrefied – becoming a wasteland of crime and murder. London is
the acid attack hotspot of the western world with 316 attacks in the London Borough of
Newham. It is no coincidence that Newham’s population is 83.3% non-British according to
the last survey in 2011. The victims are known to include a two-year-old boy who suffered
burns to his face when acid was thrown while he was in his pushchair near his Islington
home in April 2017. His mother, then 36, and father, 40, who had been taking the toddler
for a walk, were also hurt. Nobody has ever been arrested over the attack.

In 2003, Charlene Downes, a 14-year-old girl was murdered by Muslims in Blackpool.

They mutilated and chopped up her body, and then put it in the food they served at a
kebab shop. In March 2008, Martine Vik Magnussen, a 23-year-old Norwegian female
business student was raped and murdered by a Muslim and was found in the basement of
an apartment block, hidden under rubble, in a block of flats in Great Portland Street,
London. The murderer was never punished. In 2015, Jamaican Lloyd Byfield smashed his
way into the apartment of Londoner Leighann Duffy after she spurned his advances.
Armed with a claw hammer and knife he stabbed her 14 times in front of her six year old
daughter. Byfield was an illegal immigrant who had previously been jailed for 30 weeks
after attacking a White woman with a chisel. A deportation order was made during that
sentencing, but the government refused to deport him. Her death could have been
prevented, but instead this non-white invader was set free to kill British people. In 2018, a
group of Muslim women attacked a British woman in Leicester while yelling “kill the white
slag”. The gang knocked her on the floor and kicked her in the head. The judge freed them
citing his reason as 'they weren't used to drinking because they're Muslims'. In 2019, three
Muslim invaders set fire to a shop in Leicester as part of an insurance scam. They killed
five people living above the shop. A Muslim invader in London murdered two women and
stuffed their bodies into a lockable freezer and kept the bodies there for years. He was
caught in 2019. Also in 2019, a Muslim invader from Afghanistan stabbed people inside a
Tesco Extra store because “He wanted to kill English people”.

The Invasion

The Invasion

On March 22, 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was riding a scooter in Queen’s Park,
in Bolton on Mother's Day. She rode past a woman on a bench, that woman was a Muslim
invader who fatally stabbed Emily in the neck. The woman was arrested by the police and
protected from harm. Eltiona Skan – an Albanian immigrant – was given a life sentence,
but only has to serve a minimum of 8 years. It is British taxpayers who foot the bill for her
upkeep in Prison.

She was killed by a Muslim Invader.

The British government protects and supports these Muslim Invaders.

The Invasion

On May 22, 2017, a Muslim invader detonated a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb as

people were leaving the Manchester Arena following a concert by American singer Ariana
Grande. Twenty-three people died, including the attacker, and more than 800 were
wounded, some of them children.

The Invasion

More than 1,400 girls and young women were

raped and sexually abused by Muslim
immigrants in Rotherham. They targeted and
abused girls for multiple decades, beginning in
the 1970s all the way to 2013. The police knew
that Muslim immigrants were abusing children
but did not take action – they allowed it to
happen. Children as young as 11 were raped by
multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to
other cities in England, beaten and intimidated,
it said. Rotherham Borough Council also knew
that it was happening but didn’t report it because
they did not want to be called “racist”. The
inquiry team found examples of "children who
had been doused in petrol and threatened with
being set alight, threatened with guns, made to
witness brutally violent rapes and threatened
they would be next if they told anyone". The
victims described the perpetrators but were
ignored by social services and Police because
of direction from their managers to do so. Their
stories were suppressed for years. The Police
even admitted that they knew children were being raped but did nothing because they
more more concerned of increasing “racial tensions”. It was only in 2013, that a few of the
rapists were convicted. The majority of the perpetrators were never punished and by then
the organized gang rapes had been going on for generations. The case in Rotherham is
not unique. There are an estimated 1 million victims of non-white immigrant rape gangs in
the United Kingdom. Non-white immigrant Rape gangs have been operating in cities
across Britain, Ireland, Australia and other countries and their crimes are covered up by
the police.

