Planetary Cryptography Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination by Gareth Ramsay

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PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



Keeping Things In Perspective: A Personal





The World of





Birth Date

Birth Name

The Tree Construction



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY







Playing Card

Playing Card


I Ching






The Kabbalistic Tree of

Astrology & The



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

A Universal




Equation A

Equation A Overall

Equation B

Equation B Overall

Equation A & B Summary


Equation C


Dice Sequence…………………………………………………………………………




Clarifying ‘Out of Vision’


Reversed / Negative Spread Interpretation

Planetary Aspect

Instructions for Making and Using The

Overall Guidelines Summary for Divination with Planetary

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY








The Tattva





A Pertinent






PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY





SET THREE: (Ascendant)






MINI-SET THREE (Ascendant)





PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY







PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


The Moon Tarot card is number 18. Numerologically 1 + 8 = 9 that is the number of

The Hermit card also associated (in part) with the solitary persuasions of the moon and is

the ruling planet of the Sun sign Cancer. Mathematically, 8 - 1 = 7 which is the number of

The Chariot tarot card, is assigned to the sign of Cancer and a more than reasonable

comparison with card 1 of the Lenormand deck, The Rider (by association of movement &

modes of transport) which speaks of new beginnings echoed incidentally in the moon’s

waxing cycles. The Moon card (which is a powerful indicator of psychic awareness)

relates numerically to Lenormand’s Dog card, and which creatures have famous affinities

with the full moon? Wolves, from which all dogs are descended. Is it just a coincidence

that Cancerians tend to be particularly avid animal carers? (I have a Cancerian uncle, by

the by, who’s intuition is so powerful was able to tell the ladies in his office when they

were pregnant before they even knew - the moon which rules his sign being known to

induce even delayed child-birth when it is full).

Is it also a coincidence that The Fool card of the Tarot classically also portrays a dog

on the cliff - an image which portends a new beginning or a journey, just like The Rider of

the same attributed number?

The Hermit card numerically links with Lenormand’s Flowers card which attributes

the playing-card pip Queen of Spades. Associated with Tarot’s Queen of Swords, the

suggestions completely bypass the Flowers meanings of happiness, aestheticism and gifts

yet they echo deeper associations with the Sword Queen’s solitudes and intelligence - all

attributes of The Hermit and its assigned Sun Sign Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Mercury (along with Uranus and Neptune) also links with Tarot card 1, The Magician,

which speaks of manifestation and initiation and is also not out of synch with the no. 1

Lenormand card, The Rider, either in terms of activity or movement and realizations of

energy flow.

Is this coincidence, creative association and/or pre-destination? Actually, I think it

is a little of each. I believe that coincidence is not always just misinterpreted synchronicity

because innocence exists, whereas synchronicity speaks of calculation and planning

somehow - even before that ‘synchronicity’ happens surprisingly upon it’s possibly pre-

destined subjects. If you ask me, creative imagination is the link between this innocence of

‘coincidence’ and the hierarchical ordinance of pre-destination, in the same manner that

creative visualization can be a very powerful gateway to the physical manifestation of

desire. I am always mindful of the fundamental phenomenon that embraces the

expansion of matter (being anything tangible or metaphysical) wherever energy is


Whether you believe in or agree with Einstein’s concept of the Holographic

Universe or not, science discovers more and more each day that this theory holds great

merit. I would really love to go off on one about it in this book but there are perfectly

excellent esoterically and scientifically inclined discussions and reasoning about it from

authors such as John Kehoe and Christopher Penczak to name but a couple of them.

The Six Degrees of Separation is also a concept that is truly a fantastic esoteric

indulgence - even if discarded as being twaddle or the Barnum Effect by the more cynical

school of thought. There’s a connection to be found somewhere in everything directly

related in one way or another. Well, to me that’s just plain obvious. The trick, I find, is to

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

know how to look for it when it is not readily discernible. Of course, there is also the need

for the wisdom and the intuition to know when you are disadvantageously delving too

deep - and then to know the similarities between wisdom and intuition in the times they

are in fact not the same thing. Sometimes they are the same thing because intuition is

practically impossible as being fully effective without the supportive powers of wisdom to

usher it into more conscious comprehension. Sometimes they are not the same thing

because wisdom must exist separately in order to differentiate whether bouts of so-called

‘intuition’ are merely wishful thinking or fantasyland trips.

This is why logic and rationalization can be the Golden Mean, the mediator and the

universal equilibrium. If something can be deduced logically and rationally to show

factual evidence of the credibility or existence of something, especially when it happens to

fall outside of any one particular belief system (which then causes obstacles to generic

reasoning and progress), this is when the pragmatically earned wisdom takes the place of

the sometimes elusive intuition. Everyone is actually allowed the access to truth somehow

even if they must access it from different angles of free understanding.

It is only in a small part that I have written this book self-indulgently. It quells my

thirst for deep dissection, and allows me to expound my eccentric notions in the

abandonment of the danger of offending or confusing real-time conversationalists terribly

- one of my occasional party tricks...apparently...

But I am very happy to announce (with much less self-importance than this

announcement might sound thus far) that a grand 98% of it has been written with great

love, best of intentions and inspired by my very sincere appreciation for discovering as

much truth as I can before I wilt from interaction with this life someday. I have always

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

been very drawn to divination and have found it’s light to be immeasurable in times of the

most indescribable darkness’s - which I assure you I have endured like many of you out

there will similarly have done.

Unfortunately, sometimes that very darkness was paradoxically caused by

divination through misinterpretation, and once you’ve experienced that you will know

that it can rival a Hydra chasing you in a nightmare.

I believe that there is such a massive responsibility when trying to uncover hidden

knowledge for just yourself let alone another being. This is what has always encouraged

me to seek links, find relationships and bridge gaps between unknown or conflicting

territories, and to seek the surety and protection offered by established awareness. The

responsibility, I feel, has been very painfully earned and has driven me to leave no card or

stone unturned until I at least definitely feel 100% satisfied and certain that not even the

smallest fragment of deception or misinterpretation has eluded me - certainly as far as

tangible evidence is concerned.

I do not actually believe that there is such a thing as ‘over-analysis’. I believe that

such a concept only relates to instances when the wrong things are being analyzed in the

first place. If any amount of intensive investigation will lead to the truth - how can this be

too extreme?

All of life is a paradox. Truth is simple and yet created from the most complex

natures of our universe. Sometimes you really do have to go back to go forwards and,

sometimes when the lantern candle dies, you have no alternative but to look into the

darkness and find your way in faith. Wisdom and intuition are allies to those who are

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

fortunate to possess them, as is rationality and deduced reasoning a great companion to

those who have yet to discover the more crucial assistance of those magnificent wonders.

Faith is the greatest paradox of all. It requires you to have it in order to know it,

and yet it does not show itself to you unless you can recognize it without ever having

encountered it before.

In faith, and with love I send this offering out to the world. Whether you believe in

science, spirit or placebo, I can only say that I hope your experience here will not be void

of trust as you consistently recall the great Socrates’ wisdom - “I know one thing: that I know


My best wishes to you on your remarkable life-journey. It is the wish of this book

that at some stage on the path it may provide some sturdy spades for your deeper

excavations of truth...


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



You do not have to have psychic awareness or even possess developed intuitive

skills in order to conduct a perfectly reasonable divinatory consultation. If I am not really

technically minded and I have an instruction manual which clearly indicates to me what

goes where and why when I am assembling a new home appliance or installing software

on my computer, the chances are I will end up, perhaps with some added luck, with a

working artifact just the same in the end. Of course, the difference would be that I may do

it more proficiently and with less cursing and frustration if I did have adept knowledge of

this assembly and an innate persuasion towards mechanics.

The same thing applies to divination for sure. The borders of the pictures on the

cards could stand to represent boundaries between the card’s divinatory meanings and a

wider territory of understanding and perception. Most certainly this would be the case if

the archetypal High Priestess, Hierophant and Hermit were not inherently present within

our spiritual centers as ‘ferry-folk’ to transport our pilgrimages across the lakes of the

unseen to the landscapes where the roots of all subconscious awareness and secret

knowledge sprouts.

A ‘perfectly reasonable’ reading could be considered to have an amount of value, or

none at all - just like anything viewed from an applicable angle. It may have absolutely no

value to someone who seeks a consultation with a profound need for deeper

understanding and insight from a seasoned reader whom has been entrusted with the

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

responsibility to deliver a safe and truthful map of insights. The querent could then just as

well lay the cards down for them-self and read the divinatory meanings in the deck’s

provided booklet or companion guide and glean little more knowledge than a complete

stranger would by the same process.

However, in the situation where there is no available access to psychic awareness,

developed intuition or experienced wisdom, a ‘perfectly reasonable’ reading could very

well have it’s worth elated to that of consultations with the presence of the entire cosmic

force because a reading in that sense is miraculously possible at all (even in the absence of

facets that can ultimately empower it) as a result of mere instruction and pre-determined

information. A battery-driven electrical device running on full power with an empty-ish

battery cell, so to speak.

Without empirical evidence, it can only be assumed that the majority of people who

acquire their very first oracle system have relied rather intensely on the accompanying

instructions and universal meanings, at least in the beginning. Many may very well have

found that the very trial and error of this way of deepening understanding and learning

the messages was principal in their eventual ability to grasp the inherent power within

them in order to discard the ‘paddling-wings’ as they waded ever deep into the pools of

their subconscious.

Assuming that someone has no access to an authority on the subject, has no

conscious acceptance or awareness of any psychic skill and is relying completely on the

provided directions, how else would one discover whether or not what one was

attempting to divine was the truth or not? If they never seemed to stumble on an activity

in their day that was indicated by the instruction booklet’s divinatory meaning for their

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

daily spread or what have you, they might very well have thrown in the towel and placed

their deck up for bidding on eBay.

But the fact that people who begin this way and find themselves twenty years or so

down the line to be experienced and highly intuitive diviners does indicate that there was

most certainly more than one case of assimilation between the instruction book and their

daily life experiences. In fact, it was that accuracy in multiple cases that encouraged them,

helped develop their skills and taught them the fundamental messages of their chosen

divinatory systems.

So, it was those ‘perfectly reasonable’ readings that led them eventually to conduct

truly inspired and insightful ones and that developed their awareness to the point of

seeing the hidden meaning in the lives of complete strangers - and certainly not least

within themselves as well.

When you know yourself, you have truly come to know others around you. This

principle applies to the relationship between you and your chosen method/s of divination

too. Even in prayer, we must have some understanding of who we are in order to know

what to ask for.

Within the images, positions and patterns universally accepted and described in the

instructions lies the presence of fundamental truths and existences which already

encapsulate the higher knowledge that you are attempting to open yourself up to listen to.

As with anything, the key is in fine-tuning your hearing so that you might hear all or even

more than what has been readily available up to that point. Often, what we do not hear is

the things that is calling us the loudest and without healthy expansion, all things either

become stagnant or begin the reversal process of dying.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Any divinatory system that is carefully and persistently explored and employed

will expand personal awareness and esoteric skill the same as weight-lifting builds muscle

in the gym. You can only grow whilst you learn things you have never been aware of

before and also whilst you are unveiling aspects of your own existence that no other being

could show you in entirety but yourself through being open and receptive to that truth.

This book is intended for the adept and the beginner of divinatory systems alike.

The intention is for adepts to be able to enhance their abilities even further by way of new

consideration and for the beginner to have a resource that will allow them to advance

(hopefully much more swiftly than before through current divinatory instruction) to an

immediate level that could compare with at least the lower echelons of psychically skilled

adepts. Whilst learning cannot be rushed it may be enhanced and, as each precious day of

our lives leaves us so very quickly, time is the most valuable asset we possess. If you will,

this book intends in part and with humility to offer a way of using that time wisely and

economically. Eventually...

Keeping Things In Perspective: A Personal View

Divination is something that is far less mystical by nature than it is given credit for,

in my humble opinion. Yes, there are undeniable ‘coincidences’ involved - uncanny

occurrences appearing to be guided by unseen forces can be plentiful in this area - and yet

once a structure or explanation of order is provided there is an understanding that these

things have potentially easy explanation.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

If the belief is taken into account that there is in existence an Akashic Record - a

spiritual library of all that has ever been, is now and ever will be - then it surely will also

be taken into account that it contains all that could have been, maybe is and could ever be.

Because of the nature of ‘destiny‘ and ‘fate’, and how we are constantly changing our

minds and therefore our choices and actions, surely there must be preparation in advance

in accounting for any eventuality?

In this sense, divination is not some ‘evil’ act of looking into the future and seeing

‘what should and can only be seen by a force higher than ourselves’. It is a perfectly

natural and accessible one. How many times have you heard someone say in hindsight

“If only I knew then what I know now!”.

There are mediums with undeniable gifts who are capable of being a

communicative ‘device’ between the departed souls in the ethers and those still alive in

our dimensions. The Christian Bible tells a man to trust his wife’s intuition - a gift, and

perfectly natural facet of human life. Taking into account that we have both masculine

and feminine qualities in us (if not just because of how we develop genetically in the

womb) it is not blasphemy to acknowledge that men are often very powerfully gifted with

this trait as well.

The lyrics from the song Que Sera Sera which ponder “Whatever will be will be, the

future’s not ours to see...” take on an entirely different meaning when applied to this

philosophy because it simply then translates to say that we have not yet made our minds

up about what we would like to happen in the future (where any control truthfully

remains to be ours) and that until we look for guidance and options, we cannot see what

will occur for certain - only what could be the outcome of a question at the given time of

divining - should we not veer from the suggested course of action.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

I believe that the ability to ‘see into the future’ is simply an ability for the

subconscious to latch onto pre-determined options which have been found in an astral

filing system by way of universal imagery and connection which stimulate directions to

the aisle and cabinet number in the universal subconscious filing room, and then reads

those contents of the file into conscious thought. Programming also has it’s nature firmly

planted in the human subconscious and we witness this in how we are conditioned to

believe or not to believe in things since the day we are born.

Furthermore, when we set out to do an equation, like calculating item prices

towards to final total whilst grocery shopping at the supermarket, we intend to discover a

precise result in order for us to make choices based on that precise result. In this sense, the

simple fact that so many formal entries of more mystically attributed mantic systems are

based so blatantly upon the power of the number - there has to figure at some point that

the result has been intended to be precise and even more so - calculable.

Incense, pan-flute music, candles, veils, tents and crystals...all of these tools provide

a very helpful addition to many people’s divination sessions because of the mood that it

puts them into. As Anthony Louis relays it succinctly in his book Tarot Plain and Simple, a

sense of expectancy and atmosphere can be extremely important when approaching any

divinatory tool for answers as it relaxes the body and gears the mind towards being

optimally receptive. Some people find no need for this, but there is undoubted

recognition of the benefits of feeling present in any sort of place and time that is not

mundane, in order to receive the divine. Austin Osman Spare recognized this profoundly

as a way for the subconscious mind to access programming through the state of Gnosis.

Where there lies the opportunity for The Barnum Effect (or Forer Effect) to arise as

reasoning, then mathematics or any other precise order can assist in greatly eradicating

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

this. Where Barnum’s theory applies to information that is offered after awareness of how

it could apply to multiple cases of acceptance, numerology (or any definitive order)

conducted for drawing comparisons and universal links between aspects of existence

which are very far removed in origin and have never been affiliated before the discovery is

made, the truth of what is being presented stands unstained by pre-emption because the

natural laws of relativity and parallelism govern the findings.

I believe that the ‘mysticism’ involved in divination is not apparent in the manner

in how we are able to access it, yet in the manner in which we are able to receive and

accept and ‘compute’ it. I would far rather know how to potentially avoid hurting

someone or prevent myself from walking into unnecessary pitfalls by discovering the

readily available information that can assist me in doing so. The chances are that if you

believe that demons are deceiving you with false information through divination, then the

chances are also that you may believe they are hidden and alive in that bar of chocolate

that is sitting on the table in front of you that you know you shouldn’t have, but...

No. I do not believe that divination is neither temptation nor reprimandable

curiosity. Of course, like anything that is abused, most often it is the abuser who pays the

greatest price ultimately. I believe that we must be responsible for our choices and

recognize that blaming anything that isn’t ourselves for every ‘evil’ that we can potentially

cross is the greatest sin of all, because it castrates the spirit within us from having any

power and truth - the two things which have caused some of the most beautiful things to

exist in our universe and some of the most positive advancements to occur in our world.

Everything in our universe is made of light and dark at the same time. Sometimes

dark seems light and sometimes light seems dark. Sometimes we need the accidents and

the mistakes in order to help us grow. Sometimes we certainly do not.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

I do not believe that we are ever given information that will help us evade lessons

that are ultimately for our highest good and therefore the highest good of all. Where

divination can really help in the instances that it cannot shield us from our karma, is that it

most definitely can bring us to heal from it through providing understanding.

It may be more important than anything during these explorations to remember the

fundamental way in which divinatory systems work in a bid to continue the

demystification in favor of scientific amalgamation, only so far as to promote the

awareness amongst the more superstitious that they will not necessarily burn in hell for

the shuffling of a Tarot deck any more than they would for using their memory intently

and creatively.

When you visit your favorite holiday location with that special view of the scenery

that is so beloved by you, you take a photograph to take back home with you - a passage

through which you can see the past and recall the fond memories you associate with it. In

the same way you look down that passage whilst considering and imagining the future

events in that image. And often to accompany the snapshot you take, you stand there for

a moment, feeling the wind and smelling the nature around you in order for you to have a

clear experience when you reminisce through that two-dimensional portal of pixels.

There is absolutely no difference between that example and the way in which a

system such as Tarot is handled. Instruction books will suggest to you that you should

study each and every card in the deck and record your own personal impressions so that

you may see what you are looking to find. The act of tantalizing your subconscious into

recreation is the mantra of the sigil and the oracle alike. There is no juju, hoodoo or

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witchcraft, and no special magick involved in the recollection ritual of your holiday spot.

Through the tools you have made and the details you have retained, you are able to travel

through time and be as one as possible with the experience you seek to duplicate or

divine. It’s a process we experience every day of our lives through the human act of


To employ an image that you did not create yourself, and which does not in any

specific way relate to an experience that you yourself have had or wished to retain

somehow in order to gain knowledge of an unknown experience or truth is on a par with

the act of going to a movie to see what the big Hollywood style poster for it is banging on


An oracle is a system based on pre-determined truths, and devised for

compatibility and the comprehension of how we as humans attempt to find (and indeed

need as a part of a healthy and normal existence) the information that our brains were put

into our skulls to absorb. There is no magick or paranormality in wanting to learn the

truth, and there is no mystical force that teaches it. The mystical aspect of divination is

you. You want to believe...

The Devil of the Tarot majors is a reminder, if anything that the force associated

with it is very much in existence. The French poet, Baudelaire wrote a short story in 1864

which contains a valuable quote: “My dear brothers, never forget, when you hear the progress of

enlightenment vaunted, that the devil's best trick is to persuade you that he doesn't exist!"

It is argued in this statement that those who are the most in danger are those who

are not made aware of this or do not concern themselves with the dangers in their daily

meditations and searches for guidance. Without acknowledgement of this evil, there is the

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belief that evil does not exist and therefore nothing is evil. Can you imagine living in a

world with the belief that anybody can do what they like because it is okay when you

consider what people can truly be capable of?

So it can also be argued that the way of the wise is not to shield ones-self from truth

for fear that one will be absorbed by the temptations inherent within that truth. If the

devil truly wants us to believe that it does not exist, would it make those temptations

within truth so obvious to those who have the intelligence and strength to refute their


The point of this discussion is to reflect upon the truth that is denied about the way

that divination works - especially when oracles are employed, and to attempt the

dispelling of myth which, when not donned in it’s bedtime story costume, can be the

greatest evil of all. With the use of oracles and the act of divination - whether seen as evil

or not - we attempt to discover ourselves by a slightly different means but in the same way

that we naturally do on a daily basis as human beings.

Donald Tyson, the late contemporary Magician, recorded accounts of demons

cowering upon hearing the name of Jesus, whom is not refuted or denied by divination

either yet recognized, even by those diviners who do not claim to be Christians, to stand

for and emanate purity, enlightenment and represent the highest evolutions of the soul.

The number of religions in this world which have Jesus Christ as a central figure and

teacher are so varied by their own man-made lists of rights and wrongs (which

incidentally differ and clash in so many cases), one could ponder how these altercations are

weakening the true messages and examples intended for the Light of the World to shine.

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It is argued that ignorance and mis-education are the real evil in this world. Where

the hearts of men are weak, they stand to be weaker yet by the lack of knowledge of how

to not allow that weakness to destroy them and the lives of those around them.

The day an oracle or divination system shows me how to destroy my life or any life

around me is the day it goes in the trash - and also a day that hell will freeze over, no

doubt. For an oracle system just simply is not devised in this way. If it wished to show us

lies, it would not show us how to uncover them...if we are wise and have made certain

that we are not using them incorrectly...

Having a chat over tea with a long-time pal and catching up on information that

you are not yet aware of but desire to know is just as much an act of divination as any.

One could consider that idle gossip is the most destructive form of all divination as it

issues lies as truth by way of un-clarified supposition at it’s best.

I like to enjoy my day. I prefer to go out and speak honestly with people and

discover what the cosmos has really been ‘keeping’ from me...

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There is always going to be a concern when attempting to ‘fiddle’ with ancient,

respected and proven traditions and established systems that things could become

horribly blown out of proportion. There is also the concern that over-simplifying things

could occur by the temptation to discard information which does not fit as readily as other

interlocking tidbits. Surely there must be a reason that - even whilst comparable - mantic

systems exist separately beyond the more basic concerns of historical eras, cultures and

belief systems. There is no denying, in any event, that attempting to punch puzzle pieces

into incorrect spaces will mutilate both the microcosmic shape and the macrocosmic


Governing all other aspects of life - even those flourishing with the traits of chaos

and seeming disorganization - there is a natural and higher order in the universe. I’m

quite certain that trees could never be planted plentifully enough on the entire surface of

an Earth the size of Jupiter to provide the amounts of paper adequate for the pages of a

book that explains this in full cosmic detail.

We do know however that where there is any sort of order, there is also regulation,

whether naturally inscribed or offered as a result of philosophical or scientific pursuit.

The very reason that balance exists, both as an intrinsic universal rule and by equilibriums

that are set in order for restoration and progress, is a direct result of the existence of

counterparts. Plainly put, chaos is nothing without chaos. Without chaos there is no

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

order and without order, chaos cannot be compared with order in order for it to be

definable as an opposite.

In addition to this, the assumption that all things natural are intentionally created

the way they are might not be so accepted from someone born with genetic disorders as

just one example. In that case, the disruption of a natural order is caused by a natural

disorder as opposed to a synthetic or man-made elemental interference - the results of

which can be quite devastating and long-lived down the hereditary lineages.

But what of the controversies that have been so present around stem cell research

and considerations and experiments of how the genetic make-up or D.N.A. may be altered

through scientific ‘tampering’ in order to reverse effects of natural devastations or for

modifications of other anomalies? Arguably, science is nature empowered by the

mechanics of it’s own produce - man. From that angle, all changes made to nature that are

man-made are natural - whether detrimental or beneficial is the real question.

The term ‘no man is an island’ possibly enjoys its worth here more than during most

of its other occasional uses because whilst it simply urges us that we do not individually

live alone on this planet, it also reminds us in retrospect that together we are in fact the

small fractions of a much larger equation. Holographically speaking, there is the entire

picture within a minuscule fragment that has been removed from that bigger picture. This

is of course not to say that there is a tiny chip of an actual Rune stone in a Tarot card, but

the same concept applies once the philosophies and attributes between the two systems

are broken down and evaluated - connections are established.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The theologian, scholastic philosopher and English Franciscan friar William of

Ockham was a prominent pioneer of Medieval thought. His principle which is known as

Occam’s Razor is a staple guide used to measure the logistics of problem-solving. It’s states

(like a rational referee in games of logic) that where there are competing hypotheses, the

hypothesis that contains the least assumptions should be selected.

When all factors in such a search are considered, this principle reminds us that

duplicity also exists alongside duality, and can often appear one and the same. This

brings the need for mediation - to sift the veritable from the vanquishable, the significant

from the slight and the meaning from the madness.

Homosexuality is of the most superficial but widely controversial examples of this.

Belief systems may be responsible for the exaltation of its repudiation, but so too is a basic

lack of knowledge. This is, by the by, almost equal in uneducated opinion that when

someone claims that they are psychic, it is often expected that they are claiming

miraculous omniscience.

Back to sexuality controversies though, the main contention on the subject has

always seemed to arise from the idea that in order for nature to thrive, there must be two

separate opposites involved in creation, or the natural order of the universe is either

unbalanced or somehow blasphemed. It is often unknown or forgotten that some 1’500

species on Earth ranging from humans to insects exhibit this nature and are all - and have

always been - part of our aligned ecosystem.

Two parts within the whole is a reflection of two wholes within the part, in the

same manner that the phases of the moon are merely a sequenced glimpse of an entire and

ever-present surface. It stands to reason that in a universe where everything must have a

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counterpart in order for there to be balance, then these ‘controversies’ must indeed have

their seating places opposite incontrovertibility at the debate table.

It is lack of knowledge that needs combatting when attempting to tackle the mighty

divinatory systems’ rights to stand like islands in the vast sea of unconscious knowledge

and make them fit together as a single continent. At least, there must be more than

adequate evidence that the only reason this has not yet been achieved by even further

attempt is because of missing gaps of awareness and/or insufficient motivation.

Any hypotheses present within the following writings are partly offered through

experience from a (currently) living and profoundly introspective human being on this

planet, but all are certifiably based either on calculations with evidence of the entire

equations, or a complete eradication of any unfounded assumption.

Whilst being a parsimony of inspired genius, Occam’s Razor will not need to

adjudicate this journey of discovery from here on as it has already pre-determined what

will be encountered in these dealings....

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This is not a history book. It assumes only that you have previously had enough

curiosity and interest in having discovered the basics of the subject of divination. It also

assumes to a minor degree that you have some working knowledge and experience of one

or more of these tools, but does not require for this to be the case in order to assimilate the

ideas investigated. It strives to be a comprehensive study, yet the main area of interest is

not so much the need to have a deeply educated knowledge of the provenance and

development of each divinatory system before the present employments. For the purpose

of exploring the fundamental differences in order to synthesize them, it is desirable to

consider some basic history where applicable and only as a means to move into the future.

Any larger sized and reputable bookstore these days will display a Tarot deck or

divinatory tool of some sort which is flanked in all directions by many more varieties

including books dedicated to every subject within it’s capacities, from general history to

specific advanced styles of spreads to fresh ways of approaching classical texts. A good

and comprehensive list of books on the subject of divinatory systems is listed in the

‘Recommended Reading’ section for any who should feel the wild calls of academia.

Provided here though is a fairly brief discussion, necessary enough to cover the

fundamentals of required understanding. It is definitely not the intention to begin another

divinatory book in the same way that so many others have - no offense to the many

varying and remarkable works already published. If anything, there is little else that can

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be written that has not already been expounded in terms of information necessary for this

investigation and so this book concentrates as much as possible on new approaches and

fresh insights.

Bridging any gaps between these systems is the aim of this work. Again, many

writings are published on the opinions and findings of how and why divination and the

specific tools work - whether purely cognizant, spiritual or both. For the purposes of this

greater exercise, the concern is mainly how to marry the systems - however they might

factually or esoterically work.

Divination, like all things, is reliant on natural elements, requires patience,

understanding, education, ingredients as in baking and tools such as in gardening. Any

given range of factors will influence the ability and proficiency between of any two given


Both baking and gardening are sciences in themselves and there are established

codes which govern their successful outcomes. Temperature, dry/wet ratio, chemical

compositions and time would in the divinatory sense account for sun sign, state of mind,

awareness of association, sensitivity and open-mindedness as examples.

A water sun sign (Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces) may find natural powers of intuition and

psychic ability to assist the reading and even wash the information in colors alternative to

the instinctually telepathic traits of the air sun signs (Gemini/Libra/Aquarius) who may

concentrate on the more logical than emotional airwaves of the reading, or the grounded

and sensual insights of an earth sun sign (Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn) who might place

emphasis on the most tangible and secure impressions available. Fire sun signs

(Aries/Leo/Sagittarius) might feel ignited in a much more dramatic, adventurous and

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passionate element by the information thereby reading and portraying it with a unique

flare to any other elemental sign.

The range and combinations of elements and sub-elements that can influence

destiny are immeasurable. Examples would be, astrologically, where the ascendant of the

sign is different to the sun sign bearing influence and further varying the variable, or the

particular shades of happiness, sadness or fear at the time of a consultation. What is the

planetary hour and what planetary aspects are currently influencing the available


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity offers much more on this than can be explored in this

book, but nevertheless, factors uncountable and even beyond our control and awareness

are all brought into play at the time of seeking. The idea of entertaining a system which

might (even if it were merely theoretically) bypass many factors interfering with unity

may become much more appealing.

The World of Archetypes

The most fundamental concern that governs the basis for these oracular systems,

most certainly and notably evident in the Tarot and I Ching systems (by correspondence),

are their capacity for encapsulating the rightly respected Carl Jung’s World of Archetypes,

which is described by late Russian writer Sergey Davydov as being the very heart of our

universe, and the starting point for the inspirations that give birth and rise to the

mythological tales and artworks that the greatest artists and storytellers that history has


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Because these Archetypes are considered so sacred mainly due to their universal

encumbrance of all truth and matter, they have been relied upon throughout the ages for

divination as the belief in the fundamental occurrence exists that once these Archetypes

are both collective and conglomerate, there is no idea, situation, concern or philosophy

that can be ignored or overlooked, because everything within the universe is captured

within their assembled core. Within the full presence of these Archetypes is all knowledge

and truth.

Most of the mantic systems that we know today are either inspired by, or are actual

‘maps’ containing symbolic directions towards the hidden treasures of the subconscious.

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Next to the natural processes of human thought, Numerology might very well be

considered the greatest form of divination (if not just as being the main underlying one).

This statement is based not merely on the obvious fact that the main mantic systems are

tirelessly built on a foundation of numbered sequences, but the more elemental fact that

all known things about the universe we live in - at least on a physical level - are time-


If we employ the Big Bang Theory as a universal example (for the ease of not

stepping on the toes of any one religious preference) and accredit that as being the father

of time, the baby biological clock has been ticking away ever since and has been

demanding feeding regularly over the eons.

Methods of being able to tell time arose naturally as life progressed on Earth with

mankind needing to discover ways to keep track of it because of reliance on it for survival.

The seasons were amongst the earliest models of time-keeping pieces as were the notably

altering shadows which gave rise to the Shadow Clocks (1500 B.C.) of ancient Egyptian

and Babylonian Astrology and which were modified in many ways into the sundials of

Ancient Greece. As with most durable and essential inventions, the rest is history.

Progress in time-piece design and manufacture continued through the eras and still

does - all suited to the needs of the day and age, yet ringing all together in one cosmic

tintabulation as a tribute to the fundamental puppeteer of life in our cosmos. We, and all

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of what we know physically to be real, are timed and governed by no greater master than


For obvious reasons, in order to commune with the divine there must be an order of

time as well, because the element that we are is built of it and we rely on its rules.

Biblically, this is recognized by the teaching that one single day in Heaven is equal to

seven years on Earth. Time is also very specifically allocated to our lives in more detail in

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Perception of time can certainly be listed as one of the sub-elements involved in the

manner as to how a divination is conducted. Without our subconscious connection to

time as a result of always having relied on it, we might never grasp the matrix in which

information from beyond the veil is being relayed to us.

The time we are born determines our sun sign, ascendant sign and planetary

aspects which define so many intimate details between us and other humans born at

different times. And most directly as a result, when our names are numerologically

applied to divinatory calculations, we find that hidden insight, guidance and pre-

destination exists within that information - most often supporting the information given

by the time of our birth. We then spend the rest of our days counting them.

All the aforementioned considered, another very great irony is that timing of events

is famously controversial in the arenas of divination. Many systems suppose ways to ‘get

around that’ by association once more - that is, creating further associative meanings in

the cards over and above more generic ones to determine a time-frame. For example, a

cartomancer may decide that they would like to pull a random card from the deck and

assign that card to represent the question they are about to ask. They may then decide to

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shuffle it back into the deck deciding that once the entire deck is dealt that the chosen card

landing between or somewhere close in the vicinity of other specified cards would reveal a

particular time-frame.

Many other ways of doing this are employed in all the systems, because natural

elements (next to numbers) are attributed to the systems’ core teachings and philosophies,

and these elements are all pre-assigned to particular seasons which define the placing of

the foretold event within the year e.g.

Even so, it is still widely considered that reliance upon the accuracy of these timings

is somewhat precarious due to the very fact that, in part, the information being received

‘metaphysically’ is of dimensions that disregard the rigidity of our earthly clock in favor of

the recognition that true wisdom and insight is granted outside of the control and confines

of it.

Pilgrims disappear into mountains and deserts for weeks on end with no available

way to remind themselves of the specific hour. They maintain a state of being which

removes them from the normality of their regular existence in order to open their being

and consciousness to higher truth through meditation. This confirms the existence of

information outside of numbers as much as it consolidates the existence of information

within them.

Whatever the case, there are a great many mystical belief systems and movements

throughout history and today which recognize the power and omniscience of numbers.

The mathematicians of ancient Greece who noted it’s frequent appearance in Geometry

studied the Golden Ratio originally. It purports that “two quantities are in the golden ratio if

their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities, i.e. their

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

maximum”. It is used to measure the proportion of things both natural and/or synthetic

and its accuracy is based on its mysteriously and uncannily simple nature. In the same

way that this ratio works, so do the properties and values of numbers. Famously notable

in the Fibonacci sequences, this numeric reflection offers credible and comprehensive

understanding of the dual nature of the universe and the basis for it’s holographic

tendencies due to the sum being contained within its parts.

The journey of the archetypal Fool in the Tarot majors follows a cycle over 22 cards

including itself at number 0. If we consider number 0 to represent The Big Bang, the story

ensues speaking of time-based creation, activity, growth, trial through youthful error and

wisdom through the ages of endurance all culminating with the Universe fully blown into

it’s magnificent and ripened splendor. This cycle is in itself a representation of the entire

continuity of the universe - constant death, birth, processes of time and sequential phases.

The Tarot is a continuous cycle just as the seasons and lessons of life are. Shuffling the

cards one before the other even mirrors this cycle and the way that random events and

orders are also fundamental in the principles of chance and fate.

The Wheel of Fortune card directly at the center of the Fools journey may be

considered the spiritual axis and timer of the system as its references to cycles and duality

are self-explanatory, and governs the seasons of sowing and reaping in karmic terms.

Coming back to the foundations of Numerology in Tarot, each card of both the

major and minor arcana are assigned very calculatedly to a specific number which

resonates the higher universal vibrations or affinities with those mystical values. All of

this will be explored in detail as we feel our way in each single case further on but it is

necessary to note this now as it is the main similarity between Tarot, Lenormand,

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Cartomancy, I-Ching, Runes, Astrology and Kabbalah and which we will ultimately

shuffle together in this search for a much greater deal...

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



Numerology accepts that each number from 0 to 9 holds a universal vibration and

therefore holds a specific meaning and set of attributes that make them possible to

correspond with any and all things related to those attributes for the purposes of

divination specifically.

The two most popular acts of practical numerology are Birth Name Numerology

and Birth Date Numerology, the results of which will lead a person to discover their own

particular Life Path Number which they can then research to glean insight from for life

guidance. Again, there is no real necessity in knowing the history of Numerology here but

we will take a look at how it basically works.

