C/C++/C# Code Coverage: Speech Synthesis & Speech Recognition Using SAPI 5.1

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Speech Synthesis & Speech Recognition

Using SAPI 5.1

Brian Long (www.blong.com)

C/C++/C# Code Coverage

Table of Contents
Speech Synthesis
Enumerating Voices
Making Your Computer Talk
Voice Events
Animating Speech
Keeping Track Of Spoken Text
Speaking Dialogs
Speech Recognition
Continuous Dictation Recognition
Grammar Notifications
Engine Dialogs
Command and Control Recognition
Speech Recognition Troubleshooting
SAPI 5.1 Deployment
References/Further Reading
About Brian Long

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This article looks at adding support for speech capabilities to Microsoft Windows applications written in Delphi, using
the Microsoft Speech API version 5.1 (SAPI 5.1). For an overview on the subject of speech technology please click

There is also coverage on using SAPI 4 to build speech-enabled applications. Information on using the SAPI 4 high
level interfaces can be found by clicking here, whilst discussion of the low level interfaces can be found by clicking

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SAPI 5.1 exposes most of the important interfaces, types and constants through a registered type library (SAPI 5.0
did not do this, making it difficult to use in Delphi without someone writing the equivalent of the JEDI import unit for
SAPI 5). This means that you can access SAPI 5.1 functionality through late bound or early bound Automation. We
will focus our attention on early bound Automation, which requires you to import the type library.

Choose Project | Import Type Library... and locate the type library described as Microsoft Speech Object
Library (Version 5.1) in the list. Now ensure the Generate Component Wrapper checkbox is checked so the type
library import unit will include component wrapper classes for each exposed Automation object. These components
will go on the ActiveX page of the Component Palette by default, but you may wish to specify a more appropriate
page, such as SAPI 5.1.

Now press Install... so the type library will be imported and the generated components will be installed onto the
Component Palette (pressing Create Unit would also generate the type library import unit, but would require us to
install it manually).

The generated import unit is called SpeechLib_TLB.pas and will be installed in a package. You can either select the
default package offered (the Borland User Components package by default), choose to open a different package or
even create a new one. When the package is compiled and installed you will get a whopping set of 19 new
components on the SAPI 5.1 page of the Component Palette.

Each component is named after the primary interface it implements. So for example, the TSpVoice component
implements the SpVoice interface. You can find abundant documentation on all these interfaces in the SAPI 5.1 SDK

Ready made SAPI 5.1 packages containing Automation components for Delphi 5, 6 and 7 can be found in
appropriately named subdirectories under SAPI 5.1 in the accompanying files.

Note: if you are using Delphi 6 you will encounter a problem that is still present even with Update Pack 2 installed.
The type library importer has a bug where the parameters to Automation events are incorrectly dispatched (they are
sent in reverse order) meaning that all the Automation events operate incorrectly (if at all). You can avoid this by
importing the type library in Delphi 5 or 7 and using the generated type library import unit in Delphi 6. A Delphi 6
compatible package is supplied with this article's files (it uses a Delphi 5 generated type library import unit).

Note: The Delphi 7 type library importer has been improved to produce more accurate Pascal representations of
items in the type library than Delphi 5 did (and than Delphi 6 tried to). As a result of this, the event handlers will
often have different parameter lists in the Delphi 7 imported type library. This means that the sample programs won't
compile with Delphi 7 with the true Delphi 7 SAPI type library import unit.

If you wish, you can write late bound Automation that calls CreateOleObject to instantiate the Automation objects.
In the case of the SpVoice interface, you would execute:

SpVoice: Variant;
SpVoice := CreateOleObject('SAPI.SpVoice')

Speech Synthesis
At its simplest level, all you need to do to get your program to speak is to use a TSpVoice Automation object and call
the Speak method. A trivial application that does this can be found in the TextToSpeechSimple.dpr project in the files
associated with this article. The code looks like this:

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

SpVoice1.Speak(memText.Text, SVSFDefault)

And there you have it: a speaking application. The call to Speak takes a number of parameters that we should

The first is the text to speak, passed as a PChar. Because of the second parameter, this call will be synchronous
and so will not return until the text has been spoken.
The second parameter represents some flags that indicate how to use the first parameter (you can combine