Police and social workers investigating child sex exploitation in Manchester knew children
were suffering “the most profound abuse but did not protect them”. After a child's death in
2003, police identified at least 97 suspects, but "very few" faced justice, an independent
review found. The police operation was “prematurely closed down” after officers decided to
“remove resources”, the report said. The children were all abused by non-white
immigrants. Victoria Agoglia was in the care of Manchester City Council following the
death of her mother. The report found her carers were aware of her being subjected to
“multiple threats, sexual assaults and serious sexual exploitation” and had been told that
she was being “injected with heroin by an older Asian man [but] no action was taken by the
police or social care”. She subsequently died “having been administered an overdose”, but
the men who exploited her "have never been brought to justice”, the report said, adding
that its authors had been denied access to files relating to Victoria by the Manchester

The Invasion

There have been dozens of rape gangs in the United Kingdom who target and rape
vulnerable girls – all of the perpetrators are non-white and predominantly Muslim. The
towns and cities where these non-white invaders operate include but are not limited to:
Accrington, Aylsebury, Banbury, Barking, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton,
Bradford, Bristol, Burton-upon-Trent, Bury, Canterbury, Chelmsford, Chesham, Coventry,
Derby, Dewsbury, Halifax, Harrow, High Wycombe. Huddersfield, Keighley, Leeds, London,
Middlesbrough, Nelson, Newcastle, Oxford, Peterborough, Preston, Rochdale, Rotherham,
Stevenage, and Telford.

One of the key figures who covered up the crimes of Muslim Invaders was Sue Berelowitz.
She is a Jewish politician and was the Children’s commissioner. Throughout her career
she denied that Pakistanis were involved in grooming gangs until it was exposed in 2013.
In 2015, she was paid £134,000 annually and only worked up to 9 days a month.

The Invasion

At Goldsmiths Students' Union, the Student Diversity Officer Bahar Mustafa banned White
people and men from the anti-racism protest meeting. In Sheffield a British couple were
thrown off a bus by Muslims for singing the peppa pig theme song to their baby. In
Coventry, a white mother was forced out of her home by Blacks. A note was posted to her
flat saying her home was for “blacks only”. Her front door was covered in feces and graffiti.
The woman was harassed by her black neighbors only a few days after moving into her
new flat in Willenhall, Coventry, with her two young boys. In London, many areas have
graffiti saying “Whites not Welcome” in Invader occupied districts. These non-white
invaders do not want to integrate. They hate British people and see white people as the

The Invasion

United States
The United States of America, is a White nation built by White Men for whites. The very
nature of the U.S. is white in every sense of the word, and this aspect of American identity
is inseparable. The definition of what it means to be “American” is firmly rooted in a White
European foundation, and to remove this important racial element would be to destroy its
identity and replace it with the current decomposition experienced today, which is not
based on any shared blood, history, or identity, but on some adherence to a supposed
“shared set of values” which have no basis in reality. Any amount of foreign races, even
one who have lived in America for three generations or more and have supposedly
“integrated”, inherently dilute the innate White European nature of American society and
threaten the long-term survival of American civilization due to the fact their people played
no part in building or defining America from the start, and have absolutely no deeper
connection to the European race and shared history and identity as a people. These non-
whites will forever remain foreigners living in another race’s land, and thus can only work
to dilute the racial and cultural identity.

The only way non-whites could ever be incorporated into the definition of “American” would
be to completely negate and ultimately destroy the central White racial element that has
defined Americans from the beginning, thus leaving the gates open to the importation of
more non-whites, all of whom are naturally incapable of upholding the White identity,
culture, and history that is such an integral part of America. Not only do all non-White
immigrants and their offspring have a vested interest in ensuring the innate racial portion
of American identity is destroyed so that they feel incorporated into the definition of
American, but also continue this process of mass non-white immigration, since they
themselves owe their presence in America to this system. Having non-Whites in the nation
at all creates an unsustainable feedback loop that will always result in more non-whites
filling up the states and demanding special recognition and the usurpation of the white
historic identity, as is happening today. Since America is part of Western Civilization and is
a construct of the European Race, and western culture is a direct expression of the
European race’s unique vigor, importing any amount of foreigners who belong to a non-
European race and who are both genetically and circumstantially incapable of maintaining
and growing our civilization in the way Europeans have done so for generations, inherently
threatens not only the survival of American cultural, national, and racial identity, but also
makes Americans lose sight of who they are as a people, where they come from, and the
strong White European foundations on which the United States was built. It’s simply
ludicrous to believe that a non-white from China, India, Africa or the Middle East have has
any capacity to, or even interest in continuing to uplift white culture, traditions and identity
like our ancestors have done so for centuries. Culture is not something that can be simply
separated from a a race of people. It does not exist in a vacuum. A living, breathing, and
uniting culture – one that can truly uplift a people and allow them to reach their full
potential spiritually and mentally, can only exist in a racially homogeneous nation with a
single identity.