There is no one method that is generally correct or better when calculating in

numerology, unless specific areas of information are being divined. Some methods use

one cycle, some methods use three and in this book we will use several. Some people do

equations based on the system of the Chaldeans (also famous for their corresponding

order of the planets in the solar system and the widely used planetary hour system in

Western Astrology) and some rely on the more traditional process employed by


There are, though, two real main consistencies throughout - all numbers are added

only and, once interpreting life path numbers, any master or higher path results being 11,

22 or 33 are left as double digits. They can be added as one single number in an equation

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of separate digits employing a simple one cycle formula as they will bring precisely the

same result as they would if they had been split and added separately. Here’s an example:

8 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 33

If 33 was a number for any reason that was to be added to a further calculation,

whether it was split into two separate digits like any others in the equation or kept as a

double digit, the result of that equation would be exactly the same anyway:

Example a). 8 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 33 = 66

6 + 6 = 12


Example b). 8 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 39

3 + 9 = 12


If dealing with a master number added to a simple equation, I like to keep it as

double digits for clarity and for ease, yet either way is appropriate for the purposes in this

book, at least. You will find that this consistency changes if you begin to use more

complicated numerological equations needing to split the number into two digits for more

definition of results. But this could only bring in deeper insight into what you are trying

to divine so don’t be afraid to research and experiment with different options - after all

that is what the future is all about!

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Birth Date Numerology

In order to work out your birth name number in the simplest way, you should note

the date in full like this:

February, 18, 1971 = 02/18/1971



18, February, 1971 = 18/02/1971


Depending on which country you live in, I thought it best to note the possible

difference, just to be on the safe side, as this will make a difference in a three cycle

equation (which we will look at a little further on).

The resulting number for this equation using the (dd/mm/yy) order is:

1 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 29 = 11

From this basic equation, we see that the final result is a higher path number, but

this is not necessarily an accurate result. It can be noted that the Pythagorean tradition of

equation is considered much more traditional and is far more advisable to use because of

how we are wanting to join different mantic systems together. This method, also known

as a three cycle method, provides separate numbers which mark separate stages of the

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

persons life and then are added together to divine an overall life number. The result is

deeper as well as governing information and a much less probability based equation

resulting in fewer master numbers as life path numbers. Here’s how to do the three cycle

equation using the example above:

(1 + 8) + (0 + 2) + (1 + 9 + 7 + 1) = (9) + (2) + (18) = 9 + 2 + 9 = 20 = 2

The three final digits in the equation used to calculate the number which will either

be the result or the subtotal which is added again to obtain the result (20 in this case) are

the three cycle numbers of the persons life and are used to explore all manners of

information - most basically early middle and later life.

In this case, the person’s cycle numbers are 9, 2 and 9 and their life path number is

2. A full and professional Numerology chart report will show all aspects of these

meanings and relationships throughout. If you are interested, you might seek a report to

be done or learn to do it entirely yourself as this can only add to information obtained

through exercises later in this book.

For now though, the most important requirement is met with the three cycles and

life path numbers because once we apply them to any other system of divination, either as

ourselves or as numerology readings for the divination tools themselves, they will act as

past, present, future and destiny meanings within these specific cards/stones/coins etc. in

order to deepen the readings and connections further.

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Birth Name Numerology

The same ‘rules’ apply as previously with birth name formulas in that all numbers

are added only and that the only numbers left intact within the equation are the master

numbers 11, 22 or 33. This formula differs slightly in that each first, middle and last parts

the full name are calculated separately and then the three numbers are added to give the

full name number. Let’s try some now by noting a full name:

Frederick Jason Montgomery

We would then need to find the numerical value of each letter. Here is the

Pythagorean system in popular use by Western traditions:

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7

H=8 I=9 J=1 K=2 L=3 M=4 N=5

O=6 P=7 Q=8 R=9 S=1 T=2 U=3

V=4 W=5 X=6 Y=7 Z=8


6 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 2 = 52 = 7


1 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 14 = 5

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4 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 7 = 55 = 10 = 1

Frederick = 7

Jason = 5

Montgomery = 1

7 + 5 + 1 = 13 = 4

Frederick Jason Montgomery = 4

All of these numbers can be added to birth numbers for further results or compared

with elements of the mantic systems for connections etc. etc. Whatever the case, they will

provide insights and information not necessarily known previously or available before

through ‘creative calculation’.

Because, as with numbers, letters each have a specific meaning as well, the initials

of someone’s full name can be divined for an instant ‘snapshot’ of someone you meet and

are wanting to know more about them than is readily available. This is often done by

equipping the personal knowledge stores with deep understanding of astrology and its

aspects, but for a more humble and overall picture, a combination of meanings assigned to

the initials can be used to form a string or sentence which could provide a lot of insight.

There are a great number of resources, both on the Internet and in bookstores,

which will provide multitudes of meanings for these letters and numbers. You can devise

extensive lists of your own or make up your own association based on impressions other

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

connected divination tools have given you, which is even better! There are also some

expanded lists in the appendices.

Let’s take the previous name example and apply it this way after looking at the full

list of letter-to-numerological meanings. In this case only one general positive and one

general negative meaning per letter is provided to satisfy the example but also as a quick

preliminary reference for you to try on any name you wish right now:

A - Alert / Arrogant N = Discerning / Jealous

B - Benevolent / Boastful O = Patient/ Overemotional

C - Chivalrous / Crafty P = Commanding / Self-absorbed

D - Orderly / Stubborn Q = Mysterious / Boring

E - Charming / Unreliable R = Tolerant / Short-tempered

F - Compassionate / Melancholic S = Attractive / Impulsive

G = Intuitive / Disregarding T = Strong / Fickle

H = Successful / Selfish U = Emancipated / Greedy

I = Humane / Angry V = Efficient / Unpredictable

J = Honest / Lazy W = Mysterious / Risk-loving

K = Insightful / Dissatisfied X = Sexual / Unfaithful

L = Charitable / Distracted Y = Adventurous / Un-restrainable

M = Self-confident / Hasty Z = Peacemaking / Impatient

Frederick + Jason + Montgomery

F + J + M = (+) Compassionate + Honest + Self-Confident

(-) Melancholic + Lazy + Hasty

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Immediately we can see similarities and/or links between the positive traits and the

negative traits from separate letters. These words can then be formed into sentences and

then into a short synopsis. Upon this, one can meditate and/or use intuition to glean

some deeper insights by pondering relationships between the traits and write a more

detailed analysis of the person’s character.

Please note: Unless you are adept/skilled in this area it may not be advisable for you to

divulge what you think of a complete stranger this way unless expressly asked by them. This is

primarily suggested for your own personal and private understanding of what you may and may

not be facing through contact with an unknown character.

The Tree Construction Exercise

The Barnum Effect could still be found as a way to label this sort of practice, and

this is why the removal of as many assumptions as possible should be maintained. Any

existing assumptions should be logically rooted in reason. This exercise will also assist

you in building your divinatory vocabulary, your receptivity to intuitive assistance and

your communicative abilities in relaying information.

Following is a basic divinatory character analysis example based on the individual

Frederick Jason Miller’s name initials:

Construction 1: He is a compassionate person who is honest and who exudes self -

confidence, yet he is prone to melancholy, laziness and tends to be hasty in his

decisions and actions.

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That is a concise summary of the equation results that have been formed into an

easy and preliminary statement. Now we can consider why the above statement would be

the case. If we consider the sentence to be the trunk of a tree, we could begin to allow

some branches to grow out from it, connecting more diversity and detail to the main

stream of the core information:

Construction 2:

His sense of self-confidence shows evidence that he is both liked as a person as well as his

capabilities to draw success to himself. His compassion is another reason that he is popular, because

he can champion the underdog and yet still be a peacemaker and negotiator, being honest about the

capabilities and limitations of all involved. His laziness could be due to his capabilities - he is

naturally gifted and therefore has not had to work as hard as others may have to hone his skills, and

as a result, he can become depressed and saddened by a sense of un-fulfillment that can lead to

hasty decisions due to frustration and boredom.

Now that there is a lot more information to work with, we can start to colour the

picture in with more dimension - adding leaves and deeper, stronger roots. Do not be

afraid to let your imagination take over as this is often a passage intersecting the

subconscious planes with the conscious mind - especially when it is not being too

consciously ‘trafficked’. Ponder it, if you will, as a thinking form of Automatic Writing.

Scour the information you have just divined and then, without thinking too much, just

begin to make connections and associations about what the past, present and future of the

person could hold as a result of your insights. Begin speaking or writing fluently without

doubt or hesitation to achieve a similar result to this:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Construction 3:

It is possible that his self-confidence has its roots at a very early age. Perhaps he stems from a

naturally talented family where there has always been a sense of support and encouragement. This

is turn has given him the natural ease of being around people and understanding their various

qualms as a result, reminding him often that not everyone has had it as easy as him. He’s probably

been told often by others how they would love to be able to do what he does, look the way he does

etc. and this has not gone to his head because even though he is confident, his compassion brings an

underlying sense of guilt, giving him a complex which balances off the extremes. People realize

that he is honest and so, because of his charms he can say it like it is and get away with it, though

his compassion never allows him to hurt anyone with bluntness. He is lethargic, possibly as a

result of programming from an early age as well. It is likely that he was doted on by one or both

parents who did everything for him, adding to this complex when he encounters struggling in the

world. The likelihood of his early luxuries suggests that he comes from some money perhaps and

this both reiterates his complex as well as confirms both his laziness and melancholy. It is likely

that, as is the case with not having to hone his talents as a result of a natural bounty of them, his

depressions and boredom stem from too little challenge - both in needing to acquire things as well as

never having met too many people who he feels can intimidate his sense of self-worth and so he has

resigned himself to living a content and yet fairly mundane life.

Don’t be afraid of sounding too judgmental, especially if you are keeping this

information for yourself. Many mediums maintain that in order for communication lines

with the divine to be open and clear that there must be freedom from all complaint, self-

righteousness and judgment in favor of feeling only love and compassion. Whilst this is

likely true in order for encouraging the presence of spiritual entities and for them to be

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

made welcome, it does not necessarily apply in this instance. Life is really about needing

to make certain superficial judgments as humans, ranging from how far away something

is, to whether someone can be trusted or not. Opinions are not yet fact and allowing any

sense of guilt to impede your creativity can only hinder your free-reigning imagination

and therefore possibly the channels of clear connection also. In fact, if anything you will

most likely find yourself realizing solutions to mysteries and challenges that have evaded

you for the want of all your mental force in concentration and inspection. Sometimes the

most effect form of analysis is to let go and allow all the information to enter. How you

dissect it all from there is no challenge in comparison, because you are now already aware

of things previously ungraspable.

From here on, all manners of equations, combinations, associations and

meditations can add to the thoughts, all just using the meanings of letters based on the

Pythagorean system of letter: digit assignments. Obtaining the person’s sun sign will also

be revealingly beneficial towards a comprehensive overall analysis, and in comparison

with an astrological natal chart, further insights about what could potentially lie ahead for

the person can be made based on a comparison between universal planetary aspects and

your own revelations. The results can be both uncanny and astonishing. I am fully

prepared to make the claim that a great deal of my life has seen me personally

experiencing much accuracy in my appraisals of people and situations in this very manner

- even if sometimes silent and introspectively.

The basis of all of these insights could be used for choosing significators in card

readings (if you use them), and the results of those readings can then be applied back,

based on the card numbers and sequences in the spread added to or compared with the

person’s name.

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It is a suggestion that, if you are doing a reading for someone else, that you note all

of the numerical information of the applicable oracular system/s and relate them to the

information gathered numerologically from the querent’s name and make notes of

parallels, similarities, patterns etc. which can be further explored for information not

readily available before. In this way, each person is more open to direct interaction with

divinatory systems beyond asking questions and shuffling/casting cards/runes. Pre-

determined information stored within even the numerical interaction between systems

immediately opens all of them up as ‘collaborators’ with each other.

People often attest to the dangers of reading too deeply into things, and I am

notorious for attesting to the fact that there is actually never an ending to the information

that can be found! In my belief, there is no end to any matter so long as perpetual

beginnings exist.

There will be further discussion on the details of each oracular system and how

they can be primed for connectivity in this system, as well as plentiful practical exercises

for examples and experience further on in this study.

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Origins of cartomancy have no real value in this exploration, and neither does a

discussion about the earliest studies of the I-Ching, Astrology or the Quabalistic doctrines.

We know that there are obvious relationships between the Playing Card and the

Tarot decks, and we see a sometimes vague and sometimes vivid connection between the

two within the Lenormand system. The Golden Dawn gave rise to the Hermetic Tarot

system which incorporated a much less naive conglomeration of traditional meanings and

connections than any predecessors through alchemical symbolism and was later amplified

by Crowley’s attributes in the Thoth deck to the planetary system, the Astrological houses

of the Zodiac system and the pathways or Sephiroht of The Tree of Life. More

contemporary mantic pioneers began to compare and assign tarot and I-Ching to and with

each other and also went on further to delegate the Rune stones across the Tarot.

Of course, much of the forthcoming discussions will be based on the precise

relationships of these aspects both within particular systems and comparably with other

systems in order to determine why the attempts to combine these systems is even

plausible, let alone beneficial or necessary. You may already have discovered lists of

resources into the higher learning of these aspects in the ‘Recommended Reading’ section,

but if not - now you know where to find some!

The Tarot and I Ching systems were devised in different parts of the world and

during different ages yet - as has been ascertained by correspondences - all of the core

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

principles of philosophy, spirituality and numerology are present within both, as are

particular patterns and sequences.

Lenormand, possibly the most famous cartomancer in history, used a system that

combined archetypal images and objects of association with pips from the playing-card

deck that have similar meanings in some cases with both Lenormand and Tarot decks and

in others, completely disassociated with them. The golden ratio in general is that there

also appear to be a number of greater cards within a system of lesser linking cards yet all

remain as significant as each other because of the absolute reliance on combination in

those spreads. Perhaps the Key card in Lenormand’s deck in addition with these

combinations offers a larger assurance of some sort of ‘poetic justice’ in that the cards

unlock destiny by recognizing that both great and small are equal. This may be further

explored by the ‘insets’ of the pips, which appear to be smaller portraits on the gallery

wall of each card. The story within the story may be read between the lines for deeper

meaning and insight and because of the inclusion of the numerical aspects of playing-

cards - not just the numbered sequence of the main aspects of the greater card -

numerology is set to work once more to divine a numerical sequence within a numerical

sequence which unites two different systems into one whole beyond more generic

interpretation. It could be argued that the reason for this was far more practical and that

because Tarot began primarily as a card game, the deck was suitable for both fortune

telling and Snap! Whilst fairly likely so, there are missing gaps in those correspondences

as we will discover later on.

In the Tarot system, this is not ignored, yet there is a much more defined moat

between the archetypal castle of the majors and the minor kingdom that surrounds it.

Where a full reading can be very happily and effectively conducted with only the Trumps

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of the Tarot because they encapsulate what can be described as a ‘snapshot of the

macrocosm’ and are less fixed in nature than the minors, The Lenormand cards are more

akin to a lucky dip where both fixed and mutable elements are intertwined and bear a

direct result on the rigidity and mutability of their neighboring clarifications.

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I would like to begin this chapter in discussion before moving on to categorizing

and breaking the oracular systems down with examples which lean on various authorities

within the/cartomancy/divination arenas. Most notable are the works of Haindl and

Crowley. The Haindl Tarot deck generously places assignments between the I Ching,

Runes and Tarot in addition to the Quabalistic, Numerological and Astrological systems,

whilst Crowley provides the Golden Dawn attributes of astrological decans and their

degrees in relation to The Tree of Life and the suite elements and there combinations. The

work of Davydov also provides a very accurate and interesting system of correspondences

between Tarot and I Ching, which thoroughly couples sets of Minor cards, and

Hexagrams with the Archetypal Majors of the Tarot trumps.

The intention here is to use the Life Path or Destiny number equations as are used

when a person’s birth name is calculated numerologically in order to to derive the result,

and thereby assuming that each segment/card etc. of each divinatory system has one in

the same way. Every single number is separated to form the chain of a numerical

sequences to be added for a single final digit. The only exception here again being the

master numbers 11, 22 & 33.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

It should be noted that the number of the corresponding I-Ching Hexagram, Rune

and any associated Tarot cards with double digits have been separately added up prior to

the main numerology equation and, where double digits apply, have been added by the

same system into a single digit for the main equation. For example, all the numbers

relating to the Lenormand Rider card (as shown in the following section) are 1 (Rider), 3 (

12th Rune Jera - 1 + 2 = 3 therefore The Empress and all no.3 pips) 6 ( 42‘nd I-Ching

Hexagram - 4 + 2 = 6 therefore The Lovers and all no. 6 pips), 9 (Nine of Hearts; Nine of

Cups therefore The Hermit, The Moon - 1 + 8 = 9, and all no.9 pips), 10 (The Wheel of

Fortune; The Magician - 1 + 0 = 1 and all the no.10 pips). By this manner of addition, the

number 1 (in divinatory terms) is exemplified specifically by all the associated numbers in

relationship with it, which form it’s heartbeat, mind and spirit:

1 + 3 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11

I find this really fascinating, that the first card of the Lenormand system

numerically relates (by halving) to the first Higher Path Number 11 which indicates

intuition in Numerology and Justice (or Balance) in Tarot, is a double digit of itself and, if

added, becomes the number 2 governing the Tarot’s High Priestess of intuition and secrets

and which directly alludes to Lenormand’s card 2 The Clover’s promises of luck, chance

and opportunity - most decidedly all direct results of The Rider’s arrival and which

capture the essence of The Wheel of Fortune destined to be present in the equation that

results in a higher path number. The universal attributes of number 2 are balance,

reflection, formation, duality, choice and direction, and we can see that relationship

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

echoed in The Rider card and throughout the other systems as well. Hexagram 42 of the I-

Ching is called ‘Increase’ which also relates to the Harvest spoken of in the relating Rune

no. 12, Jera. 1 + 2 = 3 which governs The Empress Tarot card and her attributes of

abundance, creation, production and newness. The number 3 itself speaks more highly of

growth, increase, expansion and fertility. The equation of the number 42 that

numerologically adds to 6 governs The Lovers card of the Tarot majors as well which

incorporates the planet Mercury which rules Gemini - the astrological governance of The

Lovers card. Mercury is the planet of communication (Rider), expansion of the mind (I-

Ching Hex. 42) and logical combinations (number 2). Expansion, borne of number 3, are

key attributes of The wheel of Fortune Tarot card, number 10, which is actually number 1

after numerological equations. Number 1 of the Tarot is The Magician, also ruled by

Mercury which emanates qualities of The Rider card and brings it’s idea of newness back

to The Empress which is assigned to number 3.

Whilst looking at the first card/stone/coin etc. of any given divination system for

example - all of these considerations and associations could be used by the diviner as

ingredients, if you will, added to the recipe of deriving the successful manifestation of

desire promised in the Nine of Hearts and the Nine of Cups, the Harvest of the Runes and

the Increase of the I-Ching, the generosity of the 6 of pentacles and so on, eventually

turning any given system into a universal one.

Now let’s begin to break down each applicable system in order to digest them

better, in numerological and general divinatory terms. In each instance, a list of significant

overall pointers will precede a dissection of pertinent details. This includes a

numerological equation - the result of which governs the entire system.

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Because there will be lists of card number associations, divinatory meanings and

oracle element lists, the access to any of these actual tools in not necessary in order for any

of the exercises in this book to be completed, but it is not suggested that the actual cards,

stones, coins etc be excluded from your divinations as there are real-time elements that

make these tools so universally effective. Image and color can work wonders on the

psyche and inspire the subconscious to communicate in powerful ways.

Please do not feel that the breakdowns of these systems are conclusive in evidence

in any way as there is as much to learn about each of these tools as there is about personal

impression. Discussions here relate mostly to the aspects of these systems which are

beneficial to this book and a new system system explored further on in this work, as well

as numerological findings associated directly with the needs of this investigation.

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• The cards are shuffled whilst meditating on a specific question until the intuition or

feeling that adequate mixing of the cards has occurred. The deck is then cut into three

piles to the left and reassembled in the same direction. The cards are then laid out in a

chosen style of spread.

• A deck of 78 cards - 22 Major Arcana or Trumps and 56 Minor Arcana.

• The Major cards deal with universal archetypes and relate to all metaphysical elements

and philosophical enlightenment, wisdom and growth through connection and

communion with the higher planes. They are assigned to the element of Spirit.


Chakras: Crown/Flowering Lotus; Third Eye

• The Minor cards are a reflection of daily issues - life experienced as a physical being on

Earth and all it’s joys and challenges. Decisions, emotions, thoughts and survival. They

are more uniformly assigned to the four tangible elements.


Chakras: Base

• 16 of the Minors are called Court Cards and each elemental suit is assigned 4 of these to

signify various stages of life and development. They are people around us as well as

facets of ourselves and also represent analogies of how we respond, react, accept or

reject what we encounter physically.



Chakras: Sacral; Solar Plexus; Heart; Throat

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Tarot Numerology

It is wisest with Numerology, I feel, not to tamper too much with intrinsic nature.

If we are approaching something that we claim the entire universe is encoded with then

one slight miscalculation could send all of existence torrenting down a vortex of oblivion!

Just the same as a misplaced amount of ingredients would upset bakery for the science

that it truly is, then so would failing to recognize that numerology works on a system of

itself i.e. it sees numbers in everything and takes those numbers into account in everything

it encounters. Not excluding the concept of accidents, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

accounts for those and offers the explanations as to why they may also be pre-determined

as offsetting factors for balance by being counterparts to planning.

Numbers such as higher path numbers remain intact in these equations when they

are pre-determined (no main divisible groups) or represent higher order, such as the 22

cards of the Major Arcana. The 16 court cards however are separately added in the

equation as, whilst they are considered generally to be a part of the Minor Arcana, they

are specifically different for many reasons within that group. For the purpose of these

investigations, a certainly separate group is just the same as a separate number.

Majors: 22; Minors: 40; Court: 16

22 + 4 + 0 + 1+6 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6

It can be noted that a direct addition of 7 + 8 ( 78 being the total number of cards in

the deck) would numerologically bring the same result of 6, but would omit other

important information. The direct result of the tarot sections formula is the highest path

number of all, number 33. Encased within this number is the resulting structural number

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of the tarot, number 6. It is noted that 22 is not broken down primarily as it is a higher

path number and providentially would add up to exactly the same result in this equation.

The Lovers card is a reflection of 6 which speaks of duality, yin and yang and choice - all

traits with two sides. Broadly speaking, it incorporates a precise cross section of the

system in every area which is:

Two Arcana

Higher and lower; spiritual and mundane; inner and outer

Two Court Genders

Male and female,

Yin & Yang

Universal principle, everything is opposite yet everything is the same.

Life path number 6 associates with responsibility and awareness - the two most

important aspects of reading the cards. As with each card, there are positives and

negatives and these do not deviate from particular connection with the tarot in the case of

number 6 either:


Teaching; guidance; balance


Disconnection; unawareness; interference

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The Tarot is indeed a tool for teaching, guidance and - balance being the root of

fulfillment and enlightenment - is arguably the unspoken and underlying impulse for each

consultation, whatever the question. When the cards do not seem to ‘play ball’ or when

we are not in the right frame of mind but consult any way, we often experience

disconnection with the messages, unawareness of what we are failing to pick up and there

is interference in our connection with the subconscious/divine. Often in these times our

conscious thought clutters the space and begins to make up answers that it would prefer

to know.

Number 6 also means Justice - the highest of cosmic orders being the law of Karma.

What you give you get. The process of shuffling the cards and handing them to a reader

to deal out the result seems almost humorously uncanny as a process using the tool in that

light. Not to mention that Karma is essentially what the Tarot system is about. Number

11, Justice of the trumps, is the first of the higher path numbers in numerology and

happens also to be a precise division of 22. It would seem that there are truly two sides to

every story, and this is more than factually solidified with the I Ching as well.

The number 6 also relates the Solar center of our galaxy, the Sun. The planetary

table of this planet is constructed with 6 rows and 6 columns. In tarot terms, The Sun

relates to illumination of the truth and the divulgence of secrets.

The three letters of the tarot, relating to 6 by the Pythagorean system, are F, O and X

which spell one of the Lenormand cards, the Fox. A coincidence this may be yet

fortunately as we are still safely within the separated meanings between two system

structures, the Lenormand meaning is happily bypassed here without disregarding the

nature of the creature as being discerning and skillful in it’s light state and revealing

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cunningness and trickery in its dark state. This most certainly can be said of any

divinatory system that employs reversed meanings and/or considers the duality of the

Universe. In the same sense, misuse of the tool can manifest deceit as can beneficial use

provide guidance. The Fox is also a creature of stealth and this more than obviously

alludes to hidden meaning - the vistas of the subconscious beyond the veil of The High


On a more technically esoteric level, the combination sentence for these letters is:


(+) Compassionate, Patient, Reproductive

(-) Melancholic, Over-emotional, Unfaithful

All of these traits (both positive and negative) are more than direct illustrations of

number 6, The Lovers card, which governs this system and by reference to the card’s

relationship dualities

The other Major card of the tarot, which adds up to the number 6, is The Devil (15).

This often shows an image of The Lovers chained to their basal desires and their worldly

ignorance - a paradox stemming from partaking of fruit from The Tree of Knowledge.

This is a fitting shadow side of it’s light reflection which often shows an angel which is

blessing the alchemy common to all the universe between the ‘upright’ lovers.

If we take the first letter in the Pythagorean charts attributed to 1 and 5

successively, we get A and E - the first two letters of the names Adam and Eve upon

which The Lovers traditionally are based.

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Tarot Universal Links:

Number: 6 (and 15)

Trump Card: The Lovers (and The Devil)

Lenormand Card: Clouds

Playing-Card: King of Clubs

I Ching Hexagram: Conflict

Rune Stone: Ken

Tree of Life: Path 17

Planet: Mercury

Zodiac: Gemini (and Capricorn)

Letters: F, O, X



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Both sets of cards are listed here in no real preferential order - the playing-cards by

suit and the Lenormand associations accordingly with each card in sequential placement

of their own deck order. This is done first as it will be easier to dissect these decks by

remaining aware of their connection:


Ace - (25) Ring Ace - (31) Sun Ace - (28) Man Ace - (29) Woman

Two - Two - Two - Two -

Three - Three - Three - Three -

Four - Four - Four - Four -

Five - Five - Five - Five -

Six - (36) Cross Six - (2) Clover Six - (16) Stars Six - (19) Tower

Seven - (23) Mice Seven - (12) Birds Seven - (5) Tree Seven - (27) Letter

Eight - (21) Mountain Eight - (33) Key Eight - (32) Moon Eight - (20) Garden

Nine - (14) Fox Nine - (8) Coffin Nine - (1) Rider Nine - (35) Anchor

Ten - (15) Bear Ten - (26) Book Ten - (18) Dog Ten - (3) Ship

Jack - (11) Whip Jack - (10) Scythe Jack - (24) Heart Jack - (13) Child

Queen - (7) Snake Queen - (22) Path Queen - (17) Stork Queen - (9) Bouquet

King - (6) Clouds King - (34) Fish King - (4) House King - (30) Lily

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Lenormand Deck

• Considered to be less esoteric than considered as being a tool for entertainment-style

fortune telling and card game use, the deck is used widely in divination by being

shuffled (often with no particular thoughts in mind) and then laid out typically in sets of

3 x 3. These sets are then joined together and read as a whole ‘big picture’ or story etc.

• A deck of 36 cards that can be read as the Lenormand card proper and/or the Playing

Card pip associations.

• 20 have pip attributes and 16 of these cards have no pip attributes.

• 5 human cards (including Rider and Heart); 9 animal cards (including Rider); 12

nature/plant cards (including Heart); 12 objects cards.

• 8 standalone negative cards; 7 standalone positive cards; 21 neutral or majorly

influenced cards.

• Card meanings are singularly universal yet they are enhanced and rely on their position

in a spread and in specific ‘chain’ relation to each other. Like the rows, columns and

diagonals of a planetary square, so are these cards read in succession.

Lenormand Numerology

Numerologically speaking, it’s interesting to note the obvious disassociation of

Lenormand cards with pips 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the four playing-card suits. Could this be

determined as a pre-meditated choice by equation? Of course, the 16 card difference

between the 52 playing-card deck and the 36 Lenormand deck accounts for this gap

superficially, but why specifically these four numbers in each case? Once again,

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associating the traditional Lenormand card meanings with the pip counterparts by

numerological definitions will confirm the comfortable placement of each association as it

is. But what is the harm in delving deeper to determine whether there may be some sort

of encoded secret in this gap beyond the more obvious factors?

For example, Let’s look at Lenormand’s 2. Clover card. If we take the number two

and define it esoterically as having the power of generally meaning “balance”, “duality”

and “choice”, and we take the most generic meanings of the Clover card which are

universally accepted as meaning “luck”, “success” and “chance”, we could easily ‘boil’ the

definitions down in each case to reach a final determining pointer. For example:

Balance + Duality + Choice = Perfect Coupling/Union


Luck + Success + Chance = Gambling or Fate.

If we then look at the number six which is the associated Clover playing-card pip

from the diamond suite, we can see that the traditional cartomancy definitions range from

“problems in a second marriage” to “credits and loans” to “shyness impeding growth”.

Exploring a few standard numerology meanings of the number 6 e.g.:

Harmony + Equilibrium + Peace = Balance

Here it can be noted that the overall definition of 6 can be derived to be the same (or

similar) to a determining factor of number 2’s definition, and hence we have a link

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between the number 2 and the number 6 beyond even numbers. Though, if the reader

desires to fully explore the deeper and philosophical natures of such a link, it may be

considered that ‘chance’, ‘fate’ and ‘gambling’ are also somewhat reliant on duality which is

the root of balance, as an example there.

We go back now to the disassociated 2, 3, 4 and 5 positions between Lenormand

and playing-card assignments. Leaning on the numerology basis for cartomancy

definition, let’s do a typical numerology equation to see what we can find (if anything)

within these numbers:

2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14


5 = Struggle + Disruption + Challenges

Immediately, it is interesting that the keyword ‘disruption’ presents an actual

activity in form of the broken chain of card assignments. The numerological sum of the

avoided associations is the highest one of those numbers, being 5. Certainly in Tarot, one

might not be that elated (depending entirely on the question) to see any five pip from any

minor arcana suite. Traditionally 5 of wands at worst portrays unwelcome squabbles and

competition, 5 of cups indicates emotional disappointment and loss, whilst 5 of swords

speaks of victory through dishonor and defeat and 5 of pentacles warns of poverty and

dejection. Yet, the number 2, 3, 4 and 5 cards in the Lenormand deck being Clover, Ship,

House and Tree at best all speak of positive issues ranging from luck to protection to

beneficial movement and expansions to healthiness and good karma. It is interesting also

to note that the number 5 of the Tarot’s major arcana being the Hierophant is also a card of

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undefined duality which takes it’s ‘light’ from neighboring cards, but significantly

enough, it alludes (in it’s entirety) to encapsulating many of the main themes in the

Lenormand cards. For example:

Hierophant = Tradition + Orthodoxy + Stability

Unless hostile to neighboring cards, these qualities do not in themselves speak of

relationships with the Tarot minor 5’s. Interestingly, as the tarot is famous for indicating

problems and offering guidance by the same interpretations, the head card might speak of

solutions, show reflections or contain hints of how to avoid the issues explored in the

minor cards. For example:

Struggles arise as a result of tradition because of a desire to rebel.


Tradition stabilizes causing common ground in struggles.


Disruption manifests because of rigidity and orthodoxy through desires to be free from



Orthodoxy provides boundaries which protect from the dangers of disruption.


Challenges are provided by stability in both the senses of needing to acquire security or

the need to shed some of it.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

In Numerology, the life path of number 5 indicates the need for freedom, change,

adventure and non-conventional experiences. Superficially, at least, this is hardly a

relationship between the Hierophant and the minor fives! Yet the head card does give

warning of what can happen when these desires are not brought into balance and

moderation, and deters extremism of all the indulgences.

But where does this ‘mirroring’ fit in with possible reasons that number 5

assignments were avoided in the Lenormand pips? Well, it really doesn’t. But in the

process of trying to determine this, an analysis and contemplation has taken place which

encourages potentially ‘hidden’ or not previously considered definitions and reflections to


Perhaps 2-5 was avoided because of differing amounts of cards between the decks.

Perhaps there is a mysterious numerological reason for 2-5 adding up to 5 or perhaps the

lessons learned by the fives of the tarot are equally distributed between card combination

possibilities in the Lenormand system. Any amount of analyzing and conjecture could

lead to a dead-end or dig up untold amounts of previously unconsidered pieces of

information, but the main idea is that through the process of asking these questions, of

noticing synchronicities and becoming acutely aware of discrepancies and relationships,

no card need be left unturned.

Let’s break the Lenormand deck up into clearly definable parts for equation. This

relates specifically to those with pip attributes and those without.

Pip Attributes: 20; No Pip Attributes: 16

(2 + 0) + (1 + 6) = (2) + (7) = 9

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The universal number for the Lenormand Deck is 9, which is assigned to The

Bouquet card. Amongst the main interpretations of this card are themes that suggest

‘portfolios’ and ‘array of abilities or applications’. This does very much allude to the nature of

this particular deck for obvious reasons. The deck is used both for fortune-telling as well

as for parlor games, and features an array of cards which have double and triple meanings

and a further dimension of information by way of they links to the playing-card deck. The

Hermit which governs this deck in Tarot terms speaks of searching for answers and

lighting the path, which is obvious in the case of any oracle and could be classed as

Barnum Effect indeed, yet the appearance of the Path card directly after The Mountain

card in the deck’s numerical sequence which directly alludes to pilgrimages can confirm

the ‘spirit’ present within the chain of events.

I really enjoy the fact that the four categories into which the Lenormand cards are

separated, being human, animal, nature and objects, and which are governed by the

amount of cards within each i.e 4, 9, 11 and 13, are more than suggestively encapsulated

by the Tarot Majors that associate with these numbers. The Emperor is often interpreted

as a father figure and ruler of man and The Hermit is the Western equivalent to the

Shaman who quests for enlightenment and communes with the animal guides. Could the

Justice card be a more appropriate governance for nature and the balance upon which our

ecology relies? For me, I cannot help but see a pattern in all of this, especially

consolidated by the Death card which governs the Lenormand Object cards - lifeless and

stationary elements which transform in meaning by association with other cards -

perhaps the most of all - because of the effect their immutability ultimately has on living

and ever-changing elements.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Perhaps, more than anything, attention should be drawn to the link between the

numerological findings and The Tree of Life Path walked upon through this system by

way of The Hermit correspondences. Considering the Hebrew word ‘Shin’ which is the

name of this path which stands for ‘tooth’, I personally take pleasure from the fact that

this deck so often mistakenly assumed for tricks, fun and games is indirectly described by

Kabbalah association as an object of power which "destroys the error that holds us in bondage

to false knowledge."

Lenormand Universal Links:

Number: 9 (and 5)

Trump Card: The Hermit (and The Hierophant)

Lenormand Card: Bouquet

Playing-Card: Queen of Spades

I Ching Hexagram: Small Influences

Rune Stone: Isa

Tree of Life: Path 20

Planet: Mercury

Zodiac: Virgo (and Taurus)

Letters: I, R



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Playing Card Deck

• A deck of 52 cards divided into four suites, i.e. Heart, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades.

• Used initially for parlor games and gambling, but also used for divination classed as


• 40 number cards; 12 face cards, 2 Joker cards

• There is no direct rule as to how these cards are read and often it is encouraged or

assumed that the reader’s own personal style should be employed. What is known as

the ‘flow of the cards’ suggests that they are read very similarly to the Lenormand

system of card reading for best effect.

• The cards relate obviously to the numbers and suits of the Tarot, thought definitions

vary between the two decks.

