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Online Service Appointment System

A Business Case

Presented to the Faculty of the

Computer Applications Department

Saint Louis University

Baguio City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the subject

General Information Technology

REYES, Maria Louegie B.

July 2020
1. Company Selection

GeograFirst, also known as Company G, is a company that focuses on providing services

based on the skills and knowledge of the field of Social Science, Geography. This company

is the first-ever in the Philippines to help customers see the quality of a certain location

or area that they have chosen for their businesses or residence. This company makes

sure that the business location chosen would truly yield profit and revenue. At the same

time, company G promises the safety of the location to its customers by ensuring that

the houses or buildings that were built on the area are not located on the faultline. The

strength and profitability of this company are rooted in the up-to-date experience that

they give to the customers whenever geographers come and visit the location that needs

to be verified, give consultation about, and advice to their valued customers.

2. Planning

a. Company Profile-The idea of company G was rooted in the importance of geography

as a field of the Social Sciences emphasizing geographical location as a key component

when it comes to choosing residential home areas and business locations (Bright

Knowledge, 2020). Geography has been termed as ‘the mother of all sciences’ as the

study of landscapes, landforms, cities, and many others have been key to discoveries

and understanding that led to a better and easier way of living in the society

(Rosenberg, 2020). Offering geographical services has then been the lifeblood of the

company as geographers travel from one place to another to give quality consultation

regarding the chosen area. Since it is the first-ever company to cater such service in

the Philippines, it takes in the opportunity of having a huge competitive advantage.

b. Mission- To deliver first-hand consultations and services to customers who are

looking for a way to assess their chosen locations and areas in the Philippines and to

make sure that the customers are satisfied with the results of the assessment by

training geographers and refining their skills and knowledge at its fullest to deliver

information that is of quality and accuracy. Through this, company owners and

stakeholders can guarantee the high return of their investment and generation of cash

flow, thus satisfying the needs of customers, employees, and owners.

c. Vision- To be able to become the first-ever geographical company in the Philippines

well known for its standard services and A-grade assistance given to every customer.

d. Organizational Chart


COO CFO VP of Human VP of

Resources Research and
Director of Controller
Operations HR Specialist
Office of Program
Development and
General Recruiting Evaluation
Manager Coordinator

Security Desk Staff Area Geographers

Specifics Safety Desk 1 Desk 2

e. Business Rules- Since the business revolves around the field geography, only

registered geographers are allowed to examine the location of the customer. Other

employees must remain in their respective posts and duties and not intervene with

other departments unless instructed to do so. This is overseen by the General

manager and Human Resources. The latter is also in charge of hiring and recruiting

Geographers who must undergo rigorous testing of knowledge and expertise before

they are hired. When it comes to the company’s service provision, geographers must

wait for the general manager’s go signal before going to the location of the customer.

If the geographer is not available in the customer’s area at the specific time the

customer has requested, then the customer must reschedule the appointment to the

time that both the geographer and the customer is available. The company must verify

the schedule beforehand.

Payment should come after the service has been given. Specific information that

customers give off to the company shall be highly classified and are prohibited to be

used by the employees outside the business operations. At the same time, customers

agree that information gathered from their respective locations, feedbacks and any

other information from customers are to be used by the company’s research and

development department. The customer also signs on a paper the time and date the

geographer came for validity. Unsatisfied customers are welcome to request a revisit

from another geographer as long as a valid reason is given and justified by the

customer. On any day of the month, at any time he wishes, the CEO comes and checks

the office and inspects the operations and his employees. Unscheduled visits are made

to make sure that everyone is doing their tasks properly and accordingly.

f. Business Processes-The business process begins as soon as the customer goes to

the business facility located at Baguio City. He or she is assisted by the guard to get

a number from the queueing machine. After this, the customer waits until he or she

is entertained by the employee at desk 1. The employee assesses the concern of the

customer to which most of the time is with regards to safety. If the concern is on

safety, the customer proceeds to the safety desk where his or her location is asked

before transferring to desk 2. If the concern is on other matters, the customer waits

and proceeds to the specifics desk. Here, the customer states his or her concern and

gives his or her location. After this, his or her location is verified at employee desk 2,

wherein checking the availability of the geographer happens. If the geographer is not

available in the area, in that specific time, the customer is asked to reschedule some

other time, leaves, and is accommodated the next time he or she comes back. If the

geographer is available, the customer fills out papers regarding his or her personal

information and waits for information processing. After that, the customer is asked if

he or she wants to meet the geographer assigned in the area. If the customer

declines, then he or she will already schedule the appointment at the employee desk