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multiple flags with the or operator). For example:
SVSFDefault means the Speak method will be synchronous
SVSFlagAsync makes the Speak method asynchronous and so it returns immediately (you can use events
to find out when speech terminates, or call the WaitUntilDone method, or call SpeakCompleteEvent to
receive a Win32 event handle, which can be passed to WaitForSingleObject).
Note that the Speak method returns a stream number. When queuing several asynchronous voice
streams, the stream number allows you to identify them; each voice event passes the stream number to
which it relates as a parameter.
SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak means any text being spoken and any text queued to speak will be immediately
SVSFNLPSpeakPunc means punctuation marks are read out by their names, rather than being used as
punctuation (so ? is read out as question mark)
SVSFIsFilename means the first parameter is a file name containing text to speak.
SVSFIsXML means the text includes XML tags to alter attributes of the spoken text. For example this text
controls the pitch, rate, volume, emphasis and pronunciation of the spoken text:

<PRON SYM="d eh l f y">Delphi</PRON> developers!
I can speak <PITCH MIDDLE="+10">high</PITCH> and <PITCH MIDDLE="-10">low</PITCH>.
I can speak <RATE SPEED="+10">very quickly</RATE> and <RATE SPEED="-10">very slowly</RATE>.
I can speak <VOLUME LEVEL="40">quietly</VOLUME> and <VOLUME LEVEL="100">loudly</VOLUME>.

When the program executes it lets you type in some text in a memo and a button renders it into the spoken word.

That's the simple example out of the way, but what can we achieve if we dig a little deeper and get our hands a little
dirtier? The next project, which holds the answers to these questions, can be found as TextToSpeech.dpr in this
article's files. You can see it running in the screenshot below; notice that as the text is spoken, the current sentence
is italicised and the current word is displayed selected and also the phonemes spoken are written to a memo.

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The following sections describe the important parts of the code from this project.

Enumerating Voices

The first thing the program does is to add a list of all the available voices to the combobox and set the rate and
volume track bar positions. The latter part of this is trivial as the voice rate and volume are always within
predetermined ranges (the volume is in the range 0 to 100 and the rate is in the range -10 to 10).

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

I: Integer;
SOToken: ISpeechObjectToken;
SOTokens: ISpeechObjectTokens;
SendMessage(lstProgress.Handle, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, Width, 0);
//Ensure all events fire
SpVoice.EventInterests := SVEAllEvents;
Log('About to enumerate voices');
SOTokens := SpVoice.GetVoices('', '');
for I := 0 to SOTokens.Count - 1 do
//For each voice, store the descriptor in the TStrings list
SOToken := SOTokens.Item(I);
cbVoices.Items.AddObject(SOToken.GetDescription(0), TObject(SOToken));
//Increment descriptor reference count to ensure it's not destroyed
if cbVoices.Items.Count > 0 then
cbVoices.ItemIndex := 0; //Select 1st voice
cbVoices.OnChange(cbVoices); //& ensure OnChange triggers
Log('Enumerated voices');
Log('About to check attributes');
tbRate.Position := SpVoice.Rate;
lblRate.Caption := IntToStr(tbRate.Position);
tbVolume.Position := SpVoice.Volume;
lblVolume.Caption := IntToStr(tbVolume.Position);
Log('Checked attributes');

The SpVoice object's GetVoices method returns a collection object that allows access to each voice as an

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ISpeechObjectToken. In this code, both parameters are passed as empty strings, but the first can be used to specify
required parameters of the returned voices and the second for optional parameters. So a call to GetVoices('Gender
= male', '') would return only male voices.

In order to keep track of the voices, these ISpeechObjectToken interfaces are added, along with a description, to the
combobox's Items (the description in the Strings array and the interfaces in the Objects array).

Storing an interface reference in an object reference is possible as long as we remember exactly what we stored, and
we don't make the mistake of accessing it as an object reference. Also, since the interface reference is stored using
an inappropriate type, it is important to manually increment its reference count to stop it being destroyed when the
RTL code decrements the reference count at the end of the method.

The OnDestroy event handler tidies up these descriptor objects by decrementing their reference counts, thereby
allowing them to be destroyed.

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

I: Integer;
//Release all the voice descriptors
for I := 0 to cbVoices.Items.Count - 1 do

When the user selects a different voice from the combobox, the OnChange event handler selects the new voice and
displays the voice attributes (including the path in the Windows registry where the voice attributes are stored).

