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Dear Minister of Parliament,

We are writing to you on behalf of the Uyghur community in Aotearoa

New Zealand, and as a coalition of organisations and individuals
concerned about the actions of the state of the People's Republic of
China towards the Uyghur people and other ethnic minorities living in
China. As you can imagine, the small Uyghur community of Aotearoa
New Zealand holds deep concerns for their family members back
home affected by the actions of the Chinese government.

Members of the Uyghur community here who also fear for their safety,
and therefore prefer to remain anonymous, want you to hear the
following pleas:

“The New Zealand Government has condemned China multiple times

on different stages including at the UN Forum. We appreciate the
Government for speaking out against human rights violations against
Uyghur people. But it is time to put the words into action and help the
Uyghur community abroad who escaped China from persecution but
living in limbo. Thousands of Uyghurs need urgent help in several
countries, facing a lot of uncertainty including risk of being deported
back to China. We request New Zealand Government to accept
Uyghur Refugees as part of Refugee Quota Programme so that they
can safely settle here and build their future without fear of being

"Being a small community, we would welcome more Uyghurs calling

New Zealand home. We are committed to being contributing members
of New Zealand society and many of us have been successful in our
careers here. However, we often feel marginalised, ignored, and
alone. Uyghur refugees cannot go back home as they are facing
severe persecution, and are amongst the most vulnerable of diaspora
groups. Bringing more Uyghurs to New Zealand will help some of the
most persecuted of people find safety. It will strengthen and enrich our
community and New Zealand alike."
"When I see a group of people doing family barbecue in a park with
their relatives, I tell myself, one day. One day this will happen to me."

We are writing to ask that you consider working with the United
Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in carving a path through our
Refugee Quota Programme so that members of Uyghur community
here can reconnect with their families and those currently displaced
overseas can find safety in New Zealand from persecution. We know
this is possible, because it has been done before with the Rohingya.
So we invite you, as you firm up your plans for the change you intend
to make in the 53rd New Zealand Parliament, to consider this being
part of the change you make.

As a coalition of concerned citizens we would welcome the

opportunity to discuss this further with you.

Yours sincerely,


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