2. If the customer, on the other hand, prefers to see the geographer, he or she will

have to wait for a few minutes and once the geographer is already present, he or she

will proceed to meet and a short introduction with the geographer will happen. Once

done, the employee at desk 2 schedules the appointment to be confirmed by the

employee at desk 1 and approved by the manager. After the approval has been given,

the customer leaves the vicinity and waits for the geographer at the given schedule.

g. Business Process Diagram (Flowchart)

Goes to the Comes


facility located back on

at Baguio City the next
Waits to
be called

Assists customer

at the queueing

Is the No
at Desk 1

Calls the purpose the
customer and for safety? schedule
asks the intention


Asks for the

customer location

Asks for the


customer purpose
and location

Employee at Desk 2 Is the No
Location geographer Reschedules
verification available? Appointment

Will customer No
Processes meet the
customer geographer?


Meets the

End Gives Approval on the

selected schedule

3. Analysis

a. Problems Encountered-Since Company G is a pioneer company when it comes to

utilizing the field geography in the service industry, the company has faced several

problems. The first one is the problem on slow processing especially when it comes

to serving its customers. Because of the lack of resources and proper Information

systems, customers have to wait long lines before they get to be entertained. This

problem has caused a lot of detrimental effects on the business which include lost

customers, bad reputation, and less productivity (Haire, 2020). As seen in the

flowchart of the business process, the customer has to undergo a lot of steps and

procedures before he or she can get an appointment. First of all, the customer, no

matter his or her address is, has to travel to Baguio where the facility of the company

is. This is for the reason that company G is a pioneer company and is just beginning

its operations in the Philippines. The need to travel from the customer’s location to

Baguio itself to set an appointment already asks so much effort from the part of the

customer. Furthermore, arriving at Baguio, and finding out that there is no

geographer in the area requested not only dissatisfies the customer but also makes

the customer despise the company. Because of the lack of an appropriate and up-to-

date service appointment system, gaining customers may become impossible for

company G and may even cause the downfall of the pioneering company.

The second problem is related to the first one. Due to the lack of an appropriate

system, the company makes use of a pen-and-paper filing system. This system of

organizing and keeping files and documents requires much effort from employees.

At the same time, this is very costly since the company would have to buy much

paper for the customers to write their information on. The cons of this type of

document organization outweigh its pros (Loci Solutions, 2007). Papers reduce the

space in the facility and at the same time, are easily crumpled and physically

damaged. An unforeseen water incident can easily destroy the writings on the papers

which may be hard to retrieve. According to the prior source mentioned, comparing,

and or filing data is extra hard when it comes to the manual pen-and-paper especially

that it requires employees to read each paper one at a time before being able to sort

and file them out, thus leading to confusion and impatience. All in all, such form or

organization and filing is time-consuming and very much impractical.

The third problem faced by the company is related to the pen-and-paper system, the

loss of customer information. Due to their data being written in hard copy, a huge

tendency of misplace happens. Whenever a paper is lost, the information that is

supposed to be compiled is discarded and left unattended. This may cause security

issues (Melo, 2019) thus lessening the customer’s faith in the company. When this

happens, customer loyalty decreases and heightens dissatisfaction. This

phenomenon can also be attributed to the cancellation of the customer’s appointment

due to the loss of information details. Reserved appointments may not be fulfilled,

making the customer expecting disappointed. This leads to countless apologies from

the company which may incur them loss and greater expenses. Oftentimes, the

remedy is to reschedule and let the customer redo the process. However, after such

dissatisfaction, most customers are not likely to repeat the tedious process thus

resort to leaving, giving a bad impression for the company. Among the many

problems a company may face, these three problems are considered to be the biggest

threats to the company as it involves greatly the customers’ satisfaction and

perception of the company. By giving customers a hard time to avail the service, and

input their information, they are most likely to discontinue using the company’s

service and might discourage others from trying the service as well.

b. Proposed Solution- To answer the greatest problems faced by the company, an

online information system must be used. This information system functions as an

online service appointment system that aims to diminish the long waiting lines in the

building by introducing an online way of reserving an appointment with a geographer.