Playing Card Numerology

With Jokers: 54

40 + 12 + 2 = 54 = 9

Without Jokers: 52

40 + 12 = 52 = 7

In order to retain the full body of the numerological attributes, both equations have

been considered. The reason for this is that some systems of Cartomancy employ the Joker

cards as representing Yin and Yang, The Fool of the Tarot in his positive and negative

light, the beginning and the end as in The Fool and The World/Universe and sometimes

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

as a significator. It is important also for the numerology equation to consider that they are

part of the deck as it stands today, certainly. Because there is such a large school of

Cartomancers who do not employ the use of these two cards, the deck is also considered

numerologically without them.

As the number 9 attributes it is interesting that the deck evaluates at the same

vibration as the Lenormand deck, which has incorporated it. There are also only two

letters available for the number 9 in the Pythagorean system and is the only odd number

out of all the others which have three letters to them. As number 9 the deck has two

Jokers, which are sometimes called ‘odd cards’.

As the number 7, which is the more traditional association with the deck by way of

card divinatory meanings more universally not including the Joker cards. The number 7

attributes a very high level of psychic awareness and also is known to represent protection

and guarding. The Chariot of the Tarot, which governs this aspect of the deck, speaks of

controlling the will and steering energy for advancement. Certainly in it’s natural state,

the playing card deck is a map of strategy, and especially in games of gambling which

involve the need for hunches and secretive hands, this card speaks also of the need to curb

the impulses and basically ‘know when to walk away’ or ‘throw in your hand’.

As The Chariot governs the sign of Cancer it is also especially interesting to note

that Sun Signs need for financial security. Not, of course, that we don’t all need and desire

that to some degree, yet the characteristic of needing more vast stores of cash and solid

material securities in order to feel ‘safe’ and ‘protected’ is curiously noted as a connection

between that sign and the common use of this deck in games of chance and strategy aimed

at the acquiring of more wealth.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

As the traditional number 7 attributes, the Pythagorean lettering associated with the

playing-card deck are:


(+) Intuitive, Commanding, Adventurous

(-) Disregarding, Self-Absorbed, Unrestrained

Specifically with regards to The Chariot, there is the appearance of both the positive

a negative traits of that card, but there is also more than a glimmer of reflection of The

Hermit’s light and dark nuances by way of the number 9.

Combined, both of these numbers encapsulate the deck’s more commercial ‘aura’ in

their allusions to the vast contrasts in energies not only between the uses for games of

chance and fun and their negative counts of competition, greed and secrecy, but also

between the red and the black shades of the deck. Intuition, command and adventure are

commonly attributed to the element of fire, which is portrayed as the color red in Tattva

terms. The intuition, which is more commonly attributed to water, is associated with The

Moon as well as Cancer, but the light of the moon which can show illusions and which is

made of the reflective light within fire. Ambition, corporate command and risk-taking are

all traits of business to which the Diamonds naturally compare, and in games of romantic

conquest and affairs of the Hearts, we see the fiery aspects of emotion and the watery fire

of passion. Black, which traditionally is attributed to Spirit in Tattva terms here takes on

the negative associations of having ‘no team spirit’ and being ‘self-absorbed’ in ones own

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

hand and chances. In Cartomancy there is much allusion in the black suits to deception

and sternness, but this can also be said of the ‘two-faced’ court cards which stand the right

way up whichever way they are turned. Perhaps the two Jokers in the deck are subtle

reminders of the paradoxical duality within these cards and that the trick of reading them

is to not view them either way, yet in both ways. In the same manner, the deck’s two main

purposes are to conquer and to divulge - the latter being the pre-cursor to the former.

Playing-Card Universal Links:

Number: 7 (and 9)

Trump Card: The Chariot (and The Hermit)

Lenormand Card: Snake

Playing-Card: Queen of Clubs

I Ching Hexagram: The Army

Rune Stone: Gebo

Tree of Life: Path 8

Planet: Moon

Zodiac: Cancer (and Virgo)

Letters: G, P, Y



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


• Coins are tossed or yarrow stalks are placed to form Hexagrams from the Trigrams

• An ancient mantic system that is used for both divination and reflection upon the

wisdom of the universe.

• Consists of to main parts which are:

- Upper Cannon (Hexagrams 1-30) - Outer Aspects

- Lower Cannon (Hexagrams 31-64) - Inner Aspects

• The Hexagrams of the I Ching are grouped into pairs - a Hexagram with an odd number

followed by a Hexagram with an even number. A Hexagram from each pair is found by

the 180° rotation of each other with the exception of invariant Hexagrams which have

Hexagrams constructed from the inversion of their lines.

• Solid lines of the Trigrams represent yang - the creative principle. The interrupted lines

of the Trigrams represent yin - the receptive principle.



The Eight Trigrams of the I Ching

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

I Ching Numerology

Because of the considerable complexity of the I Ching structure, and the variables

which are principle in the stories told within it’s Hexagrams, the Life Path Number

equation for the structure of this system is more intricate and takes more divisions into

account over and above the most obvious which are the Upper and Lower Cannons. For

example, The Lenormand deck was definable even beyond it’s most obvious categories of

playing card pip attributes and no playing card pip attributes by the different types of

cards within it’s own system i.e. animal, object, human etc. Those card divisions were not

included in the equation as they are so reliant on each other for their truest meanings -

even more so than the Tarot which is founded heavily on archetypal imageries which can

be (yet not ultimately) potent on their own. Even in the case of Tarot, the most definable

divisions did not even consider the suite elements because of the arcana grouping which

presides over the mutability and immutability of the groups.

The I Ching is truly an oracle of changes. It flows like the water and reflects in it the

earth and the sky. The integration of all of it’s parts are so dissected that each line of each

Hexagram is accounted for by principle and position. For this reason, it has been

considered that all the dimensions available within it’s progressions are added to the

equation. These dimensions are:

Upper Cannon: 1 and it’s Hexagrams: 30; Lower Cannon: 1 and it’s Hexagrams: 34; The

Principles of Yin and Yang: 2; The eight: 8 Upper Trigrams: 3, The eight: 8 Lower

Trigrams: 3; Pairs of Odd and Even: 2

(1) + (3 + 0) + (1) + (3 + 4) + (2) + (8) + (3) + (8) + (3) + (2) = (1) + (3) + (1) + (7) + (2)

+ (8) + (3) + (8) + (3) + (2) = 37 = 10 = 1

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By this equation, the Life Path Number of the I Ching is number 1.

Numerologically, this life path relates to innovation and creativity, which are indeed

fundamental echoes of the yin and yang principles, as well as the inner (innovation) and

outer (creativity) worlds. For a mantic system that is often considered to be the oldest

oracle in the world, the relation of the number 1 life path to those who are natural leaders

is more than uncanny.

Interestingly, the appearance of rotation and reflection within the Hexagrams of

this system does particularly warrant a fully balanced view of the number 1 life path,

including it’s more negative aspects (where the Tarot may or may not have specific rules

about reversals) with one in particular which speaks of an over concern with appearance.

Whilst this may not appear to have anything to do with the oracle superficially (or even

negatively), it is interesting to consider the intricate design upon which the flow of

meaning is directed. The pattern of creative and receptive lines stacked upon each other

create visual images (Hexagrams) which determine quite acutely what the message behind

each has to deliver, and once the facade of those Hexagrams are altered in one minute way

- even with the rest of them remaining untouched - the direction of flow is altered

considerably. Each Hexagram’s maxim is accompanied with text which embellishes the

information contained within each separate line of that Hexagram which can in turn be

linked to the same overall plot of a larger story.

Davydov’s assignment of the Tarot across the I Ching system employs the laying of

the deck across the two Cannons (Upper and Lower) simultaneously, with the aces of the

minor arcana attributed to the first two Hexagrams of the Upper Cannon and the first two

Cannons of the Lower Cannon (Hexagrams 1-2 and 31-32). The minor arcana Two’s are

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

then assigned to Hexagrams 3-4 and 33-34 and so on and so forth. Upon comparison of

the maxims and their more detailed ‘skeletal’ fragments, the images of the Tarot have been

found to correspond in most instances with the correlation in this system. This table

shows the exact assignments:


0. The Fool 62. Preponderance

Ace of Wands 1. The Creative

Ace of Swords 2. The Receptive

1. The Magician
Ace of Cups 31. Influence

Ace of Pentacles 32. Duration

3. Difficulty at the
Two of Cups

Two of Pentacles 4. Youthful Folly

2. The High Priestess
Two of Swords 33. Retreat

Two of Wands 34. The power of the Great

Three of Cups 5. Waiting

Three of Swords 6. Conflict

3. The Empress Three of Wands 35. Progress

Three of Pentacles 36. Darkening of the Light

Four of Swords 7. The Army

Four of Pentacles 8. Holding Together

4. The Emperor

Four of Wands 37. The Family

Four of Cups 38. Opposition

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9. The Taming Power of

Five of Cups
the Small

5. The Hierophant Five of Pentacles 10. Treading

Five of Wands 39. Obstruction

Five of Swords 40. Deliverance

Six of Cups 11. Peace

Six of Swords 12. Standstill

6. The Lovers
Six of Wands 41. Decrease

Six of Pentacles 42. Increase

Seven of Swords 13. Fellowship With Men

14. Possession In Great

Seven of Cups

7. The Chariot

Seven of Wands 43. Break-Through

Seven of Pentacles 44. Coming To Meet

Eight of Swords 15. Modesty

Eight of Wands 16. Enthusiasm

8. Strength

Eight of Pentacles 45. Gathering Together

Eight of Cups 46. Pushing Upward

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Nine of Pentacles 17. Following

18. Working On What Has

Nine of Swords
Been Spoiled
9. The Hermit

Nine of Wands 47. Oppression

Nine of Cups 48. The Well

Ten of Pentacles 19. Approach

Ten of Cups 20. Contemplation

10. The Wheel of Fortune
Ten of Wands 49. Revolution

Ten of Swords 50. The Cauldron


11. Justice 21. Biting Through

King of
22. Grace
King of Wands
King of
51. The Arousing

52. Keeping Still.

King of Cups

12. The Hanged

23. Splitting Apart

Queen of
24. Return

Queen of Cups
Queen of
53. Development

Queen of 54. The Marrying

Pentacles Maiden

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13. Death 25. Innocence

Knight of 26. The Taming

Pentacles Power of the Great

Knight of Swords

Knight of
55. Abundance

Knight of
56. The Wanderer

27. Corners of the

14. Temperance

28. Preponderance
Page of Wands
of the Great
Page of Pentacles

Page of
57. The Gentle

58. The Joyous

Page of Cups


15. The Devil 29. The Abysmal

16. The Tower 59. Dispersion

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17. The Star 30. The Clinging, Fire

18. The Moon 60. Limitation

19. The Sun 61. Inner Truth

20. Judgment 63. After Completion

21. The World 64. Before Completion

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

It is also very interesting, numerologically speaking, when we take this system and

isolate the Hexagram groups falling under each individual Tarot trump. In the I Ching

sector of The Magician, the Hexagram sequence follows as 1, 2, 31 and 32:

(1) + (2) + (3 + 1) + (3 + 2) = (1) + (2) + (4) + (5) = 12 = 3

By this equation we can see that the Magician’s Hexagram correspondences also

link directly with The Empress. The Magician, which is the Creative Principle, and The

Empress, which is the Receptive Principle, are overall reflection of the first two

Hexagrams and confirm even more profoundly their associations within this system.

Hexagram 31, Influence, alludes to the Magician’s command upon the elements through

creative manipulation and Hexagram 32, Duration, alludes to The Empresses ‘term of

pregnancy’ as a result of that receptive creativity. The considered nine-month gestation

period connects directly with Tarot 9, The Hermit that speaks of the creativity of wisdom

being born within the solitude of the soul and introspection of the spirit. By this broad

and yet sufficiently paralleled association, we can connect The Magician, The Empress and

The Hermit directly to each other and consider that where the Magician and Empress are

two active principles in the act of creation and receptivity, the ‘child’ which is the actual

fruit of the Empresses womb is in fact The Hermit, an archetypal fetus of the internalized

conglomeration of this creative/receptive act which ultimately gives birth to wisdom.

Magician + Empress + Hermit = Death = Emperor

1 + 3 + 9 = 13 = 4

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The subtotal of the three trumps in this equation is 13 , the Tarot Death card (The

Magician (1) + The Empress (3)) which holds the concept of birth at it’s core in it’s renewal

stage (as opposed to the initiation stages) and also contains reflections of The Fool’s

transformation through seeking within as The Hermit. The equation results in the number

4, which numerologically attributes the realization of power, preparation for renewal and

worldly authority. In this aspect, The Emperor becomes not the partner or the ‘mate’ of

The Empress, but The Empresses child, the evolved ‘Fool-Hermit’ who stands as the

protector and provider for his Mother aspect after the initiation of facing his ignorance

and conquering it. This process illustrates the cycle of responsibility when initiating

creative intent and the need to take responsibility in order to protect its manifestation,

which leads straight back to the Magician. The Hexagrams The Creative, The Receptive,

Influence and Duration are all fragmented descriptives that form a whole to describe this

‘prodigal son’ sequence. It can hereby be determined by the correspondence that

Davydov has set forth that there exists within the Tarot trumps a ‘family’ entirely existing

of The Fool which is allocated around the table of Enlightenment (awareness), which is now

considered in this sense to be the governance keyword I would personally choose for the

first Tarot-I Ching correspondence grouping:

Ace of Wands 1. The Creative

Ace of Swords 2. The Receptive

1. The Magician
Ace of Cups 31. Influence

Ace of Pentacles 32. Duration

Governance: Enlightenment

Numbers: 1, 3, 4 & 13

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Now let’s delve even deeper and investigate what happens when we take the new

collective numbers for the first correspondence table above excluding 1 that already

appears as both The Magician and Hexagram 1. The Creative. We will now find the 3rd,

4th and 13th Hexagrams and find comparisons between them and The Empress. The

Emperor and Death cards.

If we break down each association, we can practically begin to see new possible

divinatory meanings based on combinations, which are ‘offshoots’, determined by The

Magician table of Davydov Tarot-I Ching correspondences. Here is a new table as an

example of how this breakdown can occur:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Tarot I Ching Combination Possibilities

3. The Empress 3. Difficulty at the Beginning 1. The first steps of learning to walk
are the acknowledgements of

2. The challenge faced by a man in

confronting his inherent Anima.
Divinatory Keywords: Divinatory Keywords:
3. Having to make new plans as a
The Anima, Creativity, Birth, Life, Adjustments, Assessment, result of an unplanned
Abundance Acknowledgement, Patience pregnancy.

4. A pregnancy with complications

in the beginning stages or a
complicated birth

4. Youthful Folly
1. Knowing when to hold on and
4. The Emperor
when to let go

2. The need for being educated in the

ways of the world for protection

3. The leader recalling mistakes of

immaturity and retrieving
solutions within them in order for
Divinatory Keywords: Divinatory Keywords: advancement.

Masculinity, Power, Control, Understanding, Incorporation, 4. A new business, partnership or

Worldly Authority Integration, Patience, Immaturity merger

5. Instruction of the new by the old /

the inexperienced by the adept.

13. Death 13. Fellowship with Men 1. The ending of partnerships

2. The dissolution of a company.

Divinatory Keywords: Divinatory Keywords: 3. An end to quarrels and

Endings, Transformation, Profound Joining Forces, Eradication of
Alterations, Cycles, Renewal, Rebirth Mistrust, Communication 4. Renewed vows and trust.
Eradicating Misunderstanding
5. Seasons of a relationship

What we can do now is take one new divinatory meaning from each combination

and string them together into a philosophical reflection which will become the new

definition for the word Enlightenment. Here is my ‘tree construction’ example of the result:

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Through the acknowledgement of one’s inexperience, one can face parts of the self that are contrary

to more naturally prominent facets which can show one what must be eradicated within the self and

what must be accepted in order for integration between the outer and inner worlds and/or selves.

The rebirth of the self is the direct result of the death of the old self which is the acknowledgement

which must occur in order for one to realize that it is two, and for two to realize that it is one.

This new definition of Enlightenment based on the above type of breakdown can

now be compared with the overall governing card which is The Magician, and not only

can we see this as forming a perfectly suitable set of aphorisms for that card, but also this

new reflection encapsulates the entirety of the Davydov correspondence for that area.

Taking the Hexagrams assigned to The Magician and applying them as a maxim for the

word Enlightenment, we can get something along the lines of:


Receptivity to creativity is dependent on the duration of influence. Therefore, Enlightenment is the

Father if intention, focus and direction.

This statement in turn directly links the Magician with tarot trump 7, The Chariot,

which Davydov attributes to Hexagram 4, Youthful Folly, which has been principle in the

derivation of this new definition of Enlightenment. The Chariot now becomes the focused

willpower of The Magician in this aspect with the acknowledgement that creation without

must come from intention within and in order for this to occur, both yin and yang must be

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

confronted equally because all of the natural elements are both creative and receptive in


Quite naturally, The Magician will then arrive directly at the very next I Ching

group which falls under the next Tarot trump, The High Priestess, which is the keeper of

female intuition, feminine wisdom and the receptive divine where he will have the

opportunity to face his unseen dualities. the Hexagram sequence is 3, 4, 33 and 34:

(3) + (4) + (33) + (3 + 4) = (3) + (4) + (33) + (7) = 47 = 11

Containing master numbers in both the equation and the result, another Tarot-I

Ching collaborative story is instantly apparent because The esoteric High Priestess now

takes role as The Master Teacher (33) who calls for the impartiality and advice of her

throned sister aspect, Justice (11) in order to teach The Magician that the balance between

male and female, between intention and karma and between the spoken and the silent are

the pivotal equalities in the manifestation of desire which leads directly to the

impregnation of The Empress whom harbors the Hermit-child. The Magician now learns

that the real fruit of his intention will return to him as wisdom and therefore,

Enlightenment is the true power behind creation.

The process that I have outlined here is something that I like to call ‘cross-stitching’.

The thread is looped back upon itself to gather the relevant correspondences and ‘sewn’ in

to the original stitch thereby joining together attributes and associations which do not

necessarily appear on the historical surface of these divinatory meanings in order to create

a new dictionary or compendium of terms from which to divine. By proving (if not at

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

least to yourself) that the connections are more than viable by the process of deep

dissection, meditation and reflection, not only can you come to a deeper sense of

understanding the universe and your place within it, but also you can practically integrate

all the oracles into one so that your intuition may decide which message is intended for

you to become aware of. Upon pulling The Magician card, the word Enlightenment could

now spark off a whole array of possibilities that were not necessarily available to you

before, and by considering the I Ching aspects that were involve in the derivation of that

word, the answer to your question may become much more readily available to you than

it might if you were considering the Tarot definitions alone for example.

It can be a lengthy and reflectively intensive exercise to go through each section of

this correspondence, cross-stitching and sewing all the threads together into a veil of

subconscious clues, but it is one that I am adamant will be extremely beneficial to you,

especially once you see the synchronicities, the parallels and once you combine all the

oracular systems together in order to incorporate more meaning. This will also create a

workout exercise for the development of both your intuition and your trust in it.

As the life Path Number of the I Ching is determined by this equation to be number

1, it is also beneficial now to reflect upon the First Path of the Tree of Life which is The

Path of Awareness and which represents the Creator becoming aware of the capability of

creation. The three pre-cursor words are “In the beginning...” Perhaps it is most beneficial

in the event of questioning the re-invention of old ways to ponder the relationship

between The Emperor and Youthful Folly in the investigation here, reflecting on his

immaturity in order to wisely decide the way forwards, and that in order for the greatest

advancements to occur, there must be the inclusion of the origin upon which progress is

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

built. What this does say is that there is recognition that all truth is interlocking and

magnetic. Where there is the presence of truth, there will be the following of it and only

that which can follow can be made to follow. Happy stitching!

Pythagorean lettering for number 1 stands at:


(+) Alert; Humane; Attractive

(-) Arrogant; Angry; Impulsive

Certainly, if we apply the word Enlightenment to these descriptions and the facets

through which it was derived, we see the light and dark aspects of ignorance and

awareness, immaturity and wisdom, self-awareness and selfishness, the fulfilled and the

unfulfilled. For each governance keyword that you define, relay it back to these qualities

and see what they mean to you in relation.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

I Ching Universal Links:

Number: 1

Trump Card: The Magician

Lenormand Card: The Rider

Playing-Card: 9 of Hearts

I Ching Hexagram: The Creative

Rune Stone: Peoh

Tree of Life: Path 1

Planet: Mercury, Uranus

Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius

Letters: A, I, S




PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


• Used as a system for divination, communication and for making decisions

• Stones, wood discs, glass or metal pebbles inscribed with the runic symbols are cast and

read in the manner and the upright or reversed positions that they fall.

• There are 24 Runes which are generally listed in this system numbering by the English

Alphabet e.g. A = Rune 1, B = Rune 2 etc.

• There are 3 categories under which they group called ‘aetts’. They are:

Freyr’s Aett


Hagall’s Aett


Tyr’s Aett


The 24 Runes and their English Alphabet Equivalents

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Rune Numerology

The Life Path Number equation for the Runes is considerably simpler than that of

the I Ching as neither is the complexity of structure present nor is the necessity to break

the categories of the Runic symbols up as they are already determined. For these reasons,

it has been considered sufficient to consider the number of symbols and the number of

aetts. The only deviation from this simplicity was to consider the difference between the

aetts (not entirely the same as the difference between the suits of Tarot’s minor arcana) in

that they are governed by three different esoteric entities. Freyr and Tyr are two of the

Norse gods and Hagall is the derived Rune, which is known as the concept of The Divine

Breath which forms the basis of all religion. Although the precise Runes that fall under

each category are not taken into account as they are considered to be so done by taking

their governances into account, it was considered important to discover the numerological

result of each aett’s ruler by adding their Germanic names individually:


6 + 9 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 36 = 9


8 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 23 = 5



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Significantly, all three of these names together add up to 5 which is the number of

Hagall, the highest and most initial force of life. Whether the names are added to the Life

Path equation separately or as the number 5, the result is precisely the same, so the overall

result has been included:

Runic Alphabet: 24; Aetts: 3; Aett Ruler Name Combination: 5

(2 + 4) + (3) + (5) = (6) + (3) + (5) = 14 = 5

It shouldn’t be any surprise that this oracular system, which has the inclusion of the

name it gives this Divine Spark, adds up to the exact same number as that name. I like to

think that this is evidence of not only numerology’s accuracy in detecting the codes of

existence but also that this system is trustworthy by it’s fundamental design alone. At

least, certainly it’s structure does seem to be divinely blessed by parallels.

As was considered in the section on the Lenormand deck, The Hierophant sits on a

very comfortable cathedra also in the abbey of Germanic Esotericism by numerical Tarot

relation (5) to the orthodoxy and tradition that is very ingrained into the Rune oracle

system. Even though ritual has a place in the use of each oracular system to some degree,

there is something specifically ordained by the approach of the preference for casting the

Runes on an East-West axis which cements some sense of pre-determined availability of

access to the unseen dimensions.

The appearance of Hagall at the centre of the Mayan calendar amplifies the

vibration of number 5 further as it forms a core representation of the Five Great Ages

which are time-spans governed by the energies and forces of the five elements. It is then

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

no further surprise that the subtotal of the Life Path equation tallies in at 14, The

Temperance card of the Tarot, but often called ‘Alchemy’ which merges and unites diverse

forces and speaks of spirit entering the domains of matter. Not a vague and imaginative

relationship once considering that the Runes (of whichever material they are made) are

believed to be store-houses of power by the inscription of the sacred symbols which seal

that energy within. The modulation and temperance of which number 14 speaks are not

only the higher principles that govern the earthly rituals of the Hierophant, but speak also

of a moderated balance in order for their to be a fair equilibrium between chance and pre-

destination. This can most basically be seen in the way the Runes are cast or selected. If

by casting them all at once from the cloth bag, there will be a number of Runes which fall

face down and the rest will fall facing upwards. Only the showing symbols are read in

relation and therefore there is a sense of fate included in the mix as to which message will

appear for the reader. This sort of ‘fair chance’ is not only granted each time the Runes are

cast this way, but even if they are selected one by one for smaller one or three Rune

readings from the bag, similar to the slips of paper selected for a raffle winner’s name.

This considered, the best way to advance within this area in order to discover

further meaning would be to explore the correspondences between the Runes and the

Tarot, as done previously between Tarot and I Ching. Within and between the numerical

and symbolic relations of the two systems, there just may be further insight into the

similarities between the two and how that could implicate the conjunction with I Ching

and other systems as well. In order to set this forth, it was considered most appropriate to

lean of the beloved Haindl Tarot deck and the Runic attributes given by the majors of that

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

deck. Please note: These are not the same associations in the universal links in this book

which are based on Alphabetical order for numbering.

The Haindl correspondences can be seen in the following table:


0. The Fool Wynn

1. The Magician Peoch

2. The High Priestess Ur

3. The Empress Thom

4. The Emperor Ansuz

5. The Hierophant Radh

6. The Lovers Ken

7. The Chariot Hagail

8. Strength Sigil

9. The Hermit Is

10. The Wheel of Fortune Jera

11. Justice Nyd

12. The Hanged Man Tewas

13. Death Beorc

14. Temperance Laguz

15. The Devil Eoth

16. The Tower Yr

17. The Star Eh

18. The Moon Othal

19. The Sun Gebo

20. Judgement Peorth

21. The World Gebo

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Immediately, the first important note to make is of Hagall being assigned to The

Chariot, Tarot number 7. The main point of interest here takes us back to the previous

section on I Ching where there was a discussion about the new definition of Enlightenment

and how The Chariot was brought into association by means of numerical connectivity to

represent the willpower, intention and focus of The Magician. It is the same force as is

termed ‘The Divine Spark’ or Hagall that flows through the veins of the Magician’s

intention and which rushes towards the manifestation of matter magnified by focus of

energy. Once we look even deeper and take into account the Rune that Haindl assigns to

The Hierophant, which is Radh, we find that it numerologically adds up to the master

number 22, that of the Master Builder:


9 + 1 + 4 + 8 = 22

A very eloquent way of describing the attributes of the number 22 is to consider the

way that Runes are made and cast and what the purpose of their esoteric use is. The

Master Builder is a combination of the inspirational insights given by 11 and the number

4’s methodical nature - within that being the number 14 of Temperance or Alchemy. The

practicality of the Rune system, whether concerning the materials that the elements are

fashioned from or the way in which they are read unites synchronistically with the

element of spirit within them that is brought to descend into the consciousness of the

diviner, causing both a more superficial as well as symbolic synthesis for the basis of the

messages which are built upon them.

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Let’s have a look and see what happens when we bring I Ching in to the picture

and combine all the applicable correspondences across the three systems.


1. The Creative
2. The Receptive
1. The Magician Peoch
31. Influence
32. Duration

9. The Taming Power of the Small

10. Treading
5. The Hierophant Radh
39. Obstruction
40. Deliverance

13. Fellowship With Men

14. Possession In Great Measure
7. The Chariot Hagall
43. Break-Through
44. Coming To Meet

Firstly what we need to do is add all the numerical elements for each section

together to find an overall number for each. Peoch, the Rune assigned to The Magician is

the master number 11 in Pythagorean correspondences that reflects and amplifies the

number 1. Therefore, the first equation is:

(1) + (11) + (1) + (2) + (3 + 1) + ( 3 + 2) = 24 = 6

Number 6 which governs the Tarot system’s structure and speaks of duality and

synthesis is also a fragment of the alchemical marriage spoken of in terms of

Enlightenment, and is the number which ushers the Magician’s new found synthesis of

creativity and reception across the bridge over the canyon of Influence and Duration (I

Ching) between the Hierophant (5) and The Chariot (6).

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Peoch, Rune of The Magician is number 11 which speaks of the influence of Justice

brought forward from the High Priestess’ alter-ego during the teaching of duality to The

Magician and which lands as a shard of influence in the number 6 attributes. Peoch is

then directly followed in the table above by Radh which is number 22, and which

consolidates a hidden sense of order within the disorderly chaos, which is a major

divinatory meaning of Hagalaz (from Hagall) and which follows in the table after The

Hierophant. This then returns to the central figure of this journey, The Hierophant, which

shares the same numerical value (5) as the Rune that follows.

Looking at the second section of the table and doing an equation of all the

corresponding numbers within it we get:

(5) + (11) + (9) + (1 + 0) + (3 + 9) + (4 + 0) = (5) + (11) + (9) + (1) + (3) + (4) = 33

Yet again, the surfacing of the third master number in the investigation is testament

to a higher order of consequence. The Master Teacher is an extremely apt and powerful

name for The Hierophant, whom has built his advice and teachings on the foundations of

trial and error and the knowledge that innovation and risk are most possible for success

only within the origins of tradition and faithfulness to value. These aspects are the

fundamental bed of The Lovers (6), which is the number of the life path for 33.

The Chariot then carries this teaching forward by means of movement inspired by

direction and the practical application of how integration and union within the self can

give rise to the integration and synthesis of matter outside of the self. This triumph over

the battle for reigning in control in order to achieve it once again loops the thread back to

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The Magician who must draw down the power of the ethers like a transmitter through

which it may descend onto the table of his symbolisms.

The descent of spirit into matter (by way of challenges, lessons and changes) which

are both the messages of Temperance/Alchemy and Hagall (which holds the governing

number of the Runes) gives an accurate account for the way in which this oracle is used

and for the purpose that it is approached. Considering that the Runes are used also for

message, the conversations between the ego-consciousness and the subconscious are

metaphorically spoken by design.

The final result of The Chariot’s section in the table is 9, which is the culmination of

the cycle before it returns back to The Magician. It can be pondered that this

numerologically reflects the activity of willpower when it is directed towards a successful

result. With intention and focus, it is directed by the synthesis of matter (practice) and

spirit (faith and vision) and by the balance of both elements of creation (yin & yang) with

cause based upon possibility (tradition) for the effect of manifestation (descent of spirit

into matter). In this sense casting the stones can be aligned with the concept of creatively

visualizing reality into being.

By the threading of the Tarot sequence above through the associative attributes and

numerical correspondences of the Runes, we achieve a numerical Tarot order of 1, 5 and 7.

together they give us the final total of 4, which signifies within it two main threads.

Firstly, this is the number of The Emperor which precedes the Hierophant after learning

that youthful folly (which was the I Ching origin of his experience) must be evaluated in

order to define a code of ethics in order to safe-guard his success. This code has now

grown into tradition and may be laid as the foundation for building and teaching the

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

secrets of his successes. Secondly, the number 4 signifies the methodical nature of activity,

the four directions, four earthly elements and the four suits of The Tarot that have their

symbolic representations laid before The Magician.

Remaining aware of numerological meaning of the number 5 which governs the

Runes by these accounts, it is not forgotten that ‘disruption’ is a significant keyword. This

sort of disruption is recognized as the order that comes from chaos.

By the physical nature of the way the stones are cast, there is indeed disruption by

the randomness of how they fall and once considering what the message could have been if

there had been the slightest alteration to that eventuality, there is a clue to the existence of

Karma. There is a reminder which is tainted with the voice of The Emperor that relays the

possibility of the accruing of Karma by miscalculations made over when to take control

and when to let go.

Within the number 5 there is perhaps a message which governs that chaotic order

by reminding us that in the presence of faith powered by the desire for knowledge,

Enlightenment is granted the moment we realize that sometimes, what we view as

disruption or randomness is simply the deliverance from expectation and desire towards

the truth of what we need.

Pythagorean numerical lettering for the Runes based on 5 is:

E; N; W

(+) Charming; Discerning; Mysterious

(-) Unreliable; Duplicitous; Risk-taking

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Exercise: Based on the investigation in this section, write a brief discussion on how you

would attribute the meanings of the above letters to the Rune oracle system.

Runes Universal Links:

Number: 5

Trump Card: The Hierophant

Lenormand Card: Tree

Playing-Card: 7 of Hearts

I Ching Hexagram: Waiting

Rune Stone: Ehwaz

Tree of Life: Path 5

Planet: Earth

Zodiac: Taurus

Letters: E, N, W



PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



It’s always important to remember the full scope of a medium if for nothing else

than not to disregard other very effective manners of divination beyond the suggestions in

this book. The systems that have been considered and combined in this work have very

tangible relationships with numbers and sequences, and so are considered to be a separate

ilk from other systems.

Dowsing, Pendulums, Scrying, Palmistry, Bibliomancy (though crossing over with

numerical practices as well) and Tea Leaf Divination are amongst the most popular of

non-numerical divinatory processes today, though the list of types of these and other

forms of divinations is vast. Some even have offshoots - methods that are mainly the same

yet altered in some small way to suit individual purposes or preferences.

What is termed as ‘meditation’ which often has images conjured up by Western

Civilization as a process of assuming particular postures of the body and clearing the

mind of all thought is very much a form of divination. The fallacy is that meditation

always requires the mind to be void of conscious thought and that the body must assume a

certain posture.

Transcendental meditation is undergone in order to attain a state of heightened

awareness in order to know the self as one with the cosmos. Whilst it is claimed that

profound truths are made available to the meditator, it does not mean that one must reach

this state of ‘empty-minded’ gnosis in order for required knowledge to surface non-
PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

transcendentally. If one is interested in the works of Austin Osman Spare and his sigil

system, it can be ascertained by his writings alone that there is much benefit from the

subconscious filter being distracted away from the conscious mind in order for

programmed information to enter (and vice versa) so that it may do its required work.

This may very well be, but it is recognized that mental programming has applications by

being embedded within the conscious mind as well.

Regardless of how the act is undergone, divination need not actually have anything

to do with any recognition of any spirituality at all. Some deeply analytical thinkers who

may rather claim science as a ‘religion’ find inspiration and answers to invention purely

by the chatterbox living in their brain!

As mentioned previously about weight-lifting in the gym - a constantly running

mind will invariably be much sharper than a lazier one, and it is not uncommon for deep

and constant thinkers to be very adept in telepathy, E.S.P. and seemingly magically

uncanny perceptiveness of situations and people around them. Some of these people may

never have read a single word of any metaphysical material in their entire lives and yet

they possess these ‘invisible antenna’ which both transmit and receive information across

the air like a radio tower. Examples of this can be found through research into the zodiac

houses, very often the signs Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo are credited with this mental

astuteness. Walking divinations or repetitive movement divinations such as swaying,

rocking or spinning are conducive to entrancing the mind and setting it as a platform for

subconscious information to filter through.

The expression “to be deep in thought” very much indicates an act of meditation.

Actually, any single act of trying to discern or determine information that does not

necessarily exist tangibly can be regarded as divination. It certainly does not always mean

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

looking into the future. Trying to recall something forgotten is no exception as it

compares quite comfortably with the intention of seeking to know the past of a matter

through other forms of more esoterically associated means. It is recognized that on

occasion it is most desirable to still the mind and body somewhat in order to

psychologically prepare for desired information to surface, but this is par for the course. If

you are a busy and deep thinker, the information will come to you just as effectively as if

you are the reflective type who becomes quiet in order for the realization to make itself

known. For the purposes of economic progress, the way you know is the quickest way.

Where the assistance of intuition and wisdom really show their true benefits are

actually in these very times that we are in thought or reflection. If we can determine that

thought influences action and action influences karma, then we can deduce that thought is

karma directly. With knowledge that we are divining our future on a daily basis, each

second of each minute, it becomes clear that awareness of what we think might hold the

key to what we seek to know and also that by harnessing this along with instinctive

recognition of what is, or may not be so desirable for our lives based on what we think and

feel or believe, we can see that spiritual insight may have great merits.

If we base the assumption that any hidden knowledge can be excavated solely on

what we already know as tangible and experienced information, surely this sets a limit to

what we can determine further by this means alone. The point of any sort of divination

(beyond the occasional curiosity) should in it’s highest form surely be that it is able to

transcend the boundaries and limits of conscious thought in order to open a way for

greater enlightenment which is the purest purpose of divinatory power? Whichever the

case, there are people who can find the answers to questions by speeding the mind up and

there are those who can see into the future by stilling the mind - both are divinatory acts.