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.cbVoicesChange(Sender: TObject);

SOToken: ISpeechObjectToken;
with lstEngineInfo.Items do
SOToken := ISpeechObjectToken(Pointer(
SpVoice.Voice := SOToken;
Add(Format('Name: %s', [SOToken.GetAttribute('Name')]));
Add(Format('Vendor: %s', [SOToken.GetAttribute('Vendor')]));
Add(Format('Age: %s', [SOToken.GetAttribute('Age')]));
Add(Format('Gender: %s', [SOToken.GetAttribute('Gender')]));
Add(Format('Language: %s', [SOToken.GetAttribute('Language')]));
Add(Format('Reg key: %s', [SOToken.Id]));

Making Your Computer Talk

There are different calls to start speech and to continue paused speech, so a helper flag is employed to record
whether pause has been pressed. This allows the play button to start a fresh speech stream as well as continue a
paused speech stream. The text to speak is taken from a richedit control and is spoken asynchronously thanks to the
SVSFlagsAsync flag being used.

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.btnPlayClick(Sender: TObject);

if not BeenPaused then
SpVoice.Speak(reText.Text, SVSFlagsAsync)
BeenPaused := False

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.btnPauseClick(Sender: TObject);

BeenPaused := True

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);

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SpVoice.Skip('Sentence', MaxInt)

There is another speech demo in the same directory in the project TextToSpeechReadWordDoc.dpr. As the name
suggests, this sample reads out loud from a Word document. It uses Automation to control Microsoft Word (as well as
the SAPI voice object).

TfrmVTxtAutoLateBound = class(TForm)
MSWord: Variant;
procedure TfrmTextToSpeechReadWordDoc.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
MSWord := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');

procedure TfrmTextToSpeechReadWordDoc.btnReadDocClick(Sender: TObject);

// Constants for enum WdUnits
wdCharacter = $00000001;
wdParagraph = $00000004;
// Constants for enum WdMovementType
wdExtend = $00000001;
Moved: Integer;
Txt: String;
(Sender as TButton).Enabled := False;
Stopped := False;
if dlgOpenDoc.Execute then
MSWord.Documents.Open(FileName := dlgOpenDoc.FileName);
Moved := 2;
while (Moved > 1) and not Stopped do
//Select next paragraph
Moved := MSWord.Selection.EndOf(Unit:=wdParagraph, Extend:=wdExtend);
if Moved > 1 then
Txt := Trim(MSWord.Selection.Text);
if Length(Txt) > 0 then
SpVoice.Speak(Txt, SVSFlagsAsync);
//Move to start of next paragraph
MSWord.Selection.MoveRight(Unit := wdCharacter);
TButton(Sender).Enabled := True;

procedure TfrmTextToSpeechReadWordDoc.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);

SpVoice.Skip('Sentence', Maxint);
Stopped := True;

procedure TfrmTextToSpeechReadWordDoc.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

MSWord := Unassigned;

Voice Events

The SpVoice object has a variety of events that fire during speech. Each block of speech starts with an
OnStartStream event and ends with OnEndStream. OnStartStream identifies the speech stream, and all the other
events pass the stream number to which they pertain. As each sentence is started an OnSentence event fires and
there is also an OnWord event that triggers at the start of each spoken word.

Additionally (among others) an OnAudioLevel event allows a progress bar to be used as a VU meter for the spoken
text. However it is important to note that for some events to fire you must set the EventInterests property

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accordingly; to receive the OnAudioLevel event you should set EventInterests to SVEAudioLevel or SVEAllEvents.

Phonemes: array[1..49] of String = (
'-', '!', '&', ',', '.', '?', '_',
'1', '2', 'aa', 'ae', 'ah', 'ao', 'aw',
'ax', 'ay', 'b', 'ch', 'd', 'dh', 'eh',
'er', 'ey', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'ih', 'iy',
'jh', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'ng', 'ow',
'oy', 'p', 'r', 's', 'sh', 't', 'th',
'uh', 'uw', 'v', 'w', 'y', 'z', 'zh'

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.SpVoicePhoneme(Sender: TObject;

StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant; Duration: Integer;
NextPhoneId: Smallint; Feature: TOleEnum; CurrentPhoneId: Smallint);
if CurrentPhoneId <> 7 then //Display phonemes, except silence
memEnginePhonemes.Text :=
memEnginePhonemes.Text + Phonemes[CurrentPhoneId] +'-'

Animating Speech

An OnViseme event is triggered for each recognised viseme (a portion of speech requiring the mouth to move into a
visibly different position); there are 22 different visemes generated by English speech and these are based on the
Disney 13 visemes (cartoons have less granularity and Disney animators discovered many years ago that only 13
cartoon mouth shapes are required to represent all English phonemes).