Through this system, customers will be able to interact with the company’s

employees in the comfort of their homes.

The only thing they need to do is to first register and become a member to afford

the service offered. To do so, they would have to input identification details which

would be more helpful for the company compared to the manual files and documents

in the form of hard copies. After this, the information entered will be put into the

company’s database and will be used for future references. The next thing for the

customer to do to avail the service is to identify the purpose of the appointment with

the geographer, it can be about safety concerns, business location advice, or others

which they are to specify.

The next thing to do is to select the place that they are located in, to assess the

availability of the geographer. Once approved, the system will enable the customer

to schedule the date of the appointment instead of the employee doing so. This is a

new part of the system as it gives the customer freedom to choose a date in which

he or she is also available. Schedules that are open and are not yet reserved are the

ones that can be chosen by customers. In the same way, schedules that are already

taken shall be marked indicating unavailability.

After all the details are verified, the system will confirm the appointment. Through

this system, queue lines will be avoided, productivity will increase and at the same

time, customers will not have a hard time manually going to Baguio and going from

one desk to another, filling in one sheet to another. The risk of losing the documents

will be avoided and information will be kept safely. This information system will be a

great help and boost for the company especially that it is the pioneering company to

use geography and its various methods in catering services in the Philippines.

c. Functional Requirements-This online information system, as said in the previous

section, shall function as an online service appointment system. With that being said,

it is expected to gather, read, and use the information entered by customers to decide

on which geographer is to perform the task. The first thing that this information

system does is to collect personal information of customers and register them as

members of the company. Once they are already members, the system enables them

to log in anytime and avail of the services intended for the members of the company.

Geographer designation is also performed as mentioned earlier, together with

scheduling appointments, and confirmation and approval. Instead of having multiple

employees to do different tasks for the customer, this system performs them all and

makes use of the saved customer information for further research and development

by sending the said information to its respective department, the research and

development team. This online service appointment system capable of user

interaction and data processing will not only speed up the company process but also

give ease to its customers and employees.

d. Non-functional Requirements- When it comes to the non-functional

requirements of the system, it promises a remarkable performance that has a good

response time. It brings customers a lower response time as its processing capacity

is made to be faster compared to the traditional queuing system formerly used by

the company. When it comes to its scalability, the online system can handle multiple

workloads and information entered by the customers. Its capacity is made to process

data smoothly without interruptions and to store them continuously and tirelessly.

This poses a greater advantage compared to waiting in line inside the building's


Having the system process data and the workload, unnecessary conflicts, and

misunderstanding with employees in the traditional system are prevented. At the

same time, the system offers high-end security and file organization as the pieces of

information gathered are put in the company’s database rather than storing them

into physical folders and documents through hard copies which may cause loss and

disorganization. Looking at the system’s non-functional requirements, it is evident

that the system is highly reliable and usable especially considering its up-to-date

functions and features made for the company.

e. Scope-Having the company’s service be based on the field geography, the scope

and area that is to be covered by the system will greatly include customer’s personal

information specifically on their addresses and location. This information, serving as

the system’s subject, is to be analyzed and focused on by the system as the

customer’s location will determine the geographer’s availability, and thus will also

shape the way the service is provided by the company. At the same time, the location

will signify the given range of dates available for the customer to choose from. The

customer’s location is very significant as it is where the service is catered and where

the geographer’s set of consultations and pieces of advice will depend on. The

customer’s personal and identification information is also important for the system

as this will serve as the basis for the customer’s membership. This membership then

defines the ability of the customer to avail of the said service and be updated on the

company’s new services and products in the future.

f. Delimitation- Aside from the given scope of the system, it will also need to define

its delimitation. The system only focused on the company’s expertise, geography, as

it applies the importance of the field not only when it comes to the customer’s safety

but also other concerns such as business management (Appleton, 2008) and many

others. To be able to do this, the system will apply Christaller’s central place theory

of geography where the number, size, and location of other settlers are collected by

the geographer to determine the strength of the profitability of the business or the

overall safety of the place (Briney, 2020).