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When employing tools such as crystal spheres and pendulums, it can certainly be

argued that the inclusion of spiritual awareness and insight is paramount. Whether a

cognitivist maintains that this process simply gears the mind to expect activity through

some sort of placebo expectancy or mental manipulation, or a spiritualist believes that

familiars or spirits are actually present and involved directly with the transference of this

information, it is by way of this difference that it is generally accepted that a process

beyond mere thinking is responsible, in addition with the use of these tools, for the

visions, patterns and insights that surface to educate the diviner.

As with many aspects covered in this work, there are countless books on these

subjects which very intimately explore all facets of the how’s and why’s, but the interest

here is in pointing out that these forms of divination are of no direct use to our study here,

unless some sort of number or numerical sequence makes itself blatantly obvious to the

attention of the diviner, because only then may this also be incorporated - very much so -

into the ideas explored throughout the universal system.

If a vision is seen in the crystal ball which is definable as an object yet confusing as

to why such an object specifically has appeared, it may very well be an actual number or

contain a number within it. For example, It may have eight sides/edges or be three-

dimensional or be two colors etc. The pendulum may swing a certain number of times to

a particular letter or number or direction, more so than others and this might be felt to be

of some significance. The number of days in succession that a particular natural

occurrence is noted, or the number of the day/s in the month may be of interest in the

interpretation of what is being considered as might be the number of paces taken from

point A to point B before the dousing rods begin to part. How many times did a specific

thought cross your mind within the same hour, day, week or month?

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It is in these instances that forms of non-numerological divination can be employed

in the combined system of numerologically based systems. Where once there may have

been confusion or the assumption that sufficient insight was being obtained, there just

might be more to the picture than meets the eye, so to speak. For what any of these given

tools provide, the acquisition may be much greater once married with a different system

which has been even further expanded.

Some people do multiple readings of the same question in the same sitting -

separately with a variety of tools for outcome comparisons between the system

philosophies or even simply in the act of clarifying the answer with a further card or rune

stone. So it should be no exception that an image observed in the crystal ball can be

clarified by a system of a completely different ilk in the same way that a tarot card may be

dealt in order to clarify a thought or impression.

Where the true potential in all of this lies is a link that will translate more obscure

information into a code that can be incorporated into a universal system which can then

ultimately reflect deeper knowledge of that information. Put more basically, perhaps the

tangible power of numerology can enhance the otherworldly images or messages

witnessed during scrying or pendulum swinging in a way that has not been achieved

before. Wherever a number exists within the messages of these systems, it may be

employed in additive divination. If that number prominently relates to a colour and object

that is significant within the combined system - all the better for association as well.

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The Tattvas

The Tattvas of Eastern Mysticism might be recognized as a non-numerically based

meditation system which actually does hold a potential sequence of numbers within it -

albeit random and dependent entirely on specific combinations. They can however also be

employed by this orderly or disorderly numbering for deeper meaning if desired.

There are 36 Tattvas in total once all possible combinations have been accounted

for. In order to give an example, which is as practical as possible, here’s a diagram of the

five root elements:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It isn’t necessary to know the names and elements unless combining them for

specific meditations because for this purpose they are simply numbered 1 to 5 but in any

event they are 1. Prithivi (Earth), 2. Vayu (Air), 3. Tejas (Fire), 4. Jala (Water) and 5. Akasa

(Spirit). These shapes are focused on without blinking until the image has burned into the

retina of the eyes that are then closed to reveal the true colors. Visualization is

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

undergone in order for the image to enlarge until one imagines stepping through the

gateway of it in order to explore the astral landscapes of a specific element.

Only two Tattva roots are ever combined depending on the requirements of the

meditation - it is only the inclusion of a specific colour background for each root element

that brings greater dimension. Once again, these are numbered as 1. Earth (Purple), 2. Air

(Orange), 3. Fire (Green), 4. Water (Navy Blue) and 5. Spirit (White).

As an example, let’s say we want to explore the Earth element Tattva. The

equation would be 1 (Background) + 1 (Root) = 2. If we wanted to explore a combination

such as the Spirit of Fire, then the combination would be 3 + 3 + 5 = 11.

Here is a table showing the results for each Tattva equation based on these root

and element sequences:

Alone on 1. Earth 2. Air 3. Fire 4. Water 5. Spirit

1. Prithivi 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Vayu 4 5 6 7 8 9

3. Apas 6 7 8 9 1 11

4. Tejas 8 9 1 11 3 4

5. Akasa 1 11 3 4 5 6

Here we can see that, according to the Tree of Life sequencing of the elements, the

number of the first Tattva is 2 (top left) and the final Tattva holds the number 6 (bottom

right) - the same in the Universal Tarot Link. Of further significance in this case, they are

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also a major and minor reflection of each other - as are Yin & Yang and are discovered to

encapsulate the entire universe between them more than once.

The two central Tattva columns each add up to the two master numbers 22 and 33.

These are the numbers of The Master Builder and The Master Teacher. The former

attributes to the visionary, God and realization and the latter attributes to the raising of

consciousness of mankind.

Let’s add these all together:

2 + 22 + 33 + 6 = 9

This equation shows the macrocosm and the microcosm. 2 and 6 are the greater

principles of the order of nature, being balance. 22 and 33 mirror this order on the inner

planes by way of recognizing the transformation from Builder to Teacher - experience of

life earns the soul the skill to impart the wisdom gained by it for further progress. Even

the design of the Tattvas that ‘build’ upon each other for a combination that will impart

knowledge is an intrinsic process reflected at the system’s very core. Whilst this also does

accredit Numerology even further (where perhaps not needed), it does also draw parallels

between the Tattvas and other systems like the Tarot by way of it’s correspondences with

the Tree of Life which the Tattvas follow the elemental order of.

It is also significant to note the entire sum of all Tattvas is the number 3. The Three

of Pentacles from the Tarot traditionally shows a builder at work and speaks of

achievements gained by group efforts. The Tarot Major that governs it, The Empress, is

another echo of The Lovers, which speaks of synthesis and union - both an indication of

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

the way in which the Tattvas impart their wisdom. As is found in other cases, the

governing number is the true sum of all its parts and reflects itself back on each facet of


Once a meditation has been completed and what was experienced through it

requires deeper clarification, then a reading can be conducted in another system based on

the applicable number. For example, a number 2 Tattva meditation may inspire the

querent to draw two cards from the tarot deck or to ponder the relationship between the

meditation and any number two cards from other systems (and vice versa) - singularly or

even all combined together etc.

As a result, any infinite possibility of numerical combinations and sequences can be

conducted to derive deeper relationships and dimensions between the Tattvas than ever

before based on the universal code of numerology uniting information and insights from

multiple systems. There is also another benefit for why it may be helpful for the Tattvas to

be ‘organized’ in this way which will be explored in detail later on.

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life has been placed in this section as it is not considered to

be an oracle per se, yet the inclusion of it’s principles and paths are most certainly

fundamental to the Tarot of which the trumps are each assigned. The Tree, which is a

central mystical symbol of The Creation of Existence is used widely as a tool for reflection

and meditation, as are it’s principles considered as guidance in many forms of mantic


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The symbolic Tree is constructed of 10 circles called the Sephiroht and are joined by

22 paths numbered 11-32. The Kabbalists place a very important emphasis on numbers

and it can be noted that the Hebrew alphabet is also considered to have numerical value to

them. As each stage of the universe’s emanation is represented on the Tree, the Sephiroht

that represent these ten stages are meaningfully named by consideration of these

alphanumericals. Each of the numbers encapsulated within the Sephiroht are believed to

hold their true vibrations that are descriptive of their natures.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The Tree of Life

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Here is a table of the Sephiroht and their numerical values:

Sephira Number

Kether - The Crown 1

Chochmah - Wisdom 2

Binah - Understanding 3

Chesed - Mercy 4

Geburah - Severity 5

Tiphereth - Beauty 6

Netsah - Victory 7

Hod - Glory 8

Jesod - The Foundation 9

Malchuth - The Kingdom 10

Firstly, if we take all the applicable numbers that are involved in the structure of

this system and add them as we did before in the numerically based oracular systems

section, we get:

Sephiroht: 10; Paths: 22; Path numbers: 11-32

10 + 22 + 11 + 32 = 12 = 3

We can immediately see that this result accounts for the main three triangles that

form the tree. Even the subtotal 12 is indicative of the triangle ratio as one of the triangles

points upwards and two of them point downwards.

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However, if we numerologically include all of the hidden information as well,

which means taking into account that gaps bridged between each number from 11 (which

is the silent number) to 32, then we tally in at 21 (also possibly alluding to the idea that

number 0 The Fool of the Tarot is a archetype of destination and origin which is

unaccounted for and yet forms the basis for advancement), adding this to the equation

gives us a very satisfying result:

Sephiroht: 10; Paths: 22; Path numbers: 11-32; Path Bridges: 21

10 + 22 + 11 + 32 + 21 = 96 = 15 = 6

Within the subtotal and the result we see the universal number that the structure of

the Tarot is assigned to and the combination of that number which is the counterpart of it,

The Devil. By this consideration, the Tree of Life holds a numerical overview of Heaven

(the angel from The Lovers card) and Hell (the devil from the dark Lovers card) as well

and, as the 22 paths of The Tree are distributed amongst the Tarot majors, the association

and link is very appropriate. The Lovers being the archetype of creation and the

Kabbalistic recognition that the Divine is only complete by the recognition of being both

male and female simultaneously, we can see that the numerical considerations of this

symbolism is very apt and may be relied upon for the inclusion of any divinatory

interpretations by way of placement in a spread.

Furthermore, there is another application for this placement correspondence that

can be employed in order to incorporate the wisdom of The Tree of Life into divination

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

consultations which surpass the mere correspondences with he Tarot majors. If we draw

up a table similar to the Tattva table, and we find the numerological attributes of each

path separately, we can find even more hidden information that may be used to enhance

the depth of interpretation and even further link this system with other oracular systems.

Let’s we look at the chart of Sephiroht numerical vibrations with the paths between



1 1
1 1
2 1
4 1
3 1 2
3 1 1 0
4 1 1
5 8
5 7 9
2 2
6 1 2
2 2
3 4 2
7 2 2
5 7 2
8 3
8 2
9 0 3
1 3
1 2

Firstly, in order to continue mathematically, a correspondence must be done with

the Pythagorean correspondence in order to determine the numerological value of each

Sephira name. We will not be using the Hebrew letter: number correspondence because

these have already been encapsulated within the Sephiroht names and therefore we need

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

to translate that to our universal method of numerology. Here are the names and their

numerological values:

Sephira Name Numerology Result

Kether 31/4

Chochmah 41/5

Binah 25/7

Chesed 26/8

Geburah 35/8

Tiphereth 51/6

Netsah 21/3

Hod 18/9

Jesod 17/8

Malchuth 32/5

An equation must now be done in order to determine the universal number of each

path. In each case, this equation will contain the path number, the bridge number (the

first number being silent) and the two path joining numbers i.e. the ‘from’ and ‘to’


Here’s the full equation for Path 11, Kether (Crown) to Chochmah (Wisdom) is:

Path: 11; Path Name Numbers: 4 & 5; Joining Sephira: 1 & 2; Bridge: 1

11 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 24 = 6

After all the individual equations, here is a chart of the Path results:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Equation Subtotal/s &


11 - Kether to Chochmah 24/6

12 - Kether to Binah 29/11

13 - Kether to Tiphereth 35/8

14 - Chochmah to Binah 32/5

15 - Chochmah to Tiphereth 38/11

16 - Chochmah to Chesed 37/10/1

17 - Binah to Tiphereth 42/6

18 - Binah to Geburah 43/7

19 - Chesed to Geburah 45/9

20 - Kether to Tiphereth 42/6

21 - Chesed to Netsah 46/10/1

22 - Geburah to Tiphereth 48/12/3

23 - Geburah to Hod 56/11

24 - Tiphereth to Netsah 47/11

25 - Tiphereth to Jesod 57/12/3

26 - Tiphereth to Hod 57/12/3

27 - Netsah to Hod 55/10/1

28 - Netsah to Jesod 57/12/3

29 - Netsah to Malchuth 57/12/3

30 - Hod to Jesod 65/11

31 - Hod to Malchuth 65/11

32 - Jesod to Malchuth 65/11

From these equations we can separate the Paths in various ways. The first would

be to categorize them as High Paths and Paths. I have chosen not to call the paths without

master numbers anything but simply ‘Paths’ as all the paths of The Tree of Life are

deemed sacred and therefore only paths considered to be numerologically of even higher

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

value are given a more ‘exalted’ category. The High Paths are all those which have a

master number as their result (11) and the others have single digit results. Here listed by

the order of their appearance on The Tree of Life:


12 - Kether to Binah

15 - Chochmah to Tiphereth

23 - Geburah to Hod

24 - Tiphereth to Netsah

30 - Hod to Jesod

31 - Hod to Malchuth

32 - Jesod to Malchuth

11 - Kether to Chochmah

13 - Kether to Tiphereth

14 - Chochmah to Binah

16 - Chochmah to Chesed

17 - Binah to Tiphereth

18 - Binah to Geburah

19 - Chesed to Geburah

20 - Kether to Tiphereth

21 - Chesed to Netsah

22 - Geburah to Tiphereth

25 - Tiphereth to Jesod

26 - Tiphereth to Hod

27 - Netsah to Hod

28 - Netsah to Jesod

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

29 - Netsah to Malchuth

There are various things that can be done to incorporate these paths into divination

readings now (over and above their obvious inclusions in the Tarot). The next chapter

explores in detail how these readings can be done but, in the meantime, The Tree of Life

can be used on it’s own as a meditation or divination tool by assuming the High Path as a

version of Major Arcana and the other paths as Arcana. You could certainly make your

own set of cards from these and assign correspondences and attributes gleaned by your

own meditations to each path in order for this new tool to assist you in your won

universal readings. The Paths could be further categorized in a new and ‘arcane’

numbering system where they are grouped by their specific numerological results, i.e.:


16 - Chochmah to Chesed
1 21 - Chesed to Netsah
27 - Netsah to Hod

22 - Geburah to Tiphereth
25 - Tiphereth to Jesod
3 26 - Tiphereth to Hod
28 - Netsah to Jesod
29 - Netsah to Malchuth

5 14 - Chochmah to Binah

11 - Kether to Chochmah
6 17 - Binah to Tiphereth
20 - Kether to Tiphereth

7 18 - Binah to Geburah

8 13 - Kether to Tiphereth

9 19 - Chesed to Geburah

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What I find very intriguing is the missing 2 and 4 in the Path collective categories.

Recounting the exploration undertaken in the previous chapter where the consideration of

the ‘new journey of The Fool’ was taken into account, The Magician must face The High

Priestess in order to confront and accept the feminine aspects of his being in order to

create. Number 2 which is the number of the High Priestess and number 4 which is the

number of The Emperor who is the hierarchical epitome of masculinity are now

highlighted as being opposite ends of the axis, or at least, representing extreme poles of

distinction. Remembering to approach The Tree of Life as it is intended, which is a ‘map’

of the order of the various stages of Creation and the fundamental Kabbalistic belief that

The Divine cannot be either one of male or female in order to be complete, it seems only

pertinent that the archetypal numbers that represent the roots of feminine energy and the

zenith of masculine energy are missing as two separate parts and instead are included in

number 3 which is Jung’s Anima, The Empress, who is the seat of receptivity as well as

creativity by her capacity to be female who gives birth to the male. Whilst this profoundly

dissective approach to re-categorizing and re-examining established and sacred traditions

may not suite everybody, it does seem interesting that this consideration can arise from

the fact that there does appear to be a hidden harmony of belief embedded within the

numerological findings.

Another way to make new correspondences with the Tarot (which can then be

universally linked further across the other oracle systems) is to assign the new order of

High Paths and Paths to the existing Tarot trump order. This is of course not to replace

the the original Path correspondences yet to obtain more information based on further


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Let’s say that you have pulled The High Priestess card with awareness that the Tree

of Life Path that corresponds to it is traditionally Path 13, which joins Kether (Crown) to

Tiphereth (Beauty). You could take Path 23, Geburah to Hod which now falls in the High

Priestess’s place of traditional order and unite these two paths in perspective of The High

Priestess’s message for more profound insight. Just like the Lenormand tradition of

uniting two systems of cards in order for more information, so too can there be such a

unity here. For example, Path 23 is traditionally assigned to The Hanged Man. By this

correspondence, The Hanged Man may be read in conjunction with The High Priestess

even if only her card appears in the spread. This will have a direct bearing on the stance

that she takes and therefore what the rest of the reading will have to say. In addition, both

attributes of both paths may be united or compared for greater insights behind that area of

the reading.

This can, of course, be broken down even further in other numerous ways. The

most obvious would be to take the Path numbers and deduce them to single digits:


11 11

12 3

13 4

14 5

15 6

16 7

17 8

18 9

19 1

20 2

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21 3

22 4

23 5

24 6

25 7

26 8

27 9

28 1

29 11

30 3

31 4

32 5

Now a new ‘Pythagorean’ correspondence can be made i.e. 3 = 12; 21; 30 and 4 = 13;

22; 31 etc. and so forth. If a number element is called for in a reading (as shown in the

following chapter) all three paths assigned to these number can be brought into reflection

for deeper meaning if so desired. Equally, the universal path numbers may be added to

the new single digit numbers for a new result which can call for yet another

card/stone/coin etc. to be pulled and therefore can act as a silent form of shuffling for

example. As an example, let’s say that we have pulled the High Priestess card. The Path

number attributed to that card is 13, but once added to the universal number that is 8,

there is a total of 21/3. By this design, Judgment and The Empress can be retrieved,

Hexagram 21 and 3 could be retrieved or the same with the Runes etc. Alternatively, only

the result which is 3 can be used for a deeper comparison or confirmation. There will be a

reading in this vein explored a nit more in the ‘Sample Readings’ chapter.

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In any event, what we have now is The Tree of life laid out in specific groups and

sections that may, by the numerological values, be incorporated beyond their regular

associations. For example, let’s look at what occurs to the traditional meanings of these

paths once ‘tainted’ with the vibrations of the category numbers.

Astrology & The Zodiac

There is so much debate about the Daily Horoscope and whether there can be any

truth or accuracy in it, given the variables of a whole heap of things ranging from

geography to the intimate details in natal chart reports that vary so intricately between

individuals. Whatever the case, it certainly isn’t my intention to steam-roll over any

astrologers who passionately expound their wisdom in the horoscope section of your

favorite magazines and newspapers, but I only make this mention as a way of drawing

attention to the fact that astrology is used as a divination means in fundamentally varied

ways that contrast to the way that other oracle systems work. Numerology runs at a

parallel with the way that astrology works in the sense that lifetime cycles and predictions

can be made more accurately and targeted more specifically as opposed to, say, a Tarot

spread which claims to foretell one’s life from birth to death.

The only similarity that can reasonably be claimed, in my humble opinion, is the

similarity between the daily horoscope and the daily Tarot card or spread. Because, as we

are aware that the future is so open to change, there are not in reality many more aspects

of it that can be determined so assuredly other than the bearing of the planetary positions

on the nature and personality, and even physical features, of a human being.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

For this reason, Astrology is considered to be both an oracle and not an oracle. It is

a way to glean insight into the future based on scientific calculations and principles which

in a manner of speaking, segregate it from the more traditional houses of fortune-telling.

The applicable planets assigned to the Zodiac are explored in the divinatory sense

in more depth in the following chapter, but a mention of the Sun Signs must be mentioned

now in order for them too to have universal numerical correspondences.

As with other meanings and attributes, there are brief descriptions of all oracle

elements in the appendices, and these include the Sun signs as even a basic understanding

of them will be required for use in the readings.

Further to that, there is not more can be said before moving on to the heart of this

book other than for the purposes of universal classification, the signs of the zodiac have

been numbered in their traditional order, which is:


Aries 1

Taurus 2

Gemini 3

Cancer 4

Leo 5

Virgo 6

Libra 7

Scorpio 8

Sagittarius 9

Capricorn 10

Aquarius 11

Pisces 12

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The numerology equation of the structure of the Zodiac considers the number of

signs, the number of signs per element, the number of elements, the number of planets, the

number of masculine and feminine signs and the number of cardinal, mutable and fixed


Sun Signs: 12; Signs Per Element: 3; Elements: 4; Planets: 7; Masculine: 6; Feminine: 6;

Cardinal: 4; Mutable: 4; Fixed: 4

12 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 50 = 5

Exercise: Meditate on how the Zodiac can be described as a system by the attributes of the

number 5 and research the descriptive words which are applicable for the ‘Tree

Construction’ exercise in which you would discuss the nature of this system for your own

associative understanding.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



The other planets have long been believed to have correspondences that directly

relate to the way in which we live our lives on this planet - from our character

complexities to our spirituality. Whilst Astrology is built upon this very ‘belief’, it is not a

‘faith’ that is unfounded in scientific plausibility. Numbers have seeped their way into the

fractional rafters of our celestial ceiling in the same way that they are steeped within the

chlorophyll which flows through the leaves and which relies upon the correct

temperatures and elements (which are also measured numerically) provided by our


It is really no surprise that the Planetary Squares were devised by ancient mystic

‘mathemagicians’, nor is it a surprise that they were even devisable in the first instance. A

whole book can be written on that subject alone once exploring how many aspects were

taken into account in order for calculations and digit orders to construct these squares - all

we know is that they work by the very nature of their successful construction, being very

basically that every row, diagonal and column adds up to the same total, and the esoteric

accuracy of how they relate to their particular corresponding planets.

Certainly in the Western Mystic Traditions, these squares have applications ranging

from sigil construction to talismanic inscriptions, yet they are not widely used in

Numerology practices beyond numbers being involved in their sequenced constructions.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

A Universal Stage

There is a popular adage which states that “anything worth having is worth a grand

and worthy chase”. You can trust me implicitly now when I assure you that you will need to

go on just such a runaround to get to the destination offered, certainly in this chapter. But

I must tell you also that I feel completely confident that the trip will not be a completely

wasted one - this universe never ceases to astonish me with what it has to offer us. I

believe that the inspiration that brought this to being read by you right now was a gift

intended initially for me alone, if not just for me to finally start seeing things in my life

that I had completely fallen blind to. And I found a practical and scientific method to

discover many of things that had fallen outside of my vision.

I would very much like to share ‘my’ gift with you because I feel confident that you

will reap benefits yourself and that it can provide (if not merely confirmation of other

astrological and numerology findings) a deeper element or dimension to the information

you are attempting to divine regarding any given subject, circumstance or person. It is

intended to be a ‘platform’ or ‘stage’ for questions to be answered by the universe in ways

and in detail perhaps not yet generally experienced.

I will not lie (and you’ll see the truth for yourself as we move on anyhow) - this

system can become quite challenging and complicated, especially when you are in the

learning stages. It is no toy for a quick fix! (Please note: A very basic recap and summary of all

guidelines, rules and specifics will be broken down for easy reference at the end of this chapter)

It was not easy to formulate, (even if aspects of it are quite basic) and I lived

through much trial and error to ensure that it brought me the best results possible. Even

the processes of designing it confused me, because much of it was instinctively led

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

through intuition and arduous sessions involving hours and hours of serious

concentration and research. But I was certainly granted the passion and drive to

surmount the challenges it threw at me - perhaps it was that which was the most valuable

gift, at least for me. Through this, I have grown tremendously.

I would really like to encourage you not to give up too quickly if you feel it all

becomes a little too overwhelming because I also feel that I have managed to discard some

of the most difficult aspects by presenting the system as a finalized result. The real hard

slog has been done! Trust me...

I will walk you through all the technical processes of how this system is

constructed, attempting to leave not the smallest detail unexplained so that you may also

experience the benefits that it can offer - and which I have seen more than enough to know

as being beneficial. Please do remember that throughout this chapter you will on occasion

be reading mathematical processes for understanding instead of instructions necessary for

you to carry out yourself. Sometimes...

Like anything that seems challenging in the beginning, practice and becoming

accustomed to anything can remove barriers. It can inspire a way of thinking (if you are

not primarily right-brained) which will reap its own benefits, and hopefully enable you in

turn to become more ‘fluent’ with this way of divining.

The good news is that some of it is very easy to comprehend and there are plenty

diagrams to see you through it. Also, your divination sessions will be the richer for it,

whichever oracle/s system/s you use and you may very well see yourself very soon

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

owning a collection of various different kinds of oracles, should you own only one, or

only one kind presently.

The Impetus

The creative spark for this system came from a vision that I had for realizing a way

to link the known numerically-based mantic systems into one universal system thereby

turning any given oracle to the use and system of any other given oracle. This creative

energy was rooted in a desire to be able to scientifically ‘prove’ the value and validity of

divination beyond already established scientific and mystical patterns by attempted

amplification of similarities and parallels, and by hopefully proving some ‘missing’ ones.

At the very least, the intention still stands. I recall the instances of my own frustration

during times when I simply couldn’t grasp the messages I sought after and wished there

could perhaps be some sort of ‘fail-safe’ or reference system that could - if not help me to

see - then give me a multitude of other options or bits of information that could assist me

with understanding when everything seemed ‘cut off’. Something to jog the ‘skull-

porridge’ and get the imagination juices bubbling. I felt the burning desire of needing

guidance and answers in the face of incomprehension to be tormentous.

Mathematically, the basic idea was to take the seven Planetary Squares and to

formulate a successive set in each case, keeping only the physical structure of rows and

columns and then rearranging the numbers in alternative directional and numerical

sequences, based on consecutive and orderly sequences of numbers i.e. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 etc.

This created a series of ‘templates’ that give the numbers in the original squares a new

number correspondence for various new formulas.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

In each set, the numbered Templates show shaded co-ordinates. These are where

the numbers of the new assignments remain true to the original planetary square


The first set created were positive aspect Divining Templates, where each Planetary

Square was rearranged numerically with the numbers following consecutively across the

rows from left to right in each row top to bottom. Here you can see, as an example, the

difference between the Planetary Square and the Positive Aspects Divining Template of


Square of Mars Square of Mars (+) Divining Template

11 24 7 20 3 1 2 3 4 5

4 12 25 8 16 6 7 8 9 10

17 5 13 21 9 11 12 13 14 15

10 18 1 14 22 16 17 18 19 20

23 6 19 2 15 21 22 23 24 25

In themselves, these new Templates have absolutely no mystical value yet it is their

application which brings about their worth. However, the direction of the numbering is

mystically inspired by the Left-Hand and Right Hand Paths of the Western Esoteric

Tradition. As a very general rule and sufficient explanation for this purpose, it is widely

considered that the Right-Hand Path follows accepted order and generates the qualities of
PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

light and benevolence. The positive aspect templates therefore have the numbers moving

in the right-hand direction.

Because doing the Left-Hand Path reverse of this for the second set would have

proven to be futile with regards to line totals at a later stage, the numbers have been

reassigned for this purpose moving down the columns in each case in a consequential

order moving from right to left across the square like this:

Square of Mars (-) Divining Template

21 16 11 6 1

22 17 12 7 2

23 18 13 8 3

24 19 14 9 4

25 20 15 10 5

In the case of the third set, the Ascendant Divining Templates, it was considered

that both the direction of the movement across the columns and the direction of the

movements across the rows was to be alternative, thereby reflecting both left and right.

This is a metaphorical calculation which providentially proves to be fundamental in the

usage of this system (examples further on), and as we are looking at information regarding

the planet as the rising sign of a person, the numbers are consequential moving up the

Templates beginning from right to left in the first row (the opposite of the positive aspects

first row direction) and then from left to right in the second. This serpentine sequence

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

continues to the top of the square, finishing either on the same side as beginning or the

opposite side depending on the amount of rows:

Square of Mars (Ascendant) Divining Template

25 24 23 22 21

16 17 18 19 20

15 14 13 12 11

6 7 8 9 10

5 4 3 2 1

The fourth overall set of templates contain mini-sets of 3 per planet. They

have no numbers, and are called Allocators. They have only a border and outlines

indicating specific grid block positions. These are to act as decoding readers which are

placed over the Planetary Squares

Note: You will not need to practically follow the next instruction as I have taken the liberty

of finalizing this already, but this is set forth for you to discover how the final result was


Resulting from separate calculations of each row and column as well as each

diagonal from right to left and from left to right, a line total is tallied for each and the

number of that total is then shaded on an applicable rough grid in the would-be position

for same number appearing on the Divining Template being calculated. The same process

is given to each of the Divining Templates until three rough grids per planet are produced

- one for positive aspects (+), one for minor aspects (-) and one for ascendant sign

(Ascendant). There are cases where the same line total number appears more than once,
PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

but if it is already shaded, then it is considered to be accounted for and the next number

yet unaccounted for is then shaded etc etc. If a number resulting from the line addition is

too high, the number is once again added to reduce it’s value and that co-ordinate is used

instead (if not already taken).

This set of rough grids for planet Mars shows these initial accounts for the three

Divining Templates:

Mars (+) Mars (-) Mars (Ascendant)

Now, for a practical example we look at the Mars (+) rough grid again, but this time

with the corresponding divining template numbers showing their co-ordinates:

Mars (+)

3 4

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 14 15

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These numbers (where there are more than one in a row or column) need to be

added for a single number. If the total does not reflect a number in the shaded squares, it

may be added again in an attempt for the new total to reflect an available number. If

neither totals are reflected in two counts of an addition, the total is discarded and the next

row or column is then added up etc. The totals are added to an empty row or column as a


Mars (+)

3 4

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 14 15

8 10 11 9 7

Once the final set of numbers has been determined, the shaded areas containing any

numbers not amongst them are removed:

Mars (+)

7 8 9 10


8 10 11 9 7

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

When this pattern is applied as finalized version, the entire grid is removed except

for the applicable segments and the border and is called an Allocator:

These allocators should be drawn or penned on transparency sheets or clear plastic

card with colored permanent markers in order to be made ready for use on any

combination of planetary squares and divining templates. Placed over a Planetary

Square they will reveal (or ‘encase’) the applicable number sequence for equation.

For the most part whilst working with this system, dice will be required, but for this

next example we will assume that these following co-ordinates are the determined ones as

the Allocator happens to be the same size as the Planetary Square.

Equation A

Lets say that we want to find out the Mars (+) aspects messages within the Mars

Ascendant Divining Template. Shown here is where our example allocator’s co-ordinates


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mars (Ascendant) Divining Template

25 24 23 22 21

16 17 18 19 20

15 14 13 12 11

6 7 8 9 10

5 4 3 2 1

The first calculation is then conducted in order to reveal the guide point for the

same translucent template on the planetary square. The co-ordinates are always to be read

upwards from left to right:

Equation A:

(1 + 5) + (1 + 7) + (1 + 8) + (1 + 9) + (2 + 0 ) = (6) + (8) + (9) + (1) + (2) = 26 = 8

This reveals a sequence of numbers, in this case 6, 8, 9, 1 and 2 which must be

written down along with the subtotal and the final total, in this case 26/8. You will now

need to go to the Planetary Square in order to ‘recode’ these co-ordinates with the

numbers there. The final result of this Equation A, being 8, is the Allocator’s corner guide

on the main Square. The general rule for this is very simple:

- If the guide number is higher than five, the translucent template’s top right-hand corner

will be used and if 5 or lower, the top left hand corner will be used.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

This will decide how the co-ordinate pattern falls on the square. The single result

from Equation A may be used as the guide number on the Saturn Square as it has only

single digits. For all other squares, you will use the subtotal number, 26 in this example.

If the numbers on the square are lower than this amount you may reverse the number. If

the reversed subtotal becomes higher than the numbers of the square, you should add

them together - in this case 62 would be too high and so 8 will be our guide number. If the

total of Equation A is a master number (11, 22 or 33) then there will be no subtotal and the

Allocator should then be placed dead center of the square. (More details under ‘Dice


Equation B

This example shows the co-ordinates over the Square of Mars based on the number

8 as a guide point:

Square of Mars

11 24 7 20 3

4 12 25 8 16

17 5 13 21 9

10 18 1 14 22

23 6 19 2 15

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Because the final total of Equation A (8) was higher than 5, the top right-hand

corner of the Allocator must align with the number determined for the guide point.

Obviously this will mean that in any given case (depending on the guide point and the

square) some of the co-ordinates might ‘fall out of vision’. In such a case, the excluded

part of the pattern must continue it’s natural order upwards from left to right. If no co-

ordinates of the pattern are captured then the entire sequence must begin on the

applicable amount of spaces back from the opposite side of the square.

In this instance, the first co-ordinate of the original sequence has fallen out and so

now becomes the last co-ordinate in the new sequence after being continued on the

opposite side of the Square. For this example we can see that it may appear as if the

pattern was continued immediately after the translucent guide, but this is just how the

numbering worked here due to the size of the Square. What you will in actuality do is

count the amount of spaces required for the ‘fallen out’ section to continue, and then count

that amount of spaces back from the side of the square opposite to the captured co-

ordinate/s. The beginning of the reconstruction will take place from there and then move,

once again, upwards and to the left starting with the lowest co-ordinate always.

The number sequence must now be written from left to right across the Square, the

last number in the original sequence now being the first.

(Please note: Because of the left to right and upwards reading sequence, in a case like this example

where the last new co-ordinate position on the left (22) is a lower level than the previous co-

ordinates, it will seem that an upward direction is being sacrificed in the interest of maintaining a

right direction flow (i.e. 21 higher to 22 lower to the right). This is not considered to be a false

move as it is the necessary choice least disruptive to the sequence.)

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Equation B:

(1 + 7) + (5) + (1 + 3) + (2 + 1) + (22) = (8) + (5) + (4) + (3) + (22) = 42 = 6

It is now up to you to choose which oracular system you wish to employ, if not a

combination. The numbers 6, 8, 9, 1 and 2 from Equation A are the numbers of the Tarot

cards (major arcana up to 22 or entire deck up to 78), Lenormand cards (up to 36), Playing-

Cards (up to 52), I Ching Hexagrams (up to 64), Runes (up to 26) or Tree of Life Paths (up

to 32). If you wish to use only one system, this will obviously need to be a system that

has a number of cards etc. that will cover the entire range of numbers in the spread. If you

decide to use two systems then you can use as many of one to fill it’s numerical capacity in

the spread and do an ‘overspill’ with a second. For example, The master number 33

appears in the equation but you had decided only to use the Tarot trumps. As these only

contain 22 cards, you can either use number 3 Tarot trump coupled with number 3 from

any other system (or both 3’s from other systems) to make up this master number together

or you can just use number 33 from another system alone.

Equation A Interpretation

Whilst it is recommended that you use each system on their own in turn as far as

possible to compare any differences, an element of a different system for each number is

advised as soon as you can when beginning to divine this way as it will bring the

experience of joining these oracles together to create unified messages. There is so much

more information to be realized once this process is used. To give you a more detailed

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

example, I will use divinatory meanings for Tarot Major 6, Lenormand 8, Rune 9, I Ching

Hexagram 1 and Tree of Life Path 2:

The Lovers - Coffin (incl. 9 of Diamonds) - Isa (Ice / Frozen) - Ch'ien (The Creative) - The

Path of Intention - Taurus

Here are brief meanings and then a short summary showing the way that I have

interpreted the issues that the Mars (Ascendant) is providing, which is in a style that would

most aptly be inserted into an astrological natal chart report:

• The Lovers - Choice and sexuality

• Coffin - Ending and mourning (9 of Diamonds - Wishing for what was)

• Isa - Stasis and ego-consciousness

• Ch’ien - Constant efforts and realized potentials

• The Path of Intention - The impetus and reason for acting

• Taurus - Dependable, stubborn, patient, uncompromising

Equation A Interpretation:

It is apparent that this person may have issues where choices of sexuality have caused much

disruption in both relationships and acceptance of the self. Issues of guilt have perhaps caused this

person to act insensitively and there appears to be a substantial presence of regret. The unrealized

solution for the problem/issue that this person encounters in the area of untamed sexual energy is

for them to be able to become aware of who they truly are and therefore to minimize the opportunity

for wishing that situations had been more durable in retrospect. The key would be for this

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

individual to examine their intentions more closely and come to a realization that they have

consciously chosen their current path instead of being powerless to controlling any weaknesses.

