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1. Put the adjective in brackets into the proper form.

1. The (strong) ___ the acid, the greater is the tendency to lose protons. 2. This is one of the (little) ___
studied natural phenomena. 3. The stronger the magnification, the (great) ___ is the possibility to detect
whether the body is homogeneous. 4. My (old) ___ brother is now studying astronomy at the university. 5. The
(fast) ___ an object moves, the greater is the air resistance. 6. The (low) ___ the atomic weight or atomic
number of the inert gas, the lower are its boiling and melting points. 7. The dolphin is considered one of the
(clever) ___ animals. 8. The larger the diameter of the wire, the smaller is the resistance and hence, the
(much) ___ current will flow through it. 9. The (great) ___ the difference in temperature between two points,
the more heat will flow per second. 10. The greater the number of free electrons in a substance, the (good)
___ that substance conducts electricity. 11. The more difficult is the task, the (interesting) ___ it is to solve it.
12. The streets in the centre of the city are (crowded) ___ than in the suburbs. 13. There are many (famous)
___ cafés in Los Angeles packed with celebrities. 14. This time it took us (little) ___ time to assemble the
computer than the day before.

2. Translate into English.

1. Чим більша площа пластин конденсатора і менша відстань між ними, тим більша ємність
конденсатора. 2. Чим довший важіль, тим більша його підйомна сила. 3. Чим вище тиск, тим вища
температура кипіння. 4. Чим вища температура рідини, тим нижча її в’язкість. 5. Чим важчий космічний
корабель, тим більше палива він споживає. 6. Чим швидше обертається жорсткий диск, тим більша його
температура і шум.

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