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1. Hard soil slope
2. Working in the most disadvantage condition:
2.1 Rating over side working
2.2 Full bucket loading at the farrest reach from swing centerline
2.3 Boom and arm parallel slope
3. Slope (degree): 20

Lct = 1.5 :Distance (on slope) from excavator center line to tipping point (m)
Vbu = 1.4 :Capacity of bucket (m3)


According to standard ISO 10567: Tipping load (Pt) ≤ 0.75 Anti-Tipping load (Pat)
Pt = Gbu*Lbu+Ga*La+Gb*Lb = 48,957 (Kg.m)
Pat = Glf*Llf+Guf*Luf+Gc*Lc+Gs*Ls = 70,863 (Kg.m)
Pt/Pat = 0.69 < 0.75 => Meet standard requirement

Gbu1 :Mass of bucket

Gbu2 :Mass of soil
Gbu :Gbu1+Gbu2 Lbu :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Gbu to tipping point
Ga :Mass of arm La :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Ga to tipping point
Gb :Mass of boom Lb :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Gb to tipping point
Glf :Mass of lower frame Llf :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Glf to tipping point
Guf :Mass of upper frame Luf :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Guf to tipping point
Gc :Mass of counter weight Lc :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Gc to tipping point
Gs :Mass of system component (in dry weight) Ls :Distance (on horizontal plane) from Gs to tipping point

Hbu :Height (on slope) of Gbu center point Lbus :Distance (on slope) from Gbu to tipping point
Ha :Height (on slope) of Ga center point Las :Distance (on slope) from Ga to tipping point
Hb :Height (on slope) of Gb center point Lbs :Distance (on slope) from Gb to tipping point
Hlf :Height (on slope) of Glf center point Llfs :Distance (on slope) from Glf to tipping point
Huf :Height (on slope) of Guf center point Lufs :Distance (on slope) from Guf to tipping point
Hc :Height (on slope) of Gc center point Lcs :Distance (on slope) from Gc to tipping point
Hs :Height (on slope) of Gs center point Lss :Distance (on slope) from Gs to tipping point

Gbu1 Gbu2 Gbu Ga Gb Glf Guf Gc Gs

(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
1,080 2,464 3,544 1,900 3,610 14,897 2,950 9,700 2,985

Lbu La Lb Llf Luf Lc Lc

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
7.63 6.53 2.63 1.24 1.80 3.92 3.04

Lbus Las Lbs Llfs Lufs Lcs Lss

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
8.12 6.95 2.80 1.32 1.92 4.17 3.24

Hbu Ha Hb Hlf Huf Hc Hs

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
2.42 3.42 3.42 0.5 1.19 1.59 1.59

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