Israel Zangwill was a Jewish author at the forefront of cultural Zionism during the 19th
century, and was a close associate of Theodor Herzl. He created a play called “The
Melting Pot”, first staged in 1908. It depicts the life of a Russian Jewish immigrant family,

The Invasion

the Quixanos. David Quixano has survived a pogrom, which killed his mother and sister,
and he wishes to forget this horrible event. He composes an "American Symphony" and
wants to look forward to a society free of ethnic divisions and hatred, rather than backward
at his traumatic past. This play was one of the first productions to promote Multiculturalism
in America.

In the book A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, published in 1913 by Israel Cohen
of the Fabian Society (a follow-up to Zangwill's play The Melting Pot), he wrote: "We must
realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the
consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the whites, we
can mold them to the program of the Communist Party ... In America, we will aim for subtle
victory. While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites
a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to
prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and
entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites,
and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

On June 17, 1957, this passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas
G. Abernathy. In 1922, the Russian Comintern provided $300,000 for the spreading of
communist propaganda among Negroes. In 1925, the Communist Party USA told its
members: "The aim of our Party in our work among the Negro masses is to create a
powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race
against the exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of
the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class ... and connect them with
the struggles of national minorities and colonial peoples of all the world and thereby the
cause of world revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat." Jacob Schiff, the
Rothschild's man in America, decided that the best way to create racial tension was to
establish leadership among the blacks. In 1909, he laid out plans for the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). It was the merging of the
communist-controlled Niagara Movement, a group of blacks led by W.E.B. duBois, and a
group of white social activists. In the beginning, the top leaders of the NAACP were a
group of Jews appointed by Schiff. Their goal was to fight segregation and discrimination.
They are now the largest black organization in the country, with well over 1500 chapters,
and about a half-million members. Communist Party members were told to join the NAACP
in order to infiltrate them. The Communist Party platform stated: "The Negro race must
understand that capitalism means racial oppression, and communism means social and
racial equality." Manning Johnson, who held the highest position a black could have in the
Communist Party, said in his 1958 book Color, Communism and Common Sense that he
quit because he felt Russia was attempting to involve them in a bloody revolution where as
many as five million blacks would die. Another Negro Communist, Leonard Patterson,
testified on November 18, 1950: "I left the Communist Party because I became
convinced ... that the Communist Party was only interested in promoting among the Negro
people a national liberation movement that would aid the Communist Party in its efforts to
create a proletarian revolution in the United States that would overthrow the government
by force and violence through bloody full-time revolution, and substitute it with a Soviet
form of government with a dictatorship of the proletariat."

The Invasion

The following are Jews who founded, worked for, or are otherwise associated with the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP):
• Joel Spingarn
• Arthur Spingarn
• Julius Rosenthal
• Henry Malkewitz
• Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch
• Lillian Wald
• Kivie Kaplan
• Nathan Margold
• Jack Greenberg
• Julian Mack
• Henry Moskowitz
• Herbert Hill
• Louis Marshall
• Rabbi David Saperstein
• Rabbi Stephen Wise
• Herbert Lehman
• Arthur Sachs
• Herbert Seligmann
• Martha Gruening
• Felix Frankfurter
• Herman Lehman
• June Shagaloff (birthname, not married name) Special Counsel
• Milton R. Konvitz Assistant Special Counsel; aid to Thurgood Marshall at NAACP
• Helen (Lehman) Buttenwieser on NAACP's Legal Defense Fund (LDF, aka LDEF)
• Michael Meltsner first assistant counsel in NAACP's LDF
• Louis H. Pollack vice president of NAACP's LDF
• Andrew D. Weinberger NAACP lawyer
• Paul Bender lawyers' training instructor in NAACP's LDF
• Michael Sovern lawyer's training director in LDF/LDF board member
• Albert Sachs lawyers' training instructor in LDF
• James Vorenberg LDF board member
• Norman Redlich LDF board member
• Lani Guinier (halfBlack, w/ Jewish mother) lawyer in LDF
• James Liebman assistant counsel in LDF
• Peter Zimroth a law student intern at LDF Bernard Segal LDF board member; he
was key in urging President Kennedy to aid Black civil rights (and he cochaired a
committee set up by Kennedy the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law to
aid Black civil rights. Significantly, Segal recommended many of the attorneys on
the committee; that committee still exists today); Segal was also a key player in the
opposition to Alabama governor George Wallace's racial policies.
• Dorothy Rosenman LDF board member
• Dave Pinsky NAACP staff lawyer
• Henry Aronson NAACP staff lawyer in Mississippi