If you have some artistic flair and can draw a mouth in each position represented by the visemes you could use this
event to provide a simple animated representation of speech.

The SAPI 5.1 SDK comes with a C++ example called TTSApp, which displays an animated cartoon microphone whose
mouth is drawn to represent each viseme. The microphone is made up from a number of separate images that can all
be loaded into an image list. The additional demo program TextToSpeechAnimated.dpr makes use of these images to
show how the effect can be achieved.

Visemes: array[0..21] of Byte = (
0, // SP_VISEME_0 = 0, // Silence
11, // SP_VISEME_1, // AE, AX, AH
11, // SP_VISEME_2, // AA
11, // SP_VISEME_3, // AO
10, // SP_VISEME_4, // EY, EH, UH
11, // SP_VISEME_5, // ER
9, // SP_VISEME_6, // y, IY, IH, IX
2, // SP_VISEME_7, // w, UW
13, // SP_VISEME_8, // OW
9, // SP_VISEME_9, // AW
12, // SP_VISEME_10, // OY
11, // SP_VISEME_11, // AY
9, // SP_VISEME_12, // h
3, // SP_VISEME_13, // r
6, // SP_VISEME_14, // l
7, // SP_VISEME_15, // s, z
8, // SP_VISEME_16, // SH, CH, JH, ZH
5, // SP_VISEME_17, // TH, DH
4, // SP_VISEME_18, // f, v
7, // SP_VISEME_19, // d, t, n
9, // SP_VISEME_20, // k, g, NG
1 // SP_VISEME_21, // p, b, m

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.SpVoiceViseme(Sender: TObject;

StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant; Duration: Integer;
NextVisemeId, Feature, CurrentVisemeId: TOleEnum);
EyesNarrow = 14;
EyesClosed = 15;
imgsMic.Draw(pbMic.Canvas, 0, 0, Visemes[CurrentVisemeId]);
if Visemes[CurrentVisemeId] mod 6 = 2 then
imgsMic.Draw(pbMic.Canvas, 0, 0, EyesNarrow)
if Visemes[CurrentVisemeId] mod 6 = 5 then
imgsMic.Draw(pbMic.Canvas, 0, 0, EyesClosed);

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procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.pbMicPaint(Sender: TObject);
imgsMic.Draw(pbMic.Canvas, 0, 0, 0);

The OnViseme event gets the image list to draw on a paint box component and the image to draw is identified from a
simple lookup table. There are 22 different visemes, but only 13 images (as in the Disney approach). Occasionally
the code also draws narrowed or closed eyes, but whenever the silence viseme is received (at the start and end of
each sentence) the default microphone (the first image in the image list) is drawn.

You can take this idea further if you need, by using images of a person's face saying each of the 22 visemes (for real
people it seems to work best if you use 22 images, rather than 13). This way you can animate a real person's face in
sync with the spoken text quite trivially.

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Keeping Track Of Spoken Text

We can use OnWord and OnSentence to highlight the currently spoken work or sentence, as the events provide the
character offset and length of the pertinent characters in the text. So when a sentence is started, the OnSentence
event tells you which character in the text is the start of the sentence, and also how long the sentence is.

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.SetTextHilite(FirstChar, Len: Integer);

reText.SelStart := FirstChar; //highlight word
reText.SelLength := Len;

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.SetTextStyle(FirstChar, Len: Integer; Styles: TFontStyles);

with reText do
SelStart := FirstChar; //highlight word
SelLength := Len;
SelAttributes.Style := Styles; //apply requested style
SelLength := 0; //unhighlight word

procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.SpVoiceSentence(Sender: TObject;

StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant; CharacterPosition,
Length: Integer);
Log('OnSentence: stream %d, position: %s, char. pos. %d, length %d',
[StreamNumber, String(StreamPosition), CharacterPosition, Length]);
SetTextStyle(OldSentencePos, OldSentenceLen, []);
if Length > 0 then
SetTextStyle(CharacterPosition, Length, [fsItalic]);
OldSentencePos := CharacterPosition;
OldSentenceLen := Length;
if not StreamJustStarted then
memEnginePhonemes.Text := memEnginePhonemes.Text + #13#10;
StreamJustStarted := False;

