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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2006, 40, 436-442

distribute fresh water among humans and nature, and among

Future Scenarios for a Sustainable different regions and users (2). While the construction of
Water Sector: A Case Study from massive water infrastructure in the 20th century brought
tremendous benefits to billions, these centralized technolo-
Switzerland gies also have substantial social, economic, and environ-
mental costs (3). Main criticisms concern the difficulties to
close nutrient cycles, the large amounts of water to transport
waste, the loss of (waste)water in leaky pipes, the emission
of pollutants, and the difficulties of developing countries to
bear the costs (e.g., refs 1, 4). The world water council
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology estimated that adapting and renewing the infrastructure in
(Eawag), CH-8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland
industrialized countries amounts to $10 trillion in 25 years,
while developing countries need $1.8 trillion for water and
sanitation infrastructures (2). Increasingly, researchers realize
that these immense problems call for new approaches. Gleick
Uncertainties about the long-term prospects of urban
(3) postulates that community-scale, decentralized facilities
water management systems have increased substantially must complement conventional centralized infrastructure.
over the past decade due to an increasing variety of Water professionals even wish to inspire a “blue revolution”
regulations, technologies, and demand structures. In to develop alternatives for water-scarce developing countries
Switzerland, this uncertainty is mirrored by growing difficulties (5). Some solutions could find their way back to northern
of utility managers and (waste)water scientists to agree countries because they might be environmentally superior
on shared strategies: Water professionals demand support (5). Concurrently, we should start considering alternatives
for pressing management problems, while researchers for our industrialized countries.
fundamentally question the longer-term sustainability of the Despite this need for transformation, the water sectors
established water management system. To reestablish as other utilitiessis characterized by strong inertia. It is a
shared orientation, we conducted a foresight study for the “large technical system”, where changes require much time
because of the material longevity and the strongly established
Swiss (waste)water sector in 2004. Based on interviews
institutional and professional expertise structures (6, 7).
with 29 experts from Swiss water management and research Material and social infrastructure networks constitute a fine-
to collect 56 drivers of change, a team of 17 experts tuned socio-technical system (8), which is extremely suc-
developed three scenarios: (A) regional mergers of water cessful if its conditions remain stable. Uncertainties impede
utilities leading to enhanced professionalism in the the system’s development, and rapid adjustments to new
sector, (B) consequent material flows management leading demands are difficult. Thus, incremental innovations are
to a radically restructured urban water management preferred, and socio-technical systems rather undergo con-
system, and (C) generalized financial crisis leading to a tinuous improvement than radical restructuring.
breakdown of centralized utility services. These scenarios Provided that we need fundamentally new concepts, we
helped identifying shared research priorities. We conclude face a dilemma, and neither demanding an immediate system
that scenario analysis is a powerful tool for framing long- transformation nor muddling through as usual will yield a
solution. Rather, we should integrate natural, engineering,
term strategies, defining priorities, and integrating
economic, and social science skills (9). A key issue of
different interests in the multidisciplinary contexts of sustainability science is to guide the journey to a more
sustainability science, which are marked by high uncertainties sustainable future (10, 11). Various methodologies can
and concern a wide range of stakeholder groups. support this multidisciplinary process. Scenario planning is
relatively well established in business and policy contexts
with high uncertainty, insufficient generation of new op-
Introduction portunities, and low-quality strategic thinking (12). Hence,
Uncertainties about the long-term prospects of water in- scenario analysis might help integrating the scientific and
frastructure systems are growing considerably. Major drivers practical knowledge of key actors in the water sector to find
that increase complexity are new regulatory frameworks (e.g., a way out of this dilemma.
privatized ownership of utilities), reduced financial stability,
Scenario building is an evolving concept which has not
risks from new pollutants or hygienic parameters, new
yet been codified into a common set of procedures (11; but
technologies (e.g., household centered water treatment),
see ref 13 for typical features). Scenarios do not predict the
regional population dynamics, and skepticism regarding the
future but are a tool to support systematic thinking about
sustainability of the conventional centralized system. Con-
the future. They help identifying options to be prepared for
sequently, professionals are reconsidering their longer-term
possible futures (14, 15). Scenarios allow for creative explora-
strategies (1), leading to some tension in a long relationship
tion of uncertain and highly complex issues and may
of unanimous cooperation: Water professionals demand that
challenge conventional thinking about a socio-technical
research should focus on pressing management problems
system. Scenario analyses date back to post-World War II
and less on technology development. Researchers argue that
strategic issues, such as the consequences of nuclear
the real challenges still lie ahead and question the sustain-
proliferation. Scenario analyses have strongly influenced
ability of the established system. Considering these positions,
business strategy formation, Royal Dutch/Shell leading the
there remains a small area for fruitful exchange.
