01-MOR-Courseware-Module 2

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Cluster 1 | 2nd Semester A.Y. 2020-2021

MODULE 2: research problem


Prepared by:
Email Address: erlynivy.rago@cit.edu
course outline & learning outcomes
Definition of Problem; Characteristics of Researchable Problem; Research Objectives;
Major Classification of Research Objectives; Statement of Research Objectives; Types
of Research Data; Data Collection Methods

Explain the research problem and

LO1 objectives of the study

Identify the needed data collection method to

LO2 gather necessary and accurate data

Develop data collection instruments

LO3 and strategies
Definition of a Problem
a perceived difficulty, a feeling of discomfort with
the way things are a discrepancy between what
someone believes should be and what is (Fisher
et al., 1991)
“the problem is the heart of every research project
because it is paramount in importance to the
success of the research effort, thus the situation is
simple: NO PROBLEM, NO RESEARCH” (Leedy,
Characteristics of a Research Problem

1. When there is no known answer or solution to the

problem such that gap in knowledge exists;
2. When there are possible solutions to it but the
effectiveness of which is untested or unknown yet;
3. Where there are answers or solutions but the
possible results of which may seem or factually
Characteristics of a Research Problem

4. When there are several possible and plausible

explanations for the undesirable condition; and
5. When the existence of a phenomenon requires
Research Problem
Additional Condition
• Concept must be clear
• Concept can be represented by evidence obtainable
• Concept must be feasible to carry out

A Good Research Problem is

1. Of great interest to the researcher
2. Relevant and useful to a group of people
3. Novel or possesses the element of newness or
5. Ethical
6. Manageable
Sources of Research Problem
1. Personal experience
2. Common Sense
3. Theories
4. Past researches
5. Practical Problems
6. Journals, books, theses, dissertation and mass media
7. Technological changes
8. Friends, colleagues, professors, consultants
9. Conferences, symposia, dialogues and ordinary meetings
Do not be confused!

Research Problem?
Research Question?
Research Objectives?
Definition of a Problem

Problem Statement
One of the important goals of any problem
statement is to define the problem being
addressed in a way that is clear and
precise. The aim is focus the process
improvement team’s activities and steer the
scope of the project.

Definition of a Problem
How to Write a Problem Statement
An Activity
1. Get each person to write his or her own problem statement without
conferring. Compare each of the sentences/looking for common themes and
2. Start to write an improved statement using the common themes.
3. Ensure that the problems include the customer’s perspective.
4. Ensure that the statement focuses on existing problems.
5. Try to include the time frame over which problem has been occurring.
6. Try to quantify the problem. If you do not have data on hand, defer writing the
final problem statement until you have been able to quantify the problem.
Helpful Tip: Apply the FIVE (5) Ws (Who, What, Where, When and Why)
Definition of a Problem
How to Write a Problem Statement
An Activity (cont.)

The problem statement SHOULD:

1. focus on only one problem;

2. be one or two sentences long; and
3. NOT suggest a solution,

Research Objective

An objective an effect that is desired or expected to be

achieved by an activity, project or program

Research objectives refers to the statements of purpose for

which the investigation is to be conducted

Classified as (1) general or (2) specific.

Data Collection
is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of
interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer
stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.

Why is it
Incur consequences such as: (1)1inability to repeat and validate the study; (2)
distorted findings resulting in wasted resources; (3) misleading other
researchers to pursue fruitless avenues of investigation; (4) compromising
decisions for public policy; and (5) causing harm to human participants and
animal subjects
Classification/Sources of Data

Primary Data
those that you have collected yourself or the data collected at source or the data
originally collected by individuals, focus groups, and a panel of respondents
specifically set up by the researcher whose opinions may be sought on specific
issues from time to time (Matt, 2001), (Afonja, 2001).

Secondary Data
a secondary data research project involves the gathering and/or use of existing data
for which they were originally collected, for example, computerized database,
company records or archives, government publications, industry analysis offered by
the media, information system and computerized or mathematical models of
environmental processes and so on (Tim ,1997), (Matt, 2001).
Research Instrument/Research Tool

Interview Document Analysis Questionnaire

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