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procedure TfrmTextToSpeech.SpVoiceWord(Sender: TObject;

StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant; CharacterPosition,
Length: Integer);
Log('OnWord: stream %d, position: %s, char. pos. %d, length %d',
[StreamNumber, String(StreamPosition), CharacterPosition, Length]);
SetTextHilite(CharacterPosition, Length);

Each sentence that gets spoken is italicised through the SetTextStyle helper routine (which records the position
details so the sentence can be set back to non-italic when the next sentence starts). Similarly, each spoken word is
highlighted using the SetTextHilite helper routine.

Note: the comment in the OnSentence event handler points out that the last OnSentence event for some text has the
character position set to the last character and the length set to the negative equivalent. This gives an opportunity to
reset all the text formatting back to the default styles. However it is only true if the text ends with a full stop; if not
you can use the OnEndStream event for tidying up.

Speaking Dialogs

As an example of using speech synthesis you can make all your VCL dialogs talk to you using this
small piece of code.


Voice: Variant;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

Screen.OnActiveFormChange := ScreenFormChange;

procedure TForm1.ReadVCLDialog(Form: TCustomForm);

I: Integer;
ButtonCaptions, LabelCaption, DialogText: string;
SVSFlagsAsync = 1;
if VarType(Voice) <> varDispatch then
Voice := CreateOleObject('SAPI.SpVoice');
for I := 0 to Form.ComponentCount - 1 do
if Form.Components[I] is TLabel then
LabelCaption := TLabel(Form.Components[I]).Caption
if Form.Components[I] is TButton then
ButtonCaptions := Format('%s%s, ',
[ButtonCaptions, TButton(Form.Components[I]).Caption]);
ButtonCaptions := StringReplace(ButtonCaptions,'&','', [rfReplaceAll]);
DialogText := Format('%s.%s%s.%s%s',
[Form.Caption, sLineBreak, LabelCaption, sLineBreak, ButtonCaptions]);
Memo1.Text := DialogText;
Voice.Speak(DialogText, SVSFlagsAsync)
//pretend everything is okay

procedure TForm1.ScreenFormChange(Sender: TObject);

if Assigned(Screen.ActiveForm) and
(Screen.ActiveForm.ClassName = 'TMessageForm') then

The form's OnCreate event handler sets up an OnActiveFormChange event handler for the screen object. This is
triggered each time a new form is displayed, which includes VCL dialogs. Any call to ShowMessage, MessageDlg or
related routines causes a TMessageForm to be displayed so the code checks for this. If the form type is found, a
textual version of what's on the dialog is built up and then spoken through the SAPI Automation component.

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A statement such as:

MessageDlg('Save changes?', mtConfirmation, mbYesNoCancel, 0)

causes the ReadVCLDialog routine to build up and say this text:

Save changes?.
Yes, No, Cancel,

Notice the full stops at the end of each line to briefly pause the speech engine at that point before moving on.

Speech Recognition
Continuous dictation is easy to set up as no specific grammar is required, but Command and Control recognition will
need a grammar to educate the recogniser as to the permissible commands.

When you need SR you can either use a shared recogniser (TSpSharedRecognizer) or an in-process recogniser
(TSpInprocRecognizer). The in-process recogniser is more efficient (it resides in your process address space) but
means that no other SR applications can receive input from the microphone until it is closed down. On the other hand
the shared recogniser can be used by multiple applications, and each one can access the microphone. It is more
common to use the shared recogniser in typical SAPI applications.

The recogniser uses the notion of a recognition context to identify when it will be active (not to be confused with the
use of context in a context-free grammar or CFG). A context is represented by the SpInprocRecoContext or
SpSharedRecoContext interfaces. An application may use one context for each form that will use SR, or several
contexts for different application modes (Office XP has a dictation mode for adding text to a document and a control
mode for executing menu commands).

Recognition contexts enable you to start and stop recognition, set up the grammar and receive important recognition


Part of the process of speech recognition involves deciding what words have actually been spoken. Recognisers use a
grammar to decide what has been said, where possible. SAPI 5.x represents grammars in XML.

In the case of dictation, a grammar can be used to indicate some words that are likely to be spoken. It is not feasible
to try and represent the entire spoken English language as a grammar so the recogniser uses its own rules and
context analysis, with any help from a grammar you might supply.