way (16), and were used in highly uncertain political
The sustainability issue may help understanding this
situations, such as in South Africa after the fall of apartheid.
debate. A main challenge of the 21st century is to justly
Empirical environment related applications were energy
* Corresponding author phone: +41-44-823 5574; fax: +41-44- provision, climate change, water scarcity, or ecosystem
823 5389; e-mail: management (e.g., refs 11, 14, 17). Regarding large technical
436 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 40, NO. 2, 2006 10.1021/es0514139 CCC: $33.50  2006 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 12/13/2005
systems, sustainable urban transportation has been studied This is crucial to scenario building, since the aim is not
(e.g., ref 18). Recently, a methodology of “sustainability consensus or a representative mean, but rather the explora-
foresight” was developed for utility sectors in general and tion of new horizons, without constraints regarding the
was applied to the German electricity, gas, water, and desirability or probability of occurrence. Similar approaches
telecommunications sector (19). However, accounts of have been chosen in other environmental areas, e.g., in an
scenario building in the water sector are rare (but see refs expert assessment on climate change (29).
20-22). Second, we conducted focused expert interviews, i.e., the
We combined a literature survey with expert interviews interview guidelines set cornerstones, while the interviewees
and scenario workshops to answer our main question: “How were allowed to speak as freely as possible. We covered (A)
can the Swiss water sector evolve over the next 25-30 years technologies and concepts in the water sector, (B) organiza-
and guarantee its long-term sustainability for the next 50- tion, regulation, and financing issues, and (C) the wider
70 years?” Although it is questionable whether this is really context of water management (society, politics, economics,
“long-term”, 50-70 years is long in view of the daily decision science). We asked the interviewees to describe the current
making contexts of practitioners (5-10 years) and the most situation, but then to focus on the most important challenges
pressing problems of the water sector such as reorganization, for the next 25-30 years. We covered each main topic, but
Millennium Goals, or infrastructure renewal (10-25 years). did not insist if the interviewee had little to say, and
Our aim was to identify research priorities that could both encouraged new topics. An interview lasted 1.5-2 h. All
prepare for more sustainable solutions and also respond to interviews were tape-recorded and the external ones tran-
the mid-term priorities of water professionals. As compro- scribed. The literature review and interviews resulted in an
mise, 25 years was accepted by researchers and practitioners. initial factor list of about 120 drivers. Because many were
Within this time frame, we identified the most relevant drivers variants and some were irrelevant, we reduced it to 56 relevant
of change in the water sector, formulated a range of factors that were used as input in the following steps (Table
comprehensive future scenarios based on these factors, and S2, Supporting Information).
cross-checked this analysis with key actors in the Swiss water Uncertainty Impact Analysis. We further reduced this
sector to provide a good working basis for future collabora- list in a one-day workshop with uncertainty impact analysis.
tion. Participation was limited to eight Eawag experts (including
ourselves) and guided by experienced external moderators
Materials and Methods for scenario workshops. Workshop participants discussed
To increase the efficiency of the scenario process, we the factor list and added three factors. Then, four groups
combined several methodologies. Our approach is similar to evaluated each factor with regard to (1) the uncertainty of
the scenario methodology of the Warwick Business School its future state and (2) its relevance for the water sector. We
(23). More directly, it is inspired by the sustainability foresight used a scale of 0 to 4 for uncertainty (0 ) future state of factor
approach recently developed for utility services (19). in 25-30 years is rather certain to 4 ) rather uncertain) and
Factor Identification with Literature Survey and Expert impact (0 ) impact of factor is rather unimportant to 4 )
Interviews. A first, crucial step in a scenario process is to very important). We aggregated the group ratings and
identify the key drivers and uncertainties in the area (15) by discussed factors with large standard deviations in the plenum
means of a literature survey. Several studies on the future of to clarify inconsistencies. We identified 37 factors with high
the water sector were carried out recently in Germany and importance for the future and large uncertainty (Table S2,
Switzerland (e.g., refs 21, 24-26). We complemented this Supporting Information). Additionally, we defined premises
initial factor list with expert knowledge by interviewing 12 and wild cards. Premises are important factors with a
renowned scientists from water supply and wastewater relatively certain outcome (i.e., they are the same in all
management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science scenarios). Wild cards are unlikely incidences that would
and Technology (Eawag) and 17 key professionals from the induce radical change if they did occur (e.g., acts of terrorism).
