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Marketing Plan
Value Proposition
Two most reasonable why customers must buy our product is because first affordable and
delicious. Despite of not being unique from others, I assure that the taste and the product itself will
have the unique twist from any other barbecue available in the market. Aside from that Spicy BBQ also
seeks and give the best service that the costumer deserve.

Unique Selling Proposition

Spicy BBQ is a product that is has unique twist, affordable, and delicious as follows;
 The process is
 There
 For only adults that are used to eat Spicy food and meat, this is good for them.
Target Market
The primary target are the senior high school students and college who are not fond of eating
vegetables, but preferred street foods. I believe that not all of these people are fond of eating vegetables like
me. So, I cope up with these product that I really like and with that my target customers, the faculty and staff
as the secondary target market will be interested to this.
Product Description:
My product is spicy barbecue. SPICY BBQ is a pure pork meat pinch with a stick and smoke with a appropriate
temperature, presented the real color without using any color food and marinated with in an hour in getting
the best texture, aroma and tenderness of the meat. Affordable and can be eat by a children that can really
love spicy this will be recommended not only to the adults. Single bite, will give you the juicy and tender of the

The spicy bbq is a pure pork meat marinated with the

best and secret ingredients with a hot and spicy sauce
on it. Presentable service is also one of the best asset
to gain costumer. With a vinegar sauce in adding the
taste and perfect combination of a spicy barbecue.


Symbolized the
spicy of my product

This logo represent how I

grilled my Spicy barbecue
with a burning charcoal
and has the fire that shows
hotness of a spicy one.

The name of my company



Adding a letuce to be more presentable

and a good combination to eat the
barbecue like you are eating in a sangyup
style. It is only available dine in order.

Assume that the final product will be put in a

paper bag and the sauce is pack in a ice candy

Cost of Packaging

Paper bag 60
letuce 50 (20 target customer) (1 item) (5 days)= 100 students
Sticker logo 60 195 = 1.95 or 2.00
Ice candy plastic
25 100
Total= 195 Packaging: ₱ 2.00

Place Strategy

Gate 2
Hanson Building



The SPICY BBQ will be located at Saint Mary’s University campus. Along the gym canteen to be purchase
located at the JVD BLDG.

Price Strategy
The price of our product would be ₱ 15. 00 per stick.

Ingredients Actual Prize in Peso Prize per Product

Sugar 15 0.2
Salt 15 0.2
Marinate barbecue 45 0.5
Meat 125 15
Chilli powder 20 0.1
Oil 10 0.1
Soy Sauce 10 0.2
Vinegar 10 0.2
Ketchup 25 0.3
Magic Sarap 3 0.1
Garlic 5 0.04
Onions 5 0.2
Pepper 2 0.2

Promotion Strategies

1. Advertising

The entrepreneurs will use social media as the business’ platform in advertising the
product to the mass. Facebook,will be used. It will also have its own Facebook Page wherein
users may visit the said page and be updated and informed of the following:

a. Where they can buy the product

b. How much is the product
c. To whom they can purchase the product
d. And other announcement like a sale day or any unique twist that they can
enjoy and afford.

2. Selling Strategy
In selling the product, the entrepreneurs would follow the strategies of consultative
selling. That the entrepreneurs will be doing an open dialogue to determine and provide
solutions to a customer's needs. Next will be positively persuade, that need to persuade the
customers to buying our product. And lastly, direct selling which will be go room to room or
sell it around the campus and directly advertise the product into the target market.

3. Sales Promotion
Our company would use a unique promotional strategies to attract customers.Like a one
day sale and a free drinks to be more fun and to get the interest of a customer to buy.

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