With Command and Control, the words that are understood are limited to the supported commands defined in the
grammar. The grammar defines various rules that dictate what will be said and this makes the recogniser's job much
easier. Rather than trying to understand anything spoken, it only needs to recognise speech that follows the supplied
rules. A simple grammar that recognises three colours might look like this:


<!-- "Constant" definitions -->

<ID NAME="RID_start" VAL="1"/>

<!-- Rule definitions -->


The GRAMMAR root node defines the language as British English ($809, American English is $409). Note that the

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colour rule is a top level rule and has been marked to be active by default, meaning it will be active whenever speech
recognition is enabled for this context.

Grammars support lists to make implementing many similar commands easy and also support optional sections. For
example this grammar will recognise any of the following:

colour red
colour red please
colour blue
colour blue please
colour green
colour green please

<ID NAME="RID_start" VAL="1"/>


<RULEREF NAME="colour" />

<RULE NAME="colour">

You can find more details about the supported grammar syntax in the SAPI documentation

Continuous Dictation Recognition

Thankfully this is quite straightforward to use. We need to set up a recognition context object for the shared
recogniser so drop a TSpSharedRecContext component on the form.

Note: the recogniser will implicitly be set up if we do not create one specifically. This means you do not need to drop
a TSpSharedRecognizer or a TSpInprocRecognizer on the form unless you need to use them directly.

The code below shows how you create a simple grammar that will satisfy the SR engine for continuous dictation. The
grammar is represented by an ISpeechRecoGrammar interface and is used to start the dictation session. The code
comes from the ContinuousDictation.dpr sample project.

SRGrammar: ISpeechRecoGrammar;
procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
//OnAudioLevel event is not fired by default - this changes that
SpSharedRecoContext.EventInterests := SREAllEvents;
SRGrammar := SpSharedRecoContext.CreateGrammar(0);

Grammar Notifications

As the SR engine does its work it calls notification methods when certain things happen, such as a phrase having
been finished and recognised. These notifications are available as standard Delphi events in the Delphi Automation
object component wrappers. This greatly simplifies the job of responding to the notifications.

The main event is OnRecognition, which is called when the SR engine has decided what has been spoken. Whilst
working it out, it will likely call the OnHypothesis event several times. Finished phrases are added to a memo on the
form and whilst a phrase is being worked out the hypotheses are added to a list box so you can see how the SR
engine made its decision. Each time a new phrase is started, the hypothesis list is cleared.

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You can see the list of hypotheses building up in this screenshot of the program running.

Both OnRecognition and OnHypothesis are passed a Result parameter; this is an ISpeechRecoResult results
object. In Delphi 7 this is declared using the correct ISpeechRecoResult interface type, but in earlier versions this
was just declared as an OleVariant (which contained the ISpeechRecoResult interface).

This code can be used in Delphi 6 and earlier to access the text that was recognised:

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.SpSharedRecoContextHypothesis(
Sender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
var Result: OleVariant);
lstHypotheses.ItemIndex := lstHypotheses.Items.Count - 1

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.SpSharedRecoContextRecognition(
Sender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
memText.SelText := Result.PhraseInfo.GetText + #32

Note: this code uses late bound Automation on the results object (so no Code Completion or Code Parameters), but
you could use early bound Automation with:

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.SpSharedRecoContextHypothesis(
Sender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
var Result: OleVariant);
SRResult: ISpeechRecoResult;

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SRResult := IDispatch(Result) as ISpeechRecoResult;
lstHypotheses.Items.Add(SRResult.PhraseInfo.GetText(0, -1, True));
lstHypotheses.ItemIndex := lstHypotheses.Items.Count - 1

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.SpSharedRecoContextRecognition(
Sender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
SRResult: ISpeechRecoResult;
SRResult := IDispatch(Result) as ISpeechRecoResult;
memText.SelText := SRResult.PhraseInfo.GetText(0, -1, True) + #32

Note: the code here does not check if a valid IDispatch reference is in the Variant but probably should.