Swiss urban water sector. For each chosen factor, the experts described relevant future
We selected the interviewees according to Theoretical states (e.g., for factor 1 “market penetration of decentralized
Sampling (27), which is a standard sampling technique in technologies”: stagnation/success in niches/strong expan-
social sciences that was developed in the context of sion; Table S3, Supporting Information). Between workshops,
“Grounded Theory” (28). The idea is that samples (in our we elaborated an essay for each factor, which was mirrored
case experts) are not selected according to statistical rep- for plausibility to the Eawag experts.
resentativity, but rather according to a priori known categories Scenario Development and Implications. The second
(strata) of reasonable perspectives on an issue. In our case, workshop involved nine scientists and eight practitioners
sampling strata were defined by different actor categories (Table S1, Supporting Information), lasted 2 days, and was
such as researchers and practitioners, both in the field of guided by the same moderators. The aim was to create three
water supply and wastewater management. We further to four future scenarios that represent the possibility space
stratified the experts from practice by including federal and defined by the chosen factors. Participants received the factor
cantonal authorities, the two Swiss (waste)water associations, essays beforehand, together with a description of the aim
various utilities and private firms, and an environmental NGO and structure of the workshop. Since all participants had
(Table S1, Supporting Information). Most of the experts have been interviewed, they were familiar with the topic and had
a medium to top managerial position. Each of the sampled already expressed their individual views about the future of
actor groups has a specific view of the problem, and the the Swiss water sector.
different perspectives overlap only partially. Sampling points First, the factors were discussed in the plenum, and two
within the strata are then chosen to be typical for a specific new factors were added (economic welfare, water consump-
perspective, i.e., it might be perfectly legitimate to chose an tion). Again, we used uncertainty impact analysis to select
extreme position within a category of actors to cover the 15 factors as framework for the scenarios (Table S3, Sup-
range of different viewpoints. This usually implies a cumula- porting Information). From this list, participants had to decide
tive or iterative research process. We selected the external upon starting projections for which they liked to see a full
representatives based on suggestions by Eawag experts scenario. These should either be highly important for the
(snowball sampling technique). We emphasized that we future or describe a potential (but perhaps less likely) future
wished to include experts with new or opposing views to state of high interest. Each participant voted for three
cover the whole range of ideas (i.e., including “outliers”). projections. The results were discussed in the plenum, and


three starting projections were chosen: A future in which
(A) mergers lead to a strong reduction in the number of water
utilities in Switzerland, (B) increased emphasis is placed on
resources management by Swiss environmental politics, and
(C) the financial stability of Swiss (waste)water utilities is
fundamentally threatened.
Subsequently, three groups were formed to elaborate a
scenario for each starting projection. Most participants chose
their preferred starting projection, but two or three had to
join another group to guarantee a balanced representation
of perspectives. They aimed at answering the following
question: “What could Switzerland look like in 20, 30, or 50
years, and which kinds of water management systems could
then be relevant, given that the starting projection was true?”
Hence, the groups worked themselves through the factor
list, discussing the future state of each factor under the chosen
scenario. The experts were encouraged to create a plausible
story line that showed how various elements might interact FIGURE 1. Result of the uncertainty impact analysis in the second
(15). They were asked to be as precise as possible and to use expert workshop. The numbers indicate factors (Table 1); we exclude
their imagination to fill in uncertainties. They were reminded premises and wild cards. We show the sums of four expert group
that they were not predicting the future, or depicting a decisions on the uncertainty of each factor in 25-30 years and its
preferred future, but drawing a coherent picture of a potential importance for the water sector on a scale of 0-4. Factors in
future. Each group wrote down the main characteristics of parentheses were merged; factors with shading were chosen for
its scenario, visualized it, and presented it to all participants scenario building (Table S3, Supporting Information). Two new
also with role-play. The scenarios were discussed in the factors were generated: (a) ) water quantity profile, (b) ) economic
plenum and were thus validated by discourse. Additionally, prosperity.