The service provider will also apply the different geographical concepts place, scale,

distance, distribution, movement, region, change, process, spatial association and

sustainability (Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria Inc., 2020) to be able to

derive an accurate consultation and assessment of the customer’s area. To be able

to avail of geographical services offered, customers must enter their personal

information to which the most important is their address or location. This applies the

location theory which serves as the determinant of the activities of people in a certain

area (Gorter & Nijkamp, 2001). This helps in collecting information to answer

questions and assess the area regarding and in connection with the concern of the

customer who has ordered the service.

The service provision and company’s online service appointment system to be used

is also limited in the Philippines. This is mainly because the company takes on the

competitive advantage of not yet having a company to offer geographical services to

customers. Having less to no competitors will help the company become the pioneer

and begin an innovative experience in the service industry. At the same time,

traveling for geographers will be easier when the locations given by the customers

are just within the country. The company sees the Philippines as a potential country

especially because geography is not much of a widely explored field in the country.

By introducing something new to the market, customers will be given a new

experience that is deemed helpful in assessing their areas. Such service is also

needed in a country that is within the Pacific ring of fire and has a lot of faultlines

underneath (Volcano Discovery, 2020) to make sure that safety is attained by the

customers especially that a great number of Filipinos are worried of their safety.

g. Feasibility

i. Schedule

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Oversee and create a SWOT
analysis on how company G
caters its service to
Assess how the current
system of service
appointment affects
operations and document
details on the problems faced

Propose an online service
appointment system for the
Perform cost-benefit analysis
and prepare a
recommendation based on it
Develop System Analysis
Modeling Tools and
Techniques for the online
service appointment system
Build an effective, reliable and
maintainable physical design
of the online service
appointment system
Finalization and error
checking of the online service
appointment system
Online service appointment
system Presentation for
Online Service Appointment
System Installation

ii. Technical- For the information system to run, the company will have to use a

complete PC set. This set is composed of a monitor, a CPU, a mouse, and a keyboard.

These parts are to be used in the input, processing, and output of data that will be

used in running the online service appointment system installed in the company. A

printer is to be used in case printed information should be needed by the employees

or the customers. As equally important as the PC set, for the online service

appointment system to run, a strong connection on the internet shall be installed. The

company will then have to use internet connection plans to be paid monthly to be

able to sustain the processes that are to be undertaken in the online system. A good

wifi connection is also used to update the system and the information that is to be

displayed on their social media pages to assist and update their online marketing.

iii. Operational-Looking at the operational aspect of the system’s feasibility, it is easy

to see that the proposed online service appointment system can solve the problems

experienced by the company. Because of the system’s online accessibility, customers

will no longer have to travel from their residential areas to Baguio as this is truly costly

and time-taking. It does not only benefit the customers by giving them the comfort

of reserving an appointment in their homes but it also helps the company by not

imposing the need to build infrastructures in every region of the Philippines. This is

especially because doing so is very costly and impractical for a starting company.

Having a reliable and efficient online system will help the company finish its tasks

faster and easier thus increasing productivity.

Through the ease that this system brings, customers will be highly satisfied with how

the company processes its procedures and operations. This satisfaction will lead them

to recommend the service to other customers thus increasing the company’s

marketability and profitability. By doing so, the name of the company will be

strengthened and its competitive advantage will be furthered. The new system will be

appropriate and suitable for the company’s day-to-day operations as it functions

automatically and processes data faster than the company’s employees themselves.

Time used to fill-up and attend to the orders and requests of the customers manually

will instead be used in researching and developing further innovations that the

company may use in the future. This indicates that the system is not only cost-efficient

but is also time and resource-efficient.

iv. Economic/Cost-Benefit Analysis

To see the cost-benefit analysis of the proposed system:


System Development and Average costs incurred by

106,000 176,395
Installation the Current System
Projected costs incurred by
System Maintenance 3,000 64,860
Proposed System
Utilities 6,000

TOTAL COST 115,000 BENEFIT 111,535

For a more detailed Computation of the costs of the investment:

System Development-To build and develop a suitable online service appointment

system, the company will hire a system developer from the Accenture Software

Developers Company. This company requires the developers to be paid with an amount

of Php 25,000 monthly.