Perhaps some time spent in retreat from relationships will allow some space to reflect on what has

happened and bring them to a place of better understanding their urges and impulses by meditating

on what inspires them to act. If this person can endure the lessons patiently and bring himself or

herself to a place of self-dependability, this may also eradicate the need to be uncompromising with

others and therefore their choices and actions can exist in a place of less stubbornness and


Because this reading was done on the main Mars Square, there were no true-to-

main square shadings as may appear on the other templates and so these interpretations

are based on the upright positions/positive aspects of the oracles. If the sequence of

numbers should cross any previously shaded numbers on the divining template, these

should be read as reversed or in negative aspect, unless they are one of the three master

numbers. This is truly important because in this manner, the entire reading is ‘colored’ by

these ‘hostilities’ even if there are actually no physically reversed elements. This is noted

in Tarot with all upright cards most specifically in the minor card attributes of the Thoth

deck where cards of a certain suit are accepted by default as being either hostile or

friendly to any card from an incompatible or compatible suit. The same is experienced

with the Lenormand system where some cards are so neutral that they literally rely on a

neighboring card to decide their matured meanings.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Equation A Overall Conclusion

After this is done, the preliminary result of Equation A (26) is written down along

with the final result (8) - the two numbers separated with a forward-slash. This

numerological combination to the result of 6 is then interpreted as an overall conclusion to

the summary (here, according to traditional numerology associations):

Equation A Overall Conclusion: (26/8)

‘Needs to unify’, ‘re-evaluation’, ‘responsibility’ and ‘power’ are keywords of 26/8 which re-

iterate and confirm the message that this person has been moved by a sense of guilt and regret to

face themselves and take real action in order to rectify their issues in this area so that they can live a

happier and less mournful life. This is primarily suggested by the need present in reconciling their

wants and their needs in this area. A sense of service pervades this persons consciousness now as

they realize that they will be protecting others from these issues as well as themselves and that the

only way to achieve this is to be responsible by retreating from any possible temptations until they

have come to a place of more stillness and strength which will afford them a sense of power.

Through this newfound power, alternative and destructive energies can be deflected.

It is very clear that not only does this further interpretation accommodate the

previous summary, but specifically amplifies or repeats particular points of it based on

traditional meanings - all separate from each other as systems and yet unified by cryptic


Now that the first minor report for Mars ascendant issues/challenges/highlights

etc. has been formulated, the second minor report based on the ascendant aspects but

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

applied to the Sun in Mars (main Planetary Square of Mars), we will be able to divine

information in comparison about how someone with a Mars sun sign (Aries/Scorpio) who

is faced with the same challenges might cope/deal with or evade the ascendant bearings

of Mars on a different un sign native.

Please Note: This does not mean that what you will discover will necessary be better.

Depending on the aspects, a Mars native in this case may even have these effects amplified

(depending on the ascendant in that case) but in retrospect, the solution or guidance may

appear clearer in Equation A’s interpretation by comparison. The main idea here for two

things to occur:

1. Insight of sun sign experience can be ascertained by ascendants with different sun signs

based specifically on their ascendant’s unique co-ordinates.

2. More insight in general can occur for the Astrological database with regards to specific

incidents, occurrences etc. between signs and ascendants. Each reading done this way

and documented moves astrology further forwards as anyone can practically discover

necessary information about anyone willing around them based on their own

application to another sign. Any sign can obtain a detailed report of how their life may

have altered, in fact how their very nature and character would be if they shuffled their

natal chart around based on their ascendant or anyone else’s. This information would

also be esoterically obtained as opposed to only scientifically.

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Equation B Interpretation

Moving on to the interpretation for Equation B. I will choose Tarot 8, Lenormand 5,

Rune 4, The Tree of Life Path 3 and I Ching Hexagram 22 :

Strength - Tree (incl. Seven of Hearts) - Dagaz - The Path of Belief - Pi

• Strength - Discipline in morality and powers of conviction

• Tree - Health and overall wellbeing (7 of Hearts - Hail and Hearty!)

• Hagalaz - Paradoxical truth and change, often traumatic

• The Path of Belief - The foundation that enables intention

• Pi - Grace and valuing inner beauty

What follows now leans on the ‘Tree Construction Excersise’ where a combination of

ready information and intuition/imagination is employed.

Equation B Interpretation:

It could prove most beneficial for this person to learn to watch arrivals and departures of

people and situations from a place of established power and to reflect upon the ideas that many

things that they are seeking are to be found within them. It is very likely that a restoration of mind,

body and spirit will be overseen by an equilibrium caused by removing the self from the situation

and viewing it objectively instead of being subjected to it. With their possible need to be invisible to

them-self by assuming the role or affections of another, their transformation seems to have truly

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occurred, albeit unwittingly, as this could very well be what has made them face their true self.

Where this act could foreseeably be traumatic, the change that this shock will cause will have a

profound and lasting effect of the individual’s esteem. The true key would seem to be in curbing

passions and impulses with a transfer of energy into enthusiastic control and withdrawal and by

remembering that situations in life are temporary and that patience endured can bring a person less

regrets in hindsight. Overall, it appears that a sense of sheltering and a reminder of the value of

more domestic values will play an important role in the healing of this person’s troubles. The key

that would lead them to this understanding may very well be inherent in the meditation upon

beliefs being the formation of action. Once this individual begins to believe that they have strength

and that they have a right to be happy, they can then act upon their intentions of pursuing that

happiness. By transferring the attention fro superficial qualities and turning inwards to value the

beauty and power there, a sense of grace could certainly elevate them from their chains and allow

their freedom from the want of freedom.

This part of the report is much more like guidance in counseling as it can often

bring into balance the extreme of the ascendant ‘tangents’ and the stable surety and

experience of the native sign. Sometimes people feel it can be a little ‘preachy’, but the fact

that there is discomfort in the truth proves something - there is truth present!

It may be particularly interesting to note that this reading that involves

comparisons with the Mars Ascendant and the Mars Sun Sign contains The Emperor

which in Tarot is assigned to Zodiac sign Aries which is ruled by Mars. Equally, the Rune

Hagalaz is often attributed to The Tower of the Tarot, and that card is also attributed to

the planet Mars. The Emperor in many ways can reflect the positive powers of Mars

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where The Tower shows the more destructive side of it - the former being power in control

and the latter being power in negative surprise.

Predictions in this area are often very subtly hidden between the lines of the

information being perceived/intuited/divined and so if the querent is inclined to be more

interested in the future rather than how to get there, it may be a good idea to do an initial

report and then scan it for insights before finalizing it. That said, however, you will find

that many of these silent predictions surface in the last part of this report, yet as it is the

overall conclusion for this section, you may wish to put your more detailed findings in the

prior part. This is completely your choice as is everything.

Equation B Overall Outcome

Now we bring the subtotal and total from Equation B (42/6) forward and give our

final interpretation on those specific co-ordinates.

Overall Conclusion for Equation B: (42/6)

Numerologically, 42/6 alludes to service, responsibility, order and the need for security

without restraints. In the light of previous reflections, this combination encapsulates the entirety of

the main crux of the issue. There is in evidence a great responsibility in balancing the self with the

outer world and finding harmony between the needs, desires and the beliefs of what is and what is

not possible. The main underlying issue, which is indeed the search for security without being a

prisoner to superficial addictions is addressed and the solution to achieving this is answered as the

assumption of the attitude that the individual is doing a service - not only to themselves - but also

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

to others in that there is focus on a minimization of the potential in hurting others emotionally and

psychologically as a result of fickle indecisions. Because Rune Dagaz speaks of change which is

often traumatic, as well and the comprehensions of the paradoxes of truth and a higher allusion to

Yin & Yang, it is very possible that this person will confront issues of sexual orientation as well.

The need for exaggerated experimentation suggests that through bringing the self into balance and

harmony with true desires and unrestrained freedom of choice, the event that sees them undergoing

a renovation of their overall health will be a turning point that cannot be undone, and many

psychological barriers will be addressed and eradicated. The trauma of this is suggests the

prediction that perhaps there will be the meeting of someone who speaks deeply to the heart and soul

of this individual and an irrevocable change will need to occur in order for them to be together.

Equation A & B Summary Chart

Okay, so even for one part of the report, this is a lot of information to process let

alone adding Equation A’s findings as well. But this is the part which is really interesting

and can be so extremely revealing and prophetic. If you wish, you can assemble both of

the equations’ findings and pick through them to note out the parallels and similarities if

you like. I find that the most effective and simple way to do this is to draw a crude table

as a summary chart on a piece of paper with four sections headed like this:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Similarities Differences

The Lovers & Ch’ien - Choice and sexuality with Ch’ien & Isa - Constant effort and realized potentials
constant efforts and realized potentials with stasis and ego consciousness

Coffin & Isa - Endings and mourning with stasis and Coffin & The Lovers - Endings and mourning with
ego consciousness Choice and sexuality

Strength & Tree - Health and power of conviction The Lovers & Hagalaz - Choice and truth being a
Hagalaz & Path of Belief - Paradoxes of truth and
impossibility being a belief. Tree & Coffin - Wellbeing and mourning

Personal Insights
This person may not have met very many people who
were not superficial in their values of life enough to I feel that this situation has come to a head for a reason
have their intellectual and latent depth of character and that a karmic debt will be paid as a result of new
ignited and roused. This has caused them to adopt the beginnings and awakenings. This will not be easy as
belief that serial promiscuity has a purpose for there will be unexpected responsibility - the experience
elevating the self-worth but has been blinded to intrinsic of facing ones-self through another. It is possible that
damage caused and the pain that it has inflicted upon reclusiveness will lead to the understanding that will be
others. This constant subconscious reckoning of the necessary once two minds and hearts meet, assisting
pain it is causing is not apparent in the ego-conscious decisions necessary for sacrifices and irrevocable
behaviour and yet it is realized by way of a lack of self- choices which will have to be made in order for them to
respect that this person has for being an apparent be as one together.
source of regret.

By mapping information out this way it can spark new revelations that may not

have come to light by the next process alone, and in addition, there is now a reference to

check back on.

Equation C

Equation C is almost too infinitesimal to warrant such a formal title, yet it is the most

predictive part of the report and so it gets the royal treatment too! Simply add the

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

subtotals or totals together from Equations A and B and then the subtotals together. Each

overall result will naturally be the same:

(2 + 6) + (4 + 2) = 14 = 5


8 + 6 = 14 = 5

If there is no subtotal for one or both equations, simply add the totals together. If

they arrive at a master number, as always, this will be your final number. If this number is

too high for the Square being divined upon, the number may then be halved instead of

added (i.e. 11 = 1 instead of 11 = 2) This should also be done in order for the next reason

(number 1 would be used in each separate case in that example).

Find the first number 5 on the Square of Mars and select the number that represents

it on the Mars (Ascendant) Template, which is 14. Then find the second number 5 on the

Mars (Ascendant) Template and select the number it represents on the Mars Square that is


Equation C:

(1 + 4) + (2 + 3) = (5) + (5) = 10 = 1

Number 1 governs all of this information with emphasis on future trends. What I

would do now is gather all the number 1 elements from Tarot, Lenormand, Playing-Cards,

I Ching, Runes, Tree of Life, Numerology and Zodiac (you may choose only one if you feel

so inclined, but the information will be limited unless you are very psychically adept).

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Once Equation C Predictions are made, compare the result back with the summary chart.

Any nagging inconsistencies will become further questions for divination/clarification.

Equation C Predictions

For my example, here are the listed elements:

The Magician - Rider (Incl. 9 of Hearts) - Ch’ien - Ansuz - The Path of Awareness -

Number 1 - Aries

• The Magician - Direction of energy and awareness

• Rider - Coming and goings (9 of Hearts - Manifestation of Desire)

• Ch’ien - Persistent effort brings great creativity

• Ansuz - Mental stability and transformation

• The Path of Awareness - Access of creation to the divine for wisdom

• Number 1 - Self-motivation and independence

• Aries - Impulsive, Short-tempered, optimistic, courageous

Equation C Predictions:

The amplification through these messages of the activity whereby energy will be redirected

both through internal awareness and through physical circumstantial change points most intensely

on the need for aspects of this individuals previous ways of being to be shedded entirely in order for

new and altered ways of experience to arrive. This person will undergo a pilgrimage of sorts which

will be intensive as suggested by a need for self-motivation and persistence of effort. This is

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

indicated to be a success and the person will indeed endure because of the creation of new

awareness’s gained by the very traumatic experience of facing truths about life and the self which

were not previously available through physical experiences alone. Abstinence from current desires

will have the same effect on this person as abstinence from an addictive substance. There will be

many mood-swings and it is best that the person chooses to be solitary during this time. This

experience will certainly not go unrewarded as the manifestation of desire occurs. By reasoning,

the deepest desire that this person has is forbidden in their awareness of the physical world and only

by accessing their deep-seated fears and illusions are they able to retain a sense of their true needs.

They will retreat from the desires that they think they currently have and which are causing them

destruction in order to realize that in the absence of them, they no longer need them. It is suggested

that the meeting of someone who represents everything that they truly want will occur, but not

before the individual has completely worked through their issues, which will create some transitory

trauma. However, this trauma is indicated to be healthy and necessary by means of inspiring the

individual to make a final and necessary choice that will lead to eventual peace, harmony and

happiness. Aries, which appears as the first sign of the Zodiac is governed by Mars which indicates

a sense of full circle in these findings. Aries being the impetuous child speaks of rebirth and new

beginnings with the need to learn a new way of life.

There is no such specific person in these circumstances that I am aware of. I have

chosen the original co-ordinates to give these examples based on random selections in

order to demonstrate how important the use of imagination, free instinct and the ability to

pay attention to profound detail really is in addition to the technicalities of this system -

well, in fact to all of life. Most certainly, none of it has been contrived, and I am in awe as

always over how many consistencies there are throughout the investigations. I have

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found information by this process which has very rarely led me astray, and I am confident

enough to say that if it ever did, it was when I was not paying proper attention and was

personally at fault.

I still do not feel that it is ever a lecture to speak of being conscious of remembering

that the responsibility of divination is vast and, just as I would hopefully never sit behind

the wheel of a car on the motorway whilst completely obliterated by alcohol, I would

never approach any system with such potential power when the powers of my senses,

concentration and intentions were not absolutely in balance - especially not for someone


There are, certainly in my view, no demons giving false information here but

hopefully only your awareness is expanding and learning to ‘hear’ the universe. There are

many people who have ‘heard demonic voices in their head which told them to do things’

who never entered the vicinity of a divination tool or system in their life.

When we take action towards future possibilities that we’ve become aware of in the

tangible world by way of control, choices and decisions we feel this is perfectly acceptable

- our right even. Yet, when we attempt to do the same through the insight given by

divination we often tend to feel this is unsafe or wrong. There is little difference, if any,

between the two scenarios. All that has changed is the manner in which we are becoming

aware of the choices we have. Whether you are comfortable and adept at this before you

apply it to trusting strangers is between you and the results you achieve through this

system. Either way, there will be evidence.

Personally, I feel that the greatest insight anybody new to divination may be given

is that it has very little to do with fortune-telling - and a lot!. Used as a tool to understand

your life and yourself, it will help you make choices that will shape your fortune, but

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

those changes will speak truth into your heart and you will know any falsities should they

arise - in the same way you intuit whether a friend or business associate is lying to you

without divination tools. The very notion of the possibility of your ‘fortune’ being told to

you seriously is the real danger (one which has paradoxically been given real power by

those who have no understanding of divination at all), because this also intimates that we

have no choice. I believe that a world full of people believing that they have no choice is a

world of true oppression.

The volume of information and insights that you can divine through planetary

cryptics over even one small aspect of your life can be astonishing. One of the best ways

to get started with this is to try it on family and friends who you know well. In this

manner you will see how much relevant information surfaces and this will increase your

trust expediently.

Dice Instructions

Now we will look at an example where the dice will be needed (which, actually, is

always with this system but was omitted before now to save confusion in the beginning


Two sets of dice are used simultaneously for consultation. The dice are shaken in

both hands, a pair per hand, or all four in one cup and are rolled all together. Where the

Squares or Divining Templates are much smaller like Square of Saturn and Square of

Jupiter e.g. the numbers thrown are added and then added again for a smaller total. If the

second total is greater than the capacity of the Square, the second total is added to arrive at

a third total and so on, until a suitable guide number is arrived at.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Dice Sequence

The four die are always read in sequence of where they fall in the same manner as

the number sequence pattern is read by the allocators, which is left to right and upwards:

The sequence here would be 5-6; 1-3

The sequence here would be 5-1; 6-3

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The sequence here would be 5-3; 1-6

Reflected Combinations

If there is ever an exact reflection of combinations in pairs, the combination of each

pair must be tallied and the result added to each other (i.e. 4-3; 4-3 = 7 + 7 = 14 = 5). The

total (5) would be used on the Saturn Squares and Divining Templates as a guide number

and the subtotal (14) would be used on higher Squares and Divining Templates as a guide

number. The highest number in the combination shows which top corner of the Allocator

will be used on the guide number (in this example, 4 on the left means top left-hand


If there is a reversed reflection of combinations in pairs (i.e. 5-4; 4-5) the totals of

each (9) are still added together (18 or 9) but the first number of the first combination will

be read (5) and this will indicate which top corner of the Allocator will be placed on the

guide number (18 or 9).

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

- 1, 2 or 3 means top left.

- 4, 5 or 6 means top right

Mixed Combinations

In the case of mixed combinations (i.e. 5-2; 6-3):

- A higher total of the left dice pair combination would mean that the top left-hand corner of

the Allocator will be placed on the guide number of the Square or Divining Template.

- A higher total of the right dice pair combination would mean that the top right-hand corner

of the Allocator will be placed on the guide number of the Square or Divining Template.

Quadruple Numbers

Should any quadruple number be cast (i.e. 1-1; 1-1 etc.), the Allocator is placed

centrally over the Square with the Square’s two most inner columns (or most central

column and row) as it’s ‘spine’ or ‘cross-section’. If a quadruple is rolled and there is an

even number Allocator over an odd number square/divining template, a new co-ordinate

will have to be chosen for the Allocator so that it may stay central but without any of it’s

columns or rows being dissected in half. The two numbers at the very top of the central

columns of the square or divining template are added for a single-digit total in this


- Lower than 5 means that the Allocator moves to align with the left central column

and the lower central row.

- 5 or higher moves the Allocator to align with the right central column and the

higher central row.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

If a quadruple number is rolled and there is an odd number allocator over an even

number square/divining template, the number at the top of the central Square/Divining

Template column is used in the same way as above to determine the side and level to

which the allocator will shift. Showing the two scenarios here:

Even Divining Template Covered by Odd Allocator

Mars (+) Allocator covering Sun (+) Divining Template at odds with central cross highlighted


Mars (+) Allocator covering Sun (+) Divining Template and shifted to align with template right

central column and template higher central row (3 + 4 = 7)

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Odd Square Covered by Even Allocator

Sun (+) Allocator covering Square of the Moon at odds with central cross highlighted blue.

Sun (+) Allocator covering Square of the Moon and shifted to align with Square left central

column and Square lower central row ((2 + 1) = 3).

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


A note should be made of every combination rolled. If the same double

combination is rolled in the same session (exact or reverse i.e. 5-4; 4-5 or 4-5; 5-4 or 5-4; 5-4),

the double combination is added together and noted down. Upon the appearance of a

double combination repeat, a second roll will hopefully provide a different combination

which is sub-totaled (i.e. 2-5 = 7; 6-5 = 11) and then added to the previous number in order

to provide an allocator placing:

((5 + 4) + (4 + 5)) + ((2 + 5) + (6 + 5)) = (9 + 9) + (7 + 11) = (18 or 9) + (18 or 9) = 18 or 9

This is called a ‘double-pass’, and the information gleaned from this is to be added to

the information gained by the previous roll of the same original mirror-combination for a

further summary of those planetary aspects being divined. You might end up adding the

aspects of a completely different planet to the current summary where this may not have

been the intention or expected, yet makes itself known as information that is best

considered. This could happen equally with the same planet. Whichever the case, a

double-pass is to be considered extremely important as the level of detail concerning a

particular aspect of the reading is suggesting that not all the information available or

necessary has yet been discovered.

There are practical and detailed examples of all of these cases in the ‘Sample

Consultations’ chapter.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Clarifying ‘Out of Vision’

Now to re-iterate what must occur in the event that any given allocator co-ordinates

fall outside of the range of the divining template. Let us look at the Ascendant Divining

Template for the Square of the Sun with the true-to-master square number shadings

removed for less confusion. This diagram shows the dice rolled at a final total of 21 and

the Mars (+) Allocator placed for divining co-ordinates:

31 32 33 34 35 36

30 29 28 27 26 25

19 20 21 22 23 24

18 17 16 15 14 13

7 8 9 10 11 12

6 5 4 3 2 1

This shows that most of the co-ordinates have been captured on the Divining

Template this time except for one which is accounted for on the opposite side of the

Square (18).

In this next example, we will use the Mars (+) Allocator and the dice rolled at a total

of 24. Only the first co-ordinate will show on this divination template so we now need to

reassign the rest to the next available positions in order.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

To recap: These are always assigned from where they left off and continue in pattern

succession from the opposite side of the square. This image and applicable equation will

explain the rectification:

31 32 33 34 35 36

30 29 28 27 26 25

19 20 21 22 23 24

18 17 16 15 14 13

7 8 9 10 11 12

6 5 4 3 2 1

(1 + 8) + (1 + 7) + (1 + 6) + (1 + 5) + (1 + 2) = (9) + (8) + (7) + (6) + (3) = 33

Tip: As the master number 33 appears here three times in the spread equation, the

option is to use the number 3 card/coin/stone from a combination of systems or simply to

emphasize and centralize your interpretations instead of only the overall conclusions etc.

This is not necessary but can definitely provide even further insight.

Multiple Scans

Now for a slightly trickier scenario. Here’s the Saturn (Ascendant) Divining

Template and then the Mars (+) Allocator placed over it:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

9 8 7

4 5 6

3 2 1

Saturn (Ascendant) Divining Template showing true-to-main square number 5

9 8 7

4 5 6

3 2 1

Saturn (Ascendant) Divining Template covered by Mars (+) Allocator, dice rolled quadruple

9 8 7 4

6 4 5 6

3 2 1

Mars (+) Allocator original co-ordinates 6 and 4 (outside Saturn template) shown re-allocated (in

black) in original pattern sequence after captured co-ordinates (9, 8 & 7) across the Saturn

(Ascendant) Divining Template.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

We can see that two scans were necessary to re-locate the fallen co-ordinates.

Number 6, the first original co-ordinate, naturally landed on the same row it would have if

it had been captured originally yet is now the second-last new co-ordinate. Number 4 that

was the last original co-ordinate has now become the first in the new sequence, but has

also landed on the same row as 6. This is simply because if it had continued the required

amount of spaces after number 6’s new allocation, it would have landed on number 9 -

one of the captured co-ordinates. Because all of the available spaces on this line have been

captured already, the next natural thing to do would be to assign the last fallen co-

ordinate to the first available space on the immediately neighboring line which disrupts the

natural sequence the least. As the sequence would naturally follow from the opposite

lateral side of the Template, the co-ordinate cannot be placed higher and therefore

continue from the opposite vertical side of the Template (this is explored in the next

example). Because no higher line is available on this smaller Divining Template, number 6

must now be placed directly below the intended new co-ordinate on the Template. The

new sequence now reads 4; 9; 8; 6; 7.

Now let’s just (for arguments sake) say that the dice roll has produced a guide

number of 4 with the Mars (+) Allocator this time to be placed at its top left-hand corner:

9 8 7

4 5 6

3 2 1

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Especially in this case, this is tricky because the Template is very is ‘cozy’, and both

lateral and vertical sides of it will show the sequence continuance. What must now occur

is that the sequence has to re-think itself line by line and adhering to the rules of reading

the itself from left to right and upwards. Because the first fallen co-ordinate is lower than

the first captured co-ordinate, it must assume it’s would-be position on the opposite side

of the square, which in this instance is the top. So the first co-ordinate of the sequence that

has fallen out of vision now will land on 9 as shaded in light grey:

9 8 7

4 5 6

3 2 1

The next fallen co-ordinates to be placed (after 2 and 1), which are originally the last

two of the sequence, will naturally come directly after the two captured co-ordinates to the

left of the Template falling on 3 and 2. As 2 is occupied by a captured co-ordinate and so

will 3 be on the next scan, the final co-ordinate in this case will land on the space directly

above, being 4. As a result here, this co-ordinate must now appear one row up and

continue from the left side of the Template that means that it naturally will land on 4:

9 8 7

4 5 6

3 2 1

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

We can see that there were three scans necessary in order to reassemble this pattern as

accurately as possible given the size of the Divining Template and in relation to the

position of the first captured co-ordinates. The sequence now results in the first natural

co-ordinate (which was fallen) to resume as the first co-ordinate in the reading yet without

being misplaced by order. The last natural co-ordinates (which were also fallen) have

now become misplaced as the first and second new co-ordinates in the reading sequence,

pushing the second and third co-ordinates of the natural sequence (which were captured)

to become the reading sequence’s fourth and fifth co-ordinates. The sequence now reads

3; 4; 9; 2; 1.

For me, this is the order of the universe and the nature of relativity explained both

graphically and mathematically. From order there is chaos and vice versa. Both the

elements of fate as well as design are present in the pre-determined oracular reading, and

so it does not offend or contradict other systems of the same genetics (i.e. random

shuffling and casting) The further addition of the reader’s interpretation and intuition will

truly awaken what speaks between the codes.

There will be a greater invariability with the Saturn Square and Divining Templates

that numerous scans may be needed for all of the Allocator’s co-ordinates to appear in the

equation. This is due to the obviously smaller dimensions of the Square and will become

even more challenging as you move up to Allocators of, say, The Moon, where vast

numbers of spaces will appear. Still, it is all achievable, and in the instances that co-

ordinates end up landing on already occupied co-ordinate positions, then you may take it

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

that this co-ordinate is already accounted for and move to the next undesignated co-

ordinate that would most naturally suit the new placement (as in the previous example).

Tip 1: The main thing in this correlation is that the same amount of co-ordinates

appears in the equation as there are on the Allocator. If you find that eradicating a co-

ordinate because it is already occupied leaves you with less than the number required,

assign the applicable co-ordinate to the very next available space on the same row/column

or the next after that etc. following the required direction of the sequence, even if the new

co-ordinate seriously offends the original sequence. A serious offense is always better

than a false move!

Tip 2: When continuing co-ordinate patterns that partially fall outside of the

divining template it is easier to reassemble them line by line, lowest to highest, and by

counting the spaces of the original pattern in order to determine where the new co-

ordinates fall in relation. This is especially desired when there are multiple scans of re-


Reversed / Negative Spread Interpretation Co-ordinates

So, let’s see what happens when we align the Allocator for Mars (+) with top left

(31) on the Sun (Ascendant) Divining Template which shows all the true-to-main planetary

square number positions:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

31 32 33 34 35 36

30 29 28 27 26 25

19 20 21 22 23 24

18 17 16 15 14 13

7 8 9 10 11 12

6 5 4 3 2 1

The sequence we get here is (this is a basic example reading and does not follow the A B

& C Equations process for this purpose) :

(1 + 9) + (2 + 9) + (2 + 8) + (2 + 7) + (2 + 6) = (1) + (11) + (1) + (9) + (8) = 30 = 3

Our list of oracular correspondence numbers is 1, 11, 1, 9 and 8, with the first

number 1 read reversed or in negative light because it has crossed over true-to-master

Square numbers. Let’s also say that we have a keen interest to try this interpretation only

with the Tarot. You may reduce repeat numbers if your intuition is nagging you for some

more variety (or if you wish to employ several oracular systems in addition), but in this

case the numbers would repeat as well (1; 1) . Because there are repeats of 1, one of them

may be eradicated leaving the sequence as 1; 11; 9; 8 :

The Magician (Reversed) - Justice - The Hermit - Strength etc.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

As a quick overview of the interpretation, The Magician would take it’s original

reversed meanings which point to trickery, con-men, negative manipulation etc. Placed

next to Justice in this light it may refer to court cases, and with The Hermit it could very

possibly allude to separation proceedings as a result of infidelity or what have you. If The

Magician had been read the right way up, the scenario would change significantly and

colour the energy of Justice as directed power (with Strength) ‘hitting the mark’ (Justice)

and causing profound change to occur within someone (The Hermit) etc.


Just the same as true-to-main square co-ordinates do not appear in the same

quantity on every Divining Template (in some cases there is only one), afflictions appear

even less and are only apparent on the Divining Templates of certain planets. The

questions that might arise are over concerns of how this would benefit other readings on

Templates that do not show any, especially in the terms of Astrological findings.

It is significant to remember that these afflictions do not allude to pointing out the

same sort of afflictions that a natal chart report would show. They are afflictions in

themselves and pertaining only to the Template on which they show because they are

obvious markings that show a disruption in a consistent mirror pattern created by true-to-

main square co-ordinates. They are to be read reversed just the same as other co-ordinates

in the pattern except that if any reading sequence number falls over those afflictions - even

if captured by the Allocator of a different planet - they should have the gravest emphasis

placed on them because the message present by their role of reversal would hold and

amplify the core of issues and disruptive information contained within that reading.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Often the information surfacing from those afflictions is very sensitive and greatest

caution and care should be taken by the reader when relaying the information they hold to

the enquirer so that they are mindful of the manner in which that truth is expounded.

These afflictions point to soft-spots or tender issues within the life of the person being

enquired about. You may often feel your wisdom tugging at you at this point and decide

not to reveal what you see in favor of finding other means during the rest of the

consultation to impart the necessary information.

In short, these afflictions are present to show information that may usually fall out

of the right to be known for a higher cause, yet which partially contains vital information

that must be divined for the greater good of the reading and the benefit of the enquirer.

Planetary Aspect Reminders

When determining these interpretations, it is a good idea, at least in the beginning,

to keep the symbol/s or name/s of the planet/s as well as their aspects (positive, minor or

rising) for which you are working with in clear view as reminders in order to regulate

your interpretations and keep them within perspective of the natal correspondences. As

in the example above, a symbol of Mars (+) and of Sun (Ascendant) will remind the reader

to apply the qualities of the planets to the interpretation as they will guide the impressions

of the oracular meanings. For example, as the Sun is warmth and light, this would suggest

that the Mars fiery energies will really be amplified - whether that energy is positive or

negative is then ultimately defined by the interpretation of the oracle/s layout. Whatever

the case, this has an intricate bearing on the nature and accuracy of the reading and the


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

A good exercise for you to try right now would be to think of a question or

scenario, apply it to the above oracular line-up using only one oracle’s definitions and

then apply the planetary aspects to the interpretations and make a note of how it enhances

or changes it.

If you are of the psychic school that relies on your own impressions of color or /and

sentience etc., and do not regard the traditional meanings of the oracles to be too

pertinent, then simply divine the message in the way that these cards inspire it in you, but

in the light of planetary influences, co-ordinates and aspects.

It is my suggestion though, to those who feel that they are quite comfortable with

the more universal meanings, that they will still find many parallels between those

messages and known instances or situations. In your own time you may wish to discard

the original meanings once you feel that you sense of self-trust is more profoundly

established and once you feel that you have gained your own ‘library’ of divinatory


Instructions for Making and Using The Templates

You will need:

- White card stock

- Fine Colored permanent marker pens, fine paintbrush and white paint

- Quality transparency sheets

- Scissors

- A ruler

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

- A pencil and eraser

- A laminator and laminating sleeves

- Two pairs of dice

You will make:

Planetary Squares (White Card Stock) 7

Divining Templates: (White Card Stock)

Set One - Planetary (+) Templates 7

Set Two - Planetary (-) Templates 7

Set Three - Planetary (Ascendant) Templates 7

Allocators: (Transparency)

Set Four - Planetary (+) mini-set 7

- Planetary (-) mini-set 7

- Planetary (Ascendant) mini-set 7

Total: 49


• Each Divining Template and each Allocator is constructed with the same block

measurements i.e. 2 x 2 centimeter rows and columns. Sets One, Two and Three and

Four should be color coordinated with their planetary colors:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Saturn - Black

Jupiter - Blue

Mars - Red

Sun - Yellow/Gold

Venus - Green

Mercury - Purple

Moon - Grey/Silver

Each square/template/allocator should have approximately a 2 cm border outside

of the grid edges so that the name of the template, square or allocator may be inscribed on

it - at the top of the Squares, Divining Templates and Allocators. Where there is a color

fill as noted on Templates with true-to-main square co-ordinates, the numbers of those co-

ordinates should be written over the shading in white ink or paint. It is suggested that all

Squares, Templates and Allocators are laminated for durability and preservation.

A symbol in the appropriate color should also me made for each planet as well as

(+), (-) and (Ascendant) signs. These should be 2 x 2 centimeters on white card stock and

laminated. They are placed on the table or divination space as a reminder, and to signify,

the appropriate combination of planets and their aspects being divined.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Overall Guidelines Summary for Divination With Planetary Cryptography

The Process:

1. A question is formulated, a matter of interest is put forward or an astrological aspect is

determined for investigation and the applicable Planetary Square, Divining Template

and Allocator is chosen.

2. The dice are rolled to determine where the Allocator is placed on the Divining


3. The co-ordinates indicated on the Divining Template by the Allocator are added up for

a result which is called Equation A. The resulting sequence of numbers, the subtotal and

the total are written down.

4. The final total of Equation A is used as the guide number for the Allocator on the

Planetary Square.

5. If any co-ordinates shown in the Allocator now fall out of vision (off of the Square),

they are to be continued in sequence on the opposite side of the square in the same

direction until all co-ordinates are captured. This may take several scans in the case of

smaller squares or templates.

6. The new co-ordinates must now be written down. They are read from left to right and

upwards where possible with least disruption to the sequence.

7. The co-ordinates are added up for a result and this is called Equation B. The resulting

sequences of numbers, subtotal and total are written down.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

8. The desired oracle/oracles is/are chosen and the applicable numbered elements are

gathered to be read in the original sequence for each equation.

9. Equation A Interpretation is made.

10. Equation A Overall Outcome is made based on Equation A’s subtotal in numerology


11. Equation B Interpretation is made.

12. Equation B Overall Conclusion is made based on Equation B’s subtotal in numerology


13. A summary chart is drawn up for Equation A and Equation B reports where similarities,

differences, personal insights and possible predictions are recorded. (Optional, yet

highly recommended.)

14. The subtotals from Equation A and Equation B are added up together and this is called

Equation C. Find the result on the main Planetary Square and then compare it with the

co-ordinate on the applicable Divining Template. Find the total number from Equation

A and Equation B on the Divining Template and compare it with the co-ordinate on the

Planetary Square. Add the two co-ordinates together. This new number is Equation C’s

oracle reading number.

15. Assemble the applicable numbered elements from the chosen oracle/s.

16. Equation C Predictions are made.

17. Compare Equation C Predictions with the summary chart.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The N.B. Specifics:

1. For guide numbers - lower than 5 means top left hand corner and 5 or higher means top

right hand corner.

2. Any master number i.e. 11, 22 or 33 is added as it is to any equation and is interpreted

by the numerology correspondence as an entire number should it be either a subtotal or

a total.

3. Any dice roll that produces the same combination in sequence from left dice pair to

right dice pair calls for a double-pass - the dice are rolled again and a new combination

is added to the previous combination. (It is recommended that each dice roll is recorded)

4. Any co-ordinates that cross over true-to-main square positions must be read

reversed/hostile in the oracle spread.