participants voted about the subjective probability of each
scenario’s occurrence. liberalization of the electricity sector was dismissed in a
Finally, implications for research and utility management national referendum. However, on a European level, different
were discussed. The participants were asked, “If you knew models of liberalizing the water industry are still being
that scenario A (B, C) was to occur until 2030, which strategic debated, particularly by the European competition policy
projects should be initiated today to be prepared for the (26). Furthermore, financial problems to maintain the
expected changes?” These projects were listed and discussed infrastructures were considered of great importance by the
in the plenum. The workshop was terminated by a short interviewees, not so much for the big, urban utilities, but for
evaluation round. Most participants stated that they had the plethora of small companies and communities which
learned a lot from other participants’ inputs and that the suffer a lack of expertise in many respects.
methodology was useful for generating an integrated picture Drivers of Change. We identified 56 drivers of change
of potential futures. from our literature review and interviews (Table S2, Sup-
After the workshop, we formulated the scenarios in detail porting Information). These were reduced to 29 factors, 6
and checked them for internal inconsistencies (15). We wrote premises, and 2 wild cards in the first workshop. Uncertainty
an internal report and sent it to all participants for feedback. impact analysis in the second workshop further reduced the
We also analyzed the list of potential strategic projects to list to 15 factors (Figure 1). These constituted the scenario
elaborate research priorities for Eawag. backbone (Table S3, Supporting Information).
Scenarios for the Swiss Water Sector in 20-30 Years.
Results and Discussion The chosen scenarios were as follows: (A) regional mergers
The Swiss Water Sector Today. We can only present the of water utilities lead to enhanced professionalism in the
most important results from the interviews here. The Swiss sector, (B) consequent material flows management leads to
water sector is highly fragmented, and most experts stated a radically restructured urban water management system,
that this fragmentation causes strong organizational defi- and (C) generalized financial crisis leads to a breakdown of
ciencies: There are ca. 1000 wastewater and 3000 water centralized utility services. The main future states of the 15
supply companies serving 7 million people, with a clear factors are shown in the Supporting Information (Table S3).
separation between the two. As comparison, England and Factor profiles of the scenarios may be read from this table.
Wales has 28 water companies (20), and Germany, counting A short story line of each scenario follows.
about 12 times the Swiss population and known for its highly Scenario A: Regionalization. Starting projection is the
fragmented water sector, “only” counts 6000 water utilities. realization of many experts that fundamental problems of
Generally, only the larger Swiss cities are organized as the Swiss water sector can only be solved with a professional
professional companies. Many of the smaller ones do not approach. Financial pressure, increasing demands on op-
employ professionals, but rather municipal members on a eration and maintenance, and public awareness regarding
part-time basis, and often the management is entangled with micropollutants (e.g., pharmaceuticals) call for increased
local politics. Many are municipally owned, but limited efficiency (see main drivers; Table S3, Supporting Informa-
private sector participation in the form of delegated public tion). Because Switzerland remains skeptical toward priva-
management does exist (26). The infrastructure of the water tization of the utilities, improved performance is obtained
sector is financed via municipalities and rates. Prices are a with regional mergers of the 4000 water companies, which
combination of volume related components (m3 water are reduced to 250. This enables returns of scale, technical
consumption) and standing charges (flat rates; 30). Most expertise, research, and specialization. Financial efficiency
utilities are organized in two waste and drinking water measures (benchmarking, flexible pricing) are broadly in-
associations, which play an important role as opinion makers troduced. The regional water companies are controlled by
and in the education of professionals. Regarding deregulation, cantonal authorities. They exchange know-how via the
privatization of water utilities was controversially discussed syndicates and outsource some activities to private com-
in the 1990s. This pressure decreased considerably after panies. This simplifies strategy building for the whole sector.