The Invasion

The 1921 Emergency Quota Act restricted immigration to 3% of foreign-born persons of

each nationality that resided in the United States in 1910. The Immigration Act of 1924,
also called the National Origins Act, provided that for three years the formula would
change from 3% to 2% and the basis for the calculation would be the census of 1890
instead of that of 1910. After June 30, 1927, total immigration from all countries will be
limited to 150,000, with allocations by country based upon national origins of inhabitants
according to the census of 1920. The quota system applied only to non-Asian immigrants.
It aimed to reduce the overall number of unskilled immigrants, to allow families to re-unite,
and to prevent immigration from changing the ethnic distribution of the population. The
1924 Act also included the Asian Exclusion Act, which limited immigration to persons
eligible for naturalization. As a result, East Asians and South Asians were effectively
banned from immigrating. Africans were also subjected to severe restrictions. Immigration
from North and South America was not restricted.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 retained but relaxed the National Origins
Formula. It modified the ratios to be based on the 1920 census and eliminated racial
restrictions, but retained restrictions by national origin. President Harry Truman vetoed it
because of its continued use of national quotas, but the Act was passed over his veto. The
quotas were in addition to 600,000 refugees admitted from Europe after World War II. The
National Origins Formula was abolished by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,
which marked a colossal change in American immigration policy. It was proposed by
United States Representative Emanuel Celler of New York, a Jewish politician. The bill
was written by Norbert Schlei who was Jewish, and its official name is the Hart-Celler bill;
Emmanuel Celler spent his entire career in Congress as a leader in opposition to
immigration restriction, beginning with his hostility to the 1924 law which enshrined quotas
favoring Northwestern Europeans. As soon as the bill was passed, Jewish organizations
focused their efforts on increasing the numbers of immigrants. It changed America’s
demographics, opening the doors to immigrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
The 1965 law was the culmination of a 40-year effort by the Jewish community to overturn
the 1924 law.

Hugh Davis Graham explained in his 2002 book Collision Course (pp. 56-57):
“Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of
the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active
in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish
Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai
B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members
of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had
maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins
quotas since the 1920s.[...] To the public, the most visible evidence of the
immigration reform drive was played by Jewish legislative leaders, such as
Representative Celler and Senator Jacob Javits of New York. Less visible, but
equally important, were the efforts of key advisers on presidential and agency staffs.
These included senior policy advisers such as Julius Edelson and Harry Rosenfield
in the Truman administration, Maxwell Rabb in the Eisenhower White House, and
presidential aide Myer Feldman, assistant secretary of state Abba Schwartz, and
deputy attorney general Norbert Schlei in the Kennedy-Johnson administration.”

The Invasion

In the mid-20th century, American Jews were among the most active participants in the
Civil Rights Movement and feminist movements. A number of American Jews have also
been active figures in the struggle for gay rights in America. Joachim Prinz, president of
the American Jewish Congress, stated the following when he spoke from the podium at the
Lincoln Memorial during the famous March on Washington on August 28, 1963:
“As Jews we bring to this great demonstration, in which thousands of us proudly
participate, a twofold experience—one of the spirit and one of our history. […] From
our Jewish historic experience of three and a half thousand years we say: Our
ancient history began with slavery and the yearning for freedom. During the Middle
Ages my people lived for a thousand years in the ghettos of Europe. [...] It is for
these reasons that it is not merely sympathy and compassion for the black people of
America that motivates us. It is, above all and beyond all such sympathies and
emotions, a sense of complete identification and solidarity born of our own painful
historic experience.”