5. All co-ordinate sequence/patterns are read from left to right and upwards. Any break

of direction is forbidden unless not doing so is more disruptive to the sequence.

6. Any co-ordinate that lands on an already assigned co-ordinate through a multiple scan

may be assigned to a new available co-ordinate that presents the most natural position

to the ongoing sequence. If all co-ordinates are taken, the co-ordinate is allowed to fall

away and be dis-counted.

7. There must be the same amount of numbers in the equation as there are co-ordinates

contained in the applicable Allocator.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



It was considered necessary in the previous chapter to ‘dive straight in to the deep

end’ whilst introducing Planetary Cryptography divination in order to ensure that all the

basics were covered and that a more comprehensive understanding of the system was

ensured. If you feel that you are not yet comfortable with all the directions and

guidelines, feel free to take your time before you move on, but reassuringly, this section

might even help a little in that area. The instructions here obviously lean on the main

instructions for the system but are slightly diverted in some areas in order to assure that a

well rounded and full usage of the system can be enjoyed for the benefits of the enquirers.

Astrologically, the Planetary Squares are very significant because they reflect

information that directly relates to planetary aspects and, once combined, can be strung

together for larger readings that can prove to be more profoundly insightful in any given

area inquired about. For example, you might place numerous Allocators over one

Planetary Square in order to find the influences of one planet on several others within the

same are of questioning. Alternatively, You may decide to place the same Allocator on all

seven Planetary Squares successively and then thread all the results together in one major

investigation. The options really are limitless and as far as rules go in that area - anything


The reason that there is a need for reading processes of a simpler nature to exist is

another mathematical one. The Squares and Divining Templates vary in size and

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

numerical capacity as do the dice roll under a limit as to how high their combinations can


If we take a Planetary Square or Divining Template such as The Moon which has a

numerical capacity of 81, there is no greater certainty that an Allocator such as that of the

small Saturn Square is going (in any random sequence) to ever have a chance to capture all

of the co-ordinates on that Square or Template at some time with four dice which only

have the capacity to produce the number 12 in each pair. Even quadruple sixes added

together would only produce 24 which falls majorly short of the great Square capacity.

The solution is really very simple. The larger the Squares become, the more varied

are the ways in which the dice rolled results are read. When doing simpler readings

(which might be the most frequent types that you choose to do with this system), you

would pay attention to the numerical capacity of the Square or Template on which you

have chosen and divine by that means which the most appropriate manner in which to

read the dice results. If you are working on the Square of Jupiter which has a capacity of

16, you could chose an overall result where both dice pairs in combination add up to any

number below or up to that capacity which is to be used as the Allocator guide number. If

moving up to larger Squares and Templates, you could choose to read each dice pair

combination as a separate number and couple them for a larger co-ordinate number. For

example, let’s imagine you have thrown a 4-3; 2-6 dice roll. You would add up each pair

separately i.e. 7 and 8 and derive the number 78 as the Allocator guide co-ordinate on the

Moon Square or Divining Template etc.

The same rule would apply as in the previous chapter except this time it would take

double-digits into account. For example, anything up to 59 would mean that the top left

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

hand corner of the Allocator would be used, and anything from 60 upwards would mean

that the top right-hand corner of the Allocator would be used.

As for determining which planets you would choose and combine, the suggestion

here is to go back to the old-school way of working and to bring a classical element of

faith, expectation, trust and randomness to the process in order for a more ‘organic’

element to the equations. This would be the only way in which this system is employed in

the same manner as the oracular systems which are either shuffled, tossed, spread etc.

Whereas this system has shown itself as the determining force that would normally be the

shuffling etc. it will now be employed in a similar manner before it does it’s usual task of

shuffling or mixing the oracular systems for you.

The suggested way of working here generally would be to separate the Squares and

Divining Templates into one pile and Allocators into another. Separate the planet symbols

that you made (including the (+), (-) and (Ascendant) ones) into three small piles and

ensure that they are all face down.

Whilst doing the next operations, in each instance, you should close your eyes and

concentrate on the question at hand or simply relax and open yourself to the messages

that the universe considers important for you to be made aware of at this time.

Here are the two process options for simpler Planetary Cryptography divinations:

Method One:

1. Mix through the planet symbol cards between your fingers until the time feels right for

you to choose one. Select it, open your eyes and make a note of the planet. Set the cards


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

2. Mix through the (+), (-) and (Ascendant) cards until the time feels right for you to choose

one. Select it, open your eyes and make a note of it.

3. Now select the appropriate Allocator suggested by the cards from the applicable pile

and set it aside.

4. Place the pile of Squares and Divining Templates in front of you and ‘wash’ them with

both hands in circular motions until they are all mixed on the surface or floor before

you. With your eyes still closed, select one and set it aside with the chosen Allocator.

5. Gather up all the other cards and Squares etc and put them aside.

6. Place the chosen Square or Template in front of you and the Allocator next to it.

7. Roll the dice and read the applicable guide number for the Allocator.

8. Place the Allocator over the Square or Divining Template and record the final sequence

of co-ordinates.

9. Conduct a simple numerology equation to add the co-ordinates into sequence numbers,

their subtotal and the total (the same as you would in Equation A examples shown in the

previous chapter).

10. Choose the cycle numbers as your oracular element numbers and interpret.

11. Select a numerology definition that reflects your subtotal/total combination

number or an oracle number element if there is no subtotal (only a master number) and

interpret the overall conclusion.

Method Two:

1. Separate the Planetary Squares and Divining Templates into pile 1, and the Allocators

into pile 2.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

2. ‘Wash’ pile 1 in front of you until the time seems right and select an item. Set it aside.

3. ‘Wash’ pile 2 in front of you until the time seems right and select an item. Set it aside

with the first item.

4. Put all other items away and place the two chosen items before you.

5. Roll the dice and determine the applicable guide number for the Allocator.

6. Record the final sequence and conduct a numerology equation as in the previous


7. Interpret the oracle line-up and overall conclusion as in the previous method.

Dice Alternative

A very happy and effective alternative to dice are playing cards, especially because

of the traditional way of shuffling that they bring into the process. A separate playing-

card deck should be used for this purpose alone. Each of the four suites must only contain

cards from Ace to 6 and the rest of the cards are discarded. The cards are then shuffled

and the deck is split into four piles from right to left. The top card from each pile is

selected and the sequence is read from left to right. This will take the place of the number

sequence obtained from a dice roll.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



There does not seem (on the surface) to be any further application for these

mysterious symbols of creative coalescence here than have already been established by

other practices. The effect that is desired from sigilization will ultimately be exactly the

same when employed the same way for that same effect, but there are two means by

which they can be derived and of use in this system - both beneficial to the sigil and for the


First to clarify the essence of sigils for any newcomers to the subject by looking at

an example by using the smallest of our planetary squares:

Square of Saturn

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

Here it is obvious that these numbers do not follow a numerological sequence as in

1; 2; 3; 4 etc. yet they are inscribed in a planetary sequence and then delegated across the

square based on how many squares there are in total. This is perfectly fine if you would

like to construct a sigil on the square using Pythagorean number: letter correspondences,

but this takes into account that you readily have the word or pattern of letters required.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

An example of this would be wanting to spell the name ALEX on the Square of

Saturn. The number: letter correspondences are A=1; L=3; E=5 and X=6 The sigil would

look like this:

There is, however, a way to use these squares in order to obtain hidden information

and connections by reassigning the numbers in order to derive further numbers which can

then be divined by correspondences and added to information gleaned by other methods

such as being used as Sigil Allocators for providing more detail or clarity for unclear

aspects. This can also be done with a person’s name but, for the purpose of this exercise,

we are going to use the person’s birth date in order to find their planetary life path

numbers, both positive and negative, as well as the positive and negative aspect numbers

of their ascendant sign as well.

This exercise can also be employed by astrologers to provide deeper insight into

aspects calculated in their reports. Obviously, the person’s sun sign will determine the

square used for their birth date and birth name formulas, as well as their ascendant sign.

For this example, we are using the Square of Saturn and the birth date from an

earlier example, being February 18, 1971 or 02/18/1971.

Please note: Uranus is the planet considered to govern Aquarius, but before 1718, this was

considered to be Saturn. As we are using classical squares, the Square of Saturn will be used in

this Aquarian’s case.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Because this square only has nine numbers, single digit construction will take place

for the month, day and year. In the cases where the applicable planetary square is larger

and double-digits appear which are great enough to cover the year segments (i.e. 19-71),

then those block position on the square will be used for correspondence with the other

squares in the set. Showing the difference between 1971 on the Saturn Square and on the

Moon Square:


4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6


37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5

6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46

47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15

16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56

57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25

26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66

67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35

36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76

77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Here is the normal square followed by the square numerically rearranged in

positive aspects order:

Square of Saturn

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

Square of Saturn (+) Template

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

The positive aspects template is arranged with sequenced numbers from the left to

the right in each row descending. In comparison, the original square now has different

numerical correspondences. Showing the Template number equals the original


1=8 2=3 3=4

4=1 5=5 6=9

7=6 8=7 9=2

Based on this new numerical correspondence, the 02/18/1971 birthdate in re-

arranged numbers is 03/87/8268. The three cycle formula is:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(0 + 3) + (8 + 7) + (8 + 2 + 6 + 8) = (3) + (6) + (6) = 6

Now that we have the number 6 as the positively aspected planetary number, and

the numbers 3, 6 and 6 as the three cycle numbers, this information can be referenced

against the divinatory information attributed to these numbers and can be assembled into

a complete overview report of the positive aspects of that planet in all of the person’s

lifetime stages. Once compared with information already known about the planet in the

person’s natal chart as well as compared against known aspects of other planetary aspects,

the information can be extremely revealing and often predictive.

To work out the ascendant sign planetary number of a person, you would need to

obtain a natal chart of the person’s date, time and location at birth. Once this is obtained,

you can then choose the applicable planet and it’s accompanying ascendant divining

template. For example, Frederick is an Aquarian with a Virgo ascendant. So for the

purpose of this illustration, we will use the planetary Square of Mercury, which governs


Square of Mercury

8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1

49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56

41 23 22 44 48 19 18 45

32 34 38 29 25 35 39 28

40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33

17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24

9 55 51 12 13 54 50 16

64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57
PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (Ascendant) Template

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

You can notice that the numbers in the ascendant template begin bottom right and

work their way sequentially up the square in serpentine fashion to end on the same side at

top right. The shaded areas signify the numbers that remain true to the original square.

Resulting is this new set of co-ordinates (listed here in positive aspects numerical sequence

for ease):

1 = 64 2=7 3=6 4 = 61 5 = 60 6=3 7=2

8 = 57 9=9 10 = 50 11 = 51 12 = 12 13 = 13 14 = 54

15 = 55 16 = 16 17 = 24 18 = 47 19 = 46 20 = 21 21 = 20

22 = 43 23 = 42 24 = 17 25 = 36 26 = 26 27 = 27 28 = 33

29 = 37 30 = 30 31 = 31 32 = 40 33 = 32 34 = 39 35 = 35

36 = 29 37 = 28 38 = 38 39 = 34 40 = 25 41 = 41 42 = 18

43 = 19 44 = 44 45 = 48 46 = 22 47 = 23 48 = 45 49 = 56

50 = 15 51 = 11 52 = 53 53 = 52 54 = 14 55 = 10 56 = 49

57 = 1 58 = 58 59 = 59 60 = 4 61 = 5 62 = 62 63 = 63

64 = 8

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

What is of significance for observation here is the amount of number co-ordinates

that remain the same after this re-sequencing. There are fifteen of these numbers that

account for 23% of the 64 and which mostly fit uniformly into a pattern. I like to call these

‘numerical polarities’ because they illustratively show a reflection of the main sequence

somehow, just as the ascendant sign is a reflection of the sun sign during character

analysis. Also, they indicate points where connections can scientifically be calculated

between the two sequences that suggest the extent of the effect that the ascendant actually

has on the sun sign.

The three polarity numbers that fall out of this mirror pattern are 41, 44 and 58.

Once added up these will give numbers which govern the afflictions of the ascendant

which in this case is:

(4 + 1) + (4 + 4) + (5 + 8) = (5) + (8) + (4) = 8

This results in the number, which governs the Square of Mercury, which is 8. The

most prominent negative traits of the Virgo rising sign in this report will be indicated in

the numerological negative attributes of the number 8, and the negative attributes of 5, 8

and 4 will reveal the lifetime stages of the effect on the sun sign in relation to natal chart

aspects. Whilst there is a universal determination of ascendant afflictions within certain

ascendant divining templates, it must be noted that there are factors that will allow the

information to deviate in each individual case. Both Gemini and Virgo are attributed to

Mercury, and these universal planetary afflictions will have a completely different bearing

on each particular sign and each particular natal aspects comparison. In addition, the

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

universal planetary ascendant number will be added to the result of the person’s

ascendant birth date total which will cast further variants between individual cases. In

addition, if the interpreter is adept enough in astrology, the ascendant afflictions might be

noted to amplify any afflictions elsewhere on the natal chart thereby ‘tell-tale-ing’ which

planet/s could be directly responsible. Research into sun signs governed by that/those

planet/s could provide insights into how the individual might resolve those affliction

effects in their life.

In order to confirm, clarify and even further investigate the details of the report, we

will work out the ascendant number which is once again the birthdate re-coded from the

ascendant template. All double-digits are made into single digits as in this example where

the birth date is 02/18/1971 which becomes 07/11/1021.

Explaining in this instance, the month has been left the same as it adds up to a

master number, 11 and the first half of the year has been left at the result of 10 for aesthetic

comparison purposes. In this square, there is no 71, so original 7 which is now 2 has been

added separately and then the final result of 64 (corresponding to 1), which is 1 after being

reduced from 10. At the end of this chapter is a fully simplified step-by-step guide as a

reminder of how to do each of these processes.

We now need to add up the ascendant ‘birth date’ in order to divine the planetary

ascendant number for the person:

0 + 7 + 11 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 22

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

This person’s ascendant bears particular affect on the sun sign as it is attributed to a

master number. There will be traits of the ascendant sign that are more prominent in

some cases than the sun sign (unless the sun sign result is equally a master number which

is the same or higher). Adding the new birth date result to the affliction result of the

ascendant template for Mercury, we get:

22 + 8 = 3

The negative traits of number 3 will define this person’s ascendant afflictions


Now let’s look at an example of a person’s first name calculated on a negative

aspects chart for the planet governing their sun sign. We are going to take the name

DEBORAH who is a Sagittarius, and so we will be using the Square of Jupiter and it’s

negative aspects divining template:

Square of Jupiter

4 14 15 1

9 7 6 12

5 11 10 8

16 2 3 13

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Jupiter (-) Template

13 9 5 1

14 10 6 2

15 11 7 3

16 12 8 4

The negative aspects template is always arranged down the columns and from left

to right. The result is this new set of correspondences:

1=1 5 = 15 9 = 14 13 = 4

2 = 12 6=6 10 = 7 14 = 9

3=8 7 = 10 11 = 11 15 = 5

4 = 13 8=3 12 = 2 16 = 16

Applying the Pythagorean letter: number system, we do an equation to find the

numerical value of the name DEBORAH which is:



We now see that the planetary number of Deborah in the negative aspects of Saturn

is 8, but we can now also discover the planetary name of Deborah in the negative aspects of

Saturn. If we take the numbers used in the previous equation and relate them to the

negative aspects square and correspond them with the original square, we get 16, 14, 9, 7,

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

15, 4 and 2. We add all double-digits separately and make a resulting chain of single

digits which gives us:



The Pythagorean spelling of Deborah now becomes:


Initially, this looks like scrambled eggs to the discerning eye and is practically

unpronounceable. We will take a look at how to remedy this in a moment, but first an

explanation as to how this result must be derived.

In the Pythagorean system, each letter has three numerical values (with exception

of the number 9 which accounts for only 2 letters). For example, number 1 is assigned to

the letters A, J and S. Number 2 is assigned to the letters B, K and T and so on and so

forth. Because this word will also be prepped for sigil construction or mantric sigil use in

the Spare tradition, one of any two or more repeating letters which initially show up in a

word or ‘sentence of desire’ are discarded and the same sort of jumble as shown above is

the result. So, in the instance of this name construction, the three letters assigned to the

applicable numbers have been used in succession. For example, number 7 attributes the

letters G, P and Y and as there are two number 7’s in the equation, the letters G and P have

been used. These are the two first successive letters assigned to 7 throughout Pythagoras’

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

numerical alphabet. If there is a greater amount than all three of the same number in the

equation, then the three letters are used in succession and the rest of the repeated numbers

are discarded.

Looking back now at our result, we will make some better sense of these letters for

practical purposes as per writings of Frater. U:. D:. who instructs that random vowels are

to be added in order for the word to be pronounceable. It does not matter now whether

these vowels are repetitious because the essential information encased within the previous

result has already been encapsulated.

For mantric sigil uses, the word may look something like this after adding vowels:




If you wish to construct a traditional pictorial sigil, then you can keep the original

result being G; E; I; P; F; D; B.

(Suggestions for the best works written on this particular subject can be found in the

Recommended Reading Section).

This word/name can also be used to construct a simple line sigil (as in the previous

example with the name ALEX) for use over any imaginable square. What is now also

possible is for us to divine the nature of the name DEBORAH in the negative aspects of

Saturn (which is now GIBAPODEF or FEDOPAGIB etc.) using the numerology definitions

for single letters. Without the added vowels for mantric use, we take the original letters

on their own and then list them with a negative aspect of each letter applicably:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

G - Disregarding

E - Unreliable

I - Angry

P - Self-Absorbed

F - Melancholic

D - Stubborn

B - Boastful

You could then begin a character analysis (like with the earlier ‘Tree Construction

Exercise’ example) for the name which was originally DEBORAH in the negative aspects of


The first general benefit of all of this is that these sigil co-ordinates can be used to

make allocators for any reason possible in order to be placed over any numbered system

to determine the ‘cryptic’ map within them.

Words (not only people’s names) describing or derived from anything imaginable

can be used to find out the numerical meanings of them or/and sigils can be constructed

for further practical uses. The options and possibilities are as limited as the borders of

your imagination. Whatever the case, and to my own experience, working this way with

the hidden numerical power of the planets added to the subject being enquired after has

revealed a whole new dimension of existence awaiting yet further discovery.

Perhaps a sufficient example of other interesting ways of creating sigils from things

other than planetary squares is to adopt the principle on any other similar platform. For

example, let’s look again at the Tattva table discussed in the chapter about non-

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

numerically based oracular systems. Removing the columns of elemental crossovers,

there remains a Tattva Square (noting that this is not a traditional square - the number of

rows and columns are not equal and neither are the line totals):

There are a number of options available for you to explore here now. You could for

instance decide that you would like to create a sigil of each number separately which

would thereby capture the essence of every Tattva elemental combination in that number.

Let’s say we wish to sigilize number 9 on the square, then this is what we get:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Please note: Traditionally a line sigil will show an indication of where it starts and where it

ends. A dot in this case (usually a circle) indicates the beginning and a crossing line

indicates the end. In this case it also indicates the sequence the number is being sigilized

on this square which is the same way as co-ordinate sequencing i.e. upwards from left to


Assuming this Tattva square is the same block dimensions as all other templates

and squares (2 x 2 cm), this sigil which is traced on transparent sheets or card can then be

used instead of an Allocator on any sort of template or square. But let’s first look at the

information hidden in these sigil co-ordinates:

Alone on 1. Earth 2. Air 3. Fire 4. Water 5. Spirit

1. Prithivi 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Vayu 4 5 6 7 8 9

3. Apas 6 7 8 9 1 11

4. Tejas 8 9 1 11 3 4

5. Akasa 1 11 3 4 5 6

It is easy to see the number 9 positions but still perhaps a little confusing to

ascertain the elemental correspondences at a glance. Here are the Tattvas arranged

precisely as the the calculations in the above chart:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Relaying these images back to the chart, we can see that the first 9 is Earth of Water,

the second 9 is Fire of Fire and the final 9 is Spirit of Air. The final co-ordinate inspires me

to make the map over the Mercury Square (you may decide that there is another element

that calls to you in this meditation and therefore choose a planetary Square which

corresponds to that).

Let’s look at a detailed example of what is found when applying this sigil to the

Square of Mercury. Firstly, the amount of like numbers captured by the sigil are added

together, in the case of this sigil, there are three:

9 + 9 + 9 = 27 = 9

Because the Mercury Square is large enough to contain the full number of 27, it is

that co-ordinate which will act as the sigil allocator guide (in smaller square cases this is

added together for a smaller result). In this case, however, we are not going to determine
PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

the position of the sigil based on top left or right allocator corners. This has been

determined by the classical way as to how a sigil is traced over a square and in order to

keep that system compatible as accurately as possible with this one. Also, we do not use

dice for the sigil process. As 9 is our total (which is obviously higher than 5) this would

have been the top right corner of a planetary allocator, but in this application it will signify

top or bottom (beginning or end). For sigil allocators, 5 or higher means top and lower

than 5 means bottom.

So, this means that we will place the Tattva Nines Sigil over the Square of Mercury

with the sigil end on 27 like this, which shows the continuing sigil on the opposite side of

the square:

Our co-ordinates (reading again upwards and from left to right) are:

Equation A:

(1 + 7) + (2 + 7) + (5 + 0) = (8) + (9) + (5) = 22

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

When there is no subtotal and only a final total because of it being a master number,

the overall conclusion will be based on the master number instead of a combination as in

previous examples.

First of all though, we need to decide whether this is the actual code we want to use

(directly from the main Square) or whether we want to re-code it over another square or

divination template. If we begin with co-ordinates on the actual main Planetary Square

and then transfer it to another square or template, we will have to fetch the co-ordinate

numbers back to our main square and re-code it again for the final equation (A or B).

Assuming that we will re-code onto, say, the Saturn Square and then finalize that

code back on the main planetary square once more, this would be the process:

- As the Saturn Square has only single digits, reduce the result of Equation A from 22 to 2.

- Place the starting point of the sigil over number 8 on the Saturn Square:

Please Note: As the three points of the 9 sigil i.e. start, middle junction and end are the only three

points that are significant in the tradition of classical line sigil construction. Any numbers crossed

over by the co-joining arms of the sigil do not count and are not included in the equation.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

- In this example, it is now determined that 8, 9 and 7 are the Saturn Square co-ordinates.

Re-code these co-ordinates by comparison on the Square of Mercury. In order to do this,

you will need to determine precisely which is the part of the Mercury Square (which is

considerably larger) that the Saturn Square will fall on. This is the number that the sigil

starts on during the re-code - in this case on the Square of Saturn, which is the number 8:

8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1

49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56

41 23 22 44 48 19 18 45

32 34 38 29 25 35 39 28

40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33

17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24

9 55 51 12 13 54 50 16

64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57

The final co-ordinates are now determined to be 41, 58 and 14. Because there has

been a second re-coding involved in this process, the co-ordinates which were found on

the Saturn (+) template which were 8, 9 and 7 will now also need to be added to the full

equation, but will be tallied together as one number within it:

Equation B:

(8 + 9 + 7) + (4 + 1) + (5 + 8) + (1 + 4) = (6) + (5) + (4) + (5) = 20 = 2

Equation C in this case will be based on the total of Equation A and the subtotal of

Equation B:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Equation C:

(22) + (2+0) = (22) + (2) = 24 = 6

Number 6 is now found on the Saturn Template that we used for the first sigil co-

ordinate transfer and then that co-ordinate is found in the same position on the Mercury

Square based on where the previous co-ordinates were determined to be found. Here

shows the example of this transfer calibration:

Square of Saturn

Square of Mercury

8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1

49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56

41 23 22 44 48 19 18 45

32 34 38 29 25 35 39 28

40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33

17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24

9 55 51 12 13 54 50 16

64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

In this instance, the reports will be written as a meditation of insights regarding

these findings as they do not relate to a person but an esoteric reflection. By this design,

those who are not adept at traditional Tattva meditations and visualizations may still learn

to benefit from them in this manner. For Equation A’s sequence (8, 9, 5) I have chosen

Lenormand (also attributing 9 of Diamonds), Zodiac and I Ching:

Coffin (9 of Diamonds) - Sagittarius - Hsiao Ch'u

• Coffin - Endings and mourning (9 of Diamonds - Longing for the past)

• Sagittarius - Adventurous, optimistic, restless, irresponsible

• Hsiao Ch'u - Small changes add up to big changes

A brief passage here will give a sufficient example of the style of writing and

reflection these particular meditations should take for the best results. I often read them

back and feel as if some sort of Shaman has given me advice:

Equation A Interpretation:

In the spirit of the air I see my thoughts and I recognize the changes that are made through

them in the world around me. I have now come face to face with the power of these thoughts and

the elements contained within them. Like the wisps of butterfly wings that catch the essence of fire,

my thoughts are free and optimistic, or careless and irresponsible, needing direction and control in

the expanse of their home which has no borders, or boundaries, or limits...

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

If my thoughts become like fire, one small spark may ignite a forest to raging furnaces, just

as the butterfly wing can cause the smallest changes in the air which build to become hurricanes on

the opposite side of the world. So are my thoughts when they are not pure or controlled in the

presence of the other elements. I have seen that longing for the past is a furnace that conflagrates

the present and therefore burns the holes of regret into my future. I have seen that the recognition

of limits or the recognition of no limits within my mind is what decides the limits and the lack of

limits in my mind....

This might sound like a heap of overindulgent philosophical diarrhea to an

onlooker who might very bluntly tell you that you are crazy and that they have no idea

what you are going on about. And that’s fine. This is for you, or for people who

appreciate this and seek to know more about life and the universe. This is precisely the

sort of meditation of thought that has brought me to a very deep place of acceptance and

understanding of my existence, and all that matters is that you understand your own

mind and heart. For the benefits of this system, however, I am more and more grateful

each day as I witness influences and parallels that I am able to accept and appreciate as

truth far more because of the challenge of how I have had to discover them.

Such a report can really show you the light and true comfort in times of

despair and loss. When you feel that your life has taken a turn for the worse and you feel

that your dreams have been betrayed and lost, such a reminder of how you once saw life

and contemplated the possibilities of what you could be becomes real guidance for how to

continue on the once abandoned road.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The simple act of grasping at ideas in order to link the elements of these mantic

systems together in order to make sense of the message that the universe intends to relay

is, in my opinion, one of the greatest forms of creativity. I have found so many insights

and prophecies of where my life is leading through this very exercise. And it is my

sincerest wish that you too will come to know the wonder of it.

It took me a long time to work up the patience to discover the answers I was

looking for, especially in the times when I was the most afraid or confused. It may sound

like the ultimate paradox, but through the control that I could exert through this system of

digging for answers, I learned ultimately to let go of the need for control that was making

me blind to them, and the rewards I receive each time have more than taught me the real

pricelessness of patience.

Sigils used in this way and through your creativity applied to this system can mean

that you are able to experience their benefits without Gnosis. By the design of the Tattva

Nines Sigil, I was able to come to a deep contemplation that caused me to consider and see

things that I would not have done if I had not ventured into this territory. What I have

learned will always be deeply engraved in my subconscious and continue to do it’s

beneficial bidding. It has brought me answers and guidance and, upon that, my thoughts

will build ideas and more questions that will lead me to discovering yet even more.

If you apply a sigil which contains the essence of your choice to this system and you

consider the influences of the planets and oracles you have chosen to divine it through,

your life can open up to dimensions that have always really been there for you to

experience the miracles of, yet which you may not have already been aware. Perhaps you

will even discover a new way of working in this manner, but the greatest intention that I

have remains to be to provide new ways in which to discover new ways.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Exercise: Take the three equations from the example in this chapter and write your own

interpretations based on an issue, problem or situation that is something that you would

like to meditate on in your life. From the results, formulate a question to ask in your next

Planetary Cryptography divination session.

The Tattva Sigils



Air of Water
(Air Ascendent to Water Sun Sign)

Fire of Fire
(Fire Ascendent to Fire Sun Sign)

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Earth of Earth
(Earth Ascendent to Earth Sun Sign;

Taurus / Virgo / Capricorn)

Air of Spirit

Fire of Water
(Fire Ascendent to Water Sun Sign)


(Gemini / Libra / Aquarius)

Air of Earth
(Air Ascendent to Earth Sun Sign)

Water of Spirit

Spirit of Water
PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Earth of Air
(Earth Ascendent to Air Sun Sign)

Water of Earth
(Water Ascendent to Earth Sun Sign)

Fire of Spirit


(Aries / Leo / Sagittarius)

Air of Air
(Air Ascendent to Air Sun Sign)

Fire of Earth
(Fire Ascendent to Earth Sun Sign)

Spirit of Spirit

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Earth of Fire
(Earth Ascendent to Fire Sun Sign)

Water of Air
(Water Ascendent to Air Sun Sign)

Spirit of Earth


(Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces)

Air of Fire
(Air Ascendent to Fire Sun Sign)

Fire of Air
(Fire Ascendent to Air Sun Sign)

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Earth of Water
(Earth Ascendent to Water Sun Sign)

Water of Fire
(Water Ascendent to Fire Sun Sign)

Spirit of Air


Earth of Spirit

Water of Water

Spirit of Fire

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

N.B. There is no Twos sigil as the number appears only once on the square. The Earth Sun

Signs should naturally be attributed to this Tattva (following suite of all the other Sun Sign

attributions to single-element Tattvas), however, as there is no sigil for it they have been

attributed to the next most appropriate Tattva which is Earth of Earth.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



Personally, I feel that the ‘unsuspecting’ crossword puzzle awaiting us on the coffee

table during that five minute breather has a lot more to answer for than we give it credit

for. I don’t approach this mainly from the aspects of the belief that so-called ‘randomness

‘ has it’s place in the hall of fame for pre-destination, but because of a far more regular

personal experience that I have had with it, and also many people that I’ve known. I

approach this from an angle of synchronicity. There has always been a great deal of latent

E.S.P. running through my family which I am naturally accustomed to, but that could

perhaps be attributed to the high volume of air signs within it. Whatever the case, I have

regular ‘paranormal’ experiences with the beloved crossword puzzle nearly every single

time I pick one up. Have you ever had the experience (or heard people talking about it) of

thinking about someone or something that you haven’t seen in a long time and then you

either run into them whilst out shopping, or you receive a phone-call from them? How

many times have you woken up in the morning with the very first through being a

particular song playing in your mind, only to hear the song come on the radio - when the

alarm goes off a few moments after you have awoken?

John Holland describes these seemingly magical occurrences as the intuition

attempting to make itself heard and trying to grab our attention towards ‘coincidences’

and synchronicities that have something deeper to reveal to us. This got me thinking

about whether the actual signs themselves have a message, or whether their occurrence is

actually signaling us to pay attention to information coming from somewhere else.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

I notice that practically every time I am penning answers into the empty blocks of a

crossword, at some point during that session, I will hear the word (often not any old

mundane one) I am looking for randomly spoken by someone in the room or on the

television, and especially just as I have realized the answer and am half-way through

filling it in. This works the other way around too of course, when I have been thinking

about something and someone asks me about a clue and it turns out to be the very thing I

was thinking about - usually completely randomly. Thankfully (and you wouldn’t think it

by the previous chapter!) I don’t do Sudoku or else I could stand to speak like a computer!

Not of course negating the fact that a completed Sudoku puzzle could be used -

especially in relation to planetary squares, they are the popular pastime in such a

tradition, but my experience in this case is with crosswords and so I devised a simple but

also very insightful system to investigate if this ‘supernatural’ experience had any real

meaning for me.

This example assumes that you have a completed crossword (or at least, clue) in

front of you as there is a word or words that have called out to you somehow, persistently

and in various and curious ways . For now though, let’s take a look at this new and

uncompleted crossword puzzle:

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

This is a 15 row by 15 column square with the complimentary characteristics of the

blocked out crossword sections. We are now going to make our own puzzle square

exactly the same way, but omitting the crossword clue numbers. After we have designed

the square, it is filled with numbers in sequence from top left to top right and then the

same in the row beneath it until the square is full. Note: Blacked out sections are skipped

and the next successive number is added in the next available blank space. Here’s the

completed square based on this example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

117 118 119 120 121 122 123

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

138 139 140 141 142 143 144

145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

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Assuming that the 12 down answer of the original puzzle is the word in question

that we wish to divine or look into a bit more, we then take all of the numbers

corresponding to the chosen word and list them. In this case, number 12 down would be :












Method One

First of all, adding all double or triple-digit entries up to a single number (excluding

master numbers) in each case, we have a new list i.e.

6 + 5 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 11 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 8 = 8

The numerology message will be found under interpretations of the number 8 and,

if this number puzzle that you make is to divine negative aspects or possible warning, you

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

can fill the numbers in down the rows from left to right, just like you did with the negative

aspect planetary templates. Whether you end up with the same answer or a different one,

it will be the negative aspects that you will look for in this case that correspond to the

applicable number.

It is neither uncommon nor surprising when there is a higher path number

somewhere in the equation. What is even more thrilling, as is the case with this example,

is when you take the result and add it to the number of the crossword clue:

(8) + (1 + 2) = (8) + (3) = 11

A master number as the overall result is sure to mean something very important or

special. Don’t feel that this is a waste of time or that you have done something incorrectly

if this is not the case. It doesn’t mean that the message isn’t pertinent. It just means that

the appearance of a master number holds special significance.

If the final result happens to be the same as the result before adding the clue

number, the message is indeed amplified. You may then, if you wish, add those two

numbers together and obtain further insight by way of the new number, the same as

clarifying a card in a spread.

In all cases, research the meanings of those numbers. Find out the correspondences

for that number and it’s associations with colors, objects, seasons, body parts, chakras etc.

Does this word, or any word in the number meaning relate, perhaps remind you of an

event? Hidden messages often require some digging! The chances are that if your

intuition is asking you to investigate, it will switch the light on for you when you at least

near the clues and you will know by the same means what the message is that is trying to

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

reveal itself. Meditating on these clues can prove to be very nourishing for the mind as


Method Two

You can actually do this in addition to the first method and compare your findings

with this one or you can do this method (which is potentially more complicated than the

first method) on its own. In order to conduct this exercise you will need to have a basic

knowledge of the I Ching Hexagrams, The Tarot cards and The Rune stones, but if you

only have access to one, you can still benefit by the correspondences made between them

in other chapters.

Two sets of formulas will occur here. The first will be in order to retrieve the

number of the crossword answer and the second will be to re-evaluate the numbers to

make them more oracle friendly due to the higher number of parts in the oracular systems

we are going to use.

Once you have done exactly the same equations as previously, you will need to list

the original clue numbers again. Again you will go through the numbers but you will

leave any double-digits as they are, and in the case of triple-digits, you will add them up

to derive more double-digits. This gives the opportunity for there to be a mix of single,

and double-digits in the list. If, however, you find that most of the clue contains double

and triple-digits as is in the previous example, you can derive single digits from the

double-digits and double-digits from the triple-digits. In the case of triple-digits, simply

keep the first digit and add the last two together to accompany it e.g: 141 = (1) (4 + 1) = 5

= 15. Again, do not feel that you are circumstantially bending rules to satisfy quick needs

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

here. Mathematics has great applications in the powers of addition, not least by how it

can reduce numbers without ever having to minus them. Perhaps see it as showing you

how creatively it can solve problems.

If there is more than one of any master or single number (make note of them as

there will invariably be a message of Karma prominent in the discovery, especially in the

case of number 11) and just remove any additions in the list. In our example we have two

8’s and two 11’s. The message is sure to be intense!

Here is the list of our numbers after these additions:

6; 5; 9 ;8; 11; 12; 14; 15; 17

Because there are correspondences that link these systems, any system

would especially be desirable for this investigation if they meet the 17 capacity. The

Lenormand deck would be very effective in this reading as a rule because of the 36 cards

and, unless you are doing a crossword that covers the whole one side of your house - it is

doubtful that you would end up with numbers higher than that. Go to your deck and

remove all these numbered trumps and lay them in a line before you in this sequence. In

this way, the crossword has done the pre-determined shuffling for you.

