Reading Task

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3/3/2021 Reading Task

Reading Task
Semester 2 Session 2020/2021


Name *


Matric Number *


Class *


SECTION A: (8 marks)
Answer questions 1 to 8 based on the passage given below by choosing the most suitable answer.


To all staff: 1/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

The hospital is always trying to cut its carbon footprint, and to do this, we
want to encourage staff, visitors and patients to use environmentally-friendly
forms of transport to and from the hospital. Therefore, we are making the
following changes, which will come into effect from 1st April:

Car Park A will stay as a staff car park, but, to encourage car sharing, it will
only be available to cars containing 3 passengers or more. This rule will be in
place between 7am and 6pm. A car park attendant will monitor users. Note
that cars do not have to leave the car park with three passengers. The parking
fee will remain at the current price of £1 an hour up to a maximum of £5 per
day. If you are interested in car sharing and wish to find members of staff who
live in your area or along your route, please click on the link on the human
resources page of the hospital website. Car Park C, previously a staff-only
car-park, will now be open to visitors at the increased cost of £2 per hour up
to 5 hours, and £1 an hour after that. These new rates will also apply to staff or
visitor Car Park E. Car Park B will only be open to blue card holders. Only
senior and emergency staff are eligible for this card.

Car park D will no longer be in use, as it will make way for an improved bus
park. The current bus service (Service 56D) from the city centre will be
replaced by two services. The service will be available to staff, patients and
visitors alike. Service 57A will run from: Hebdon Town Centre, Hebden Station,
Critchley Park and Ride, Grafton Street Train Station, Portchester City Centre
(Bus Stop D on Mill Yard) to the hospital. The service will run 24hours a day
every 20 minutes between 7am and 7pm and once an hour during the night.

Service 62A will run from Old grave Town Centre, Kings Wood Park and Ride
and Polegate Park and Ride to the hospital every 15 minutes between 7.30 am
and 7.00 pm and once every 30 minutes thereafter. The buses will have a flat
rate of £1 per journey. Staff will be able to buy a bus pass valid for 20 trips for
just £15. These can be purchased on the bus. Staff can also purchase a Go!
pass from the human resources website. The Go! pass costs £45 and entitles
users to park at any of the city's park and ride services for just £2 a day. It is
valid for one year. 2/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

There will also be an improved lock-up shed for bicycles and motorcycles in
the former carpark D. Hospital staff may wish to take advantage of the
voucher giving 50% off all cycles and cycle accessories bought from Perkin's
Wheels, which is downloadable from the Human Resources website. Note that
you will have to show your staff ID card at the store when making purchases.
There will be a fix-it session once a fortnight in car park D on Fridays at 2pm-
5pm. At this time, bicycle mechanics from Perkins Wheels will give advice on
bicycle upkeep and make minor bicycle repairs free of charge. We hope you
will take advantage of these schemes. (Adapted from https://www.

1. Under the rules, staff can only park in car park A at noon if * 1 point

they hold a blue card.

there are three people in the car.

they stay for a maximum of 5 hours.

2. The cost to park in Car Park B is * 1 point

not given in the text.

the same as car park A

the same as car parks C & E.

3. A member of staff who does not have a blue card can park in * 1 point

car parks A, C & E.

car parks C, D & E.

car parks A, C & D. 3/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

4. Joe sometimes works the night shift. What is the maximum time he may 1 point

have to wait for a bus from the hospital to the station? *

59 minutes

14 minutes

29 minutes

5. Jane has to make 8 return trips to the hospital from Oldgrave Town 1 point

Centre for treatment. How much money will she save by buying a bus
pass? *




6. Sheila has a Go! pass, but she doesn’t have a bus pass. Every day she 1 point

parks at Kings Wood Park and Ride and uses the bus service to get to the
hospital and back. How much does this cost her per day? *




7. What forms of transport will be able to use Car Park D after April 1st? * 1 point

Buses and cars

Buses, bicycles and motorbikes

Buses, cars, bicycles and motorbikes 4/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

8. Which is NOT true about Perkin’s Wheels? * 1 point

It sells bicycles and motorbikes

It will sell goods to staff at half

It will fix staff member’s bikes for no charge

SECTION B: (8 marks)

Answer questions 9 to 16 based on the passage given below by choosing the

most suitable answer.

Read an excerpt of a complaint letter from an employee.

Unfair Treatment in the Workplace

I am writing this letter to lodge a formal complaint against my boss, Mr. Kassim
Bakar. I feel that I have been given unfair treatment because of my gender.
Although Mr. Kassim has been nothing but nice to me, I feel that he passes me
up for important tasks and always gives out more important duties to the men
on my team.