The Invasion

Since the Hart-Celler bill of 1965, Jews have campaigned for more and more immigration
from non-white countries, further immigration reforms and “civil rights”. In 1970, when the
United States District Court for the Central District of California ordered the Pasadena
Unified School District Desegregation, the white-student proportion (54%) of the schools
approximately reflected the school district’s proportional white populace (53%). Once the
federally ordered school desegregation began, whites who could afford private schools
withdrew their children from the racially diverse Pasadena public school system. By 2004,
Pasadena had 63 private schools educating some 33% of schoolchildren, while white
students made up only 16% of the public school populace. The Pasadena Unified School
District superintendent characterized public schools as “like the bogey-man” to whites. He
implemented policies to attract white parents to the racially diverse Pasadena public
school district. In the event, white flight rapidly altered the racial composition of public
school systems. For instance, upon desegregation in 1957 in Baltimore, Maryland, the
Clifton Park Junior High School had 2,023 white students and 34 black students; ten years
later, it had twelve white students and 2,037 black students. In northwest Baltimore,
Garrison Junior High School’s student body declined from 2,504 whites and twelve blacks
to 297 whites and 1,263 blacks in that period. At the same time, the city’s working class
population declined because of the loss of industrial jobs as heavy industry restructured.

The United States has accepted two new immigrants for each additional job created
between 2000 and 2015, according to federal data. The data shows that 18 million legal
and illegal immigrants settled in the United States from 2000 to 2015, while only 9.3 million
additional jobs were created, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The
demographic makeup of America has become increasingly more Hispanic. The United
States has more Spanish speakers than Spain and only Mexico has more. More than half
of all illegal immigrants in America are on welfare. The average household headed by an
immigrant (legal or illegal) costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits, which is 41
percent higher than the $4,431 received by the average native household. The average
immigrant household consumes 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food
assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native household.
Housing costs are about the same for both groups.

In 1980, nearly half of U.S. counties – 1,412 of them – had populations that were almost
exclusively (98 percent or more) white. Thirty years later, only 149 counties – fewer than
five percent – fit that same description. White people have been a minority in California
since 2000. Almost half of all people in California don’t speak English at home. White
people are also the minority in Texas. America is becoming less white. The U.S. Census
Bureau revealed that in 2014, minorities made up a majority of children under five years of
age in the United States for the first time, the percentage of white births has been
decreasing further every year. White children are a minority in all new births in the United
States. White children are also the minority in American public schools. According to the
Brookings Institute, the United States of America will become a white minority country
within 25 years.

The Invasion

Detroit in 1916 before it was taken over by non-whites.

The Invasion

George Soros (born Schwartz György) is a Jewish billionaire investor. In 2020, he had a
net worth of $8.3 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society
Foundations. Born in Budapest, Soros lived in Hungary during World War II and moved to
the United Kingdom in 1947. He studied at the London School of Economics and was
awarded a bachelor's, then obtaining a master's, and eventually a Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.) from University of London. Soros began his business career by taking various jobs
at merchant banks in the United Kingdom and then the United States, before starting his
first hedge fund, Double Eagle, in 1969. Profits from his first fund furnished the seed
money to start Soros Fund Management, his second hedge fund, in 1970. Double Eagle
was renamed to Quantum Fund and was the principal firm Soros advised. At its founding,
Quantum Fund had $12 million in assets under management, and as of 2011 it had $25
billion, the majority of Soros' overall net worth. Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke
the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds, which
made him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.
Based on his early studies of philosophy, Soros formulated an application of Karl Popper's
General Theory of Reflexivity to capital markets, which he claims renders a clear picture of
asset bubbles and fundamental/market value of securities, as well as value discrepancies
used for shorting and swapping stocks. Soros is a supporter of “progressive and liberal
political causes”, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open
Society Foundations. Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various
“philanthropic” causes. He influenced the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in the
late 1980s and early 1990s, and provided one of Europe's largest higher education
endowments to the Central European University in his Hungarian hometown. He has given
more than $100 million dollars to immigrant rights groups, BLM and Antifa.

Joe Klein is a Jewish writer for Time magazine. Klein is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations and is a former Guggenheim Fellow. He has written articles and book
reviews for The New Republic, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Life, and
Rolling Stone. He wrote an article for Time in 2013 called “Trayvon’s Death is an Outrage,
But… Thanks to immigration, stronger laws and years of hard work, our poisonous biracial
era is ending.”

Tim Wise is Jewish activist, speaker, and writer who trained teachers, corporate
employees, and law enforcement officers in “methods for addressing and dismantling
White racism in their institutions” in the United States. He wrote the book ‘Dear White
America: Letter to a New Minority’. In 2010, he wrote the following as an “open letter to
white right” on his website:
“Because you’re [white people are] on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald
eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or
so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually
remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-
Fishing Hole cornpone bullshit that you hold so near and dear to your heart. There
won’t be any more white folks around who think the 1950s were the good old days,
because there won’t be any more white folks around who actually remember them,
and so therefore, we’ll be able to teach about them accurately and honestly, without
hurting your precious feelings, or those of the so-called “greatest generation” — a
bunch whose white contingent was top-heavy with ethical miscreants who helped
save the world from fascism only to return home and oppose the ending of it here,

The Invasion

by doing nothing to lift a finger on behalf of the civil rights struggle. It’s OK. Because
in about forty years, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you
can do about it.”

