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Bachelor of Science Management Information Systems in collaboration with Midlands State


Course Narration: Computer Programming (VB.NET)

Course Code: CMIS 216

Course Instructor: M. Ndlovu

Cell: +263 775 506 850/ +263 779 714 017


Mode of Instruction 2 hours interactive lecture per week and 2 hours tutorials.

All classes are subject to confirmation one week before schedule.

Course Description
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop applications in MicrosoftVisual
Basic .NET for the Microsoft .NET platform. The Visual Basic programming language is used to teach business
computer programming using a visual programming approach; includes fundamental programming principles for
event-driven programming. The course focuses on user interfaces, program structure, language syntax, and
implementation details. This course is intended for both novice and experienced programmers

At Course Completion
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Create a simple Visual Basic .NET-based application based on the Windows Application template.
 Use forms and controls to create a user interface.
 Create and use variables and arrays.
 Create and use Sub, Function, and Property procedures.
 Implement decision structures and loops by using conditional expressions.
 Resolve syntax, run-time, and logic errors by using the debugger and structured exception handling.

Press CTR until you see a hand and Click on the topic to view online notes.


 Overview of Computers and Programming and definitions

 Computer programming
o Paradigms
o Program development cycle
 Visual Basic
 .NET Framework
 Visual Studio


 Getting started with VB.NET

 Visual Basic .NET Forms
 Adding Controls using the Toolbox
 Adding a Textbox to the Form
 Visual Basic .NET and Properties
 The Text Property
 Adding a splash of colour
 Saving your work
 Create a New Project


 Variables
 Add a coding button to the Form
 Writing your first .NET code
 String Variables
 How to get at Text in a textbox
 More about VB .NET variables
 Using variables in your .NET code
 A VB NET Calculator Project
 The code for the calculator
 The Message Box in VB .NET


 If Statements
 Select Case Statements
 Add a Combo Box to a VB .NET form
 The Conditional Operators

 An Introduction to Loops in VB .NET

 For Loops
 Do Loops
 A Times Table Program
 The Code for the Time Table Program
 The Basic Math Symbols in VB .NET


 Add a menu to a VB .NET Form

 How to add code to a Menu
 How to add a Sub Menu to your Form
 How to add Shortcuts to your Menu Items
 A VB .NET menu Project
 The Open File Dialogue Box
 Filter files with the Open File Dialogue Box
 The Open File Dialogue Box
 The Save File Dialogue Box
 Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo menus
 How to Show and Hide Controls
 Insert Images into a Picture Box
 Add a Checkbox to a VB .NET form
 Writing code for Checkboxes
 Add Option Buttons to a VB .NET form


 Error Handling and Debugging in VB .NET

 Design Time Errors
 Runtime Errors
 Try ... Catch in VB .NET
 Logic Errors
 Breakpoints and Debugging tools


 What is an Array?
 Arrays and the Index Number
 Assigning Values to an Array
 Arrays where boundaries are not known


 The String Variable Type

 How to use the Trim Method
 The difference between Char and Chars()
 How to use the InStr Method
 How to use the Substring Method
 Equals, Replace and Insert Methods
 How to use Split and Join in VB .NET

 What is a Text File?

 How to Open a Text File in VB .NET
 How to Read a Text File Line by Line
 How to Write to a Text File in VB .NET
 Appending Text to a File in VB .NET
 How to Copy a File
 How to Move a File
 How to Delete a File


 An Introduction to Functions and Subs

 How to Create your own Subs in VB .NET
 Using Parameters in your Subs
 ByVal and ByRef in VB .NET
 How to Create a Function in VB.NET
 How to use Parameters with Functions
 Standard Modules - Part One
 Standard Modules - Part Two


 The Click Event

 The MouseDown Event
 The KeyDown Event
 The Form Load Event


 Mini project

Theory Assignments – minimum 2 5%

Labs – minimum 4 5%
Tests- minimum 2 10%
Min Project 10%
Final Exam 70%
Exercises and homework Late submissions: Graded exercises and assignments must be submitted at the
assignments beginning of class to be considered on time. Late submissions will not be

Project The purpose of the project is to give you the experience of developing applications
in MicrosoftVisual Basic .NET for the Microsoft .NET platform. The project must be
done individually, in order to maximize your learning and application. The project is
described in detail in a separate document.

Tests and examinations There will be two in class tests and one final examination. The specific content,
dates, times, and locations will be announced in class.

Make-up policy Only students who miss a test or exam for university-approved and verifiable
reasons will be allowed to take a make-up test. Even then, except in the most
extreme circumstances, no student may miss a scheduled test or exam without
receiving permission before the test. Make-up tests might be significantly different
in format from the regular tests, and will be administered at a time of my own

Classroom etiquette We want to maintain a classroom atmosphere where everyone respects each other
and that is conducive for learning. To that effect, please take care of the following
principles of classroom etiquette during class time:

 Browsing websites: Please do not browse on any website that is not

directly related to the class material (e.g. Facebook, e-mail, news, sports,
etc.). Not only does this distract you so that you cannot learn, but it also
distracts others who can see your screen.
 Texting, e-mail, messaging, etc.: Please do not text, e-mail or message
anyone unless it is directly related to the class.
 Talking doing class: Please do not chat with seatmates about anything
that is not directly related to class content. If you need to talk to a
classmate about class content while the instructor or another student is
speaking or during other class activities, then talk quietly and briefly so as
not to distract anyone.
 Cell phones: You are not required to turn off your cell phone, but you are
responsible if it rings. On the first ring, if it is an emergency, then
apologize to the class and walk out of the classroom to answer the call. If
it is not an emergency, then apologize to the class and turn off the ringer
for the rest of the class session.
 Packing up early: It is rude to start packing your bags before class is
over. Please wait until the instructor officially dismisses the class.
 Leaving class early: It is rude to leave the classroom early without
explanation. If you must leave the class early, then please notify the
instructor at the beginning of class.

Miscellaneous 1. If you miss a class period, it is your responsibility to remain informed of

the material covered in that period and to catch up and stay up-to-date.
2. Any changes to the tentative schedule will be announced in class. It is
your responsibility to remain informed of such changes.

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