The Shape, Size, Mobility, and Consistence of What He or She Feels

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Saint Mary’s University


Nursing Department
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Name: ______________________________________________________ Section: _____________ Group:________

Performance Evaluation Tool on Leopold Maneuvers

DIRECTIONS: Below is a list of criteria to evaluate the student’s skill in Leopold Maneuvers. Indicate your evaluation
by placing the number of score on the appropriate column using the following descriptive scale.
0- Not Done 1- Done Incorrectly 2- Done Correctly

1. Assess the physical condition of the mother and baby.
2. Determine the nursing needs of mother and baby.
3. Wash hands.
4. Prepare the client for the procedure.
5. Identify the client.
6. Explain the procedure.
7. Instruct the client to void or empty her bladder.
8. Expose the abdomen from the level of xyphoid process down to symphysis pubis.
9. Assist the client to position in dorsal recumbent
10. Warm two hands by rubbing one against the other before placing them on
the abdomen.
11. Perform the four steps in Leopold Maneuvers by palpating the abdomen. During
the first three maneuvers, the examiner stands at the side of the (client) bed
and faces the client.
First Maneuver ( Fundal Grip)
12. With both hands, palpate upper abdomen and fundus for:
the shape, size, mobility, and consistence of what he or she feels.
13. breech gives the sensation of a large, nodular mass, and its surface is uneven, non-
ballotable, and not very mobile whereas
14. head feels hard and round with smooth surface of uniform consistency, is very
mobile and ballotable.

Second Maneuver (Umbilical grip)

15. With both hands moving down; palpate the sides of the uterus from the top
to bottom.
One side – smooth, hard, resistant surface (back)
Other side – angular modulation (knees and elbows)

Third Maneuver( Pawlik Grip)

16. Grasp lower portion of the abdomen with thumb and fingers.
17. With the right hand over the symphysis, identify the presenting part by
grasping the lower abdomen with thumb and fingers.
18. Assess whether the presenting part is engaged in the pelvis (if head is
engaged, it will not move. If it is soft, it is the back).
19. Press downward about 2 inches above the inguinal ligament with both hands.
20. Reposition the client.

Fourth Maneuver(Pelvic Grip)

21. position by turning toward the patient’s feet,
22. with both hands assess the descent of the presenting part by locating the
cephalic prominence of brow.
23. Place your finger on both sides of uterus, about 2 inches above the inguinal
24. Press downwards and inward.
25. If the fetal back is palpated, it meets no obstruction.
26. The other hand will meet obstruction
27. the fetal brow is palpated.
28. Reposition the client

29. Evaluate the client’s presentation and position of the fetus inside the uterus of the
30. Record any abnormal observation and findings on the mother and baby.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Clinical Instructor Name and Signature Student’s Signature

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