be a very strong one if it did occur. Success in niches of new
TABLE 1. Factors That Were Regarded as Important Drivers of concepts is possible until 2030, but a widespread replacement
Change in the Water Sector (Legend to Figure 1)a of our current system needs >50 years.
no. factor no. factor Scenario C: Financial Crisis. Starting projection is a
financial crisis of the water companies. The main drivers are
1 decentralized 33 responsibilities organizational deficiencies (as scenario A), combined with
2 key 34 rivershed
a strong political demand to tighten water pollution control
technologies management (as scenario B). The crisis is caused by insufficient capital
3 information 35 regional mergers of provisions, deficiencies in pricing (neglecting infrastructure
technologies companies costs), decreasing revenues, and limited competition. How-
4 sewer 36 privatization ever, instead of increasing efficiency and focusing on strategic
technologies planning for whole Switzerland, singular solutions are
5 water treatment 37 multi utilities implemented. This leads to an unfavorable distribution of
technologies risks and inefficient economic structures. In this situation,
6 WWTP 38 international the private sector boosts innovations and decentralized
technologies providers
7 source 39 innovation and
solutions constitute 30% of the water sector. While envi-
separation flexibility ronmental impacts are reduced, water consumption and the
16 water 41 services revenues also continue to decrease. Because the infrastruc-
costs ture is no longer used to full capacity, expensive re-
17 wastewater 42 professionalism dimensioning is necessary and it can hardly be kept to best-
costs technology standards. The pressure to include private capital
19 tariffs 44 societal increases. To avoid privatization or the systems’ breakdown,
wastewater demands it seems inevitable that the water sector will be reorganized
21 investments 45 acceptance new
in the longer-term (>50 years), e.g., as in scenario A.
wastewater sector technologies
22 investments 47 nutrient Scenarios Support Agreement on Shared Priorities.
water supply cycles Scenario building makes expectations about future develop-
24 external 49 micropollutants ments more explicitsbe it with respect to a desirable and
costs highly probable future or a strongly feared one. Even a bleak
26 municipality 50 research scenario can open unrecognized opportunities (15), and
finances expert discussions about scenarios help determining strategic
28 company 56 climate responses. Scenario building as we conducted it does not
finances change necessarily stimulate creativity but is a structured procedure
29 financing 57 water
models availability
to elicit the expectations of different actors and identify
30 competition 58 material flows converging and diverging preferences. Hence, scenarios
management reflect the current “state of mind” of the participants and
31 regulations 59 house installation should not be interpreted as “predictions”.
wastewater technologies Consequently, the practitioners, who are confronted with
a For details, see Tables S2 and S3, Supporting Information. daily problems caused by the inefficiency of the highly
fragmented Swiss water sector, focused on increased profes-
sionalism. This was mirrored by the preference of many water
The centralized system is continuously optimized, risk and professionals for “increased role of mergers” as starting
innovation management is improved, and the concerted projection for the first scenario, A. In contrast, the researchers
development of strategic niches allows for experimentation emphasized the importance of technological, systems, and
with decentralized technologies. In the longer term (>50 social innovations to increase the environmental sustain-
years), Switzerland will integrate European laws, and inter- ability of the water sector. This was reflected in choosing
national private water companies might seriously compete “material flows management” (scenario B) as the second
with Swiss firms. starting projection. Selecting the third “financial crisis”
Scenario B: Material Flows Management. Scenario B is scenario (C) may be interpreted as a relevant threat to both
based on environmental sustainability considerations. Start- parties if business-as-usual remains the predominant strategy
ing projection is the political demand for consequent material of the sector and if additionally financial pressure increases
flows management (e.g., resources recycling) and reduced in Swiss communities. Therefore, two scenarios may rep-
emissions. Main drivers are financial pressure, the demand resent (and perhaps caricature) the hopeful expectations of
for efficiency, and massive tightened regulations for dis- professionals and researchers, while the third one represents
charging wastewater, which is driven by new evidence on a joint bleak scenario.
environmental effects of micropollutants. Because “zero When asked to vote on the subjective probability of
discharge” can only partially be obtained by upgrading the occurrence, the experts judged the “regional mergers”
centralized system, decentralized technologies and new scenario A as the most plausible future (56% probability of
concepts (e.g., source control; 31) are sought for. Innovations occurrence). However, both “material flows management”
such as on-site treatment in households, of point sources (B, 25% probability) and “financial crisis” (C, 19% probability)
(hospitals), and eco-design of chemicals are implemented. were not seen as irrelevant. These probabilities should not
The Swiss water policy is redirected toward innovation, be interpreted as precise predictions (14) but rather as
adaptation, and flexibility. Regional mergers of companies individual judgments about the actual relevance participants
and new financial measures increase efficiency. Some duties attributed to each of the scenarios.