In Delphi 7 the code should look like this:

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.SpSharedRecoContextHypothesis(
ASender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
const Result: ISpeechRecoResult);
lstHypotheses.Items.Add(Result.PhraseInfo.GetText(0, -1, True));
lstHypotheses.ItemIndex := lstHypotheses.Items.Count - 1

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.SpSharedRecoContextRecognition(
ASender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
RecognitionType: TOleEnum; const Result: ISpeechRecoResult);
memText.SelText := Result.PhraseInfo.GetText(0, -1, True) + #32

Engine Dialogs

The buttons on the form allow various engine dialogs to be invoked (if supported). This support is all attained through
a couple of methods of the recogniser object.

SPDUI_EngineProperties = 'EngineProperties';
SPDUI_AddRemoveWord = 'AddRemoveWord';
SPDUI_UserTraining = 'UserTraining';
SPDUI_MicTraining = 'MicTraining';
SPDUI_RecoProfileProperties = 'RecoProfileProperties';
SPDUI_AudioProperties = 'AudioProperties';
SPDUI_AudioVolume = 'AudioVolume';

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnEnginePropsClick(Sender: TObject);

InvokeUI(SPDUI_EngineProperties, 'Engine Properties')

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnUserSettingsClick(Sender: TObject);

InvokeUI(SPDUI_RecoProfileProperties, 'User Settings')

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnLexiconClick(Sender: TObject);

InvokeUI(SPDUI_AddRemoveWord, 'Add/Remove Word')

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnTrainGeneralClick(Sender: TObject);

InvokeUI(SPDUI_UserTraining, 'Speaker Training')

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnTrainMicClick(Sender: TObject);

InvokeUI(SPDUI_MicTraining, 'Microphone Setup')

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnAudioPropsClick(Sender: TObject);

InvokeUI(SPDUI_AudioProperties, 'Audio Properties')

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procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.btnAudioVolClick(Sender: TObject);
InvokeUI(SPDUI_AudioVolume, 'Audio Volume')

procedure TfrmContinuousDictation.InvokeUI(const TypeOfUI, Caption: WideString);

U: OleVariant;
U := Unassigned;
if SpSharedRecoContext.Recognizer.IsUISupported(TypeOfUI, U) then
SpSharedRecoContext.Recognizer.DisplayUI(Handle, Caption, TypeOfUI, U)

Command and Control Recognition

For C and C recognition we will need a grammar to give the SR engine rules by which to recognise the commands.
This grammar is used by a sample project called CommandAndControl.dpr in the files that accompany this article.


<!-- "Constant" definitions -->

<ID NAME="RID_start" VAL="1"/>
<ID NAME="PID_chosencolour" VAL="2"/>
<ID NAME="PID_colourvalue" VAL="3"/>

<!-- Rule definitions -->


<RULEREF NAME="colour" PROPNAME="chosencolour" PROPID="PID_chosencolour" />

<RULE NAME="colour">
<L PROPNAME="colourvalue" PROPID="PID_colourvalue">
<P VAL="1">red</P>
<P VAL="2">blue</P>
<P VAL="3">green</P>

After defining some constants the rules are laid out next. The top level rule (start, which is just an arbitrarily chosen
name) is defined as the optional word colour, a value from another rule (also called colour) and the optional word
please. The value from the colour rule can be identified programmatically (rather than by scanning the recognised
text) thanks to it being defined as a property (chosencolour).

The colour rule defines one of three colours that can be spoken, each of which has a value defined for it. Again, this
value will be accessible thanks to the list being defined as a property (colourvalue).

This grammar is stored in an XML file and loaded in the OnCreate event handler.

procedure TfrmCommandAndControl.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

//OnAudioLevel event is not fired by default - this changes that
SpSharedRecoContext.EventInterests := SREAllEvents;
SRGrammar := SpSharedRecoContext.CreateGrammar(0);
SRGrammar.CmdLoadFromFile('C and C Grammar.xml', SLODynamic);
SRGrammar.CmdSetRuleIdState(0, SGDSActive)

Notice that two different ISpeechRecoGrammar methods are used to instigate command and control recognition.
CmdLoadFromFile loads a grammar from an XML file and CmdSetRuleIdState activates all top level rules when the
first parameter is zero (you can activate individual rules by passing their rule ID).