At first, I thought I wasn’t getting the same quality or amount of work as the
rest of my co-workers because I was new to the team. However, once I felt I
had proved myself to Mr. Kassim, I expected him to consider me for the same
types of jobs as the rest of the team. It wasn’t until a new employee joined us
—a less experienced, less educated, underperforming employee—that I
started to worry about my situation. 5/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

I asked Mr. Kassim if there was anything that I could improve upon, but he said
no, that my work was perfect. When I asked him if I could be considered for
more important accounts, he said that I wasn’t “ready yet.” I have been an
employee at this firm for over two years now. I always receive some of the
highest employee evaluation marks in my department, but I still seem to be
passed over for a number of key projects. I thought it was maybe all in my
head until some other employees began to notice it. They suggested that I am
not given the same treatment because I’m not a man.

I would like to move up in this company, but I’m starting to feel like I’ll never be
promoted if I keep receiving this unfair treatment by my superior. I haven’t
been able to work these concerns out with Mr. Kassim directly, so I would like
to request that a mediator from HR intervene. I feel like a neutral party would
be able to look at my performance reviews and employee history and be able
to resolve this problem.

Please let me know if there’s any other documentation I can provide.

Thank you, Salmah Hassan.

9. The purpose of Salmah’s letter is to * 1 point

lodge a complaint against the company that she works for.

inform the authority on the treatment and mediator to resolve her issue at work.

sue the company that she works for due to the discrimination that she received at
work 6/17
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10. Salmah started to notice that her employer treated her differently when 1 point

she was neglected and ignored by her male colleagues.

she was not given tasks that suit her credibility and reliability.

a new employee joined the firm and her colleagues noticed she was treated differently

11. What was the justification Salmah claimed for herself? * 1 point

She had been working for a long time

She performed well in all the projects assigned

She had all the qualities required for her position

12. Due to this treatment, Salmah foresees that * 1 point

she will never get promoted.

her level of performance will deteriorate.

she will never get an increase in her salary.

13.Why did Salmah ask for a mediator to evaluate her performance? * 1 point

To make sure her evaluation is perfectly observed

To avoid any inaccuracies in observing her performance

To prevent any unfairness in evaluating her performance 7/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

14. How do you describe Salmah and Mr. Kassim's relationship? * 1 point




15. Apart from being treated differently, Mr. Kassim also * 1 point

grouped Salmah with less productive employees.

gave excuses and assigned her with insignificant tasks.

assigned her to work with another male worker in the team.

16. Salmah is experiencing * 1 point

unhealthy work environment.

unproductive work environment.

uncooperative work environment.

SECTION C: (8 marks)

Read two reviews about a film. Answer questions 17 to 19 based on Review 1

Review 1 8/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

Parents need to know that The Greatest Showman is a biographical musical

from the song writers of La La Land that stars Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum,
who starts out as a penniless orphan but becomes the world-renowned
creator of the circus. There is a bit of language and violence as well as some
drama surrounding the movie's interracial romance, which was taboo at the
time. But overall the plot and songs are easy enough for youngsters to follow.
Although it's based on factual events, the movie only covers a short period in
Barnum's life and shines over certain aspects of his career. Overall, The
Greatest Showman's charming leads and circus scenes should make it a fun
pick for families who enjoy history, musical theater, and, of course, the circus.

THE GREATEST SHOWMAN is a biographical musical about young Phineas T.

Barnum's life as a child, entrepreneur, museum owner, circus producer, and
entertainment producer. As a young boy, Phineas "Finn", the son of a tailor,
meets Charity, the daughter of one of his father's wealthy clients. He makes
her laugh and earns a slap from her father for it, but the spark between them
lasts throughout their adolescence, even while she's away at boarding school
and he is an orphan in the streets. Years later, Finn and Charity marry and have
two girls. He manages to secure a loan to open up a museum of oddities, and
when that starts to fail, he's inspired by a brief encounter with a little person
to invite unusual-looking folks - including a bearded lady and black brother-
and-sister trapeze artists to join a show focused around them. With a little
decoration from costumes and makeup, he opens what will become the first
circus. Although Barnum's show is critically criticized, the masses love it. He
earns a fortune, but Barnum cannot stop looking for approval from the upper