are assigned to private companies, such as operating A comparison of the two hopeful scenarios A and B shows
decentralized units. This generates a growing market for new, a number of commonalities (Table S3, Supporting Informa-
intelligent household appliances, which need, however, tion): Both scenarios agree on the necessity of increased
consequent maintenance, intelligent steering technology, and efficiency due to communities’ tightened budgets (factor 28).
new disposal logistics (note: most of these technologies do Therefore, more incentive-based pricing models must be
not yet exist, but need to be innovated first). Climate change introduced (factor 29), and competition will increase, mainly
was not regarded as a necessary driver, even though it would by introducing mandatory benchmarking systems and


increased transparency of operational performance (factor processes (20). In the case of Switzerland, the advantages of
30). Privatization (factor 36) was not considered a major driver regional mergers of (waste)water companies would need to
in this context. These pressures are complemented by be analyzed, as well as possible benefits from synergies in
increasing public awareness (factor 44). Hence, both per- multi-utility companies and the optimal degree of private
spectives agree that the times are gone where costs only sector participation. Business consultancy firms already work
ranked second in the decision about infrastructure develop- in this area, and much can be learned from other European
ment and competition was largely inexistent. On the positive countries, where different management models and degrees
side, both scenarios agree on the increased role of innovation of privatization were established over the past few years. For
management to enhance the flexibility of the system (factor instance, relatively large operators are present in England
39). and Wales and France (private ownership), or in Italy, Greece,
Differences between the two scenarios reveal a divergence and Spain (public ownership; 26).
between practitioners and researchers in valuing the im- Finally, our scenario exercise showed that regulations and
portance of the respective factors: Most notably, scenario governance need clarification with respect to longer-term
A emphasizes the control of internal processes from within sustainability issues. The water management system is part
the sector. Mergers of regionally (mostly publicly owned) of the built environment that has a direct impact on the
contiguous communities lead to a strong increase of profes- natural environment and contributes substantially to envi-
sionalism in management structures (factors 35, 42), which ronmental degradation, resource depletion, and waste
can support the optimization of strategies at the level of entire generation (32). Additionally to the classical regulations set
catchments (factor 34). In contrast, scenario B focuses more by public authorities, the demands from associations, NGOs,
strongly on external factors such as new technologies for and the general public need to be discussed. Emission limits
transport and treatment systems (factors 1, 7), and regulatory (e.g., for pharmaceuticals) and regulations (e.g., for the limited
pressures (factors 49, 58). Here, research (factor 50) plays a resource phosphorus) might need re-thinking. As stated
key role in tackling these external pressures. earlier, sustainability issues could even lead to radical system
A comparison with scenario C indicates that the tech- changes.
nological and regulatory drivers cherished by researchers Priorities of Research: Sustainable System Transfor-
represent a potential threat to the managers of the system. mations. Hence, besides organizational aspects of trans-
Furthermore, scenario C sketches a future where public formations, the need for radical system transformation could
valuation of water services is low (factor 44) and research in be clarified between researchers and professionals to a certain
the domain of water technology is substantially reduced degree. The importance of considering pros and cons of new
(factor 50). Therefore, we may deduce a common basis for system concepts was agreed upon in all scenarios. Therefore,
practitioners and researchers for tackling the mid- to longer- also practitioners accepted the need to improve their
term challenges of the sector. innovation management.