Tim Wise’s view is shared by many other liberals and Jewish academics. Moses Rifkin
who worked as a Physics teacher at a High School in Seattle included lessons on “White
privilege”. He promoted his lesson plan to other high-school science instructors. Noel
Ignatiev was a Jewish professor at Harvard University. He repeatedly called to “abolish the
white race”. Hugo Schwyzer is a Jewish author who writes for the Times of Israel. In 2012,
he published an article titled “Why the 'End' of White Men Is Actually Good for White Men”
on Jezebel. Jewish professor Adam Kotsko called for all white people to commit mass

Chauncey DeVega wrote an article for Salon called “Dear White America: Your toxic
masculinity is killing you.” A Raleigh ‘activist’ and bookstore owner told a panel at Howard
University Law School that the solution to many of the problems faced by black people is
the extermination of “white people off the face of the planet.” An assistant professor at
Cornell University told white students they must commit race suicide and reject the
inherent privilege of their skin color to move past the events in Ferguson. The mainstream
media continually complains that places and professions are “too white”. In 2009, Barack
Obama became the first non-white President of the United States. His administration
furthered the ethnic replacement of White Europeans in America used the housing
department to increase the non-white percentage in neighborhoods that previously were
majority white. Many schools and universities across America teach “White privilege”
lessons while actively discriminating against white people.

The consequences of this anti-white ideology has not failed to materialize. In Brooklyn,
New York, two non-white women forced tenants out at gunpoint and then squatted in their
apartment because they were “Tired of white people moving into the area”. The Federal
Bureau of Investigation found that the black population accounts for 50% of all homicide
and robbery on an annual basis and Blacks commit 56% of all robberies. Blacks are
responsible for 40.8% of all domestic violence cases. At each poverty concentration level,
the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts. The US
Department of Justice found that Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their
children. 93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men. The Black-
White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments. In 2015, a
black judge in Kentucky gave two black home invaders and armed robbers a light
sentence because he felt that their three-year-old white victim was a “racist” because in
her victim statement the little girl said she is now afraid of black people after they broke
into her home and threatened her with a gun. Louisville Judge Olu Stevens attacked the
tiny white toddler and her parents for their “racism” calling the little girl’s statement
“disturbing” while at the same time excusing the actions of the criminals who traumatized
her. At the sentencing trial of one of the robbers, a victim’s impact statement written by the
little girl’s mother was entered into evidence. The statement read in part, “Whenever we
are running errands, if we come across a black male, she holds me tight and begs me to
leave. It has affected her friendships at school and our relationships with African-American
friends.” Then the judge outrageously attacked the little girl saying her statement disgusted

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The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Invasion

The case for homogeneity can be made for the British Isles, Australia, New
Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece and many other
Nations of European Heritage. In the long run, the only binding force that
keeps a nation together is a shared racial and cultural identity. A single culture
is simply impossible to foster in a multiracial population where people come
from vastly different backgrounds, look vastly different, and have no bond to
each other through blood or history. The only result of such an arrangement is
a degradation of our national identity, a loss of social cohesion and trust, and
the creation of conditions that breed dysfunction which ultimately lead to
dystopia populated by mixed bloods with no heritage and ultimately the
destruction of our people. Lack of trust and social cohesion is a staple in
multiracial “societies” due to the fact humans are biologically predisposed to
tribalism, meaning we naturally and oftentimes subconsciously favor our in-
group over foreign races and cultures, and wish to live around and help out
those most similar to us.

An unbroken identity based on blood is what forms the foundation on which

great civilizations can be built. Superficial values come and go and as history
proves, do not stand the test of time, so the only insurance you have that
guarantees your civilization will survive and continue to rise to prominence is
the maintenance of an unbroken racial chain throughout the generations. The
loss of our race to soulless cosmopolitanism results in the loss of European
culture, racial memory, and history, but also threatens our very future as a
people. It is not only in our interests to preserve our racial and cultural
integrity, but also our duty to do so for our ancestors and the future
generations of white European children.


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