The OnRecognition event handler does the work of locating the chosencolour property and then finding the nested
colourvalue property. Its value is used to change the form colour at the user's request, for example with phrases such

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red please
colour green
colour blue please

procedure TfrmCommandAndControl.SpSharedRecoContextRecognition(
ASender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
RecognitionType: TOleEnum; const Result: ISpeechRecoResult);
with Result.PhraseInfo do
Log('OnRecognition: %s', [GetText(0, -1, True)]);
case GetPropValue(Result, ['chosencolour', 'colourvalue']) of
1: Color := clRed;
2: Color := clBlue;
3: Color := clGreen;

This code uses a helper routine, GetPropValue whose task is to locate the appropriate property in the result object,
by following the property path specified in the string array parameter. The code for GetPropValue and its own helper
routine, GetProp, looks like this:

function GetProp(Props: ISpeechPhraseProperties;

const Name: String): ISpeechPhraseProperty; overload;
I: Integer;
Prop: ISpeechPhraseProperty;
Result := nil;
for I := 0 to Props.Count - 1 do
Prop := Props.Item(I);
if CompareText(Prop.Name, Name) = 0 then
Result := Prop;

function GetPropValue(SRResult: ISpeechRecoResult;

const Path: array of String): OleVariant;
Prop: ISpeechPhraseProperty;
PathLoop: Integer;
for PathLoop := Low(Path) to High(Path) do
if PathLoop = Low(Path) then //top level property
Prop := GetProp(SRResult.PhraseInfo.Properties, Path[PathLoop])
else //nested property
Prop := GetProp(Prop.Children, Path[PathLoop]);
if not Assigned(Prop) then
Result := Unassigned;
Result := Prop.Value

This is what the application looks like when running.

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Speech Recognition Troubleshooting

If you get issues of SR stopping (or not starting) unexpectedly, or other weird SR issues, check your recording
settings have the microphone enabled.

Double-click the Volume icon in your Task Bar's System Tray. If no Volume icon is present, choose Start |
Programs | Accessories | Entertainment | Volume Control.
If you see a Microphone column, ensure it has its Mute checkbox checked
Choose Options | Properties, click Recording, ensure the Microphone option is checked and press OK.
Now ensure the Microphone column has its Select checkbox enabled, if it has one, or that its Mute checkbox is
unchecked, if it has one.

SAPI 5.1 Deployment

When distributing SAPI 5.1 applications you will need get hold of the redistributable components package available as
SpeechSDK51MSM.exe from http://www.microsoft.com/speech/download/SDK51 (a colossal file, weighing in at 132
Mb) contains Windows Installer merge modules for all the SAPI 5.1 components (the main DLLs, the TTS and SR
engines, the Control Panel applet) and the SDK documentation includes a white paper on how to use all these
components from within a Windows Installer compatible installation building tool.

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Adding various speech capabilities into a Delphi application does not take an awful lot of work, particularly if you do
the background work to understand the SAPI concepts.

There is much to Speech API that we have not looked at in this paper but hopefully the areas covered will be enough
to whet your appetite and get you exploring further on your own.

References/Further Reading
The following is a list of useful articles and papers that I found on SAPI 5.1 development during my research on this

1. Speech Part 1 - How to Add "Text to Speech" (Speech Synthesis) to your Delphi Apps by Alec Bergamini,
Delphi 3000.
This discusses installing the SAPI 5.1 SDK and getting simple speech.
2. Speech Part 2 - How to Add Simple Dictation speech recognition to your Delphi Apps by Alec Bergamini, Delphi
This looks at simple dictation SR.

About Brian Long

Brian Long used to work at Borland UK, performing a number of duties including Technical Support on all the
programming tools. Since leaving in 1995, Brian has spent the intervening years as a trainer, trouble-shooter and
mentor focusing on the use of the C#, Delphi and C++ languages, and of the Win32 and .NET platforms. In his spare
time Brian actively researches and employs strategies for the convenient identification, isolation and removal of

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malware. If you need training in these areas or need solutions to problems you have with them, please get in touch
or visit Brian's Web site.

Brian authored a Borland Pascal problem-solving book in 1994 and occasionally acts as a Technical Editor for Wiley
(previously Sybex); he was the Technical Editor for Mastering Delphi 7 and Mastering Delphi 2005 and also
contributed a chapter to Delphi for .NET Developer Guide. Brian is a regular columnist in The Delphi Magazine and
has had numerous articles published in Developer's Review, Computing, Delphi Developer's Journal and EXE
Magazine. He was nominated for the Spirit of Delphi award in 2000.

Go to the speech capabilities overview

Go to the SAPI 4 High Level Interfaces article

Go to the SAPI 4 Low Level Interfaces article

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