Priorities of Practitioners: Organizational Compe- Implementing the concept of sustainability in the built
tences. At the end of the scenario workshops we derived environment is a major challenge, calling for new approaches.
about 50 strategic projects. Not surprisingly, scenario A and The debate has just begun; Vanegas (32) offers a set of
C strongly focused on organizational competences that need principles as starting point. He postulates that a sustainable
to be built up soon, whereas scenario B listed more technology system must operate as a closed cyclical system rather than
and innovation oriented ideas. However, there was also a as a linear process (as envisioned in scenario B). Several
broad area of overlap. In the following, we mainly present principles have been formulated; for the water sector, the
the conclusions relevant for determining research priorities Precautionary Principle and the Bellagio Principles on
in the field of social sciences and economics. environmental sanitation (33) are especially important (see
Researchers and practitioners agreed on the need of ref 32 for an overview). The Precautionary Principle is directly
enlarging their competences from technology toward man- related to uncertainty due to lack of scientific knowledge
agement, social, political, and economic methods. Research- and appropriate risk management actions (e.g., refs 34, 35).
ers emphasized their need to better understand conditions In a recent interpretation, the focus is shifted from “problems-
and processes of regime change, while practitioners focused to solutions-based”: The Precautionary Principle is combined
on management competences. The following domains were with an assessment of alternatives that enhances decision
jointly identified: (1) Analyzing organizational structures that makers to design the conditions for a more sustainable future
lead to better performance of water companies and sup- and stimulates innovation (36). Scenario B mirrors an attempt
porting merger processes of publicly owned companies. (2) to do just this; the group participants tried to detach
Enhancing competence in engineering economics and asset themselves from the day-to-day problems and envision a
management. (3) Understanding the social and institutional fundamentally alternative future based on consequent
preconditions for regime changes induced by radical in- material flows management. Decentralized technology may
novation processes such as the material flows management play an important role in this respect. These ideas are not
scenario. (4) Analyzing incentive structures and behavior of new - such a world was depicted in a German scenario
water users. (5) Analyzing regulatory processes under condi- process (21), and a LCA for such a scenario in Sydney
tions of increasing complexity. These competence domains demonstrated significant environmental improvements com-
were then used to elaborate the terms of reference for a new pared to a conventional system (37). Thinking about solutions
social science research team at Eawag. Furthermore, they for the immense water problems in the third world might
helped to specify the interface between research and con- lead to similar conclusions, and different authors have
sultancy and the educational needs of the water profession. postulated the need for a paradigm change in the water sector
Hence, we were able to clarify the expectations of researchers both in industrialized and developing countries (3-5, 31).
and practitioners, and an important conclusion was that Considering the tremendous investments required for ad-
organizational issues are the main priority of the utilities. aptation and renewal of the urban water management system
Scenario building as we conducted it clearly helped in industrialized countriessestimations amount to $388
identifying national strategies; to our knowledge this is a capita-1 year-1sthe question of alternatives must certainly
novelty in the water sector. However, a meta-study of the also be raised for our regions (2). A first target could be water-
water industry in England and Wales suggested that scenario scarce areas such as Australia or the Mediterranean countries.
planning could also be a useful tool in individual firms. Here, However, managing such transitions processes will have to
87% of the responding companies actually applied scenario consider the inertia of the prevailing system together with


the transformative power of new system concepts (for first to focus on their common interest: an economically,
suggestions see e.g., ref 38). environmentally, and socially sustainable water sector.
Future sustainable water concepts should include po-
tential impacts of climate change. Although this factor (factor Acknowledgments
56, Table 1) was regarded as an important driver of change, We thank the experts for their valuable input in the interviews
group A (regionalization) did not specify its future state and workshops, Axel Becker and André Metzner for excellently
because this scenario makes sense independently of possible moderating the scenario workshops, and two anonymous
climate impacts on the Swiss water system over the chosen reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of this
time span. Similarly, groups B and C decided that there would manuscript.
be no well-noticeable climate changes in 25-30 years because
their scenario could occur under any climatic conditions. Supporting Information Available
Group B (material flows) specified that if well-noticeable We provide more-detailed information on the selected experts
anthropogenic impacts were indeed to occur, this would (Table S1), the 56 drivers of change that were identified with
strongly raise public awareness and even further increase the literature survey and expert interviews, including results
the pressure to implement new concepts such as source of uncertainty impact analyses (Table S2), and the possible
control and water recycling. future states of 15 key factors in 25-30 years in the Swiss
Scenario Building: A Methodology To Support Sus- water sector under the scenarios A (regionalization), B
tainability Science? Recently, the utilities around the world (material flows management), and C (financial crisis; Table
underwent a strong surge of reorganization. European S3). This material is available free of charge via the Internet
countries established different forms of liberalization in the at
water sector, ranging from direct private management in
England and Wales (20) to dominant public ownership in Literature Cited
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