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Every culture around the world has different customs and ways of
Communicating. When you learn a language, you learn more than words,
You also learn a lot of rules. You learn what kind of greetings to use in
different situations. For example, in English, we use formal and informal
greetings. In China, a traditional greeting is "Have you eaten today?" in
addition, there are rules for making small talk when you meet a person.
Once you have learned the rules of a language, you can communicate
more easily and avoid misunderstandings. People in different cultures also
have different ways of using their bodies to communicate. We use our
heads and our hands to make gestures, for example. But there's one kind
Of communication that's the same everywhere. A smile can always
connect people.
Cada cultura del mundo tiene diferentes costumbres y formas de
Comunicado. Cuando aprendes un idioma, aprendes más que palabras,
También aprendes muchas reglas. Aprende qué tipo de saludos usar en
Diferentes situaciones. Por ejemplo, en inglés, usamos formal e informal.
Saludos. En China, un saludo tradicional es "¿Has comido hoy?" en
Además, existen reglas para entablar conversaciones triviales cuando
Conoces a una persona. Una vez que haya aprendido las reglas de un
Idioma, podrá comunicarse más fácilmente y evitar malos entendidos. Las
Personas de diferentes culturas también tienen diferentes formas de
Usar su cuerpo. Comunicar. Usamos nuestras cabezas y nuestras manos
para hacer gestos, por ejemplo. Pero hay un tipo de comunicación que es
Igual En todas partes. Una sonrisa siempre puede conectar a las personas.
1. Rules Instructions for what is allowed
2. Smile happy facial expression
3. Gestures Movements used to communicate
4. Connect to join together
5. Customs Behaviors special to a country or people
6. Misunderstandings Problems caused when one is not understood
7. Traditional Usual ways of doing things
8. Small talk Informal talk about everyday topics
9. Culture Describes customs from long ago
10. Greetings Language used when we meet someone


A) Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses,
1.- I have met many Canadians, but I have not been to Canada.
2.- Jason doesn't want to watch a movie tonight. He has watched movies every night
for the past week.
3.- Sam have travelled to Argentina four times. He loves it there!
4.- My husband and I have been married for six years.
5.- It's my friend's birthday, but I have not bought her a present yet!
6. I think Lee will do well on the test. He had studied a lot for it.

B) Complete the questions. Ask a partner to answer them. Write some

Questions of your own in your notebook.
Have you ever ...
1. Have you ever Eaten food?
2. I have Seen a movie from brazil?
3. She has gone to japan?
4. Have you played piano?
5. You talked to our neighbor?

A) Read the questions in the box. Think of different ways to answer them.
Starting a conversation
How do you like this weather?
The weather seems very pleasant
Are you enjoying this class?
Of course
Did you hear about?
Yes, Abinader will start with the vaccination
How long have you been waiting?
The bus took 45 minutes to arrive
B) Choose one of the situations. Try to make small talk for as long as you
Can. Then change partners and practice again with another situation.
Walking in the park
Me: hello
Another: Hello, how are you?
Me: fine and you
Another: fine too
Me: what do you do in the park?
Another: walking
Me: mmmm, sounds good
Another: yes


Meet Annie Grifiths, a National Geographic photograph
Griffiths has worked for National Geographic since 1978, and
Has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world. In
fact, Antarctica is the only continent Griffiths hasn't seen yet
Griffiths' photographs are well known for their beauty
And high quality. They also reflect very different cultures and
Regions of the world. Griffiths has photographed the ancient
city of Petra, Jordan, as well as the green landscapes of the
Lake District in England. Her pictures have also appeared in
a book about natural places in North America.
Everywhere that Griffiths goes, she takes pictures of
people. Griffiths has found ways to connect with people
of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak
their language. "The greatest privilege of my job is being
allowed into people's lives," she has said. "the camera is like
a passport, and I am often overwhelmed by how quickly
people welcome me."
Knowing how to break the ice
has helped to make Griffiths a successful
photographer, but experts say that anyone can learn
to connect with new people, When people speak the same
language, greetings and small talk can make strangers feel
more comfortable with each other. When people don't speak
the same language, a smile is very helpful.
Griffiths has some advice if you are thinking about a
career in photography, You can volunteer to take pictures for
someone who can't afford to hire a professional photographer,
for example. Griffiths also recommends studying and learning
from good photos taken by professional photographers.
Remember, the next time you look at a beautiful
photograph, you might be looking at the work of Annie
Griffiths, And the next time you meet a new person, don't be
afraid to break the ice. The connectíon you make could
be very rewarding.
Conoce a Annie Grifiths, una fotografa de National Geographic
Griffiths ha trabajado para National Geographic desde 1978 y
Ha tomado fotografías en casi todos los continentes del mundo. En
De hecho, la Antártida es el único continente que Griffiths aún no ha visto
Las fotografías de Griffiths son bien conocidas por su belleza
Y de alta calidad. También reflejan culturas y
Regiones del mundo. Griffiths ha fotografiado la antigua
ciudad de Petra, Jordania, así como los verdes paisajes de la
Lake District en Inglaterra. Sus fotos también han aparecido en
un libro sobre lugares naturales en América del Norte.
Dondequiera que vaya Griffiths, ella toma fotografías de
gente. Griffiths ha encontrado formas de conectarse con las personas
de todas las edades y nacionalidades incluso cuando no habla
su idioma. "El mayor privilegio de mi trabajo es ser
permitida en la vida de las personas ", ha dicho." La cámara es como
un pasaporte, y a menudo me abruma la rapidez
la gente me da la bienvenida ".
Saber romper el hielo
ha ayudado a que Griffiths sea un éxito
fotógrafo, pero los expertos dicen que cualquiera puede aprender
para conectar con gente nueva, cuando la gente habla lo mismo
el lenguaje, los saludos y las conversaciones triviales pueden hacer que los extraños se
más cómodos el uno con el otro. Cuando la gente no habla
el mismo idioma, una sonrisa es muy útil.
Griffiths tiene algunos consejos si está pensando en
carrera en fotografía, puede ofrecerse como voluntario para tomar fotografías para
alguien que no puede permitirse contratar a un fotógrafo profesional,
por ejemplo. Griffiths también recomienda estudiar y aprender
de buenas fotos tomadas por fotógrafos profesionales.
Recuerda, la próxima vez que mires una hermosa
fotografía, es posible que estés mirando el trabajo de Annie
Griffiths, y la próxima vez que conozcas a una nueva persona, no seas
miedo de romper el hielo. La conexión que haces podría
ser muy gratificante.

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