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Final exams important question

Unit (essay)
1Q;-define a sole trader concern and explain its characteristics
features and merits and demerits ?
B);-one man is best in the world if that man is big enough to
manage the world show ?discuss the statement ?
2Q;-what is meant by j.h.f ?describe its distinctive features and
merits and demerits ?
3Q;-define a co-operative society and state the principal and
characteristics with example ?
4Q;-define partnership and state its characteristics features and
merits and demerits ?
5Q;-discuss the right ,duties and liabilities of partner ?
6Q;-explainthe difference between partnership and j.h.f ?
Unit -3
1Q;- define a joint stock company and explain its characteristics
features ?
2Q;-Distinguish between a company and partnership firms ?
3Q;- ;-Distinguish between a private company and public
company ?
4Q;-what is meant by memorandum of association?
1Q;- Define Business Finanace Explain its significane in the
business and also its different types of business finance? Explain?
2Q;- What do You mean by equity share capital ? Explain its
Characteristics merit and de merits?
3Q;- Explain its Characteristics merit and de merits of preference
4Q;- Explain its Characteristics merit and de merits of retained
5Q;- Explain Merits and demerits public deposits?
6Q;- What are the Merits and dsemerits of institutional Finance?
1Q;- Explain the functions of money?
2Q;- Whats are the characteristics to be possessed by a good
3Q;- Write in Details about the functions of comeercial Bank?
4Q;- Explain the role of commercial bank for the promotion of
trade, commerce & Industry?
5Q;- Explain the functionsof the Reserve bank of India?
Very short unit 1
1) Profession 2)Human Activities 3) Heavy Industries
Unit -2
1) Promotion of Co-Operative Society?
2) History of Co-operative Moments?
3) Karta
4) Liabilities of Partner?
5) Methods of Dissolution of partnership?
Unit -3
1) Historical background of a company ?
2) Characterical companies
3) Government Company
4) Companies limited by guarantee
5) Holding companies
6) Social evils of company form of organization
7) Alteration of memorandum of association
8) Alteration of article of association
9) Mis-statements in prospectus
10)Criminal liabilities for mis-statements.
Unit 4
1) public corporation and government companies
2) factors effecting the efficiency of public enterprises
3) problems of over captilisation in public enterprises
4) state the three limitation of mnc
Unit – 5]
1) elements of office management
2) relationship between office and sales department
3) need for office management
4) need for computer, pagers, fax, mailing machine, Xerox,
addressing, and franking machine.
1) fixed capitals
2) deferred shares
3) debt capital
4) working capital
5) discuss the problem face by the regional rural bank and offer
your suggestion for improving their performance
unit 1
1) define industry and explain different types of industries with
2) define trade and explain different types of trades with
3) define business explain different characteristics of business
4) explain the relationship and difference between industry
commerce and trade
unit – 2
1) elucidate that the two schools of jhf
2) what are the various tyupes of corporative? Define with
suitable examples
3) what do you understand by partnetrship deed ?describe the
condtent of needs
4) explain various kinds of partners with suitable examples
5) describe the producer for the registration of a form ? explain
the benefits of registration and the bad effect of non-
Unit – 3
1) methods of incorporation
2) commencement of business
3) rule of promoter
4) discuss the merits and demerits of company organization
5) difference between memoranduim and article of association
6) what do you mean by a prospecutus? State its contents and
explain its objective and significance and formalities
observed on its issue.
7) Minimum subscription,preliminary expenses, underwriters,
allotement of shares.
1) what are the objectives of public enterprises? Discuss the
problems faced by public enterprises
2) a)limitation of governemtn companies b)limitations of public
3) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mnc
4) explain the objectives of mnc’s and significance of Mnc’s
unit 7

1) what do you mean by barter system ? explain its defects

2) define money and explain the different type of money
3) what do you means by rural banks? What are its objectives
4) discuss the function of rrb and explain the progress made by
this bank
5) define lead bank? Explain the functions of lead bank
6) discuss the origin constitution organsation of the regijonal
rural bank of India.

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