You would then begin to read the spread from outer to inner in pairs or threes

(depending on the amount of numbers in the line-up. In this case it would be read in


6-17-5; 15-9-14; 8-12-11

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

If the central area is a single card i.e. there were an odd amount of numbers in the

line-up, this card is amplified and considered to hold an answer or solution to any

problems in all the other individual cards - and especially so if a master number as in this


Outermost pairs/threes concern wider influences of the subject and what effect it

has on the physical world. Middle pairs are how these outer elements are being processed

mentally or on the intellectual level and the central pairs are what is meant to be

gained/learned and how it can effect or be worked with on the spiritual levels. For a

more organized view of this structure, the pairs have been categorized in this table to

show the best order of layout:

Line -Up Spread Gains/Lessons/ Development and

Spiritual Guidance Expansion of the
Inner Top 8-12-11 subject

Mental/Intellectual Synthesis or
Middle Centre Processes narrowing of the
15-9-14 subject for integration

Width or Extent of
Outer Bottom World/Influences
the subject

Have a pen and paper handy to make notes as you tell a story. Compare all of these

readings with each other and see what you can find. For further clarification and

confirmation after your own instinctual interpretation, you can now add all of the numbers

in the last equation together:

6 + 5 + 9 + 8 + 11 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 8 = 61 = 7

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Add this result to the total of your crossword clue number:

(7) + (1 + 2) = (7) + (3) = 10 = 1

Numbers 7 is the oracle number that clarifies the source of the issue/question in

relation to the previous reading. Number 3 is the oracle number that shows potential

alternatives/directions of the matter in relation to the previous reading. Number 1 is the

oracle number that governs this reading as a clarifier and ultimately confirms it or casts

out any prior doubts.

Many people would no doubt find humor in the desire to approach a crossword

clue this way, but this is not only a means to get to the bottom of nagging synchronicities.

These methods can be fun ways to meditate once you are comfortable with the processes.

They will also increase your knowledge of practical divination and the way in which you

look at the world. From these basic structures, you may take multiple crossword clues

and join them together for larger and more comprehensive readings.

Of course, there will be the occasion where you will be dealing with a four-letter or

less words and there will clearly be no opportunity to use the full suggested layout as

above which had nine cards. That’s okay - there will still be something very useful in

there for you.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

A Pertinent Example

I’d like to share an example reading in this instance of something very pertinent that

happened during the time I was writing this book. I had just finished writing about the

devil, burning in hell for shuffling a Tarot deck, ignorance and mis-education being evil

and the troubles caused by the diversity of religious conflicting beliefs. I decided to take a

break, have a snack, some coffee and watch a little television whilst scribbling in my

favourite 5 minute arrow-words book. The first down clue of the new puzzle was ‘Hades’.

Well, it’s not rocket-science, so I penned in the word ‘Hell’ and almost immediately began

to chuckle. Not that I was surprised, just in awe as always.

Very eager and intense to find the meaning (face it, the synchronicities of it all

couldn't really get more blatant than that could they?) I forgot about filling in the rest of

the clues and set about to filling the numbers in from left to right across the puzzle. After

equation, I was left with 2, 8, 7, 7 and the subtotal/total of 24/6. I chose Tarot 2, I Ching 8,

Rune 7 and Lenormand 7:

The High Priestess - Pi - Gebo - Snake (incl. Queen of Spades)

• The High Priestess - Intuition and secrets

• Pi - The need for unity to accomplish positive change

• Gebo - Sacrifice and dissolution of barriers through gifting

• Snake - Rivalry and difficulties (Queen of Spades - A widow)

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

My interpretation of this is obviously very personal because I found the elements

within it that spoke out and made perfect sense to my intuition.

The High Priestess appearing first of all gave me the indication that this message

was indeed pertinent because the clue that lead me here related to something in this book

which is all about secrets, the intuition and hidden meanings.

Pi, the ‘Unity’ Hexagram’s message totally confirmed my thoughts about scattered

energies being destructive to positive example, because what this said to me was that the

contrasts that differing religions have in light of each other when they claim to be founded

on the same representative (Jesus Christ) are undermining each other and continuing to

take away the power of example that their belief potentially has. I had indeed considered

thoughts whilst writing that section, about how emphasis on belief could undermine faith,

which is trust and knowing rather than trying to know through being told. I also

considered that ‘a need for unity to accomplish positive change’ was incredibly important as a

message to surface for me whilst I was writing work involving the unification of oracular

systems for a greater benefit.

During the process of research, I found incredibly pertinent work by a Russian

writer, Sergey Davydov, whom had compartmentalized the I Ching and corresponded it

very intricately with the Tarot, and who’s remarkable work was found to be very

beneficial to this book if not only for supporting the impulse that I had for desiring to

unite these systems. I contacted him to ask for permissions and was replied to by a very

kind woman who informed me that she was the widow (Queen of Spades) of Mr.

Davydov and that I may have permission to access and reference his work.

Gebo, ‘the dissolution of barriers through gifting’ rings out in two major senses. The

gift of permission unites this work with that work of Davydov and also, the processes in

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

this book suggest a need for using the gifts of imagination and intuition in order to

eradicate barriers between the oracle systems and to bring out the one message through

them all.

The appearance of The Snake for me alluded immediately of the serpent in the Tree

of Knowledge from which Adam ad Eve ate fruit. Funnily enough, yes, I had indeed been

thinking of the Biblical lesson through which knowledge was the corruption of innocence

and how that contrasted with the views that ignorance and mis-education were

considered to be the real evils. I then considered what Baudelaire had stated about the

devil wanting the world to think that it does not exist and the rivalry and deception

element of that card rang true to me louder than ever before. Perhaps the devil made the

ultimate deception by ‘tempting’ Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit because anything

acquired through temptation by the moral school of thought is naturally evil. Perhaps, as

a result, their gaining of knowledge was treated as a sin and their banishment became the

ultimate cover-up of all time - the devil told them to do the right thing by making it look

like the wrong thing so that it would be believed in hindsight that innocence is not

ignorance. In the real world where, sadly, we are subject to some very evil acts and

dangers, innocence can be argued to be both a miracle as well as a luxury and danger. If

anything, my opinion that demonic forces are in existence is only strengthened by

divination which is considered to be of those forces yet which has made me think in real

depth about what the nature of deception truly is. Perhaps, the way in which doctrines are

interpreted is the problem and not the fundamental truths of what they contain. The best

way for an enemy to harm you is to make your friend appear to be your enemy also.

All of the elements in this line-up were particularly and specifically pertinent to me

and acted only to dissolve any of even the smallest nagging doubts that I had about

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

sending this message out to the world. The most important thing about all of it was the

message that kept coming through to me - hidden knowledge and understanding is

something that must be pursued as it contains hidden truths which in their dormant state

allow the lies to breed by confusion and unawareness.

If this all hadn’t been what was speaking to my heart, it would have been when I

ventured to divine the numerological meanings of 24/6 which are ‘a deep sense of order

within’ and ‘gaining information from invisible forces’. The former statement was exactly

what happened to me here and the latter, well....all of this from a 5-minute arrow-word?

I’d ask you to decide whether that last statement rings true to you, because it certainly did

to me.

As pairs, The High Priestess and The Snake bring messages of listening to the

intuition being a real necessity because of how delicately and shrewdly the truth can be

made to look like deception. Divination can assist the intuition to discern the truth. Gebo

and Pi were practically born for each other - kindred souls in their messages of unity and

removing barriers, all for the highest good.

Adding the arrow-word clue number to the equation total:


(6) as clarification of the oracle message relates to The Lovers Tarot card - a direct

association with Adam and Eve and the discussion of choice through awareness and


(1) as the direction towards solutions and alternatives in the messages relates to The

Magician Tarot Card which relates directly to awareness, focused energy, visualization

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

and divination - ‘focus your energy on visualizing the information that you are seeking to

find in order for that awareness to clarify your sight’. Again, the emphasis is on

maintaining truth and order.

(7) which is the governing oracle message that casts out any remaining doubt is The

Chariot Tarot card - the balancing of willpower and taking the reigns of control to unite

the yin and yang by recognizing the light in the dark and the dark in the light and

remaining illuminated in the challenge that paradoxical truth presents in order to discern

the best path towards your highest good.

My final meditation through all of this was that Hell really is what that snake did to

Adam and Eve. It is a place/concept/sufferance that is fraught with distraction and

camouflage, making the painful seem pleasurable and the beneficial look detrimental. It is

the accusation that is borne of not knowing what is possible and therefore the belief that

we are not capable. It is the belief that secrets are meant to be secrets and that learning

them is either sinful or shameful. It is the ultimate lie where the deceiver is the accuser of

the light in the world being the deceiver and that illumination is contrary to the design

and intention of creation. This is after all why Satan is called ‘the angel of light’. It was

most certainly the most appropriate and potent word to have grabbed my attention.

I’m certain that our friend P. T. Barnum would have had a field day with dissecting

the multitudinous counts what could be classed as his ‘effect’ here. The message that I

would like to send his memory is this: My truth is known to me, and yours is known to

you. Belief in this effect makes it truth. Yes, there is ‘something for everyone’, because we

are all one and because everything is everything. Where the devil is, is truly in the details,

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

in that by ignoring or overlooking them, there is the opportunity for generalization to


It is the details of what you find which pertain to your particular life in very specific

ways that will speak to you. I believe that you will find the details that are calling you in

the same way that I have and they will show you what the universe is wanting to share

with you. I prefer to open my heart and my mind instead of my doubt and my shame...

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



There is a lot to be said for investigation. Funnily enough, and in a roundabout sort

of way, corporations often employ this sort of practice as a subliminal control in order to

procure more commercial success. A good example is when you go to your local or

regular supermarket, targeting that item you went there specifically to buy. You know

where it is, you know how to get there, you’ve done it a hundred times. But today, you

turn into the aisle and almost instinctively reach your hand out to retrieve the item off the

shelf and....there’s no shelf. It is now a counter. Or, if it is still a shelf, there are toys on it

instead of chocolate etc. And now, you will have to go and scout out that original item

you drove all the way to the supermarket for. But you realize that the toys you saw in the

item’s place are a bargain and that some smart early Christmas shopping might be a good

idea, or during your search for the item (with no-one around for you to ask) you see a

number of things you like and before you know it, you leave the supermarket with a

trolley full instead of one item.

Contrived or not, a runaround can be very additive in your life. It certainly helps

the supermarket’s cash register too, but the point is that (whether positive or negative)

you gain things that you were not expecting to gain. If this happens through too much

sugar we call it negative, but if this happens through not knowing what the future holds,

we call it either positive or negative depending on what was gained. How many people

would have loved to know that the ATM would be swallowing their debit card today or

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

that if they did listen to their intuition and get that lottery ticket, the chances would have

been excellent for a win - even if a humble one?

Product advertisement is prediction in it’s most primal form. Actually, it is mojo in

it’s most potent form too. The company actually decides how successful this product is

going to be for them by how they follow rules and regulations as to what makes

something sell and which demographic audience will respond to it best. They see a vision

of what they want to occur and they go about creating the result. Mostly, they get exactly

what they wanted, because they followed a ‘golden mean’ formula - tried and tested for

best results. When it doesn’t work, what is the most frequent cause for blame?


‘Prediction’ has, in my view, suffered a very long and arduous exposure to the

belief that it is some magical ability to show what has not already occurred, and to carry

with it a sure-fire promise that what it shows will definitely occur. The truth is, we make

predictions every day, just like the weatherman. We calculate judgments and experiences

in our day-to-day life and apply them to forthcoming situations and see either what we

would like to occur or what we would not like to occur and by that very means, we set

about ensuring that the worst case scenario can be avoided.

So, when the belief exists that approaching an oracle in order to seek information is

dangerous or misguided, I believe that what that belief is actually saying to us is that we

are all dangerous and misguided because we are actually all oracles in our own lives.

You think this dress will make you look bloated at the party tonight so you select a

more ‘slimming’ one. You’ve predicted an outcome and acted on it before the event even

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

had a chance to happen. Prediction is a choice, not a sin. If there is any transgression in

the act, I believe it could only be through failing to recognize the responsibility necessary

to ensure that, if you are administering the possible future to somebody, the person you

are informing is totally in comprehension that the future is something they have always,

and will always choose themselves - whether that be by making what they have faith will

happen to occur through that unbending belief or not. It is the element of how everyone

choosing their futures bears a direct influence on what we cannot change or control

(because we are all truly connected) that is both the stalls and the stage for Karmic theatre.

Perhaps it was not your choice for every single thing that happened in your future, but

sometimes we are called to become responsible for the choices that other people make -

and that only means that the future is always about choice. Sometimes it just isn’t your

own. This does not mean that you do not have the choice as to how to deal with it.

In my dictionary, there are more than a few words that have been re-defined. This

is not arrogance in my belief that I am special enough for the world to change for me. It is

because I believe that the world is too special not to change for itself. The treasures and

rewards that await us in the heart of things that we have damned as evil by lack of basic

awareness often also hold the potential to make us spiritually richer than we ever dared to

dream possible.

In my dictionary, the word ‘psychic’ means ‘homosapien’ In my dictionary, the word

‘investigation’ means ‘progress’. And in my dictionary, the word ‘prediction’ means ‘choice’.

This has been a book of ideas. Yes, there are processes that are more than that.

There are processes that are actually practical means by which to obtain results. However,

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

because the future is so open to change, the only thing that is certain is that if we extend

the journey to the destination, whatever that may be, we can only take in more scenery

instead of less (another word change in my dictionary is ‘scenery’ which means ‘wisdom’).

If a ‘homosapien’ is to ‘choose’, then they must ‘progress’ in order to do so.

Perhaps this book will lead you to locations that you have not yet seen and you will

experience something that you may not yet have experienced throughout the same

journey you’ve taken all your life. Whatever awaits you at the end of this path, it is my

wish that your choice to follow it is a blessed one, and also that the scenery at your

destination will make you all the richer for the company of your calculator.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



These exercises are devised in order for you to experiment and also to give you

ideas for your own experiments. They should help you think in new ways and give you

some intermediate practice in order to find your way comfortably around this new

approach to divination. Do not feel too challenged if you become confused by the

instruction. Do as best as you can and always make a record of your results. After you

have completed these, you may feel like going back through the book and finding the

scant exercises throughout and approaching them with a more experienced effort. If you

read this before you attempt any previous exercises, I would still suggest that you do

those first as this can be an effective and orderly way to learn. As with anything though,

as you choose.

Exercise 1:

Do a Birth Name Numerology equation for your full name. Find the Tarot trump

which is assigned to your sun sign and use the three cycle numbers from the equation to

write a report for the past present and future of the card based on it’s traditional meanings

in conjunction with your own life.

Exercise 2:

Take your Tarot trump and find all of it’s universal correspondences. Write a short

essay about your life with your interpretation of what all the different oracle elements are

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

trying to convey together. Write a second report based on the similarities and differences

between the oracular elements in your previous report.

Exercise 3:

Select three numbers on any Planetary Square of your choice. On the matching

Divining Templates, find those co-ordinates each on (+), (-) and (Ascendant). Select the

oracle elements for each interpretation and write your results down in each case.

Compare the three interpretations and write a paragraph on what the hidden message is

based on the differences and similarities.

Exercise 4:

Apply the above exercise, yet this time, take into account the planetary aspects and

make notes about how they change or enhance the readings.


Take three or four words from a crossword that you have done which form a

description or short statement once strung together in a sentence. Add all of the co-

ordinates that you have filled in up and then add them to the total Pythagorean sum of all

the letters of all the words. Using the subtotal (if there is one) and total of the equation,

write an interpretation based on the numerology meanings of the numbers. Now retrieve

your chosen oracle elements based on the cycle numbers (the numbers leading up to the

subtotal) and interpret them. Compare the two interpretations and make notes of the

similarities and differences between the two reports.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Exercise 6:

Take two Tattva Sigils of your choice. Use them to to find co-ordinates on the same

Square or Divining Template. Do the equations in each case and write a short report on

the differences between the results taking the planetary aspects into account.

Exercise 7:

Take a crossword answer that has called to you and apply the co-ordinates of the

puzzle to a Planetary Square that calls to you. Do the equations and write a report on

what message is trying to come across to you based on the planetary aspects.

Exercise 8:

Find the Rune that corresponds with the Tree of Life Path that corresponds to the I

Ching Hexagram that corresponds with The Page of Swords.

Exercise 9:

Find the Sun Sign that corresponds with Lenormand’s Tree card and choose a

Planetary Square of which the planet aspects most closely reflect. Now choose the planet

that actually governs the Sun Sign and write a paragraph comparing your results with the

traditionally assigned planet and the planet you have chosen (if different)

Exercise 10:

Do a Birth Name Numerology equation for anyone you wish and then also one for

yourself. Add the results together and conduct a Planetary Cryptography reading based

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

on whichever planet corresponds with the aspect of the relationship you are enquiring

about. Write a report and predictions based on what you find.

Exercise 11:

Obtain a notebook that will become your personal dictionary or compendium of

meanings. Inside it, write the keyword for number 1 from the Table of Universal Oracular

Correspondences and then a sentence for each universal meaning explaining why each

meaning associates with that keyword. Do this for all the rest of the number keywords

and meanings as well.

Exercise 12:

In your compendium, compare the Tarot trumps with their Universal Keywords

and write a short paragraph in each case about insights that this brings you. Record, most

importantly, any situations or experiences in your own life or the lives of others whom

you know that you are reminded of in the process.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



Square of Saturn

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6
The Square of Saturn is constructed upon the number 3 and relates to:

Issues of the past

Discipline and personal fortitude

Comprehension of Karma

All issues relating to boundaries and limitations

Square of Jupiter

4 14 15 1

9 7 6 12

5 11 10 8

16 2 3 13
Square of Jupiter is constructed upon the number 4 and relates to:

Expansion of spirituality, good luck and fortune

Assistance in business and legal cases

Uniting in partnerships

Foreign travels

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mars

11 24 7 20 3

4 12 25 8 16

17 5 13 21 9

10 18 1 14 22

23 6 19 2 15
The Square of Mars is constructed upon the number 5 and relates to:

Energy and physical strength

Male sexuality and passion

Power, control, aggression, war, courage and action

The understanding of medicine and mechanics

Square of the Sun

6 32 3 34 35 1

7 11 27 28 8 30

19 14 16 15 23 24

18 20 22 21 17 13

25 29 10 9 26 12

36 5 33 4 2 31
The Square of the Sun is constructed upon the number 6 and relates to:

Self-confidence and vitality

Leadership and self-promotion

Successful undertakings

Vision of goals

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Venus

22 47 16 41 10 35 4

5 23 48 17 42 11 29

30 6 24 49 18 36 12

13 31 7 25 43 19 37

38 14 32 1 26 44 20

21 39 8 33 2 27 45

46 15 40 9 34 3 28
The Square of Venus is constructed upon the number 7 and relates to:

Beauty and harmony

Love, romance and relationships

Domesticity and cooking

Sensory awareness and healing

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury

8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1

49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56

41 23 22 44 48 19 18 45

32 34 38 29 25 35 39 28

40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33

17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24

9 55 51 12 13 54 50 16

64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57
The Square of Mercury is constructed upon the number 8 and relates to:

Perception and clarity of thought

Research and learning

Communication of all types

Safe travel and timeliness

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of the Moon

37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5

6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46

47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15

16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56

57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25

26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66

67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35

36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76

77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45
The Square of the Moon is constructed upon the number 9 and relates to:

Psychic awareness and intuition

Protection for water travel

Creativity and fertility

Farming and domesticity

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY




Square of Saturn (+) Template

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Square of Jupiter (+) Template

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

Square of Mars (+) Template

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

The Sun (+) Divining Template

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36

Square of Venus (+) Divining Template

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (+) Divining Template

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Square of the Moon (+) Divining Template

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Square of Saturn (-) Template

7 4 1

8 5 2

9 6 3

Square of Jupiter (-) Template

13 9 5 1

14 10 6 2

15 11 7 3

16 12 8 4

Square of Mars (-) Template

21 16 11 6 1

22 17 12 7 2

23 18 13 8 3

24 19 14 9 4

25 20 15 10 5

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of the Sun (-) Template

31 25 19 13 7 1

32 26 20 14 8 2

33 27 21 15 9 3

34 28 22 16 10 4

35 29 23 17 11 5

36 30 24 18 12 6
Shows affliction in yellow

Square of Venus (-) Divining Template

43 36 29 22 15 8 1

44 37 30 23 16 9 2

45 38 31 24 17 10 3

46 39 32 25 18 11 4

47 40 33 26 19 12 5

48 41 34 27 20 13 6

49 42 35 28 21 14 7

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (-) Divining Template

57 49 41 33 25 17 9 1

58 50 42 34 26 18 10 2

59 51 43 35 27 19 11 3

60 52 44 36 28 20 12 4

61 53 45 37 29 21 13 5

62 54 46 38 30 22 14 6

63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7

64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8
Shows affliction in light purple

Square of the Moon (-) Divining Template

73 64 55 46 37 28 19 10 1

74 65 56 47 38 29 20 11 2

75 66 57 48 39 30 21 12 3

76 67 58 49 40 31 22 13 4

77 68 59 50 41 32 23 14 5

78 69 60 51 42 33 24 15 6

79 70 61 52 43 34 25 16 7

80 71 62 53 44 35 26 17 8

81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

SET THREE: (Ascendant)

Square of Saturn

(Ascendant) Divining Template

9 8 7

4 5 6

3 2 1

Square of Jupiter (Ascendant) Divining Template

13 14 15 16

12 11 10 9

5 6 7 8

4 3 2 1

Square of Mars (Ascendant) Divining Template

25 24 23 22 21

16 17 18 19 20

15 14 13 12 11

6 7 8 9 10

5 4 3 2 1

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of the Sun (Ascendant) Divining Template

31 32 33 34 35 36

30 29 28 27 26 25

19 20 21 22 23 24

18 17 16 15 14 13

7 8 9 10 11 12

6 5 4 3 2 1
Shows afflictions in yellow

Square of Venus (Ascendant) Divining Template

49 48 47 46 45 44 43

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

35 34 33 32 31 30 29

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

21 20 19 18 17 16 15

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (Ascendant) Divining Template

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Shows afflictions in light purple

Square of the Moon (Ascendant) Divining Template

81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY





Square of Saturn (+) Allocator

Square of Jupiter (+) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mars (+) Allocator

Square of the Sun (+) Allocator

Square of Venus (+) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (+) Allocator

Square of the Moon (+) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Square of Saturn (-) Allocator

Square of Jupiter (-) Allocator

Square of Mars (-) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of the Sun (-) Allocator

Square of Venus (-) Divining Template

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (-) Allocator

Square of the Moon (-) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Square of Saturn (Ascendant) Allocator

Square of Jupiter (Ascendant) Allocator

Square of Mars (Ascendant) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of the Sun (Ascendant) Allocator

Square of Venus (Ascendant) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Square of Mercury (Ascendant) Allocator

Square of the Moon (Ascendant) Allocator

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY




Square of Saturn Equals Square of Saturn Equals Square of Saturn Equals

Saturn (+) Divining Saturn (-) Divining Saturn (Ascendant)

Template Template Divining Template

1=8 1=6 1=2

2=3 2=1 2=7

3=4 3=8 3=4

4=1 4=7 5=5

5=5 5=5 4=9

6=9 6=3 6=1

7=6 7=2 7=6

8=7 8=9 8=3

9=2 9=4 9=8

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH


Square of Jupiter Equals Square of Jupiter Equals Square of Jupiter Equals

Jupiter (+) Divining Jupiter (-) Divining Jupiter (Ascendant)

Template Template Divining Template

1=4 1=1 1 = 16

2 = 14 2 = 12 2=3

3 = 15 3=8 3=2

4=1 4 = 13 4 = 13

5=9 5 = 15 5=5

6=7 6=6 6 = 10

7=6 7=7 7 = 11

8 = 12 8=3 8=8

9=5 9 = 14 9 = 12

10 = 11 10 = 7 10 = 7

11 = 10 11 = 11 11 = 6

12 = 8 12 = 2 12 = 9

13 = 16 13 = 4 13 = 1

14 = 2 14 = 9 14 = 14

15 = 3 15 = 5 15 = 15

16 = 13 16 = 16 16 = 4

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH


Square of Mars 20 = 4 13 = 13 5 = 14

Equals Mars (+) 21 = 14 14 = 9 6=4

Divining Template 22 = 20 15 = 5 7 = 23

23 = 21 16 = 2 8 = 19

1 = 18 24 = 2 17 = 23 9 = 11

2 = 24 25 = 8 18 = 19 10 = 6

3=5 19 = 15 11 = 25

4=6 Square of Mars 20 = 6 12 = 17

5 = 12 Equals Mars (-) 21 = 8 13 = 13

6 = 22 Divining Template 22 = 4 14 = 9

7=3 23 = 25 15 = 1

8=9 1 = 14 24 = 16 16 = 20

9 = 15 2 = 10 25 = 12 17 = 15

10 = 16 3=1 18 = 7

11 = 1 4 = 22 Square of Mars 19 = 3

12 = 7 5 = 18 Equals Mars 20 = 22

13 = 13 6 = 20 (Ascendant) 21 = 12

14 = 19 7 = 11 Divining Template 22 = 10

15 = 25 8=7 23 = 5

16 = 10 9=3 1=8 24 = 24

17 = 11 10 = 24 2=2 25 = 18

18 = 17 11 = 21 3 = 21

19 = 23 12 = 17 4 = 16

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH


Square of the Sun 20 = 20 Square of the Sun 19 = 33

Equals Sun (+) 21 = 23 Equals Sun (-) 20 = 28

Divining Template 22 = 21 Divining Template 21 = 16

23 = 17 22 = 22

1=6 24 = 18 1=1 23 = 9

2 = 35 25 = 25 2 = 12 24 = 3

3=3 26 = 29 3 = 19 25 = 35

4 = 34 27 = 9 4 = 18 26 = 11

5 = 35 28 = 10 5 = 30 27 = 20

6=1 29 = 26 6 = 31 28 = 14

7=7 30 = 12 7 = 32 29 = 29

8 = 11 31 = 36 8=8 30 = 2

9 = 28 32 = 2 9 = 17 31 = 6

10 = 27 33 = 33 10 = 23 32 = 25

11 = 8 34 = 4 11 = 26 33 = 24

12 = 30 35 = 5 12 = 5 34 = 13

13 = 24 36 = 31 13 = 4 35 = 7

14 = 14 14 = 37 36 = 36

15 = 16 15 = 15

17 = 23 16 = 21

18 = 19 17 = 10

19 = 13 18 = 34

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH

Square of the Sun Equals Sun (Ascendant)

Divining Template

1 = 36 20 = 17

2=2 21 = 15

3 = 33 22 = 16

4=3 23 = 23

5=5 24 = 24

6 = 31 25 = 7

7 = 30 26 = 11

8 = 26 27 = 28

9 = 10 28 = 27

10 = 9 29 = 8

11 = 26 30 = 25

12 = 12 31 = 1

13 = 13 32 = 32

14 = 20 33 = 4

15 = 22 34 = 34

16 = 21 35 = 35

17 = 14 36 = 6

18 = 18

19 = 19

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH


Square of Venus 19 = 27 41 = 4 9 = 28

Equals Venus (+) 20 = 35 42 = 12 10 = 15

Divining Template 21 = 36 43 = 26 11 = 9

22 = 1 44 = 34 12 = 3

1 = 32 23 = 9 45 = 42 13 = 46
2 = 40 24 = 17 46 = 43 14 = 40

3 = 48 25 = 25 47 = 2 15 = 42
4=7 26 = 33 48 = 10 16 = 29

5=8 27 = 41 49 = 18 17 = 23
6 = 16 28 = 49 18 = 17

7 = 24 29 = 14 Square of Venus 19 = 11
8 = 38 30 = 15 Equals Venus (-) 20 = 5
9 = 46 31 = 23 Divining Template 21 = 48

10 = 5 32 = 31 22 = 43
11 = 13 33 = 39 1 = 26 23 = 37

12 = 21 34 = 47 2 = 20 24 = 31
13 = 22 35 = 6 3 = 14 25 = 25

14 = 30 36 = 20 4=1 26 = 19
15 = 44 37 = 28 5 = 44 27 = 13

16 = 3 38 = 29 6 = 38 28 = 7
17 = 11 39 = 37 7 = 32 29 = 2
18 = 19 40 = 45 8 = 34 30 = 45

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH

31 = 39 2 = 12

32 = 33 3=2

33 = 27 4 = 43

34 = 8 5 = 36

35 = 8 6 = 34

36 = 10 7 = 24

37 = 4 8 = 10

38 = 47 11 = 41

39 = 41 12 = 29

40 = 35 13 = 22

41 = 22 14 = 20

42 = 16 15 = 6

43 = 18 16 = 47

44 = 12 17 = 39

45 = 6 18 = 31

46 = 49 19 = 27

47 = 36 20 = 15

48 = 30 21 = 8

49 = 24 22 = 49

23 = 37

Square of Venus Equals Venus (Ascendant) 24 = 33

Divining Template 25 = 25

26 = 17

1 = 18 27 = 13

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH

28 = 1

29 = 42

30 = 35

31 = 23

32 = 19

33 = 11

34 = 3

35 = 44

36 = 30

37 = 28

38 = 21

39 = 9

40 = 5

41 = 46

42 = 40

43 = 26

44 = 16

45 = 14

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Square of Mercury 18 = 23 40 = 33 62 = 6

Equals Mercury 19 = 22 41 = 17 63 = 7

(+) Divining 20 = 44 42 = 47 64 = 57

Template 21 = 45 43 = 46 Square of Mercury

22 = 19 44 = 20 Equals Mercury (-)

1=8 23 = 18 45 = 24 Divining Template

2 = 58 24 = 48 46 = 43

3 = 59 25 = 29 47 = 42 1=1

4=5 26 = 34 48 = 21 2 = 56

5=4 27 = 35 49 = 9 3 = 48

6 = 62 28 = 32 50 = 55 4 = 28

7 = 63 29 = 28 51 = 51 5 = 33

8=1 30 = 38 52 = 12 6 = 24

9 = 49 31 = 39 53 = 13 7 = 16

10 = 15 32 = 26 54 = 54 8 = 57

11 = 14 33 = 40 55 = 50 9 = 63

12 = 52 34 = 26 56 = 16 10 = 10

13 = 53 35 = 30 57 = 64 11 = 18

14 = 11 36 = 37 58 = 2 12 = 39

15 = 10 37 = 36 59 = 3 13 = 31

16 = 56 38 = 27 60 = 61 14 = 42

17 = 41 39 = 31 61 = 60 15 = 50

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

16 = 7 40 = 61 64 = 64 18 = 47

17 = 62 41 = 59 19 = 46

18 = 11 42 = 14 Square of Mercury 20 = 21

19 = 19 43 = 22 Equals Mercury 21 = 20

20 = 38 44 = 35 (Ascendant) 22 = 43

21 = 30 45 = 3 Divining Template 23 = 42

22 = 43 46 = 46 24 = 17

23 = 51 47 = 54 1 = 64 25 = 36

24 = 6 48 = 27 2=7 26 = 26

25 = 28 49 = 58 3=6 27 = 27

26 = 53 50 = 15 4 = 61 28 = 33

27 = 45 51 = 47 5 = 60 29 = 37

28 = 4 52 = 34 6=3 30 = 30

29 = 36 53 = 26 7=2 31 = 31

30 = 21 54 = 23 8 = 57 32 = 40

31 = 13 55 = 55 9=9 33 = 32

32 = 60 56 = 2 10 = 50 34 = 39

33 = 5 57 = 8 11 = 51 35 = 35

34 = 52 58 = 49 12 = 12 36 = 29

35 = 20 59 = 41 13 = 13 37 = 28

36 = 29 60 = 32 14 = 54 38 = 38

37 = 37 61 = 40 15 = 55 39 = 34

38 = 44 62 = 17 16 = 16 40 = 25

39 = 12 63 = 9 17 = 24 41 = 41

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH
42 = 18 43 = 19 44 = 44 45 = 48

49 = 56

50 = 15

51 = 11

52 = 53

53 = 52

54 = 14

55 = 10

56 = 49

57 = 1

58 = 58

59 = 59

60 = 4

61 = 5

62 = 62

63 = 63

64 = 8

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Square of the 19 = 66 42 = 51 65 = 44

Moon Equals 20 = 76 43 = 61 66 = 54

Moon (+) Divining 21 = 5 44 = 71 67 = 55

Template 22 = 15 45 = 81 68 = 65

23 = 25 46 = 18 69 = 75

1 = 50 24 = 35 47 = 19 70 = 4

2 = 60 25 = 45 48 = 29 71 = 14

3 = 70 26 = 46 49 = 39 72 = 24

4 = 80 27 = 56 50 = 49 73 = 42

5=9 28 = 74 51 = 59 74 = 52

6 = 10 29 = 3 52 = 69 75 = 62

7 = 20 30 = 13 53 = 79 76 = 72

8 = 30 31 = 23 54 = 8 77 = 73

9 = 40 32 = 33 55 = 26 78 = 2

10 = 58 33 = 43 56 = 36 79 = 12

11 = 68 34 = 53 57 = 37 80 = 22

12 = 78 35 = 63 58 = 47 81 = 32

13 = 7 36 = 64 59 = 57 Square of the

14 = 17 37 = 1 60 = 67 Moon Equals

15 = 27 38 = 11 61 = 77 Moon (-) Divining

16 = 28 39 = 21 62 = 6 Template

17 = 38 40 = 31 63 = 16

18 = 48 41 = 41 64 - 34 1 = 42

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH

2 = 34 26 = 78 50 = 51 74 = 24

3 = 26 27 = 70 51 = 43 75 = 16

4 = 18 28 = 72 52 = 35 76 = 8

5=1 29 = 55 53 = 27 77 = 81

6 = 74 30 = 47 54 = 10 78 = 64

7 = 66 31 = 39 55 = 12 79 = 56

8 = 58 32 = 31 56 = 4 80 = 48

9 = 50 33 = 23 57 = 77 81 = 40

10 = 52 34 = 15 58 = 69

11 = 44 35 = 7 59 = 61 Square of the

12 = 36 36 = 80 60 = 53 Moon Equals

13 = 19 37 = 73 61 = 45 Moon (Ascendant)

14 = 11 38 = 65 62 = 28 Divining Template

15 = 3 39 = 57 63 = 20

16 = 76 40 = 49 64 = 22 1 = 32

17 = 68 41 = 41 65 = 14 2 = 22

18 = 60 42 = 33 66 = 6 3 = 16

19 = 62 43 = 25 67 = 79 4=2

20 = 54 44 = 17 68 = 71 5 = 73

21 = 37 45 = 9 69 = 63 6 = 64

22 = 29 46 = 2 70 = 46 7 = 62

23 = 21 47 = 75 71 = 38 8 = 48

24 = 13 48 = 67 72 = 30 9 = 42

25 = 5 49 = 59 73 = 32 10 = 24

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

11 = 14 12 = 4 13 = 75 14 = 71

15 = 55 39 = 61 63 = 70

16 = 46 40 = 49 64 = 52

17 = 44 41 = 41 65 = 38

18 = 30 42 = 33 66 = 36

19 = 12 43 = 21 67 = 27

20 = 6 44 = 17 68 = 11

21 = 77 45 = 1 69 = 7

22 = 69 46 = 16 70 = 78

23 = 57 47 = 63 71 = 68

24 = 53 48 = 47 72 = 58

25 = 37 49 = 43 73 = 40

26 = 28 50 = 31 74 = 34

27 = 26 51 = 23 75 = 20

28 = 8 52 = 15 76 = 18

29 = 79 53 = 3 77 = 9

30 = 67 54 = 74 78 = 80

31 = 59 55 = 56 79 = 66

32 = 51 56 = 54 80 = 60

33 = 39 57 = 45 81 = 50

34 = 35 58 = 29

35 = 19 59 = 25

36 = 10 60 = 13

37 = 81 61 = 5

38 = 65 62 = 76

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY




(+) Creation, independence, new beginnings, striving forward, motivation,

positivity and positivity, originality, courage, ambition, progress, will power, pioneering,

activity, raw energy, force, masculine attributes, assertive, successful, self, leadership,

initiative, organizer, instinct, love, intuition, courageous achiever, strength, creativity, self-

reliance, tenacious, forceful, authoritative, inspirational, leniency, attainment, happiness,

glory, fame, unique, omniscience, fulfillment.