Energetic performances push this musical biopic, which is not perfect but
does occasionally delight thanks to its celebrity cast, led by the unique
Jackman. The talented Hugh Jackman is an ideal fit for playing the supposed
"greatest showman" on earth. The Greatest Showman doesn't examine into
some of the uglier aspects of Barnum's life (like all the hoaxes he was accused
of committing), but it does manage to entertain audiences with catchy
original songs. The songs will stay in your head long after the credits roll.
(Adapted from
greatest-showman) 9/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

17. How does the writer describe Phineas T. Barnum’s early childhood? * 1 point

Abusive and living in difficulty

Living in poverty and treated differently

Tormented due to being abandoned by his family

18. In paragraph 2, the writer uses the word oddities to refer to * 1 point

unfortunate people.

people with disabilities.

peculiar people and things. 10/17
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Question 19 * 1 point


Review 2 11/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

I sound as if I'm being really negative about this film but I will say that I
immediately wanted to watch the whole thing again once it was over. For
those going to the cinema expecting an historically accurate biography of PT
Barnum will be sorely disappointed. This being a feel-good musical, it certainly
marks the fact that Barnum was not the 'saviour of the oppressed' as
portrayed here. In fact, his real-life treatment of the disabled people, people
of colour and animals who populated his 'freak shows' left much to be desired.
He certainly exploited them (even after their deaths) and presented them as
exotic curiosities, simply for being foreign or outside of the Victorian norm.
Barnum's manipulation of certain characteristics is touched on in the film, but
much more could have been made of one man constructing a reality to fit the
prejudiced viewpoint of the audience.

If you can choose to view 'The Greatest Showman' simply as a fictional

fantasy, there is something to enjoy here. I am not above being excited by the
sight of Zac Efron in a ring master's costume and delighting in seeing him
singing and dancing again. His duet with Hugh Jackman, when they make a
business deal in a bar, punctuated by the rhythmic downing of shots is a
thrilling spectacle. Zendaya is magnificent as a pink-haired flying trapeze
artist, who shares another delightful duet with Zac. The casting of Michelle
Williams, however, is so glaringly mistaken it jumped out, even in the trailer.
We are supposed to accept that Williams and Jackman (who have a 12-year
age-gap) are the same age (they are portrayed as childhood sweethearts),
she is put on in a long blonde wig and given a thankless task of a role. A total
waste of Williams' acting talents.

The songs are catchy and I have sought them out since seeing the film.
Frankly, thinking back on this film is giving me a headache. It is a frustrating
mess, with much to mock. However, I do admit to being swept along with
some of the musical numbers and circus scenes. Keala Settle's barn-storming
performance as Lettie Lutz - The Bearded Lady, leading her troop in a rousing
number did stir something inside me. So, ultimately I have to accept that a
large part of me enjoyed The Greatest Showman, because after all THIS IS ME.
(Adapted from 12/17
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20. Some people may be disappointed with the movie as * 1 point

P.T. Barnum was portrayed as the saviour of his circus troupe.

the storyline does not depict the actual biography of P.T. Barnum.

the exploitation committed by P.T. Barnum was highlighted in the movie.

21. “He certainly exploited them (even after their deaths) and presented 1 point
them as exotic curiosities…”. This exploitation was due to *

quest for fortune and fame.

the audience interest upon abnormalities.

the need to fulfill the entertainment satisfaction of the audience.

22. What is the reviewer’s impression of the movie? * 1 point

She enjoyed the movie.

She felt that the movie is a disappointment.

She had a negative impression on the movie.

23. Which of the following is true of both reviews? * 1 point

Both reviews describe The Greatest Showman storyline in detail.

Both reviews suggest The Greatest Showman has memorable songs.

Both reviews suggest The Greatest Showman narrates factual events of P.T Barnum
career. 13/17
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24. The two reviews suggest that the movie is a * 1 point

fictional fantasy genre.

success due to the lead character.

sugar-coated version of P. T Barnum's biography.

SECTION D: (8 marks)

In the following text, six sentences or parts of sentences have been removed.
Below you will find the six removed sentences and one additional sentence
which does not fit (in the drop-box of each question) . Choose the sentences
from (A-G) that fit each gap (25-30).