However, since the company is a pioneering company thus is having a unique set of

operations, the company agreed to pay Php 27,200 pesos monthly for 3 months and 3

weeks and have a different payment for the system’s installation. According to the

agreement between the system developer and the company, the rate of the system shall

depend on the number of hours the developer worked on building the system.

Php 170 (hourly rate)

x 8 hours per day

Php 1,360 per day

Php 1,360 per day x 5 days a week = Php 6,800 per week

Php 6,800 per week x 4 weeks a month = Php 27,200 a month

Php 27,200 x 3.75 months (3 months and 3 weeks) = Php 102, 000


Php 6,800 per week x 15 weeks (excluding installation week) = Php 102,000

Price Reference:

System Installation-This process depends on the number of workers hired to install

the system and examine its effect and suitability on the company’s operations.

Number of persons = 1

x Payment per day = Php 800

Number of days = 5 working days

Php 4,000

Total System Development and Installation is Php 106,000

System Maintenance-This is necessary to keep the system updated with features that

will double the performance of the company’s operations. According to WebFX, monthly

system maintenance starts at 5 USD monthly. This, when converted to Philippine Peso,

amounts to approximately Php 250.

When computed yearly

Php 250 x 12 months = Php 3,000

The total system maintenance paid for the year is amounting to Php 3,000

Price Reference:

Utilities-To compute for the total amount paid under utilities, especially that electricity

has been used throughout the system development, BENECO’s standard Php 8.52 per

Kilowatt Hour for their commercial customers is used.

Php 8.52 per Kilowatt Hour x 8 hours = Php 68.16 per day

Php 68.16 per day x 5 (working days a week) = Php 340.8 a week

Php 340.8 a week x 16 weeks = Php 5,452.8 rounded to Php 6,000

Price Reference:

The total cost or investment on the new online service appointment system is

Php 115,000

To compute the benefit, one must find the difference between the average costs incurred

from when the current system was in use and projected costs from when the new online

system was already installed.

To begin with, the table below shows the average costs incurred by the current system

in its operations. This is when the proposed system has not yet been installed:


Costs Price (Php)
Office Supplies 14,580
Utilities 72,000
Queuing Machines 20,000

Hisense Television Set 30,000
1 Set Personal Computer 25,000
Epson L4150 Printer 10,795
1 Set Ink 4,020

A detailed description of the costs:

Office Supplies- Since the Current System makes use of the paper-and-pen filing

system, a great number of office supplies are used yearly.

Bond papers supplied by Seven Colors cost Php 215 per ream.

Php 215 x 3 (number of reams used per month) = Php 645

Php 645 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 7,740

Price Reference:

HBW Matrix Pens supplied by EZ Department Store cost Php 190 for a set of 50

pieces. In a month a company makes use of 3 sets as it has a strong demand due

to the pen-and-paper filing.

Php 190 x 3 (number of pen sets per month) = Php 570

Php 570 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 6,840

Price Reference:

Total Office Supplies: Php 7,740 + Php 6,840 = Php 14,580

Utilities-For the utilities, it is according to research that the average amount of a utility

bill in the Philippines is at around Php 6,000.

Php 6,000 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 72,000

Price Reference:

Queuing Machines-These machines are used to regulate and sustain order whenever

customers reserve their appointments inside the facility. These machines are supplied by

Batangas Central for the price of Php 20,000.

Price Reference:

Hisense 55-inch Smart ULED Television Set-This is used to increase customer

satisfaction and retention as they wait in line for them to be assisted. This is supplied by

Hisense company itself and is amounting to around Php 30,000.

Price Reference:

Personal Computer Set-This is used for basic form-making, encoding, and printing

purposes. This appliance is bought from Poshub IT Solutions with a price of approximately

Php 25,000.

Price Reference:

Epson L4150 Printer- Used with the computer set, this printer is utilized for producing

forms and other papers needed in the operations. It is sold by Printers2Go for Php


Price Reference:

Ink Set- This Epson ink set is used by the company to fuel its printer. These are supplied

by CompuWare Computer Center and cost Php 335 per set. One set is used monthly by

the company.