(-) Single-minded, intolerant, conceited, narrow-minded, stubborn, controlling,

lacking in emotion, passive, follower, aggressive, dependent, weak-willed, arrogance,


(+) Service, balance, love, harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, charm,

friendliness, musical rhythm, receptivity, consideration for others, co-operation, personal

will, understanding, diplomat, friend, artist, enduring peacemaker, gentle, kind,

insightful, sensitive, team-player, ambitious, spirituality, well-mannered, placid, just,

unselfish, sociable, supportive, attention to detail, co-operative, decisive, poise, intuitive,

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

adaptable, agreeable, cautious, considerate, emotional, flexible, loving, understanding,


grace, devotion, the subconscious, mediation, Divine life purpose, faith and trust,

partnership, encouragement, happiness.

(-) Irresolute, indifferent, unable to take responsibility, fearful, weak-willed,

submissive, pessimistic, dependent, indecisiveness, hesitation, indecisiveness, lack of

balance, unsteady, unstable, insensitive, inflexible, disagreeable, stagnant, inconsiderate,

unemotional, unloving, fears making mistakes, fears unplanned change, fears being alone,

fear of the unknown.

(+) Joy, artistic expression, optimism, inspiration, creativity, communication

and communicative, good takes, talent, imagination, sociability, friendliness, conception,

kindness, compassion, manifesting and manifestation, easy going, visionary, humorous,

energetic, growth, expansion, principles of increase, spontaneous, broadminded thinking,

kindness, encouragement, assistance, speech, ‘faith, hope and charity’, culture, wit, fun-

loving, freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, exuberant, brilliant, non-confrontational,

open-channel, free-form, rhythm, love of pleasure, passion, surprise, intelligence,

sensitivity, psychic ability, social, self-expression, affable, enthusiastic, youthful,

enlivening, imagination. Number 3 resonates with the Ascended Masters.

(-) Indifferent, lacks stamina and concentration, spectacular rise and fall,

mania, mood swings.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(+) Practical and practicality, exactitude, organization, service, patience,

application, devotion, conservatism, pragmatism, patriotism, dignity, trust, endurance,

worthiness, economy, loyalty, mastery, production, solid foundations, hard work and

hardworking, security-conscious, self-control, loyal, conscientious, high morals, traditional

values, honesty, strong-willed, wisdom, imperturbable, determination, serious builder,

progress, doer, manager, traditional, solid foundations, realistic values, stability, ability,

justice, goal-orientated, system, order, management, responsibility, maintenance,

constructive, determined, serious, discipline, dependability, conviction, passion and drive.

(-) Clumsy, conventional, unadaptable, dull.

(+) Freedom, choice, change, understanding, life lessons learned through

experience, versatility, variety, adaptability, curiosity, intelligence, progress, cleverness,

life experiences, travel, adventure, non-attachment, sociability, companionability, release,

surrender, freedom-loving, activity, influence, adventurer, sensualist, promoter, natural

flair, vivacious, courageous, healthy, sympathetic, motivational, idealistic, unconventional,

curiosity, intellectual, telepathic, experience, pleasure-loving, vitality, visionary,

expansion, opportunity, story-telling, imagination, individualism, healing, choice, mercy,

kindness, invention, resourceful, magnetic, competitive.

(-) Rash, irresponsible, dislikes confinement and routine, disruption,

inconsistent, unreliable, thoughtless, restless, non-committal, inactivity, stagnation, fear of

change, rigid in thought, lacks vitality, upheaval, discord.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(+) Love, harmony, family, home, responsibility, musical talent, sympathy,

adjustment, domesticity, guardianship, parenthood, stability, poise, protection, firmness,

healing, idealism, balance, justice, conscientiousness, burden-fearing, service, solutions,

seeing, responsible, care, teacher, conventional, provider, protector, healer, idealistic,

selfless, honest, charitable, faithful, nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth,

curiosity, humanitarian, unselfishness, balance, good provider, peaceful, self-sacrifice,

empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, balance, grace,

simplicity, ability to compromise, reliable, provision and providing, material needs,

honesty and integrity.

(-) Easily-stressed, superiority complex, weak, impractical, submissive,

shallowness, restlessness, selfishness, weak-willed, unsupportive.

(+) Technicality, peace, poise, introspection, mental analysis, scientific

research, faith, spirituality and spiritual awakening, enlightenment and awareness,

wisdom, refinement, stoicism, silence, feelings and emotions, inner-selves, intuition, inner-

knowing, specialist, inventor, loner, eccentric, thoughtful, spiritual, psychic, natural

healer, inner-strength, quick-witted, wise, discerning, understanding of others,

philosophical, endurance, deep contemplation, solitary, independent, mystic, psychic,

keen mind, determination, individualist, knowledge-seeking, intentions, non-conformist,

persistence of purpose, perfection, the analyst, thinker, science, learning, education, study,

the written word, logic, alchemy, secrets, myth, religion, ritual, understanding,

knowledge, isolation, chastity, dignity, the ‘Collective Consciousness’, genius, the thinker,

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

discernment and discerning, the philosopher, writer, ascetic, rigorous, long-sighted, ahead

of his/her time (therefore is often in conflict with the present), deep-thinking, able to bear

hardships, deep-seeing, manifestation in time and space, stability, ability to set limits,

good fortune, completion, evolution.

(-) Morbid, hypercritical, inactive, anti-social, pessimistic, silent, dependency,

depression, stagnant, lack of persistence, pride, narrowness, distance, rigidity,

argumentative, temper, morbid, misanthropic, resentful, self-righteous, unwilling and/or

unable to share ideas, limitations.

(+) Authority, power, Karma – the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect,

material freedom, success, judgment, executive ability, wealth, discrimination and

discernment, management, thoroughness, dependability, self-reliance, repose, practicality,

consideration, retreat, wisdom, manifestation, money, finances, power, riches, status,

pragmatism, the Ego, provision, aggregation, strength, compassion, dictatorship,

delegation, multiples, business, investment, employment, appearance, customs, skills,

exchange, reality, world transformation, executive, professional, strength, truth,

responsibility, true justice, problem-solver, organizer, achiever, business-like, decisive,

controlling, constant, confident, ambitious, authoritarian, self-confident, integrity,

challenge, efficiency, dependability, trustworthy, insight, planner, good judgment,

sociable, giving and receiving, organization, stability, works independently, learning

through experience, patience, caution, self-discipline, self-sufficient, free-will, self-

discipline, insight, spiritual consciousness, a desire for peace and love for humanity,

responsibility, true justice, manifesting wealth and abundance.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(-) Tactless, domineering, greedy, sneering, superior.

(+) Universal love, service to humanity, compassion, the humanitarian and

humanitarianism, charity, Universal Spiritual Laws, magnetism, understanding,

forgiveness, sympathy and compassion, leading by example, destiny, soul purpose,

romance, generosity, higher perspective, inner-strength, Universal protection, public

relations, responsible, 'Universal Brotherhood/sisterhood', highly intuitive, strength of

character, selfishness (learning to say No), creative abilities, sensitive, loyal, forgiving,

generalist, multi-talented, teacher, healer, artists, old soul, actor, intelligent,

understanding, discreet, brilliance, compassionate, problem-solver, inner wisdom, self-

love, freedom, popular, eternity, generous, non-conformist, artistic genius, breadth of

vision and a wide viewpoint, eccentricity, communicative, influential, philanthropic, duty,

calling, soul mission, obligation, mysticism, faith, optimism, Divine wisdom, self-sacrifice,

karma, spiritual enlightenment, service, communication, selflessness, high idealism,

sympathy, psychic, tolerance, humility, altruism, benevolence, empathy, power, charity,


(-) Disconnected, dreamy, lethargic, inability to concentrate.


(+) Illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, idealism, intuitive, psychic,

channeling, poetry, art/artistic, symbols, expression, dreamer, revolution, drugs, alternate

consciousness, mysticism, catalyst, prisoner, prophet, celebrity, highly energized, radical,

sensitive, visionary, enthusiastic, creative/creativity.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(-) Difficult to deal with, needs to learn lessons


(+) Dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, force of nature, the

future, evolution, technology, Universal Love, God, retribution, redemption, love, war,

leader, The Universe, personal power, charisma, service, the Divine imagination, idealist,

expansive, visionary, government, Universal transformation, philanthropy, common

sense, practicality.

(-) Nervousness, anxiety, stubborn, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, willful


(+) Altruistic, devoted, personally ambitious, instructive, experienced,

consciousness raising, humanitarianism

(-) Carelessness, un-welcomed preaching, self-absorbed, blind ambition

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 1

10 / 1

Justice for all, leadership, originality, intuitive, new beginnings, pioneering

and independence.

19 / 10 / 1

Destiny force, God’s plan, humanitarian and justice for all, leadership,

originality, intuitive, new beginnings, pioneering and independence.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

28 / 10 / 1

Crowned with success, reaping rewards, perfect justice for all, leadership,

originality, intuitive, new beginnings, pioneering and independence.

37 / 10 / 1

Flair for writing, great wisdom, crowned with success, reaping rewards,

perfect justice for all, leadership, originality, intuitive, new beginnings, pioneering and


46 / 10 / 1

Opulence, crowned with success, reaping rewards, perfect justice for all,

leadership, originality, intuitive, new beginnings, pioneering and independence.

55 / 10 / 1

Master of Life’s Energies, crowned with success, reaping rewards, perfect

justice for all, leadership, originality, intuitive, new beginnings, pioneering and


Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 2

20 / 2

The 20 / 2 energy can be a very negative vibration and can have a desperate

need for security and companionship. This may, however, push a person into a hasty, ill-

advised marriage.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

11 / 2

The 11/2 is the 'Spiritual Light Messenger and Teacher, and are concerned

with detail, and with others. They are a loving energy, with the powers of the Master

Number 11 combined with the natural balance and beauty of the 2 vibration.

29 / 11 / 2

The words 'light' and 'wisdom' vibrate to 29/11/2. This number represents

spiritual power, psychic abilities, inspiration and the insight to look beyond

ordinary manifestations, and then use this wisdom and power for the fulfillment of others.

38 / 11 / 2

The 38/11/2 vibrations can balance the Higher Consciousness and the lower

energies, making them able to see different situations from different angles

and perspectives. They are a supportive energy and bring balance to all situations.

47 / 11 / 2

The 47/11/2 vibration are able to sustain their energy for as long as desired,

giving them the capabilities to take on many tasks, successfully. They are a

supportive energy and have brilliant mediator and balancing skills are love to work with


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

56 / 11 / 2

The 56/11/2 is an energy that often seeks freedom from service and

responsibility, however, given the 11, these people are compelled to work on the behalf of


74 / 11 / 2

The 74/11/2 energy represents hidden treasures with honor and integrity.

These people are supportive of others and feel a great need to work on behalf of the good

of others.

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 3

12 / 3

12/3 people have strong individual principles. This number denotes the end

of a cycle, with new beginnings to come. The 12/3 person has a love of pleasure and is

creative and artistic.

21 / 3

The 21/3 vibration is one of friendship, force and sacrifice for mankind.

These people symbolize inner peace, and are creative, and artistic.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

30 / 3

The 30/3 person has a natural love of pleasure, and are creative and artistic

personalities. This energy is to do with celebration, abundance and intuition, creative,

growth, expansion, communication and rhythm are all attributes of the 30/3 person.

39 / 12 / 3

The 39/12/3 energy is a closed force and has strong individual principles.

This number represents an end of a cycle, of completion and a new beginning ahead.

48 / 12 / 3

48/12/3 is the number of strong justice, is a closed force, and has strong

individual principles. This energy represents an end of a cycle and completion, leading to

new beginnings ahead.

57 / 12 / 3

Perfection is a word associated with the number 57/12/3. People with this

energy are intuitive, with deep perspectives. Freedom and change resonate with this

number and people under its influence will always look to ways of doing things in new

and innovative ways.

66 / 12 / 3

The number 66/12/3 makes a person with this vibration have a deep inner

knowing of the healing arts, and it is within their nature to care for and wish to help

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

others. This energy is a closed force, and people with this vibration have strong

individual principles that they adhere to.

75 / 12 / 3

The 75/12/3 is the number of 'manifested abundance', giving people with

this vibration the abilities to use their talents, skills and knowledge to bring abundance

into their lives. This number represents an end of a cycle and completion.

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 4

22 / 4

Elusive, modest, sensitive, practical, law, order, system, Master Builders,

efficient, work, healers, service, perfection, compassionate, capable, responsible, caring,

reason and logic.

31 / 4

These people can be very dull and dreary and can fall into a rut and be quite

happy to stay there. It is the most negative of the 4’s. They don’t like to part with their

money and possessions and may find that they do not possess wealth, but that their

wealth possesses them.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

13 / 4

Rebels against the old, brings in new and wonderful forces, transformation and

release, change, is the hard worker, co-operation and harmony, practical, responsibility,

organized, discipline and planner.

22 / 4

Insights, visions, clairvoyance, volunteers to help the race, Spiritual Master

Builder, co-operation and harmony, practical, responsibility, organized, discipline and


40 / 4

Overcoming in-harmonies for other people, going through the wildness, co-

operation, harmony, firm foundation, planner. Under this vibration, we are ready to build

our Higher Conscious, on that is developed on all levels of living.

49 / 13 / 4

Hidden power to uncover un-rightfulness, fair in judgment, change to new

order, transformation, rebels against the old, brings in the new and wonderful forces,

release, change, co-operation and harmony, practical, responsibility, organized, discipline

and planner.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 5

14 / 5

Is open and receptive, has a desire for freedom; is aware of the balance that is

important and therefore how change can balance experience.

23 / 5

Great movement and physical exertion, excellent sense of humor, capacity

for charm and winning favors, advances well in the physical world.

32 / 5

A focus on co-operation and the value of working in groups or any situation

that is not solitary, there is a great sense of ‘me’ which needs to be determined by other

numerology aspects as to whether this sense is good or bad.

41 / 5

Large focus on physical matters, lineage, heritage, inheritance, bodily

pleasure and the senses.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 6

15 / 6

Knows all and understands all, can pull forces towards one, has a convincing

manner, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility, depth of

emotion, love of home and family, thrives on monotony.

24 / 6

Service, deep sense of order within, physical and astral traveller, conscious of

dreams, can gain information from invisible forces, inspiration, is truth, order, economy,

deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.

33 / 6

Service, ability to mold forces to suit the self and others. Can contact

invisible forces and draw valuable information, teacher of teachers, Master of Healing

energies, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.

42 / 6

Service, short lived forces, need for security without restraints, highly

emotional, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.

51 / 6

Service, vitality, independence, leadership, is truth, order, economy, deep

inner knowing, service, responsibility.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

60 / 6

Service, deep sensitivity, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing,

service, responsibility.

69 / 15 / 6

Service, magnetic energy, can influence others, knows all and understands

all, can pull forces towards one, has a convincing manner, is truth, order, economy, deep

inner knowing, service, responsibility.

78 / 15 / 6

Service, Spiritual wisdom beyond one’s years, intuitive, is truth, order,

economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 7

16 / 7

As you get up - the rug is pulled out from under you; the ‘faulty tower’,

order and truth, rebuilding, transformation, perfection, silence, independence, intuitive,

needs time alone, is introspective and a non-conformist.

25 / 7

Hidden power, secret knowledge, crusade for truth, gain through mastering

obstacles, perfection, silence, independence, intuitive, needs time alone, is introspective

and a non-conformist.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

34 / 7

Gain through perseverance, creative imagination, responsibility, steady

effort, perfection, silence, independence, intuitive, needs time alone, is introspective and a


43 / 7

Responsibility, combines the mystical with the practical, perfection, silence,

independence, intuitive, needs time alone, is introspective and a non-conformist.

52 / 7

Earthquake and rebuilding, struggle within the self, destruction and

rebuilding, perfection, silence, independence, intuitive, needs time alone, is introspective

and a non-conformist.

61 / 7

Two polarities within the self, responsibility, leadership, perfection, silence,

independence, intuitive, needs time alone, is introspective and a non-conformist.

70 / 7

Tremendous mind power, Divine protection, able to unite with the Cosmic

energies, perfection, silence, independence, intuitive, needs time alone, is introspective

and a non-conformist.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 8

17 / 8

Gifts of Spirit, talents, good fortune, power, authority, giving and receiving,

dependable, organizer, needs to unify, responsibility, re-evaluation.

26 / 8

Balance, service, power, authority, giving and receiving, dependable,

organizer, needs to unify, responsibility, re-evaluation.

35 / 8

Health (problems), fiery love nature, creativity, freedom and change, power,

authority, giving and receiving, dependable, organizer, needs to unify, responsibility, re-


44 / 8

Building force, Master of Spiritual power, authority, power, giving and

receiving, dependable, organizer, needs to unify, responsibility, re-evaluation.

53 / 8

‘Horn of Plenty’, freedom and change, creativity, power, authority, giving

and receiving, dependable, organizer, needs to unify, responsibility, re-evaluation.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

62 / 8

Order, responsibility, good sense of values, intellect, power, authority, giving

and receiving, dependable, organizer, needs to unify, responsibility, re-evaluation.

Numerology Combinations Adding to Number 9

18 / 9

Climbing the Holy mountain for humanity, leader, giving and receiving,

responsibility, Universal Love, Brotherhood, unfolding, completion, humanitarianism,

benevolent, intuitive, selflessness.

27 / 9

Artist, must lift the energies to the highest, balance and perfection, Universal

Love, Brotherhood, unfolding, completion, humanitarianism, benevolent, intuitive,

selflessness. 72/9 energies represent success on the material plane, through humanitarian


36 / 9

Balance of personal love with Universal Love, needs balance between the

material and Spiritual worlds, creativity, service, Universal Love, Brotherhood unfolding,

completion, humanitarianism, benevolent, intuitive, selflessness. 36 / 9 can be the most

negative of the number 9s.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

45 / 9

Makes one’s own investigation, freedom and change, firm foundation, co-

operation, harmony, Universal Love, Brotherhood, unfolding, completion,

humanitarianism, benevolent, intuitive, selflessness.

54 / 9

Wisdom, mystical, great inner resources, aware of hidden influences, makes

one’s own investigation, freedom and change, firm foundation, co-operation, harmony,

Universal Love, Brotherhood, unfolding, completion, humanitarianism, benevolent,

intuitive, selflessness.

Note: A very heartfelt thank you to Joanne Sacred, from Numerology - The Numbers and

Their Meanings, for her kind permission in allowing me to use her definitions for this


PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



1 The Fool Innocence; New Beginnings

2 The Magician Focused Will; Direction of Energy

3 The High Priestess Intuition; Secrets; Mystery

4 The Empress Creativity; Abundance; Birth

5 The Emperor Power; Authority; Control

6 The Hierophant Tradition; Orthodoxy

7 The Lovers Choice; Balance; Sexuality

Drive; Ambition; Control over

8 The Chariot

9 Strength Morality; Challenge; Abstinence

10 The Hermit Solitude; Introspection; Wisdom

11 The Wheel of Fortune Destiny; Change

12 Justice Balance; Fairness; Outcome

Sacrifice; Suspension; Re-

13 The Hanged Man

14 Death Transformation; Metamorphosis

15 Temperance Restraint; Merging; Co-operation

16 The Devil Aggression; Addiction; Crime

17 The Tower Shock, Chaos; Revelations

18 The Star Hope; Inspiration; Astrology

19 The Moon Deceit; illusion; Intoxication

20 The Sun Illumination; Hope; Vitality

21 Judgment Truth; Accounting; Penance

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


22 The World Synthesis; Completion; Success

23 Ace of Wands Birth; Invention; Virility

24 2 of Wands Decisions; Evaluation

25 3 of Wands Enterprise; Paving the Way

26 4 of Wands Completion; Safety

27 5 of Wands Strife; Competition

28 6 of Wands Victory; Acknowledgement

29 7 of Wands Firmness; Retainment

30 8 of Wands Swiftness; Movement

31 9 of Wands Defensiveness; Discipline

32 10 of Wands Oppression; Responsibility

33 Page of Wands Imagination; Adventure

34 Knight of Wands Travel; Excitement

35 Queen of Wands Career; Optimism

36 King of Wands Honesty; Leadership

37 Ace of Cups New Emotions; Psychic Ability

38 2 of Cups Union; Love; Acceptance

Celebration; Community;
39 3 of Cups

40 4 of Cups Stagnancy; Boredom; Luxury

41 5 of Cups Disappointment; Regret

42 6 of Cups Memories; Childhood

43 7 of Cups Temptation; Hallucination

44 8 of Cups Escape; Retreat; Moving Away

45 9 of Cups Wishes; Happiness; Smugness

46 10 of Cups Joy; Family; Satisfaction

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47 Page of Cups Intuition; Artistry

48 Knight of Cups Romeo; Invitation; Proposals

49 Queen of Cups Psychic; Care; Emotion

50 King of Cups Father; maturity; Compassion

51 Ace of Swords Victory; Intellect; Reason

52 2 of Swords Peace; Impasse; Crossroads

53 3 of Swords Heartache; Sorrow; Love Triangle

54 4 of Swords Truce; Rest; Interment

55 5 of Swords Defeat; Self-Absorption

56 6 of Swords Moving; Escape; Advancement

57 7 of Swords Theft; Hiding; Worthlessness

58 8 of Swords Interference; Mental Entrapment

59 9 of Swords Cruelty; Sleeplessness; Anxiety

Ruin; Climax; Beginning of the

60 10 of Swords

61 Page of Swords Spying; Inquisitiveness;

62 Knight of Swords Conquest; War; Challenges

63 Queen of Swords Perception; Severity; Widow

64 King of Swords Order; Judgment; Leadership

65 Ace of Pentacles Acquisitions; Sensuality

66 2 of Pentacles Choices; Juggling; Ratio

67 3 of Pentacles Work; Apprenticeship; Groups

68 4 of Pentacles Miserliness; Control

69 5 of Pentacles Worry; Hardship; Poverty

70 6 of Pentacles Generosity; Charity; Exchange

Assessment; Frustration;
71 7 of Pentacles

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72 8 of Pentacles Hard Work; Craftsmanship

73 9 of Pentacles Gain; Solidarity; Solitaire

74 10 of Pentacles Inheritance; Wealth; Genetics

75 Page of Pentacles Study; Dedication

76 Knight of Pentacles Slowness; Sturdiness

77 Queen of Pentacles Opulence; Comfort

78 King of Pentacles Security, Leadership, Kingdom

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



1 Rider News; Arrival; Communication

2 Clover Luck; Reward; Surprises

Foreign Affairs; Travel;

3 Ship

4 House Domesticity; Home; Family

5 Tree Health; Environment; Patience

6 Clouds Confusion; Changeability

7 Snake Betrayal; Rival; Jealousy

8 Coffin Annulment; End; Negativity

9 Flowers Gifts; Beauty; Recreation

10 Scythe Danger; Break; Shock

11 Whip Anger; Conflict; Arguments

Excitement; Gossip;
12 Birds

13 Child Youngster; Pregnancy; Trust

14 Fox Work; Awareness; Analysis

15 Bear Strength; Security; Significance

Guidance; Technology;
16 Stars

Moving; Promotion;
17 Stork

18 Dog Loyalty; Friendship; Intimacy

19 Tower Government; Corporations; Law

20 Garden Groups; Events; Publicity

21 Mountain Obstacles; Delays; Blockages

Decisions; Alternatives; Turning

22 Path

23 Mice Theft; Damages; Stress

24 Heart Love; affection; Compassion

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25 Ring Contracts; Proposals; Union

26 Book Mysteries; Knowledge; Learning

27 Letter Written Communication; Awards

28 Man Male

29 Woman Female

30 Lily Maturity; Ancestry; Wisdom

Illumination; Courage; Self-

31 Sun

32 Moon Romance; Art; Euphoria

Importance; Solutions;
33 Key

34 Fish Money; Transactions; Trade

35 Anchor Security; Permanence; Settling

36 Cross Fate; Religion; Critical

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1 Ace of Hearts Love; Friendship

2 2 of Hearts Engagement; Partnership

3 3 of Hearts Affection; Choices

4 4 of Hearts Security; Marriage

5 5 of Hearts Divorce; Segregation

6 6 of Hearts Harmony; Trust

Second Thoughts;
7 7 of Hearts

8 8 of Hearts Society; Gatherings

9 9 of Hearts Wishes; Selflessness

10 10 of Hearts Good News; Parties

11 Jack of Hearts Best Friend; Confidante

12 Queen of Hearts Devotion; Pregnancy

13 King of Hearts Influence; Spirituality

14 Ace of Diamonds Messages; Contracts

15 2 of Diamonds Investments; Windfalls

16 3 of Diamonds Confrontations; Finances

17 4 of Diamonds Patience; Prosperity

18 5 of Diamonds Exchanges; Modifications

19 6 of Diamonds Responsibility; Payments

20 7 of Diamonds Money Challenges

21 8 of Diamonds Cash; Fortune

22 9 of Diamonds Spending; Accumulating

23 10 of Diamonds Prosperity; Wealth

24 Jack of Diamonds Militia; Confusion

25 Queen of Diamonds Scandal; Gossip

26 King of Diamonds Business; Capitalism

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


27 Ace of Spades Change; Transformation

28 2 of Spades Separation; Resolution

29 3 of Spades Pain; Tears

30 4 of Spades Solace; Recovery

31 5 of Spades Interruption; Escape

32 6 of Spades Fate; Destiny

33 7 of Spades Absence; Loss

34 8 of Spades Work; Opposition

35 9 of Spades Disappointment; Ending

36 10 of Spades Grief; Worry

37 Jack of Spades Slyness; Laziness

38 Queen of Spades Cruelty; Maliciousness

39 King of Spades Justice; Authority

40 Ace of Clubs Knowledge; Communication

41 2 of Clubs Conversation; Confrontation

42 3 of Clubs Creativity; Fighting

43 4 of Clubs Passion; Stability

44 5 of Clubs Dissatisfaction; Alterations

45 6 of Clubs Destiny; Disagreement

46 7 of Clubs Confinement; Danger

47 8 of Clubs Confusion; Stubbornness

48 9 of Clubs Contentment; Completion

49 10 of Clubs Travel; Wedding

50 Jack of Clubs Faithfulness; Honesty

51 Queen of Clubs Power; Elegance

52 King of Clubs Virtuousness; Truth

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



1 The Creative Achieving objectives.

2 The Receptive Listening to advice.

3 Difficulty at the Beginning Learning from problems.

Teaching, learning and

4 Youthful Folly

5 Waiting The necessity of waiting.

6 Conflict The need to resolve conflicts.

7 The Army Resolution and integrity.

8 Holding Together The benefits of union.

9 The Taming Power of the Small Attention to detail.

10 Treading Honorable conduct.

11 Peace Harmony and tranquility.

Do not resign to adversity and

12 Standstill

Strength in numbers through

13 Fellowship With Men

Wealth comes with

14 Possession In Great Measure

15 Modesty Humility allows greatness.

16 Enthusiasm Celebration brings revitalization.

Leaders need a balanced heart

17 Following
and mind.

Working On What Has Been Let go of the past as you

Spoiled approach the future.

Be alert for favorable

19 Approach

20 Contemplation Pay attention to your life calling.

Injustice is the barrier to

21 Biting Through

22 Grace Valuing beauty enhances life.

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Clear spaces for new
23 Splitting Apart

No need for rushing if there is

24 Return
steady progress.

Being alert brings victory over

25 Innocence

Disciplined acquisition brings

26 The Taming Power of the Great
future success.

Be discerning in spirit as well as

27 Corners of the Mouth

Be on guard and prevent troubles

28 Preponderance of the Great
in time.

29 The Abysmal Know your enemy to defeat him

30 The Clinging, Fire Enthusiasm creates motivation.

Respect and honor your

31 Influence
environment for equality.

Persistence recognizes
32 Duration

33 Retreat Retreat from unequal fights.

Victory requires responsible

34 The Power of the Great
action with strength.

Easy victory must not be

35 Progress
assumed lightly.

Go within when times are dark to

36 Darkening of the Light
gain strength.

Teamwork requires open and

37 The Family
honest communication.

Reconciling differences decays

38 Opposition

If you cannot win without,

39 Obstruction
concentrate on winning within.

Resolve the past and start again

40 Deliverance

Balance your finances for

41 Decrease
successful growth.

Be generous and accrue good

42 Increase

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Advance when the devious show
43 Break-Through

Avoid the company of immoral

44 Coming to Meet

There are no good times without

45 Gathering Together
true friendship.

There is a time for everything to

46 Pushing Upward
grow by.

47 Oppression Sense of purpose is golden.

Everything changes but the needs

48 The Well
of the soul.

Correct motivation bring

49 Revolution
transformative success.

Wellbeing is reliant on good

50 The Cauldron

Facing fears makes heroes of

51 The Arousing

Meditation can still the mind and

52 Keeping Still Mountain

Focus on detail makes for a rich

53 Development

Good perspective eradicates

54 Marrying Maiden

Save for a rainy day while you

55 Abundance
are winning.

Purpose brings better movement

56 The Wanderer
than leisure.

Gentle persistence causes much

57 The Gentle
force in the long-run.

58 The Joyous Lake Allow your bliss to be your goal.

Destroy worry by actions of

59 Dispersion
alleviating disruption.

Your capabilities are less

60 Limitation
plentiful than your potential.

Understand others in order to

61 Inner Truth
influence them.

Take care of mundane things for

62 Preponderance
ultimate success.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


A triumph has a hidden new
63 After Completion
challenge in it.

Pride and impatience will

64 Before Completion
destroy looming victory.



Expect the unexpected; Joy;

1 Ansuz

2 Berkana Birth; Beginnings; Prosperity

Light after the darkness; Health

3 Kenaz

Harmony; Removed barriers;

4 Dagaz
Climb to success.

Patience will bring new

5 Ehwaz
beginnings; Life cycles.

Prosperity on all planes; Good

6 Fehu

7 Gebo Generosity; Gifts; Peace.

8 Hagalaz Illness; Destruction; Discord

9 Isa Sacrifice; Warning to withhold.

10 Jera Harvest; Seasons; Karma

Intuition; Subconscious;
11 Laguz

12 Mannaz Human affairs; Desire for change.

Limitations; Boundaries;
13 Nauthiz

14 Othilia Inheritance; Values.

15 Pertho Revelations; Illusions.

16 Inguz Fertility; Resolutions.

17 Raido Development; Journeys.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


18 Sowulo Wealth; Happiness; Higher Self.

19 Teiwaz Bravery; Energy; War.

20 Uruz Sexual Energy; Creativity.

21 Wunjo Upturn; Diligence; Increase.

22 Thurisaz Negativity; Conflict; Demons.

Enlightenment; Endurance;
23 Eiwaz

Shelter; Protection; Overcoming

24 Algiz



To behold the wonders of

1 11 existence, a leap of faith is

With focus you can create

2 12
whatever you desire.

By facing your opposites, you

3 13
will learn more about yourself.

By joining your opposites, you

4 14
can advance and grow.

Sometimes a distraction is a
5 15 guiding light which veers you
from true harm.

Regulate your energy and learn

6 16 that control is the only path to

Through force concentrated on

7 17 structure, unity is the gift to the

The power of the transition from

8 18 thought to manifestation should
be harnessed for advancement.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


Strength must exert part of it’s
9 19 energy in order to be strength -
might lives within restraint.

Exchanging the force of will for

10 20 wisdom means solitary sacrifice
with rewards of illumination.

To accept your destiny,

11 21 understand that fate itself has no

Discern between actual justice

12 22 and desired justice for a
harmonious life

The desire to sacrifice for the

13 23 benefit of others is creation. All
creation begins with giving.

All new life is ancient eternal

energy. Transition is alteration
14 24
and not ending. Renewal is
simply restoration.

To successfully create from the

wellspring of eagerness is
15 25
impossible without the guardian
of moderation.

Do we claim evil as evil because

it challenges our resolve? Do we
16 26
become it by our resentment of

The day the ego is destroyed is

17 27 the happiest day of life, like the
prisoner freed from the cell.

Learn to protect what you create

18 28 by balancing compassion with

Sometimes a distraction is a
19 29 guiding light which leads you
towards true harm.

Sometimes light is joy, sometimes

20 30 it is severity. How are you
looking into it?

Remember that the leap of faith is

coupled by the challenge of the
21 31
knowledge it will bring. Judge

Without faith, the world is a coin.

22 32
With faith, the world is a palace.

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY


1. Aries (March 21 - April 19)

(+) Independence; Courageousness; Generosity; Enthusiasm; optimism

(-) Impatience; Temperamental; Impulsiveness; Self-absorption; Moodiness

2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

(+) Generosity; Dependability; Patience; Persistence; Loyalty

(-) Materialism; Stubbornness; Possessiveness; Self-Indulgence, Laziness

3. Gemini (May 21 - June20)

(+) Intelligence; Imaginativeness; Witt; Adaptability; Energy

(-) Superficiality; Deviousness; Indecisiveness; Restlessness; Impulsiveness

4. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

(+) Care; Responsiveness; Adaptability; Loyalty; Dependability

(-) Oversensitivity; Clinginess; Moodiness; Self-absorption; Wallowing

5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

(+) Loyalty; Encouragement; Generosity; Ambition; Confidence

(-) Vanity; Stubbornness; Melodrama; Dominance; Pretentiousness

6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

(+) Helpfulness; Observation; Analysis; Precision; Reliability

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(-) Fussiness; Inflexibility; Coldness; Interference; Skepticism

7. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

(+) Hospitality; Justice; Idealism; Mediation; Diplomacy

(-) Vanity; Indecisiveness; Unreliability; Superficiality; Stubbornness

8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

(+) Passion; Dynamism; Loyalty; Observant; Capable

(-) Jealousy; Suspicion; Manipulation; Obsession

9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

(+) Courageous; Optimistic; Independent; Generous; Adventurous

(-) Outspoken; Temperamental; Stubborn; Unfocused

10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

(+) Responsibility; Patience; Ambition; Loyalty

(-) Unimaginative; Distrusting; Conceited; Inhibited

11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

(+) Humanitarianism; Originality; Inventiveness; Intelligence; Witt

(-) Aloofness; Stubbornness; Sarcasm; Rebellious; Unemotional

12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

(+) Compassion; Devotion; Adaptability; Imagination

PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY

(-) Oversensitivity; Indecisive; Laziness; Self-pitying

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D., Frater. 2012. Practical Sigil Magic. Woodbury, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications.

Davydov S.D. A System of Correspondences between the Tarot Cards and the I Ching Hexagrams

// Sacral, Irrational and Mythological. Collection of conference materials. Moscow: ACM,

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Leakey, F. 1992. Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Livingston, J & Evans, R. 1956. Que Sera Sera Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.,

Universal Music Publishing Group

Louis, A. 1996. Tarot Plain and Simple. St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A.: Llewellyn Publications.

Mansfield, A. 2013. Numerology :: Knowledge : Letter Meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Nov


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Penczak, C. 2002. The Inner Temple of Witchcraft. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications

Pollack, R. 2002. The Haindl Tarot, The Major Arcana. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page Books.

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PLANETARY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Decoding The Universe Through Additive Divination GARETH RAMSAY



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