CEBCAssessment FAQ

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Certification on Code of Ethical Business Conduct

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I find the enhanced Code of Ethical Business Conduct and the new Whistle Blower

A. Both the Code of Ethical Business Conduct and Whistle Blower policy are available on Power On
in eSupport. Please follow the path below:

 eSupport  PowerON  Strategic Policies Code of Ethical Business Conduct

 eSupport  PowerON  Strategic Policies  Whistle Blower Policy

2. What are the various resources available to understand CEBC and WB policy?

A. It is mandatory to read the CEBC & Whistle Blower policies on Power on.
Path to both the policies are mentioned above.

Go through the archived webcasts on the policies at Planet Satyam archives. Use the path
mentioned below to access the same: >> Archives >> Select Category “Business Conduct” from the
dropdown >> Search Desired webcast using keyword.

Go through the e-Learning module on MSLW platform in learning world. Please follow the path
below to access the same:

 eSupportlearning planetMSLW Platform-EnterLearnCatalogCategory:Code of

Ethical Business Conducte-learning module on Code of Ethical Business Conduct
 Alternately, you can also access the e-learning module via your training schedule. The path
to the same is as follows:
eSupport >> Learning Planet >> MSLW Platform – Enter >> Learn >> Training Schedule

3. What are the timelines to complete this mandatory certification on CEBC and WB policies?
 CEBC certification was launched on the 8th Feb, 2010.
 Band Bi and above Associates have time until the 28th of Feb, 2010 to complete the
 Band S& T Associates have to complete the certification by the 31st of March, 2010.

4. How do I access the CEBC Assessment?

A. To take the CEBC Assessment you will first need to register yourself for it. You can register using
the path given below:

eSupportlearning planetMSLW Platform-EnterLearnCatalogCategory: Code of Ethical

Business ConductCertification Assessment on Code of Ethical Business Conduct
On registering you will get an email from Satyam_Learning_World. Please click the link “Activity
Details” in the email. You would have to enter your eSupport login ID and pass word. If you do
not get an email from Satyam Learning World, then follow the path mentioned above to take
the assessment.

Click the green launch button to launch the course. It would open in a new window, so you
would have to disable any pop-up blockers to be able to view the course.

5. How many chances do I have to clear the certification?

A. Earlier we announced that a maximum of 3 chances are provided to clear the certification.
However based on requests and also certain initial technological glitches, we are increasing this
to a maximum of 5 chances/attempts. After 5 chances/attempts, the window would close.

6. Are there any system requirements I need to take care of before launching the assessment?

A. Flash components:
Please note that the course was designed using Flash software, and you would require the
following components available in your system to be able to view the course:
Flash Player9 ActiveX
Flash Player 9 PlugIn
N&S has already installed this on MSAT systems. In case, it is missing in your system, please get
in touch with N&S.

Also, popup blocker should be disabled.

7. I tried to access the e-learning module for CEBC, and when the training program was launched, I
could not see the header and footer properly on the screen, so I cannot press the next or other
footer buttons.

A. You are unable to view the bottom pane with the Next button on it, due to a different screen
The screen settings have to be changed so that the buttons are visible. The steps are:
1. Right click on your desktop
2. Click on the Graphics Properties.
3. Select Display Settings
4. Set Screen resolutions as 1024*768 and apply

8. I have registered myself for the assessment but I plan to take it at a later time? Should I un-
register myself?

A. Please do not un-register yourself as this will block your registration and you will not be able to
do the assessment. Once registered, you can take the assessment any time.

9. What is the right way to exit the assessment once I am done with it?

A. Please follow the screen shot below to close the assessment once you are done with it.
10. Where do I see my certificate after completing my assessment?

A. The associates who complete the assessment would get the link to the certificate in the auto-
generated mail they receive on completing the assessment. If associate has passed the
assessment, they would be able to view the certificate, on entering their GID after clicking the

11. What is the pass percentage?

A. Based on your band, pass percentage would vary.

Band Pass %
S 75
T 80
Bi 85
I and above 90

12. Can I take the test again to better my score?

A. You have a total of 5 attempts within which you have to clear the assessment. If you finish 5
attempts but fail to pass, your assessment is disabled. Once you pass, the assessment is
disabled. Hence once you pass you will not be able to take the assessment again.

13. Is this certification in any way connected with Annual Appraisal 2010?

A. Whether an Associate is CEBC certified or not would be displayed in the RADAR screen of Annual
Appraisal 2010.

14. What happens if I fail to get certified?

A. If you do not get certified in the 5 attempts, CEBC self assessment would be blocked for you and
the window would re-open after the self assessment phase of annual appraisal 2010 is over. You
will be able to attempt the certification again after undergoing remedial sessions.

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