Php 335 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 4,020

Price Reference:

Thus, the Total average cost incurred without the proposed system is Php


To compare the projected costs to be incurred when using the proposed system:


Costs Price (Php)
Office Supplies 4,860
Utilities 24,000
Internet Fee 36,000

Office Supplies-Because of the presence of the new online information system, office

supplies usage decreased thus cutting costs incurred by the company.

Bond papers-Because the proposed information system is online, pen-and-paper

filing is reduced, thus instead of using three bond papers a month, the company

decided to use only one. Still, the company incurs its bond papers from the same

supplier at the same price.

Php 215 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 2,580

HBW Matrix Pens-Likewise instead of buying multiple sets of pens, the company

decided to buy a single set monthly from the same supplier at the same price.

Php 190 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 2,280

Total Office Supplies: Php 2,580 + Php 2,280 = Php 4,860

Utilities-Since customers are not required to visit the facility at Baguio anymore, usage

of heavy appliances and machines such as the television and queuing machines

respectively are not anymore deemed necessary. Because of this, utilities have decreased

to Php 2,000 monthly thus cutting costs and expenses.

Php 2,000 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 24,000

Internet-Because of the online structure of the new system, the company needed to

make use of a postpaid plan internet connection. This internet connection is supplied by

Globe through UnliPlan 2899 which is approximately Php 3,000.

Php 3,000 x 12 (yearly cost) = Php 36,000

Price Reference:

Total Projected incurred costs in the new online system is Php 64,860.

To get the benefit or the saved costs:

Php 176,395 (Average costs incurred without the new online system)

– Php 64,860 (Projected costs incurred with the new online system installed)
Php 111, 535 is the benefit or profit

v. Return on Investment

To compute for the Return on Investment (ROI), the net profit composed of the revenue

minus the cost should be divided by the total investment multiplied by 100%.

Return on Investment = Net Profit x 100%

Total Investment

Net Profit = Revenue - Maintenance and Costs

Net Profit = Php 111,535 (Profit) - Php 64,860 (Projected costs to be incurred in the

proposed system)

Net Profit = Php 46,675

Return on Investment = Php 46,675 (Net Profit) x 100%

Php 115,000 (Total Investment)

= 0.41 x 100%

Return on Investment = 41%

The Return on a Php 115,000 Investment is 41%

vi. Payback Period

The cost of investment in the new online information system is Php 115,000. The

computed annual earning, on the other hand, is Php 111,535 while the projected annual

cost to be paid in utilizing the new online system is Php 64,860.

To compute for the payback period, the initial investment is to be divided by the annual

net cash inflow. To get the annual net cash inflow, annual cash outflow is subtracted

from annual cash inflow.

Payback Period = Initial Investment

Annual Net Cash Inflow

Annual Net Cash Inflow = Annual Cash Inflow - Annual Cash Outflow

Php 115,535 (Annual cash inflow) - Php 64,860 (Annual cash outflow) = Php 46,675

(Annual net cash inflow)

Payback Period = Php 115,000 (Initial investment)

Php 46,675 (Annual net cash inflow)
Payback Period = 2.63 YEARS or 2 years and 7 months
It will take 2 years and 7 months before company G recovers its investment.

vii. Benefits

a. a. Tangible- From the previous sections, the benefits of the proposed system have

been given emphasis. This part of the paper elaborates more on the benefits discussed

specifically the tangible ones.

b. Average costs incurred in the current system and projected costs incurred

in the new online information system-This computation measures how costs and

expenses are saved once the online information system has already been installed.

From the previous sections, the current system had a total cost of Php 176,395 while

the newly installed online system amounts to a lesser cost of Php 64,860.

d. To compute for the benefit:






j. Php 176,395 (Average costs incurred in the current system)

- Php 64,860 (Projected costs incurred in the online system)

Php 111,535 (Tangible benefit)

The tangible benefit computed from subtracting the projected costs incurred within

the online system used from the average costs incurred in the current system is

amounting to Php 111,535.




b. Intangible-These benefits are the ones that do not have a monetary value but

are as significant as the tangible ones.

