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Expert Interview Agenda

Date of Interview: 11/15 @ 4:30

Time Limit: 60 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes

Interviewee: Nguyen Le

Host: J.P.

Introducer: Audra

Facilitator Oshea

Thanker: Taylor

***Audra to introduce Mr. Le***

Topic: Team Trust, Communication, and Decision-making

1. [OSHEA] What do you feel is the best way to establish trust on a team? Is it
through facilitated things like team building activities or can you rely on trust to
come naturally through actual work?
2. [MATT] How do you prefer to communicate now that we are working virtually as
compared to being face to face? For example, what are the strengths and
weaknesses of communicating in virtual teams?
3. [TAYLOR] How do you delegate decision making on teams? For example,
something we have learned about is team charters, a document that outlines the
responsibilities and purposes of the team. Do you have something like a charter
or designated team roles?
a. What are some of the major consequences for a team that does not clarify
Topic: Team Conflict and Feedback
1. [BEAUX] There are many ways we have learned to address and handle conflict
(avoidance, confrontation, compromise, competing, etc.). When a conflict first
occurs within your organization, what is your process of resolving it?
a. Can you share a time with us in which your team was not united in the
face of conflict and specifically how did you use your style to refocus
everyone towards the goal?
2. [JP] Have you ever had a team member that you are leading come to you with
negative feedback or an idea on how to improve your leadership style?
a. If yes, how did this make you feel and how did you handle the situation?
b. If no, what would you do if this did occur?
3. [AUDRA] How do you remain assertive in your leadership style without being
seen as too strict?

Topic: Diversity and Teams

1. [OSHEA] As an organization, what is the process like of creating a culture that
embraces inclusion and change in the quickly evolving social climate of today?
For example, is there anything in particular that you value from team members,
and why?
2. [MATT] Does diversity (factors like race, gender, age, etc.) play a role in your
decision making when building a team? Or do other factors, like skill and
experience, play more of a role?
3. [TAYLOR] Have you led a diverse team before? Did you notice any advantages
or disadvantages?
Topic: Team Leadership
1. [BEAUX] When you're working on or leading a team, in your experience, have
you found yourself in a situation where everybody is in agreeance? How do you
avoid groupthink within dialogue?
2. [JP] Has there ever been a time in which you felt that you needed to step in as a
leader for somebody else?
a. If yes, what qualities was the leader lacking?
3. [AUDRA] Describe an instance when a team member failed. Did his/her
subsequent actions show a desire to learn from the experience and how? Please

Topic: Team Member Assessment

1. [OSHEA] How do you reward and acknowledge the people within your team who
are prepared and contribute? How do you acknowledge when team members are
coming to meetings unprepared or not contributing to the team’s success?
2. [MATT] What areas do you feel you could improve upon when it comes to being
a leader or a follower on teams?
3. [TAYLOR] We recognize that it is most common for leaders to give coaching and
feedback to team members, we want to know if you create opportunities in your
leadership for your team members to give you feedback.
a. If you have had the opportunity, how did you accept the feedback at the
b. If not, how do you plan to seek out feedback from those on your team?

Topic: General Questions

1. [BEAUX] In your opinion, what are the key personality traits of a great leader?
2. [JP] What has been the most difficult encounter you have had while working on a
team, and how did you contribute to handling it?
3. [AUDRA] What has been your favorite part of working on virtual teams? What
advantages do you see to them?

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