The Box of Tricks

by Benjamin Kensey

Untitled Title

I look back on the sweltering July day my father carried the Leica M3 into the
house, with a spring in his step, as the beginning of the rest of our lives, our
lives without my mother. (25)________________________________"Hey John, look
at this little box of tricks!" he urged, on returning from the junk store, a
package under his arm. I joined him in looking over what seemed to be a
pretty beat up camera."You know, now I'll be able to do something I've always
wanted."This was generally my father's way of lightly admonishing his family
for holding him back from all those absorbing activities he would have
otherwise enjoyed were it not for the heavy demands of being head of
household. He said it when my mother finally let him get the Winnebago,
parked rusting to bits outside while he surveyed his new toy with the bright
eyes of a schoolboy. 14/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

Question 25 * 1 point

F. It was only three days after her funeral.

Frances came into the kitchen to watch us, chin resting on forearms as she
leaned precariously forward in her chair, low over the table

Question 26 * 1 point

B. Fran, moody and teary in those days, found the whole thing bemusing and voiced

As my fathers’ fingers nimbly traced faded contours on the camera body and
explored tiny silver handles and knobs along the top, he glanced up at me for
the tiniest of instants. "You know, when I was your age, John, I wanted to be a
photo-journalist. (27)________________________________ This camera here, well,
it was the Cadillac of its day, you know. "Frances perked up at the mention of a
camera. "Can we take pictures of Oscar? "Oscar, our fat and gassy spaniel,
yawned knowingly in the corner. "I'm entering a photography competition,
Fran," he said. And that's how we discovered that evening that my father was
entering the cut and thrust world of competitive pointing and clicking. Yes, it
kept him out of the harrying clutches of Amy and Anne, my mother's two
sisters who had taken it upon themselves to look after my father and the rest
of us, (28)________________________________, but if it was, he wasn't telling.

Question 27 * 1 point

G. I guess I just never had the right guidance 15/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

Question 28 * 1 point

A. and that may well have been his chief incentive

The aunts had soon made it a habit to show up at around ten o'clock and thus
my father would be out of the house by nine thirty, beloved Leica in tow. There
then began a cold war of wills, with me in the middle as informant, whereby
my aunts' arrival and my father's daily photographic tours of duty would get
earlier and earlier. Within two weeks, Aunt Amy and Aunt Anne were at the
house by eight sharp. Eventually, a ceasefire was agreed all around and my
father would spend ten minutes with my mom's sisters and be out of the
house by eight fifteen. Indeed, my father was spending longer and longer
outside the house. What he found to photograph around our dull part of
Cleveland is anyone's guess, for he never shared the spoils of his hunts with
me or Fran. He had a rudimentary darkroom fashioned under the tiny stairway
from black curtains and we'd often see his lumpy movements behind there
through the summer evenings that year. One afternoon, with the aunts
chatting in the yard, I stole a peek in there but felt immediately a thief and
slunk away having only glimpsed a couple of shots of the imposing bank on
Peacock Drive that were still hanging up over the developing trays.
(29)________________________________"Why can't we go into the dark?" she
would ask. "Darkroom, Fran. It's called a darkroom." "I'm going to stop dad
coming into my room," she would then argue with faultless logic and I would
await her next outburst. In early September, over dinner, my father announced
that he'd selected his entry for the prestigious Cuyahoga County
Photographic Fair, due to be held the following weekend. Aunt Anne stopped
eating. "That's very exciting, Richard," she began, "after that, you can get back
to looking after the family. It'll be wonderful to have you around again. "He said
nothing, but I could see the words had left their intended mark and we
finished the meal in near silence.

Question 29 * 1 point

B. Fran, moody and teary in those days, found the whole thing bemusing and voiced 16/17
3/3/2021 Reading Task

After the episode over dinner the week before, he hadn't spoken further of his
choice of entry and had resisted all my probing questions. On the Saturday
morning of the competition, I found my father's room, his study, the
improvised darkroom, indeed the whole house, empty. Fran had gone to
Warrensville Park with our aunts for the day. I passed the day walking barefoot
across the sun dappled floorboards, often with Oscar meandering lazily
behind. I saw that my father had packed up his darkroom, leaving only the
long, black drapes in place. Fran had made her own "dark" under where her
dolls house stood, which made me smile. Just after four, my father's Chevy
pulled up outside. He let the screen door bang shut, met me in the hallway,
smiled a boyish grin and said, "Let's get you kids some tea, what do you say?
Franks and mac? I'll do it like your mom did. "It was the first time he'd
mentioned my mother in six weeks. I never saw the Leica again and he uttered
not a single word about the competition.
(30)________________________________"Only eight years later, in the Cleveland
Public Library, did I discover my father had finished seventh in the 1991
Cuyahoga County Photographic Fair. I never saw my father's photo, or even
asked him about it. Only those that finished first, second and third were
shown, but none of them could have compared to the image I gained of him
that summer: that of a man in the midst of his greatest triumph." (Adapted

Question 30 * 1 point

C. Aunt Amy and Aunt Anne came around less and less often as fall approached.


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