Increased Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty-According to Sherman 2019, a new

online system benefits customers through improved user experience. This is due to the

ease it brings to customers whenever they need to order the service or product offered

by a certain company. When it comes to company G, a new online service appointment

system helps customers to order the service they need from geographers at the comfort

of their homes. Instead of waiting long lines ins the old system through queuing

machines, customers are entertained at the time they are free by simply accessing the

company’s online system.

Faster and less time-consuming processing-According to the same source,

Sherman of 2019, a new online system makes processing information faster and less

time-consuming. By disregarding manual processing, and making use of the automated

system, customers are served and entertained at a faster rate. This means that more

time is saved for other company activities while at the same time, more people and or

customers can reserve an appointment in company G. This causes an increase in the

company revenue and profit while saving resources.

Better Safeguarding of Customer Information-Still, according to Sherman of 2019,

new online systems safeguard information better than the old manual ones. In the case

of company G, pen-and-paper filing is eradicated and replaced by databases. This helps

in securing information better and preventing loss. Manually filing papers through folders

will occupy space and threaten the status of the information especially that incidents may

disorganize, mix them up, and even get them to places that might lead to customer

information abuse. Through the new online service appointment system, customers will

not worry as to whether their information is misplaced and or put to wrong places.

Through this new system, customers become more confident and trusting to the company

because they know where their information is used and stored.

Fewer Processing Errors-According to Yin of 2020, an online system can reduce errors

committed by manual systems utilized beforehand. Applying this to the online service

appointment system used by company G, errors committed by employees back then due

to personal and one-by-one processing is eliminated. Because of the automated system,

the processing of information becomes more accurate and direct. This is especially

because the specialized field of the company is geography. Locating areas and availability

can be tedious and time-consuming if done manually especially on files compiled through

hard copies.

Brand Equity-According to Wale of 2020, having a name in the industry or being known

by a lot of customers is one of the best intangible benefits most especially when it comes

to pioneering businesses like company G. This is done through the new online system

appointment system that provides quality services and best customer experiences.

4. Design

a. Decomposition Diagram


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Create Manage Brief and
Create an Schedule Study and
Membership customer’s orient agreement Appointment
appointment feedback Analyze
Access geographer

b. Context Diagram

Survey Results &

Research & Gathered data Personal Data
Development Customer

Innovation Appointment
Blueprints Schedule

Geographer Location
Availability Human Information

c. Level 1 Diagram
Results & 6 Customer 1
Gathered Personal
Research & Sort Feedback
Data Create Data Customer
Development customer
feedback Membership
General Points Member Schedule
Comments to Information
and Improve 5
Suggestions Customer
D1 Schedule
Information Appointment
D5 Assessments Appointment
Details Agreed
Approved Location 2 Schedule
Blueprints Manage Contracts
customer’s Made
7 appointment
Location Customer
Study and Name Location
Information Profile
List of Human
D2 Locations Resources
Availability Create an
Results Brief and
of the orient
Analysis geographer
Geographer Background
Task Designation Information

List of
Developments & Geographers

d. Prototype
5. Conclusions and Recommendations

After the installation and utilization of the proposed system, company G was able to

resolve the problem it had when it comes to their online service appointment processes.

Because of the newly proposed system, the company was able to eradicate long queuing

lines and diminish the idle waiting time of customers. Because of this system, customers

do not need to go to Baguio from their respective homes to reserve an appointment and

to avail of the services offered by the company. At the same time, the customers can

already register themselves and become members of the company, having access to all

the upgrades and updates when it comes to the services offered. This has helped greatly

in avoiding the use of manual filing and pen and paper methods which had improved the

organization of data of the company. Because of this online system, the company was

able to store information better, avoiding lost and misplaced files.

After conducting this research, it is recommended that further improvements in the

functions of the information system should be done. These improvements may focus on

the other minor problems of the company or may also add more features that will make

the service appointment system handier to use. At the same time, researches on current

updates and technological advancements should be done to ensure that the company is

always in with the current and that to prevent experiencing outdate. It is important to

ensure that steps and procedures are done so that the company would be able to achieve

its vision while making use of the least costs yet still producing services that are of quality

and responsive to the needs of the customers. It is also recommended that customer

feedbacks and comments be given attention for developments to be done accordingly.

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